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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For other uses, see Don (disambiguation)
For alternate versions of Mobius M. Mobius, see Mobius M. Mobius' Character Hub
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"The TVA is the only life I've ever known. I like it."
"Look, I understand that. I get it, you know, you might think twice in case... it's something bad and you..."
"Or something good. Something bad, I can handle. What if it's something good?"
―Mobius M. Mobius and Loki[src]

Don is a salesman at Piranha Powersports who diverted from the Sacred Timeline, causing him to be abducted by He Who Remains and have his memory wiped. Now an analyst at the Time Variance Authority named Mobius M. Mobius, he specialized in the investigation and analysis of particularly dangerous time criminals, and eventually recruited a Variant of Loki to aid in the investigation of fellow Loki Variant Sylvie Laufeydottir, who had been attacking the TVA. An uneasy friendship formed between the two until the Loki Variants fled to Lamentis-1, after which Mobius was able to capture them. However, learning that he was brainwashed into believing the TVA's lies, Mobius allied with the Variants until they were all pruned by Ravonna Renslayer's Minutemen and sent to the Void. Mobius returned to the TVA to confront Renslayer after escaping the Void and witnessed the Sacred Timeline being fractured, branching out into the Multiverse.

Soon after, Mobius would become involved in the mission to repair the Temporal Loom. This would result in him tracking down Renslayer and Miss Minutes in 1893 and lead to the discovery of Victor Timely, a variant of He Who Remains. Needing his temporal aura to repair the Loom, Mobius escorted Timely into the TVA. However, Loki would choose to destroy the Loom entirely, resolving to weave the branches of time together by hand and taking his throne at the Citadel at the End of Time. With the freedom to choose his own future, Mobius chose to leave the TVA and experience firsthand what he had been protecting for eons.


Early Life[]

Taken by He Who Remains[]

"You're all Variants! Everyone who works at the TVA. The Time-Keepers didn't create you. They kidnapped you from the timeline, and erased your memories. Memories she can access through enchantment. So before this, you had a past, maybe you had a family, a life."
―Loki to Mobius M. Mobius[src]

Don was an American citizen and enthusiastic jet ski salesman working at Piranha Powersports[4] before he became a Variant who diverted from the Sacred Timeline's course of events and was abducted by He Who Remains, who suppressed his memories and gave him the name Mobius M. Mobius.[5] Since then, Mobius had worked as an agent of the Time Variance Authority under the leadership of He Who Remains, unaware of his own past, much like all the other employees.[6]

Meeting a Loki Variant[]

"What is going on? Mobius, it's me."
"I don't know you."
―Loki and Mobius M. Mobius[src]
Mobius asks who he is

Mobius asks Loki who he is

Now an analyst, Mobius and Hunter B-15 went to the library and discussed a sudden surge of branches in the timeline as they were under the belief that He Who Remains wanted it all to branch. Mobius had just discovered that 63 branches existed on that single timeline when they were interrupted by Loki. Loki told them about the Citadel at the End of Time and how many Variants of a dangerous person were coming. However, Mobius was very confused, asking what division Loki was in and who he was, much to Loki's distress.[7]

Mobius Chases Loki

Mobius chases the Variant

Soon, Mobius found himself chasing Loki as everyone realized he was a Variant. Loki tried to plead with Mobius, who had no idea why Loki thought he knew him. As more hunters surrounded Loki, the Variant jumped out the window and into the city below. More troops including Casey located Loki, but then he suddenly disappeared.[6] Later on, He Who Remains decided to wipe the minds of everyone and restart the Time Variance Authority, replacing himself with Time-Keepers,[5][8] forcing Mobius and his colleagues to believe that they were constructed by them to help preserve the Sacred Timeline by preventing branched realities from forming.[9]

New Memories[]

A Costly Mistake[]

"One of the Hunters who never had trouble pruning before, he had never hesitated, but that day he did. He paused. Timeline started to branch, more Variants appeared. Happened so fast, his partner had to step in and prune the kid. But by then, cat was out of the bag. Couple Hunters died. All because that one Hunter, he lost sight of the big picture. Gotta keep the big picture in mind. Hmm. Most purpose is more burden than glory. And trust me, you never wanna be the guy who avoids it 'cause you can't live with the burden."
―Mobius M. Mobius to Loki[src]

Designated as a Time Variance Authority Hunter now, he and his team, which included Hunter A-23, were sent on a mission near the Black Sea to capture a Variant who was going to be responsible for hundreds of deaths that were not on the Sacred Timeline. Upon seeing the Variant however, he realized he was just an eight-year-old boy playing with his brother. He hesitated at the sight of this, allowing the boy to murder many Minutemen. This came to a stop when A-23 finally pruned the boy. After being positioned as the TVA Analyst Mobius, he never recovered from this and wore his mistakes as scar tissue.[3]

Friendship with Ouroboros[]

This section requires expansion

He developed a friendly relationship with Ouroboros, giving him the nickname "O.B." for short. One day, Mobius got off the elevator on the wrong floor, and Ouroboros told Mobius of his mistake. Mobius then left the room.[6]

Mission in France[]

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Mobius investigating 1549 France

"Tu sais qui a fait ça?[10]"
―Mobius M. Mobius to French Child[src]

Centuries after his now-forgotten encounter with Loki,[6] Mobius, Hunter U-92, and two other Minutemen traveled to 1549 to the Aix-en-Provence, France to deal with a sixth known attack on the Minutemen. There Mobius determined that it was an ambush and the six attacks were most likely caused by the same person.

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Mobius looking at the depiction of the Devil

Encountering a wandering child into the building, Mobius told Hunter U-92 to stand down as he approached the child, apologizing for U-92's actions. After impressing the kid by showing him an animation and gaining their trust, Mobius asked if the boy knew who did it, and he responded by pointing to a stained glass depiction of the Devil. After promising to stop the Devil, he collected the boy's pack of Kablooie gum as a piece of evidence proving that a nexus event had occurred and asked it to be run for sequence and temporal aura, even though U-92 warned him that it was most likely futile.

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Mobius speaks to the boy

As the branch was nearing redline, Mobius told the child to wait outside while they reset the timeline. While setting a reset charge, Mobius was interrupted by an agent who had informed Mobius of Loki's apprehension for crimes against the Sacred Timeline.[9]

Investigating Loki[]

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Mobius asks to manage Loki

Mobius attended Loki's trial, and interfered when Loki was sentenced to by reset by Ravonna Renslayer. Renslayer reluctantly allowed Mobius to question Loki, but had put the responsibility on Mobius to manage Loki, warning him that his idea was bad. Mobius simply responded that he was following a hunch.[9]

Mobius and Loki Talking still

Mobius speaks with Loki

While escorting Loki to an interrogation room, Loki threatened to burn the TVA down, and Mobius offered his desk as a starting point, as it had a lot of paperwork that would work as tinder. When Loki was sidetracked by his first glimpse of the city outside, he wondered if it was magic, to which Mobius said it was not. Loki then believed he was in a nightmare, but Mobius said it was a different department and that he would help Loki if he wished to burn down that department.

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Mobius answers Loki's questions

In an elevator, Mobius introduced himself to Loki, who brushed him off and asked if he was being taken to be executed. Mobius told him that he was taking him to talk instead, and Loki said that he did not like to talk. Mobius then called him out on his lie, and also commented that he loves to lie as well. When asked how long he had worked there, Mobius said it was hard to say as time passes differently in the TVA. When Loki was confused, Mobius simply said that he would catch up. As he continued escorting Loki to the interrogation room, Loki asked if he was part of the TVA workforce and if he was created by the Time Keepers to protect the Sacred Timeline, to which Mobius said yes. When Loki laughed at the ridiculousness of it, Mobius questioned if he liked to talk.

Loki attacks Mobius

Mobius uses the Time Twister on Loki

Mobius waved Loki into the interrogation room and sat down at a table that held the device that could play the memories of someone's life. When Loki said he still believed he was going to be killed, Mobius commented on his lack of trust in anyone but himself and that he should slap that motto on a t-shirt while turning on the device. When Loki questioned why he'd never heard of the TVA, Mobius told him that he hadn't needed to because Loki had always lived within his path. Loki tried to ascertain his free will, but Mobius did not rise to the bait. He asked Loki to sit, and Loki tried to attack him, so Mobius used his Time Twister to transport Loki back to where he was standing before.

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Mobius begins to interrogate Loki

Prompting Loki to sit, Mobius began the interrogation by asking for Loki's cooperation and revealing that he knew Loki would try to woo and then betray him. Loki disagreed and said that Mobius knew nothing about him, but Mobius said he'd like to learn. He told Loki of his specialization of pursuing extremely dangerous variants, and then insulted Loki when Loki assumed that he was a dangerous variant. He then asked Loki to answer his set of questions honestly in exchange for something Loki wanted. His first question was what Loki would do if he returned. Loki said that he would rule Midgard, and Mobius asked what would happen after that. Loki said he wanted to rule the Nine Realms and eventually the universe. Mobius mocked him slightly, but when Loki was offended Mobius told him he was a fan and wondered why someone with so much range simply wanted to rule. Loki told him about the "illusion" of freedom and how living things make mistakes with freedom, and Mobius wondered if he was an exception to this rule. Loki commented on how Mobius was simply a clown for the Time-Keeper's circus.

