Icon-megarangerThis article is about a/an villain in Power Rangers in Space, the last installment in the Zordon Era.

"Red Ranger, I'll see that you pay for this, if it's the last thing I ever do."
―Ecliptor after Andros seemingly kills Astronema and his final words before his demise.[src]

Ecliptor was Astronema's second-in-command and her adoptive father, serving as her advisor and chief general. He served as the secondary antagonist of Power Rangers in Space.



Ecliptor was one of the most lethal fighters in the known universe and the veteran of countless battles. It is believed that he is responsible for the catastrophe on KO-35 that caused the settlers to evacuate. Nobody seems to know where Ecliptor came from adding a greater sense of mystery to this legendary warrior. Ecliptor has worked with the villainous bounty hunter Darkonda in the past and since then has formed an immense hatred for him.

Ecliptor was built, not born, as a creature of evil. He was charged with raising the captured Karone into a life of evil, so that she would become Astronema, Dark Specter's most devoted acolyte. It is sometimes implied that Ecliptor is more devoted to keeping Astronema safe than to his evil cause, which would suggest some kind of love, or at least a protective instinct.

In Space

Although his true motives are unclear, one thing is certain, Ecliptor seems furled by his hatred for Andros the Red Space Ranger (probably because he thinks Andros will turn Astronema good). Ecliptor has followed Andros to numerous planets with the intention of destroying him once and for all. Ecliptor's immense power and strength make him more than a match for Andros or any other Ranger. However, he did save Andros from being killed by Darkonda on one occasion, presumably out of not wanting Astronema to finding out one day her brother was killed by one of her monsters.

Ecliptor was rivals with Darkonda, a bounty hunter who worked for Dark Specter to capture Karone. Darkonda treats Ecliptor with disdain, always trying to one-up him. Darkonda can also merge with Ecliptor to form a powerful entity named Darkliptor. In this form, Darkonda is dominant, but Ecliptor can force them apart if he is strong enough. Ecliptor has even killed Darkonda on three occasions, during one of which, he saved Andros from a booby trap.

When Andros found out that his long-lost sister, Karone, was Astronema, Ecliptor attempted to keep them apart, in order to prevent Astronema from learning the truth. He failed, and Astronema returned to the side of good as Karone once again. Ecliptor remained devoted to his princess, defending her against the attacks of his own forces. He was branded a traitor and was captured by Darkonda. Later, Ecliptor was brainwashed by Darkonda to be fully evil, driving out any protective instinct he may have had towards Karone. It was this reprogrammed Ecliptor who captured Karone in order for her to be brainwashed into being Astronema again.

Towards the end of the Ranger's conflict with Astronema, Ecliptor gained an upgrade, turning red for a time. In this super-powered form, he destroyed the Delta Megazord before his new power expired, turning him back to normal.

Ecliptor death

When Andros inadvertently delivered Astronema a mortal wound during a battle, Ecliptor appeared as she lay dying. Breaking free of some of his programming, he rushed over to his princess, asking Andros how he could have done this to his own sister. He vowed to avenge her death, and the two began a heated duel. After being beaten by Andros, he crawls to Astronema's apparently dead body. Andros then destroys Zordon's energy tube. The destruction sends a wave of energy that dissolves Ecliptor into a pile of sand. He is the first of many Zordon-era villains to be destroyed. Tvicon TV STORY-Countdown to Destruction


Despite Ecliptor's death, his efforts to save Astronema were successful as Zordon's Energy Wave purified Astronema back into Karone and brought her back to the side of good once and for all.

Lost Galaxy

Ecliptor later made a posthumous flashback appearance when Karone fought a projection of Astronema to become the Pink Galaxy Ranger after the death of Kendrix Morgan at the hands of Psycho Pink. Tvicon TV STORY-Facing the Past

Dino Fury

Red Space Ranger in Dino Fury Database

Solon explains to Ollie that the Mighty Morphin Rangers never defeated Lord Zedd according to her. Ultimately, Ecliptor is briefly seen in a flashback via the Legendary Ranger Database, during his final battle against Andros and later after that, Zordon's sacrifice sent the Z Wave across the universe and purged the evil around it. Tvicon TV STORY-Unexpected Guest


Ecliptor was a merciless and brutal being who delights in combat and destruction. In fact, Ecliptor was the only villain in the United Alliance of Evil who is not interested in ruling the universe. His primary objective, aside from protecting his princess Astronema, was the destruction of Andros.

