Icon-mightymorphinThis article is about a Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo, and Turbo. Icon-ohrangerIcon-carranger

"I'm not evil! I'm good!"
―temporarily breaks free from Rita's spell[src]

"As long as I'm on the right team, that matters right?"
―free from Rita's spell[src]

"One minute, I'm helping out at J.J.'s Junior Karate Camp, and the next, I'm sneaking off to the bathroom to teleport. Seriously? Bandora Protocol's happening. Robo-Rita's back?"
―Katherine's first words after receiving the Bandora Protocol alert and teleporting into Cranston Tech's Command Center.[src]

"I don't care how dangerous too much pink energy is! Once a Ranger..."
―Katherine, when receiving the Proxy Power Coin.[src]

Katherine "Kat" Hillard (later Katherine Hillard-Oliver), initially appears as a minor character, passing the series, Kat was ambushed by Rita Repulsa and put under a spell, becoming a temporarily ally of the Evil Space Aliens, she served as the main antagonist of the two-parter "A Ranger Catastrophe", and becoming the monster Katastrophe, served as the central antagonist until she's freed from Rita's spell during the three-parter "A Different Shade of Pink". After being saved by the Power Rangers, Kat decided to become the second Pink Ranger of the 'modern era' of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and the second Pink Ninja Ranger of the Ninja Rangers.

Later when the team discovered the Zeo Crystal, Kat was chosen to become Zeo Ranger I - Pink of the Zeo Rangers.

During the events of Power Rangers Turbo, Kat becomes the first Pink Turbo Ranger of the Turbo Rangers; she eventually gave her powers to Cassie Chan and retired as a Ranger.

Retroactively, Kat is also referred to as the Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger or Pink Mighty Morphin Ranger, as well as Zeo Pink Ranger or Pink Zeo Ranger, though these are in reference to the show, as opposed to proper labels. She has also been labeled Turbo Pink Ranger, a variation on her in-show label.

Many years later, Kat returned in Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel as Tommy's wife and J.J.'s mother, along with other Legendary Rangers, helping the Ninja Steel Rangers against Lord Draven and his army of Robo Rangers.

Five years later, Kat returned in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always as the Pink Ranger again after Kimberly Ann Hart was captured by Robo-Rita and Bandora Protocol was activated. Kat joined her fellow Mighty Morphin Rangers and took part in the final battle against Robo-Rita and avenging Trini Kwan’s murder.

Quick Answers

What spell did Rita Repulsa cast on Katherine Hillard? toggle section
Rita Repulsa used her magic to cast a potent spell on Katherine Hillard. This spell was designed to trap the Power Rangers in a different dimension. Katherine was then used as a pawn in Rita's plan, infiltrating the Power Rangers and drawing Tommy into the Dark Dimension.
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Who did Katherine Hillard serve as the main antagonist for in 'A Ranger Catastrophe'? toggle section
Under a spell by Rita Repulsa, Katherine Hillard became the monster Katastrophe and served as the main antagonist for the Power Rangers in 'A Ranger Catastrophe'. She infiltrated the Power Rangers and lured Tommy into the Dark Dimension.
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How did Katherine Hillard transform into the monster Katastrophe? toggle section
In the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Katherine Hillard, portrayed by Catherine Sutherland, morphs into the monster Katastrophe. This event takes place in the episode 'A Ranger Catastrophe, Part 2' of the third season. Following a fight with the Ninja Megazord, Katastrophe is overcome and changes back into Katherine Hillard.
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What event led to Katherine Hillard being freed from Rita's spell? toggle section
Under Rita's spell, Katherine Hillard was manipulated into assisting with evil plots against the Power Rangers. The turning point came when Kimberly, a fellow Ranger, weakened due to the loss of her Ninja Coin. Recalling her past attempt to qualify for the Pan Global Games, Katherine managed to break free from the spell. She understood that Kimberly's weakness was due to the absorption of power from the Morphin Grid, leading to her freedom from Rita's influence.
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What was Katherine Hillard's role after being saved by the Power Rangers? toggle section
Katherine Hillard, following her rescue by the Power Rangers, assumed various roles within the team. She succeeded Kimberly Ann Hart as the Pink Mighty Morphin Power Ranger. Later, she became the Pink Zeo Ranger and the Pink Turbo Ranger, before handing over her role to Cassie Chan. Katherine also made a comeback as Zeo Ranger I, fighting with the Megaforce Rangers, and as Pink Turbo Ranger, teaming up with the Ninja Steel Rangers.
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Early Life

Katherine, or Kat as she is known to her friends, had several roles in the legacy of the Power Rangers. She replaced Kimberly Ann Hart as the Pink Mighty Morphin Power Ranger. As time went on, she would assume the identities of both the Pink Zeo Ranger and the Pink Turbo Ranger, before passing her torch to Cassie Chan. She later reappeared as Zeo Ranger I to fight alongside the Megaforce Rangers and as Pink Turbo Ranger with the Ninja Steel Rangers.

Kat possesses an innate kindness, grew up in Australia where she constantly sought new ways to help out her community, with used to train police dog. She was an expert diver and even competed in the Pan Global games where she unfortunately had a minor accident. The accident left no physical damage, but Kat was emotionally hurt from it and didn't dive again until years afterwards.

MMPR Season 3

"It’s Morphin Time! Pink Ranger Power!"
―roll call as the Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger[src]

Much like Tommy, Kat had the misfortune of being selected by Rita Repulsa to do her evil bidding. When Kat's family moved to Angel Grove, Kat's stay was not going to have a pleasant beginning thanks to Rita Repulsa. Shortly after arriving in Angel Grove, she was ambushed by Rita Repulsa and put under a spell that made her subservient to Rita's evil will. Under Rita's control Kat was forced to spy on the Rangers for the side of evil. She was able to transform into a white cat while under Rita's spell. This cat was adopted by Aisha, and Kimberly and named "P.C." by Aisha meaning 'Park Cat.' At one time, she had transformed into a cat monster, but that form was eliminated by Ninjor and the Ninja MegaFalconzord in the end and was never seen or heard of again afterwards.

As time went on, Katherine would transform back and forth between her "P.C." and human forms at different times and was very effective on bringing destruction upon the Rangers. Using her charming personality, Kat lured Tommy Oliver out of Ernie's Juice Bar to take a look at her car. Once Tommy had looked at her car, Kat offered to repay him by letting Tommy drive the car, an offer Tommy couldn't refuse. This was all simply a lure to kidnap Tommy, but the Rangers eventually rescued him from Zedd's Dark Dimension.


Katherine as a stray cat found by Kimberly and Aisha.

While Kat was in her human form, she managed to also charm the other Rangers, who thought they had made a new friend instead of a new enemy. During this time, Kat stole Kimberly's Power Coin, which enabled her to sneak into the White Ninja Falconzord's cockpit without being detected, knock Tommy out, and steal the Zord, whose technology would enable Zedd to activate his own Zords—the Shogunzords. Without her Power Coin, Kimberly began to weaken, and while in this weakened state, she tried to protect Kat from a Tenga attack, never suspecting it was a ploy to capture her. Secretly watching Kimberly battle the Tengas, Kat began to feel some sympathy for the Pink Ranger. While Kimberly was captured and being drained of her power, Kat went to see her, and once again, felt pangs of regret and wished that things could be different.


