"Ay-yi-yi, this place is a disaster!" Actually, this article/section is in need of clean-up. You can help us out by editing it! Reason: Overly detailed history. |
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- "This is Rita Repulsa, an intergalactic sorceress who is bent on controlling the universe. With her henchmen and Putty Patrollers, she plans to conquer Earth."
- ―Zordon describing the Evil Space Aliens to the future Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.[src]
A group of evil space aliens served as the main antagonistic force of all three seasons of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the secondary antagonists of Power Rangers Zeo and minor antagonists in Power Rangers in Space.
Group History
Rita Repulsa and her ragtag band of "evil space aliens" were assembled over 10,000 years ago by Lord Zedd as an elite force to attack Zordon's forces whilst Zedd himself invaded the other side of the universe.
Rita and her Evil Space Aliens went to war against Zordon and his forces. Eventually though, Zordon was able to imprison her in a dumpster, although not before she trapped him in a time warp. The dumpster was placed on the Moon, where Rita and her forces would remain imprisoned for the next ten thousand years.
Ten thousand years later, in 1993, Rita and her minions were released by two unwitting astronauts, who found the space dumpster and opened it. To celebrate escaping their prison, Rita decided to destroy the nearest planet, which was the Earth. In response to her return, Zordon and his aide Alpha 5 selected five teenagers with attitude to combat her attacks on Earth as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. TV STORY-Day of the Dumpster
After the Power Rangers repelled Rita's initial attack, Rita decided to take vengeance by periodically sending monsters to Angel Grove.
Green With Evil
After her many failures at destroying the Power Rangers, Rita decided to create her own evil Ranger; the [Mighty Morphin Green Ranger|Green Ranger]]. In order to do so, Rita abducts and brainwashes the new student Tommy Oliver, who would become the bearer of the Green Ranger powers. During this time, Rita and her gang are also joined by Scorpina, who would continue to assist them throughout Rita's tenure as leader.
The Evil Space Aliens come close to defeating the Power Rangers, but Jason manages to break Rita's spell, causing Tommy to defect to the Rangers' side. This means Rita now has to deal with six Rangers, instead of five. TV STORY-Green With Evil
After this failure, Rita reverts to her original plan of sending one monster at a time.
The loss of Tommy
In order to regain the Green Ranger powers, Rita creates the Green Candle. When this candle is burned out, the Green Ranger powers will return to Rita. To distract the Power Rangers from foiling her plan, Rita sends out the Cyclops monster. While the Power Rangers do manage to destroy this monster, there is no time left to destroy the Green Candle. Tommy is forced to transfer his powers to Jason, which will prevent Rita from regaining them. While her ultimate plan failed, Rita did succeed in eliminating one of the Rangers. TV STORY-The Green Candle
The return of Tommy
At Parent's Day in the Angel Grove Youth Center, Rita Repulsa manages to abduct the Rangers' parents, using the Dramole monster. To release them, the Rangers must give her their Power Coins. Rita also gains possession of the Dragon Dagger. With the Power Rangers helpless to do something, Zordon summons Tommy and uses his powers to re-energize the Green Ranger powers. With Tommy's help, the Rangers regain their Power Coins and the Dragon Dagger. Once again, the Evil Space Aliens have to deal with six Rangers.
Lord Zedd's arrival
After Rita failed one time too many against the Rangers, her superior Lord Zedd arrives at the Moon Palace to take over the conquest of Earth. He is immediately joined by Goldar, who turns on Rita as soon as Lord Zedd starts berating her. Lord Zedd is thoroughly disappointed with Rita's failures against the Rangers, who, in his eyes, are nothing but mere infants. As punishment, he seals Rita into a dumpster and sends her to the farthest reaches of the universe. Zedd also replaces Rita's Putty Patrollers for his own more powerful brand.
