Icon-goongerThis article is about a foot soldiers in Power Rangers RPM.

For the Phantom Beast from Jungle Fury, see Grinder.
"I hate Grinders!"
―Dillon's opinion about the Grinders.[src]

The Grinders are the foot soldiers of the Venjix Army, similar to the Cogs and X Borgs. They are robot warriors with strong fighting skills. They can fire lasers from their weapons, and they pilot the Venjix Drones. They also have the ability to turn into motorcycles.

They appear in Super Samurai and return in Super Megaforce under the command of Professor Cog.



The Grinders were originally created by Venjix to serve as the manpower and flunkies of his army that were easily able to exterminate almost all of humanity except for the one city called Corinth due to them having a special team of defenders amassed by Venjix's creator herself. They and one of Venjix's generals (most commonly Tenaya 7/15) would accompany an Attack Bot into Corinth to try and destroy the shields so that they could launch an all out assault but were always inferior to the Rangers.

In the episode "Ghosts", Venjix entered a physical form for the first time and summoned some Grinders to help him, General Shifter, and the Dyna Bot against the Rangers. He then empowered them with some keys, sticking them into the Grinders' gears which made them unbeatable until the Gold and Silver Rangers arrived and destroyed them and the Dyna Bot.

It is unclear what exactly happened to Venjix's Grinders after the virus himself was imprisoned in the Rangers' Morphers. It is possible that they were exterminated by the human forces with better weapons (only to be later rebuilt for Megaforce), or they simply went into hiding as humanity reclaimed the planet.


During "Clash of the Red Rangers; The Movie", which is set between the RPM episodes "Ancient History" and "End Game", an army of Grinders accompanied Professor Cog when he went to 2011 Earth and to its Netherworld to try and get some water from Master Xandred and the Nighlok so that he could poison the people of Corinth. His first move, upon creating a deal that he would get the water if he destroy the Samurai Rangers, was then send the Grinders to attack a bridge to lure them out which he succeeded in doing. The Grinders proved to be completely immune to the Spin Swords but were easily taken out when Scott Truman (who had followed them) arrived and destroyed the entire contingent. More later attacked Antonio at the harbor but was saved by Scott, although Professor Cog soon arrived. Although that contingent of Grinders were all destroyed, five of the Samurai Rangers were sent to the RPM dimension and Jayden and Scott were turned against one another by his Hypno Bolts.

Later on, an army of Moogers and Grinders watched the two supposed enemies fight until the duo revealed that they were faking it. The Grinders became motorcycles for the Moogers (except one who was forced to give a Mooger a piggyback ride) but were all destroyed by Jayden and Scott when they got in a big red car. Professor Cog was destroyed shortly thereafter.

Super Megaforce

Three years later, more Grinders, certainly the last of their kind, accompanied Professor Cog back to Earth in one final attempt to take over our world. Although he succeeded in trapping the Mega Rangers in the RPM dimension, he came into conflict with the Armada who also wished to conquer Earth and a fight broke out between the X Borgs and Grinders with heavy loses on both sides.

Quickly however, the Mega Rangers were able to return by enlisting the help of the Turbo Falcon Zord so the two armies teamed up to destroy them and settle their differences later but all of the Grinders and X Borgs were easily dispatched.

With the destruction of Professor Cog at the hands of the Legendary RPM Megazord shortly thereafter, marking the end of the last of Venjix's commanders, the Grinders aren’t able to be produced and thus their threat has been eliminated for good.


The Grinders are mindless foot soldiers and therefore have no discernable personalities.

Powers and Abilities


  • Motorcycle Transformation: When the ones commanded by Professor Cog worked with the Nighlok, they can turn into motorcycles the Moogers can ride (except for the one who had to give a piggyback ride to its Mooger).


  • Strength: As seen in "Clash of the Red Rangers - The Movie", the Grinders were very capable of lifting up a car and throwing it off of the bridge that they were standing on and seemed to be on par with the powerful X Borgs.
    • Enhanced Strength: In the episode "Ghosts", Venjix empowered them with General Shifter's keys which made them strong enough to throw the RPM Rangers to the ground.
  • Durability: Although they were usually completely useless when fought by the RPM Rangers, they were completely immune to the Samurai Rangers' Spin Swords.
    Grinders Motorcycle
  • Expert Pilots: The Grinders are experts at piloting the Venjix Drone fighters.
  • Expert Bikers: The Grinders are also experts at riding motorcycles.


