Icon-goseigerThis article is about a Ranger in Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce.Icon-gokaiger

"Claw of the Tiger! Megaforce Yellow!"
―Megaforce Roll Call[src]

"Jungle Power! Ultra Megaforce Yellow!"
―Ultra Mode Roll Call[src]

"Super Megaforce Yellow!"
―Super Mega Mode Roll Call[src]

Gia Moran is Megaforce Yellow, the Yellow Ranger of the Mega Rangers in Power Rangers Megaforce and Power Rangers Super Megaforce.

Four years later, she returned in Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel along with the other Legendary Rangers, helping the Ninja Steel Rangers against Lord Draven and his army of Robo Rangers.

Quick Answers

What qualities led to Gia Moran being chosen as a Mega Ranger? toggle section
Gia Moran, known as Megaforce Yellow in Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce, was selected as a Mega Ranger for her calmness under pressure and commitment to excellence. Her unshakeable confidence, strength, and dedication to safeguarding her friends further distinguish her as a Mega Ranger.
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How does Gia Moran contribute to the team in Power Rangers Super Megaforce? toggle section
Gia Moran, or Megaforce Yellow, is a key figure in the Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce series. Her unshakeable confidence and strength make her a reliable protector of her friends. Her combat skills include the Stun Gun Trio and Sword Stinger. She also reappears in Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel, assisting the Ninja Steel Rangers in their fight against Lord Draven's Robo Rangers.
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What role does Gia Moran play in Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel? toggle section
Gia Moran, recognized as Megaforce Yellow, is a central figure in Power Rangers Megaforce and its sequel, Power Rangers Super Megaforce. She makes a comeback in Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel, aiding the Ninja Steel Rangers in their fight against Lord Draven and his Robo Rangers. As a Legendary Ranger, Gia's return in Super Ninja Steel is a notable occurrence in the series.
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How does Gia's ability to stay calm under pressure aid in her battles against the Warstar Aliens? toggle section
Gia Moran's calmness under pressure is pivotal in her confrontations with the Warstar Aliens. This quality enables her to strategize and excel in battle. In a notable encounter, Gia and the Mega Rangers are transported to a city besieged by alien Loogies. Amid the turmoil, Gia keeps her cool, contributing to the downfall of Scaraba and the Loogies with the Megaforce Blaster. Her composed attitude and commitment to perseverance are integral to her effectiveness as a Mega Ranger.
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Becoming a Ranger[]

Megaforce rangers debut

The Megaforce Rangers

Gia is one of the five teenagers chosen by Gosei to save the world from the Warstar Aliens due to her ability to be calm under pressure and pursue exellence. First, Gosei and Tensou teleport them to the city where the alien Loogies have started to wreak havoc and fight with their team against Scaraba and Loogies to later transform into Mega Rangers and use their powers to tilt the odds, Gia and the Mega Rangers destroy their enemies using the Megaforce Blaster. After defeating the alien, the new Rangers return to the Command Center and promise never to give up. Tvicon TV STORY-Mega Mission

One day, she and Jake flirted with each other. When they saw alien ships capturing humans, they decide to follow the ships in one location and call the other Rangers to help them. After the battle, Jake complimented Gia about how good they are as a team. Tvicon TV STORY-He Blasted Me With Science

Gia and Emma is chatting with Noah, who are excited about the school's social media site that is about to go live; Troy, Emma and Gia are strolling downtown. Emma asks if Gia has noticed that Jake might be in love with her. No, Gia responds. But before Emma can ask anything more, they see people turn into Loogies. Tensou says it's like a flu virus, Troy, Emma and Gia transform into Megaforce Rangers to work together and prevent more people from getting infected, later Gia along with Emma and Troy decide to lure the human Loogies to attack them, but they do not defend themselves to tire them and make it easier surround them. The Rangers combine their weapons for the Megaforce Blaster and take down Virox and his first time. Now they need to release people in quarantine. Noah says that he will, so he takes Jake's ax and frees the people from the big block and destroy Virox by the Gosei Great Megazord by second time. Tvicon TV STORY-Going Viral

Gaining new Zords[]

A week or so later, Gia, Jake, and Noah enter the Brain Freeze and sit along with Emma, who tells them about the phony who is still telling his stories. Gia says that she's just an attention-seeking guy. "You can relate, right?" she teases Jake. The four get up to leave when suddenly a guy runs into the mall warning about the attack, the Rangers wait and see what the fake does and with the push of the crowd, he gets up and leads them to deal with the monster. The Rangers go out hoping to stop Jordan from doing something silly, the Megaforce Rangers arrive and Troy leads Jordan to safety. Gia and the other rangers except Troy are shot down by Creepox, Creepox taunts them, but Gia and the rangers helped by Troy get up and Creepox and Dragonflay retreat for now, the Rangers briefly focus their attention on Jordan, only to escape later. Jordan asks where they are going, but Jake tells him to go home. He follows them anyway.

