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Ss fe12 guidemacedon.png


Macedon Aerie







The Macedon that Minerva and Maria remembered best was one of peace: a quiet, prosperous kingdom famed for the flying beasts favored by dracoknights.
— Opening narration of Chapter 23 of Shadow Dragon

The Kingdom of Macedon (pronounced /⁠ˈmæsɪdɑn⁠/[key][1]; Japanese: マケドニア Macedonia; PAL: Medon) was a nation of Archanea, occupying the forested south-eastern band of the landmass of Dolhr, to the south of the rest of the continent.


Macedon was originally just part of the Dolhr Empire's land holdings, an undeveloped forest to which it deported slaves to work, until one such slave, Iote, led a slave revolt against their Dolhr masters, taming the wyverns of the region and using them as steeds in combat and combating Dolhr at the same time as the Archanean effort against it spearheaded by Anri and Caldas. After Medeus's downfall, Macedon was formed into a kingdom in the year 503, with Iote as its first king.

At the onset of the War of Shadows, the ruler at the time King Osmond came into conflict with his son Michalis over the country's course in the war—while Osmond wished to ally with Archanea, Michalis eventually advocated an alliance with Dolhr. With the persuasion of Gharnef, this resulted in Michalis having his father assassinated and framing Archanea for the deed, cementing the Dolhr alliance. From there, Macedonian forces actively participated in the conquering and rule of the continent, specifically being tasked with the subjugation of Aurelis. Macedon was the last ally of Grust to fall at the hands of Altea's Prince Marth's uprising against Dolhr's rule, and after the war was left in the reluctant hands of Minerva, Michalis's sister.

Several years later, a faction of Macedonian knights led by Lykke initiated a coup against Minerva, displeased with her approach to ruling Macedon and specifically to her disbanding of most of the army. This coup was dispelled by Marth and the Altean army, taken as a pretense as a sign of aggression by Emperor Hardin Archanea and contributing to sparking the War of Heroes.

After the War of Heroes, Minerva and Maria (along with Michalis in the remake) abdicated from their claim to rule the country and left it in the hands of Marth, and so it joined the Unified Kingdom of Archanea.

Known rulers of Macedon include the founder Iote, his descendant Osmond and his son Michalis.

Notable locations in Macedon

Macedon Aerie

The Macedon Aerie (Japanese: マケドニア城 Macedonia Castle) is the capital of Macedon. There, Michalis reigned Macedon as king after staging his father's assassination. He also stationed a battalion of Dragoons there against the Archanean League in the War of Shadows.

Close by, there's a village where Gotoh resided during the War of Shadows, awaiting Marth's arrival to provide him the Starlight tome.

Holm Coast

Holm Coast (Japanese: ホルム海岸 Holm Coast) is a beach to the west of Macedon. It is infamous for the Macedonian Vikings, said to rule the lands there, led by Gail. A local claims it's the poor politics of Macedon that let these pirates run rampant.[2] During the War of Heroes, Ogma, as well as Altea, sought Wendell there; he lived in a village there at the time.

Macedon Forest

Macedon Forest (Japanese: マケドニア森 Macedonia Forest) is a border forest to the southwest of the Macedon Aerie. Orridyon lead a group of Dragoons there to prevent the Archanean League from strutting to the capital; the many forts placed to the north allowed for many reinforcements to await in the interiors of them until they were needed.

During the War of Heroes, the Altean army faced a collection of Macedonian rebels in the forest border, lead by former Macedonian knight Lumel. Catria of the Whitewinged Order appeared there to aid Marth in Macedon's liberation; later persuading Warren to aid them.

Macedon Mountain Ramparts

The Macedon Mountain Ramparts (Japanese: マケドニア山岳城壁 Macedonia Mountain Walls) is the area where general Lykke lead his coup and held Minerva captive during the War of Heroes. Palla of the Whitewinged Order was there to aid Altea to overthrow Lykke. Julian meanwhile, who lived in a nearby village with the now missing Lena, went out to look for her. Later he too aids Marth, as well as sways Matthis to stop playing along with Lykke's coup.