Despite this, Ecliptor was shown to have some kind of paternal affection towards Astronema. This feeling was stronger than his evil motives. Ecliptor treated Astronema as both his queen and his daughter, offering advice when needed. He was always quick to reaffirm that Astronema was, and always has been, evil - although this was not the case when Astronema learned the truth about her past and Ecliptor confessesed that she was not born evil, and that he raised her to be evil. His love for Astronema ultimately culminated in him allowing her and the Power Rangers to escape Dark Specter's trap.

Unfortunately, when he was captured by Darkonda, Ecliptor was transformed into a being of pure evil with no feelings towards Astronema beyond those of an emotionless minion. When he discovered her sneaking aboard the Dark Fortress, he was quick to capture her and delivered her to Darkonda to suffer the same fate he had. Despite Dark Specter and Darkonda's alterations, Ecliptor retained vestiges of his original personality. He remained intensely loyal to Astronema and even supported her secret plot to overthrow Dark Specter. He also continued to despise Darkonda, and was quite happy when the newly brainwashed Astronema ordered him to throw Darkonda off the Dark Fortress.

When he was in the final moments of his life, Ecliptor managed to free himself from some of his programming and regained the paternal love towards Astronema he once felt. When Astronema was accidentally killed by Andros, he grieved for her and swore revenge on Andros. Ecliptor's undying hatred of Andros and his loyalty to Astronema proved to be his downfall. His last act was shielding Astronema and attempting to stop Andros from destroying Zordon's energy tube, seemingly knowing it will destroy him and the United Alliance in the process.

Ecliptor was shown to be strict, but able to be friends with his comrades, such as with Waspicable, when he congratulates him on defeating the Rangers, and lets him destroy the Power Rangers on his own, thinking it would please him. He was therefore shocked when Waspicable did not kill the Rangers, but spared them and helped them. Ironically he will be in the same situation refusing to kill Andros at Astronema's request and will help them to escape before his brainwash.


IS Ecliptor face


Ecliptor First

Sentai footage only.

A general in Dark Specter's evil armies, Ecliptor was shown as one of the most powerful warriors in the universe at the time. He possessed a disciplined and fearless mindset, a borderline invulnerable body and a vast array of powers at his disposal.

Powers and Abilities


  • Nigh-Invulnerability: Aside from his strength and fighting skill, Ecliptor is virtually indestructible. He's been shown taking incredible amounts of damage that would have destroyed lesser monsters and creatures, from blasters to sword slashes and remaining unfazed for most of it. Even against the Rangers, the Pyscho Rangers or Darkonda, they struggle to inflict lasting damage on Ecliptor's body. Even when they manage lethal damage as seen during his fights against the Ranger's Megazords, Ecliptor was shown back on his feet at peak performance within a few days time. Ultimately the only thing that managed to kill Ecliptor was the energy wave generated by shattering Zordon's energy tube.
  • Body Detachment: Ecliptor could detach his head from his body and have both parts act independently from each other; while the body engages swordplay and hand to hand combat, the head will run interference with eye beams or simply ramming foes.
  • Hologram Projection: Ecliptor projected a three-dimensional transparent image of himself or his head into the air and from it he can see what it sees and fight through it, albeit the image seems to be immovable.
  • Eye Beams: Ecliptor's trademark energy attack. By raising his hand into his face, and then pointing at the target, he could fire a pair of energy beams from his eyes. The blasts were remarkably powerful, usually taking down the Rangers in one or two volleys and even destroying one of Darkonda's lives in three shots, but could be deflected by Psycho Red.
    • Remote Eye Beams: Ecliptor could also fire the beams from his holograms, though these had a more lightning-like appearance and a somewhat wider area of impact.
  • Mirror-like Projection: When enlarged, Ecliptor could generate a mirror- like world around himself which would create multiple variations of him.
  • Tractor Beam: Ecliptor could produce a red lightning-like beam that could capture, lift up, and throw people or things around with great force. Like his original self, reprogrammed Ecliptor could produce a red lightning-like beam that could capture, lift up, and throw people or things around with great force.
  • Size Increase: Unlike most monsters which require the aid of the Dark Fortress beams, Ecliptor could increase his size and power to that of a giant at will.
  • Laser Blasts: Red Ecliptor was able to rapidly fire red lasers from his right hand.
  • Self Growth: Red Ecliptor was ale to enlarge himself in an explosion of red lightning without the need for the Satelizers.
  • Eye Blasts: Red Ecliptor could fire black energy blasts surrounded by red lightning from his eyes. These were devastating and took down the Mega Whinger with one hit.
  • Space Survivability: Red Ecliptor was able to breathe and operate on the atmosphere-less Moon without any negative effects.


