- "A Spanish man of faith cursed me as he died by my hand. He called me, 'El Niño sin Amor', 'the child without love'. And I took my name from there. Namor. Because I have no love for the surface world."
- âNamor[src]
King Ch'ah Toh Almehen is a Talokanil mutant who rules the underwater kingdom of Talokan. As he aged slowly and gained the respect of the Talokanil, they started to worship him as K'uk'ulkan.[4] Following his mother's death, he visited the surface world and witnessed the atrocities of Spanish colonization, causing him to take violent action, earning him the name Namor from his enemies. Determined to protect his people from the surface world, Namor felt threatened when the United States came close to discovering his country while searching for vibranium. Namor came into contact with Wakanda and proposed a military alliance, but the Golden Tribe resisted waging war against the world. In response, Namor led his people against Wakanda, claiming the life of Ramonda. He was ultimately defeated by Shuri, now the new Black Panther, and was forced to yield, still expecting that eventually Wakanda would ask for his help.
Early Life[]
Born a Mutant[]

Ch'ah Toh Almehen is born underwater
Ch'ah Toh Almehen was born in 1571 as the son of Fen and an Aztec Purépecha pochteca mercenary spy[5] in the Yucatån. Prior to his birth, Fen, pregnant at the time, and her fellow tribesman of Mesoamericans became inflicted with smallpox brought by Spanish Conquistadores. To survive, the tribe consumed a blue plant found underwater in an attempt to alleviate their sickness. However, the plant was laced with traces of Vibranium, altering the tribe's anatomy and biology in the process.

Ch'ah Toh Almehen watches Fen grow old
The tribe became the first Talokanil, retreating to the ocean to start their new lives there, away from the threats of the surface world. Shortly afterward, Almehen was born, with the effects of the plant Fen consumed causing him to undergo abnormal mutations such as winged feet, pointed ears and a human-like skin color.[2] He never knew his father.[5] Almehen would be recognized as the firstborn son of Talokan, as well as a mutant, and worshipped as their feathered Serpent God, K'uk'ulkan. As Almehen grew up, Fen told him stories about a place with clean air and water which was protected so that people would never have to leave.[2] She also told him the Aztec stories his father had once told her, including of the Aztec underworld paradise TlÄlĆcÄn, which inspired him in the naming of their underwater paradise, with the translation into their tongue of Yucatec Maya, "Talokan."[5]
Mother's Burial[]

Almehen intimidates the settlers
Per his mother's wishes, Almehen came to the surface with other Talokanil to bury her. They saw many Mayan people being abused as slaves for a plantation. Distraught, Almehen flew up into the air, scaring the settlers, who shot at him. Almehen did not care as he still flew, ordering the Talokanil to burn the village.

Almehen has the Talokanil attack the Spanish colonizers
The young Talokanil coldly watched as many settlers died and the village was burned. He then helped dig a hole in the ground, burying Fen, sticking an object in her mouth. A dying priest derisively called Almehen, "El Niño sin Amor", meaning "the child without love." Ch'ah Toh Almehen proceeded to take that as his name, Namor, as a warning to his enemies. This experience showed him how bad the surface world was and that he needed to protect his kind from it.[2]
Ruler of Talokan[]
Protecting His Kingdom[]

Namor takes down the helicopter
Nearly half a millennium later, Namor located a Vibranium Detector under the ocean placed there by the United States of America. Angry, he sent his army after the people, killing Rita Salazar and Jackson in the process. Namor then let Attuma and Namora attack the ship while he stayed in the distance. When Dr. Graham and a pilot got away on a helicopter, Namor flew after them and grabbed the tail of the aircraft. He then spun it around in circles before slamming it into the water, killing the two passengers.[2]
Visiting Wakanda[]

Angry at Wakanda, Namor quietly sneaked into Wakanda through the waters and met with Queen Ramonda and Princess Shuri. He complimented the place for its pristine air and natural waters before Ramonda asked who he was. He told them that he was known as the K'uk'ulkan, but his enemies called him Namor.