His initial monster, the Pirantishead almost destroyed the Power Rangers by taking control of their Dinozords. However, after having upgraded them into the stronger Thunderzords, the monster went down as quickly as its predecessors. TV STORY-The Mutiny
Targeting the Green Ranger
After his first battle, Lord Zedd did see a weak point in the team; the Green Ranger powers were slowly weakening. Lord Zedd would then focus his next schemes on eliminating the Green Ranger powers once and for all.
After several schemes to drain Tommy's powers, Zedd made his final move in eliminating the Green Ranger. He used the Green Crystal to drain the last of Tommy's powers. His plan was to use them for creating his own team of Power Rangers; the Dark Rangers. He abducted the core five Rangers and forced them to watch how his Dark Rangers would destroy Angel Grove. However, before this plan could come to fruition, Tommy rescues them and even manages to destroy the Green Crystal, depowering the Dark Rangers in the process. Zedd sends his TurbanShell monster to attack Angel Grove. Tommy assists the other Rangers in destroying it, but only has energy left for one morph. While the monster is defeated, the victory itself was pyrrhic, as the Green Ranger powers are now lost forever. TV STORY-Green No More
The return of Rita and Wedding
Zedds victory is short lived, as Zordon and Alpha created the stronger White Ranger powers, re-introducing Tommy back into the team. Meanwhile, Rita's prison crashlands on Earth, where she is nearly released by an unwitting Bulk and Skull. Fortunately, the Rangers intercept the dumpster and hurl it back into space. TV STORY-White Light
During this time, Lord Zedd created his greatest weapon yet; Serpentera, a gigantic Zord able to destroy entire cities. Its only weakness is its limited energy supply. Zedd uses this Zord in multiple of his attacks on Earth, which all fail because the machine runs out of energy. TV STORY-The Power Transfer
Rita's dumpster eventually manages to return to the Moon Palace. Rita is released and works together with Finster in poisoning Lord Zedd with a love potion, causing him to marry her. She succeeds in doing so, forming an unholy matrimony, which makes the Evil Space Aliens even more dangerous. TV STORY-The Wedding
Post The Wedding
Sometime after Rita and Zedd's wedding, Scorpina becomes completely disillusioned with Rita and begins to desire power so starts to read her spell books. However, it is a trap (probably set to either test her loyalty or to find who had been breaking into her library) and she is found by Rita and Goldar before being banished to the Talos Dimension. Although Scorpina would return thirty four years later, under the master-ship of Lokar, this is the last time Scorpina was seen for about thirty years with her ultimate fate being unknown to the Power Rangers. COMIC STORY- Power Rangers: Soul of the Dragon
Destruction of the Thunderzords
Not long after, Rita's brother Rito joins the fight against the Rangers. As a wedding gift, he granted Rita and Zedd the Tenga Warriors. These would replace the Putties as the soldiers of the Evil Space Aliens. Rito also manages to destroy the Thunderzords and, by extension, the Ranger powers themselves. However, he is defeated by the re-powered Rangers and their newly obtained Ninjazords. TV STORY-Ninja Quest
Stealing the Pink Power Coin
Rita brings another ally into the fray, by brainwashing Katherine Hillard , who is to act as a spy and sabotage the Rangers from within. Kat succeeds in stealing the Pink Power Coin, resulting in Kimberly gradually weakening. Kat uses the Pink Power Coin to steal the Falconzord, rendering the entire Ninja Megazord inoperable. Going from bad to worse, Goldar kidnaps Kimberly, while Lord Zedd and Rita locate a set of Zords for their own; the Shogunzords.