  • Power: Ecliptor acted as a nigh-unstoppable force in battle, being able to best the Rangers and the Zords in individual and group fights on multiple occasions. He is the third most powerful member of the United Alliance of Evil, second only to Astronema and then Dark Specter. Reprogrammed Ecliptor was easily able to fight and even temporarily overwhelm Psycho Red and the Power Rangers. Red Ecliptor was more powerful than any other monster or Psycho Ranger, possibly even more than Astronema herself and thus second only in power to Dark Specter. He easily defeated all six Rangers and thier Megazords until his power ran out.
  • Strength: As one of the main antagonists of Power Rangers in Space, Ecliptor has a absurd level of physical strength. On their various fights he was shown being capable of casually overpowering and tossing the Rangers around like ragdolls. Even gravely injured by Darkonda when Astronema joins the Rangers, Ecliptor is capable of destroying Darkonda and to restrain many Piranhatrons while his princess and the Rangers escape. Reprogrammed Ecliptor took down Psycho Red with one hit and was even shown holding his own against all five Psycho Rangers for a few moments, although he was overwhelmed by their strength and numbers. Red Ecliptor was easily able to defeat Zhane, Andros and the Mega Whinger with one slash each.
    • Weapon Destruction: One of Ecliptor's biggest feats of raw physical strength was how he broke Andros' Spiral Saber (which was said by the former to be made of the strongest steel in the universe) with one hand and seemingly little effort.
  • Master Swordsman: Ecliptor's primary method of combat, he was a master of swordplay who was shown going toe-to-toe or even besting other highly skilled swordsmen in the universe, such as Darkonda, Psycho Red, Andros and Zhane. The only individuals who could fight him on a somewhat equal footing were Andros and Darkonda.
  • Durability: Red Ecliptor was able to shrug off blasts from the Mega Wing Blaster and the Astro Blaster without getting a scratch.


  • Lightstar Helmet Mode: Ashley's scanner located in her helmet was easily able to find out which of Ecliptor's mirror projections was real.
  • Overwhelming Numbers: Although Ecliptor was an amazing swordsman, an entire army of Quantrons was able to restrain and capture him.
  • Power Reliance: Red Ecliptor was completely unstoppable until his power supply ran out which left him completely open to Andros defeating him.



Ecliptor's sword

  • Sword: Ecliptor's primary weapon was his sword which like him was black with green lines.
    • Sword Blasts: Ecliptor could fire powerful green energy blasts from his sword.
    • United Energy Slash: When in his mirror attack, all of the Ecliptor variations could energize their swords with green energy and slash their enemies at full force. This was powerful enough to knock back the Astro Megazord.
  • Claws: Ecliptor had a rack of razor sharp claws that could shred through steel.



Darkonda forcibly fused himself with Ecliptor to form Darkliptor on two different occasions, once fighting the Space Rangers and the other time had Ecliptor force them apart. In this form, Ecliptor's mind was dormant and Darkonda had control, wielding both of thier swords.

Powers and Abilities


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3 Ecliptor - new 400

After being captured, reprogrammed and fitted with machine implants, Ecliptor gained an added set of abilities to his already respectable arsenal.

Powers and Abilities


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  • Sword: Ecliptor's sword was upgraded with him to become darker in shade and several new abilities.
  • Claws: Ecliptor had a rack of razor sharp claws but had even more power this time.


Sentai footage only

During his infiltration on the Astro Megaship and the base where the Zords were held, Ecliptor empowered himself from the energies and gained incredible power. He went on a gauntlet of battles where he bested the Silver Ranger, destroyed the Delta Megazord, damaged the Mega Voyager and fought the remaining Rangers in a five against one battle where he held the upper hand for most of the fight before his extra power ran out and he ended up defeated and reverting back to his reprogrammed form.