Namor puts down the shell
He revealed to the two how T'Challa's choice of revealing Vibranium to the world compromised his nation and how he wanted Wakanda to capture the scientist who created the Vibranium Detector so that he could kill her. Namor knelt down, placing a conk shell on the sand. He told the two Wakandans to blow into it and place it into the water once they would have acquired the scientist, and he said he would be there shortly after. Before he jumped into the water and left, Namor warned Ramonda and Shuri not to mention anything about him to anyone outside of Wakanda.[2]
Talokanil-Wakandan War[]
Showcasing Talokan[]

Namor tells Shuri his story
Attuma and Namora successfully captured both Shuri and Riri Williams in Cambridge. They then brought the hostages back. As Namor painted, Shuri approached him. He talked to her about his past and how he got his name as well as Fen. He then gave her a high-pressure suit and led Shuri to a rift in the water. She dropped in, causing her to go flying with the current.

Namor meets up with Shuri
Namor swam around Shuri and met her on the other side where they found a whale swimming above them. He then showed her all of Talokan. Shuri believed it was beautiful and was astonished at the technology, pointing out the vibranium buildings. Back in Namor's Cenote, Namor gave Shuri the bracelet of his mother as a gift for the first outsider in Talokan. Shuri took it as Namor talked about wanting to burn the world. Shuri refused, but Namor reminded her that he heard her say the same thing at the beach in Wakanda.[2]
Meeting with Ramonda[]

Namor threatens Ramonda
Namor was then contacted by Queen Ramonda and met her up at the beach. Ramonda wanted Shuri back, but Namor claimed that Shuri wanted to come to Talokan. Ramonda asked Namor what she could trade him for her. Namor politely told her there was nothing. Ramonda begged to differ and told him she would tell the United States of America of Talokan's presence. Namor got close to her, nearly in her face. He coldly told Ramonda that he would kill Shuri if it came to it.[2]
Meeting in Capital City[]

Namor announces a war
Namor returned to his cenote and found a Talokanil on the ground, having been shot by Nakia, who rescued Shuri and Riri Williams. Realizing it was all a diversion, Namor grew angry. He called for a meeting in Talokan. Swimming down to his throne, he gave a speech, admitting to his fault of believing in an alliance, putting Talokan's safety in jeopardy. However, he promised to make it right, calling for war.[2]
Attack on the Golden City[]

Namor enters Wakanda
Namor led his army into Wakanda. They flooded the Golden City as they invaded. Namor walked out of the water, witnessing the destruction. On the beach, Namora knelt to him, saying that the defenses had left, and it was his turn to strike. Suddenly, M'Baku leaped from behind. Namor noticed and put up his fist, blocking the attack and breaking M'Baku's club. He then swiftly turned around and punched M'Baku in the chest, sending him flying.

Namor then raised his spear, calling for the Talokanil to go after civilians. He then flew up and attacked the aircrafts in the sky. Using his swiftness to maneuver in the air, he sliced many Royal Talon Fighters and Dragon Flyers before reaching Shuri and Aneka's Sunbird. He sliced the Sunbird, sending them into the water.

Namor throws Hydrobombs
Approaching Ramonda in the Citadel, Namor swung at the glass. Ramonda did not move as the glass barely broke. Namor grew angry and flew away before returning with a hoard of Hydrobombs. He threw the bombs at the window, sending Ramonda and Riri Williams flying. Ramonda drowned in the water as Shuri watched. Namor claimed that Ramonda caused all the mess between the Wakandans and the Talokanil, and in one week's time, he would return with his entire army, and he gave the Wakandans a choice; to join him or he would wash Wakanda from the face of the Earth. Namor coldly pointed at Shuri, telling her to bury the dead and mourn her losses as he declared her Queen while flying down to the water.[2]
Battling Black Panther[]

Namor approaches the Vibranium Detector
- "Princess."
"No. I am the Black Panther, and I'm here for retribution!" - âNamor and Black Panther[src]
Back in Talokan, Namor was looking at the same conk shell in his hands while sitting in his throne. He was then approached and informed by Attuma and Namora that there was another Vibranium Detector that had been launched into the ocean. He and his forces approached the detector, only for it to emit a loud pulse. Namor plugged his ears, yelling for everyone to get to the surface. They quickly swam up to the top of the water, only to see the Sea Leopard, where the Wakandans staged an ambush.

