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War of Shadows
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The War of Shadows (Japanese: 暗黒戦争 War of Darkness) was a war that lasted six years on the continent of Archanea depicted by Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem Book I, and Shadow Dragon, as well as Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga and the New Archanea Saga bonus chapters of New Mystery of the Emblem.
The War of Shadows was a conflict instigated by the empire of Dolhr against most other nations on the continent of Archanea. Dolhr was lead by Medeus, the last earth dragon revived by the sorcerer Gharnef; Dolhr allied itself with a number of the continent's strongest nations before launching its invasion of the country of Archanea, eventually conquering most of the continent by Archanean year 604. Prince Marth of Altea fled when his country was conquered, and began a revolt against Dolhr in 604. Marth's army formed the Archanean League and liberated the nations conquered by Dolhr, defeated its allies, and reclaimed the Falchion with which Marth then defeated Medeus, ending the war in the year 605.
Most nations were weakened by the War of Shadows. Archanea underwent a significant reconstruction effort, becoming the strongest country on the continent. Gharnef used the Darksphere to twist its emperor Hardin into a tyrant; Hardin then led Archanea to conquer the continent, starting the War of Heroes over one year after the War of Shadows ended.
Note that this article adheres to canon as defined by Mystery of the Emblem Book II and its remake. In Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light and its remakes, some events—such as recruiting Tiki or creating Starlight—are not required in gameplay, but are implied or required to have occurred in Mystery of the Emblem's story; such events are noted as appropriate. Additionally, all playable characters in Shadow Dragon reappear in New Mystery of the Emblem and are presumed to have been recruited—including side quest-exclusive characters—and survived, with three exceptions: Arran and Samson, where it is left ambiguous which character was recruited; and Nagi, where it is implied she was not recruited.[1]
Prior to the revival of Medeus and the start of the war, Gharnef studied alongside Miloah at Khadein under Gotoh for some time.[2] When Gotoh appointed Miloah as the next pontifex of Khadein, Gharnef, driven by jealousy, stole the Darksphere and fled the city.[2] Using the Darksphere's power, Gharnef created the tome Imhullu, sealing his soul within the Darksphere in the process.[2]
In the year 597, Gharnef revived Medeus, who reestablished the empire of Dolhr and began amassing an army.[3][4] Soon after, Gharnef killed Miloah in battle and seized control of Khadein, appointing himself its new pontifex.[5][6] He then captured and hypnotized Tiki, the daughter of the divine dragon king Naga, and placed her in the Fane of Raman to protect the Starsphere and Lightsphere from anyone who would gather them to make Starlight.[7]
In order to increase Dolhr's might, Gharnef began to manipulate the leaders of various nations. Gharnef captured the twin heirs of Grust—Yuliya and Jubelo—and imprisoned them in Khadein in order to blackmail King Ludwik into forming an alliance between Grust and Dolhr.[8] King Osmond of Macedon and his son Michalis disagreed on the country's course for the coming war, between an alliance with Archanea or Dolhr;[9] Gharnef persuaded Michalis into killing his father, becoming King of Macedon, and forging an alliance with Dolhr, to the chagrin of his sister Princess Minerva[10] who objected to Dolhr's actions.[11] At some point, Gharnef convinced King Jiol of Gra to ally with Dolhr and betray Altea.[12]
Start of the war
In the year 600, war began;[13] the armies of Dolhr, Grust, and Macedon made much progress on their respective fronts. By 602, Dolhr had reached Millennium Court, the capital of Archanea, and began a siege on the castle[14] which, along with an intervention from Camus of Grust's Sable Order, resulted in its occupation and the capture of Princess Nyna and a group of Archanean Knights.[15] Camus was placed in control of occupied Archanea and Nyna was considered to be in his custody; members of the Archanean royal family began to be exterminated, but Camus's authority saved Nyna from execution.[16][17]
