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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For other uses, see Thor (disambiguation)
For alternate versions of Thor, see Thor's Character Hub

"My friend, he told me that it was better to feel shitty from losing love than it is to never experience love and feel nothing at all. Feel empty. And I think he was right. Which is how I've been feeling for a long time. I push people away, kept them at a distance because of the fear of that loss, but I don't wanna do that anymore."
―Thor to Mighty Thor[src]

Thor Odinson is the Asgardian God of Thunder, the former king of both Asgard and New Asgard, a founding member of the Avengers, and a former member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. When his irresponsible and impetuous behavior reignited an ancient war between Asgard and Jotunheim, Thor was denied the right to become king, stripped of his power and hammer MjĂžlnir and he was banished to Earth by Odin. While exiled on Earth, Thor found love with Jane Foster, and learned humility by saving his new friends from the Destroyer sent by Loki. Due to his selfless act of sacrifice, Thor redeemed himself in his father's eyes and was granted his power once more, which he then used to defeat Loki's schemes of genocide.

Upon being welcomed back to Asgard as a hero, Thor was forced to return to Earth in order to retrieve Loki after he had begun his attempt at world domination with the Tesseract. Thor joined the Avengers under the guidance of S.H.I.E.L.D. and stood with them to stop Loki's schemes, eventually following the newly formed team as they battled against Loki's Chitauri army during the Battle of New York. After Loki's defeat, Thor captured and returned him to Asgard to await justice for his crimes.

Thor helped the Asgardian armies restore peace across all of the Nine Realms during the War of the Nine Realms. However, the peace was disrupted by Malekith and the Dark Elves, who wanted to use the Aether to plunge the Nine Realms into eternal darkness. When Foster absorbed the Aether, Thor rallied to protect her on Asgard, leading to an attack by Malekith which resulted in Frigga's death. When the Aether was eventually removed from Foster, Thor helped defeat Malekith and his forces before they could unleash the Aether during the Convergence. Thor renounced his claim to the throne and left Asgard for Earth so he could stay with Foster. During their time together, Thor enchanted MjĂžlnir to protect Foster.

During his stay on Earth, Thor helped the Avengers to locate Loki's Scepter during the fight against HYDRA. Following HYDRA's defeat and the capture of Baron Strucker, the team had to stop the newly created Ultron, a rogue A.I. created by Tony Stark which conspired to bring about human extinction. Once Ultron had been defeated, Thor went back to Asgard to investigate the visions he saw when being manipulated by Wanda Maximoff of the Infinity Stones. In his investigations, Thor also discovered that Loki was still alive and had usurped Odin's royal throne during Thor's absence.

To aid in both pursuing his brother and finding his father to return peace to Asgard, Thor sought help from Doctor Strange, who led him to Odin moments before his passing to Valhalla. Shortly afterwards, Thor met Hela, the Goddess of Death and his half-sister. In the wake of his first encounter with Hela, MjÞlnir was destroyed, and he was stranded in Sakaar, where he was forced to compete in the Contest of Champions. After a reunion and subsequent fight with Hulk, the pair allied with the rogue Valkyrie in order to save Asgard and escape Sakaar. After battling with Hela and losing an eye to her, Thor then had Loki unleash Ragnarök and destroy Asgard, killing Hela in the process, although he escaped with the remaining Asgardians. Declaring that Asgard was all its people and not a place, Thor accepted his newfound position as king and decided to relocate the Asgardians on Earth.

As they were en route to Earth, their ship was attacked by Thanos and the Black Order, who took the Tesseract and murdered his brother, before leaving Thor for dead. He was rescued by the Guardians of the Galaxy and teamed up with Rocket and Groot to travel to Nidavellir. With the help of Eitri, Thor crafted Stormbreaker and aided the nation of Wakanda and the Avengers in confronting Thanos and his forces. However, Thor squandered his chance to kill Thanos with his new weapon and Thanos activated the completed Infinity Gauntlet and erased half the universe's population from existence. After the Avengers were joined by Captain Marvel, the team traveled to the Garden, where Thor and the Avengers ambushed Thanos, discovering that the Titan destroyed the Stones, ensuring that a reversal of his actions was now impossible. Enraged, Thor beheaded Thanos using Stormbreaker and left the planet.