Namor is attacked by Ironheart
Namor flew into the air as the Talokanil got to the ship. He approached a Dragon Flyer, slicing its side, then throwing it onto the boat. He then noticed Riri Williams in the air, now in her Ironheart armor, dodged her blasts before getting hit and trapped inside a Royal Talon Fighter. There, he encountered Shuri, now the Black Panther. Namor did not think much of it until he started feeling sick. He looked up to see heat rays coming at him. Black Panther announced that she was there for retribution.

Namor fights Black Panther
Namor quickly rammed his spear into the ship. The raw Vibranium sliced through the ship. Black Panther attacked and they had a prolonged fight, dodging each other's blows. Namor then made a desperation push, to get Black Panther away before slamming the ship, causing it to explode, expelling them onto a desert beach.

Namor misses a punch
On the surface, the two fought more, but Black Panther could not find Namor at first. The king charged from the sky, taking her out many times without her even seeing him. He then grabbed Black Panther and flew her into the air with him. They exchanged punches into the air until Namor flew Black Panther into the ground, tackling her. He repeatedly punched Black Panther until she sliced off his ankle wing, causing Namor immense pain as he screamed, ripped it off his leg and flipped him over to the ground.

Namor is defeated
He flew at Black Panther using his three wings and punched her against the wall, but after a few punches, Black Panther blocked his next punch and clawed at his back before emitting energy. Shuri proceeded to gain the upper hand by knocking him to the ground a few times with kicks, before approaching him with her claws. However, Namor crawled to his spear and impaled Shuri with it. He noted that his deal with Shuri back in Talokan could have been different if not for the chaos. Although he wanted to finish her off, he was more worried about getting to the water. He dodged an incoming attack before facing Shuri, putting up his fists to fight. Instead, she yelled "Wakanda forever" and caused an explosion, making Namor fall over in flames.

Namor and Black Panther announce a truce
Shuri used her feet to flip Namor over, so his back was on the ground, and then took Namor's spear and pointed it at his neck. However, she paused for a moment and surprised Namor, giving him a chance to yield. She said if he did not yield, she would destroy Talokan. Namor graciously did yield and formed a new alliance. Shuri and Namor flew back to the battle where Namor yelled for his army to stop fighting. They did so and knelt to him.[2]
Painting His Room[]

Namor paints and contemplates his plan
- "Dus Boox BĂĄalam'o yan taak'in pinu mai'het en wini'ki de tu la'tal le'da ha'eiton e'nooknumo jaan'no komilo. Baaleâ menan o'hmo anulte. Behlaeâ tunni uch-ik och'ki u tiâ le enale'al Talokan. Yetel lok doc'tiknetah, Talokan bin il-aak'heh hachamu'gachon'ta meyhish donchi.[7]"
- âNamor to Namora[src]
With the war concluded, Namor returned to his nation alongside the rest of the Talokanil warriors who assisted him in battle. While painting a new mural on his wall reflecting his conflict with Wakanda, a disappointed Namora entered his cenote. She expressed disillusionment at the conflict's outcome and her king's decision to form a peaceful pact with a nation on the surface world.

