Icon-ninningerThis article is about a/an villain in Power Rangers Ninja Steel.

"You're not going anywhere!"
―Ripcon's first words when confronting Brody and Dane Romero ten years ago with Galvanax and Madame Odius.[src]

"Let's get this over with!"
―Ripcon after being gigantified.[src]

"NO! You finally got me, rat bait!"
―Ripcon's final words before his demise.[src]

Ripcon was the secondary antagonist for the first half of Power Rangers Ninja Steel as well as Galvanax's bodyguard and original second-in-command.



Ripcon was the son of a pig-like Galaxy Warrior whom Galvanax considered a "real bruiser" but "too ugly". Tvicon TV STORY-Presto Change-O

Ripcon also learned to fight since kindergarten. Tvicon TV STORY-Family Fusion

10 years ago, Ripcon accompanied Galvanax to Earth to claim the Ninja Nexus Prism. As Galvanax fought the transformed Dane Romero, he grabbed Dane's youngest son Brody, distracting Dane long enough for Galvanax to blast the Ninja Nexus Star away from him. He cheered as Galvanax began absorbing the Star's power, but was cut short when Dane broke the Star into six pieces. He then carried Brody to the ship per Galvanax's orders.

Ninja Steel[]

In the present, Ripcon confronts Brody and his fellow prisoners (Redbot and Mick) which causes Mick to shapeshift into a mop. After the latest contestant fail to remove a Ninja Power Star from the Prism, he warns Galvanax not to listen to Madame Odius's claim of making new power stars by saying she can't be trusted. He then pursues Brody, Redbot, and Mick as they escaped the ship with the Ninja Nexus Prism, barely missing Brody as he climbs through the trash chute. Tvicon TV STORY-Return of the Prism

Ripcon arrives on Earth right after Calvin and Sarah are able to save Mick from an army of Kudabots and then reports to Galvanax about two human teenagers. Tvicon TV STORY-Forged in Steel

Ripcon is seen on the Warrior Dome after one of the Skullgators is destroyed by the Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Live and Learn

Ripcon encourages Galvanax to go to Earth personally and fight the Rangers on his own. Ripcon accompanies his master along with Madame Odius but retreats when Galvanax is told to leave by Odius to protect his reputation after Hayley and Sarah badmouth him. Before they leave, Galvanax summons Slogre to fight the Rangers but he is destroyed anyway. Tvicon TV STORY-Presto Change-O

Ripcon suggests that Tangleweb should be the next contestant in the next attempt to claim the Power Stars, but Galvanax didn't believe that he was going to succeed. Despite the monster's close victory, he fails eventually and Ripcon is blamed by Galvanax for another defeat and ordered to clean every toilet on the ship. Tvicon TV STORY-Drive to Survive

Ripcon is trusted again to escort Badpipes on Earth, acting as the monster's muscle to defend him whilst he uses his bagpipes to brainwash the Rangers into handing over their Power Stars. The masked swordsman is close to acquiring the Power Stars but, ultimately, he is stopped by the White Ranger. He challenges Brody in battle while Badpipes fights the rest of the Rangers. Ripcon proves to be very powerful and, for the most of time, can overpower the Red Ranger. However, he is eventually forced to retreat when his Double Sword Doom Strike is countered by the Red Ninja Strike Steel Slash, exposing himself to Galvanax's disapproval. Tvicon TV STORY-My Friend, Redbot

When the Gold Ranger is set free, Ripcon enters Odius' secret room and tries to catch him before he can escape but fails miserably. Tvicon TV STORY-Hack Attack

Ripcon no Horn

Ripcon without his horn, that was cut off by Brody.

