Icon-dekaranger This article is about a/an Ranger in Power Rangers S.P.D.

"You're second-best."
―A-Squad Pink Ranger[src]

The Pink Ranger is a member of the A-Squad Rangers.





The A-Squad in their distress call.

The Pink Ranger and the rest of the A-Squad were supposedly lost on Gamma 4, but in reality they had betrayed Space Patrol Delta in preference of joining Emperor Gruumm by their own will. They actually attacked the colony of Gamma 4 and then sent a distress call, to which the B-Squad Rangers answered.

Once back at S.P.D., the A-Squad showed their true colors and took in Anubis Cruger as their prisoner to Gruumm. She and the A-Squad then called out the B-Squad Rangers and did battle with them.


Throughout the battle, she and the A-Squad Rangers were confident they could defeat the "second choice" B-Squad, and were winning at first. She fought Syd for most of the battle, since they both were Pink Rangers. After Jack Landors and the others used their S.W.A.T. Mode, however, they were able to beat A-Squad.

This then led to a Zord battle, which the A-Squad lost to the S.W.A.T. Megazord, but not before they destroyed the B-Squad's Delta Squad Megazord. Following this, they were arrested and the A-Squad position was retired after a vote from the B-Squad.


The A-Squad Pink Ranger and the other A-Squad Rangers were briefly freed from their prison on planet Y37 by the Alliance in an attempt to recruit them in 2027, but later she and the other A-Squad Rangers are free from their imprisonment by "The Leader".

Later, the A-Squad infiltrates the watchtower and harasses the guard, the HyperForce Rangers discuss the best way to infiltrate the facility. Ignoring the conversation, Vesper throws caution to the wind and lets out the battle cry of "Leeroy Jenkins", Vesper uses one of her bombs to injure the A-Squad. The A-Squad Rangers attempt to retaliate, but are blinded by the smoke. Using the smoke cloud from the exploded bomb to their advantage, Chloe uses another whirlwind attack to dispatch of A-Squad Pink and A-Squad Yellow as an unknown S.P.D. Green Ranger shows up responding to the facility's distress signal.

The A-Squad Rangers are recaptured by Lina Song the then current S.P.D. Green and the HyperForce Rangers and the unnamed S.P.D. Green Ranger contains the five A-Squad Rangers in cards. Tvicon TV STORY-Homecoming


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Pink A-Squad Ranger


Ranger Costume

Powers and Abilities


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  • S.P.D. Enforcer


Delta Runner 5 (formerly, given to Syd)









Behind the Scenes



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  • She is the second Pink Ranger that doesn't wear a skirt, the first being Sydney Drew, the S.P.D. B-Squad Pink Ranger.
  • The helmets for A-Squad were recycled helmets from Power Rangers in Space.
  • Motoko Nagino, A-Squad Pink's actress, also served as her stunt actress during battles. Nagino is the wife of Koichi Sakamoto, long-time PR stunt coordinator and executive producer, and she has served as in-suit stunt actress for quite a few female Rangers during the Disney era.
  • Like the other A-Squad Rangers, she is to date the only Pink Ranger to willingly turn evil.
  • This Ranger was given the name 'Rachel' by a rangerboard user 'Merlin'. Supposedly, the name is accepted in general fandom[1].


Power Rangers Deck-Building Game

A-Squad Pink Ranger appears in the Power Rangers Deck-Building Game. She is a Villain Card in the "S.P.D. To The Rescue Pack" expansion.

