2016 comic
Icon-boomThis article is about a/an Ranger in the Power Rangers comic sub-franchise by Boom! Studios.

Anubis "Doggie" Cruger is an extraterrestrial who has physical characteristics of both a human and a jackal. He is the S.P.D. Shadow Ranger as well as the Commander of S.P.D.'s Earth Branch. He later becomes a professor at Ranger Academy.


Early Life[]

At some early point in his life, Cruger's home planet, Sirius, was destroyed during an invasion by the Troobian Empire lead by a Soon-to-be-Emperor Gruumm, Cruger survived the destruction of his planet but was the last and only survivor, losing his wife in the process.

Trial of Astronema[]


A young Anubis giving his testimony

Cruger was present at the trial of Karone (formerly known as Astronema) and gives his testimony by saying that while he has nothing but respect and admiration for the Power Rangers and would never speak ill of them, Karone is undeserving of such a title as the Pink Galaxy Ranger for what she has done.

He tells the court that when his people refused to ally with Astronema and raised the shield around Sirius, she stole the codes to deactivate the shield and rather than use it herself, she decided to give the Sirians a slow and painful demise by giving the codes to an alien with a grudge against Sirius named Emperor Gruumm. Anubis lost his wife during the fall of his world and still feels bitter over what Astronema did. Comicicon COMIC STORY- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Anniversary Special


When the HyperForce Rangers travel to 2025, they pose as S.P.D. officers in order to try to find the location of Joe Shih. Cruger questions the Rangers' motives and truthfulness, but eventually allows them to investigate with Lina Song.

After the investigation goes badly, Cruger arrests and individually interrogates all of the Rangers, to which they admit that they are from the year 3016 on a secret mission. The Rangers are released when Napoleon Wrench's Proton Accelerator is activated, so that they may aid in the fight. Tvicon TV STORY-SPD Emergency

Vesper, the HyperForce Black Ranger then appears and attacks Robogoat for trying to say he is Doggie Cruger because she believes that Cruger is a jerk. Tvicon TV STORY-Villain Special

Shattered Grid[]

Drakkon Arrives[]

By the year 2050, Cruger had become the Commander of S.P.D.s Earth Branch and was lecturing the C-Squad Rangers after they were defeated in a combat exercise by the B-Squad Rangers, saying that teamwork is more important than the Morphers, and how that is the root of success on S.P.D.. As he is about to punish the B-Squad for snarky comments, a portal opens with Drakkon’s army coming through led by the new Green Zeo Sentries in their exo-suit tanks.

Shadow Ranger Vs Mastodon Sentries

A morphed Cruger fights Drakkon's forces

After realizing that they're not with Gruumm, Cruger tells the C-Squad to get back to HQ and tells the B-Squad to prepare themselves as well as to focus, the whole team then morphs and start fighting Drakkon's forces. Doggie then asks Kat what they're dealing with when suddenly Lord Drakkon himself arrives and attacks Cruger, he tells Drakkon that he is a disgrace to his uniform and asks him what he's up to, Drakkon responds by using a Dragon Cannon an taking away the S.P.D. Ranger Powers.

While the Rangers fall back Kat and Boom tell Doggie that there’s a modified version of R.I.C. that is stuck in a hangar that lost power. Cruger tells the B-Squad to trust in their teamates as a member of the C-Squad called Konchu picks the lock of the hangar and let's a super-sized R.I.C. 3.0 free. With this they turn the tide of the battle. The R.I.C. 3.0 then is about to chomp down on Drakkon, making him and his forces teleport away. Comicicon COMIC STORY- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2018 Annual

Teaming Up[]

Cruger and his team later answer Zordon's warning and gets recruited in order to stop this giant threat, he then arrives with many other Rangers as reinforcement to the Rangers fighting on the RPM World against Drakkon and his army, though they unfortunately are defeated and forced to return to the Command Center. Comicicon COMIC STORY- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 28

Back at the Command Center, Cruger and the other Rangers are in the pocket dimension discussing the grim situation as the Morphin Grid is beginning to collapse under strain from Lord Drakkon’s activities. If they don’t stop him soon, all of reality will collapse and be destroyed. Ninjor explains them that Drakkon is planning on going inside the Grid and how their first objective should be to take out the tower. Later Andros crashes into the Command Center and emerges wounded from the wreckage, much to the worry of his sister Karone, telling the other Rangers he has found where the others are being held.