Gia along with Emma, Jake and Noah take a bottle course by Troy and train. Their training allows them to feel like someone is stalking them, so when Jordan arrives, they are already transformed, the Megaforce Rangers decide to give him a preview of what they do to train and offer him the opportunity to try, but Jordan fails miserably. Alert and the Rangers return to the city where Dragonflay is attacking.

Gia along with the Megaforce Rangers, hey have dominated detecting Dragonflay before it can attack and to finish him off, with the Sea Brothers added to their Mega Blasters, she with the other Rangers execute a powerful Sea Blast and Dragonflay is destroyed the first time,

Gia and Jake New powers

Gia and Jake gained their new powers

The Rangers call their Zords, Troy gets too tired to continue the Megazord battle and so Jake and Gia decide to take over and work the Megazord's legs even harder to chase down the running Dragonflay, just when all seemed lost, a new power is revealed, their determination of both triggered the unlocking of the Land Brothers Zords. Jake and Gia gained access to the Land Brothers Zords, Jake and Gia turn to Rhino, Beetle, and Dino Zords and combine them with the Megazord into the Land Megazord and destroyed Dragonflay. Tvicon TV STORY-Stranger Ranger

Gia and Emma enemies

Gia and Emma temporary enemies

One day in the woods, Emma and Gia are cycling along the trail. Emma wants to show Gia a rare flower that only blooms one day a year. Some photos are taken before Gosei calls them, after the battle in the city Emma and Gia happily reveal the photos, but Queen Beezara makes them her worst enemy, in her first battle against Beezara, due to Gia and Emma fight each other, Troy, Jake and Noah are controlled by Beezara. and taken to the hive, while looking for the hive, the girls continue arguing, they decide to go their separate ways. During their second battle with Beezara and the second argument with Emma, ​​Jake, Troy and Noah reminded the two that they had been best friends since the age of 6, Gia and Emma suddenly realized that they must be under a spell, since nothing had happened to him. creating friction between them, Emma unlocked the Sky Brothers Zord Powers, both Rangers destroy Queen Beezara with an Ultimate Dino Blast, the Megaforce Rangers form the Skick Gosei Great Megazord and permanently destroy Queen Beezara, in the Brain Freeze Gia and Emma reprise their relationship as best friends. Tvicon TV STORY-United We Stand

Dizchord plays horrible music all over Harwood County, Tensou tries to contact the Rangers but Emma and Troy can barely hear them. Gia calls them to meet in the plaza and the group transforms into Rangers during the battle. Gia, Jake and Noah can concentrate despite Dizchord's music, unlike Troy and Emma, the Mega Rangers try to get people out of the area and use the Megaforce Blaster but it fails, during Dizchord's concert Jake and Noah try to call to Troy but the music is too much for him to hear. The three decide to control the monster, but are immediately easily defeated by Vrak, but are saved by Emma and Troy, the three Rangers combine their weapons and destroy Dizchord with a powerful land-sea blaster, The Rangers use the Mega Strike and finally destroy Dizchord and his music. Tvicon TV STORY-Harmony and Dizchord

Jake and Gia save Howie, the two Rangers fight Creepox who takes the fight to a warehouse; however, they are easily defeated when Creepox is destroyed by Troy, but Creepox turned into a giant, the Rangers using the great Gosei Megazord are humiliated by Creepox. and the destructive powers of him, however Gosei helps the rangers to give them new powers by forming the Hyper Gosei Great Megazord with the Ultra Mega Strike, the Rangers obtain a victory destroying Creepox. Tvicon TV STORY-Who's Crying Now?

Meeting Robo Knight[]

Gia and the other Megaforce Rangers fight with a new type of monsters called Toxic Mutants are Bluefur, Bigs, and Hisser, the battle with the latter is very difficult, the moment when all was lost, the rangers are saved by Robo Knight, who easily destroy Hisser. Tvicon TV STORY-Robo Knight

In Ernie's BrainFreeze, the Megaforce Rangers commented on Robo Knight's good deeds earlier, when Psychotic attacks a park, Gia and the Megaforce Rangers to save people, Robo Knight seems to fight against Psychotic but is captured by Vrak, however Gia, Jake, Troy, Noah, and Emma rescue Robo Knight and defeat Psychotick, as a result, Robo Knight joins the Megaforce Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Prince Takes Knight

Megaforce Rangers with Robo knight work as a team, ruining new toxic mutant Shadow Serpent's evil plans that was steal peoples' shadows, forming the Gosei Great Grand Megazord, destroy Shadow Serpent by Dual Strike.Tvicon TV STORY-Man and Machine

The Megaforce Rangers gaining new powers by the Ultra Zords, Gia along the Rangers easily defeated Distractor his phantom army. Tvicon TV STORY-Ultra Power