Kat, while still under Rita's spell.

Although still under Rita's evil spell, the real Kat tried to break free, as it wasn't in her nature to be evil. At one point, while Rita was telling Kat what an evil girl she was, Kat broke the spell. She started to protest to Rita that she wasn't evil, she was good, but Rita simply turned her back to evil. But this time the spell would not last long and Kat, after remembering the time she tried to qualify for the Pan Global Games, but knocked herself out during the diving meet, broke free for good when she realized that Kimberly was too weak and exhausted to focus on practicing her gymnastics, because she had absorbed power from the Morphin Grid to become the Pink Ranger and gone through two grueling battles with Zedd's army.

Wanting deeply to repair the damage she had done, Kat tried to help the Rangers as best as she could. When the Rangers got a threatening note from Rita and Zedd demanding them to return Kat in exchange for Ninjor, Kat had decided that the Rangers had no choice. Ultimately, the Rangers' plan to protect Kat failed, and she was captured and taken back to Zedd's palace.

While trapped in the palace dungeon, Kat charmed information regarding Kimberly's Power Coin out of Rito Revolto, and when he fell asleep, she stole the key to her cell and retrieved the Coin. She was confronted by Rita until Alpha 5 locked on to the Coin's energy signature and teleported the coin and Kat to the Command Center. When Kat arrived, she gave the Power Coin back to Kimberly.

During this time, Kimberly had just gone through a traumatic experience, and after she was discharged from the hospital, she chose not to continue her Pan Global Games training, until Kat told her about her own traumatic experience at the Australia Pan Global Games High Diving Meet. Since she had hit her head on the board during her demo, she had lost the qualification tryouts, and lived in fear of the high diving board. And to convince Kimberly that fear shouldn't rule her life, Kat conquered her fear of the high diving board and executed a perfect swan dive. In the end, Kimberly had decided to leave the team to follow her dream and passed her Power Coin on to Kat, who became the new Pink Power Ranger and Pink Ninja Ranger.

Kat morph

The new Pink Ranger.

The other Rangers quickly made Kat feel at home. Being the "new girl" made Kat hesitant at first, but the fact that she still had a psychic connection to Rita for a while was a help—especially when Rita once again went after Tommy by placing a small monster—the Ravenator—inside his stomach. She and the other Rangers were able to force the Ravenator out of Tommy by offering its host the largest sundae ever made but urging Tommy to resist the monster's infused increased hunger pangs. In the end, the Ravenator regurgitated itself from Tommy's stomach and was ultimately destroyed by the Shogun Megazord when it grew.

One of Kat's favorite projects is helping the homeless. She was very good at organizing volunteers in getting these projects done.

Along with her friend Aisha, Kat had a love for animals. She really enjoyed taking care of a chimp named Kelly. Kat combined this care of Kelly with trying to learn sign language. During the Zeo era, Kat also trained a dog named Smokey, for the fire department, and, along with Tommy, put together a desert terrarium.

Zeo Crystals

During her time as a Ranger, Kat would battle various villains. In the beginning it was Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd. But that was for a short time. Soon a new villain—Master Vile—arrived in search of the Zeo Crystal, which was hidden in the Caves of Deception under Lord Zedd's Lunar Palace. Kat had a plan on how to claim the Zeo Crystal without anyone in Zedd's Palace finding out, and distracted Rita and Zedd with the supposed offer of returning to the evil side, but to make certain she would remain loyal to her offer, Zedd and Rita imprisoned her in a chamber that, when it reached full power, would revert Kat to evil permanently. Fortunately, Tommy had found the Zeo Crystal in the Caves of Deception and used its power to release Kat from Zedd's prison chamber.

Alien Rangers


Kat turned into a child.

After the Rangers defeated Dischordia, Master Vile used the Orb of Doom to turn all the Rangers into children, but the pint-sized heroes had help in the form of the Alien Rangers of Aquitar. Kat was given the news that she needed to go on a quest to find her part of the Zeo Crystal (which was broken up into five pieces and hurled into a time vortex). The vortex put her in the Australian Outback, where she met two spirits who looked a lot like her as an adult. The first spirit, named Agatha, volunteered to take her to the location of the Crystal she sought, until the second unnamed spirit, resembling an elderly version of the adult Kat, told them that she needed help finding her way home. After warring with conflicting issues within herself, Kat decided to help the elderly woman get back home, and she gave her a present as a token of her gratitude. By placing the needs of others above herself she was able to acquire the Pink Zeo Sub Crystal.


"It’s Morphin Time! Zeo Ranger I - Pink!"
―roll call as Zeo Ranger I - Pink[src]

Kat as Zeo Ranger 1.

After the Zeo Crystal was restored, Kat received her new powers and became the Pink Ranger, Zeo Ranger I - Pink. But there was another change up ahead. Aisha had decided to stay in Africa and Tanya came in to fill the new position of the Yellow Zeo Ranger. Tanya and Kat would become very close friends as they went through the Zeo and Turbo eras together. During the Zeo era, Kat would also meet Jason, the first Red Ranger from the Mighty Morphin arc of the legacy, who assumed the Gold Ranger powers for a while when the Rangers learned that Trey of Triforia was about to lose them forever.


"It's Morphin Time!"

Kat always managed to have fun as well. She really enjoyed being an extra in a sci-fi movie. She also liked figure skating. Kat still had a competitive nature to her and went to the rink with Tanya with enthusiasm. She and Tanya participated in a figure skating competition, and Kat finished ahead by a long shot. Kat decided that she loved to figure skate far more than surf, and eventually quit surfing to pursue figure skating and ballet. She had a deep love of ballet and even managed to get the guys into the act during one production. And, of course, she loved hanging out at Ernie's Outdoor Café and Beach Club. Kat even helped Ernie set up for a multicultural holiday banquet.


"Zeo Ranger 1 - Pink!".

When she discovered that Tommy was depressed over losing Kimberly (because he'd discovered she'd fallen in love with someone else (also due to a fact Tommy and Kimberly kissed in the second part of The Green Candle)), she invited a noted snowboarding champion named Heather (who she and Tommy had met during a short ski vacation) to Angel Grove in an attempt to cheer him up. But circumstances as a Power Ranger kept hindering his time with Heather, and he ended up losing her. In the end, Kat comforted Tommy and, over time, she helped him accept that Kimberly is gone and offered to have a dance with him.