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Mobius shows Loki his past

Mobius started the playback on the device, projecting the image of New York City onto the wall. Loki asked what it was, and Mobius explained that it would play his greatest hits. The first scene they watched was when Loki was tracked down by the Avengers at Stark Tower and asked them for a drink. Mobius cracked open a Josta and tried to hand it to Loki but Loki said no and commented on how he knew about this memory already. Mobius commented on how for someone born to rule, Loki's nature is to lose.

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Mobius continues to use the device

When Loki threatened him, Mobius turned the device to play the memory of Phil Coulson's death, and pointed out how Loki created his own enemy by giving the Avengers someone to avenge. Mobius then asked if Loki enjoyed hurting people while playing images of destruction from the Battle of New York. Loki said that his games wouldn't work, and that he was not a murderer but a liberator, to which Mobius played the memory of Loki removing an eyeball and commented on his smile and how he enjoyed it. Loki said he was a god, but Mobius said that none of his actions seemed mischievous.

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Mobius speaks with Loki about his past

Trying a new approach, Mobius talked about how Loki was good at escaping, and played a memory of Loki being the famous plane hijacker D.B. Cooper. After the memory was done, Mobius exclaimed his disbelief at how Loki was the famous hijacker. When Loki asked where the TVA was before when Loki was meddling, Mobius responded that they were right there alongside him and that his mischievous tricks were all along his set path. When Loki asked why that had the Time-Keeper's approval, Mobius explained that the Time-Keepers did not dictate the timeline according to approval and disapproval.

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Mobius continues his interrogation of Loki

Mobius asked what Loki was running from, and when Loki tried to stand up to make a point, Mobius used his Time Twister to sit him in his chair. Loki explained why he tried to stand up, and Mobius let him stand up for emphasis. When Loki asked him what he wanted, Mobius said he wanted Loki to be honest about his motivations and a deeper understanding of what makes Loki tick. When Loki proposed that the TVA was an illusion and a desperate attempt at control and affirmed his free will. Going off of that, Mobius played Loki's speech at Stuttgart, and Loki said that he was on the verge of earning what he was owed, not because the TVA allowed him to. Mobius told him to start taking this seriously and played a memory that had not happened yet, of Loki's trial on Asgard and him speaking to his mother. Mobius told Loki of how, when the Dark Elves attack, Loki attempts to send them to Thor, but indirectly causes them to kill Frigga instead, showing Loki her death. When Loki started to demand where Frigga was and started to accuse that it was fake, Mobius told him that he was always fated to kill his mother and that he always was and will be and continued to press Loki on whether he enjoyed killing people, and an enraged Loki attempted to attack him.

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Mobius helps Loki off the floor

Mobius used his Time Twister to transport Loki to the floor. Mobius told Loki of his predetermined fate to cause suffering and death, before explaining that his role was to help others achieve their best selves while playing a recording of the Avengers. Mobius then helped Loki up from the floor.[9]

Cooperating with Loki[]

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Mobius speaks with Hunter B-15

Before Mobius could continue, he was interrupted by Hunter B-15 and told there was a situation. Mobius slightly lamented that he had to leave as the interrogation was just getting somewhere, and told Loki not to go anywhere before leaving with Hunter B-15. Hunter B-15 then scolded Mobius for talking to Loki and told him that Loki should be reset. Mobius said that Hunter B-15 thought everyone should be reset and that he was getting good information. Hunter B-15 then informed Mobius that they lost another unit of Minutemen.

Mobius reentered the interrogation room saying that he and Loki could talk again tomorrow, before realizing the room was empty and Loki had escaped. Mobius, Hunter B-15, and five other Minutemen searched for Loki while Hunter B-15 commented that she wasn't surprised. Mobius told her that she shouldn't have interrupted them, and B-15 was insulted by the blame that it was her fault that Loki escaped. Mobius told her that he couldn't have gotten far, and the group split up into two. Hunter B-15 told them to prune the timeline and reset Loki on sight, but Mobius shouted back that they would not be doing that, and that Loki could still help them.

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Mobius speaks with Loki

When Mobius had returned to the interrogation room, he found Loki there in some distress as he had played his main self's history on the device. Mobius told him he couldn't run anymore. Loki told him that he didn't enjoy hurting people, and he did it because he had to. Mobius asked for more, and Loki told him that it was illusion, a desperate play for control, and that he was a villain. Mobius told him he did not see it that way, and looked amused when Loki admitted he tried to use the Tesseract. Mobius said he could not offer Loki salvation, but instead something better: a chance to work with them to stop an extremely dangerous variant who was actually Loki himself.[9]

Chasing the Loki Variant[]

Investigating an Ambush[]

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Mobius prepares for the next mission

After recruiting Loki, Mobius tasked him with learning how the Time Variance Authority and Sacred Timeline worked, although Loki was slightly disinterested. After giving Loki a jacket that designated him as a Variant, Mobius decided to bring him along to an investigation in 1985 Oshkosh, Wisconsin, where a team of Minutemen were attacked by the dangerous variant. During the mission briefing, Mobius told the group that they were pursuing someone who was both a time criminal and another Loki. He then displayed the other variants of Loki that the TVA had pruned, and outlined their common powers, which included shapeshifting, illusion projection, and duplication casting. He then split the group into two teams, including himself and Loki. As Mobius and Loki walked to the Timedoor, Loki questioned why the TVA wasn't concerned that he would regain his powers on Earth and then be able to betray them. Mobius explained that the TVA would be able to catch him easily and that if he betrayed them, he wouldn't be able to meet the Time-Keepers, an offer that excited Loki.

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Mobius in 1985 Wisconsin

Arriving in Oshkosh, Loki asked Mobius why the Minutemen couldn't travel back to before the variant attacked, and Mobius replied that nexus events generally destabilize the time flow and since the branch was still changing and growing, they had to show up in real time, before rebuking Loki for neglecting his training videos. As they arrived at the scene of the attack, Mobius noted that the variant had kidnapped Hunter C-20, and wondered why the variant was taking hostages when he had previously never done so. As the group began to spread out to search for C-20, Loki stopped them, claiming it was a trap and the variant was waiting for them, as he specifically wanted Loki so they could join forces and overthrow the TVA. After Loki proposed to warn the Time-Keepers, Mobius called Loki's bluff as a ploy to meet the Time-Keepers, and Hunter B-15 ordered the Minutemen to go on as planned and reset the timeline.

Ravonna Renslayer's Office

Mobius speaks with Ravonna Renslayer

Back at the TVA headquarters, Mobius spoke with Ravonna Renslayer in her office and told her that he wanted to make Loki cooperate, much to the annoyance of Renslayer.[2]

Understanding Disasters[]

"Existence is chaos. Nothing makes any sense, so we try to make some sense of it. And I'm just lucky that the chaos I emerged into gave me all this... my own glorious purpose."
―Mobius M. Mobius to Loki[src]
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Mobius speaks with Loki about disasters

Mobius tasked Loki with looking up files on the Variant while he grabbed lunch. There he began to enjoy a salad, when Loki arrived shortly much to his frustration. Loki proposed a theory of where to find the variant and sat down across from Mobius. Loki took Mobius' salad as a metaphor, despite Mobius complaining that he was going to eat it. Loki started talking about Ragnarök, which Mobius expressed his condolences for. Loki then explained that since it was a apocalyptic event, they could do anything and it would not matter. He showed this by pouring salt onto the salad, saying it was as if he threw Hulk off of the Rainbow Bridge.

He then poured pepper, annoying Mobius; this was Loki setting fire to the palace. To top it all off, Loki fully ruined the salad by pouring Casey's water onto it, destroying everything. Although Mobius was annoyed that his food was ruined, he understood what Loki was trying to say, but he was hesitant to try it. Mobius explained that he knew Loki would stab him in the back. Loki assured him he would not.[2]

Testing Loki's Theory[]

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Mobius attempts to keep Loki quiet in Pompeii

In order to test Loki's theory, Mobius brought the pair back in time via Timedoor to Pompeii, Italy in 79 AD, during the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Mobius hid out of sight, not wanting to be noticed by the people of Pompeii, and wanting to cause only small disturbances. Mobius suggested for Loki to make small noises, such as bird calls, however, Loki grew bored of this plan and ran into the center of town and released goats from their cart, loudly proclaiming that everyone present was about to die and they he was from the future. Mount Vesuvius then erupted and Loki asked Mobius about the results of the test, so Mobius confirmed that there was no variance energy or branching, proving Loki's theory correct.

Loki & Mobius

Mobius works with Loki

Mobius and Loki returned to the TVA Headquarters, went to the library and began looking at files related to Loki's history. Recalling his trip to France, Mobius suggested that they look for any apocalyptic event where Kablooie was present. He showed Loki the candy and the two got to work, making a bet on who would get it first. When Mobius noticed Loki falling asleep, he nudged him up. Loki then found a TVA report and showed Mobius an event in 2050 in Alabama where a hurricane wiped out the whole town of Haven Hills.