Gia, Jake, Emma, Troy along with much people are temporary captured by Nojoke’s laughing gourd, but thanks to Noah and Robo Knight escape laughing gourd and destroy Nojoke. Tvicon TV STORY-Last Laugh

The Rangers had an encounter with a new toxic mutant called Dream Snatcher, who consuming dreams all people including Emma in Harwood County, thanks to Emma; the people are back to the normal as Dream Snatcher is destroyed by the Rangers. In the night Gia, Emma, Noah, Jake and Troy view all the meteorite rain and make a wish by Robo Knight. Tvicon TV STORY-Dream Snatcher

In the center Harwood County is contaminated by toxic slime of Bigs and Bluefur using the Aurora Box to increase the contaminated in Harwood County. The Megaforce Rangers defeated Bigs for first time, however he lives in the Aurora Box, but Gia and the other Rangers destroy Bigs using the Ultra Gosei Dynamic; the battle with a giant Bluefur is very difficult for the other hand Gosei help the Rangers give the Gosei Ultimate Megazord, the rangers destroyed Bluefur by an Ultimate Charge. Tvicon TV STORY-Gosei Ultimate

Battle with the last Toxic Mutant[]

In Halloween the Gia along with Troy and Noah are see disguise carve pumpkins in Ernie's Brain Freeze, but they witness a brief blackout at the site, however Jake disguised as cow. In the fortune teller's tent Gia, Jake, Noah and Troy seen past visions of insectoids destroyed by them in the Ranger form, until that the fortune teller revels his identity as the last Toxic Mutant, Glytcher who avenge the destruction of his cousin Gremlin the Megaforce rangers start a chase with Glytcher in Harwood County who is very agile. Thanks to Emma the Megaforce Rangers destroyed Glytcher with Robo Knight and save Halloween. Tvicon TV STORY-Raising Spirits

Super Megaforce[]

During the Armada's invasion, she and Jake return to the Command Center. Slowly the other Rangers return to the CC, and Gosei presents them with the Super Megaforce powers.

Super Ninja Steel[]

"Last thing I remember I was meeting with Tommy when some kind of Rangers attacked."
―Gia after being free from her computer prison.[src]
The other Rangers free from Draven's prison

Gia and the other Rangers reunited.

Contacted by who she thought was Tommy, but was actually a robotic duplicate in disguise, Gia was among the Legendary Rangers who were kidnapped and taken to the Antiverse, Lord Draven. Hooked up to a computer, he used an unconscious Gia to create Robo Ranger soldiers derived from the Megaforce Yellow. Fortunately, Gia and the other captives were soon rescued by fellow Legendary Rangers Wes, Tommy, Gemma, and Koda.

PRSNS LegendaryRangers2

Gia along with T.J., Trent, Rocky, and Gemma, morphing to help fight Draven's army.

Opposing Draven's goal of conquering the Ranger Dimensions, Gia transformed once again and fought alongside not only the other Legendary Rangers but also the Ninja Steel Rangers, combining her powers to take down the Robo Ranger army.

During the battle, Gia is seen teaming up with Calvin Maxwell the Yellow Ninja Steel Ranger, attacking several of her Robotic duplicates.

As soon as Draven becomes gigantic, Gia and the other Rangers watched as Draven uses the final Mega-Arrow in the sky. Gia witness Tommy turned into the Mighty Morphin White Ranger, summons the Falconzord and grabbed the final arrow, and they are attacked by Draven. Immediately the other Rangers shoot Draven from the ground and the Falconzord launches the final Mega-Arrow at Draven, destroying him. The crack in the barrier is completely repaired.

Once Draven was defeated, Gia joined by her fellow veterans in praising her latest successors before returning to their dimension, all the Rangers say their goodbyes before returning to their dimensions. Tvicon TV STORY-Dimensions in Danger

Street Fighter Showdown[]

Gia explained to Ryu and Chun-Li the Rita Repulsa and Mr

Gia along with Tommy explained to Ryu and Chun-Li about Rita Repulsa and Mr. Bison's objetive.

Gia was recruited by Tommy Oliver to finish off Rita Repulsa and restore the Morphing Grid and the Rangers who are still infected. Gia and Tommy track down the energy signature at the temple and meet up with Ryu and Chun-Li, explains that Rita Repulsa join forces with Bison. When Tommy gives Ryu the Hawk Power Coin, Gia explain that Ninjor made only a Power Coin prior to his kidnapping, during the fight Gia try fighting against Mr. Bison but immediately she is defeated. Mr. Bison with the over power that he had Gia, Tommy and Ryu morph into their Ranger forms, the power of the morphing sequence blowing Bison through a wall.

Gia figth against Mr

Gia fights against Mr. Bison.