Wyvern's Dale

The Wyvern's Dale (Japanese: 飛竜の谷 Wyvern Valley) is a valley upon the border for Macedon and Dolhr. The area consists of berserk wyverns, and barbarian organization called the Rock Clan. The dale houses a mountain, which atop has the Dragon's Altar, a spiraling temple which acts as a keep for the earth dragons put to slumber by the Divine Dragon King. Michalis also, after a fierce battle with Gharnef, stayed in a village to the northeast to give Marth the Starlight tome.

Characters from Macedon

Character Description Appears in
Iote Founding king of Macedon and former slave, wielder of Iote's Shield. None
Osmond King of Macedon at the onset of the War of Shadows. Assassinated by his son Michalis. None
Portrait michalis fe12.png
Eldest son of Osmond and his successor as King of Macedon. Led the country into alliance with Dolhr. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait minerva fe12.png
Middle daughter of Osmond and leader of the Whitewinged Order. Is uneasy with her country's hand in Archanea's fate. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Archanea Saga, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait maria fe12.png
Youngest daughter of Osmond. Used as a hostage by Dolhr to force Minerva to cooperate. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait palla fe12.png
The eldest of the three Whitewings sisters. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Archanea Saga, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait catria fe12.png
The middle of the three Whitewings sisters. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Archanea Saga, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait est fe12.png
The youngest of the three Whitewings sisters. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Archanea Saga, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait lena fe12.png
A Macedonian noble, arranged to be married to Michalis but instead chose to flee Macedon, ending up captured by the Soothsires. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Archanea Saga, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait matthis fe12.png
Lena's weak-willed brother, forced into the service of the Macedonian army. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait wendell fe12.png
A senior mage of Khadein. Known to live in Macedon during the War of Heroes. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait gotoh fe12.png
Founder of Khadein. Lived in Macedon during the War of Shadows, keeps to himself. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait warren fe12.png
A Macedonian mercenary who allied with Lykke's coup only out of need for money. Mystery of the Emblem, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait frost fe12.png
Bishop of Macedon who worries about his family's well-being. =Archanea Saga, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait bentheon fe11.png
Knight that tried to prevent Marth from reaching Hardin in the lea of Aurelis. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Shadow Dragon
Portrait merach fe11.png
A Macedonian knight deployed by Minerva to Aurelis Castle. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon
Portrait emereus fe11.png
A Macedonian knight deployed to Aurelis castle. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon
Portrait orridyon fe11.png
A leader of the Dragoons tasked by Michalis with defending the border from Marth's invasion. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Shadow Dragon
Portrait lumel fe12.png
A rebel Macedonian knight serving under Lykke in the coup against Minerva. Mystery of the Emblem, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait lykke fe12.png
A rebel Macedonian general who instigated a coup out of dissatisfaction with Minerva's rule. Mystery of the Emblem, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait gail fe12.png
The leader of a group of ruffians known as the Macedonian Vikings. Mystery of the Emblem, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait ruben fe12.png
A deserter from the Macedonian army who menaced Aurelian villages. Archanea Saga, New Mystery of the Emblem

Flavor text

Game Text
New Mystery of the Emblem
A nation home to wyvern-borne knights. In the
last war, its prince sided with Dolhr.*


Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

• Macedon
• Macedonia

Macedonia, also known as Macedon, was an ancient kingdom on the northern border of Classical Greece and later the dominant state of Hellenistic Greece, and is the namesake of the modern region of Macedonia and country of North Macedonia. This name is used in Shadow Dragon and later games.
• As above. This name is used in the Mystery of the Emblem anime.



Contraction of Macedon/Macedonia used to prevent confusion with the modern region of Macedonia and republic of North Macedonia (which was known as "Macedonia" at the time of Shadow Dragon's release). Used only in Shadow Dragon and Awakening; later games use the North American name.



Officially romanized as Macedonia. As above.



Alteration of the PAL name.



As above.



As above.



Alteration of the PAL name.



Used in Heroes.



Macedonia; used in Fates and Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, among the choices for the player's country in their profile card.

Traditional Chinese


Macedon; used in Heroes.


