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From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

Portrait ruben fe12.png
Portrait of Ruben in New Mystery of the Emblem.





Starting class


Voiced by

Kōji Totani
(Japanese, Archanea Saga)


There's no need for worry. We'll strike back when they approach our fort.
— Ruben, to his army

Ruben (Japanese: ルーベン Ruben) was a knight of Macedon who was the leader of a large number of deserters from the country's army in Aurelis. Having established a base of operations in an abandoned Aurelis fort, Ruben and his forces pillaged Aurelian villages mercilessly. This eventually caught the attention of Minerva and Hardin, who led a small group out to investigate.


Ruben claimed to have deserted the Macedonian army out of dislike for its commander in Aurelis, Princess Minerva. By the time Minerva and Hardin's group found the fortress headquarters of the deserters, Ruben had forced Frost, a Macedonian bishop, into serving in his forces by threatening Frost's family. Though he was surprised to hear of Minerva's approach, Ruben openly denounced her as a charmless fool who was forced to serve her tyrannical brother Michalis because he held their sister Maria hostage. He died in the ensuing battle, and his army of deserters was wiped out.

Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga


Ruben is the boss of Episode II.


See also: Red Dragoon
Portrait ruben febs.png
Ma snes01 dracoknight enemy.gif Dracoknight
Level 1
Movement 10
Experience 75
Max HP 29 Luck --
Strength 10 W. Level --
Skill 6 Defense 13
Speed 8 Resistance 0
Weapons Items
Silver Lance Silver LanceThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Sword Lance Axe
Bow Tome Staff

Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem


Ruben is the boss of New Archanea Saga Episode II.


See also: Red Dragoon
Portrait ruben fe12.png
Ma ds02 dracoknight enemy.gif Dracoknight
Level 3
Movement 10
Max HP 38 Speed 14
Strength 12 Luck 0
Magic 1 Defense 13
Skill 14 Resistance 3
Silver Lance
Silver Axe
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances B Axes B
Bows -- Tomes -- Staves --


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Battle quotes

Gahahah! This is the end for you!
— Ruben, in Archanea Saga.
Come at me! I'm not the one who's about to die!
— Ruben, in New Mystery of the Emblem.
Ruben: Munchin' Manaketes! Am I surprised to face you directly in the battlefield, Princess Minerva.
Minerva: You're... Ruben. I didn't think I'd find you here, not after you were banished from the army for your acts of brutality against civilians. ...So you lead the deserters. Surrender. If you don't, I shall strike you down as an enemy of Macedon!
Ruben: Heh...! I don't take orders from you anymore. For some reason, the folks at Macedon worship you royals as if you were gods. Yet, the crown prince fancies himself a patricide, the older sister is a charmless buffoon... and the younger sister is a brat whose only talent is getting kidnapped. Who on earth could put up with the stupid military, when even the country's like that too? Wouldn't you agree, Minerva the Buffoon!
Minerva: Dastard... How dare you belittle us! I believe you've just shown your readiness to accept your fate.
Ruben: Heh! Not if I kill you first!

— Ruben, facing Minerva in New Mystery of the Emblem.

Death quotes

— Ruben, in Archanea Saga.
— Ruben, in New Mystery of the Emblem.


  • Ruben is assigned to use blonde hair in his sprites in New Mystery of the Emblem, but this cannot be seen as the Dracoknight's class sprites do not display hair color.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


Scandinavian variant of "Reuben"[1], a Biblical figure who was the ancestor of one of the twelve tribes of Israel[2].



Transliteration of "Ruben".