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Mobius gets Ravonna Renslayer's permission

Before leaving, Mobius returned to Renslayer's office and told her the plan. Renslayer said she did not trust Loki, but trusted Mobius. In the interim, she said as long as Mobius thought the mission was needed, she was fine with it.[2]

Investigating Roxxcart Mall[]

TVA on Roxxcart Mall

Mobius in 2050 Alabama

"Wait, Loki! Damn it!"
―Mobius M. Mobius to Loki[src]

Mobius, Loki, Hunter B-15, and a group of Minutemen used Timedoors to transport themselves to 2050 Haven Hills, Alabama to the Roxxcart Mall as a catastrophic hurricane was set to make landfall. Once inside the store, Mobius said he would take Loki with him, but it was decided that Loki would go with B-15 instead.

Mobius finds C-20

Mobius finds Hunter C-20

While exploring Roxxcart, Mobius and the Minutemen came across Hunter C-20 sitting on the ground in one of the back rooms. C-20 told Mobius that it was all real and that she had given the Time-Keepers location away to the variant.

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Mobius runs to stop Loki

Later, Mobius and the Minutemen found B-15 getting up from the ground, having recovered from becoming enchanted, and watched as reset charges were transported through Timedoors throughout the building. Mobius and the others soon found Loki standing by an open Timedoor and tried to run to stop him, but were ultimately too late and missed him.[2]

Leaving the TVA[]

Learning the Truth[]

Mobius and Ravonna talking on hall

Mobius speaks with Ravonna Renslayer

Back in the Time Variance Authority Office, Mobius met Ravonna Renslayer after her meeting with the Time-Keepers. He asked her about Hunter C-20's status and was surprised when Renslayer told him that C-20 had died. Mobius still was in disbelief that C-20 had died, since she had looked fine when he saw her.

Mobius with b15

Mobius in the monitor room

Mobius then met with Hunter B-15 in the monitor room. There they watched the monitors in order to try and track down where Loki was. Upon seeing a branched line formed on the monitor due to the Nexus spark, Mobius sent two Timedoors to Lamentis-1 to rescue Loki and the Variant.[5]

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Mobius is reunited with Loki

On Lamentis-1, they found Loki holding Laufeydottir hostage claiming that he was giving her to them to complete his duties. However, Mobius was done with Loki's tricks and refused to believe him. They then took the Variants in.[11] Mobius then met them in the hallways, and was asked by Loki why he didn't have the same equal protection that the variant had concerning the number of Minutemen around him.

Loki is an asshole for Mobius

Mobius sends Loki into a Time Cell

Mobius and the Minutemen brought Loki into the interrogation room and Mobius holding his TemPad, opened a Time Cell. As Loki was forced inside by the Minutemen, he told Mobius that the TVA were lying to him. However, Mobius dismissed this as Loki lying and left the room.

Mobius talks with B-15

Mobius answers Hunter B-15's question

After leaving the interrogation room, Mobius was met by B-15 in the hallway. He was asked about C-20's status and Mobius was unable to provide a clear answer, as he was still unsure about what happened. He then told her what Loki had said about the TVA lying to them, before laughing it off and walking away.

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Mobius questions Loki

Mobius then went back and took Loki out of the Time Cell. He then invited Loki to sit at the interrogation table and discussed the variant with him. In order to see if Loki had developed any romantic relationship to the variant, Mobius told him that the variant had been pruned. After seeing the look on Loki's face, he said that it was twisted that Loki had feelings for the variant. Loki then told Mobius that the variant's name was Laufeydottir. Mobius then revealed that Laufeydottir was still alive and that he had been trying to get information out of Loki. Mobius was then told by Loki that he and everyone in the TVA were Variants and had lives on Earth before the TVA. Believing that Loki was still lying, Mobius ordered him back into the Time Cell.

Mobius change the TemPad

Mobius takes Ravonna Renslayer's TemPad

Mobius then left and went to Renslayer's office, where the two shared drinks and reminisced about their friendship. Renslayer asked Mobius where he would place he would want to go if he could, in which Mobius said he could since they had access to all the timelines. Mobius then changed the subject and pressed Renslayer on C-20, but she evaded answering clearly. Mobius noticed a sword on the table and asked why it wasn't in the trophy case, leading Renslayer to get up and move it. During this time, Mobius switched his TemPad with hers. After Renslayer returned, Mobius told her that he had to leave and see about Loki, much to Renslayer's surprise.

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Mobius sees footage of Hunter C-20

Mobius then went to the TVA's library and took out Renslayer's TemPad. Making sure no one was around, he scrolled through and saw footage of C-20 telling someone offscreen that they were all Variants and had a life before the TVA. He then saw that Renslayer was the person offscreen and deduced that she had been behind C-20's disappearance, making him think that she was into suspicious activity.

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Mobius tells Loki he was right

Realizing that Loki had been telling the truth, Mobius went back to the interrogation room and entered the Time Cell, to tell him that. He then told Loki that Loki could be whatever he wanted to be, and could be a good person. Still, Mobius mentioned that he had to take the word of two Lokis, but Loki told him that he could trust him, as a friend. Mobius agreed to help Loki and Laufeydottir escape the TVA and exited the Cell.

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Mobius is pruned

After doing so, they found themselves surrounded by Renslayer and a group of Minutemen. Mobius tried to explain that he had accidentally taken her TemPad, but then revealed that he wanted to go and see what his life was before the TVA. Renslayer promptly ordered the Minutemen to remove him from the TVA.[5]

Trapped in the Void[]

Mobius in Car

Mobius rescues Sylvie Laufeydottir from Alioth

"All that time, I really believed we were the good guys."
"Annihilating entire realities, orphaning little girls, classic hero stuff."
"Well, I guess when you think the ends justify the means, there's not much you won't do."
―Mobius M. Mobius and Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Mobius then landed in the Void, where he found an abandoned car and used it to escape the Alioth. He later came to Sylvie Laufeydottir's rescue after her arrival in the Void, advising her that she should be more aware of jumping into a stranger’s car. He began to drive away towards Egypt; however, Laufeydottir told him he needed to drive towards the Alioth as she had a plan to get out of the Void. Mobius then bemoaned that Laufeydottir really was a Loki, as he made a sudden turn in his attempts to drive away.

Mobius Void

Mobius speaks with Sylvie Laufeydottir

Shortly after things had calmed down, Mobius and Laufeydottir talked about how the Time Variance Authority had betrayed them. Laufeydottir bitterly spoke about the TVA’s methods of keeping the timeline stable, to which Mobius apologized for the distress the TVA caused Laufeydottir during her childhood. Laufeydottir then explained how she proposed they get out of the Void.

Mobius and Sylvie

Mobius and Sylvie Laufeydottir find Loki

The two eventually found Loki and met Classic Loki, Kid Loki, and Alligator Loki. Loki expressed relief at the fact that the two were alive. When Loki questioned Laufeydottir's plan to enchant Alioth, he turned to Mobius, who agreed that Laufeydottir's plan was far smarter than Loki's.

Mobius talking to Loki Variants

Mobius speaks with other Loki variants

Later, Classic Loki, Kid Loki, Alligator Loki, and Mobius sat around a fire to relax as they prepared to execute the mission. Mobius revealed that he did not recall ever arresting an alligator variant of Loki, questioning whether or not he was even a Loki. When Kid Loki asked Mobius what he’d do should he get back to the TVA, Mobius admitted he did not know. He suggested perhaps telling everyone the truth about the TVA. Classic Loki noted that by doing that, Mobius would be going against everything he devoted his life to, to which Mobius responded, "it was never too late to change."

Mobius leaves Void

Mobius leaves the Void

Shortly after, Mobius prepared to bid the Loki variants farewell as they began their battle against Alioth. He sent his regards to Classic, Kid, and Alligator Loki as they stayed behind in the Void. He was then given a TemPad by Laufeydottir, which he used to open up a Timedoor to the TVA. When Loki asked what he’d do once he got back, Mobius replied that he’d expose the TVA for their actions, saying he would "burn it to the ground", and thanked Loki for the truth. He put his hand out to shake Loki's, but Loki instead decided to hug him. Loki thanked him for his gratitude, as Mobius snarkily whispered to Laufeydottir that she was his favorite Loki variant. Mobius then walked away and into the Timedoor, returning to the TVA.[12]

Confronting Renslayer[]

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Mobius approaches Ravonna Renslayer

"I looked out for you, hung my neck out for you, and then you suffer a crisis of faith and turn to those Variants? Eons of friendship. And you threw it all away on a couple of Lokis. No, Mobius. I didn't betray you."
"We can't take away people's free will, Ravonna."
―Ravonna Renslayer and Mobius M. Mobius[src]

Mobius returned to the Time Variance Authority and freed Hunter B-15 from custody in the Time Theatre, while obtaining a Time Stick. He then planned with B-15 for her to accompany Hunter D-90 and the Minutemen on a mission to Ohio in 2018 to meet Rebecca Tourminet at the Franklin D. Roosevelt High School. After receiving word on this and obtaining a pen from the school, Mobius went to Ravonna Renslayer's office and approached her, as she was packing her belongings into a duffel bag.

Loki Chance 09

Mobius speaks with Ravonna Renslayer

Mobius told Renslayer, when asked if he'd prune her, that he would like to but wouldn't because they were supposed to be friends. He then was told that he had to be pruned so he wouldn't get in the way of a mission, but replied that the Time-Keepers were fake and that they were all Variants, asking what mission there was. Renslayer then called for D-90 to come to take Mobius away, but he told her that wouldn't be possible, as they all knew her secret and revealed her identity as Tourminet, showing her the school's pen.

