Icon-mightymorphinThis article is about a Megazord in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

"We need Ninjazord power, now!"
―The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers summoning the Ninjazords.[src]

The Ninja Megazord was the combination of five of the Ninjazords used by the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 3.


The Ninjazords are the Falcon, Bear, Crane, Wolf, Frog, and Ape. These Zords use the cunning and stealth of Ninja instead of brute force. The Ninja Megazord has five component Ninjazords. There is also a sixth core Ninjazord that is not included in the formation- the White Ninja Falconzord which could fuse with the Ninja Megazord to form the Ninja MegaFalconzord. The Ninja Megazord was the combination of the Bear, Crane, Wolf, Frog, and Ape Ninjazords. The Black Frog formed the legs, and attached to the Yellow Bear, which formed the torso. The Blue Wolf and Red Ape formed the two arms, left and right respectively, and the Pink Crane formed the head. Equipped with its Power Gloves, it can throw super energy punches. Its main strength was its speed - it was much more agile than previous Megazords, but it couldn't hold anything due to its lack of fingers. Optionally, the White Falcon could attach to the back of the Megazord, giving it flight capability; this combination was referred to as the Ninja MegaFalconzord.

Rather than using a weapon, the Ninja Megazord would rear back and deliver devastating energy punches with the Wolf and Apezord fists (which roared with projections of their animal faces) to finish off the enemy. In the episode "A Ranger Catastrophe-part II", this was named the Power Punch.

The Ninja Megazord was one of the simplest Zord transformations when it came to its secondary mode and its Ultrazord mode. The Frog forms the lower torso, thighs & legs, Bear forms the torso, Wolf forms the left arm, Ape forms the right arm, and Crane forms the head while the Falconzord can attach to his back so he can fly.

Appearances: MMPR S3 Episodes 6-11, 14, 15, 18, 29-32


After the Thunderzords are destroyed by Rito Revolto, the Rangers travel to the Temple of Power where a legendary being named Ninjor (the alleged creator of the original Power Coins) gives them new powers and access to the Ninjazords. SHortly after dispatching the Tenga Warriors with thier Ninja Ranger powers however, they realize that Rito Revolto has returned to destroy Angel Grove and summon the Ninjazords against a very surprised Rito. They quickly overpower him; The Blue Wolf Ninjazord hitting him with its tail, the Yellow Bear Ninjazord causing earthquakes strong enough to knock him down, the Black Frog Ninjazord hitting him with its fire breath. and the Pink Crane Ninjazord disarming him with its lasers. Taking the initiative, the Red Ape Ninjazord takes him down with its swords before combining them into a lance and sending Rito flying with a stab to the face. However, Rito summons a flamethrower which he uses to blast the Ape Ninjazord before blocking energy lasers from the Crane and White Ninja Falconzord. The Rangers form the Ninja Megazord which Rito is confident against because it is just one enemy but it shrugs off his blasts and uses the Power Punch to first smash the flamethrower and then send Rito flying. They then combine with the Ninja MegaFalconzord so Rito uses his flamethrower tank as a jetpack but is swing kicked out of the air before the Ninja MegaFalconzord finishes him off. However, an egg outside of the Temple of Power hatches into the Vampirus which forces the Rangers to deploy again but they take time to get there and Ninjor has to fight the monster alone. He overpowers the monster though and the Ninja MegaFalconzord soon arrives and finishes off the monster. Tvicon TV STORY-Ninja Quest

When the Falconzord is stolen by Katherine Hillard while she is under Rita Repulsa's spell, the Rangers cannot summon the other five and are forced to use the Shogunzords as their Zords after freeing them from Lord Zedd's control. Tvicon TV STORY-Changing of the Zords

After Master Vile comes to Earth, Billy constructs a remote to replicate the Falconzord's systems within the Ninja Megazord. This remote is later used to control the Ninja Megazord alongside the Shogun Megazord. Tvicon TV STORY-Master Vile and the Metallic Armor

When Master Vile reverses time with the Orb of Doom, the Rangers lose the ability to summon their Ninjazords due to being too young to even morph. Tvicon TV STORY-Rangers in Reverse

With the loss of the Ninja Power Coins, the Ninjazords are no longer able to be summoned at all and remain within Ninjor's Temple of Power. Tvicon TV STORY-Climb Every Fountain

With no access to the Ninja or Shogunzords, Billy, and Alpha 5 construct new Zords for the Zeo Rangers; the Zeozords. Tvicon TV STORY-The Shooting Star

The Falconzord was shown to still exist when Tommy uses it to stop Lord Draven's Mega Arrows from shattering the dimensional barriers, suggesting that the other Ninjazords still exist even if they are never used after the destruction of the Ninja Power Coins. Tvicon TV STORY-Dimensions in Danger


Red Ape Ninjazord[]

"Red Ape Ninjazord, Power up!"
―Rocky summoning the Red Ape Ninjazord[src]

The Ape (specifically chimpanzee) Ninjazord is the second Zord of Rocky DeSantos, the second Red Ranger. The Ape Ninjazord was given to Rocky by Ninjor, who was his keeper for a long time. He is similar to the Red Dragon Thunderzord in battle mode, serving as the humanoid fighter of the group as the only Ninjazord to stand on two legs and battle. He used twin ninja-to swords as his weapons, and formed the right arm of the Ninja Megazord.