  • The Grinders' noisy mechanisms make them unsuitable for stealth missions.


  • Dagger Blasters: The Grinders wield blasters that are similar to large daggers in combat, They serve as the equivalent to the RPM Rangers' Nitro Blaster and the Samurai Rangers' Spin Swords.
    • Lasers: The Grinders can fire red or yellow lasers from their dagger blasters that could cause enormous explosions and take down the Rangers. During the events of "Clash", these lasers were purple.
  • Venjix Drones: The Grinders pilot the Venjix drones.
  • Motorcycles: Some Grinders use motorcycles for transport and to fire red-orange lasers at opponents.

Behind the Scenes


to be added


to be added


  • Being robots presumably with mechanical gears, the name of this group may be derived from the grinding of their sundry components.


  • The Grinders are the first Foot Soldiers to appear in every episode of their respective season.


Power Rangers Roleplaying Game

Grinders appear in the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game as a Threat in the "Across the Stars" expansion.

See Also



Power nav icon Power Rangers RPM Icon-goonger
Scott Truman - Flynn McAllistair - Summer Landsdown - Ziggy Grover - Dillon - Gem - Gemma
Cell Shift Morpher - Rev Morpher - Sky Morpher - Engine Cells - Nitro Blaster - Street Saber - Turbo Cannon - Zip Charger - Turbo Axe - Rocket Blaster - Cloud Hatchet - Skyshift Blazer - Wheel Blaster - Rail Saber - Rail Blaster - Road Blaster - Turbo Plasma Launcher - RPM Enforcer - Project GO-ONGER
Doctor K - Colonel Mason Truman - Samurai Rangers
Zords and Megazords
Eagle Racer - Lion Hauler - Bear Crawler - Tail Spinner - Wolf Cruiser - Croc Carrier - Falcon Chopper - Tiger Jet - Whale Jumbo Jet - Paleozords - Turbo Falcon Zord - Road Attack Zord
High Octane Megazord - ValveMax Megazord - Zenith Megazord - Mach Megazord - SkyRev Megazord - PaleoMax Megazord - RPM Ultrazord
Venjix Computer Network
General Crunch - General Shifter - Tenaya - Kilobyte - Grinders - Venjix Drones
Attack Bots
Generation 5 Attack Bot - Generation 9 Amphibious Attack Bot (Water Hoser) - Subterranean Plutonic Gopher Bot - Generation 9 Noz Bot Attack System - Magnetron - Pump Attack Bot - Boom Bot - Camera Attack Bot - Drill Attack Bot - Generation 12 Reflects Bot - Gat Bot - Broiler Bot - Sat Bot - Lightning Bot - Oil Bot - Dyna Bot - Vacuum Bot - Saw Bot Generation 15 - Generation 16 Saw Bot - Balloon Bot - Generation 3 Textile Bot - Manhole Bot - Knight Bot - Hammer Attack Bot - Generation 3 Chemical Bot - Dowser Bot - Series 2 Rotor Bot - Heat Bot - Generation 16 Hyper Bot - Dumbbell Bot - Generation 12 Energy Bot - Final Attack Bot
Other Villains:
Alphabet Soup - Fresno Bob
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Power nav icon Icon-shinkenger Power Rangers Samurai & Power Rangers Super Samurai Icon-supersamurai
Jayden Shiba - Kevin - Mia Watanabe - Mike - Emily - Antonio Garcia - Lauren Shiba
Samuraizer - Samurai Morpher - Black Box - Power Discs - Spin Sword - Mega Blade - Fire Smasher - Hydro Bow - Sky Fan - Forest Spear - Earth Slicer - Barracuda Blade - Shark Sword - Bullzooka - Mega Mode - Super Mode - Super Mega Mode - Shark Attack Mode - Mega Shark Mode - Shogun Mode - Samurai SUV