In a dilapidated factory, Gia, Tommy, Ryu, and Chun-Li are being monitored by Bison without their knowledge. The four find Ninjor on the ground weak. Gia and the others hear Ninjor warning them too late about M. Bison, who grabs Ryu and throws him aside before calling the others to fight. During the fight Gia and Chun-Li try to attack Mr. Bison but are attacked by him.

Gia ,Tomy ,Ryu and Chun-Li prepare figth against Mr

Gia, Tommy, Ryu and Chun-Li prepare to fight against Mr. Bison

When Ryu throws a Shoryuken and Chun-Li hits it with a Lightning Kick at Bison, as a chance Gia turned into Super Megaforce Yellow, she made a yellow energy blast combining with Tommy's green energy blast and Ryu's Hadoken, apparently defeating Bison. Gia compliments Tommy's new Ranger form before Tommy thanks Ryu for his help. Ryu agrees and mentions that he is happy to have the Rangers as allies instead of adversaries.

Ryu ,Tommy , Gia and Chun-Li vs evil Rangers

Gia, Tommy, Ryu and Chun-Li going to fight against the Evil Rangers lead by Mr. Bison.

However, Bison isn't finished, roaring out that Rita has given him an army at his disposal. He suddenly summons various Rangers by his side, all of them ready to fight. Gia seen that Mr. Bison overcomes them in number, Tommy asks if Ryu's ready for Round Two, which he declares he always is. Gia along with Tommy and Ryu put on their helmets, the four warriors charge Mr. Bison and evil Rangers. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Legacy Wars - Street Fighter Showdown

Dino Fury[]

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Dino Fury Archive footage

Gia in the Legendary Ranger database.

Zayto activates the Legendary Ranger Database, showing Master Blue that Master Green came to them after the Dinohenge statues were destroyed and restored them to normal. Also, Zayto says that he found Ranger teams who were saved in their darkest moments through unexplained reasons and shows them three specific moments. Including the Legendary Battle where all the Legendary Rangers coming to the aid of the Mega Rangers including Gia in the Legendary Battle and helping them defeat an entire army of the Armada's X Borgs. Tvicon TV STORY-Morphin Master


Gia Moran is labeled as 'Miss Perfect'. Pretty, personable, tough and strict. Gia is as intelligent as she is confident. She is shown to be a tomboy and has a caring side as well. She's been best friends with Emma since they were little, likely because of Emma's good heart, and that's not going to stop just because they're in different social cliques. The Yellow Ranger's constant success can be frustrating to her teammates, but she and her Tiger Zord are dependable to the end. Gia also plays hard to get, as she obviously has a crush on Jake, which develops later in Super Megaforce, but refuses to admit it until the very end of the series with a kiss on the cheek. She was, however, completely aware that Jake liked her from the start. She enjoys comedy and is very flexible in day-to-day life, but she's not messing around.


  • Yellow Robo Ranger was created as part of the Robo Rangers by Lord Draven. Yellow Robo Ranger was destroyed alongside the other Robo Rangers by the Legendary Rangers and Ninja Steel Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Dimensions in Danger

Non-Ranger Powers and Abilities[]


  • Ninja Revelation: Gia is able appear in any place manifesting a small explosion of smoke of color yellow.


  • Power Rangers Knowledge: Gia is shown to have a lot of knowledge related to any Power Ranger, also those from the future Power Rangers generations like Ninja Steel.


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Megaforce Yellow

As Megaforce Yellow, she has a Tiger motif. She pilots the Gosei Tiger Mechazord. Yellow Ranger's main weapon is a claw called the Tiger Claw. She uses cards with her Gosei Morpher.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Megaquake: Megaforce Yellow uses her Tiger Claw to perform a earth tremor alongside Megaforce Black with his Snake Axe.
  • Tiger Blast: Attaching the Tiger Zord to the Mega Blaster, Megaforce Yellow can perform a yellow energy blast.
  • Tiger's Claw: Megaforce Yellow delivers a yellow energy slash with the Tiger Claw.
  • Dynamic Victory Charge: Combining all five Mega Weapons, Megaforce Red and the other Rangers insert their elemental Power Cards to energize the Megaforce Blaster. Once energized, the Rangers fire the Megaforce symbol at the opponent, destroying them.
  • Sea Blast: Megaforce Yellow can use the Hammerhead Zord on the Mega Blaster to perform a combined water attack with the other Rangers' Sea-powered Mega Blasters.
  • Ultimate Dino Blast: Megaforce Yellow and Megaforce Pink uses the Dino and Ptera Zords on their Mega Blasters to perform a pink and yellow twin blasts, launching the Zords at the opponent.
  • Sky Blast: Megaforce Yellow can use the Ptera Zord on the Mega Blaster to launch a combined energy blast of the Zord's head with the other Rangers' Sky-powered Mega Blasters.