Following Thanos' death, Thor left the Avengers and relocated to TĂžnsberg, Norway, where he and the surviving Asgardians resettled, establishing New Asgard. Five years later, Hulk and Rocket convinced the now-overweight and depressed Thor to rejoin the team after discovering how to travel through time. Thor joined the Avengers on their Time Heist and the ensuing battle against an alternate Thanos alongside Captain America and Iron Man, ending in Stark sacrificing his life to destroy Thanos' forces. After attending Stark's funeral, Thor decided to join the Guardians of the Galaxy, proclaiming Valkyrie to succeed him as king of the Asgardians.

For the next two years, Thor journeyed with the Guardians, but his time with them was brought to an end in 2025 due to Gorr's vow against the gods. During a battle against Gorr, Thor would be joined by his former flame, Jane Foster, who to Thor's surprise now wielded MjĂžlnir. Thor, joined by Korg, Valkyrie and Foster went on a mission to warn the other gods and get an army to fight Gorr, Thor and his team traveled to Omnipotence City to warn Zeus. The disagreement of the Olympians led to confrontation, in which then Thor heavily injured Zeus. Eventually, Thor alongside Foster managed to defeat Gorr but at the cost of her life. After Gorr died, Thor adopted his daughter and trained her, with the duo becoming known as Love and Thunder, who set off upon adventures as protectors of other aliens across the universe.


Marvel Database Logo
This is an in-depth biography of Thor. For an abridged overview, see Marvel Database's article on the same character.

Early Life[]

Riding into Battle[]

Thor the human shield

Thor being taken into battle by his mother

"Raised in the way of the warrior, Thor was taught to help win battles, fighting the good fight for those who can't fight good."

Thor had an idyllic childhood, brought up in Asgard as the most treasured son of Odin and his wife Frigga, but he was falsely led to believe that he was the firstborn child of the Allfather. When Thor was still a baby, he was carried by Frigga, into battle alongside the Einherjar.[2]

Youth with Loki[]

Thor L&T Trailer 1

Thor grows up in Asgard

"Thor and Loki, a brotherhood so strong and pivotal, it would change the fate of a universe. Their childhood taught Thor many lessons."

Thor grew up in Asgard, wishing to become a warrior like Odin and inherit the throne and the title of the King from him. His friend and playmate was his brother Loki, and though the brothers were both rivals for their father's throne, they still remained close companions.[1] Loki was taught magic by their mother, while Thor was taught how to be a warrior by their father.[8] During his youth, Thor fostered a strong desire to join the Valkyries until he learned they were an elite group of female-only soldiers.[5]

Raised to be King[]

Young Thor

Thor is given a lesson by his father Odin

"When I'm king, I'll hunt the monsters down and slay them all, just as you did, father!"
"A wise king never seeks out war, but he must always be ready for it."
―Thor and Odin[src]

Brought up within the warrior culture of the Asgardians, Thor valued strength, courage, and loyalty above all else. He had desired to be exactly like Odin, who had defeated Laufey during the Asgard-Jotunheim War and brought peace across all the Nine Realms. To help him become a warrior, Thor received the powerful hammer, MjĂžlnir to be his companion when he became king, helping him to focus his ability to control thunder.


Thor and Loki are given advice from Odin

Thor often remarked on the monsters, such as the Frost Giants, he would slay and the wars he would win once he was king, although Odin attempted to teach him to value peace above war while dealing with all of their enemies. As both Thor and Loki insisted that they would both be ready to become King of Asgard, Odin noted that only one of them would be able to take the throne. Over the years, Thor was groomed by Odin to become King, leaving Loki jealous.[1] In order to transition into adult hood, Thor, along with other Asgardians, took part in the Virtue Challenge.[9]

Loki's Mischief[]

"Loki! You'll pay for this."
"Ah, damn."
"You turned me into a frog!"
―Thor and Loki[src]

As Thor and Loki grew up together, Loki developed a taste for mischief and magic, as he had been taught by Frigga. Thor was once tricked by his brother when Loki transformed himself into a snake, knowing that Thor loved snakes. Upon picking up the snake, Thor was surprised as Loki turned back to himself and stabbed his brother, although Thor survived.[5] In another instance, Loki turned Thor into a frog for a brief time.[5] With Thor gone, Loki sat on the throne of Asgard and pretended to take over the crown, but frog Thor soon confronted his brother and pummeled him with MjĂžlnir.[10]