Also in 602, King Cornelius of Altea took the Falchion and marched to confront Grust alongside the armies of Altea and Gra, leaving at home his family and a garrison of Gra soldiers.[18] Upon confronting Grust, the Gra army attacked the Altean force, annihilating the Altean army and taking the Falchion.[19] At the same time, the Gra garrison began to attack those within the castle. Princess Elice stayed within the castle to buy time for Marth to escape alongside a retinue of knights and a court advisor.[20] Marth and company were pursued by Jiol,[21] but manage to escape by boat to Talys[22] when Frey, one of the Altean knights, served as a decoy.[23][a] The King of Talys, Mostyn, harbored Marth in the country's east fortress.[24]
Over time, the Dolhr Empire grew to control most of the continent, facing continued resistance from Aurelis—Macedon's march into the country was slowed by its prince Hardin and the Coyote's Men.[25] In order to ensure Minerva's compliance with Dolhr, Princess Maria, the youngest sister of the Macedonian royal family, was held prisoner in Castle Deil.[11] Two years after the fall of Millennium Court, Camus's continued intervention in Medeus's attempts to execute Nyna forced Medeus to send soldiers to the palace to take her by force.[17] Camus decided to take Nyna to Aurelis and the protection of Prince Hardin to save her from Dolhr.[26] Camus and a small retinue of knights deserted from the Sable Order[27] and escorted Nyna to the Aurelian border, but were attacked by a contingent of the Dolhr army on the way.[28] Upon Nyna reaching the border and entering Hardin's protection,[29] Camus surrendered to the Dolhr army[30] and was taken back to Dolhr where he was imprisoned at Medeus's behest.[31]
The Archanean League
In 604, when a group of pirates attacked Talys, Marth left the east fort and routed the bandits from the island at the behest of its princess Caeda.[32] After clearing out the pirates, Marth and company departed the island for Aurelis, travelling with mercenaries provided by the King of Talys—lead by Ogma—through Galder Harbor[33] and the Samsooth Mountains, where they met the cleric Lena and the thief Julian.[34] Upon their arrival in Aurelis, Marth met his old friend Merric,[35] as well as Merric's teacher Wendell,[36] and joined forces with Hardin before routing the Macedonian forces without and within Aurelis Castle.[37] Once the Macedonians were driven from the castle, Marth met Nyna, who gave him the Fire Emblem, hoping that with it, he would save the world from Dolhr.[38]
With Aurelis liberated, the newly-christened Archanean League set out for Archanea.[39] Passing through the Lefcandith Valley,[40] Marth met the Manakete Bantu, who was searching for Tiki and joined Marth to do so more effectively.[41] The League entered Archanea at Port Warren,[42] but was forced to divert, first to Pyrathi by the Grustian Army,[43] then to Castle Deil to free Princess Maria at the behest of Minerva.[44] On the way to Millennium Court, Marth rescued Linde, the daughter of Miloah and inheritor to Aura, at Nyna's request;[5] once at Millennium Court, the League ousted the occupying Grustian army from the palace.[45] With Archanea freed, the League headed for Altea, first diverting to Gra to retrieve the stolen Falchion; after defeating King Jiol and forcing Gra's surrender, the Falchion could not be found, and it was discerned that Gharnef had taken possession of the sword in Khadein.[46] Once there, however, Archsage Gotoh, through magical means, informed Marth that Gharnef was protected by the spell Imhullu, thus making him invulnerable to damage,[47] and the League returned to Altea without the Falchion.
Upon reaching Altea, the League confronted Grust defending the land and Dolhr within the castle, eventually defeating both armies.[48] While battling in the exterior, Marth rescued Xane, a man with the ability to transform.[49] In the interior, Morzas, the general presiding over Altea Castle, revealed that he had killed Marth's mother and sent his sister to Gharnef.[50] The League then set out for the Fane of Raman in order to obtain the materials required for Gotoh to forge Starlight—the Starsphere and Lightsphere—and defeat Gharnef.[51] The League fought against a detachment of the Sable Order before entering the tower;[51] once inside the Fane of Raman, they discovered the Starsphere and Lightsphere,[52][b] as well as Tiki, whose trance was broken by Bantu.[54] With the materials to make Starlight, the League made preparations to end the war.