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Mobius tries to reason with Ravonna Renslayer

Mobius continued to try and convince Renslayer that the TVA was a lie and that she shouldn't be trying to protect it, but she remained convinced that someone had a reason behind the TVA. Mobius then told her about free will, but she replied that only one person, the one in charge of the TVA, got free will. Mobius tried to convince her again, by stating what she had said about being friends across time, and accused her of betraying him. Renslayer snapped saying that he had betrayed her for two Lokis. Mobius told her that she couldn't take away people's free will, asking why she couldn't see that.

Loki Stills 133

Mobius threatens Ravonna Renslayer

Mobius watched as Renslayer used her TemPad to open up a Timedoor and asked her what she was doing, before suggesting that they both work together to change the TVA for the better, but she declined. He then told her he would not let her go and threatened to use the Time Stick against her, stating he'd prune her if he had too.

Mobius falls

Mobius is knocked to the floor

Mobius confronted Renslayer, but she disarmed him and kicked him onto the floor. She then aimed the Time Stick at him, but decided against pruning him, and deactivated it. As Renslayer grabbed her bag and proceeded to walk towards the Timedoor, Mobius asked her where she was going, and she replied that she would be searching for free will, before leaving.[7]

Reporting to Judges[]

Mobius and B-15 watch the timeline branching

Mobius and Hunter B-15 watch as the timeline branches

"Look, we get the concerns 'cause we had 'em also. But let's also admit that the timeline is branching, the sky hasn't fallen, we're..."
"What sky are you looking at? Are you seeing this robot head on the table? The sky is falling, Mobius. This changes everything."
―Mobius M. Mobius and Hunter X-05[src]

Mobius and Hunter B-15 watched together as the timeline branched out,[7] and B-15 suggested they tell everyone the truth. Mobius was hesitant, suggesting that it would be a difficult truth to hear, but B-15 insisted that they had to since people had lives on the timeline which they deserved to live. Casey arrived and told Mobius that Loki was looking for him, but disappeared. Mobius contacted Miss Minutes to look for him and confirmed that Casey had just seen Loki, but Mobius was unable to contact Miss Minutes. Hunter X-05 appeared and asked about the jet ski pictures on Mobius' desk, so Mobius started talking about jet skis. However, X-05 cut him off, telling him that the new Judges' Council wanted them in the War Room.

Agent Mobius M

Mobius talks to Hunter B-15

X-05 took Mobius and B-15 to the War Room, and Mobius suggested that he and B-15 ease the council into the truth. They saw Hunter D-90, who apologized for pruning Mobius. Mobius acknowledged that D-90 was simply following orders, and that Ravonna Renslayer was the one who owed him an apology. B-15 asked what the mood was like in the War Room, but D-90 simply walked away, defeated. Mobius and B-15 braced themselves before entering the War Room.

Mobius Testifies

Mobius testifies

B-15 explained to the judges that she ordered everyone to stop pruning because of her discovery that everyone in the Time Variance Authority were variants and that they had lives on the timeline. Mobius sympathized with the Judges' concerns, but noted that the Sacred Timeline had branched without issue. However, X-05 interrupted Mobius, insisting that there was a large concern happening due to the revelation that the Time-Keepers were fake. B-15 convinced Gamble to issue an order for the end of all pruning.

Mobius HWR Reaction

A scared Mobius sees the mural

Loki suddenly appeared and rushed to Mobius, begging him to assure Loki that he recognized him. Loki told Mobius that he and Sylvie Laufeydottir had found someone and motioned to the mural of the Time-Keepers in the room. Loki rushed toward the mural and stole X-05's Time Stick, using it to reveal a wall decoration of He Who Remains' face. Loki declared that He Who Remains was the one who built the TVA, stole their lives, and would be returning. Mobius attempted to calm Loki down, but Loki explained that Laufeydottir intended to kill He Who Remains. Mobius kindly guided Loki out of the room.[6]

Loki's Time Slipping[]

Predictions of War[]

Loki and Mobius (Season Two)

Loki tells Mobius what happened

"Let me call Miss Minutes."
"No. You can't trust her."
―Mobius M. Mobius and Loki[src]

Loki asked who Dox was and what she wanted with Sylvie Laufeydottir, but Mobius simply told him not to worry about it and asked what happened with Alioth. Loki explained that Alioth was a distraction and that they had reached a Citadel at the End of Time, where Laufeydottir still was. Mobius asked Loki to slow down, and he reiterated what had happened, explaining that freeing the timeline would only bring more violence. Loki noted that Laufeydottir kicked him through a Timedoor, but insisted that their fight was a draw. Mobius told Loki to focus on what they knew, so Loki motioned to a depiction of the Multiversal War and said that it would be occurring again, suggesting that He Who Remains may have been right. Mobius asked how it was possible for him to not remember He Who Remains, but Loki reminded Mobius that He had wiped Mobius' memories, adding that it had been done multiple times.

Mobius Talking to Loki

Mobius listens to Loki

Loki attempted to return to the Judges' Council and make them listen, but Mobius stopped and assured Loki that they all heard him. Mobius asked how Loki appeared in the War Room, so Loki said that he was in the past. Mobius did not believe Loki, explaining that there was no past in the Time Variance Authority since time worked differently in their office. Loki was suddenly pulled away and returned and asked how it looked, so Mobius lied and said it did not look bad. Mobius went to call Miss Minutes, but Loki refused, not wanting to trust her since she was with He Who Remains.[6]

Unknowing Reunion[]

Loki Mobius in Elevator

Mobius and Loki discuss potential causes for his disappearances

"I have no memory of having my memory wiped."
―Mobius M. Mobius[src]

Against Loki's wishes, Mobius brought him to another floor to figure out what was happening. As they walked, Loki suggested that it was possible because Sylvie Laufeydottir used He Who Remains' TemPad to send Loki away from the Citadel at the End of Time. They went to a Repairs room, where the man inside recognized Mobius, although Mobius did not recognize him. Mobius got the man to introduce himself to Loki as Ouroboros, and Ouroboros noted that Mobius used to call him "O.B." for short. Ouroboros told Mobius about a memory he had of them, and Mobius pretended to remember, but got a detail wrong, and Ouroboros corrected him.

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Mobius shows Ouroboros that Loki is Time Slipping

Ouroboros quickly handled a work order and asked what was happening, when Loki suddenly disappeared again. Ouroboros immediately recognized it as Time Slipping, but said that he could not fix it since it was supposed to be impossible to time slip in the Time Variance Authority's office. Ouroboros insisted that it could not have been time slipping, but suddenly remembered that it was possible as he remembered the conversation Loki was having with him in the past after he time slipped away from the conversation. Ouroboros insisted that it was impossible, but suddenly remembered the conversation Loki was having with him after time slipping.

Mobius Scared

Mobius hears what he must do

Ouroboros recounted the conversation to Mobius. When Ouroboros mentioned that they would need a Temporal Aura Extractor, Ouroboros at first did not have one. However, he made one for Loki in the past, so he suddenly remembered that he had one. Mobius asked how to use it, so Ouroboros explained that he would need to deploy in the Temporal Loom while Loki pruned himself. Loki suddenly reappeared, and Mobius argued with him over who had the worse job. Ouroboros got distracted by his lamp flickering, so Mobius explained that the TVA was experiencing power surges.[6]

Saving Loki[]

Loki Mobius B-15

Mobius notices a problem with the Temporal Aura Extractor

"Not yet. Give him more time!"
―Mobius M. Mobius and Ouroboros[src]

Ouroboros got concerned and walked to the Temporal Loom as Mobius and Loki explained that the timeline was branching. Mobius was joined by Hunter B-15, who reported that things were not going well upstairs. Ouroboros realized that the branching was overloading the Temporal Loom and leading to the power surges.

Mobius Still S2 E1

Mobius listens to Ouroboros' instructions

Mobius got concerned as a piece of the Temporal Aura Extractor came off, but was interrupted by a light exploding behind them. They all entered the room where the Temporal Loom was managed, and Ouroboros noted that it was overloading since it was not built to handle so many branches. Mobius guessed that Ouroboros did not go to the Loom often, so Ouroboros explained that Miss Minutes handled it while he only had to perform maintenance checks.

They Have One Shot

Mobius cautions Loki

Ouroboros explained that the only way to prevent people from dying in the meltdown was to close the blast doors, and that they would need to save Loki before that happened. Mobius wrote the message "SKIN?" in dust on the computer while Ouroboros made the plan, and Ouroboros told him that he would approach the Loom to launch the extractor before he closed the blast doors.

Loki Season 2 Trailer (39)

Mobius notices a crack in the suit

Hunter D-90 came down and reported that Dox was raiding the armory. Loki rushed to protect Sylvie Laufeydottir, Dox's likely target, but Mobius stopped him and reminded him that they only had one chance. B-15 left to handle Dox, and Loki started to give a message to Mobius in case he did not return. However, Loki suddenly time slipped away. Mobius picked up the Time Stick which Loki had dropped and assured himself that Loki would return.