Powers and Abilities


  • Laser Blasts: Red Ecliptor was able to rapidly fire red lasers from his right hand.
  • Self Growth: Red Ecliptor was able to enlarge himself in an explosion of red lightning without the need for the Satelizers.
  • Eye Blasts: Red Ecliptor could fire black energy blasts surrounded by red lightning from his eyes. These were devastating and took down the Mega Whinger with one hit.
  • Space Survivability: Red Ecliptor was able to breathe and operate on the atmosphere-less Moon without any negative effects.


  • Power: Red Ecliptor was more powerful than any other monster or Psycho Ranger, possibly even more than Astronema herself and thus second only in power to Dark Specter. He easily defeated all six Rangers and their Megazords until his power ran out.
  • Strength: Red Ecliptor was easily able to defeat Zhane, Andros and the Mega Whinger with one slash each.
  • Durability: Red Ecliptor was able to shrug off blasts from the Mega Wing Blaster and the Astro Blaster without getting a scratch.


  • Power Reliance: Red Ecliptor was completely unstoppable until his power supply ran out which left him completely open to Andros defeating him.


  • Red Ecliptor Sword: Red Ecliptor's sword was the same as his previous incarnation but was even bigger and the blade was even stronger.
    • Energy Empowerment: Red Ecliptor was able to press the bottom button on his sword to empower it with red energy and slash his enemies with full force. This took down five Rangers with one hit.
    • Fire Blasts: Red Ecliptor could hit the button on the middle of his sword to set it alight and then fling a fireball to deal devastating splash damage to the Mega Whinger and Astro Megazord.
    • Ultimate Energy Slash: Red Ecliptor's most powerful attack where he energized his sword with red lightning and would slash it with enough force to completely destroy the Delta Megazord with one hit.









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Behind the Scenes



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  • Ecliptor's name is based on the word eclipse, the occlusion of one celestial body by another (e.g. solar eclipse, lunar eclipse), which fits the space theme.



The Ecliptor action figure made for the Power Rangers In Space toyline by Bandai in Spring 1998.

  • Cyborg Ecliptor's sword was later wielded by Furio in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, and the Mut-Org Rofang in Power Rangers Wild Force.
  • Despite being very similar to his Japanese counterpart, it should be noted that Ecliptor's relationship with Astronema mirror those of Dr. Hinelar toward Shibolena and not Yugande.
  • Judd Lynn, then executive producer and head writer for Power Rangers, revealed an idea he had for a possible alternative origin for Ecliptor. In Lynn's story, Ecliptor would have been created by veteran Ranger Billy Cranston in an effort to create an artificial Power Ranger. However, Ecliptor's choice to take the path of evil would have led Billy to develop the Phantom Ranger powers and assume that mantle in an effort to atone for his failure.[1] This idea is intriguing given Ecliptor's antagonism of the Phantom Ranger in the series, but never came to fruition.
  • His appearance was based on a 3D wire-frame model due to Megaranger being virtual reality based.
  • One of several plot points which were dropped for either time constraint or budget limits involved Ecliptor as it was hinted in episode 15 by Darkonda that he concealed a secret from Astronema regarding the depth of their relationship. What this actually is supposed to mean was never revealed.
    • One possibility is that Ecliptor may have known that Astronema was really the Red Ranger Andros' long-lost sister all along, and that Ecliptor was both keeping this knowledge from her and lying to her about the Power Rangers having killed her family, all to prevent her from seeking out her brother and potentially betraying evil to become good (which is what she ultimately ended up doing after finding out the truth about her heritage, before being surgically brainwashed evil again not long after).
  • It is unknown why Ecliptor was destroyed by the Z-Wave, whereas he had been brainwashed. It was assumed that Ecliptor was a creation of evil and believing that Astronema was dead, he would have possibly attacked Andros if he had the occasion.
  • Ecliptor is one of the few villains who didn't die for good the first time but instead returned without explanation. The others are Elgar, Deviot, White Dino Ranger (clone) and Zeltrax.


Power Rangers Legacy Wars

Ecliptor in Legacy Wars

Ecliptor as seen in Power Rangers Legacy Wars.

Ecliptor is among the villains who feature in Power Rangers Legacy Wars. He is a Epic (Leader), Epic (Assist) character.

Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid

Ecliptor appears in the board game Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid as an opponent in the expansion "Villains Pack #4: A Dark Turn". He is classified as a Monster.

Power Rangers Deck-Building Game

Ecliptor appears as a playable character in the Power Rangers Deck-Building Game. He is available in the "Flying Higher" expansion.

See Also


