Icon-mightymorphinThis article is about a villain in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

"Uh, did we do something wrong?"

Baboo was the more intelligent of a dimwitted duo consisting of him and Squatt. He served as Rita's alchemist and potion maker, creating substances and devices for her to use. Notable creations include a time device, a punk potion, the monster Shellshock, and the Knasty Knight's sword. Baboo was rarely confident in his mistress' plans, but would never say this to her face.


This article contains content in reference to the main TV series, as well as supplemental material, such as the comics. A sliding/floating timeline applies. Story instances for TV and other media will be clearly marked.

Rita's Henchman

Although Baboo was almost always paired with his best friend Squatt (often going to Earth to scheme or cheer on Goldar and/or Scorpina in battle, rather than take part in a fight himself) he was still shown to be reasonably intelligent. In fact, on two occasions he nearly managed to succeed in destroying the Rangers; first being "Power Ranger Punks", where he helped out Terror Toad and the second being when he created Shellshock in "The Trouble with Shellshock". However with the arrival of Lord Zedd, Baboo soon became as dimwitted with Squatt with the two being reduced to hanging around in the background of the moon palace. Baboo disappeared during the Power Rangers Zeo series, when fleeing from the Machine Empire with his masters.

In Space

As Baboo is not seen again whereas his comrades, (except Rito Revolto), reappear during the invasion of the United Alliance of Evil, it is unknown how the Z-Wave has affected him, he was purified or reduced to sand. Tvicon TV STORY-Countdown to Destruction


Although dim-witted like his best friend Squatt, Baboo was slightly more intelligent and imaginative. Whenever they lost against the Power Rangers, Baboo would often point fingers at Squatt for their loss. He was also cowardly and would coward at the wrath of Rita and Lord Zedd.





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Behind the Scenes


  • Baboo is voiced by Dave Mallow although Mallow was credited as Colin Phillips.


  • He was tall, slim, blue-skinned, and vampiric, and resembles a cross between a monkey and a bat with crippled wings. He wore a monocle over his left eye and what appeared to be a pocket watch on his chest. Like Finster, he mainly worked behind the lines. Though spineless and scatterbrained, he was highly creative.
  • Out of all of Rita/Zedd's henchman, Baboo's appearance was the one that changed the most in original footage as compared to the Zyuranger footage. Most notably his face, where his red lips were considerably smaller in the Zyuranger sequences in contrast to the original ones. Though his face was pale initially, it was changed to purple for newer sequences. In addition, while he mostly stood upright during the Zyuranger footage, the original scenes mostly had him slouching and he was also closer to Squatt in terms of size, though the Japanese scenes clearly show that he was taller than the latter.
    • In early appearances in original footage, Baboo's face was a sculpted mask. Later episodes of the first season had the lower half of the Baboo mask cut so that the actor's lips could be visible. Starting with the second season, this was changed again so that, like his Japanese counterpart, he was a human-faced villain under make-up.


  • According to the original script for the pilot version of Day of the Dumpster, Baboo's name was going to be Mongo. Before that, in the first draft of the original script, Baboo was called Japanja as a homage to the show's country of origin. While his voice was still supplied by Dave Mallow, it sounded much deeper and vampiric than the more moronic voice used in the series.


Baboo Live

Baboo as seen in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Live.


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Baboo is fought as a boss in the Game Boy version, and can be seen in cutscenes in the Sega Genesis, and Sega CD versions.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind

Baboo appears as an enemy in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind.

Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid

Baboo appears in the board game Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid as an opponent in the expansion "Squatt and Baboo Character Pack". He is classified as a Monster, and can be deployed solo or paired with Squatt.

See Also