Mobius Outside

Mobius approaches the Temporal Loom

Mobius was put into a space suit, and Ouroboros set it up while warning that he did not return quickly, he would be killed painfully. Mobius noticed a crack in the helmet, which Ouroboros fixed with duct tape before rushing to work on the doors. Mobius went outside and reached the decide to attach the Temporal Aura Extractor. He installed and activated it, but Loki did not come through.

Loki Saves Mobius

Mobius and Loki return safely

Ouroboros contacted Mobius and told him that he needed to close the blast doors, but Mobius asked for more time. Ouroboros said that they only had thirty seconds. Ouroboros counted down and closed the doors despite Mobius' pleas for more time, and Mobius tried to wait. Ouroboros insisted there was nothing Mobius could do, so Mobius started the trek back inside. Mobius turned around right as Loki was grabbed by the Aura Extractor and crashed into Mobius, knocking both back inside. The two took a moment to breathe, and Loki insisted that they needed to find Laufeydottir.[6]

Searching for Sylvie Laufeydottir[]

Chase of Hunter X-05[]

Kingo Breaks Bad

Mobius reviews the situation with Loki

"Come on, Mobius. You're gonna ruin my life here."
"Your life here?"
―Brad Wolfe and Mobius M. Mobius[src]

The Time Variance Authority got information from Hunter X-05's TemPad in 1977 London on the Sacred Timeline, so Mobius went with Loki in hopes that that Sylvie Laufeydottir was there. Loki insisted that Laufeydottir could not be there since the area was too safe, and she preferred war zones and apocalypses. Mobius suggested that Laufeydottir might have changed, and noted that they still needed to follow the information they received from the TemPad. He explained that since Dox and X-05 not responding, 1977 was their only lead.

Mobius Finds Wolfe

Mobius finds Brad Wolfe

They watched as X-05 got out of the car for a movie premiere and was greeted as a celebrity. Loki and Mobius discussed the revelation, and Mobius suggested that X-05 was simply undercover. Mobius approached Wolfe and asked if there would be a sequel, and Wolfe embraced Mobius. Wolfe tried to back away and say that they would talk after the movie, but Loki was blocking his path. Wolfe claimed that he wanted to fill Mobius and Loki in, but wanted a drink first and left, saying he would get whisky. Mobius told Loki that it would be alright to drink, but Wolfe ran away.

Mobius Ruining Lives

Brad Wolfe yells at Mobius for ruining his life

Mobius found Wolfe fighting with Hunter B-15, who successfully stole Wolfe's TemPad. Wolfe ran away, so Mobius chased him into an alley. Wolfe scolded Mobius, saying that Mobius would ruin his life, and got blasted down a set of stairs by Loki. Loki chased Wolfe, and Mobius found them in an alley as Loki's shadow, along with that of the two illusions he had made of himself, animated to hold Wolfe against the wall. Wolfe claimed not to have done anything wrong, so Mobius asked why he ran. Mobius then commented that the shadows were too much, so Loki dropped the illusion.[13]

Examining the TemPad[]

OB Season Two Promo

Mobius and Loki find Ouroboros

Mobius and Loki watched as Brad Wolfe was brought to a holding room by Hunter B-15 and Hunter D-90. Wolfe refused to tell B-15 how he had altered his TemPad, and B-15 insisted that he would after spending time in a holding room. Wolfe sarcastically called himself a criminal, so Mobius told B-15 and D-90 to get him in the room. B-15 gave Wolfe's TemPad to Mobius so that he could have Ouroboros look at it and attempt to figure out how Wolfe had altered it. Loki and Mobius went to Ouroboros' room and found him on the floor, frantically working on a device to help the Temporal Loom handle new branches. Mobius gave the TemPad to Ouroboros and asked him to look at it. Ouroboros was interested in the modifications and agreed to look at it, but asked if it was more or less important than a potential meltdown. Loki and Mobius both agreed the meltdown was a higher priority, so Ouroboros gave them a copy of the TVA Guidebook, saying it had everything they needed to know about TemPads.

Push It In

Mobius attempts to help Loki with the TemPad

Mobius and Loki went to Mobius' desk and started working on it, but struggled to figure it out. B-15 then brought Casey over to them, and Casey revealed that Miss Minutes was helping Ravonna Renslayer. Mobius realized that helping Renslayer was why Miss Minutes was not helping the Time Variance Authority, and Loki remembered a recording he had heard while Time Slipping of a conversation between Renslayer and He Who Remains in which they appeared to be partners. Mobius asked where Renslayer and B-15 were, so Casey said that he did not know, and it would take time to find out. Casey saw Loki struggling with the TemPad, and B-15 asked how they were doing. Mobius admitted they were not doing well, but Loki said they would figure it out. They told Casey what they were trying to do, and that Wolfe had claimed that the TemPad blocked Time Variance Authority tracking, but Casey realized that Wolfe was lying. B-15 suggested it was a good starting point with Wolfe, so they went to his holding room.[13]

Interrogating Brad Wolfe[]

Mobius (Breaking Brad)

Mobius warns Loki to calm down

"Do you have any idea what kind of life you might have left behind? Who might be waiting for you back there? I mean, do you care? I mean, you know they took us. You know they took our lives and you're still here. I mean, it's kind of weird man. I mean, you need to wake up."
"I'm awake."
"Yeah, no. You're asleep. You need to wake up, Mobius. And until you do, you're nothing."
―Brad Wolfe and Mobius M. Mobius[src]

Outside Brad Wolfe's holding room, Mobius suggested they focus on three questions: Dox's location, Sylvie Laufeydottir's location, and Wolfe's alteration to his TemPad. Wolfe greeted the three as they went, and Mobius asked what Wolfe was doing on the Sacred Timeline. Wolfe claimed to have been making movies, so Hunter B-15 scolded Wolfe for wasting time. Wolfe refused to tell the truth about the TemPad as well, deflecting by commenting that none of them were ranked highly enough to hold him. Loki claimed there were lives at stake, upsetting Wolfe as he started talking about Loki's past and calling him pathetic. Mobius attempted to cut Wolfe off, but Loki told Wolfe to continue. Loki thanked Wolfe and said that he was right, suggesting that he would do bad things to Wolfe if he did not answer truthfully. Mobius tried to calm him down, but Loki continued and demanded to know where Laufeydottir was.

Mobius Pushes Brad

Mobius loses his temper

Wolfe continued to refuse, so Mobius separated the two of them. He commented on how tense the situation became. He implied that if Wolfe was gone for too long, he would lose his celebrity status on the Sacred Timeline, offering to return him if he answered their questions. Wolfe complimented Mobius' acting, commenting that the Time Variance Authority was not real and asking whether Mobius knew who he was a variant of. Mobius expressed disinterest, so Wolfe said it was weird that Mobius was not curious and continued working at the TVA. Wolfe continued taunting Mobius until Mobius got angry enough to hit him. Loki pulled Mobius away as Mobius yelled at Wolfe.[13]

Discussing His Stolen Life[]

Loki n mobius in the pie room

Mobius and Loki discuss Mobius losing his temper

"Because it's not my life."
"But it could have been."
"It isn't. This is. I'd like to thank the guy who kidnapped me and brought me here."
―Mobius M. Mobius and Loki[src]

Loki and Mobius went for a walk, and Loki tried to get Mobius to tell him what happened. Mobius claimed that hitting Brad Wolfe was tactical, and that Wolfe bothered Loki more than him. Mobius insisted that he was alright and could handle himself, and they found themselves in the automat. They got key lime pie and sat together, and Mobius confessed to having lost his temper with Wolfe. Loki assured Mobius that it was alright, comparing it to his own situation in the Battle of New York.

Happy at the TVA

Mobius says he is happy with his life

Loki asked whether Mobius had thought about visiting his place on the timeline, but Mobius insisted they had other things to think about. Loki asked if he wanted to see the life which Mobius was supposed to have, but Mobius said that he was not curious since it was not his life. He even added that he would thank the person who kidnapped him and brought him to the Time Variance Authority. Loki noted that Mobius would never know if he did not look, but Mobius said that he liked his life in the TVA. Loki understood being hesitant in case it was a bad life, but Mobius corrected him, saying his fear was that he was missing out on a good life.

X-05 Theories

Mobius works on a plan to interrogate Brad Wolfe

Loki claimed that they would not be able to make Wolfe talk, but Mobius claimed they simply needed the right motivation. Mobius explained that Wolfe was good at being a hunter, and that it did not make sense for him not to have found Sylvie Laufeydottir, suggesting he had help from his altered TemPad. Loki claimed the theory only made sense if Laufeydottir did not know that Wolfe found her. Mobius noted that he likely walked away to continue living his life on the Sacred Timeline, and they simply needed to get Wolfe to admit. The two then made a plan to get Wolfe to talk.[13]

Finding Sylvie Laufeydottir[]

Hell of a Performance

Mobius makes Brad Wolfe take him to Sylvie Laufeydottir

"It's a complicated relationship, okay? There's a lot to unpack when you're basically in love with yourself."
―Mobius M. Mobius to Brad Wolfe[src]

Mobius brought a torture device into Brad Wolfe's holding room and told Wolfe that Hunter B-15 was not going to be with them. Wolfe expressed doubt that they would torture him, but Loki and Mobius explained that they were desperate. Loki interrupted Mobius to say that he had forgotten the controller, so Mobius left the room to get it. Loki locked Mobius out of the room, and Mobius started banging on the door and telling Loki to open it. In the room, Loki declared himself to be a villain as he activated the device, so Mobius again started shouting that he was not. Wolfe called for Mobius, who said he could not enter since the door was locked. Loki turned off the machine once Wolfe agreed to share Laufeydottir's location, so Mobius let himself in as the plan he and Loki had made worked and they made Wolfe take them to Laufeydottir.