Sprite Gallery
Archanea Saga
Portrait ruben febs.png Dracoknight Ma snes01 dracoknight enemy.gif
Small portrait ruben fe12.png New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait ruben fe12.png Dracoknight Ma ds02 dracoknight enemy.gif
Bs fe11 enemy dracoknight lance.png
Bs fe11 enemy dracoknight axe.png


Project Characters.png This article is part of Project Characters, a project focused on writing articles for every character present in the Fire Emblem series.
Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga
Playable characters Episode I BoahDolphMacellanMidiaNynaTomas
Episode II CatriaEstFrostHardinMinervaRosheaWolf
Episode III CastorDiceLenaMaliceNavarreRickard
Episode IV BelfCamusNynaReidenRoberto
Non-playable characters King of ArchaneaMedeusPalla
Bosses BrzakGouberRubenVaam
Regalia Gradivus
Episodes 1: The Capital Falls • 2: Red Dragoon • 3: Righteous Thieves • 4: The Beginning
Locations ArchaneaAurelisEmpire of ArchaneaMacedon
Groups, objects and concepts Sable OrderWar of HeroesWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Related topics Name chart • Other games (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenMystery of the EmblemNew Mystery of the EmblemShadow DragonAwakening) • Timeline
Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem: Heroes of Light and Shadow
Playable characters AbelArlenArranAstramAthenaBantuBarstBeckBelfBordCaedaCaesarCainCastorCatriaCecilCordDarrosDiceDolphDraugEliceEstEtzelFreyFrostGordinHoraceJakeJeorgeJubeloJulianKatarinaKrisLenaLindeLukeMacellanMaliceMariaMarishaMarthMatthisMerricMichalisMidiaMinervaNagiNavarreNorneNynaOgmaPallaPhinaRaddReidenRickardRobertoRoderickRogerRosheaRyanSamsonSamuelSedgarSheenaSiriusTikiTomasVylandWarrenWendellWolfWrysXaneYmirYuliya
Non-playable characters Aurelis KingBoahCamusGotohJagenLangLorenz
Bosses ArlenAthenaCaedaCainClarisseDallDraugEibelEremiyaEstGailGharnefHardinIce DragonJagenJeorgeKatarinaLangLegionLorenzLumelLukeLykkeMedeusNehringOgmaRoderickSheenaTorusWillowWyvernYodel
Background characters AdrahAnriArtemisCaldasIoteLudwikMarlonMarcelusNagaOrdwin
Regalia and personal weapons AumFalchionGradivusHauteclereImhulluMercuriusParthiaRapierStarlightWing Spear
Chapters Main story P1: MeetingP2: Young SquiresP3: Training BeginsP4: New Companions (Jeorge, Athena) • P5: March DutyP6: Bonds (Ogma, Draug) • P7: The Final Test (Est, Cain) • P8: Assassination of the Hero-King • 1: The Grustian Expedition • 2: Rebellion at Macedon • 3: Abducted Princess • 3x: Shadows Behind the Scenes • 4: Joy and Sorrow • 5: Liberation of Grust • 6: The Nest of Evil • 6x: Mercenary Squad • 7: The Scarlet Sword • 8: Soulful Bridge • 9: Sanctuary of Sorcery • 10: Two Sorcerers • 10x: The Mask Laughs • 11: Anri's Way • 12: Graveyard of Fire Dragons • 13: Frozen Land • 13x: Within the White Darkness • 14: A Mystery Revealed • 15: Return of the Prince • 16: Regaining the Capital • 16x: Reunion • 17: Gra's Sun Sets • 18: Battle of the Pass • 19: The Last Decisive Battle • 20: Dark Emperor • 20x: Bottom of the Deep Abyss • 21: The Wyvern's Dale • 22: The Dragon Altar • 23: The Dark Pontifex LivesE: Light and Shadow
New Archanea Saga 1: The Capital Falls • 2: Red Dragoon • 3: Righteous Thieves • 4: The Beginning
DLC bonus chapters 1: Wind and Thunder • 2: Three Assassins • 3: That Which Was Done by the Sword Shall Be Undone by the Sword
Locations ArchaneaAlteaAnri's WayAurelisDolhr (Dragon Altar) • Empire of ArchaneaGraGrustKhadeinMacedonTalys
Groups, objects and concepts Coyote's MenDragon (Divine DragonEarth DragonManakete) • HereticsSable OrderFire Emblem/Binding ShieldWar of HeroesWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Lists Base conversationsChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Name chart • Other games (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenMystery of the EmblemArchanea SagaShadow DragonAwakening) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound RoomTimeline