Becoming Nordic Legend[]

"This isn't like a journey to Earth, where you summon a little lightning and thunder and the mortals worship you as a God."
―Fandral to Thor[src]

Thor and Loki, along with Odin, visited Earth. The Asgardians taught the Norse people their language and culture and displayed their abilities; this caused the Norse people to believe the Asgardians to be deities, and bestowed upon Thor the moniker "God of Thunder." They also named a day of the week after him, "Thor's Day," which became Thursday.[1] In his childhood, Thor encountered the Eternal known as Kingo and grew to admire him.[11]

Virtue Challenge[]

Virtue Challenge

Thor sets off on the Virtue Challenge

One day in 1521, Thor was training, when suddenly Loki came charging through with Brunok chasing him. Thor stopped the commotion and listened to Brunok's claim that Loki insulted his family. They all agreed to settle it over a quest of virtue, the Virtue Challenge. During the challenge, Thor wandered into a place that gave him illusions of people who told him he wasn't good enough. However, he was able to overcome the illusions. He then found the Bone of the Wolves' Treasureyard, meaning he won the first challenge. He suddenly heard Loki hanging by a branch, calling out in an apology. As it turned out, Loki was also overcome by illusions and thought everyone was going to die. Thor snapped him out of it.[12]

The three made their way to the Hawk's Egg, which was the second challenge. There, they found the Warriors Three, who were also doing the challenge. On the branch, Sif fell, but was caught by Thor and Loki. This gave her enough leverage to grab the egg. However, on the ground, Asgardian Wolves attacked because Volstagg took a second bone from the forest. Volstagg then threw the bone back, which made the wolves chase after it.[13]

Thor; The Mighty Avenger

Thor wields MjĂžlnir during a Virtue Challenge

At the third challenge in the mine, Loki found the Cup of Glory, sparking an all-out war for the cup between all of them, including Brunok and his team that had just arrived. Thor took the cup and summoned lightning down onto the group. Volstagg stopped the mine from toppling on top of them. Loki then apologized for setting this up so he could get the Cup. He said he just wanted the respect that Thor got. Thor forgave him and apologized himself, but Volstagg said it was not his fault. Thor then found the entrance to the cave.[14]

They soon came across Haldier, who was worried about his son, Brunok. Haldier saw the Cup and became enthralled by it. Thor came in to stop him, but was pushed off of the cliff. Thor grabbed onto a branch to save himself and used MjĂžlnir to get back up. He then stopped Haldier and gave him a talk about pride before sending him on his way.[15]


Imir vs Thor

Thor faces off against Imir

"Have you forgotten all that we have done together? Fandral, Hogun, who led you into the most glorious battles?"
"You did."
"And Volstagg, to delicacies so succulent you thought you'd died and gone to Valhalla?"
―Thor and Hogun[src]

Thor proved himself a great warrior, often leading his own band of warriors into battle, which included Sif, Loki, as well as the Warriors Three on adventures which he would describe as being glorious. However, he was also known to be reckless when Loki jokingly reminded him that he would be dead had he not used a smoke veil to allow them to escape during one battle.[1] Thor had also defeated Imir, a rogue Asgardian who threatened to take control of Asgard and taken several of the Dwarven smiths captives.

Asgardian royal family

Thor alongside the rest of the royal family

While Imir managed to get the upper hand on Thor, he was eventually defeated when Thor electrocuted him with MjĂžlnir, giving Thor yet another grand victory to his name which also increasing his already large ego.[16] With several great victories to his name, Thor and all the rest of the Asgardian Royal Family continued to rule over Asgard and all the Nine Realms, ensuring the peace was kept, despite Thor still longing for more battles and wars to satisfy his warrior nature.[1]

Winning a Bet[]

On November 24, 1971, Thor won a bet against Loki, which involved the latter acquiring $200,000 from Earth after hijacking Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305 with a bomb threat under the pseudonym D.B. Cooper.[17]

Loki's Schemes[]

Delayed Coronation[]


Thor speaks to Loki before the ceremony

"Do you swear to cast aside your selfish ambition and to pledge yourself only to the good of the realms?"
"I swear!"
"And on this day, I, Odin All-Father, will proclaim you..."
―Odin and Thor[src]