Ripcon is tasked by Galvanax to find the Gold Ranger and learn who is the traitor holding him prisoner on the Warrior Dome. Ripcon goes to Earth with an army of Kudabots and attacks the city. His first target is a famous singer, Levi Weston. However, the Rangers are near and Brody saves the star, managing to completely slice off one of Ripcon's horns with his Ninja Star Morph Final Attack. Ripcon demands to know where the Gold Ranger is and starts to fight against four Rangers. During the battle, he encounters Weston's manager and sees the Gold Power Star, making him believe that this man is the Gold Ranger. At this point, Odius arrives and gives Ripcon orders from Galvanax; to find the Gold Rangers immediately as they both vanish. The masked swordsman captures Levi Weston's manager and asks him who kept him on the ship as he is sure the man is the Gold Rangers but he doesn't know what Ripcon is talking about. As the Rangers appear on the scene, Ripcon sets his trap and is able to neutralize them. However, Brody manages to shoot Ripcon with his blaster, making the villain lose the Gold Power Star whilst giving the manager time to get free. To the surprise of all the Rangers, the man escapes as he has no ability to morph. As Ripcon was about to finish the Rangers, Levi Weston comes to the rescue and reveals himself as the Gold Ranger all along. After an intense duel, he forces Ripcon to retreat with the help of the other Rangers when they combine their Rockstorm Blast and Ninja Blaster Final Attack. Tvicon TV STORY-Gold Rush

Ripcon sends Stonedozer to destroy the Rangers but he is destroyed by the Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Rocking & Rolling

Ripcon assigns Trapsaw, Ripperat's brother, to kill the Rangers with his traps and nab the Power Stars. Trapsaw would always set traps for the Rangers but they kept backfiring on him, making Trapsaw look useless. Meanwhile, Ripcon duels the Red Ranger one-on-one again. This time, Ripcon withstands the Red Ranger's sword and bow attacks and uses his Double Sword Doom Strike to hurt him. The Red Ranger escapes, joining the other rangers much to Ripcon's anger though he withdraws because of this. After Trapsaw is destroyed, he's chewed out by Galvanax for failing once again. Tvicon TV STORY-The Ranger Ribbon

Ripcon meets the robot Aiden who tells him his motive to destroy the Rangers. Ripcon was surprised because he didn't know Aiden was Odius's robot. The robot imposter makes a secret deal with him to help him destroy the Rangers and he can give Galvanax the Power Stars personally. However, it is all part of Odius's plan to frame him so Galvanax won't know she was plotting against him. Later, Ripcon fights the Rangers. Brody remembers how strong he was last time, but he uses the new Ninja Fusion Star to overpower Ripcon.  Hurt and tired, Ripcon retreats again. After the destruction of the robot Aiden, Odius has already framed Ripcon who tries to defend himself, knowing that Odius was the traitor, but Galvanax didn't believe him. He gives him one last chance to redeem himself and forces him to grow and fight the Megazord. He gets gigantified, with two Skullgators to help him. The Megazords overwhelm the monsters and Levi destroys the Skullgators with the Rodeo Rapid Blast. However, they merge into a giant sword which Ripcon uses to overpower the Megazords and take them down with a single slash. However, Brody has the idea to combine their Megazords like they did their fighting power before and uses the Ninja Fusion Star to fuse them into the Ninja Fusion Zord. With the new powerful Megazord combination, Ripcon was no match and was destroyed by the Ninja Fusion Zord Master Slash Final Attack. In his final moments, he admitted that Brody had finally done him in before collapsing down and exploding, destroying him forever. Tvicon TV STORY-Family Fusion


Ripcon is destroyed for good.