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Appearances: M Episodes 1-21; SM Episodes 1-7, 10-12, 15-17, 19, 20 & LBEV; SNS Episode 10


Ultra Megaforce Yellow

Ultra Mode is the Super Armor, Megaforce Yellow has an increased power. Gia gains the Ultra Tiger Zord, the gold armor protects her from Status Inducements. Their shoulder armor can turn into large golden wings that blocked incoming attacks. The Headder on her chest is a tiger.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Ultra Power Dynamic Strike: By pressing the button on the Ultra Sword, Ultra Megaforce Yellow and the other Rangers charge the weapons and position themselves. All five then fire gold energy beams combining into a projectile resembling the Ultra Dragon Zord at the opponent.
    • Ultra Power Knight Dynamic Strike: Ultra Megaforce Red summons the Vulcan Cannon to weaponize the Robo Blaster. The Rangers use their Ultra Swords to lock on target and all five fire a powerful gold and blue energy blast.
  • Ultra Gosei Dynamic - Ultra Strike: Sliding on the Gosei Morpher onto the Ultra Sword, the Mega Rangers insert the "Ultra Gosei Dynamic" Cards, charging their weapons. The Rangers get in position and fire off gold energy beams that form the Megaforce symbol, instantly destroying the monster.


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Appearances: M Episodes 11-17, 19, 20; SM Episodes 16, 17


Super Megaforce Yellow

In Super Megaforce, Gia and the other Mega Rangers gains the Super Mega Mode which allows them to morph into the past Rangers that have preceded them.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Yellow Energy Ball: Gia is able to create a yellow energy ball and launch to her opponent.
  • Super Mega Final Strike: This finisher has three variations:
    • Final Strike: Super Megaforce Yellow inserts the Super Megaforce Yellow Key in the Super Mega Saber, charging it in yellow energy. Once charged, she launches a yellow energy blade at the opponent alongside the other Rangers.
    • Super Mega Blast: Super Megaforce Yellow inserts the Super Megaforce Yellow Key in the Super Mega Blaster, charging it in yellow energy. Once charged, she fires a yellow energy shot at the opponent alongside the other Rangers.
    • Super Mega Saber Blast: Super Megaforce Yellow inserts two Yellow Ranger Keys in the Super Mega Blaster & Saber, charging it in yellow energy. Once charged, she fires a yellow energy shot following a yellow energy blade at the opponent, alongside the other Rangers.


  • Expert Swordswoman: Gia quickly became proficient with the use of a sword as soon as she became Super Megaforce Yellow. This is shown when he uses Super Mega mode.
  • Skilled Shooter: Gia quickly became proficient with the use of a weapon. This is shown when she uses Super Mega mode.


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Appearances: SM Episodes 1-15, 18-20 & LBEV


Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger

Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger (with Skirt)
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: SM Episodes 5, 11


Yellow Aquitar Ranger

Yellow Aquitar Ranger (female version)
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Yellow Aquitar Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Powers of Aquitar: The Aquitar Rangers disappear in grey smoke.


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This form is exclusive to SM Episode 13.


Zeo Ranger II – Yellow

Zeo Ranger II
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Yellow Zeo Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Dynamite Attack: The Zeo Rangers turn into energy orbs of their respective colors, combining into a huge projectile that rams through opponent.


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This form is exclusive to SM Episode 10.


Yellow Turbo Ranger

Yellow Turbo Ranger
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Yellow Turbo Ranger's powers, weapons and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Turbo Strike: The Turbo Rangers strikes the opponent on a variety of vehicles; Gia performs an attack on a pair of rollerskates..


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This form is exclusive to SM Episode 11.


Yellow Space Ranger

Yellow Space Ranger
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Yellow Space Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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This form is exclusive to SM Episode 5.


Yellow Galaxy Ranger

Galaxy Yellow (with Skirt)
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Yellow Galaxy Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Shocking Slash: Gia can channel the element of lightning throwing it in a slash form towards her opponent.


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Appearances: SM Episodes 5, 7


Yellow Lightspeed Ranger

Yellow Lightspeed Ranger (with Skirt)
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Yellow Lightspeed Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: N/A


Yellow Time Force Ranger

Time Force Yellow (with Skirt)
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Time Force Yellow Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: N/A


Wild Force Yellow Eagle Ranger

Yellow Wild Force Ranger (with Skirt)
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Yellow Wild Force Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Savage Slash: The Wild Force Rangers intensify the Jungle Sword to deliver an elongated energy blade that destroys the opponent.


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Appearances: SM Episodes 4, 6


Yellow Wind Ranger

Yellow Wind Ranger (female version)
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Yellow Wind Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Ninja Power: Using the Yellow Wind Ranger Key, Gia assuming the ninja powers.
    • Super Agility: She can leap higher than an average person.
    • Superhuman Speed: She can move faster than the eye can see, often used in high-speed rush attacks.
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This form is exclusive to SM Episode 1.