"Shift Into Turbo! Wind Chaser Turbo Power, Turbo up!"
―roll call as Pink Turbo Ranger[src]

Kat's life as a Ranger was always full of changes, and more changes were on the horizon, as the wizard Lerigot was being hunted by the space pirate Divatox and sent a distress signal to Zordon, who quickly dispatched the Rangers. Kat and Tommy went searching for Lerigot. During this search, Kat had fallen into the river, and hurt her leg. When they found Lerigot, he healed her leg, and she quickly became very protective of him. While back at the Power Chamber, they learned of a new villainess named Divatox, and they would need even stronger powers to combat this new fiend. Kat, Adam, Tanya, and Tommy harnessed the new Turbo Rangers and Kat assumed the powers of the Pink Turbo Ranger. With Rocky unable to join them, due to an injury to his back during a karate practice—and much to the surprise of Kat and the others—Justin Stewart was selected to be the new Blue Turbo Ranger. Thus, another era had started with more changes ahead. Zordon, their mentor for such a long time, was offered the chance to return to his home planet of Eltar and arranged for Dimitria to come to Earth to mentor his Chosen Ones.


Katherine as the Pink Turbo Ranger.

Despite all the sudden changes around her, Kat kept up her love for dance and went to auditions whenever she could. During one audition for the performance of "The Nutcracker", another participant made Kat feel like she was too big. These hurtful remarks made Kat doubt herself and she went on a crash diet. Of course, Divatox took advantage of this and created a monster named Numbor, who made Kat weightless. Fortunately, it was a situation that did not last long when she began to believe in herself. Best of all, Kat won the lead role of Clara in the ballet recital. As her time as a Ranger drew to a close, she would fight a few more battles with Divatox and a huge one that placed Tommy in great danger, but T.J. and Cassie would come to help Kat fend off the Piranhatrons and rescue Tommy.

Afterwards, Kat had done more than her fair share of fighting evil, and it was time to move on. In her final appearance, she chose Cassie to replace her as the new Pink Turbo Ranger, and she left for London to begin her long-awaited career and life as a ballerina and musician.

Tommy has hesitantly finished packing for MIT. Katherine says that if she goes to Sydney, it will be difficult to have a long-distance relationship and that they will both miss each other ending in an emotional hug.

Post Series & Other Events

The Lost Episode

Katherine was seen in archive footage, along with various Rangers and villains, when Austin St. John and Walter Jones related about the Power Rangers' team from Mighty Morphin until the recently Lost Galaxy. Tvicon TV STORY-The Lost Episode

Dino Thunder

Kat was featured in a chronicle of Power Ranger history compiled by Tommy Oliver shortly after he formed the Dino Rangers, which was found by the nascent Ranger team in the Dino Lab. Tvicon TV STORY-Legacy of Power

Later in a reunion in Angel Grove, Kat and Tommy meet up with their old friends before reconfirming their feelings.

Wedding Vows

Katherine is wondering where Tommy is much to Aisha's annoyance and Tanya's reassurance that something must've happened, Katherine knows what happened and asked Tanya to drive her. Before he could morph into Zeo Ranger V Red, Tommy is forced to power down but the Smiley face monsters are blasted down by Katherine. Tommy thanks her for the back up and she said he could put the Morpher away for a day.

Tommy and Kat wedding

Katherine and Tommy during their Wedding.

Finally arriving at the wedding with David Truheart and Billy Cranston as Tommy's best men, and Jason, Zack, Kimberly, Trini and Rocky watching, Tommy cites his vows to Katherine and they finally get married.

A few years later after the wedding, Tommy wakes up and checks up on his baby son J.J. as Katherine wakes up, Tommy apologizes to her for worrying her because Adam had a mission for him. He felt maybe it's time to put the Morpher away but she knows that he doesn't give up on the things that matter. Comicicon COMIC STORY- Wedding Vows


Katherine along with the other Zeo Rangers and other Ranger teams are seen in Troy's premonition about the Legendary Battle. Tvicon TV STORY-Mega Mission

She and the other Rangers are seen again in another of Troy's dream/vision about the Legendary Battle. Tvicon TV STORY-Stranger Ranger

Super Megaforce

Legendary Rangers ready to charge (Step 2)

Kat alongside many other Rangers.

Emperor Mavro was defeated, but the remaining thousands of X Borgs still stand. Kat returned as Zeo Ranger I - Pink with her fellow Zeo Rangers and existing Power Rangers, as part of the army of Legendary Rangers led by Tommy as the Green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger that helped the Mega Rangers defeat the Armada once and for all, fighting in a huge battle against hundreds of X Borgs and dozens of Bruisers. After the demise of the X-Borgs, Tommy shook hands with Troy and teleported off along with Katherine and the Legendary Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Legendary Battle

At some point between "Legendary Battle" and "Dimensions in Danger", Kat somehow regains her Pink Turbo powers.

Super Ninja Steel

"It looks like he's giving the robots Ranger powers."
―Kat discovering the capability of the Robo Rangers.[src]
The other Rangers free from Draven's prison

Kat and the other Rangers reunited.

Kat later resided with Tommy in his old forest house in Reefside with their son J.J.. One morning as Tommy was returning home from his dojo, he told Kat on the phone that he'll see her that night. However, he went missing, which alerted the Time Force from the future, forcing them to recruit Rangers from other dimensions and the currently active team to rescue him.​​​​​

Contacted by who she thought was Tommy, but was actually a robotic duplicate in disguise, Kat was among the Legendary Rangers who were kidnapped and taken to the Antiverse by Lord Draven. Hooking her up to a computer, Draven used an unconscious Katherine to create Robo Ranger soldiers derived from the Pink Turbo Ranger. Fortunately, Kat and the other captives were soon rescued by fellow Legendary Rangers Wes, Tommy, Gemma, and Koda. Gia mentioned that she was captured when meeting "Tommy", while Kat warned that the robots were gaining Ranger powers.

Legendary Rangers morph forms against Draven's army

Kat, Antonio, Koda, Tommy and Wesley morphed to help fight Draven's army.

Opposing Draven's goal of conquering the Ranger Dimensions, Kat transformed once again and fought alongside not only the other Legendary Rangers but also the Ninja Steel Rangers, combining her powers to take down the Robo Ranger army.

During the battle Kat is seen teaming up with Sarah Thompson the Pink Ninja Steel Ranger, attacking several of her Robotic duplicates, using her Auto Blaster, while Sarah using her Ninja Blaster, easily defeated her robotic duplicates.

Kat team up with Sarah against her robots clones

Kat fighting alongside Sarah against several Pink Turbo Robo Rangers.

As soon as Draven becomes gigantic, Kat and the other Rangers watched as Draven uses the final Mega-Arrow in the sky. Kat witness Tommy turned into the Mighty Morphin White Ranger, summons the Falconzord and grabbed the final arrow, and they are attacked by Draven. Immediately the other Rangers shoot Draven from the ground and the Falconzord launches the final Mega-Arrow at Draven, destroying him. The crack in the barrier is completely repaired.