End of the war
The Archanean League had to march south to take on Macedon and Dolhr, but in order to do so safely, they had to first defeat Grust.[55] The final clash between the Archanean League and the Grustian army occurred at the Grusthold, and resulted in victory for the League. Two Grustian generals were present in the battle: Lorenz, an old friend of the King of Talys who defected to the League,[56] and Camus, no longer a captive of Dolhr who was routed with the Grustian army.[57][c] The League then moved into Macedon, where they confronted and defeated its king Michalis,[58][d] and Marth located Gotoh and gave him the Starsphere and Lightsphere in order to make Starlight.[60][b]

Once the fighting in Macedon concluded, Gotoh transported Marth and the League to the city of Thabes to confront Gharnef at the city's temple.[61] Within the Temple of Thabes, Marth found and rescued his sister[62] and, through the use of Starlight, defeated Gharnef and retrieved Falchion.[63][e] The League then fought through the Dolhr army to storm Dolhr Keep, where Medeus laid in wait;[65] the League stormed the fort and defeated Medeus,[66] who swore revenge upon his defeat.[67]
The war ended in the year 605.[68]

Following the defeat of Medeus, the Dolhr Empire lost power and dissolved.[69] The war, however, had devastated the continent, requiring great efforts from each nation towards their own restorations.[70] Princess Nyna, as the last living member of the Archanean royal family, was forced by circumstance to choose a husband to be king of Archanea, eventually choosing Hardin.[71] Hardin quickly managed to restore Archanea to power, reinstated it as the Holy Empire of Archanea, and became its emperor.[72] Where other countries struggled to restore themselves, Archanea became the single most dominant nation on the continent.
The Archanean League dissolved, as there was no longer a need for a unified army. Marth returned to Altea to begin rebuilding it, where he would be engaged to Princess Caeda of Talys.[73] Princess Elice, too, would return to Altea to support in its reconstruction.[74] Princesses Minerva, as the eldest member of the Macedonian royal family, was left to lead Macedon;[75] Princess Maria,[76] Julian,[77] and Lena[78] each returned to Macedon as well. Jiol's daughter, Princess Sheena, was instated to lead Gra.[79] Princess Yuliya and Prince Jubelo were rescued by Wendell—who was appointed pontifex of Khadein—and kept safe within its walls[8] until they were retrieved by Lorenz, and Jubelo inherited leadership of Grust with Lorenz serving as regent.[80] Merric returned to Khadein to further his studies;[81] Linde joined the court of Archanea.[82]
Camus, Michalis, Gharnef, and Medeus each survived their encounters with the Archanean League. Camus survived the battle, but was found ashore on Valentia without memory.[83] Michalis was mortally injured, but was restored to health by his youngest sister, Maria, and managed to recover from his wounds.[84] Gharnef's physical body was destroyed, but his soul endured within the Darksphere.[64] Medeus, by virtue of being an earth dragon, survived the encounter and entered a deep slumber, one poised to last many centuries.[85]
Etymology and other languages
Names, etymology, and in other regions | ||
Language | Name | Definition, etymology, and notes |
English |
War of Shadows |
Presumably named for Medeus, who is known as the "Shadow Dragon". |
English (unofficial) |
War of Darkness |
Used in the Mystery of the Emblem fan translation. |
Japanese |
暗黒戦争 |
War of Darkness |
Spanish |
Guerra de las Sombras |
War of Shadows |
French |
Guerre des Ombres |
War of Shadows |
German |
Krieg der Schatten |
War of Shadows |
Italian |
Guerra delle Ombre |
War of Shadows |
Portuguese (Brazil) |
Guerra das Sombras |
War of Shadows |
Traditional Chinese |
暗黑戰爭 |
Darkness war |
- ↑ In Shadow Dragon, the player may select any living recruited unit other than Marth (i.e. Abel, Frey, Jagen, Cain, or Gordin) to serve as the decoy in Prologue IV; alternately, if Gordin is killed rather than recruited, a decoy does not need to be selected. Frey is implied to be the unit selected to be the decoy if the prologues are skipped—as he is the only unit recruited before the decoy selection to be absent—and is stated to have been the decoy in New Mystery of the Emblem.[23]
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Collecting the Starsphere and Lightsphere and creating the Starlight are not required in Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light or its remakes; however, in Mystery of the Emblem Book II and its remake, the creation of Starlight during the War of Shadows is referenced.[53]
- ↑ In Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, depending on the player's actions in Chapter 20, Camus can be presumed dead if he is defeated in battle or reported missing if he is not; in either case, his ultimate fate in Valentia is the same. This choice is not present in Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light or Mystery of the Emblem, where Camus stands on the seize point and defeating him is a de facto requirement to clearing the chapter.
- ↑ In Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light and Mystery of the Emblem Book I, defeating Michalis is not a requirement to clearing Chapter 22; however, there is no difference in the story if he is left alive or not, and his defeat by Minerva is referenced in Mystery of the Emblem Book II.[59] In Shadow Dragon, Michalis stands on the seize point, making defeating him a de facto requirement to clearing the chapter.