Yellow Dino Ranger

Yellow Dino Ranger
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Yellow Dino Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: SM Episodes 5, 12, LBEV


S.P.D. Yellow Ranger

S.P.D. Yellow Ranger
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the S.P.D. Yellow Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: SM Episodes 1-3


Yellow Mystic Ranger

Yellow Mystic Ranger (female version)
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Yellow Mystic Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Thunder / Lightning Manipulation: Using the Yellow Mystic Force Ranger Key, Gia has the ability to manipulate thunder at will.
  • Electric Whirlwind: Gia can summon a destructive Electric Whirlwind to her opponents.


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Appearances: SM Episodes 1, LBEV


Yellow Overdrive Ranger

Yellow Overdrive Ranger
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Yellow Overdrive Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: N/A


Jungle Fury Yellow Ranger

Jungle Fury Yellow Ranger
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Jungle Fury Yellow Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Claw Booster: The Jungle Fury Rangers combine their powers to launch a energy shot at the opponent.
  • Cheetah Jabs: Gia executes an attack where she unleashes a rapid onslaught of punches nearly impossible to counter or avoid.


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Appearances: SM Episodes 3, 6, 13


Jungle Master Mode

Jungle Master Yellow Ranger

Powers and Abilities[]


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This form is exclusive to LBEV.


Ranger Operator Series Yellow

Ranger Operator Series Yellow
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to Ranger Yellow's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: SM Episodes 2, 9, 14


Yellow Samurai Ranger

Yellow Samurai Ranger
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Yellow Samurai Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Quintuple Slash: The Samurai Rangers delivers yellow, pink, blue, green and red energy slashes to the opponent with their Spin Sword.


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Appearances: SM Episodes 1, 5, 8


Yellow Squadron Ranger

Legendary Squadron Yellow Ranger (female version)
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Yellow Squadron Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Final Strike: The Squadron Rangers channel blue energy orbs and combine them into a large flame ball that destroy the opponent.
  • Legendary Strike: The Squadron Rangers launch their chakram blades at the opponent.


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  • Unnamed Chakram Weapon
Appearances: SM Episodes 2, 10


Yellow Lightning Ranger

Yellow Lightning Ranger
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Yellow Lightning Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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This form is exclusive to SM Episode 5


Yellow Supersonic Ranger

Yellow Supersonic Ranger
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Yellow Supersonic Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: SM Episodes 19 & LBEV


Black Aquitar Ranger

Black Aquitar Ranger (female version)
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Black Aquitar Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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This form is exclusive to SM Episode 4.


Red Mystic Ranger

Red Mystic Ranger (female version)
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the Red Mystic Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Fire/Heat Manipulation: Using the Red Mystic Ranger powers, Gia has the ability to manipulate fire at will.
  • Fire Whirlwind: Gia as Mystic Red can summon a whirlwind of fire that surrounded her opponent.


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This form is exclusive to SM Episode 1.


White Blitz Ranger

White Blitz Ranger
Through Legendary Ranger Mode, Gia has access to the White Blitz Ranger's powers, weapons, and Attacks.

Powers and Abilities[]


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This form is exclusive to SM Episode 13.





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Villain Groups[]

Toxic Mutants[]
Venjix Computer Network[]
Galaxy Warriors[]


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to be added

Behind the Scenes[]



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  • Possibly named for the late American fashion model Gia Carangi, who died at the height of her career in 1986, amid the HIV/AIDS crisis that dominated the decade. Actress Angelina Jolie portrayed Carangi in a TV miniseries (see Notes below).
  • The surname Moran is derived from the Gaelic word "móran," which means "great" or "large." It can also be traced back to the word "mór," meaning "big" or "noble". The name is an anglicized form of the Irish "Ó Móráin" or "Ó Moghrain," which means "descendant of Mórán." Mórán itself is a personal name derived from "mór," indicating someone who is large or great in stature or strength.

Ranger Keys[]

Gosei Yellow Ranger Key

The Megaforce Yellow Ranger Key.

The Megaforce Yellow Ranger Key is one of Gia's personal Ranger Keys. This key along with the majority of the Core Ranger Keys are seen lining the Command Center's interior walls. This key is mainly used by Gia Moran (Super Megaforce Yellow).

  • It was shown when the Super Mega Rangers summoned their Megaforce Zords from their Legendary Megazord against the Armada. Tvicon TV STORY-The Wrath

KSG-Gokai Yellow Ranger Key

The Super Megaforce Yellow Ranger Key.

The Super Megaforce Yellow Ranger Key is one of Gia's personal Ranger Keys which allows her to morph into Super Megaforce Yellow. As with the other Super Megaforce Ranger Keys, this key is commonly used in the Super Mega Rangers' Ranger Key-compatible arsenal and zords for different functions and attacks.


  • Gia's Japanese voice actress is Yū Kobayashi.
  • Gia and Jake share the same element, Earth.
  • Both Trini and Gia are similar as they are Yellow Rangers associated with tigers, good friends with the Pink Ranger (Kimberly and Emma respectively).
  • Gia Moran's actress Ciara Hanna mentioned on Power Rangers Playback Livestream that Gia is named after American actress Angelina Jolie.