Once Draven was defeated, Kat joined by her fellow veterans in praising her latest successors before returning to their dimension, all the Rangers say their goodbyes before returning to their dimensions, Kat was seen holding Tommy's hand, hinting that they are still a couple. Tvicon TV STORY-Dimensions in Danger

Dino Fury

Zayto activates the Legendary Ranger Database, showing Master Blue that Master Green came to them after the Dinohenge statues were destroyed and restored them to normal. Also, Zayto says that he found Ranger teams who were saved in their darkest moments through unexplained reasons and shows them three specific moments. Including the Legendary Battle where all the Legendary Rangers including Kat and the other Zeo Rangers coming to the aid of the Megaforce Rangers in the Legendary Battle and helping them defeat an entire army of the Armada's X Borgs. Tvicon TV STORY-Morphin Master

Once & Always

Kat teleported to the Command Center

Kat teleported to the Command Center.

Kat spends time with her son J.J. in his junior karate competition, but she is teleported to the Command Center.

Kat returns when Billy and Alpha 9 informs her of the situation and gave her a Proxy Pterodactyl Power Coin after Kimberly who still has her powers was captured by a robot version of Rita.

Kat and Rocky morph again into Power Rangers to help Zack and Billy save the people in Angel Grove from Robo Snizzard and Robo Minotaur and take down the Putties before learning from Alpha 9 that Minotaur is tracking them through their morphed status and had to demorph to go into hiding.

Back at the Command Center, the Rangers are informed by Adam and Aisha from S.P.A., that they take about 6 hours to reach Earth. Kat has a plan to catch Robo Snizzard and Robo Monitaur.

At the junkyard, Billy, Rocky and Kat morph to lure out Snizzard and Minotaur, then trap them on a giant electromagnet.

The Rangers Going To Confront Robo-Rita

The team of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers complete again, going to confront Robo-Rita.

Upon reaching the palace, Zack and the others finds out that Rita is using a device, along with their captured friends and fellow Rangers to create a time machine so that Robo-Rita gives her younger self knowledge and kill the original Rangers before Zordon would recruit them. They were soon confronted by Robo-Rita. Rita attempts one more time to kill Billy with her wand, but Minh breaks free and takes the shot instead. She miraculously survives, and notices Trini's Morpher is glowing. The Rangers morph, Billy and Minh take the Megazord into battle against Robo Snizzard. Zack, Kat and Rocky defeated Robo Minotaur in the palace.

Kat destroys Rita's Time Device

Katherine destroys Rita's Time Device.

The Rangers join Billy and Minh in the Megazord and defeated Robo Snizzard while a wounded Rita attempts to use the portal. The Rangers immediately teleport back to the palace and finish off Rita. Kat, using her Power Bow and Arrow, destroys Robo Rita's Time Device and Zack destroys Robo Rita using his Power Axe Blaster Mode.

In the Command Center, Adam and Aisha tells Rangers that they finally arrived and loaded the freed Rangers onto their spaceship and headed for Aquitar, where they would recuperate before returning home. Kat and Rocky along with Adam and Aisha says goodbye to Zack, Billy, Mihn and Alpha 9 before teleporting to where they were before. Kat returns with her son J.J.. Tvicon TV STORY-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always

Soul of the Dragon

Tommy and Kat during their farewell party

Mr. & Mrs. Oliver. during the farewell party.

Years later, Katherine now retired from life as a Pink Power Ranger, working as a teacher on the Bridgeport Township High School, she attended Tommy's retirement party at school. Tommy, Kat and the rest of the teachers encounter in the Farewell party, she serves as great emotional support for her husband. Tommy tells Kat at the beginning of the story that, despite everything they did in the early days, things are not much better than when they started out as Power Rangers, Tommy just says that he doesn't know what to do now whereas Kat (also a teacher) is going on a class trip to Triforia for a few weeks but will then be going on vacation with her husband to get away from it all though she insists he takes it easy in the meantime. Before he can object though, head of science David McCarthy takes the stage and reminds everyone of the bitter sweet reason they are there before toasting to Tommy for being "an amazing teacher, a fantastic husband and a great friend" before wishing him well.

The next day, near Newtech City spaceport, Tommy and Kat sit in their car waiting for a Space Patrol Delta checkpoint to clear them so that Kat can be dropped off for her school trip.Tommy hab an back problem with Kat reminding him that he was supposed to have it examined. When he asks if she has talked to their son J.J. Oliver recently, she tells him that he rang to tell her of Varox radicals on Triforia as a warning due to her soon going there. after Tommy asked why an army of S.P.D. officers are guarding the spaceport entrance, she says him of the gang war but Tommy tells her it bothers him being unable to do anything. Twenty-thirty years ago Kat is sick of Tommy and his introspective depression (a now apparent common occurrence) before telling him that he has improved lives in all of his endeavors. They have a thriving society coexisting with aliens in an almost utopic world all because of them defending the world in the past and that the "what ifs" don't matter in this case since what's done is done and this type of thought can only end badly. Tommy apologizes but Kat just says its due to his stress from being made redundant but that he has earnt the rest after all the things he's gone through and they can finally sort things out once she returns from Triforia. After some flirting, after which Kat tells him she'll call him and his doctor when she touches down on Triforia, they kiss and she leaves whilst Tommy has more back pains.

Without knowing "J.J.'s disappearance", she is called by Tommy without even saying hello. Tommy immediately questioned her when she last talked to J.J. without even saying hello. Kat, having apparently landed on Triforia, obviously asks what he is on about so he asks her if she has received word from him on Triforia with the answer being "possibly Tuesday." Due to the uncertainty, he demands confirmation which alerts her that something is wrong so he admits what he knows though Kat doesn't believe him since, even if J.J. chose to lie to them, Sky wouldn't. However, Tommy reveals that he is in his car and going to meet Sky in person to at least try to debunk what Anara said.

After Tommy's interrogation to Sky about J.J.'s whereabouts, Kat asked him what he plans on doing, Tommy reveals to her that he plans to join up with Anara and launch a personal investigation. When Kat sighs "Tommy" afterwards, Tommy takes offense as he believes it to to be an objection and snaps at her since he doesn't want to sit and twiddle his thumbs whilst his son is potentially badly hurt or worse. However, Kat then reveals that she agrees and the sigh was one of the acceptance and not disappointment with her only wish being for him to be extra careful. He hasn't used the Master Morpher in eight years and the last time he used it resulted in him getting crippled though he tells her that it is only as an absolute last resort before hanging up and leaving.

Kat and S.P.D

Kat along with other Rangers and Space Patrol Delta officers going to assist Tommy.

Kat returns to the Earth along with reinforcement Bridge Carson, Anubis Cruger, Lina Song , Blue Senturion and an army of Space Patrol Delta officers to assist Tommy, she along with the other officers and Rangers fight against Scorpina and her criminal gang, Kat going to release her son J.J. from his prison and give a hug, however, Scorpina turned into a giant metallic monster picking up J.J. in one hand and prepares to crush him for her master. Fortunately, Tommy has an idea and throws his final morph (Mighty Morphin Green) to J.J. who then uses it to morph into Mighty Morphin Green Ranger and break free. As he beats down her thugs, Scorpina claims that it is futile but then Lokar arrives, having gotten bored of nothing happening and come to punish his minion. Scorpina asks for a moment further to capture J.J. but Lokar knows how hard even reaching out into our dimension is and so decides to take her as his tribute instead and sucks him back into the Talos Dimension. With Lokar and Scorpina gone, S.P.D. and the Blue Senturion round up what's left of Scorpina's gang (most having been sucked in along with their leader) as Kat, Tommy, J.J. and Anara have a family hug.