- ↑ Defeating Gharnef is not required in Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light or its remakes, but his defeat is referenced in Mystery of the Emblem Book II and its remake.[64]
- ↑ "Marth: You're...
Kris: Another ally from the previous war, sire?
Marth: No, I don't believe we've ever met. But, why...? I have the strangest feeling that I know her..." — Marth and Kris in Chapter 22, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem - ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 "Gharnef, along with Pontifex Miloah, were Lord Gotoh's best pupils. But Lord Gotoh saw Gharnef's weakness, and so he left Khadein and the Aura tome to Pontifex Miloah. Gharnef, overcome by jealousy, stole the Darksphere from Lord Gotoh, and created the Imhullu tome. As a result... His heart was trapped within the Darksphere for all eternity." — Wendell to Arlen in Chapter 10, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "597: The Earth Dragon Medeus is resurrected in the region of Dolhr. He begins to gather the Manaketes once again." — Perfect ending timeline, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "However, after a century's passing, the Shadow Dragon returned. He forged an alliance with a fiendish sorcerer who sought to rule the world, and their combined might toppled kingdom upon unsuspecting kingdom." — Opening narration of a new save file, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 "Marth: I read Miloah died in a battle with Gharnef, soon after the fiend sold his soul to Dolhr...
Nyna: Alas, Miloah did die... But his daughter, Linde, yet lives. I am told she inherited her father's skill with Aura magic—but since the battle with Gharnef none have seen her. Wherever she is, it cannot be pleasant. ...Marth, please. Find Linde. With her father gone, we are the only family the girl has left." — Marth and Nyna in Chapter 10, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - ↑ "Khadein, city of magic. Ever since Gharnef named himself ruler of this mecca for the magically inclined, the sands surrounding it had run red." — Opening narration of Chapter 15, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "With the dragon-goddess right where I want her, in the Fane of Raman, there is no way for Gotoh's Starlight to disperse the shadows that guard me." — Gharnef in Chapter 15, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 "The late King Grust had two children. Princess Yuliya and Prince Jubelo. They're still young. Maybe thirteen, or fourteen; cute little twins, both of them. In the last war, Gharnef, the Dark Pontifex, kidnapped the twins to blackmail the king. They were taken to Khadein, the city of magic, and locked away in a pitch-black room. At great personal risk, Pontifex Wendell saved them. He took them to a monastery to protect them." — An old man from Grust in Chapter 1, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "Minerva: So you truly were under the control of Gharnef's dark magic.
Michalis: No, it wasn't that. Wanting to destroy that prideful Archanea, and allow Macedon to become the conqueror of this world, was my own idea. I originally planned to ally with Dolhr to destroy Archanea, and then later join forces with Grust's Camus to defeat Dolhr. But father didn't agree with me, and finally he sent me away." — Minerva and Michalis in Chapter 9 of Book II, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - ↑ "Gotoh: But instead, you let Gharnef trick you into destroying your family, and your kingdom with it.
Michalis: ...I cannot undo what is done. My father's blood will always be on my hands, just as Minerva's betrayal of her brother and country will be on hers." — Gotoh and Michalis in Chapter 22, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - ↑ 11.0 11.1 "Prince Marth. I am Catria, of the Whitewinged Order of Macedon. I have come with a request from our mistress, the princess Minerva. She is planning to lead us against Dolhr in rebellion; however, her hands are tied so long as the enemy holds her younger sister, the princess Maria, captive." — Catria in Chapter 9, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Betraying Altea was Gharnef's idea! Let...let him fight the brat!" — Jiol in Chapter 14, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "600: The Dolhr Empire confronts Archanea and begins an invasion. Start of the War of Shadows." — Perfect ending timeline, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "602: The Dolhr Empire's troops led by Medeus lay siege to Millennium Court." — Perfect ending timeline, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ Events of The Capital Falls, Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga
- ↑ "Nyna: When the Dolhr-Grust allied forces seized control of Archanea, the entire royal family was killed, save me. I was given into Grust's custody—the custody of the Sable Order, to be more specific. I am told Dolhr wished for my execution—and with it the end of the holy lineage of House Archanea—and Grust was willing to comply.
Marth: But you are not dead.