Thor was eventually announced to be the next ruler of Asgard by Odin, as he was about to finally enter the Odinsleep after putting it off for so long. While preparing for the ceremony, Thor spoke with Loki as they joked about if Thor was nervous or not, which he insisted he was not before Loki mocked his Winged Helmet. Loki, however, assured Thor that he was still proud of his brother.[18]

Thor's Helmet (Thor - 2011)

Thor enjoys the cheers at his coronation

Thor appeared at the ceremony, walking throughout the crowds of cheering Asgardians and enjoying every moment of the event. Upon arriving before the throne, Thor removed his helmet and nodded to his friends, Sif and the Warriors Three while winking towards Frigga and Loki. Odin then stood up and ordered silence in the great hall by hitting Gungnir on the ground as Thor underwent the passage of finally becoming king of Asgard from Odin.

Thor 8

Thor prepares to become king of Asgard

Odin gave a speech in which he acknowledged Thor to be his firstborn, noting how he was entrusted with the mighty MjĂžlnir which would be his companion as the king. Odin then had Thor swear to set aside all selfish ambition to protect all the Nine Realms as well as Asgard, which Thor swore to. As Odin was about to name Thor king, he sensed that the Frost Giants had sneaked into Asgard and into his vault to steal the Casket of Ancient Winters from them.


Thor argues with Odin over going to war

Odin, Thor and Loki went to the vault to find the Frost Giants had already been slain by the Destroyer. Seeing how close they had come to steal the artifacts, the enraged Thor declared that they must go to Jotunheim and show their strength, but Odin refused to go to war with Laufey again. Thor insisted that as king of Asgard, he would lead their army as Odin had done before him. Odin reminded him that he was not king yet and ordered him not to attack.[1]

Recruiting the Warriors Three[]


Thor vents his anger by overthrowing tables

"We're going to Jotunheim."

Having rejected from taking his own place as Asgard's newest king due to the attacks of the Frost Giants, Thor was completely enraged, believing that his day of triumph had been ruined. Within their dining hall, the utterly furious Thor began throwing tables around in anger, venting his rage on the food prepared for the celebrations for him being crowned king.


Thor is offered some poor advice from Loki

While Thor went to sit alone and consider the injustice that had been put upon him, Loki joined him and comforted him over not becoming the King of Asgard as he had hoped before convincing him then that he was right in his idea and they had to go to Jotunheim to confront King Laufey for the crimes his people had committed against them, despite denying any of this was indeed his own plan, noting it would require them having to defy Odin's direct commands.


Thor recruiting Sif and the Warriors Three

As they were talking, Sif and the Warriors Three arrived, with Volstagg being horrified at finding the now overturned dinner table. Thor announced they were going to Jotunheim and that he would lead them to victory. The group was fearful of the idea, noting that the Frost Giants were not easy foes to overcome. Although they were initially skeptical over the risks, Thor reminded them of their past victories and soon changed their minds about the attack.

TeamThorGo1 image

Thor prepares to use the Bifrost Bridge

The group traveled towards the Bifrost Bridge and sought Heimdall's permission for passage to Jotunheim. Ignoring Loki's attempts to talk his way past him, Heimdall did still grant Thor's request, noting that throughout all his years as guardian this was the first time an enemy had gotten past his watch. Heimdall then sent them to Jotunheim, but warned that if they all got into trouble, they would not be granted entrance back home and would all be left to die there.[1]

Attack on Jotunheim[]

Thor and Loki

Thor and Loki speak with Laufey

"Your father is a murderer and a thief! Why have you come here? To make peace? You long for battle. You crave it. You're nothing but a boy, trying to prove himself a man."
"This 'boy' has grown tired of your mockery."
―Laufey and Thor[src]

Once they arrived at Jotunheim, Thor led the Warriors Three through the destroyed realm toward Laufey's chambers where he warned them to leave while he still allowed them to, although Thor continued to demand to know how his people had gotten into Odin's Vault to steal the Casket of Ancient Winters. One of the Frost Giants approached Thor before Loki led him away, noting that they were outnumbered by their enemies and it would be unwise to begin a conflict, much to Thor's great annoyance. Thor remained silent as he walked away from Laufey until a Frost Giant called Thor a princess.