Tommy and Kat going to spend vacations

Tommy and Kat going to spend on a vacation.

Weeks later, J.J. and Anara see Tommy and Kat off even as J.J. tries to talk them into sticking around but they have decided to go on holiday for a while before settling down which is something they'll discuss on a holiday. In conclusion, Tommy decides that it was fun being a Power Ranger but that is a job for the young and more able-bodied. Kat and J.J. hug one last time as she asks him to stay in touch as Tommy and Anara do the same with her having been glad to meet him but he reminds her that he only did this due to having such great help. As Tommy and Kat leave by boat to pass vacation. Comicicon COMIC STORY- Power Rangers: Soul of the Dragon

A Season to Remember

Normal VIEWINGGLOBE-prz-seasontoremember-575

The youngest grandchild in the care of grandparents.

Decades in the future, Kat remained married to Tommy. The two were grandparents of at least two young people - a teenager and another younger child. The teenager was a Power Ranger like his grandparents​​​​ before him.


Kat is a graceful, big-hearted ballerina, she is very strong and agile, due to her karate and ballet skills, Kat has a black belt in karate, she cares deeply about her friends, especially Tommy and would do anything to protect them, Kat is usually polite, but will always stand up for herself and can be quite sassy. Kat is very courageous and a loyal friend.

Kat will face any danger, great or small, to protect anyone, Kat is such a wonderful ballerina, that she even won the part of Clara in the Nutcracker, in addition to being a gifted dancer, Kat is a wonderful singer with a beautiful voice, she is very good at guitar, but enjoys dance more, Kat decided to take up teaching ballet at Ernie's Gym and Juice bar, she loves children and babysits. Water sports activities involve diving and surfing. In the ornamental jump she was a student athlete at the Pan Global level. Kat is one of the most brave, kind and loyal Power Rangers in history.


  • When Tommy enters the Caves of Deception, the powers of the cave create a variety of illusions to throw him off. The Caves of Deception creates two Kat illusions, with the objective that Tommy accept his inner evil and don't grab the Zeo Crystal, while Tommy grabs the Zeo Crystal, the second Kat illusion of the cave disappears. Tvicon TV STORY-Master Vile and the Metallic Armor, Part II
  • Shadow Pink Turbo Ranger was created as part of the Shadow Turbo Rangers by Shadow Chromite via his powers. She was disintegrated, during her fight against Tommy Oliver when he destroyed the crystals in the lair. Tvicon TV STORY-Shadow Rangers
  • Pink Robo Ranger was created as part of the Robo Rangers by Lord Draven. Pink Robo Ranger was destroyed alongside the other Robo Rangers by the Legendary Rangers and Ninja Steel Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Dimensions in Danger

Non-Ranger Powers and Abilities


  • Ninja Revelation: Kat is able to appear in any place manifesting a small explosion of pink colored smoke.


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Ranger Costume

As the Pink Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Also retroactively known as Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger or Pink Mighty Morphin Ranger (unofficial titles).

Powers and Abilities


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Appearances: MMPR S3 Episodes 26-33; O&A


Pink Ninja Ranger

"Ninja Ranger power now!"
―Transformation call[src]

Pink Ninja Ranger: This mode was a special power accessed by the Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger. After having received the Power of Ninja from Ninjor, Katherine is able to transform into the Pink Ninja Ranger. This form enables the user to use a multitude of ninja techniques. It seems, however, weaker than the standard Ranger form, as it is only used against Tenga Warriors, with the team always morphing to their standard Ranger forms whenever a Monster appears.

Powers and Abilities


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Appearances: MMPR S3 Episodes 26-28


Pink Ranger with Metallic Armor

"Metallic Armor, Power Up!!"
―Transformation call[src]

Metallic Armor: The Metallic Armor is special armor created for battling the new-and-improved Tenga Warriors. The power comes directly from the Morphin Grid and the armor cannot be used outside the Earth's atmosphere. When the Pink Ranger dons metallic armor, the white in her suit is replaced with a light silver coat and the pink becomes metallic.

Powers and Abilities


  • Enhanced speed:
  • Enhanced strength:
  • Resistance to injury:
  • Resistance to magical spells:

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  • Speed Martial Arts: She can execute high speed martial arts moves with added metal-like impact


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Appearances: MMPR S3 Episodes 29-32


Zeo Ranger I - Pink

As Zeo Ranger I - Pink of the Zeo Rangers.

Powers and Abilities


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  • Zeo I Pink Fire Cloud:


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Appearances: Zeo Episodes 2-22, 24-28, 30-50; Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie; SM Episodes 20 & LBEV


Pink Turbo Ranger

As the first Pink Turbo Ranger of the Turbo Rangers.

Powers and Abilities


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Appearances: Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, PRT Episodes 2-17, 19; SNS Episode 10

NSK-9-Tailed Kitsune


Kat was turned into a humanoid cat/kitsune -like monster by Rita Repulsa and she was destroyed by the Ninja MegaFalconzord and returned to normal.

In Countdown to Destruction, Katastrophe appears as a recreated monster and is a part of Divatox's army.

Powers and Abilities


  • Teleportation: She could teleport.


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  • A fox tail-themed katana.
Appearances: MMPR S3 Episode 18; PRIS Episode 42







Villain Groups

Evil Space Aliens
Machine Empire
Divatox's Crew
Galaxy Warriors


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to be added

Behind the Scenes


  • Kat is played by Catherine Sutherland.
  • Sutherland would elaborate on her casting in 2009. “The production for the movie had come to Sydney (Australia) just shy of my twentieth birthday. They had a casting call for the role of Dulcea and I auditioned. I was deemed too young for the role. However, Katy Wallin, who was also casting for the show kept my information. When Amy (Jo Johnson) elected to leave, Katy reached out to me.”
  • As the Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger, her suit actor was Nobuyuki Obikane (帯金伸行 Obikane Nobuyuki), along with Kiyohito Nakagawa (中川 清人 Nakagawa Kiyohito) in Super Sentai footage from Zyuranger.
  • As Zeo Ranger I - Pink, her suit actor was Nobuyuki Obikane (帯金伸行 Obikane Nobuyuki), along with Rie Murakami in Super Sentai footage from Ohranger.
  • As the Pink Turbo Ranger, her suit actor was Nobuyuki Obikane (帯金伸行 Obikane Nobuyuki), along with Motokuni Nakagawa (中川 素州 Nakagawa Motokuni) in Super Sentai footage from Carranger.


to be added


  • Katherine is a variant of the Greek Katharine, from a word meaning "pure". Katharine is recorded as the name of an Orthodox saint.
  • Kat is one possible diminutive of Katherine, a fact not overlooked by Rita and Zedd when they themed Kat's monster forms and powers after a cat.

