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List of chapters in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

Main story

Chapter List
Ma ds01 lord playable.gif Title Objectives Defeat New Units Bosses
Prologue Prologue I Seize Marth dies Marth None
Prologue Prologue II Seize Marth dies Abel, Frey, Jagen, Cain None
Prologue Prologue III Seize Marth dies None None
Prologue Prologue IV Seize Marth dies Gordin, Draug, Norne Captain
Chapter 1 Marth Embarks Seize Marth dies Marth, Caeda, Wrys Gazzak
Chapter 2 The Pirates of Galder Seize Marth dies Ogma, Barst, Bord, Cord, Darros, Castor Gomer
Chapter 3 A Brush in the Teeth Seize Marth dies Julian, Lena, Navarre Hyman
Chapter 4 Battle in the Lea Seize Marth dies Matthis, Merric Bentheon
Chapter 5 Champions of Aurelis Seize Marth dies Wolf, Sedgar, Roshea, Vyland, Hardin, Wendell Merach
Chapter 6 Fire Emblem Seize Marth dies Rickard Emereus
Chapter 6x In War's Grip Seize Marth dies Athena Bathys
Chapter 7 Lefcandith Gauntlet Seize Marth dies Bantu Harmein
Chapter 8 Port Warren Seize Marth dies Caesar, Radd, Roger Kannival
Chapter 9 The Pyrathi Dragon Seize Marth dies Jeorge Mannu
Chapter 10 Princess Minerva Seize Marth dies Maria, Minerva Zharov
Chapter 11 Knorda Market Seize Marth dies Linde, Jake Khozen
Chapter 12 The Ageless Palace Seize Marth dies Dolph, Macellan, Tomas, Boah, Midia Volzhin
Chapter 12x A Traitor's Worth Seize Marth dies Horace Dejanira
Chapter 13 The Wooden Cavalry Seize Marth dies Astram, Beck Grigas
Chapter 14 Land of Sorrow Seize Marth dies Palla, Catria Jiol
Chapter 15 An Oasis of Magic Seize Marth dies None Gharnef
Chapter 16 The Battle for Altea Seize Marth dies Xane, Samson, Arran Hollstadt
Chapter 17 Star and Savior Seize Marth dies None Morzas
Chapter 17x Helena Castle Seize Marth dies Etzel Dactyl
Chapter 18 The Sable Order Seize Marth dies Est Sternlin
Chapter 19 Manakete Princess Seize Marth dies Tiki Tiki
Chapter 20 Camus the Sable Seize Marth dies Lorenz Camus
Chapter 20x The Lair of Fire Seize Marth dies Ymir Larissa
Chapter 21 Clash in Macedon Seize Marth dies None Orridyon
Chapter 22 A Knight-Filled Sky Seize Marth dies None Michalis
Chapter 23 Dark Pontifex Seize Marth dies Elice Gharnef
Chapter 24 The Dragonkin Realm Seize Marth dies None Xemcel
Chapter 24x The Alterspire Seize Marth dies None None
Endgame Chosen by Fate Defeat Medeus Marth dies Gotoh, Nagi Medeus