Official artwork

CG images


Chapter maps


  1. Minerva in Fire Emblem Warriors
  2. "Recently the influence of bandits and pirates has become overwhelming. Honestly, this is all because the politics of this country are so poor." — A woman in Chapter 4 of Book 2, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
  3. "Is this... Can it truly be?! From the southern edge of Macedon, a vast ocean away... A cheese crafted from the milk suckled from the sweet, flappy teat of a pegasus!" — Zofian Cheese Lover, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light
Playable characters AbelArranAstramBantuBarstBeckBoahBordCaedaCaesarCainCastorCatriaCordDarrosDolphDraugEliceEstGordinGotohHardinJagenJakeJeorgeJulianLenaLindeLorenzMacellanMariaMarthMatthisMerricMidiaMinervaNavarreOgmaPallaRaddRickardRogerRosheaSamsonSedgarTikiTomasVylandWendellWolfWrysXane
Non-playable characters Aurelis KingMalledusNynaTalys King
Bosses BentheonCamusEmereusGazzakGharnefGomerGrigasHarmeinHeimlerHollstadtHymanJiolKannivalKhozenMannuMedeusMerachMichalisMorzasOrridyonSternlinTikiVolzhinXemcelZharov
Background characters AnriArtemisCorneliusLizaLudwikSalamander
Regalia and personal weapons AumAuraExcaliburFalchionGradivusImhulluMercuriusParthiaRapierStarlight
Chapters 1: Marth Embarks • 2: The Pirates of Galder • 3: The Ghoul's Teeth • 4: Battle in the Lea • 5: Champions of Aurelis • 6: Fire Emblem • 7: Lefcandith Gauntlet • 8: Port Warren • 9: The Pyrathi Dragon • 10: Princess Minerva • 11: Knorda Market • 12: The Ageless Palace • 13: The Wooden Cavalry • 14: Land of Sorrow • 15: An Oasis of Magic • 16: The Battle for Altea • 17: Star and Savior • 18: The Sable Order • 19: Manakete Princess • 20: Camus the Sable • 21: Clash in Macedon • 22: A Knight-Filled Sky • 23: Dark Pontifex • 24: The Dragonkin Realm • 25: Chosen by Fate
Locations ArchaneaAlteaAurelisDolhrGraGrustKhadeinKingdom of ArchaneaMacedonPyrathiTalysThabes
Groups, objects and concepts Archanean LeagueDragons (Divine DragonsEarth Dragons) • DragoonsFire EmblemSable OrderWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Lists ArmoriesCharactersClasses (Class change) • ItemsScriptsSecret ShopsTerrainVendorsWeapons
Related topics Hakoda manga adaptationName chart • Other games (GaidenMystery of the EmblemShadow DragonAwakening) • Sound Test ModeTimeline
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Playable characters Book 1 AbelArranAstramBantuBarstBoahBordCaedaCaesarCainCastorCatriaCordDolphDraugEliceEstGordinHardinJagenJeorgeJulianLenaLindeLorenzMacellanMariaMarthMatthisMerricMidiaMinervaNavarreOgmaPallaRaddRickardRosheaSamsonSedgarTikiTomasVylandWendellWolfXane
Book 2 AbelArlenArranAstramBantuCaedaCainCastorCatriaCecilDraugEliceEstPhinaGordinJeorgeJubeloJulianLenaLindeLukeMariaMarishaMarthMatthisMerricMidiaMinervaNavarreNynaOgmaPallaRickardRoderickRosheaRyanSamsonSamuelSheenaSiriusTikiVylandWarrenWendellXaneYuliya
Non-playable characters Book 1 GotohMalledusNynaTalys King
Book 2 Aurelis KingBoahCamusGotohJagenLangLorenzMichalis
Bosses Book 1 CamusEmereusGazzakGharnefGomerHarmeinHollstadtHymanJiolKannivalKhozenMedeusMerachMichalisMorzasTikiVolzhinXemcelZharov
Book 2 ArlenDallEibelFire DragonGailGharnefHardinHereticIce DragonJeorgeLangLorenzLumelLykkeMage DragonMedeusNehringSheenaTorusWillowWyvernYodel
Background characters AdrahAnriArtemisCaldasCorneliusIoteLizaLudwikMarlonMarcelusNagaOrdwin
Regalia and personal weapons AumAuraExcaliburFalchionFire EmblemGradivusImhulluMercuriusParthiaRapierStarlight