Power Rangers Key Scanner[]

Gia as Megaforce Yellow Ranger and Super Megaforce Yellow Ranger appears in the app videogame Power Rangers Key Scanner, among various other Rangers teams.

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Legacy[]

Super Megaforce Yellow in PR SMF Legacy

Super Megaforce Yellow Ranger in Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Legacy

Gia as Super Megaforce Yellow Ranger appears in the videogame Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Legacy, among various other Rangers teams.

Power Rangers Dash[]

Gia along with the other Megaforce Rangers as well as their Super Mega Mode are among all the Ranger teams which appear in the Korean-developed mobile game Power Rangers Dash.

Power Rangers Legacy Wars[]

Gia is among the many Rangers who feature in Power Rangers Legacy Wars. She is a Legendary (Leader), Rare (Assist) character, and represents the (Super) Megaforce Rangers along with Robo Knight and Orion. She was released at the game's launch in 2017.

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid[]


Super Megaforce Yellow in Battle for the Grid.

Gia is one of the fighters available on release as Super Megaforce Yellow again in Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, also developed by nWay Games. Her primarily weapons are her Super Mega Saber and Super Mega Blaster, and she operates as a mid-range character.

See Also[]



Power nav icon Icon-goseiger Power Rangers Megaforce & Power Rangers Super Megaforce Icon-gokaiger
Troy Burrows - Noah Carver - Jake Holling - Gia Moran - Emma Goodall - Robo Knight - Orion
Gosei Morpher - Robo Morpher - Legendary Morpher - Legendary Silver Morpher - Power Cards - Legendary Ranger Keys - Mega Blaster - Super Mega Blaster - Super Mega Saber - Dragon Sword - Phoenix Shot - Snake Axe - Tiger Claw - Shark Bowgun - Megaforce Blaster - Robo Blaster - Super Silver Spear - Ultra Mode - Ultra Sword - Super Mega Mode - Super Mega Cannon - Legendary Ranger Modes
Gosei - Tensou - Mr. Burley - Ernie
Legendary Rangers: Tommy Oliver - T.J. Johnson - Cassie Chan - Leo Corbett - Damon Henderson - Karone - Carter Grayson - Dana Mitchell - Wesley Collins - Casey Rhodes - Jayden Shiba - Mike - Emily
Zords and Megazords
Gosei Dragon Mechazord - Gosei Phoenix Mechazord - Gosei Snake Mechazord - Gosei Tiger Mechazord - Gosei Shark Mechazord - Lion Mechazord
Sea Brothers Zords - Land Brothers Zords - Sky Brothers Zords - Ultra Change Zord - Knight Brothers Zords - Gosei Ultimate Command Ship - Gosei Jet
Super Megaforce
Super Mega Skyship Zord - Super Mega Jet Zord - Super Mega Wheeler Zord - Super Mega Racer Zord - Super Mega Sub Zord - Q-Rex Drill/Dinozord
Delta Runner Zord - Mystic Dragon - Red Lion Wildzord - Ninja Zord - Turbo Falcon Zord
Gosei Great Megazord - Sea Megazord - Land Megazord - Sky Megazord - Ultra Gosei Great Megazord - Gosei Grand Megazord - Gosei Great Grand Megazord - Gosei Ultimate Megazord - Gosei Jet Megazord
Super Megaforce
Legendary Megazord - Q-Rex Megazord - Legendary S.P.D. Megazord - Legendary Mystic Force Megazord - Legendary Wild Force Megazord - Legendary Samurai Megazord - Legendary Q-Rex Megazord - Legendary Ninja Megazord - Legendary RPM Megazord - Ultimate Legendary Megazord
Warstar Aliens: Vrak - Admiral Malkor - Creepox - Loogies - Zombats
Toxic Beasts: Bigs - Bluefur
The Robots: Metal Alice
The Armada: Prince Vekar - The Messenger - Damaras - Argus - Levira - Emperor Mavro - Redker - X Borgs - Bruisers - Royal Guards
Venjix Computer Network: Professor Cog - Grinders
Warstar Aliens: Scaraba - Yuffo - Virox - Dragonflay - Beezara - Dizchord
Toxic Beasts: Hisser - Psychotick - Shadow Serpent - Distractor - Mummy - Kesaran - Gremlin - Skyfish - Nojoke - Dream Snatcher - Glytcher
The Robots: Rotox - Rotox DX - Rico the Robot - Water Rotox Army