Nyna: That is right. I was not put to the sword. The Sable Order's captain came to my defense. His name...was Camus." — Nyna and Marth in Chapter 20, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - ↑ 17.0 17.1 "Two years have passed since the millennial palace was seized by Grust's Camus the Sable. Emperor Medeus of Dolhr ordered Camus to take full control of the palace. However Camus defied his orders, by continuing to shelter Princess Nyna. As time passed, Medeus lost his patience with Camus and ordered his men to take Nyna captive." — Opening narration of The Beginning bonus episode, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "It fell upon the king of Altea, sole descendant of the dragon-slayer hero, to sally forth with the divine blade and fulfill his blood destiny. His son, Prince Marth, remained at home with the boy's mother, his elder sister, and a garrison manned by Altea's neighbor and ally, Gra." — Opening narration of Prologue I, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "My condolences, sire. The king died valiantly on the fields of Gra. The traitors took from him the divine blade Falchion and gave no quarter to those of our soldiers who remained..." — Cain in Prologue III, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ Events of Prologue III.
- ↑ "Listen, men. Your target is the prince. Find the prince of Altea and bring me his head served on a shield!" — Jiol in Prologue IV, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "From here, we will cross out of Altea and begin our escape to Talys. I trust you are prepared? [...] I've arranged for a boat to take us from the northeast shore." — Malledus in Prologue IV, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 "You took that wound when Prince Marth, still a child, was forced to escape Altea Castle... In the jaws of death, surrounded by enemies, you alone became a decoy, in order to protect Prince Marth..." — Kris in their and Frey's third conversation, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "Talys was a small border kingdom, with no grand order of knights to boast of, but its king selflessly gave Marth use of the isle's eastern fortress" — Opening narration of Chapter 1, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Trace a line around the continent's north-eastern plains, and you have Aurelis. This kingdom alone had somehow resisted Dolhr's attempts to conquer it, but only by some miracle. By the time Marth arrived in Aurelis, much of its territory had already been carved up by Dolhr's ally Macedon. Still, the king's younger brother, Hardin, refused to give up without a fight. The people called him Coyote, and he intended to live up to the name." — Opening narration of Chapter 5, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "I know. We must escape the palace at once. Sir Hardin, in the northern state of Aurelis, has the power to protect you. I'm sure he will extend you his courtesy." — Camus in The Beginning bonus episode, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "Then, at least take us three with you. We'll desert the army. That way, we won't bring trouble to our motherland, Grust." — Roberto in The Beginning bonus episode, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ Events of The Beginning bonus episode, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "Princess Nyna, I presume? I am Hardin, younger brother of King Aurelis. I heard the news and I came for you, Princess. You need not worry any loger. I shall protect you, even at the cost of my life." — Hardin in The Beginning bonus episode, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "Medeus: All hope turns in fear before me... Give up. Surrender quietly.
Camus: ...Very well. As you wish. ...I have fulfilled my duty...
Medeus: Men, seize him!" — Medeus and Camus in The Beginning bonus episode, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem - ↑ "After that, Medeus stripped Camus of all his rights and privileges, confining him to a dungeon in Dolhr." — Epilogue of The Beginning bonus episode, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ Events of Chapter 1, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ Events of Chapter 2, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ Events of Chapter 3, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Merric: Whilst studying magic in Khadein, I caught wind of a war brewing and decided to seek you out.
Marth: I see... Thank you, then. I need friends like you on the battlefield. You will fight with us, of course?
Merric: Of course! 'Twould be a passing shame if you didn't get to see me flex a little magic muscle." — Merric and Marth in Chapter 4, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - ↑ "Come, Merric. We'll fight together. Tell your prince of Altea that Wendell is at his service." — Wendell in Chapter 5, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ Events of Chapters 5 and 6. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Thank you, Marth. Then let me give you this. This crest is called the Fire Emblem. House Archanea bestows it only upon a true champion, one we believe has the power to save the world." — Nyna in Chapter 6, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Aurelis was free, but Marth and his army—now known as the Archanean League—still had much work ahead of them." — Opening narration of Chapter 7, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "They followed the Middleroad south, bound for Archanea Palace—a perilous route, for it took them right into Lefcandith Valley and the jaws of trouble." — Opening narration of Chapter 7, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "You there. Have you come across a young girl, one by the name of Tiki? She must be found, boy! Tiki is the last of the Naga, the divine-dragon clan. [...] ...You will be traveling much, yes? I wish to go with you. Perhaps together we can find Tiki." — Bantu in Chapter 7, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "The League had reached Archanean soil, so Marth gave himself leave to recuperate in Port Warren, a harbor town known for commerce." — Opening narration of Chapter 8, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Grust had caught the League unawares, forcing them to flee to Pyrathi." — Opening narration of Chapter 9, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ Events of Chapter 10, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ Events of Chapter 12, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Marth: Falchion isn't here.