Cruger and Zordon have a talk.

Cruger and Zordon observe the family reunion and are glad that at least a few happy moments are coming out of what seems like an endless wave of defeats. Anubis heard about what happened to Tommy from the others and gives his condolences to Zordon. Zordon says that particular loss weighs heavily on himself, Anubis says that as mentors all they can do is try their best to guide their charges and hope they can make good decisions on their own, but he also adds while that it doesn’t feel right to just be okay with losing a team, they cannot control their actions. Zordon agrees and that the Rangers under their care will grow and improve as people by learning from their own mistakes as mentors.

When Jason lays out the new plan, a rescue mission followed by a tactical assault on the tower, Cruger says while that is a good plan, an S.P.D. transport ship won’t be nearly big enough to carry them all. Grace then unveils her Promethea complex is capable of going into space, showing a hologram of its entire structure that would later become Terra Venture. Comicicon COMIC STORY- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 29

Asking for help[]

Cruger later goes with Zordon, escorted by Putties, to Rita’s throne room in order to ask Rita Repulsa for help in defeating Lord Drakkon, with Cruger hoping that Zordon's right about this being the right move. Rita Repulsa relishes in Zordon's desperate act for help from her and mocks Cruger saying that they should bring him a choker. Rita at first displays apathy toward their plight but Doggie mentions that the Rita of Drakkon's World was slain by the evil Power Ranger, a fact she seems indignant about. After appealing to her ego, Rita finally accepts their offer for her help.


Cruger and the rest arrive at Drakkon's throne room.

In Drakkon's fortress, the Tyrannosaurus Sentry guards are zapped by a spell from Rita Repulsa as she, Zordon, Ninjor and Cruger enter the throne room. Doggie wonders why they are here, with Rita explaining that the highest concentration of magic is the place where the user interacts with most, in this case, Drakkon's throne. She then pulls out the Green Candle and places it near the throne as she lights it and begins to cast a spell. Drakkon then teleports into his throne room, only to find Rita sitting in his throne mocking him as he grows weaker and weaker. Suddenly, Cruger and the others are zapped and knocked out by Finster 5, wielding Lord Zedd's Staff. Drakkon then hits a switch which releases all of the morphing energy from the Morphers into him. Comicicon COMIC STORY- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 30

Cruger's timeline was later rebuilt after the Mighty Morphin Team defeated Lord Drakkon.

Ranger Academy[]

At some point in the future, Cruger becomes a professor at Ranger Academy. First-year cadet Sage peers into the teacher’s lounge and overhears him talking to Nika about increasing security around the Academy, enacting a curfew and canceling offsite missions for some reason. Comicicon COMIC STORY- Ranger Academy Issue 3

His request was seemingly turned down for the time being, as the cadets were able to travel to the planet Chromia for their first Morphin Trial.