Zedd gives the Rangers an ultimatum. Pilot the Zords in his name and destroy Angel Grove or watch Kimberly perish. Fortunately, Tommy rescues Kimberly and Billy reprograms the Zords under the Rangers' control. This essentially means the Evil Space Aliens gifted a new set of Zords to their enemies. TV STORY-A Ranger Catastrophe
TV STORY-Changing of the Zords
Since Kimberly is still weakening from having her Power Coin stolen, the Evil Space Aliens focus all their attention on her. They launch multiple attacks on Angel Grove, dividing the Rangers. As the Rangers are spread too thin, Kimberly is forced join the fight. When Kat sees Kimberly collapse from exhaustion, Rita's spell on her breaks. Just like Tommy before her, Kat joins the Rangers. With the help of Kat, the pink Power Coin is retaken from the Evil Space Aliens and Kat is appointed as Kimberly's replacement. TV STORY-A Different Shade of Pink
Apparent Victory
After a while, Rita and Zedd are joined by Master Vile, Rita's father, who temporarily takes over command, much to Zedd's dismay. Master Vile's first plan involves stealing the Ninja and Shogunzords and turn them into a weapon of mass destruction fueled by the Zeo Crystal. While initially succeeding, this plan ultimately fails when the Rangers retake their Zords and acquire the Zeo Crystal. To prevent it from falling into evil hands once more, they separate the crystal and send it throughout time and space. TV STORY-Master Vile and the Metallic Armor
Master Vile succeeds in sending Earth ten years back in time, turning the Rangers into children. But he retreats angrily to his home galaxy after being defeated by the Alien Rangers of Aquitar. Lord Zedd and Rita continue their offensive against the Alien Rangers, while the Earth Rangers travel trough time to re-acquire the Zeo Crystal, as it is the only thing able to revert Master Vile's curse. TV STORY-Rangers in Reverse
TV STORY-Alien Rangers of Aquitar
Ultimately, Zedd and Rita still managed to defeat the Earth Rangers by destroying their Power Coins. After the Aquatian Rangers departed to their home planet, Rito and Goldar also blew up the Command Center and stole the Zeo Crystal. It appears the Evil Space Aliens got everything they wanted: The complete destruction of the Power Rangers, Zordon and Alpha. TV STORY-Climb Every Fountain
TV STORY-Hogday Afternoon
The villains celebrated this victory with a huge party, but were soon greeted by the mighty forces of the Machine Empire. Knowing they are no match for the Empire, Rita asked her father Master Vile if they could hide with him. So the Evil Space Aliens fled the Moon in Serpentera, with Zedd vowing to return and defeat the machines.
They left Rito and Goldar on Earth, however, as the pair received a blast from the Zeo Crystal, which made them lose their memory. Having nowhere else to go, they sought help from Bulk and Skull. The pair allow the amnesiac aliens to live in their home, with the condition that they be Bulk and Skull's servants. TV STORY-A Zeo Beginning
Zedd, Rita and Finster return to the Moon in a Mobile Base RV camper, planning to retake the Moon from the Machine Empire. They are soon joined by Rito and Goldar, who regained their memories and left Bulk and Skull's servitude. TV STORY-A Golden Homecoming
When the Super Zeo Megazord defeats King Mondo, Rita and Zedd create the robot Louie Kaboom. The plan is to make Louie Kaboom the new king of the Machine Empire, while Rita and Zedd use a remote control to secretly rule the Machine Empire from behind the scenes. However, the remote broke, causing Louie to get out of control. TV STORY-Bomber in the Summer
As the Machine Empire is too powerful for the Evil Space Aliens to take head on, they even resort to helping the Power Rangers on multiple occasions. If the Rangers defeat the Machine Empire, Rita and Zedd would take the opportunity to return to power. This is most notable when Prince Gasket abducted and brainwashed Tommy. The Evil Space Aliens helped the other Rangers to enter Gasket's base. TV STORY-King for a Day
When the Zeo Rangers scramble to save Jason from the crippling Gold Ranger powers, the Evil Space Aliens and Machine Empire go into open war. This results in a brutal battle between a squad of Tenga Warriors and Cogs, who appear to be evenly matched. Later, the Evil Space Aliens watch on as an enlarged King Mondo fights the equally giant Zeo Rangers.