Namor reassures Namora about his plan
Namor exclaimed that Black Panther had every reason to kill him for his actions against her family and people, and that his defeat was inevitable due to Black Panther being the strongest individual within Earth's most technologically powerful nation. He then confidently reassured Namora that should the time come when Wakanda came into conflict with intervening world powers, they would turn to Talokan for help in defeating them.[2]
- "My ancestors would often say "Only the most broken people can be great leaders"."
- âNamor[src]
Namor is complicated, to say the least. Being of Mesoamerican descent, his mother Fen and her people were forced to live under the sea due to the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadores bringing disease with them, infecting and killing many people of Fen's tribe. Being unable to return to the surface, Fen eventually died with sadness, prompting Namor to despise the conquistadors due to what they had done and how they had displaced their people. When he arrived on the surface for the first time to bury his late mother, seeing the atrocities that the conquistadors committed and how they enslaved local people angered him and made him kill all conquistadors and adopt the name 'Namor' as a warning towards his enemies. This defined Namor as an isolationist ruler of Talokan, with deep hatred towards surface-dwellers and a strong determination to protect his people at any means necessary and at any cost, even risking an all-out war with other nations. His hostility towards surface countries reached its apex when a machine capable of discovering underwater vibranium ores compromised the safety of Talokan and risked the exposure of his underwater kingdom. Namor is willing to kill the surface people who dared find Vibranium deposits underwater, and even risk a war with Wakanda if the latter does not hand over Riri Williams, the scientist responsible creating the technology. He also warned the Wakandans from exposing the existence of Talokan to outsiders, showing his isolationist nature.
Namor can be very brutal. Though first friendly to Shuri and kindly introduced her to Talokan, Namor later immediately warned her against protecting Williams, stating that he will destroy Wakanda first if they resist, while proposing that the two nations, both affected by the aggression of other world powers, form an alliance to fight against surface powers. As Wakanda insisted on protecting Williams, Namor did not hesitate in attacking Wakanda and flooding the city with hydrobomb, killing Queen Ramonda in the process, along with many innocent civilians. He and his army also mercilessly killed all soldiers and workers on the Vibranium mining ship.
Namor appears to genuinely feel Shuri and the Wakandans at first, understanding how Wakanda is a target of surface nations and conflicts between them, similar to how the ancestors of Talokan are forced into relocating underwater due to aggression of other nations. He feels Shuri's pain and anger to the surface world due to the similarities between them, and Namor prefers war as a second option, as he first persuaded Shuri and Ramonda in handing over Williams, providing them with the option to end the conflict peacefully, and wanted Shuri to empathize with his life and the life of the Talokanil later when she was held hostage and was taken a tour in Talokan.
However, all his extremist methods are fueled by his love towards his people and his nation. Despite being a ruler of Talokan and a literal god to his people, Namor is friendly and close to his people, not adopting an aloof and distant attitude, as shown when he greeted his subjects in the underwater kingdom. He even created an underwater light source to illuminate the capital city for the people of Talokan. As a Talokanil was killed in the Wakandans' attempt in rescuing Shuri, he comforted her as she died and later raged war on Wakanda to seek retribution. Eventually after losing his duel with Shuri, who had gained powers of the Panther God, he immediately yielded after the latter proposed an alliance between Wakanda and Talokan, showing that he cared for his people and realized that eternal war between the two powers will weaken both of them. All of his actions are for the interests and the good of the Talokanil, which reflects his loyalty and utter devotion to his people. This earned him respect among his subjects and fellow Talokanil. Yielding in the battle against Black Panther does not change the extremist nature of Namor; he formed an alliance with the Wakandans so that when surface powers finally start a conflict with Wakanda due to Wakanda's policies and their determination to protect Talokan, Namor could take this opportunity to exact revenge on the surface world and protect his kingdom with his extremist ways.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Talokanil Mutant Physiology: Namor is unique among the Talokanil in which his physiology is vastly different compared with his people. Unlike his people who are only able to breathe in water, Namor is able to breathe both on land and in water through a form of diffusion which allows him to "breathe" through his skin. His strength is directly proportional to the amount of water he exposed. In other words, the more Namor is exposed to water, the stronger he gets. However, there are some drawbacks with this power, as for Namor to maintain that high level of strength, he has to occasionally return to a wet environment in order to regain his strength, and he is also susceptible to environment with high evaporation rates like deserts or hot climates due to the fact it removes the water from his body at an increased rate.