S.P.D. Shadow Ranger[]


S.P.D. Shadow Range

Powers and Abilities[]


to be added


to be added


to be added


to be added






Ranger Academy[]




  • to be added



Villain Groups[]

Troobian Empire[]
New Power Coalition[]



Icon-boomPower Rangers (Boom! Studios) Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (2016 comic)
Jason Lee Scott - Zack Taylor - Billy Cranston - Trini Kwan - Kimberly Ann Hart - Tommy Oliver
The 1969 Rangers
Grace Sterling - Nikolai Chukarin - Terona Washington - Daniel O'Halloran - Jamie Gilmore
The All-New Power Rangers
Kimberly Ann Hart - Zack Taylor - Trini Kwan - Britt - Serge
Promethea Rangers/Solar Rangers
Kimberly Ann Hart - Mike Corbett - Tanya Sloan - Heckyl - Cameron Watanabe - Andros
Ellarien - Remi - Salum - Tigan - Maxie - Charisma - Alel - Lomik
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Post-Shattered Grid)
Tommy Oliver - Adam Park - Kimberly Ann Hart - Billy Cranston - Aisha Campbell - Rocky DeSantos - Matthew Cook
Omega Rangers
Bledso - Apophee - The Puram - Haza - Spa'ark
Jason Lee Scott - Zack Taylor - Trini Kwan - Kiya Kyatyl - Yale of Saard - Kevor Vrin
Squadron Rangers
Rhian - Telosi - Orisonth - Phiro - Aleia - Xev
Space Rangers
Maavi - Dhaza
Andros - Yihzu - Edi - Naro - Kaly - Zhane
Drakkon Rangers
Bulk - Kiya Kyatyl - Trini Kwan - Scorpina - Kimberly Hart - Lord Drakkon
HyperForce Rangers
Marvin Shih - Eddie Banks - Jack Thomas - Vesper Vasquez - Chloe Ashford - Joe Shih
Junior Rangers
Sage - Maev - Theo - Kartyr - Lindy
Tula - Mathis
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (The Return)
Jason Lee Scott - Zack Taylor - Billy Cranston - Trini Kwan - Kimberly Ann Hart - Tommy Oliver - Olivia Hart - Unidentified user
Infinity Force Rangers
Kumo Skøgaard - Peggy - Magnus Storm - Braylee Blackthorn - Penelope Prescott - Lola Navarro
The Kaiju Power Rangers
Jason Lee Scott - Zack Taylor - Billy Cranston - Trini Kwan - Kimberly Ann Hart - Tommy Oliver
Prime Rangers
Lauren Shiba - Junmor - Markon Zhao - Valentina - Orion
MMPR Allies
Zordon - Alpha 5 - Ninjor - Dr. K - Amanda - XI - Blue Senturion - The Justice League - Godzilla - Jet Jaguar - Mothra - The Elias - Anguirus - Rodan - King Caesar - Baragon
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Leonardo - Raphael - Michelangelo - Donatello - April O'Neil - Casey Jones - Splinter
Guardians of Eltar
Zophram - Zartus - Zordon - Zelya
Commander Yorlam - Admiral Janessa
MMPR Misc.
Bulk - Skull - Ms. Appleby - Ernie - Mr. Caplan - Mrs. Pruitt - Roger Hart - Helen Hart - Mrs. Kwan - Mrs. Oliver - Mr. Cranston - Mrs. Cranston - Violet Arias - Sam Scott - Olivia Cook - Mr. Cook - Kira Cook - Mrs. DeSantos - Riley DeSantos - Robin DeSantos - Raul DeSantos - Journey
Ranger Academy Allies
Headmaster - Nika - Leo Corbett - Billy Cranston - Yale of Saard - Katie Walker - Jen Scotts - Doggie Cruger - Merrick Baliton - Tashi - Cora - Rhianth - Nadira - Arlo
Power Rangers Prime Allies
Rita Repulsa - Doobie
Earth Security Taskforce
Captain Kanel - Bulk - Liam
VR Troopers
Ryan Steele - Kaitlin Star - JB Reese
Power Rangers Prime Misc.
Professor Barall - Robert James
Evil Space Aliens (2016 comic)