Chapters Book 1 1: Marth Embarks • 2: The Pirates of Galder • 3: A Brush in the Teeth • 4: Champions of Aurelis • 5: Fire Emblem • 6: Lefcandith Gauntlet • 7: Port Warren • 8: Princess Minerva • 9: Knorda Market • 10: The Ageless Palace • 11: Land of Sorrow • 12: An Oasis of Magic • 13: The Battle for Altea • 14: Star and Savior • 15: Manakete Princess • 16: Camus the Sable • 17: A Knight-Filled Sky • 18: Dark Pontifex • 19: The Dragonkin Realm • 20: Chosen by Fate
Book 2 1: The Grustian Expedition • 2: Rebellion at Macedon • 3: Abducted Princess • 4: Joy and Sorrow • 5: Liberation of Grust • 6: The Nest of Evil • 7: The Scarlet Sword • 8: Soulful Bridge • 9: Sanctuary of Sorcery • 10: Two Sorcerers • 11: Anri's Way • 12: Graveyard of Fire Dragons • 13: Frozen Land • 14: A Mystery Revealed • 15: Return of the Prince • 16: Regaining the Capital • 17: Gra's Sun Sets • 18: Battle of the Pass • 19: The Last Decisive Battle • 20: Dark Emperor • E1: The Wyvern's Dale • E2: The Dragon Altar (part 1part 2part 3)
Locations ArchaneaAlteaAnri's WayAurelisDolhr (Dragon Altar) • Empire of ArchaneaGraGrustKhadeinMacedonTalys
Groups, objects and concepts Archanean LeagueCoyote's MenDragons (Divine DragonEarth DragonManakete) • DragoonsHereticsSable OrderWar of HeroesWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Lists ChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Anime adaptationName chart • Other games (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenGenealogy of the Holy WarArchanea SagaNew Mystery of the EmblemAwakening) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound MuseumTimeline
Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga
Playable characters Episode I BoahDolphMacellanMidiaNynaTomas
Episode II CatriaEstFrostHardinMinervaRosheaWolf
Episode III CastorDiceLenaMaliceNavarreRickard
Episode IV BelfCamusNynaReidenRoberto
Non-playable characters King of ArchaneaMedeusPalla
Bosses BrzakGouberRubenVaam
Regalia Gradivus
Episodes 1: The Capital Falls • 2: Red Dragoon • 3: Righteous Thieves • 4: The Beginning
Locations ArchaneaAurelisEmpire of ArchaneaMacedon
Groups, objects and concepts Sable OrderWar of HeroesWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Related topics Name chart • Other games (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenMystery of the EmblemNew Mystery of the EmblemShadow DragonAwakening) • Timeline
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Playable characters AbelArranAstramAthenaBantuBarstBeckBoahBordCaedaCaesarCainCastorCatriaCordDarrosDolphDraugEliceEstEtzelFreyGordinGotohHardinHoraceJagenJakeJeorgeJulianLenaLindeLorenzMacellanMariaMarthMatthisMerricMidiaMinervaNagiNavarreNorneOgmaPallaRaddRickardRogerRosheaSamsonSedgarTikiTomasVylandWendellWolfWrysXaneYmir
Non-playable characters Aurelis KingMalledusNynaTalys King
Bosses BathysBentheonCamusCaptainDactylDejaniraEmereusGazzakGharnefGomerGrigasHarmeinHeimlerHollstadtHymanJiolKannivalKhozenLarissaMannuMedeusMerachMichalisMorzasOrridyonSternlinTikiVolzhinXemcelZharov
Background characters AdrahAnriArtemisCaldasIoteLizaLudwikMarlonMarcelusNagaOrdwinShanty Pete
Regalia and personal weapons AumFalchionFire EmblemGradivusImhulluHauteclereMercuriusParthiaRapierStarlightWing Spear
Chapters P: Prologue I • P: Prologue II • P: Prologue III • P: Prologue IV • 1: Marth Embarks • 2: The Pirates of Galder • 3: A Brush in the Teeth • 4: Battle in the Lea • 5: Champions of Aurelis • 6: Fire Emblem • 6x: In War's Grip • 7: Lefcandith Gauntlet • 8: Port Warren • 9: The Pyrathi Dragon • 10: Princess Minerva • 11: Knorda Market • 12: The Ageless Palace • 12x: A Traitor's Worth • 13: The Wooden Cavalry • 14: Land of Sorrow • 15: An Oasis of Magic • 16: The Battle for Altea • 17: Star and Savior • 17x: Helena Castle • 18: The Sable Order • 19: Manakete Princess • 20: Camus the Sable • 20x: The Lair of Fire • 21: Clash in Macedon • 22: A Knight-Filled Sky • 23: Dark Pontifex • 24: The Dragonkin Realm • 24x: The AlterspireE: Chosen by Fate