- Superhuman Strength:
Namor striking Shuri
- Superhuman Durability: Namor's skin, muscle, and bone tissue have many times the density of the same tissue in the body of a human being, making him nigh-invulnerable, much more than a regular Talokanil, which is more effective when he is in contact with water. During his attack on Wakanda, when M'Baku tried to use his staff to attack Namor from behind, Namor simply raised his hand and broke the staff as it hit him. When Ironheart attacked him right in the chest with a full powered blast, Namor did not seem to receive any form of physical damage. Even when dehydrated and without water nearby, he was able to withstand multiple attacks from Black Panther, a kinetic energy pulse at point-black range that pulverized a massive stone boulder and being burnt in the back, before finally falling down to the ground.
- Superhuman Speed: Both in water and land, Namor can move at incredible superhuman speeds. He was able to get from Talokan in the Atlantic Ocean to Wakanda in Africa in a matter of hours. While attacking Wakanda, Namor was able to run and swim fast enough to dodge fire from Shuri and Aneka's ship, impressing them both with his speed. During his battle with Black Panther, Namor was able to land blows that even Shuri did not see coming, being able to control the Wakandan Princess for most of the battle, as well as block several of her attacks with ease.
- Superhuman Agility: In both water and land, Namor possesses naturally more agility, equilibrium, balance and body coordination than a normal human and most of his species. He is able to perform superhuman and acrobatic feats in air and in water.
- Superhuman Stamina: While in contact with water, Namor's advanced musculature is considerably more efficient than that of a human and most of the other Talokanil. As a result, his muscles virtually do not produce fatigue toxins during physical activity compared to humans and other members of his race. His virtually inexhaustible endurance allows him to exercise his maximum capacity for an indefinite period of time without tiring at all. He was able to leap between structures, dive into the water and resurface multiple times during his attack on Wakanda and still do not show signs of fatigue or tiredness. However, Namor can still get easily tired if his body dries up completely and does not come contact with water, although he was still able to fight Shuri for a long period of time.
- Superhuman Reflexes: Namor's reflexes allow him to react and dodge objects and attacks at high speed. While attacking Wakanda, Namor was able to block the Wakandan ships' fire with his spear. During the battle at the Sea Leopard, Namor was able to dodge most of Ironheart's energy blasts with ease. Namor was also able to block M'Baku's attack, even while being attacked from behind.
- Enhanced Vision: Namor possesses enhanced vision that is far better than humans, allowing him to see clearly even in the depths of the ocean.
- Enhanced Hearing: Namor possesses much greater hearing than a human and any other Talokanil, being able to hear Ramonda and Shuri's conversation even while underwater.
- Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his body's resistance, Namor could still be injured like any other Talokanil. However, his metabolism enabled him to rapidly regenerate damaged bodily tissue with great speed, which is more effective when he is in contact with water. After having his back completely burned by a Wakandan ship's explosion, Namor was able to regenerate shortly after.
- Longevity: Unique in his people, due to his mutant physiology, Namor is able to live much longer than any other Talokanil. Despite being born in the 1500s, Namor still looks like a man in his thirties.
- Flight: Thanks to a pair of feather wings on both ankles, Namor is able to fly. His ability to fly combined with his superhuman agility allowed Namor to easily dodge any aerial attacks against him and perform acrobatic attacks with ease.
- Aquatic Adaptation: Aside from being able to breathe normally at the surface, Namor is capable of breathing underwater by absorbing the oxygen of the water through his skin, and his body is specially developed for underwater conditions, granting him specialized blood circulation to withstand freezing temperatures. He possesses a highly developed vision to see clearly even in the near-total darkness of the ocean floor, and he can also hear underwater as well as humans do on land.
- Aquatic Telepathy: Like any other Talokanil, Namor can mentally communicate with marine life and persuade them to do his bidding.
- Hypnosis: Namor, as well as other Talokanil can create a sound that hypnotize his victims, leading them to jump into the water, where they will drown. However, this can be stopped by a loud sound.
- Wallcrawling: Namor is able to crawl on any type of walls.
- Superhuman Strength:
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- Master Combatant:
Namor overpowers Black Panther
- Spear Mastery: Namor is skilled with his spear, easily destroying several Wakandan ships with it.
- Master Acrobat: Namor is a flexible foe to face off against, even for an enhanced Shuri.