Rita Repulsa/Mistress Vile - Lord Zedd - Master Vile - Dark Specter - Dayne - Goldar - Squatt - Baboo - Finster - Scorpina - Vessel - Angel Ashford - (Z) Putty Patrollers - Thralls
Automaton Dominion: King Aradon - Count Karnakus
MMPR Monsters
Bullzer - Vitruvian Man Giant - Black Dragon - Sir Locks-A-Lot - Vixenya - Commandant - Unnamed Plant Monster - Unnamed Boar Monster - Pumpkin Rapper - Lokar - Serpentera - Goldar Clones - Unknown Golem Aliens - Zosma - Shapeshifting Putty Patrollers - Karmadillo - Boarlock - Goth Sloth - Crowverload - Psycho Green - Mr. Meowgi - Wizard of Deception - Sheeple - Pilgrimage - Private Maize - Black Hold - Manic Mantelope - Unnamed Robot Chicken Monster - Unnamed Girl Robot Monster - Unnamed Turtle Samurai Monster - Unnamed Boomerang Kangaroo Monster - Unnamed Hipprogriff Monster - Unnamed Chainsaw Crocodile Monster - Crystal Cryptid - Double Disastron - Monsieur Muster - Mutant Rangers - Nefurious - Simulation Dinosaur Monster - Snakenstein - Beastbus - Murdercycles - Psychoslug, The Terror Snail - Royal Throney - Crystakular - Crano-Phant
The Anointed: Garrison Vox - Kiya Kyatyl - Cavotus - Raegyn
GGPR Monsters
Putty Infiltrator - Flog - Montaur - Rammerhead - Hammerdillo - Pudgy Pig - Megaputty - Stabasaurus Rex - TurbanShell - Warbunny - Lady Grumptruck - Nimrod the Scarlet Sentinel - AC - DC - Eye Guy - The Gunmetal Kettle - Hodgepodge Hedgehog - Serpentera - Danger Dingo
Mighty Morphin Monsters
Pandamonium - Fleasco - Putty Prime
Power Rangers Monsters
Horrid King - The Horrid - Xurix
Foot Clan
Shredder - Tyler - Karai - Rocksteady - Bebop - Baxter Stockman
Evil Space Aliens (The Return)
Rita Repulsa - Lord Zedd - Selena Repulsa - Finster - Goldar - Squatt - Baboo - Scorpina - (Z) Putty Patrollers
Godzilla Monsters and aliens
Megalon - Gigan - Megaguirus - Kamacuras - Kumonga - SpaceGodzilla - Hedorah - Destoroyah - King Ghidorah - Xiliens
Kaiju Psycho Rangers
Psycho Ranger Destroyah - Psycho Ranger SpaceGodzilla - Psycho Ranger Ghidorah - Psycho Ranger Hedorah - Psycho Ranger Megalon - Psycho Ranger Gigan
Power Rangers Prime Villains
Beast Brigade
PR 25 coin logo icon Shattered Grid, Beyond the Grid, Charge To 100, and Darkest HourPr-30
Power Rangers
Aurico - Delphine - Tideus - Cestro - Corcus - Katherine Hillard - Trey of Triforia - Phantom Ranger - T.J. Johnson - Ashley Hammond - Cassie Chan - Leo Corbett - Damon Henderson - Kai Chen - Maya - Karone - Kendrix Morgan - Carter Grayson - Chad Lee - Joel Rawlings - Kelsey Winslow - Dana Mitchell - Ryan Mitchell - Wesley Collins - Jen Scotts - Lucas Kendall - Katie Walker - Trip - Eric Myers - Cole Evans - Taylor Earhardt - Max Cooper - Danny Delgado - Alyssa Enrilé - Merrick Baliton - Shane Clarke - Tori Hanson - Dustin Brooks - Hunter Bradley - Blake Bradley - Conner McKnight - Ethan James - Kira Ford - Trent Fernandez-Mercer - Jack Landors - Sky Tate - Bridge Carson - Z Delgado - Syd Drew - Doggie Cruger - Nick Russell - Chip Thorn - Madison Rocca - Vida Rocca - Xander Bly - Udonna - Dax Lo - Rose Ortiz - Casey Rhodes - Lily Chilman - Theo Martin - R.J. - Dominic Hargan - Scott Truman - Flynn