Ranger Key

OhPink Ranger Key

The Zeo Ranger I - Pink Key.

The Zeo Ranger I - Pink Key is Katherine's personal Ranger Key. This key along with the majority of the Core Ranger Keys are seen lining the Command Center's interior walls. This key is mainly used by Emma Goodall (Super Megaforce Pink) who uses it to fight as Zeo Ranger I - Pink.



  • In Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Katherine morphs into Zeo Ranger I - Pink for a split second as she plummets off a cliff and waterfall. She is forcibly demorphed immediately when she hits the water below. This is the only Zeo costume seen in the movie.
  • Katherine had the shortest term as a Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, only lasting 9 episodes from A Different Shade of Pink Part III to Rangers in Reverse when Rita and Zedd revert Angel Grove to become younger and then later destroy the Ninja Power Coins.
  • Katherine is the only Ranger to appear in season 3, but not in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. However, her actress Catherine Sutherland did audition for the role of Dulcea.
    • The MMPR Movie was filmed in Australia, which is how Catherine Sutherland came to audition for Dulcea. Her character was made an Australian immigrant when introduced in the third season.
  • She is the only Pink Ranger to be on three different teams.
  • When nervous or stressed out, Katherine seems to forget to swallow her saliva, made evident by what sounds like slightly slurred speech or a mild lisp at times; this is a trait of Catherine Sutherland's which she stated she passed onto her character.
  • Due to her start on the show in her Katastrophe monster form working for Lord Zedd and Rita, Kat is the first Ranger to start out as a monster villain before becoming a regular Power Ranger.
  • As a Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, Katherine never directly pilots a Zord solo. She co-pilots the White Shogunzord with Tommy and the Pink Crane Ninjazord was unusable while the White Ninja Falconzord was captured. After the Rangers regain access to the Falconzord, the Ninjazords are used as a Megazord only and never by themselves.
    • She is also the only Mighty Morphin Power Ranger to never use her individual weapon nor the Power Blaster as they were not used in Season 3.
  • According to Catherine Sutherland when auditioning she was unaware that her character shared the same first name as her.
  • Back in early 2003, shortly after the series changed hands from Saban Entertainment to Disney, some of the monster costumes, including Kat's Katastrophe form (minus her feet), were auctioned off by ABC Auctions. It sold for $400.
  • The calendar reveals her age as 17 years old.
  • Kat's birthdate is stated as November 12th.
  • Her place of birth is given revealed to be Sydney, Australia.
  • Kat was intended to cameo in the Power Rangers Wild Force episode Forever Red as Tommy's wife, picking him up at the NASADA Space Port. Her actress was not able to do the filming and so does not appear in the filmed script. Sutherland voiced the Machine Empire general Tezzla as a substitute, though this just consisted of a few grunts during a fight scene.
  • Doug Sloan planned to bring Kat back for Legacy of Power in Power Rangers Dino Thunder, again as Tommy's wife: she would have had Hayley's role in the episode, then had to leave due to her own Ranger business and handed over to Hayley. Sloan has said that Sutherland had to decline the role[1] while Sutherland believed the studio changed their minds; "I would have definitely come back." [2] She has stated that, "they were trying to get us to do a reunion show" of Turbo or Zeo for Dino Thunder[3]


Power Rangers Zeo vs The Machine Empire

PR Z vs ME Pink Zeo Ranger

Katherine appears as a playable character in Power Rangers Zeo vs The Machine Empire.

Power Rangers Key Scanner

Pink Zeo Ranger Scanner App Assets

Zeo Ranger I - Pink in Power Rangers Key Scanner

Katherine as Zeo Ranger I - Pink , appears in the app videogame Power Rangers Key Scanner, among various other Ranger teams.

Power Ranger Legacy Wars

Legacy Wars Pink Zeo Ranger

Zeo Ranger I - Pink as seen in Power Rangers Legacy Wars.

The reboot Power Rangers fight with Rangers from the mainstream universe in Power Rangers Legacy Wars. She is a Common (Leader), Common (Assist) character, represents the Zeo Rangers, alongside Tommy, Adam, Jason, and Tanya.

Other Games

Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid

Kat appears as multiple playable characters in the board game Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid.

  • Mighty Morphin Pink in the expansion "Legendary Rangers: Forever Rangers Pack".
  • Zeo Ranger I Pink in the expansion "Zeo Ranger Pack".

Power Rangers Deck-Building Game

Kat as Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger appears in the Power Rangers Deck-Building Game. She is available in the "It’s Morphin" expansion.