In the end, Zedd and Rita pretend to give up their fight against the machines, wanting to make peace with them. They gave them a present, which in reality was a bomb. Prince Sprocket opens said present, blowing up the entire Royal House of Gadgetry, with Zedd happily proclaiming they are back. With this victory, the Evil Space Aliens reclaim the Moon Palace. TV STORY-Good as Gold
Rita and Zedd only make a small appearance in the entire series. The pair are taking it easy in their reacquired Moon Palace and seemingly gave up trying to fight the Power Rangers. When Divatox calls them for advice on how to defeat the Rangers, Rita sarcastically proclaims that if she knew that, she wouldn't have to listen to Lord Zedd's snoring all the time. She then advises the space pirate that the best way to deal with the Power Rangers is to simply run away from them. MOVIE STORY-Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie
In Space
Members of the Evil Space Aliens, including Rita, Zedd and Goldar reappear, now part of the much larger United Alliance of Evil led by the powerful Dark Specter. They are seen at the conference on the Cimmerian Planet where Rita starts bickering with Divatox. The former clearly disbelieves the latter's claim of defeating the Rangers, until Zedd confirms it, much to Rita's horror. TV STORY-From Out of Nowhere
The Evil Space Aliens return when they are shown overseeing an attack on the Vica Galaxy, with their minions and monsters fighting the lone Gold Ranger. At first, they tell Astronema they don't like this plan of attack, but after hearing their plan comes directly from Dark Specter himself, they fearfully tell her they like the plan after all.
After Andros shatters Zordon's tube, releasing a wave of good energy throughout the universe, Zedd, Rita and their army can be seen looking in terror as the wave approaches them. Rita begs Zedd to protect her, but soon after the wave hits, purifying Rita and Zedd from evil, turning them into humans, while most of their army is reduced to dust, destroying the Evil Space Aliens as a threat. TV STORY-Countdown to Destruction
Four years after the defeat of the United Alliance of Evil, remnants of the Machine Empire unearthed Lord Zedd's Zord Serpentera on the Moon. Before they can use it to restore their Empire to its former glory, both them and Serpentera are destroyed by ten Red Rangers. TV STORY-Forever Red
Eight years after Rita's purification, she is revealed to have taken the role of Mystic Mother; the Empress of all good magic. She uses her magical power to grant the Rangers their link to the Morphing Grid and plays a small role in their ultimate victory. TV STORY-Mystic Fate
Rita and Zedd secretly conceived a son named Thrax, who makes his move 9 years after his parents are purified. He labels his parents as a disgrace for having turned good. Thrax vows to complete his parents' original mission and plans to destroy the Power Rangers. By forming an alliance Flurious, Moltor, Kamdor and the Fearcats, he manages to overpower and defeat the Overdrive Rangers by cutting the Rangers' ties to the Morphin Grid.
His victory is short lived however as he is met by the combined team of restored Overdrive Rangers and Retro Rangers who soundly defeat him and his alliance of villains. He is destroyed by the newly powered Sentinel Knight, thus seemingly wiping out all remaining evil remnants of this faction once and for all. TV STORY-Once a Ranger
Scorpina returns thirty three years after her last appearance as a new threat to bring back. COMIC STORY- Power Rangers: Soul of the Dragon
21 years after Zedd was purified from evil, Evox and his forces were contemplating on resurrecting his evil side. However, as Zedd was known to stab other evildoers in the back to further his own goals, as seen in his dealings with King Mondo, Evox decided against it. The group decides to resurrect Goldar, praising his loyalty and his strength. They also upgrade him into Goldar Maximus. This version of Goldar is soon destroyed by an alliance between the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Dino Thunder Rangers and Dino Charge Rangers. TV STORY-Making Bad
TV STORY-Grid Connection
The Return of Lord Zedd
A year later, the villain Reaghoul allied himself with the Sporix Army. Reaghoul had the power to revive people from any point in time. He uses this power to retrieve a past version of Lord Zedd from before Zordon's energy wave purified him. Because of Zedd's fierce reputation, Reaghoul outfitted him with a Compliance Collar to prevent Zedd from being a threat. The duo capture all of the Dino Fury Rangers, except for Ollie. Ollie destroys Zedd's Compliance Collar, so the former evil overlord would turn on Reaghoul, allowing Ollie to rescue his friends. After Zedd scares Reaghoul into fleeing the scene, Zedd leaves as well. As of now, Lord Zedd is still at large TV STORY-Old Foes, managing to reclaim his staff from Grid Battleforce and making his presence known to Void Queen.