Nyna: The divine blade? Was it supposed to be?
Marth: Yes. When one of my knights returned from the battle where my father, Cornelius, fell... he said Gra had stolen Falchion. And if we are to defeat Dolhr and the Shadow Dragon, Medeus... we need that blade.
Malledus: Prince Marth!
Marth: Did you find it, Malledus?
Malledus: seems Gharnef made off with it.
Nyna: Gharnef? Then, to find Falchion—
Marth: That's right. We'll need to go to Khadein, the kingdom of magic, where he resides." — Marth, Nyna, and Malledus in Chapter 14, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - ↑ "Gotoh: As you suspect, Gharnef has made off with Falchion. With Imhullu and Falchion in the sorcerer's grasp, Dolhr now must think twice before challenging him. [...]
Marth: Is Imhullu so powerful a magic, then?
Gotoh: Yes. The mage who wields it cannot be killed; cannot be so much as scratched." — Gotoh and Marth in Chapter 15, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - ↑ Events of Chapters 16 and 17, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Hey there, princey. Thanks for settin' me free! The name's Xane. I hail from a land few have heard of an even fewer have seen. I won't trouble you with the details. Me and my folk have the power to transform into other people. We can shape-shift, you see." — Xane in Chapter 16, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Your mother, Liza, is dead; I killed her myself. Your sister Elice lives only because Gharnef wanted her." — Morzas in Chapter 17, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ 51.0 51.1 "For Gotoh to create the magic that could defeat Gharnef, he needed two orbs: the Lightsphere and the Starsphere. Marth and company set off to Chiasmir and the Fane of Raman to find them, but in their path stood a cohort of Grustian knights known as the Sable Order." — Opening narration for Chapter 18, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Nyna: Marth! Tell me, was it a success? Did you locate the Lightsphere and Starsphere?
Marth: Never fear; I have them. We need to take these to Gotoh so he can undo Imhullu's magic..." — Nyna in Chapter 19, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - ↑ "You have seen the "Starsphere" [...] In order to pierce Gharnef's shadowy veil, Lord Gotoh created a sacred spell named "Starlight" from that orb." — Wendell in Chapter 6, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "Bantu: Tiki! Tiki, my child! At last, I have found you!
Tiki: No... Stop... Come no closer...
Bantu: Hm? ...Gharnef has put you in some sort of trance, poor thing. Peace, child. Peace. Awaken.
Tiki: ...Mmm? ...Ban-Ban? Is that you? Where am I? What happened?" — Bantu and Tiki in Chapter 19, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - ↑ "We must defeat Grust once and for all. If we march south without finishing them off, we have our rear exposed." — Marth in Chapter 19, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Caeda: General Lorenz! My name is Caeda. I hail from Talys. My father has told me quite a bit about you.
Lorenz: Princess Caeda! My, look what a lovely young woman you've grown into. Your father was a good friend to me, many years ago. [...] You win, Princess. I yield! I will join you, in the interests of king and country. Har!" — Caeda and Lorenz in Chapter 20, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - ↑ Events of Chapter 20, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ Events of Chapter 22, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "That's enough, Minerva. I'm not stupid. When I was struck by your lance, I was just outside death's door." — Michalis, to Minerva in Chapter 9 of Book II, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "You have the Lightsphere and Starsphere with you? Well done! Now I can create Starlight for you. ...There. It is finished. Take this with you; it is the only magic capable of breaking through Imhullu. Use it to stop that fiend Gharnef once and for all." — Gotoh in Chapter 22, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "With the aid of the White Sage Gotoh's powerful Warp magic, Marth and company were transported to the faraway city of Thabes. Once, Thabes was an advanced civilization; but only its decay advanced now. The League traced the lifeless streets to the temple at the city's heart, somewhere within its walls Gharnef was waiting, and now, Marth must wrest Falchion and his sister, Elice, from the fiend's grip." — Opening narration of Chapter 23, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Allied Soldier: Sire! We found Princess Elice up in the Tower of Thabes! She's on her way to see you right—Ah, here she is!
Marth: Elice!!!