McAllistair - Summer Landsdown - Ziggy Grover - Dillon - Gem - Gemma - Lauren Shiba - Jayden Shiba - Kevin - Mia Watanabe - Mike - Emily - Antonio Garcia - Troy Burrows - Jake Holling - Gia Moran - Noah Carver - Emma Goodall - Tyler Navarro - Chase Randall - Riley Griffin - Koda - Kendall Morgan - Shelby Watkins - Sir Ivan of Zandar - Brody Romero - Preston Tien - Calvin Maxwell - Hayley Foster - Sarah Thompson - Aiden Romero - Devon Daniels - Ravi Shaw - Zoey Reeves - Nate Silva - Steel Silva - Cybervillain Blaze - Zayto - Javi Garcia - Izzy Garcia - Ollie Akana - Amelia Jones - Aiyon
World of the Coinless
Zack - Trini - Saba - Ranger Slayer - Skull - Billy - Jason - Bulk - Aisha Campbell - Matthew Cook - Scorpina - Adam Park
Shattered Grid: Lord Drakkon - Finster 5 - Ranger Sentries - Rita Repulsa - Koragg, The Knight Wolf - S.P.D. A-Squad Red Ranger - A-Squad Yellow Ranger - A-Squad Green Ranger - Psycho Pink - Psycho Blue - Cogs - Grinders
Beyond the Grid: Praetor - Snide
Charge To 100: Trakeena - Ransik - Dai Shi/Jarrod - Sledge - Void Queen
Main: Rise of Drakkon - Shattered Grid - Beyond the Grid - Necessary Evil - The New Green Ranger - Unlimited Power - The Eltarian War - Charge To 100 - Recharged - Darkest Hour - Prime
Backup: The Ongoing Adventures of Bulk and Skull - The Ongoing Misadventures of Squatt and Baboo - The New Adventures of Blue Senturion and Ninjor | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 49 - 50 - 51 - 52 - 53 - 54 - 55 | 100 - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Go Go Power Rangers
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Power Rangers
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Ranger Academy
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Power Rangers Prime
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
VR Troopers
Annuals/Specials and Miniseries/Crossovers
2016 Annual - 2017 Annual - 2018 Annual - 25th Anniversary Special - 2018 FCBD Special - Shattered Grid Issue 1 - Back To School Special - Forever Rangers - 2020 FCBD Special - 2023 FCBD Special - 30th Anniversary Special - Darkest Hour Issue 1 - Power Rangers Infinity Issue 1 - MMPR/Usagi Yojimbo - Across the Morphin Grid Issue 1 - 2025 FCBD Special
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 - Issue 6 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Justice League/Power Rangers
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 - Issue 6 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III
Issue 1
Power Rangers: Drakkon New Dawn
Ranger Slayer - Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Power Rangers Universe
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 - Issue 6 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Power Rangers Unlimited
Heir to Darkness - Edge of Darkness - Countdown to Ruin - The Death Ranger - The Coinless - Hyperforce - The Morphin Masters
Graphic Novels
Aftershock - Soul of the Dragon - The Psycho Path - Sins of the Future
Deluxe Editions
GGPR Volume One - GGPR Volume Two - MMPR Year One - MMPR Year Two - MMPR Shattered Grid - MMPR Beyond the Grid - MMPR Necessary Evil I - MMPR Necessary Evil II - MM/PR Book One - PR Lost Chronicles - MM/PR Book Two - MM/PR Book Three - MMPR Recharged - MMPR The Pink Ranger - MMPR Darkest Hour