The Armada: Headridge - Tentacus - Cybax - Skatana - General Peluso - Matacore - Pacha Chamak - Gorgax - Osogain - Skeltox - Sirjinkor - Invidious - Desolar - Turtlelini - Tranceferer - Armada Megazord - Tresnag - Drill Horn - Yellzor - Levira Megazord
Power nav icon Power Rangers Ninja Steel & Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel Icon-ninninger
Brody Romero - Preston Tien - Calvin Maxwell - Hayley Foster - Sarah Thompson - Aiden Romero - Dane Romero - Mick Kanic
Ninja Battle Morpher - Gold Ninja Battle Morpher - Ninja Power Stars - Ninja Star Blade - Ninja Blaster - Rockstorm Guitar - Ninja Master Blade - Mega Morph Cycle - Burger Camera - Master Morpher
Redbot - Victor Vincent - Monty - Principal Hastings - Mary Masters - Jackie Thompson - Aaron Foster - Marcus Tien - Princess Viera - Sheriff Skyfire - Mrs. Finch - Mrs. Bell - Mr. Lunt
Legendary Rangers: TommyOliver - Rocky DeSantos - Katherine Hillard - T.J. Johnson - Wesley Collins - Trent Fernandez-Mercer - Gemma- Antonio Garcia - Gia Moran - Koda
Zords and Megazords
Robo Red Zord - Dragon Zord - Nitro Zord - Kodiak Zord - Zoom Zord - Rumble Tusk Zord - Astro Zord - Robo Rider Zord - Ninja Bull Zord - Lion Fire Zord - Sub Surfer Zord - Falcon Zord - Serpent Zord - Tortoise Zord - Tiger Zord - Panda Zord - Piranha Zord
Ninja Steel Megazord - Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord - Astro Ninja Steel Megazord - Bull Rider Megazord - Ninja Fusion Zord - Lion Fire Megazord - Ninja Ultrazord - Sub Surfer Ninja Steel Megazord - Ninja Blaze Megazord - Ninja Blaze Ultrazord
Gorilla Blast Zord - Stegosaurus Zord - Sabertooth Zord
Villains (Season 1)
Galvanax - Madame Odius - Ripcon - Cosmo Royale - Aiden Romero (robot) - Kudabots - Skullgators - Basherbots - Buzzcams
Villains (Season 2)
Galaxy Warriors: Madame Odius - Badonna - Cosmo Royale - General Tynamon - Brax - Kudabots - Basherbots - Upgraded Basherbots - Skullgators - Buzzcams - Foxbots
Sledge's Crew: Sledge - Poisandra - Wrench
Others: Lord Draven - Tommy Oliver (Robo Ranger)
Galaxy Warrior Contestants
Galvanax's Contestants
Korvaka - Ripperat - Spinferno - Slogre - Tangleweb - Badpipes - Hacktrack - Stonedozer - Trapsaw - Toxitea - Shoespike - Lord Drillion - Phonepanzee - Cat O'Clock - Abrakadanger - Forcefear
Madame Odius' Contestants
Smellephant - Deceptron - Spyclops - Doomwave - Game Goblin - Galactic Ninjas (Wolvermean - Speedwing - Rygore - Venoma) - Foxatron - Dreadwolf - Blammo - Typeface - Voltipede - Megamauler - Gorrox
Minor Contestants
Lavagor - Ripcon's mother - Lavagor's brother - Unidentified Contestant - Elderly Woman
Gruesome Grunts
Versix - Fangore - Jabberon - Stabberous - Shelldax - Plasmora - Ackshun
Minor Monsters
Cleocatra - Ghost Monster - Kuliner Monster - Snow Fright
Yellow Rangers
Trini KwanAisha CampbellTideusTanya SloanAshley HammondMayaKelsey WinslowKatie WalkerTaylor EarhardtDustin BrooksKira FordZ DelgadoChip ThornRonny RobinsonLily ChilmanSummer LandsdownEmilyGia MoranCalvin MaxwellZoey Reeves
Aisha Campbell/MovieTrini Kwan/2017 movieJack ThomasTeronaMinh Kwan
Secondary Rangers
Trini PuttyPuttyTinaMiss AliciaNelida ValensisYellow Shadow RangerRobo AshleyYellow CreepPsycho YellowYellow Cyborg RangerEvil Time Force YellowEagle Shadow RangerEvil DustinA-Squad YellowEvil Yellow Mystic RangerEvil Yellow Overdrive RangerRobo Megaforce YellowRoxy
Power Sets
Yellow RangerYellow Aquitar RangerZeo Ranger II YellowYellow Turbo RangerYellow Space RangerGalaxy YellowYellow Lightspeed RangerTime Force YellowYellow Wild Force RangerYellow Wind RangerYellow Dino RangerS.P.D. Yellow RangerYellow Mystic RangerYellow Overdrive RangerJungle Fury Yellow RangerRanger Operator Series YellowYellow Samurai RangerMegaforce YellowSuper Megaforce YellowNinja Steel YellowGrid Battleforce Yellow Ranger
Yellow Ranger (1995 movie)Yellow Ranger (2017 movie)