TV STORY-Ultimate Mystery
TV STORY-Love Hate
Goldar (deceased)
Scorpina (banished, ultimate fate unknown but presumed deceased)
Squatt (fate unknown)
Baboo (fate unknown, possibly purified)
Tommy Oliver (unwilling, temporarily, defected)
Rito Revolto (fate unknown)
Katherine Hillard (unwilling, temporarily, defected)
Scrozzle (later betrayed them, active)
Boomblaster (destroyed)
Sizzurai (destroyed)
Bones (deceased)
The Giant (deceased)
Mighty Minotaur (deceased)
King Sphinx (deceased)
Gnarly Gnome (deceased)
Pudgy Pig (deceased)
Chunky Chicken (deceased)
Eye Guy (deceased)
Knasty Knight (deceased)
Pineoctopus (deceased)
Terror Toad (deceased)
Madame Woe (deceased)
Snizzard (deceased)
Dark Warrior (deceased)
Shellshock (deceased)
Spidertron (deceased)
Spit Flower (deceased)
Frankenstein Monster (deceased)
Mutitus (deceased)
Rockstar (deceased)
Samurai Fan Man (deceased)
Weaveworm (deceased)
Babe Ruthless (deceased)
Fang (deceased)
Cyclops (deceased)
Polluticorn (deceased)
Twin Man (deceased)
Octoplant (deceased)
Pudgy Pig 2 (returned to his normal form)
Goo Fish (deceased)
Goatan (deceased)
Fighting Flea (deceased)
Jellyfish Warrior (deceased)
Mantis (deceased)
Dramole (deceased)
Grumble Bee (deceased)
Two-Headed Parrot (deceased)
Peckster (deceased)
Pumpkin Rapper (deceased)
Soccadillo (deceased)
Slippery Shark (deceased)
Lizzinator (deceased)
Rhinoblaster (deceased)
Commander Crayfish (A.K.A. Cruel Crayfish, destroyed both times)
Oysterizer (deceased)
Pirantishead (deceased)
Primator (deceased)
Bloom of Doom (deceased)
Robogoat (deceased)
Octophantom (deceased)
Stag Beetle (deceased)
Invenusable Flytrap (deceased)
Guitardo (deceased)
TurbanShell (deceased)
Pipebrain (deceased)
Trumpet Top (deceased)
Mirror Maniac (deceased)
Scarlet Sentinels (deceased)
Pursehead (deceased)
Lipsyncher (deceased)
Magnet Brain (deceased)
Terror Blossom (deceased)
Four Head (deceased)
Beamcaster (deceased)
Silver Horns (deceased)
Skelerena (deceased)
Scatterbrain (deceased)
Pachinko Head (deceased)
Showbiz Monster (deceased)
Flame Head (deceased)
Cannontop (deceased)
Weldo (destroyed)
Bad Bookala (deceased)
Jaws of Destruction (deceased)
Tube Monster (deceased)
Photomare (deceased)
Turkey Jerk (deceased)
Needlenose (deceased)
Vase Face (deceased)
Repellator (deceased)
Vampirus (deceased)
Artistmole (deceased)
Lanterra (deceased)
Centiback (possibly alive)
Hate Master (deceased)
Miss Chief (deceased)
Katastrophe (returned to normal after her destruction)
Inciserator (possibly still alive)
See Monster (deceased)
Crabby Cabbie (deceased)
Garbage Mouth (deceased)
Ravenator (deceased)
Brick Bully (deceased)
Sinister Simian (returned to normal)
Blue Globbor (deceased)
Dischordia (deceased)
Slotsky (deceased)
Bratboy (returned to normal)
Arachnofiend (deceased)
Impursonator (deceased)
Mr. Ticklesneezer (ceased to exist as part of a dream)
The Genie (ceased to exist)
Wheel of Misfortune (destroyed)
Doomstone (fate unknown)
Rat Monsters (returned to normal)
Snow Monster (buried in an avalanche)
Marvo the Meanie (reverted back to normal)
Face Stealer (sealed away)
Parrot Top (possibly alive)
Chef Swinegang Pork (disintegrated)
Magic Mushroom (disintegrated)
Lothorn (deceased)
Evil Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (all destroyed)
Mutant Rangers (all deceased)
Dark Rangers (de-powered)
Tom Oliver (temporarily, deceased)
Fake Billy (deceased)
Putty Patrollers (discontinued due to obsolescence)
Super Putty Patrollers (destroyed)