Ripcon was posthumously mentioned by Odius when she announced that it was her who betrayed Galvanax. Tvicon TV STORY-Galvanax Rises

Ripcon was seen briefly during Sarah's time travels to save her friends from Cleocatra. Tvicon TV STORY-Past, Presents, and Future

Ripcon is seen in flashback after Versix switches the bodies of the Gruesome Grunts and the Rangers during the trial of the Halloween Intergalactic Court. Tvicon TV STORY-Monster Mix-Up

Ripcon is seen one last time when Brody remembers when Galvanax came to Earth with him and Odius to take the Nexus Star. Tvicon TV STORY-Reaching the Nexus


An arrogant swordsman and hothead, Ripcon showed respect and loyalty only to Galvanax, who he called "champ". He didn't seem to trust his fellow general Madame Odius and given her enigmatic and traitorous personality, his mistrust toward her was justified. He was very antagonistic to Brody, who he called "rat bait", and he struck fear into Mick's heart. Despite his egocentric and rude personality, Ripcon was shown to have a soft side for his mother and defended her from anyone who commented about her looks, as shown in the episode "Presto-Change-O", even his master. He was fearful of Galvanax when his plans fail. Despite being his strongest warrior and devoted bodyguard, he absolutely got no respect from his boss at all. His attitude made him the most active of all enemies as he was the one who usually went to Earth and fought the Rangers.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Teleportation: Ripcon could teleport himself to any location at will.


  • Strength: Ripcon was one of the most powerful enemies the Ninja Steel Rangers ever faced as well as the strongest soldier in Galvanax's crew. He very easily and single-handedly overpowered Dano Romero and a single kick from him was able to knock back Brody and slam him into a wall far behind. It took the power of the new Ninja Fusion Star and the Ninja Fusion Zord to destroy him once and for all.
  • Durability: Ripcon survived being blown back by his Double Sword Doom Strike meeting Brody's Steel Slash with explosive results. He also survived the Ninja Fusion Fury Final Attack, an attack that involved cleaving right through him, without a scratch.
  • Skilled Fighter: In addition to his strength, Ripcon was a skilled fighter as he could easily overpower Brody and the other Rangers but was outmatched by Levi as the Gold Ranger.
  • Master Swordsman: Ripcon was a master of his swords and almost always wins in a sword on sword duel. In the episode "The Ranger Ribbon," he was able to fight Brody off despite him wielding both his Ninja Star Blade and Ninja Battle Morpher Claw Mode.
  • Reflexes: When he first fought Brody, Ripcon was able to stop an aerial attack from Brody whilst the Ranger was in midair and deflecting multiple arrows from Brody's Ninja Battle Morpher Bow Mode in the episode "The Ranger Ribbon."


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  • Twin Katanas: To aid him in combat, Ripcon carried two katanas, one longer than the other, and was shown to be proficient with them. He typically only wielded one at a time but occasionally wielded two when performing his primary attack or when facing more than one opponent or an enemy with more than one Ninja Star Blade.
    • Energy Empowerment: Ripcon could charge up his swords with blue or purple energy and slash at full force which he did after throwing Brody's scarecrow at him and it was powerful enough to knock him down.
    • Double Sword Doom Strike:  Ripcon's signature attack and the equivalent of the Steel Slash. He could concentrate indigo or blue lightning into both katanas and utilize a double slash attack first vertical than horizontal in very quick succession, as well as unleash devastating energy waves of either color, which caused major damage to his opponent. In the episode "My Friend, Redbot", it was strong enough to take down and de-morph all five Rangers with one hit. The only things capable of stopping it were Levi's Rockstorm Guitar and the energy shield from the Ninja Fusion Fury Final Attack.
    • Reflection: Ripcon was able to reflect projectile-type attacks with his katanas.
    • Energy Waves: Ripcon could unleash purple, light blue, or indigo colored energy waves from his katanas that were very powerful to the point of creating massive explosions all over a street.
  • Net and Controller: Ripcon used a green net which glowed with electricity of the same color when he activates it using a controller to trap his opponents in.
    • Electrocution: The net could possibly electrocute the opponents if Ripcon pressed a button on his controller.
  • Skullgator Sword: During his final battle against the Rangers, when the Skullgators were aiding him in battle, they merged into a giant sword that Ripcon could fight with.




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Behind the Scenes[]



  • Ripcon's theme seemed to be a cross between a samurai and a demon.


  • His name was a portmanteau of rip (as in "rip and tear") and conniving.