Mentor Ji - Farkas Bulkmeier - Spike Skullovitch - Eugene Skullovitch - Cody - Scott Truman
Zords and Megazords
Lion FoldingZord - Dragon FoldingZord - Turtle FoldingZord - Bear FoldingZord - Ape FoldingZord - BeetleZord - SwordishZord - TigerZord - OctoZord - Samurai ClawZord - LightZord - SharkZord - BullZord
Samurai Megazord - Beetle Blaster Megazord - Swordfish Fencer Megazord - Tiger Drill Megazord - Samurai Battlewing - Battlewing Megazord - Octo Spear Megazord - Claw Battlezord - Claw Armor Megazord - Samurai Battle Cannon - Light Megazord - Samurai Shark Megazord - Bull Megazord - Samurai Gigazord - Samurai Lightzord - Samurai Shark Gigazord
Master Xandred - Octoroo - Serrator - General Gut - Moogers - Spitfangs - Furry Warts - Papyrox
Deker - Dayu
Venjix Computer Network: Professor Cog - Grinders
Tooya - Scorpionic - Rofer - Doubletone - Dreadhead - Negatron - Yamiror - Madimot - Desperaino - Robtish - Vulpes - Steeleto - Antberry - Splitface - Arachnitor - Rhinosnorus - Sharkjaw - Sergeant Tread
Armadeevil - Switchbeast - Eyescar - Crustor - Skarf - Duplicator - Grinataur - Epoxar - Maldan - Trickster - Pestilox - Fiera - Gigertox - Gred
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Power nav icon Icon-goseiger Power Rangers Megaforce & Power Rangers Super Megaforce Icon-gokaiger
Troy Burrows - Noah Carver - Jake Holling - Gia Moran - Emma Goodall - Robo Knight - Orion
Gosei Morpher - Robo Morpher - Legendary Morpher - Legendary Silver Morpher - Power Cards - Legendary Ranger Keys - Mega Blaster - Super Mega Blaster - Super Mega Saber - Dragon Sword - Phoenix Shot - Snake Axe - Tiger Claw - Shark Bowgun - Megaforce Blaster - Robo Blaster - Super Silver Spear - Ultra Mode - Ultra Sword - Super Mega Mode - Super Mega Cannon - Legendary Ranger Modes
Gosei - Tensou - Mr. Burley - Ernie
Legendary Rangers: Tommy Oliver - T.J. Johnson - Cassie Chan - Leo Corbett - Damon Henderson - Karone - Carter Grayson - Dana Mitchell - Wesley Collins - Casey Rhodes - Jayden Shiba - Mike - Emily
Zords and Megazords
Gosei Dragon Mechazord - Gosei Phoenix Mechazord - Gosei Snake Mechazord - Gosei Tiger Mechazord - Gosei Shark Mechazord - Lion Mechazord
Sea Brothers Zords - Land Brothers Zords - Sky Brothers Zords - Ultra Change Zord - Knight Brothers Zords - Gosei Ultimate Command Ship - Gosei Jet
Super Megaforce
Super Mega Skyship Zord - Super Mega Jet Zord - Super Mega Wheeler Zord - Super Mega Racer Zord - Super Mega Sub Zord - Q-Rex Drill/Dinozord
Delta Runner Zord - Mystic Dragon - Red Lion Wildzord - Ninja Zord - Turbo Falcon Zord
Gosei Great Megazord - Sea Megazord - Land Megazord - Sky Megazord - Ultra Gosei Great Megazord - Gosei Grand Megazord - Gosei Great Grand Megazord - Gosei Ultimate Megazord - Gosei Jet Megazord
Super Megaforce
Legendary Megazord - Q-Rex Megazord - Legendary S.P.D. Megazord - Legendary Mystic Force Megazord - Legendary Wild Force Megazord - Legendary Samurai Megazord - Legendary Q-Rex Megazord - Legendary Ninja Megazord - Legendary RPM Megazord - Ultimate Legendary Megazord