Mobius and Brad at McDonalds 2

Mobius and Brad Wolfe eat a meal together

Wolfe brought Loki and Mobius to a McDonald's location and tried to leave, but Mobius stopped him. Loki went in first, and Mobius soon followed with Wolfe. Mobius smiled when he saw Laufeydottir, and Wolfe suggested they leave the Lokis behind to talk, but Mobius refused, wanting apple pie. He ordered food for himself and a milkshake for Wolfe, and the two sat together while Laufeydottir and Loki talked. Mobius commented on the quality of the food while Wolfe asked what was taking so long. Mobius explained that they had a complicated relationship, but Wolfe simply asked to return to the Sacred Timeline. Mobius commented on the quick change between torturing Wolfe and eating a meal with him and asked about The Zaniac! Wolfe asked again to leave the timeline, causing Mobius to realize something was happening.

Brad, Mobius, Sylvie and Loki

Mobius tries to get Brad Wolfe to reveal the truth

Mobius brought Wolfe outside, where he confessed that everyone was going to die if they did not leave. Laufeydottir enchanted Wolfe and learned that Dox was planning to destroy all of the branched timelines. Mobius then pushed Wolfe through a Timedoor to the Time Variance Authority Office and told B-15 what was happening.[13]

Attack on the Branching Timelines[]

Mobius Time Stick

Mobius helps to destroy Dox's equipment

Sylvie Laufeydottir brought Loki and Mobius to where Dox and her loyalists were deploying the Reset Charges, and they took cover. Hunter B-15 told Mobius that they were killing billions of people and to take her down. He, Laufeydottir, and Loki analyzed the situation, and Loki distracted the loyalists while Mobius and Laufeydottir destroyed the TemPads which allowed them to prune timelines. As the Time Variance Authority arrived to arrest the loyalists, Mobius held Dox. He eventually handed her over to Hunter D-90 and confirmed that they had arrested all the loyalists who did not escape. B-15 then called Mobius and suggested he return, so he went with Loki.

B-15 Distraught

Mobius watches in horror as timelines are destroyed

As Mobius returned, he stood by B-15 and watched screen in horror, looking at the number of people who had been killed. Casey suddenly found Ravonna Renslayer's TemPad, so Mobius and the others looked to see what the computer revealed. As Mobius sat with the tragedy, Loki comforted him by putting an arm on his shoulder.[13]

Work on the Temporal Loom[]

Tracking Ravonna Renslayer[]

OB Mobius Loki 203

Mobius listens to Ouroboros' explanation

"That's gonna be an awkward reunion. Face-to-face with the woman who tried to kill us both."
―Mobius M. Mobius[src]

Mobius returned to the Temporal Loom and watched as it became overwhelmed by the branching timelines as those which Dox had pruned started to grow back. Ouroboros explained that he did not know how to get through the blast doors to fix it without He Who Remains' temporal aura and that they needed to scale the loom's capacity to handle new timelines. Mobius wondered if he could hack into the system, but Ouroboros mistook it as a genuine possibility, so he and Loki clarified. Ouroboros said that it was not possible, so Casey suggested they find Miss Minutes. Ouroboros agreed that she could help, but Mobius noted that she was missing. He asked how they would find her as the Loom creaked, and Loki suggested they needed to find her soon.

Loki and Mobius Hear Newsie

Mobius and Loki realize that Miss Minutes is in 1893

Casey and B-15 noted that since Miss Minutes was helping Ravonna Renslayer, Casey's trace on Renslayer's TemPad could lead them to both. Mobius noted the awkwardness of the reunion given Renslayer's attempt to kill them, but Loki insisted they focus on Miss Minutes. The two then left together to find her. They went to 1868 as Mobius explained that it was where Renslayer was found going to 1893. Mobius and Loki wondered why Renslayer would go to the same place twice, and Mobius said there was nothing notable about the location and time period. They decided to go to 1893, where they realized that the World's Columbian Exposition was occurring. Loki suggested they went to 1868 as a mistake, but Mobius insisted that both time periods had a purpose that they needed to figure out. Mobius and Loki discussed how to find the pair when they heard a young boy refer to a "ghost clock" haunting the midway. They got a newspaper from him and started using it to search the fair.[14]

Enjoying the Fair[]

Loki Season 2 Trailer (27)

Mobius and Loki discuss their investigation tactics

"I'm not sightseeing. Listen, we have different styles. You're a man of action, which is fine. I take a more slow, deliberate, cerebral approach because I see everythin. I notice everything."
―Mobius M. Mobius to Loki[src]

Mobius and Loki went to several parts of the fair, including the Bulgarian Curiosities exhibit and Chinese pavilions, taking a detour to get Cracker Jacks. Mobius encouraged Loki to try his, and Loki expressed his distaste and accused Mobius of sightseeing. Mobius explained that he was taking a slower approach to his investigation, and they came across a depiction of Thor, Odin, and Balder the Brave, which upset Loki. Loki explained that the display was a generalization, though Mobius suspected that Loki was upset not to be included. Mobius acknowledged that he often forgot that Loki was Asgardian and that it amazed him.

Loki and Mobius

Mobius and Loki decide to investigate Victor Timely

Mobius looked through the newspaper for more places to look for Ravonna Renslayer and Miss Minutes, when Loki pointed to a sign advertising a performance. Mobius noticed that Victor Timely's portion of the fair had a title referring to "temporal" marvels, so Mobius concluded that it was not a coincidence and the pair decided to investigate.[14]

Spotting Victor Timely[]

Mobius (Quantumania)

Mobius asks Loki about Victor Timely

"It's him."
"What? You made him sound like this terrifying figure."
"He is."
―Loki and Mobius M. Mobius[src]

Mobius and Loki went to Victor Timely's show and walked around. Mobius spotted Ravonna Renslayer and went to approach her, but Loki stopped him and told him not to let her see him. The show started, and they recognized a prototype of the Temporal Loom.[14] Timely talked about the way time worked, and when the lights turned on, Loki recognized Timely as a variant of He Who Remains. Mobius was confused, as Loki described He Who Remains as a terrifying figure, but Loki assured him that he was.[15][14]

Mobius Amazed

Mobius becomes impressed by the prototype Temporal Loom

Loki said that they needed to do something and the Multiversal War was beginning, but Mobius expressed doubt due to his nonthreatening demeanor. The Loom was used to create electricity, and Mobius told Loki that they needed to get him to the Time Variance Authority. Loki refused, saying they could not trust him, but Mobius insisted they needed his temporal aura to access their version of the Loom. Mobius explained that they would not have gotten Renslayer or Miss Minutes to help, then realized that he could no longer see her. He found her talking to Timely, so Mobius and Loki started to approach. However, they interrupted by Loki bumping into a larger man. The man threatened Loki, so Mobius reminded him to be gentle. Loki teleported the man away, so Mobius covered it up by acting as though Loki were a magician and ran after Timely.

Mobius Talking to TemPad

Mobius updates Hunter B-15

Loki and Mobius found Timely talking to Renslayer and tried to pull Timely away. They started arguing, but were interrupted by a Councilman confronting Timely about his Mechanical Trousers not working. Mobius watched as Timely convinced the councilman that he needed to adjust the settings, and expressed disbelief as the councilman walked away. Loki realized that he was a con man, but Timely claimed the inventions were simply ahead of their time. Timely was found by a Robber Baron who he had scammed and fled. Mobius tried to find Timely and was contacted by Hunter B-15 with a development. Mobius told her about the variant they had found, and B-15 said that Casey found a strange TemPad reading.

Mobius Faces Ravonna

Mobius asks for help from Ravonna Renslayer

Mobius waited as Loki and Timely were attacked by Sylvie Laufeydottir on the Ferris wheel, and Renslayer joined him. She commented that Mobius allowed her to track him, but Mobius suggested that Laufeydottir had in fact tracked Renslayer. Mobius asked what was happening, but Renslayer simply laughed and said that she did not have to reveal anything since they no longer worked together. Mobius told Renslayer that not working with him is what turned her into a fugitive. Renslayer commented that Mobius sided with a variant of Loki over her, asking him not to suggest teamwork. Mobius told her that the TVA would experience a meltdown without Timely, but Renslayer refused to help.