Despite being merely an arm on the Ninja Megazord, he was shown to be the same size as the monsters the Rangers confronted, managing to stand up to Rito Revolto on his own and later defeating Marvo the Meanie solo as Rocky blamed himself for the monster's creation. This suggests that to transform, he must compact himself smaller than shown on the toy.

In the movie, he was based on a gorilla, and lacked the dual swords and relied on hand-to-hand combat.

Appearances: MMPR S3 Episodes 6-15. 18, 29, 32

Black Frog Ninjazord[]

"Black Frog Ninjazord, Power up!"
―Adam summoning the Black Frog Ninjazord[src]

The Frog Ninjazord is the second Zord of Adam Park, the second Black Ranger. When on his own, he could breathe fire and release several smaller frogs, which can latch on to their target and produce an electric shock. In the movie, he could lasso a monster with his tongue and send an electric pulse through the tongue to electrocute the enemy. He formed the hips and the legs of the Ninja Megazord.

Appearance: MMPR S3 Episodes 6-15, 18, 29, 32

Blue Wolf Ninjazord[]

"Blue Wolf Ninjazord, Power up!"
―Billy summoning the Blue Wolf Ninjazord[src]

The Wolf Ninjazord is the third Zord of Billy Cranston, the Blue Ranger. When fighting alone, he was capable of doing flips and striking enemies with his tail. He was also shown to have blinding speed and agility. In the movie, he was shown biting one of Ivan Ooze's Ectomorphicons, and not letting go. He forms the left arm of the Ninja Megazord. He also lacked the Power Glove on its head; instead, the head functioned as the hand, with the lower jaw functioning as an opposable thumb.

Appearance: MMPR S3 Episodes 6-15, 18, 29, 32

Yellow Bear Ninjazord[]

"Yellow Bear Ninjazord, Power up!"
―Aisha summoning the Yellow Bear Ninjazord[src]

The Bear Ninjazord is the second Zord of Aisha Campbell, the second Yellow Ranger. When fighting alone, he could create massive earthquakes by stomping the ground, or fire energy blasts from his eyes. He formed the torso of the Ninja Megazord. In the movie, he had the ability to become a biped, allowing him to use his front paws as fists.

Appearance: MMPR S3 Episodes 6-15, 18, 29, 32

Pink Crane Ninjazord[]

"Pink Crane Ninjazord, Power up!"
―Kimberly summoning the Pink Crane Ninjazord[src]

The Crane Ninjazord is the third Zord of Kimberly Hart, the Pink Ranger. She became the first Zord of Katherine Hillard, the second Pink Ranger. The Crane Ninjazord was given to Kimberly by Ninjor, who was her keeper for a long time. The Zord also became Katherine's Ninjazord following Kimberly's departure. On her own, the Crane can fire lasers from her wings. The Crane Ninjazord formed the head of the Ninja Megazord.

Appearance: MMPR S3 Episodes 6-15, 18, 29, 32

Behind the Scenes[]


to be added


PLEX designed Ninja Megazord. Its design is based on lightly armored ninja, most evident in the vented headgear and barefoot/sandal-like foot design. It also utilizes add on pieces that reflect two basic types of hand attacks, the fist and the closed palm. Originally designed to be a secondary mecha, it became the primary Megazord when adapted for Power Rangers, thus making the upgrade to a heavier-armored Shogun Megazord later on. The Frog, Wolf and Bear have a simplistic streamlined design, much like old Japanese art, while the Crane recalls the look of origami (paper cranes). The Red Ape on the other hand is a more direct representation of the legendary Monkey King, which last inspired the design of the Tyrannosaurus Red Dagon Thunderzord in Battle Mode.

Main article: Ninja Megazord/toys
  • The Ninja Megazord has seen several deluxe releases, action figures, collectible figures and even remote-control versions.


to be added

Legendary Ranger Devices[]

Ninja Megazord Ninja Power Star

Ninja Megazord Ninja Power Star

The Ninja Megazord Ninja Power Star is a special Ninja Power Star that bears the likeness of the Ninja Megazord and is marked with the kanji for "machine". This star is exclusive to the Super Ninja Steel toyline.


  • While the toys name the Zords without color, the in-show full names include the color of the Zords, thus Ape Ninjazord is Red Ape Ninjazord. The names also differ from the movie version as in the film; for example, the Red Ape Ninjazord is the Ninja ApeZord.
  • The Ninja Megazord is the first primary Megazord in the franchise to both lack a weapon and have a finisher independent weapon.
  • Unlike the Thunderzords from the previous season, the Ninja Zords had American-made cockpit sets created for both the individual Zords and the Ninja Megazord to represent the Rangers in pre-combination scenes. The Ninja Zord cockpit sets were re-used for the Shogunzords cockpits, with an additional white cockpit set created for the White Shogunzord.
  • Since the Ninjazords and Titanus came from separate Sentai seasons, all footage of the Ninja Ultrazord was created specifically for Power Rangers, using off-the-shelf Power Rangers toys.
  • In the Korean dub in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers entitled Invincible Power Rangers, Ninja Megazord is called Fighting Megazord.
  • The Ninjazords and Ninja Megazord are featured in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. However the names and designs differ.


See Also[]