Locations ArchaneaAlteaAurelisDolhrGraGrustKhadeinKingdom of ArchaneaMacedonPyrathiTalysThabes
Groups, objects and concepts Archanean LeagueDragons (Divine DragonEarth DragonManakete) • DragoonsSable OrderWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Lists ChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • ConversationsItemsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics List of version differences (Name chart) • Other games (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenNew Mystery of the EmblemAwakening) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound RoomTimeline
Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem: Heroes of Light and Shadow
Playable characters AbelArlenArranAstramAthenaBantuBarstBeckBelfBordCaedaCaesarCainCastorCatriaCecilCordDarrosDiceDolphDraugEliceEstEtzelFreyFrostGordinHoraceJakeJeorgeJubeloJulianKatarinaKrisLenaLindeLukeMacellanMaliceMariaMarishaMarthMatthisMerricMichalisMidiaMinervaNagiNavarreNorneNynaOgmaPallaPhinaRaddReidenRickardRobertoRoderickRogerRosheaRyanSamsonSamuelSedgarSheenaSiriusTikiTomasVylandWarrenWendellWolfWrysXaneYmirYuliya
Non-playable characters Aurelis KingBoahCamusGotohJagenLangLorenz
Bosses ArlenAthenaCaedaCain �� ClarisseDallDraugEibelEremiyaEstGailGharnefHardinIce DragonJagenJeorgeKatarinaLangLegionLorenzLumelLukeLykkeMedeusNehringOgmaRoderickSheenaTorusWillowWyvernYodel
Background characters AdrahAnriArtemisCaldasIoteLudwikMarlonMarcelusNagaOrdwin
Regalia and personal weapons AumFalchionGradivusHauteclereImhulluMercuriusParthiaRapierStarlightWing Spear
Chapters Main story P1: MeetingP2: Young SquiresP3: Training BeginsP4: New Companions (Jeorge, Athena) • P5: March DutyP6: Bonds (Ogma, Draug) • P7: The Final Test (Est, Cain) • P8: Assassination of the Hero-King • 1: The Grustian Expedition • 2: Rebellion at Macedon • 3: Abducted Princess • 3x: Shadows Behind the Scenes • 4: Joy and Sorrow • 5: Liberation of Grust • 6: The Nest of Evil • 6x: Mercenary Squad • 7: The Scarlet Sword • 8: Soulful Bridge • 9: Sanctuary of Sorcery • 10: Two Sorcerers • 10x: The Mask Laughs • 11: Anri's Way • 12: Graveyard of Fire Dragons • 13: Frozen Land • 13x: Within the White Darkness • 14: A Mystery Revealed • 15: Return of the Prince • 16: Regaining the Capital • 16x: Reunion • 17: Gra's Sun Sets • 18: Battle of the Pass • 19: The Last Decisive Battle • 20: Dark Emperor • 20x: Bottom of the Deep Abyss • 21: The Wyvern's Dale • 22: The Dragon Altar • 23: The Dark Pontifex LivesE: Light and Shadow
New Archanea Saga 1: The Capital Falls • 2: Red Dragoon • 3: Righteous Thieves • 4: The Beginning
DLC bonus chapters 1: Wind and Thunder • 2: Three Assassins • 3: That Which Was Done by the Sword Shall Be Undone by the Sword
Locations ArchaneaAlteaAnri's WayAurelisDolhr (Dragon Altar) • Empire of ArchaneaGraGrustKhadeinMacedonTalys
Groups, objects and concepts Coyote's MenDragon (Divine DragonEarth DragonManakete) • HereticsSable OrderFire Emblem/Binding ShieldWar of HeroesWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Lists Base conversationsChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Name chart • Other games (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenMystery of the EmblemArchanea SagaShadow DragonAwakening) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound RoomTimeline