Tandem Bike

Mobius gets a tandem bike to use with Loki

Loki and Timely were blasted out of their capsule on the Ferris wheel, and Mobius rushed to check on Loki. Miss Minutes caused a distraction which allowed Renslayer to escape with Timely, so Mobius found a tandem bicycle to chase them with. Loki at first refused to use the bicycle, but eventually obliged and they went to find Timely. They found Timely with Renslayer and Miss Minutes and chased them, but could not find them. Mobius asked B-15 to trace their targets while they kept searching.[14]

Retrieving Victor Timely[]

Mobius & Loki in 1893

Mobius tries to reason with Ravonna Renslayer

"We've all lost our way, but someone has to keep track of the big picture here."
―Mobius M. Mobius to Ravonna Renslayer[src]

Mobius and Loki reached Victor Timely's lab and found Ravonna Renslayer threatening Timely with a Time Stick. They asked Renslayer to them take him since they needed him, and Mobius tried to reason with Renslayer. He told Renslayer she had lost her way, but Renslayer recounted the sacrifices she had made for the Time Variance Authority and scolded Mobius for lecturing her. Mobius explained that they needed to focus on the big picture, but Renslayer armed the Time Stick and claimed that Mobius did not know what it took to lead. Renslayer was claimed that she was restoring stability to the TVA, when everyone was suddenly attacked by a magical blast from Sylvie Laufeydottir.

Mobius Loki Look Back

Mobius and Loki prepare to leave with Victor Timely

Mobius recovered and stood with Loki, watching as Timely pled for his life and insisted that he could make his own choices and be different from He Who Remains. Laufeydottir was convinced, so she told Loki and Mobius to leave with Timely. Mobius and Loki went to follow, but were interrupted as Laufeydottir told them not to make her regret sparing Timely. She also told them to leave Renslayer behind, which gave Mobius pause. He looked to Renslayer, but ultimately went through the Timedoor before it closed.[14]

Loki Mobius B-15 E4

Mobius talks to Victor Timely

Loki and Mobius found Timely in the hallway, and Timely yelled at them to stop. Mobius comforted him, and Timely demanded to know what they wanted. Loki tried to explain that they would show him, but Timely was not reassured. Mobius told Timely that whatever Renslayer and Miss Minutes told him about them was untrue, and added that Timely needed to trust them since they were running out of time. Laufeydottir then arrived, and Timely noted that everyone there wanted him and demanded a say in what he did. Mobius agreed, and another power surge occurred in the Time Variance Authority Office. Loki told Timely that the surges were the result of the Temporal Loom, so Timely agreed to help.[8]

Making a Plan[]

Timely in the tva

Mobius realizes that Victor Timely and Ouroboros inspired each other

"Loki's really gonna have to hoof it then, right?"
"Hang on a second, why is it suddenly me having to hoof it?"
"Well, because it's your turn."
―Mobius M. Mobius and Loki[src]

Mobius, Loki, and Sylvie Laufeydottir guided Victor Timely through the Time Variance Authority Office, though he kept getting distracted by the technological innovations of He Who Remains. Loki introduced Timely to Casey and Ouroboros, and Mobius watched as Timely and Ouroboros realized that they had inspired each other, so Mobius wondered aloud whose work had come first. Loki asked what the plan was, so Ouroboros and Casey prepared to demonstrate by taking out a model. Ouroboros expressed disappointment in the model's craftsmanship, but Mobius assured him that it looked good.

Not Mobius

Mobius and Loki argue over who should go out

Ouroboros explained that someone would need to take the Throughput Multiplier to the Temporal Loom and launch it before quickly returning to the Time Variance Authority Office to avoid the increased amount of radiation levels since Mobius went out. Mobius suggested that Loki would have to return quickly, leading the two to argue about who should go out. Timely presented a solution to the problem Ouroboros and Casey were having with the Multiplier, so Mobius left with Loki and Laufeydottir to give them time to work.[8]

Suggesting Pie[]

Sylvie Mad at Mobius

Sylvie Laufeydottir scolds Mobius

"All right, let's have a little pie while we wait."
"What is the matter with you?"
―Mobius M. Mobius and Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Mobius suggested that they have pie while they wait, giving Sylvie Laufeydottir pause. Laufeydottir turned around and asked what was wrong with him, noting that they had made her return and begged for help. She reminded Mobius of the stakes and scolded him for wanting to leave the problem solving to the others, sarcastically calling it a good idea. Loki tried to calm her down, but Laufeydottir continued with the sarcasm, noting that the branches were dying. She got closer to Mobius and asked if he had checked to see what his life was like on the timeline, suggesting that he saw this as no more than another bad day and that he did not understand the personal stakes of timelines dying. She suggested that Mobius did not care about timelines disappearing and left, telling him to enjoy his pie. Mobius looked to Loki, who went after Laufeydottir.[8]

Victor Timely's Disappearance[]

Hot Cocoa

Mobius explains the hot chocolate machine to Victor Timely

Mobius got hot chocolate from a machine in the hallway and went to check in on the Throughput Multiplier's progress. Victor Timely said it was going well and asked about Mobius' drink. Mobius explained that it had come from the hot chocolate machine, fascinating Timely. Meanwhile, Casey's TemPad stopped working, so Ouroboros asked to borrow Mobius'. Mobius gave Ouroboros the TemPad, and Timely continued to ask about the hot chocolate machine, wanting to see it. Mobius tried to focus on the technology not working, so Hunter D-90 agreed to take Timely to the machine. They realized that Miss Minutes was interfering with the systems, so they rushed to get Timely, only to realize that he had been taken.

Hunter B-15 arrived and revealed that Dox had been killed. Ouroboros then explained that the Throughput Multiplier was ready, but that they needed to find Timely to use it. Mobius suggested they find whoever took him back to the timeline, but Loki realized that Ravonna Renslayer would still be in the Time Variance Authority Office, since she wanted control of the Time Variance Authority.[8]

Temporal Meltdown[]

Mobius and Crew Sees Loom

Mobius and the others start work on the Temporal Loom

Mobius, Ouroboros, Casey, and Hunter B-15 brought the Throughput Multiplier to the Temporal Loom and rushed to start working to solve the problem. Ouroboros called Loki to ask what was taking so long as another power surge shook the Time Variance Authority Office, so Mobius told Ouroboros to hurry. Ouroboros suggested he shut Miss Minutes down by rebooting the system, so Mobius told him to do that. Ouroboros was hesitant, but Loki and Laufeydottir insisted, so he did it.

Mobius' Last Moments?

Mobius braces himself for the explosion

Timely returned, and Mobius held his glasses for him as he put his head in the Temporal Aura scanner. As Mobius gave the glasses back, he complimented Timely's success. Loki volunteered to be the one to bring the Throughput Multiplier, so Mobius and B-15 prepared to move. However, Timely insisted he be the one to do it. As Timely prepared in the airlock, Laufeydottir asked how long he would have, and Ouroboros said it not be long. Loki assured everyone he would make it, but Mobius expressed doubt due to the radiation levels. B-15 interrupted Mobius, insisting that he would make it. Once Timely reported that he was ready, Mobius told Ouroboros to go. However, as soon as Timely went outside, he was killed by the radiation. Mobius asked where he was, and Laufeydottir simply stated he was gone. The Loom then exploded, and Mobius braced himself as the shockwave rushed toward the Time Variance Authority.[8]

Losing a Friend[]


Mobius Confused Again

Mobius is confused by Loki

"What the shit are you doing?"
"Trust me."
―Mobius M. Mobius and Loki[src]

The Temporal Loom was offset when Loki was able to control his Time Slipping and come back to before the loom was destroyed. Mobius, not remembering anything past that point, heard Loki explaining what to do to Victor Timely and stating that it was going to work that time. A puzzled Mobius was set on the phrase of "this time," confused at what it meant. Through many attempts, Loki was unsuccessful every time as Mobius was stuck without memories of each loop.

Loki and Temporal Items

Mobius tries to get the prototype back

Now back when Timely arrived at the Time Variance Authority Office, Mobius followed them to Ouroboros and Casey. As Mobius tried to make an uneasy Timely comfortable, Loki showed everyone a model of the loom that was created by Ouroboros. Loki then took a model of a man in a Temporal Core Suit and explained that although it looked like Mobius, Timely was the one that was going to wear it. All of this confused Mobius. Loki then said that it would all be possible with the Throughput Multiplier and Timely's prototype. At this time, Loki reached into Timely's back and grabbed the prototype, slightly angering Timely. Mobius then told Loki to put it back, then consoled Timely. Although it seemed like Loki had it figured out, Ouroboros said that no matter how fast they went, they could not create the Throughput Multiplier in time. Loki was then told it would take him centuries if he wanted to learn how to do it himself.

Mobius Questions Loki

Mobius confronts Loki

Loki returned having spent centuries learning and brought everyone to the core room where he quickly ran through Timely's plan causing Mobius to have to calm a worried Timely down. He also rambled on with Casey about the possibilities. This confused Mobius once again and he took action. As Loki walked away, Mobius grabbed him by the collar, asking what he was doing. Loki simply told Mobius to trust him, but Mobius refused. Loki told Mobius to watch what he did. The gates then opened allowing Timely to walk out. Mobius exclaimed excitement at the sight.