See Also



Power nav icon Power Rangers S.P.D. Icon-dekaranger
B-Squad: Jack Landors - Sky Tate - Bridge Carson - Z Delgado - Syd Drew
Sam - Officer Tate - Doggie Cruger - Kat Manx - Nova Ranger
Delta Morphers - Patrol Morpher - Omega Morpher - Kat Morpher - Nova Morpher - Magna Morpher - Deltamax Strikers - Canine Cannon - Delta Blasters - Shadow Saber - S.P.D. Battlizer - Delta Enforcers - Delta Cruiser - Delta Patrol Cycles - Delta ATV - Uniforce Cycle - S.W.A.T. Truck
Piggy - Isinia Cruger - Dino Rangers - T-Top
S.P.D.: Supreme Commander Fowler Birdie - Sergeant Silverback - Boom - R.I.C.
Zords and Megazords
Delta Runner 1 - Delta Runner 2 - Delta Runner 3 - Delta Runner 4 - Delta Runner 5 - Omegamax Cycle - Delta Base - S.W.A.T. Flyer 1 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 2 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 3 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 4 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 5
Delta Squad Megazord - Omegamax Megazord - Delta Max Megazord - Delta Command Megazord - S.W.A.T. Megazord
Troobian Empire
Emperor Gruumm - Mora/Morgana - Broodwing - Krybots - Blue-Head Krybots - Orange-Head Krybots
A-Squad Rangers
Charlie - Blue - Green - Yellow - Pink
Other Villains: Zeltrax - Tyrannodrones
Praxis - Ringbah - Parsnippity - Scaleface - Rhinix - Hydrax - Bugglesworth - Giganis - Sinuku - Debugger - General Benaag - Drakel - General Valko - Tomars - Wootox - Katana - Invador - Changtor - Green Eyes - Shorty - Devastation - Mysticon - Al - Slate - Mirloc - Stench - Thresher - Gineka - Chiaggo - Delapoo - Blobgoblin - One Eye - Silverhead - Professor Mooney - Bork - Herock - Dragoul - Kraw - Icthior - Spotty-Eyed Monster - Green Monster - Vine Monster - Delex - Roswell - Crabhead - Spiketor - Lazor - Cricket Monster - Jackal Monster - Demon Monster - Heater Monster - Jail Bird Monster - Tentacle Monster
Troobian Empire Robots
Mega Drill - Ringbah's Robot - Sinuku's Ninja Robot - Marato - Robot of Destruction - Gigabot - A-Squad's Megazord
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Power nav icon Power Rangers HyperForce Hyper Force Logo
Marvin Shih - Eddie Banks - Vesper Vasquez - Jack Thomas - Chloe Ashford - Joe Shih
HyperForce Morpher - HyperForce Blade Blaster - Iapetus Blaster - Iapetus Claws - Oceanus Trident - Oceanus Blades - Crius Hammer - Crius Cannon - Coeus Axe - Coeus Shield - Hyperion Bow - Hyperion Scythe - Rhea Swords
Mighty Morphin: Zordon - Ernie
Time Force: Alpha 55 - Dr. Antonio Vasquez - Dr. Luce Vasquez - Bianca Winslow - Mrs. Shih - Mr. Shih - Josh - Spencer - Jocelyn - Rory - Ransik- Nadira
Dino Thunder: Anton Mercer - Hayley Ziktor
S.P.D.: Jackson - Carl
Mystic Force: Mystic Mother
RPM: M - Chaz Winchester IV
World of the Coinless: Zack Taylor (World of the Coinless) - Lina Song (World of the Coinless) - Fidget - Galushi - Rice - Michael Hicks
Medieval Era: Merlin - Sir Galahad - Richard - King Arthur
Christmas Era: Squeezy Sparkle Toes
Veteran Rangers: Tommy Oliver - Aisha Campbell - Andros - Wesley Collins - Jen Scotts - Lucas Kendall - Katie Walker - Trip - Doggie Cruger - Sentinel Knight - Gem - Troy Burrows - Orion
Veteran Rangers: Santa Claus - Lina Song - Georgie
Battle Knights: Lady Guinevere - Sir Edward Banks II - Sir Lancelot
other: Game Master
Zords and Megazords
Lion Hyper Zord - Serpent Hyper Zord - Ram Hyper Zord - Cerberus Hyper Zord - Phoenix Hyper Zord - Hydra Hyper Zord
Chronos HyperForce Megazord - Mega Megazord
The Alliance: Mrs. Ashford - Thrax - Scorpina - Velchanos - Finster - Primator - Lokar the Terrible - Goldar - Hogs Jr - Hydro Jr - Doomstone - Shiburai - Beevil - Dean Hines - Steven Lang - Putty Patrollers - Charlie - A-Squad Blue Ranger - A-Squad Green Ranger - A-Squad Yellow Ranger - A-Squad Pink Ranger
Evil Space Aliens/United Alliance of Evil: Dark Specter - Lord Zedd - Rita Repulsa- Divatox - Astronema - Candius Cornicus - Pudgy Pig - Z Putty Patrollers - Quantrons
Venjix's Army: Venjix Virus - General Kilobyte - Buzzkill - Grinders
The Armada: Emperor Mavro - X Borgs - Bruisers
World of the Coinless: Lord Drakkon - Tyrannosaurus Sentries - Mastodon Sentries - Sabertooth Sentries - Pumpkin Rapper (World of the Coinless)
Other Villains: Perfume Pony - Captain Pegs - Birdie - Napoleon Wrench - Krampus - Mesogog - Red Dragon
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Pink Rangers
Kimberly Ann Hart • Katherine Hillard • Cassie Chan • Kendrix Morgan • Karone • Dana Mitchell • Jen Scotts • Syd Drew • Vida Rocca • Rose Ortiz • Mia Watanabe • Emma Goodall • Shelby Watkins • Sarah Thompson • Amelia Jones
Kimberly Ann Hart (1995 movie) • Kimberly Hart (2017 movie) • Chloe Ashford • Daniel O'Halloran • Casey Jones • Samantha LaRusso
Secondary Rangers
Kimberly Putty • Putty • Kristen • Marie-Claire le Monde • Pink Shadow Ranger • Robo Cassie • Pink Creep
Psycho Pink • Pink Cyborg Ranger • Evil Time Force Pink • A-Squad Pink • Evil Pink Mystic Ranger • Evil Pink Overdrive Ranger
Power Sets
Pink Ranger • Zeo Ranger I Pink • Pink Turbo Ranger • Pink Space Ranger • Galaxy Pink • Pink Lightspeed Ranger • Time Force Pink • S.P.D. Pink Ranger • Pink Mystic Ranger • Pink Overdrive Ranger • Pink Samurai Ranger • Megaforce Pink • Super Megaforce Pink • Dino Charge Pink Ranger • Ninja Steel Pink - Dino Fury Pink Ranger
Pink Ranger (1995 movie) • Pink Ranger (2017 movie)
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