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From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
For the similar item appearing in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, see Star Jacinth. For the skill from Engage, see Starsphere (skill).

FEMN Starsphere.png
Artwork of the Starsphere from the Fire Emblem Trading Card Game.

Needed to create a blast of Starlight. Carrying it prevents the depletion of magic and weapons.



First game

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light

The Starsphere (Japanese: 星のオーブ Star Orb), later known as Azure (Japanese: 蒼炎 Blue Flame) in the era of Ylisse,[1] is one of the five orbs of the Binding Shield/Fire Emblem, situated on the complete Emblem's bottom-left. It was introduced as an item in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, where in addition to having several unique effects of its own when held in a unit's inventory, finding it was required as one of two components to create the Starlight tome. In Mystery of the Emblem and its remake, one of Marth's goals was to find the twelve lost shards of the broken Starsphere to reassemble it.



In the year -10, the Starsphere was separated from the Binding Shield by the thief Adrah and sold off to raise funds for his eventual conquest of the continent and foundation of the Kingdom of Archanea. Eventually, as part of his quest to recover the gemstones, Gotoh found the Starsphere,[2] and at some point he locked it and the Lightsphere away in chests in the Fane of Raman.

During the War of Shadows, Gotoh commanded Marth of the Archanean League to bring him the Starsphere and Lightsphere so that he could create the Starlight tome, in order to allow Marth to defeat Gharnef and take Falchion back from him. After retrieving the two spheres from Raman, Marth gave them to Gotoh in a Macedon village, who used them to create Starlight. However, the force of Starlight's creation broke the Starsphere and caused it to shatter into twelve pieces, which were scattered across Archanea.[3] Three years later, during the War of Heroes, Marth recovered all twelve fragments and had Gotoh restore the Starsphere, and then took the Starsphere again as part of his search for all five spheres. After Hardin's defeat, the Starsphere and the other four spheres were reunited with the Fire Emblem, turning it back into the Binding Shield.


The Starsphere is known by the name Azure in modern day Ylisse and Valm in Fire Emblem Awakening. Azure is given to the party by Tiki at the end of Chapter 16. In Awakening, Azure is not an item that appears in any units inventory, and is simply a plot item, and is immediately placed into Chrom's Fire Emblem upon acquisition. It has none of the uses or effects the Starsphere previously had.


Game Icon Uses Worth Effects and notes
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light -- -- Cannot be sold Prevents a unit's weapon durability from decreasing when held in their inventory.
Mystery of the Emblem Is snes01 starsphere.png -- Cannot be sold Prevents a unit's weapon durability from decreasing when held in their inventory. +30% to all of the holder's growth rates when in their inventory.
Shadow Dragon Is ds starsphere.png -- Cannot be sold Prevents a unit's weapon durability from decreasing when held in their inventory, unless that weapon is being used as an item.
New Mystery of the Emblem Is ds starsphere.png -- Cannot be sold +2 strength, magic, skill, speed, luck, defense, and resistance when in a unit's inventory.


Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Shadow Dragon

Treasure Chapter 19, chest

Mystery of the Emblem

Treasure Book 1: Chapter 15, chest
Event Book 2: Chapter 14, talk to Gotoh (The player must have all 12 star shards)

New Mystery of the Emblem

Event Chapter 14, talk to Gotoh (The player must have all 12 star shards)

Flavor text

Game Text
Mystery of the Emblem
Shadow Dragon
Needed to create a blast of Starlight. Carrying
it prevents the depletion of magic and weapons.
New Mystery of the Emblem
Raises all stats by 2 when held.*


  • According to Wendell, the Starsphere has the twelve constellations seen in the Archanean sky etched on its surface.[3] Judging by how its shards are all named for the real-life constellations of the Western Zodiac, and have these constellations depicted on their surfaces, this suggests that these twelve constellations all exist and are seen in Archanea as well.
  • The colors of the Starsphere and Geosphere were swapped in the DS remakes; in Mystery of the Emblem, the Starsphere is blue and the Geosphere is green, while the Geosphere is blue and the Starsphere is green in Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem. However, the Star Shards retain the original dull-blue color of the SNES version, and Awakening reverts their colors back to the SNES coloring. Additionally, the Star Jacinth item from Shadows of Valentia, which is very similar to the Starsphere, is blue.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes




Star Orb

This name is used in English fan translations predating Shadow Dragon.



Officially romanized as Star Orb.


Esfera Estelar

Stellar Sphere











Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


The heraldic term for "blue".



Blue Flame[1]






  1. 1.0 1.1 "Blue Frame[sic] Orb Starry Heavens" — Text inscribed on the Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem Awakening
  2. "Gotoh scoured the lands searchin' for the shield, hopin' to get it back. He managed to retrieve the five orbs, but in the end, he couldn't find the shield." — Xane, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
  3. 3.0 3.1 "You have seen the "Starsphere"–the holy orb with the twelve constellations etched on its surface. In order to pierce Gharnef's shadowy veil, Lord Gotoh created a sacred spell named "Starlight" from that orb. Unfortunately, the strain on the Starsphere was so severe that it shattered into twelve shards, which scattered into the sky." — Wendell, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem

See also

Items in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light
Stat boosters BootsDracoshieldGoddess IconManualPower RingPure WaterSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeed RingTalisman
Healing items Vulnerary
Class change items Bishop's RingHero CrestKnight CrestOrion's BoltSkydrake Whip
Keys Bridge KeyDoor KeyMaster Key
Shop items Silver CardVIP Card
Regalia items GeosphereLightsphereStarsphere
Items in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Stat boosters BootsDracoshieldGoddess IconManualPower RingPure WaterSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeed RingTalisman
Healing items Vulnerary
Class change items Bishop's RingHero CrestKnight CrestOrion's BoltSkydrake Whip
Keys Bridge KeyChest KeyDoor Key
Shop items Silver CardVIP Card
Dragonstones DivinestoneEarthstoneFirestoneIcestoneMagestoneWyvernstone
Regalia items Astral ShardsBinding ShieldDarksphereEmblemGeosphereIote's ShieldLifesphereLightsphereStarsphere
Unused items Aum FragmentShadowstoneSilver Key
Items in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Stat boosters Arms ScrollBootsDracoshieldEnergy DropGoddess IconPure WaterSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeedwingSpirit DustTalisman
Healing items Vulnerary
Class change items Elysian WhipMaster Seal
Keys Bridge KeyDoor KeyMaster Key
Shop items BullionSilver CardVIP Card
Regalia items EmblemGeosphereIote's ShieldLightsphereStarsphere
Other items Cards
Items in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
Permanent stat boosters Arms ScrollBond DropDLCBootsDracoshieldEnergy DropGoddess IconGrowth DropDLCSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeedwingSpirit DustTalisman
Temporary stat boosters Defense BondDefense TonicLuck BondLuck TonicMagic BondMagic TonicPure WaterRainbow TonicDLCResistance BondResistance TonicSkill BondSkill TonicSpeed BondSpeed TonicStrength BondStrength Tonic
Healing items ElixirEnergy DrinkUsed PotionVulnerary
Class change items Elysian WhipMaster Seal
Keys Bridge KeyChest KeyDoor KeyMaster Key
Shop items BullionSilver CardVIP Card
Regalia items Astral ShardsBinding ShieldDarksphereFire EmblemGeosphereIote's ShieldLifesphereLightsphereStarsphere
Other items Cards