Power nav icon Power Rangers HyperForce Hyper Force Logo
Marvin Shih - Eddie Banks - Vesper Vasquez - Jack Thomas - Chloe Ashford - Joe Shih
HyperForce Morpher - HyperForce Blade Blaster - Iapetus Blaster - Iapetus Claws - Oceanus Trident - Oceanus Blades - Crius Hammer - Crius Cannon - Coeus Axe - Coeus Shield - Hyperion Bow - Hyperion Scythe - Rhea Swords
Mighty Morphin: Zordon - Ernie
Time Force: Alpha 55 - Dr. Antonio Vasquez - Dr. Luce Vasquez - Bianca Winslow - Mrs. Shih - Mr. Shih - Josh - Spencer - Jocelyn - Rory - Ransik- Nadira
Dino Thunder: Anton Mercer - Hayley Ziktor
S.P.D.: Jackson - Carl
Mystic Force: Mystic Mother
RPM: M - Chaz Winchester IV
World of the Coinless: Zack Taylor (World of the Coinless) - Lina Song (World of the Coinless) - Fidget - Galushi - Rice - Michael Hicks
Medieval Era: Merlin - Sir Galahad - Richard - King Arthur
Christmas Era: Squeezy Sparkle Toes
Veteran Rangers: Tommy Oliver - Aisha Campbell - Andros - Wesley Collins - Jen Scotts - Lucas Kendall - Katie Walker - Trip - Doggie Cruger - Sentinel Knight - Gem - Troy Burrows - Orion
Veteran Rangers: Santa Claus - Lina Song - Georgie
Battle Knights: Lady Guinevere - Sir Edward Banks II - Sir Lancelot
other: Game Master
Zords and Megazords
Lion Hyper Zord - Serpent Hyper Zord - Ram Hyper Zord - Cerberus Hyper Zord - Phoenix Hyper Zord - Hydra Hyper Zord
Chronos HyperForce Megazord - Mega Megazord
The Alliance: Mrs. Ashford - Thrax - Scorpina - Velchanos - Finster - Primator - Lokar the Terrible - Goldar - Hogs Jr - Hydro Jr - Doomstone - Shiburai - Beevil - Dean Hines - Steven Lang - Putty Patrollers - Charlie - A-Squad Blue Ranger - A-Squad Green Ranger - A-Squad Yellow Ranger - A-Squad Pink Ranger
Evil Space Aliens/United Alliance of Evil: Dark Specter - Lord Zedd - Rita Repulsa- Divatox - Astronema - Candius Cornicus - Pudgy Pig - Z Putty Patrollers - Quantrons
Venjix's Army: Venjix Virus - General Kilobyte - Buzzkill - Grinders
The Armada: Emperor Mavro - X Borgs - Bruisers
World of the Coinless: Lord Drakkon - Tyrannosaurus Sentries - Mastodon Sentries - Sabertooth Sentries - Pumpkin Rapper (World of the Coinless)
Other Villains: Perfume Pony - Captain Pegs - Birdie - Napoleon Wrench - Krampus - Mesogog - Red Dragon
Black Rangers
Zack TaylorAdam ParkCorcusCarlos VallerteDanny DelgadoTommy OliverWill AstonDillonJake HollingChase RandallJavi Garcia
Adam Park (movie)Zack Taylor (2017 movie)Vesper VasquezCyra DrakeJamie GilmoreXevJohnny Lawrence
Secondary Rangers
Phantom RangerMagna DefenderMike CorbettAnubis CrugerJarrodJungle Fury Bat Ranger
Zack PuttyPuttyZaneAbrahamOsamu TezukaPsycho BlackBison Shadow RangerEvil Black Overdrive Ranger
Mastodon Sentries
Power Sets
Black RangerBlack Aquitar RangerPhantom RangerBlack Space RangerMagna DefenderBlack Wild Force RangerBlack Dino RangerBlack Overdrive RangerJungle Fury Bat RangerRanger Operator Series BlackMegaforce BlackDino Charge Black RangerDino Fury Black Ranger
Black Ranger (1995 movie)Black Ranger (2017 movie)Black Squadron Ranger