The Mask Laughs
The Mask Laughs is the third side quest in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem. In order to reach this chapter, the player must have completed the previous chapter within a set number of turns, or without hurting any clerics.
- Main articles: The Mask Laughs/Script and The Mask Laughs/Conversations
After receiving a call from Gotoh to come to the Ice Dragon Temple to claim the Lightsphere, Marth is informed by Jagen that Horace, an ally from the War of Shadows, has been cornered by the assassin Legion. Marth and his companions thus beat back the seemingly endless waves of Legions by killing the main Legion, rendering them all inert, and save Horace in the process. Having saved their comrade, Marth and co. go further north into the desert to answer Gotoh's call. Meanwhile, the leader of the assassins, Eremiya, orders Clarisse to pursue Marth and Katarina to get rid of all of the inert Legions.
Chapter data
Victory: Defeat the real Legion
Defeat: Marth or Kris dies
Map dimensions: 9 columns by 15 rows
Character data
Enemy data
- Stats with a decimal can vary randomly; the decimal represents the chance for the stat to increase to the nearest integer, or otherwise be truncated.
Normal Hard Maniac Lunatic
All forged weapons have +4 might and +20 hit.
- Two (Normal)/One (higher difficulties) turns after an initial Legion with a Hammer or a reinforcement with a Devil Axe is defeated; on Normal mode, begins appearing one turn rather than two starting six turns after twelve of such reinforcements appear
- One Legion with a Devil Axe to replace each defeated initial Legion with a Hammer or reinforcement with a Devil Axe
- One and two turns after twelve (Normal)/twenty (higher difficulties) Devil Axe reinforcements appear
- One turn after the above reinforcements appear
- Two Legions—one with a Hammer, one a Poleax—below Horace's starting position
- One turn after the above reinforcements appear
- Three Legions—two with Tomahawks, one a Hammer—below Horace's starting position
- Each turn starting one turn after the above reinforcements appear
- Four Legions—two with Tomahawks, one a Hammer, one a Poleax—below Horace's starting position
Boss data
- Stats with a decimal can vary randomly; the decimal represents the chance for the stat to increase to the nearest integer, or otherwise be truncated.
- Main article: Legion
Normal Hard Maniac Lunatic
This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.
The goal of the chapter is to defeat the real Legion. The boss will always be one of three Legions at the northernmost point of the map and is randomly determined each attempt. Thankfully there is an easy way to determine who the real Legion is. First, place your cursor on the four Legions to the south of the top three. Next, tap the L button until your cursor lands on one of the three Legions in the north. The first your cursor lands on is the real Legion. Once you've determined the real Legion it merely becomes a manner of reaching him with your strongest unit and killing him. Units like Palla and Catria are good for reaching Legion quickly; you can even temporarily reclass them to Swordmasters to use the E-rank Ladyblade that Malice came with to potentially pull off a one-round kill. Barring that, Malice can also make good use of the Ladyblade especially when promoted. As you make your way towards Legion beware of the Legion reinforcements that come from the south as they have Devil Axes and can unexpectedly kill units that are left exposed.
Etymology and other languages
Names, etymology, and in other regions
Definition, etymology, and notes
English (unofficial)
The Mask Laughs
The mask laughs