See Also



Power nav icon Power Rangers Ninja Steel & Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel Icon-ninninger
Brody Romero - Preston Tien - Calvin Maxwell - Hayley Foster - Sarah Thompson - Aiden Romero - Dane Romero - Mick Kanic
Ninja Battle Morpher - Gold Ninja Battle Morpher - Ninja Power Stars - Ninja Star Blade - Ninja Blaster - Rockstorm Guitar - Ninja Master Blade - Mega Morph Cycle - Burger Camera - Master Morpher
Redbot - Victor Vincent - Monty - Principal Hastings - Mary Masters - Jackie Thompson - Aaron Foster - Marcus Tien - Princess Viera - Sheriff Skyfire - Mrs. Finch - Mrs. Bell - Mr. Lunt
Legendary Rangers: TommyOliver - Rocky DeSantos - Katherine Hillard - T.J. Johnson - Wesley Collins - Trent Fernandez-Mercer - Gemma- Antonio Garcia - Gia Moran - Koda
Zords and Megazords
Robo Red Zord - Dragon Zord - Nitro Zord - Kodiak Zord - Zoom Zord - Rumble Tusk Zord - Astro Zord - Robo Rider Zord - Ninja Bull Zord - Lion Fire Zord - Sub Surfer Zord - Falcon Zord - Serpent Zord - Tortoise Zord - Tiger Zord - Panda Zord - Piranha Zord
Ninja Steel Megazord - Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord - Astro Ninja Steel Megazord - Bull Rider Megazord - Ninja Fusion Zord - Lion Fire Megazord - Ninja Ultrazord - Sub Surfer Ninja Steel Megazord - Ninja Blaze Megazord - Ninja Blaze Ultrazord
Gorilla Blast Zord - Stegosaurus Zord - Sabertooth Zord
Villains (Season 1)
Galvanax - Madame Odius - Ripcon - Cosmo Royale - Aiden Romero (robot) - Kudabots - Skullgators - Basherbots - Buzzcams
Villains (Season 2)
Galaxy Warriors: Madame Odius - Badonna - Cosmo Royale - General Tynamon - Brax - Kudabots - Basherbots - Upgraded Basherbots - Skullgators - Buzzcams - Foxbots
Sledge's Crew: Sledge - Poisandra - Wrench
Others: Lord Draven - Tommy Oliver (Robo Ranger)
Galaxy Warrior Contestants
Galvanax's Contestants
Korvaka - Ripperat - Spinferno - Slogre - Tangleweb - Badpipes - Hacktrack - Stonedozer - Trapsaw - Toxitea - Shoespike - Lord Drillion - Phonepanzee - Cat O'Clock - Abrakadanger - Forcefear
Madame Odius' Contestants
Smellephant - Deceptron - Spyclops - Doomwave - Game Goblin - Galactic Ninjas (Wolvermean - Speedwing - Rygore - Venoma) - Foxatron - Dreadwolf - Blammo - Typeface - Voltipede - Megamauler - Gorrox
Minor Contestants
Lavagor - Ripcon's mother - Lavagor's brother - Unidentified Contestant - Elderly Woman
Gruesome Grunts
Versix - Fangore - Jabberon - Stabberous - Shelldax - Plasmora - Ackshun
Minor Monsters
Cleocatra - Ghost Monster - Kuliner Monster - Snow Fright
Icon-boomPower Rangers (Boom! Studios) Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (2016 comic)
Jason Lee Scott - Zack Taylor - Billy Cranston - Trini Kwan - Kimberly Ann Hart - Tommy Oliver
The 1969 Rangers
Grace Sterling - Nikolai Chukarin - Terona Washington - Daniel O'Halloran - Jamie Gilmore
The All-New Power Rangers
Kimberly Ann Hart - Zack Taylor - Trini Kwan - Britt - Serge
Promethea Rangers/Solar Rangers
Kimberly Ann Hart - Mike Corbett - Tanya Sloan - Heckyl - Cameron Watanabe - Andros
Ellarien - Remi - Salum - Tigan - Maxie - Charisma - Alel - Lomik
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Post-Shattered Grid)
Tommy Oliver - Adam Park - Kimberly Ann Hart - Billy Cranston - Aisha Campbell - Rocky DeSantos - Matthew Cook
Omega Rangers
Bledso - Apophee - The Puram - Haza - Spa'ark
Jason Lee Scott - Zack Taylor - Trini Kwan - Kiya Kyatyl - Yale of Saard - Kevor Vrin
Squadron Rangers
Rhian - Telosi - Orisonth - Phiro - Aleia - Xev
Space Rangers
Maavi - Dhaza
Andros - Yihzu - Edi - Naro - Kaly - Zhane
Drakkon Rangers
Bulk - Kiya Kyatyl - Trini Kwan - Scorpina - Kimberly Hart - Lord Drakkon
HyperForce Rangers
Marvin Shih - Eddie Banks - Jack Thomas - Vesper Vasquez - Chloe Ashford - Joe Shih
Junior Rangers
Sage - Maev - Theo - Kartyr - Lindy
Tula - Mathis
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (The Return)
Jason Lee Scott - Zack Taylor - Billy Cranston - Trini Kwan - Kimberly Ann Hart - Tommy Oliver - Olivia Hart - Unidentified user
Infinity Force Rangers
Kumo Skøgaard - Peggy - Magnus Storm - Braylee Blackthorn - Penelope Prescott - Lola Navarro
The Kaiju Power Rangers
Jason Lee Scott - Zack Taylor - Billy Cranston - Trini Kwan - Kimberly Ann Hart - Tommy Oliver
Prime Rangers
Lauren Shiba - Junmor - Markon Zhao - Valentina - Orion
MMPR Allies
Zordon - Alpha 5 - Ninjor - Dr. K - Amanda - XI - Blue Senturion - The Justice League - Godzilla - Jet Jaguar - Mothra - The Elias - Anguirus - Rodan - King Caesar - Baragon
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Leonardo - Raphael - Michelangelo - Donatello - April O'Neil - Casey Jones - Splinter
Guardians of Eltar
Zophram - Zartus - Zordon - Zelya
Commander Yorlam - Admiral Janessa
MMPR Misc.
Bulk - Skull - Ms. Appleby - Ernie - Mr. Caplan - Mrs. Pruitt - Roger Hart - Helen Hart - Mrs. Kwan - Mrs. Oliver - Mr. Cranston - Mrs. Cranston - Violet Arias - Sam Scott - Olivia Cook - Mr. Cook - Kira Cook - Mrs. DeSantos - Riley DeSantos - Robin DeSantos - Raul DeSantos - Journey
Ranger Academy Allies
Headmaster - Nika - Leo Corbett - Billy Cranston - Yale of Saard - Katie Walker - Jen Scotts - Doggie Cruger - Merrick Baliton - Tashi - Cora - Rhianth - Nadira - Arlo
Power Rangers Prime Allies
Rita Repulsa - Doobie
Earth Security Taskforce
Captain Kanel - Bulk - Liam
VR Troopers
Ryan Steele - Kaitlin Star - JB Reese
Power Rangers Prime Misc.
Professor Barall - Robert James
Evil Space Aliens (2016 comic)
Rita Repulsa/Mistress Vile - Lord Zedd - Master Vile - Dark Specter - Dayne - Goldar - Squatt - Baboo - Finster - Scorpina - Vessel - Angel Ashford - (Z) Putty Patrollers - Thralls
Automaton Dominion: King Aradon - Count Karnakus
MMPR Monsters
Bullzer - Vitruvian Man Giant - Black Dragon - Sir Locks-A-Lot - Vixenya - Commandant - Unnamed Plant Monster - Unnamed Boar Monster - Pumpkin Rapper - Lokar - Serpentera - Goldar Clones - Unknown Golem Aliens - Zosma - Shapeshifting Putty Patrollers - Karmadillo - Boarlock - Goth Sloth - Crowverload - Psycho Green - Mr. Meowgi - Wizard of Deception - Sheeple - Pilgrimage - Private Maize - Black Hold - Manic Mantelope - Unnamed Robot Chicken Monster - Unnamed Girl Robot Monster - Unnamed Turtle Samurai Monster - Unnamed Boomerang Kangaroo Monster - Unnamed Hipprogriff Monster - Unnamed Chainsaw Crocodile Monster - Crystal Cryptid - Double Disastron - Monsieur Muster - Mutant Rangers - Nefurious - Simulation Dinosaur Monster - Snakenstein - Beastbus - Murdercycles - Psychoslug, The Terror Snail - Royal Throney - Crystakular - Crano-Phant