  • Ripcon's head design incorporates an incomplete horned Hannya mask from Noh theatre. This is because all of the main villains in Ninninger had faces based upon theater masks.
  • The image of Ripcon's mother was a reuse of Hamhock from Jungle Fury's "Bad to the Bone" which revealed that Ripcon may have been part pig monster.
  • Ripcon had one less form than his Ninninger counterpart Raizo Gabi which, had it been incorporated, would've been his revived form.
    • However, it was in the Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel toyline.
    • The most likely reason why Ripcon didn't return to Super Ninja Steel was because there was being no reasonable way for him to be revived.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Ninja Steel & Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel Icon-ninninger
Brody Romero - Preston Tien - Calvin Maxwell - Hayley Foster - Sarah Thompson - Aiden Romero - Dane Romero - Mick Kanic
Ninja Battle Morpher - Gold Ninja Battle Morpher - Ninja Power Stars - Ninja Star Blade - Ninja Blaster - Rockstorm Guitar - Ninja Master Blade - Mega Morph Cycle - Burger Camera - Master Morpher
Redbot - Victor Vincent - Monty - Principal Hastings - Mary Masters - Jackie Thompson - Aaron Foster - Marcus Tien - Princess Viera - Sheriff Skyfire - Mrs. Finch - Mrs. Bell - Mr. Lunt
Legendary Rangers: TommyOliver - Rocky DeSantos - Katherine Hillard - T.J. Johnson - Wesley Collins - Trent Fernandez-Mercer - Gemma- Antonio Garcia - Gia Moran - Koda
Zords and Megazords
Robo Red Zord - Dragon Zord - Nitro Zord - Kodiak Zord - Zoom Zord - Rumble Tusk Zord - Astro Zord - Robo Rider Zord - Ninja Bull Zord - Lion Fire Zord - Sub Surfer Zord - Falcon Zord - Serpent Zord - Tortoise Zord - Tiger Zord - Panda Zord - Piranha Zord
Ninja Steel Megazord - Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord - Astro Ninja Steel Megazord - Bull Rider Megazord - Ninja Fusion Zord - Lion Fire Megazord - Ninja Ultrazord - Sub Surfer Ninja Steel Megazord - Ninja Blaze Megazord - Ninja Blaze Ultrazord
Gorilla Blast Zord - Stegosaurus Zord - Sabertooth Zord
Villains (Season 1)
Galvanax - Madame Odius - Ripcon - Cosmo Royale - Aiden Romero (robot) - Kudabots - Skullgators - Basherbots - Buzzcams
Villains (Season 2)
Galaxy Warriors: Madame Odius - Badonna - Cosmo Royale - General Tynamon - Brax - Kudabots - Basherbots - Upgraded Basherbots - Skullgators - Buzzcams - Foxbots
Sledge's Crew: Sledge - Poisandra - Wrench
Others: Lord Draven - Tommy Oliver (Robo Ranger)
Galaxy Warrior Contestants
Galvanax's Contestants
Korvaka - Ripperat - Spinferno - Slogre - Tangleweb - Badpipes - Hacktrack - Stonedozer - Trapsaw - Toxitea - Shoespike - Lord Drillion - Phonepanzee - Cat O'Clock - Abrakadanger - Forcefear
Madame Odius' Contestants
Smellephant - Deceptron - Spyclops - Doomwave - Game Goblin - Galactic Ninjas (Wolvermean - Speedwing - Rygore - Venoma) - Foxatron - Dreadwolf - Blammo - Typeface - Voltipede - Megamauler - Gorrox
Minor Contestants
Lavagor - Ripcon's mother - Lavagor's brother - Unidentified Contestant - Elderly Woman
Gruesome Grunts
Versix - Fangore - Jabberon - Stabberous - Shelldax - Plasmora - Ackshun
Minor Monsters
Cleocatra - Ghost Monster - Kuliner Monster - Snow Fright