- Master Tactician: By means of harassment and tactics, Namor is able to keep the existence of Talokan a secret to all other people. He is also a formidable tactician in that he devises attack strategies in attacking surface mining vessels and orchestrated the attack on Wakanda, which devastated the country. He is also quick in realizing that an alliance with Wakanda could bring interest and tactical value to Talokan.
- Multilingualism: Namor is fluent in his native Yucatec Maya, as well as English, Spanish, and some Latin.
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- Spear: Namor had a spear made of raw vibranium which he often used in combat.
- Hydrobomb: Namor used these explosives when attacking the Citadel, flooding the throne room inside which drowned Ramonda.
Other Equipment[]
- Headdress: Namor's ceremonial helmet is worn when he speaks as King of Talokan to his people. For example, he wears it when he tells the Talokanil that he is going to war with Wakanda. Much like his original namesake, K'uk'ulkan, Namor's helmet represents a feathered serpent.
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- Talokan Capital City: To be added
- Cenote: To be added
- In the comics, Namor McKenzie, also called the Sub-Mariner, is the son of human sea captain Leonard McKenzie and the Atlantean princess Fen, who possesses winged feet as a result of his mutant genetics. He has been a frequent rival and occasional ally to Black Panther and the Fantastic Four, serving as a romantic rival to Mister Fantastic for Invisible Woman's affections (which she returns but is ultimately faithful and loyal to Richards), in addition to serving as a member of the Illuminati in addition to its evil counterpart, the Cabal alongside Loki, Green Goblin, Doctor Doom and fellow mutant Emma Frost. He is also one of the founding and original members of the Defenders alongside Doctor Strange and Hulk. He also served as a member of the Invaders during World War II alongside Captain America, Bucky Barnes, and the android Human Torch. While possessed by the Phoenix Force, Namor gave in to his hatred of Black Panther and completely flooded Wakanda.
- In the comics, KukulkĂĄn is a Mayan god of wind and sky who once possessed El Tigre.
- K'uk'ulkan ("Plumed Serpent", "amazing Serpent") is the name of a Mesoamerican serpent deity that was worshipped by the Yucatec Maya people of the YucatĂĄn Peninsula before the Spanish conquest of YucatĂĄn.
- Namor the Sub-Mariner was originally created for an appearance in Marvel Comics #1 published in August 1939, when Marvel Comics still operated as Timely Comics. This makes him one of Marvel's first ever characters to appear in publications.
Behind the Scenes[]
- The film Iron Man 2 first hinted at a possible appearance of Namor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. During the conversation between Tony Stark and Nick Fury at the end of the film, one of the holographic maps in the background had a "hot-spot" marked in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, the general location of Atlantis.[9]
- In an interview with Empire, Kevin Feige revealed that Ryan Coogler had pitched to him a tag for the end of Black Panther that teased Namor's introduction, depicting his wet footprints leading straight to the Wakandan throne in the Citadel.[10]
- According to Ryan Coogler, the DC Extended Universe film Aquaman served as inspiration for adapting Namor to the big screen.[11]
- Michael Waldron had stated that there were discussions about possibly including an alternate Namor from Earth-838 in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness as a part of the Illuminati due to Namor being an original member of the Illuminati in the comics. However, Marvel Studios had other plans for Namor so his inclusion from the film was dropped.[12]
- To prepare for his role as Namor, Tenoch Huerta learned a Mayan language and how to swim.[13][14]
- Miguel-Andres Garcia was a stunt double for Tenoch Huerta in the role of Namor.
- â Black Panther: Wakanda Forever script
- â 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
- â Translates from Spanish to: "The Boy without Love"
- â Translates from Yucatec Maya to: "Feathered Serpent God"
- â 5.0 5.1 5.2 Wakanda Forever: The Official Black Panther Podcast: Chapter 5: Letitia Wright, Tenoch Huerta, Dr. Gerardo Aldana
- â Translates from Yucatec Maya to: "I was blinded by hope of partnership. And... I have compromised all of us. Talokan will not move again. Namora. Attuma. When we are done with them, they will never think of approaching Talokan! Rise Talokan!"
- â Translates from Yucatec Maya to: "The Black Panther is the most powerful person in the most powerful nation on the surface. But she has no allies. Now she has empathy for the people of Talokan. With this alliance, Talokan will be stronger than ever."
- â Translates from Yucatec Maya to: "Imperius Rex!"
- â All Of The MCU References To Namor & Atlantis
- â Namor Is âA Dream Antagonistâ For Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Says Ryan Coogler â Exclusive Image
- â Black Panther: Wakanda Forever's Ryan Coogler Shares How Aquaman Affected Namor
- â âDoctor Strange 2â Screenwriter Defends Wandaâs Evolution, Talks Cameos and His âStar Warsâ Script
- â New âBlack Pantherâ Star Is Calling Out Mexico for Its Racism
- â Black Panther 2's Tenoch Huerta Didn't Know How to Swim When He Became Namor
External Links[]
Namor on Marvel Database
Kukulcan on Marvel Database
Namor on Wikipedia
Kukulkan on Wikipedia
Namor on Marvel.com