The Anointed: Garrison Vox - Kiya Kyatyl - Cavotus - Raegyn
GGPR Monsters
Putty Infiltrator - Flog - Montaur - Rammerhead - Hammerdillo - Pudgy Pig - Megaputty - Stabasaurus Rex - TurbanShell - Warbunny - Lady Grumptruck - Nimrod the Scarlet Sentinel - AC - DC - Eye Guy - The Gunmetal Kettle - Hodgepodge Hedgehog - Serpentera - Danger Dingo
Mighty Morphin Monsters
Pandamonium - Fleasco - Putty Prime
Power Rangers Monsters
Horrid King - The Horrid - Xurix
Foot Clan
Shredder - Tyler - Karai - Rocksteady - Bebop - Baxter Stockman
Evil Space Aliens (The Return)
Rita Repulsa - Lord Zedd - Selena Repulsa - Finster - Goldar - Squatt - Baboo - Scorpina - (Z) Putty Patrollers
Godzilla Monsters and aliens
Megalon - Gigan - Megaguirus - Kamacuras - Kumonga - SpaceGodzilla - Hedorah - Destoroyah - King Ghidorah - Xiliens
Kaiju Psycho Rangers
Psycho Ranger Destroyah - Psycho Ranger SpaceGodzilla - Psycho Ranger Ghidorah - Psycho Ranger Hedorah - Psycho Ranger Megalon - Psycho Ranger Gigan
Power Rangers Prime Villains
Beast Brigade
PR 25 coin logo icon Shattered Grid, Beyond the Grid, Charge To 100, and Darkest HourPr-30
Power Rangers
Aurico - Delphine - Tideus - Cestro - Corcus - Katherine Hillard - Trey of Triforia - Phantom Ranger - T.J. Johnson - Ashley Hammond - Cassie Chan - Leo Corbett - Damon Henderson - Kai Chen - Maya - Karone - Kendrix Morgan - Carter Grayson - Chad Lee - Joel Rawlings - Kelsey Winslow - Dana Mitchell - Ryan Mitchell - Wesley Collins - Jen Scotts - Lucas Kendall - Katie Walker - Trip - Eric Myers - Cole Evans - Taylor Earhardt - Max Cooper - Danny Delgado - Alyssa Enrilé - Merrick Baliton - Shane Clarke - Tori Hanson - Dustin Brooks - Hunter Bradley - Blake Bradley - Conner McKnight - Ethan James - Kira Ford - Trent Fernandez-Mercer - Jack Landors - Sky Tate - Bridge Carson - Z Delgado - Syd Drew - Doggie Cruger - Nick Russell - Chip Thorn - Madison Rocca - Vida Rocca - Xander Bly - Udonna - Dax Lo - Rose Ortiz - Casey Rhodes - Lily Chilman - Theo Martin - R.J. - Dominic Hargan - Scott Truman - Flynn McAllistair - Summer Landsdown - Ziggy Grover - Dillon - Gem - Gemma - Lauren Shiba - Jayden Shiba - Kevin - Mia Watanabe - Mike - Emily - Antonio Garcia - Troy Burrows - Jake Holling - Gia Moran - Noah Carver - Emma Goodall - Tyler Navarro - Chase Randall - Riley Griffin - Koda - Kendall Morgan - Shelby Watkins - Sir Ivan of Zandar - Brody Romero - Preston Tien - Calvin Maxwell - Hayley Foster - Sarah Thompson - Aiden Romero - Devon Daniels - Ravi Shaw - Zoey Reeves - Nate Silva - Steel Silva - Cybervillain Blaze - Zayto - Javi Garcia - Izzy Garcia - Ollie Akana - Amelia Jones - Aiyon
World of the Coinless
Zack - Trini - Saba - Ranger Slayer - Skull - Billy - Jason - Bulk - Aisha Campbell - Matthew Cook - Scorpina - Adam Park
Shattered Grid: Lord Drakkon - Finster 5 - Ranger Sentries - Rita Repulsa - Koragg, The Knight Wolf - S.P.D. A-Squad Red Ranger - A-Squad Yellow Ranger - A-Squad Green Ranger - Psycho Pink - Psycho Blue - Cogs - Grinders
Beyond the Grid: Praetor - Snide
Charge To 100: Trakeena - Ransik - Dai Shi/Jarrod - Sledge - Void Queen
Main: Rise of Drakkon - Shattered Grid - Beyond the Grid - Necessary Evil - The New Green Ranger - Unlimited Power - The Eltarian War - Charge To 100 - Recharged - Darkest Hour - Prime
Backup: The Ongoing Adventures of Bulk and Skull - The Ongoing Misadventures of Squatt and Baboo - The New Adventures of Blue Senturion and Ninjor | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 49 - 50 - 51 - 52 - 53 - 54 - 55 | 100 - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Go Go Power Rangers
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Power Rangers
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Ranger Academy
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Power Rangers Prime
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
VR Troopers
Annuals/Specials and Miniseries/Crossovers
2016 Annual - 2017 Annual - 2018 Annual - 25th Anniversary Special - 2018 FCBD Special - Shattered Grid Issue 1 - Back To School Special - Forever Rangers - 2020 FCBD Special - 2023 FCBD Special - 30th Anniversary Special - Darkest Hour Issue 1 - Power Rangers Infinity Issue 1 - MMPR/Usagi Yojimbo - Across the Morphin Grid Issue 1 - 2025 FCBD Special
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 - Issue 6 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Justice League/Power Rangers
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 - Issue 6 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III
Issue 1
Power Rangers: Drakkon New Dawn
Ranger Slayer - Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Power Rangers Universe
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 - Issue 6 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Power Rangers Unlimited
Heir to Darkness - Edge of Darkness - Countdown to Ruin - The Death Ranger - The Coinless - Hyperforce - The Morphin Masters
Graphic Novels
Aftershock - Soul of the Dragon - The Psycho Path - Sins of the Future
Deluxe Editions
GGPR Volume One - GGPR Volume Two - MMPR Year One - MMPR Year Two - MMPR Shattered Grid - MMPR Beyond the Grid - MMPR Necessary Evil I - MMPR Necessary Evil II - MM/PR Book One - PR Lost Chronicles - MM/PR Book Two - MM/PR Book Three - MMPR Recharged - MMPR The Pink Ranger - MMPR Darkest Hour
Pink Rangers
Kimberly Ann HartKatherine HillardCassie ChanKendrix MorganKaroneDana MitchellJen ScottsSyd DrewVida RoccaRose OrtizMia WatanabeEmma GoodallShelby WatkinsSarah ThompsonAmelia Jones
Kimberly Ann Hart (1995 movie)Kimberly Hart (2017 movie)Chloe AshfordDaniel O'HalloranCasey JonesSamantha LaRusso
Secondary Rangers
Kimberly PuttyPuttyKristenMarie-Claire le MondePink Shadow RangerRobo CassiePink Creep
Psycho PinkPink Cyborg RangerEvil Time Force PinkA-Squad PinkEvil Pink Mystic RangerEvil Pink Overdrive Ranger
Power Sets
Pink RangerZeo Ranger I PinkPink Turbo RangerPink Space RangerGalaxy PinkPink Lightspeed RangerTime Force PinkS.P.D. Pink RangerPink Mystic RangerPink Overdrive RangerPink Samurai RangerMegaforce PinkSuper Megaforce PinkDino Charge Pink RangerNinja Steel Pink - Dino Fury Pink Ranger
Pink Ranger (1995 movie)Pink Ranger (2017 movie)