Z Putty Patrollers (discontinued due to obsolescence)
Tenga Warriors (all minions deceased, species still exists)
Cyclopsus (destroyed)
The Tyrannosaurus Dinozord (controlled by Pirantishead, destroyed but repurposed)
The Dragonzord (intact but inactive)
Serpentera (destroyed)
The Copyzord (destroyed)
Lokar (inactive)
Key Monster (fate unknown)
Ghost of Darkness (fate unknown, presumed deceased)
Wizard of Deception (deceased)
Mondo the Magician (sealed back inside a book)
Professor Longnose (deceased)
Barbaric Brothers (both deceased)
Witchblade (deceased)
Hydro Hog (deceased)
The name "Evil Space Aliens"
Because this faction is never properly named in the show itself or any associated media, this wiki refers to them as "Evil Space Aliens" to easily identify them. The name "Evil Space Alien" originates from the Mighty Morphin' toyline, where members of Rita Repulsa's gang were referred to as "Evil Space Aliens", with every evil character bearing that name, instead of being referred to by their real names.
This term also appears in later toylines as a generic name for figures of villainous characters. Most notable are characters of the Machine Empire, who, despite the faction being explicitly named in the show, are still referred to as Evil Space Aliens. Members of Divatox' crew are also referred to as Evil Space Aliens in the Turbo toyline, while having no proper name in the show itself. But on this wiki, the faction is referred to as Divatox' Crew.
Figures of other villains also have been named Evil Space Alien, despite some of them being of terrestrial origin and not having anything to do with aliens or space. This is probably because the toys of these characters are already produced before the start of the show, meaning Bandai has no idea of the real names of these characters. Examples of characters bearing this name are:
- Broodwing from S.P.D.
- Hidiacs from Mystic Force
- Chillers from Operation Overdrive
- Jarrod/Dai Shi from Jungle Fury
It is interesting to note that Skull used this term in the series proper, in the episode "Passing the Lantern". When they spot Rito, Squatt and Baboo teleporting away, both he and Bulk start to scream loudly. Bulk asks Skull why they are screaming, after which Skull replies: "Because Evil Space Aliens are using their magical powers right in front of us"
- The Evil Space Aliens hold the distinction of being the longest lasting evil faction in the Power Rangers franchise, as they fought the Rangers for three consecutive seasons, while still playing an important role in the fourth season.
- None of their initial members were directly defeated at the hands of the Power Rangers, as all of them were either killed or purified and turned into humans by Zordon's Energy Wave. Members introduced after their first demise, such as Thrax, were directly defeated in battle.
See Also
- Bandora Gang - Super Sentai counterpart in Zyuranger. See comparison page. (Season 1 monsters and main villains (bar Lord Zedd))
- Gorma Tribe - Super Sentai counterpart in Dairanger. See comparison page. (Season 2 monsters and Serpentera)
- Yokai Army Corps - Super Sentai counterpart in Kakuranger. See comparison page. (Season 3 monsters, Rito Revolto and Master Vile)
- Evil Space Aliens (2016 comic) - The Boom! Studios Universe version of the group.
- Evil Space Aliens (The Return) - The group from the alternate universe series, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return.
All items (170)