Elice: Marth! Oh look at you. A man grown!" — Marth, Elice, and an allied soldier in Chapter 23, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - ↑ Events of Chapter 23, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ 64.0 64.1 "Gotoh: Gharnef has returned.
Marth: Gharnef...!? But we killed him!
Gotoh: Yes, you killed his body. But his soul was held prisoner by the Darksphere, and within it, his hatred only grew." — Gotoh in Chapter 14, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem - ↑ Events of Chapter 24, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ Events of the Endgame, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Know this, Altean prince... That light which surrounds you is only a temporary respite. So long as the darkness in your hearts continues to sustain me... I cannot be...destroyed......" — Medeus in the Endgame, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Medeus is defeated by Prince Marth, and the Dolhr Empire collapses. End of the War of Shadows (600–605)." — Perfect ending timeline, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "After Medeus's demise, Dolhr would relax its shadowy grip on the land and fade into obscurity: the Empire was finished." — Epilogue, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "The warriors who had united under the Fire Emblem returned to their own lands, devoting themselves to the reconstruction of their homelands. Among the nations that made up the "Seven Kingdoms of Archanea", Gra and Grust were devastated. Altea, Aurelis, Macedon, and Talys were left deeply scarred, and even the mighty Kingdom of Archanea was undergoing restoration." — Introduction to Chapter 1, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "As you know, two years ago... Hardin and Princess Nyna were wed. In order to restore Archanea to glory, a king was needed. There were but two suitable individuals: King Aurelis's younger brother, Duke Hardin, and you, Prince Marth of Altea... Princess Nyna begged me to wait just a while longer, but once I insisted on its absolute urgency... She said that it could not be you, for Princess Caeda would grieve. In the end, Hardin was our only choice..." — Boah in Chapter 19, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "After ascending the throne, Hardin aggressively restored the country in the twinkling of an eye, and formed a powerful army by gathering many soldiers. He then proclaimed the restoration of the Holy Archanean Empire, and himself Emperor." — Introduction to Chapter 1, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "The war-ravaged kingdom of Altea was finally starting to regain stability thanks to Prince Marth's efforts. Prince Marth's engagement to Princess Caeda was announced, and the people of Altea rejoiced, sharing their happiness." — Opening narration of Chapter 1, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "Elice returned to Altea with Marth. Ever serene, she stood by her brother and watched him grow into a fine leader." — Elice's ending, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "After the War of Shadows, Macedon was led by Minerva, who exiled the oppressive generals and attempted to reform the military." — Opening narration of Chapter 2, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "After studying in Khadein for a while, Princess Maria returned to Macedon to serve her people as a cleric." — Maria's ending, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Julian gave up thievery for good and found an honest job in Macedon." — Julian's ending, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Lena cared for orphans at a convent in Macedon and doled out love in equal shares to all she met." — Lena's ending, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Hardin found King Jiol's daughter, Princess Sheena, and allowed her to take the throne, providing support to Gra. Sheena received fanatical support from her people. To them, Sheena was their only hope." — Opening narration of Chapter 17, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "Lorenz put Grust's prince upon the throne and became his regent; but he and Archanea did not always see eye to eye." — Lorenz's ending, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "After helping Marth stamp out the fires of war, Merric returned to Khadein where he continued his magical studies." — Merric's ending, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ "Linde entered Princess Nyna's protection and became a lady at court." — Linde's ending, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- ↑ The fact that Camus is Zeke can be concluded from a number of factors, including great physical resemblance, similar martial capability, Zeke appearing in Valentia soon after Camus disappears from Archanea, and Zeke muttering Nyna's name when discovered on Valentia (as seen in a Memory Prism).
- ↑ "After I was defeated, I wandered the gap between life and death. When I had come to, in front of me, I saw Maria—her eyes full of tears—praying to the gods. While I treated her like a pawn, Maria, she shed tears for me..." — Michalis in Chapter 9, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
- ↑ "Gotoh: However earth dragons boast tremendous life force, and cannot be completely eliminated so easily... Even now, they sleep at this altar.
Marth: You mean to say they'll awaken?!
Gotoh: Not exactly. Even sleeping earth dragons should not awaken for centuries or so. The next time Medeus awakens though, he will rise as a terrifying Shadow Dragon..." — Gotoh and Marth in Chapter 21, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon | ||||||||||||||||||||
Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem: Heroes of Light and Shadow | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||