Mobius B15

Mobius sees Victor Timely succeed

Going to the window of the room, everyone watched as Timely made his way to the Maintenance Probe while Loki directed him. Everyone worried, but Timely was able to do it and made his way back. Everyone then cheered as it seemed like the loom was fixed. As everyone celebrated, Mobius looked out towards the loom only to see it being destroyed. As they stood in shock, Timely realized that they could not increase the throughput of an infinitely growing Multiverse because it would never be big enough. Everyone then faced their fate.[3]

Giving Guidance[]

S1 Mobius Close Up

Mobius talks to Loki about burden

"She knew the hard thing to do was the thing that had to be done. And by hard, I mean impossible. No, there's no comfort. You just choose your burden."
"Thank you, Mobius."
―Mobius M. Mobius and Loki[src]

Loki then time slipped to when he was first arrested. Mobius sat with this Loki, thinking that he was just brought in. Loki stopped Mobius and said how he knew Mobius was going to use the TVA Holoprojector to show Loki his life and prove it had no meaning. Confused, Mobius applauded him by saying he had the script, but asked how he knew. Loki then asked Mobius for help, which he gave. He asked Mobius how he chose who died.

Loki Mobius Handshake

Mobius gives Loki a handshake

Mobius responded that they pruned people which Loki answered by saying the Time-Keepers deemed it so, but he clarified that he wanted to know how Mobius himself chose. Mobius answered by telling a story. He told Loki about the time he hesitated to prune a Variant, causing many deaths. However, he stated that it happened because he lost sight of the big picture and that had to be kept in mind because purpose is more burden then glory. Loki then asked what happened to Hunter A-23 and Mobius said she became a judge, who Loki knew as Renslayer. Mobius remarked that she knew the hard thing to do was the thing that had to be done. Loki then stood up and thanked Mobius, shaking his hand. Mobius then withered away into strands.[3]

A Chance[]


Mobius and Sylvie Laufeydottir watch Loki

"Open the door."
―Mobius M. Mobius to Loki[src]

Loki returned to the point before the destruction of the Temporal Loom. Mobius immediately knew something was up as Loki somberly looked at them. He then quietly walked down the stairs to the gate. Mobius and Sylvie Laufeydottir then followed, only to be blocked by Loki closing the door behind him. They asked what was happening and Loki responded that he knew what god he had to be, for them and for everyone. Mobius then watched as Loki pried open the doors.

The TVA Always Watches

The TVA agents watch Loki's sacrifice

The two then ran upstairs to the window where they watched Loki walk out onto the gangway and use his Magic to destroy the loom, ripping it into pieces and letting the branches fall down. As everyone stood confused in the darkness of the room, they saw a rift to the Citadel at the End of Time open up. Loki then grabbed the branches of the Multiverse and brought it with him before the rift closed. Laufeydottir realized that he was giving them a chance by being the loom himself.[3]

A New Life[]

Leaving the TVA[]

Mobius Sits at Desk

Mobius sits alone

"I mean, you think the TVA is gonna miss a tired, washed-up old analyst with a heart of gold?"
"I think there's one or two who will."
"I... I am, I, I've gotta go see what exactly it is we've been... protecting for all this time."
―Mobius M. Mobius and Hunter B-15[src]

As the Time Variance Authority recovered, they started looking into He Who Remains' Variants. Mobius did research on one in the Quantum Realm named Kang the Conqueror. Meanwhile, he also requested files on himself. When Hunter B-15 dropped off the requested files, Mobius told her that Kang was dealt with by some heroes of Earth. He then got up and went to the Multiversal War mural.

Mobius Leaves TVA

Mobius decides to leave the TVA

B-15 met Mobius there and talked about how she heard the agents wanted to tear it down. However, Mobius disagreed, saying how it served a reminder to people of what had happened and what they will do now. B-15 started talking about what to say in the upcoming meeting of the agents in the War Room, but Mobius interrupted her, saying that he was actually leaving to go live a life and see what he was missing. He also said that nobody would miss a washed up analyst. However, B-15 said that one of two would, but she understood and said that a chair was always there if he wanted to come back.[3]

Letting Time Pass[]

Mobius and Sylvie Ending

Mobius and Sylvie Laufeydottir watch Don

"I might just wait here for a little bit. Let time pass."
―Mobius M. Mobius[src]

Mobius then arrived on the Sacred Timeline in Ohio. He stood on a street far away from the house of his counterpart. However, he could not bring himself to move any further. Sylvie Laufeydottir then arrived behind him, remarking at the state of the house as they watched Don play with his two kids. Although Laufeydottir said the yard could do work, Mobius said it was great.

Mobius Alone

Mobius lets time pass

She then remarked at how it was weird that Loki was gone, to which Mobius agreed. Laufeydottir then announced she was going to leave. Mobius asked to where, but she had no idea. She asked the same to which Mobius said he was just going to stay there, letting time pass. Laufeydottir put her hand on his shoulder and left, leaving a lonely Mobius to watch the life he would have had.[3]


"Mobius isn't so bad."
"Or so good. I think that's why we get along."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir and Loki[src]

Mobius is typically an intellectual, mild mannered, and nonchalant individual. He tends not to show large amounts of emotion, but is capable of doing so is certain situations, usually when Loki does something he doesn't agree with. Mobius is also a bit more unorthodox than other members of the Time Variance Authority, having a certain degree of sarcasm and humor. Also, unlike other members of the TVA, he does seem to have a certain respect for the things that he would get to do if he didn't have the huge responsibility of managing timelines on him. For example, the greatest symbolism for this would be his love of jet skis.

Initially, Mobius thought the workers in the TVA are all creations from the Time-Keepers to maintain stability of the timeline and viewed it as his sole purpose to exist, and believes that the ends justify the means, and that their job is never finished until the Time-Keepers finished "tidying" the timeline. He was also willing to put trust on the newcomer Loki variant in helping the TVA arrest Laufeydottir. When Mobius had discovered that Loki betrayed him, he was initially quite enraged and upset at his behavior telling him that the TVA pruned Sylvie Laufeydottir just to manipulate him to get revenge from him for betraying him.

However, when he discovered that what Loki was saying about him being a variant along with the rest of the TVA was indeed true, he went on to go out of his way to support the two, until he got pruned. Whilst Mobius was stuck in the Void traveling around constantly to escape from Alioth, he eventually allowed himself to free himself from the shackles of the TVA so that he could think about living his own life, and is even willing to burn the TVA to the ground for free will.


"He's lying. Just playing games. There's no one out there. You had me for a second. My ears are sharp too."
―Mobius M. Mobius to Loki[src]
  • Genius-Level Intellect: Mobius is considered, even by Loki, to be incredibly intelligent and knowledgeable about time and the many ways it can impact the past, present, and future. He believed himself to be Ravonna Renslayer's favorite analyst due to his intelligence and personable nature. He was able to predict Loki's plan when Loki kept asking to see and speak to the Time-Keepers as a way to overthrow and take over the Time Variance Authority. Albeit, this is because Loki is very predictable for someone considered to be unpredictable. He is also able to tell when Loki is trying to trick and lie to him, a very rare intellectual feat that very few people are capable of achieving in the Multiverse.
"We have different styles. You're a man of action, which is fine. I take a more slow, deliberate, cerebral approach because I see everything. I notice everything."
―Mobius M. Mobius to Loki[src]
  • Expert Investigator: Mobius specializes in the pursuit of dangerous Variants. He has investigated several time anomalies such as murders and robberies to track and capture time variants such as Loki and is humble enough to acknowledge that Loki has a gift for investigation.
"I think I can get there faster if I work 'em both together."
―Mobius M. Mobius to Ravonna Renslayer[src]
  • Expert Interrogator:
    Loki Stills 64

    Mobius interrogating Loki

    Mobius is very skilled in the art of interrogation as he was able to make Loki come to a difficult realization that he didn't enjoy killing people, but did it to feel a sense of control. He is also very good at reading people such as Loki, and able to form a shaky friendship.
"See? Little bit of mischief."
"Only as good as your plan."
―Mobius M. Mobius and Loki[src]
  • Expert Tactician: Mobius played Hunter X-05 by making him think that Loki had tried to extract information from him while appearing to have gone rogue, which Mobius pretended was true in order to intimidate X-05 into revealing Laufeydottir's whereabouts.
  • Multilingualism: Mobius is capable of speaking and understanding all languages fluently, including English, French, and Latin.



  • Time Stick: This baton serves for beating and slowing people down, and Mobius goes with it for field work. The baton also serves for "resetting" people. He used it to pursue Loki when he tried to escape from the Time Variance Authority Office.

Other Equipment[]

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Appearances for Mobius M. Mobius


  • In the comics, Mobius. M. Mobius was a member of the Time Variance Authority's junior management until his meticulous attention to detail got him promoted to the position of executive in senior management.
  • In his free time, Mobius enjoys jet skiing.[1]
  • Mobius also enjoys pie, both key lime and apple.[13]
  • Mobius' Variant designation of "FF353" is a reference to his first appearance in Fantastic Four #353.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • To prepare for his role as Mobius M. Mobius, Owen Wilson didn't read any comic books but was briefed by Tom Hiddleston about the Marvel Cinematic Universe's lore, who showed him clips from other movies and how they all connected within the story: "Tom telling me about it, telling me about his character. And even in the way sometimes that he would describe his character, it was useful for me because my character Mobius in Loki is kind of interviewing him at some point. So it kind of worked doing it that way".[16]
  • Chris Brewster and Ramon Álvarez were stunt doubles for Owen Wilson in the role of Mobius M. Mobius.


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Mobius M. Mobius.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Mobius M. Mobius.

External Links[]