Warstar Aliens: Vrak - Admiral Malkor - Creepox - Loogies - Zombats
Toxic Beasts: Bigs - Bluefur
The Robots: Metal Alice
The Armada: Prince Vekar - The Messenger - Damaras - Argus - Levira - Emperor Mavro - Redker - X Borgs - Bruisers - Royal Guards
Venjix Computer Network: Professor Cog - Grinders
Warstar Aliens: Scaraba - Yuffo - Virox - Dragonflay - Beezara - Dizchord
Toxic Beasts: Hisser - Psychotick - Shadow Serpent - Distractor - Mummy - Kesaran - Gremlin - Skyfish - Nojoke - Dream Snatcher - Glytcher
The Robots: Rotox - Rotox DX - Rico the Robot - Water Rotox Army
The Armada: Headridge - Tentacus - Cybax - Skatana - General Peluso - Matacore - Pacha Chamak - Gorgax - Osogain - Skeltox - Sirjinkor - Invidious - Desolar - Turtlelini - Tranceferer - Armada Megazord - Tresnag - Drill Horn - Yellzor - Levira Megazord
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Power nav icon Power Rangers HyperForce Hyper Force Logo
Marvin Shih - Eddie Banks - Vesper Vasquez - Jack Thomas - Chloe Ashford - Joe Shih
HyperForce Morpher - HyperForce Blade Blaster - Iapetus Blaster - Iapetus Claws - Oceanus Trident - Oceanus Blades - Crius Hammer - Crius Cannon - Coeus Axe - Coeus Shield - Hyperion Bow - Hyperion Scythe - Rhea Swords
Mighty Morphin: Zordon - Ernie
Time Force: Alpha 55 - Dr. Antonio Vasquez - Dr. Luce Vasquez - Bianca Winslow - Mrs. Shih - Mr. Shih - Josh - Spencer - Jocelyn - Rory - Ransik- Nadira
Dino Thunder: Anton Mercer - Hayley Ziktor
S.P.D.: Jackson - Carl
Mystic Force: Mystic Mother
RPM: M - Chaz Winchester IV
World of the Coinless: Zack Taylor (World of the Coinless) - Lina Song (World of the Coinless) - Fidget - Galushi - Rice - Michael Hicks
Medieval Era: Merlin - Sir Galahad - Richard - King Arthur
Christmas Era: Squeezy Sparkle Toes
Veteran Rangers: Tommy Oliver - Aisha Campbell - Andros - Wesley Collins - Jen Scotts - Lucas Kendall - Katie Walker - Trip - Doggie Cruger - Sentinel Knight - Gem - Troy Burrows - Orion
Veteran Rangers: Santa Claus - Lina Song - Georgie
Battle Knights: Lady Guinevere - Sir Edward Banks II - Sir Lancelot
other: Game Master
Zords and Megazords
Lion Hyper Zord - Serpent Hyper Zord - Ram Hyper Zord - Cerberus Hyper Zord - Phoenix Hyper Zord - Hydra Hyper Zord
Chronos HyperForce Megazord - Mega Megazord
The Alliance: Mrs. Ashford - Thrax - Scorpina - Velchanos - Finster - Primator - Lokar the Terrible - Goldar - Hogs Jr - Hydro Jr - Doomstone - Shiburai - Beevil - Dean Hines - Steven Lang - Putty Patrollers - Charlie - A-Squad Blue Ranger - A-Squad Green Ranger - A-Squad Yellow Ranger - A-Squad Pink Ranger
Evil Space Aliens/United Alliance of Evil: Dark Specter - Lord Zedd - Rita Repulsa- Divatox - Astronema - Candius Cornicus - Pudgy Pig - Z Putty Patrollers - Quantrons
Venjix's Army: Venjix Virus - General Kilobyte - Buzzkill - Grinders
The Armada: Emperor Mavro - X Borgs - Bruisers
World of the Coinless: Lord Drakkon - Tyrannosaurus Sentries - Mastodon Sentries - Sabertooth Sentries - Pumpkin Rapper (World of the Coinless)
Other Villains: Perfume Pony - Captain Pegs - Birdie - Napoleon Wrench - Krampus - Mesogog - Red Dragon
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