Thor battles the Frost Giants in Jotunheim

Thor unleashed his anger and with the mighty power of MjĂžlnir hit the Frost Giant so hard he flew across the wasteland. Having begun the skirmish, the warriors then bravely joined Thor and battled the Frost Giants. Thor took great pleasure in fighting all his enemies, throwing MjĂžlnir at Hailstrum and others while demanding more of a challenge. While Thor was enjoying himself, Fandral was struck by a Frost Giant and warned Thor to pull back while they had some chance.


Thor unleashes all of MjĂžlnir's power

Thor told them to leave while he battled the Frost Giants alone. As his friends left and reached the Bifrost Bridge, Thor unleashed the full power of MjĂžlnir and erupted the ground around him killing hundreds of the Frost Giants, before flying at full speed to kill the Frost Beast that was chasing the Asgardians. Laufey and his whole army then surrounded Thor and his friends, who were driven back to the edge of a cliff, seemingly defenseless against the army.


Thor and his allies are rescued by Odin

Before they attacked, Odin then arrived while riding Sleipnir. Thor attempted to convince his father to join him in the battle only to be told to remain silent. Odin then warned King Laufey by telling him to preserve the peace and not respond to the actions of a boy. Laufey said that war had now already begun between them, and Odin then transported himself and the other Asgardians back home, furious at Thor for his actions and the consequences.[1]

Banished to Earth[]

Thor and Odin

Thor arguing with Odin

"That's pride and vanity talking, not leadership. You've forgotten everything I taught you about a warrior's patience."
"While you wait and be patient, the Nine Realms laugh at us! The old ways are done! You'd stand giving speeches while Asgard falls!"
―Odin and Thor[src]

Back in the Bifrost Bridge, Odin ordered the Warriors Three to take the seriously wounded Fandral to the Healing Room. Odin then chastised Thor for his reckless actions saying that he would sacrifice the lives of innocent people to go to war against the Frost Giants and that they were not the actions of a King, but a warrior. Thor told Odin he was an old man and a fool, arguing that the Nine Realms were in danger as Odin was still afraid to act against their enemies, with Thor making it clear that he wanted Laufey to fear him as much as he had once feared Odin.

Thor's Banishment

Thor is banished without any of his powers

Acknowledging that Thor had proven himself to be unworthy to be king, Odin confessed that he was a fool to have ever thought Thor was ready to rule Asgard, ignoring Loki when he tried to protest to protect his brother. While Thor stood horrified, Odin then took MjĂžlnir from Thor and removed his powers before using the Bifrost to banish Thor to Earth without his strength, as a punishment for being proven unworthy by betraying Asgard and his loved one by his actions.

2011 thor 020

Thor finds himself trapped on Midgard

Thor was then sent through the Bifrost Bridge arriving onto Earth in a wormhole, which was being studied by Jane Foster, Erik Selvig and Darcy Lewis. Thor stood only to be knocked over by the truck they were driving, much to the horror of the scientists who immediately ran to his aid. Thor quickly awoke and began shouting to Heimdall to reopen the Bifrost and return him and then demanded to know which of all of the Nine Realms he was currently in, questioning if it was either Alfheim or Nornheim to which Lewis explained that this was New Mexico, much to Thor's confusion as he continued calling to MjĂžlnir and Heimdall to take him home.


Thor is threatened by Darcy Lewis' taser

The humans had soon come to believe Thor to be crazy and as Lewis had threatened Thor with a taser, he was utterly disgusted at her actions, claiming it to be an insult for an Asgardian warrior like himself to be threatened by such a puny weapon. However, Thor was unaware of his new weaknesses as Lewis then tasered him knocking him unconscious. Thor was then put inside of Selvig's van and driven into Puente Antiguo to receive medical attention.[1]

Treated in Hospital[]


Thor reacts to doctors taking his blood

"How dare you attack the son of Odin!"

Thor awoke in Puente Antiguo County Hospital with a man over him saying he that was about to take some blood. Unaware of his surroundings and having seemingly forgotten that he no longer had his Asgardian strength, Thor attacked the hospital staff and security guards, furious that they had dared to attack him by attempting to take his blood. Taking on dozens of the staff members, Thor yelled that they were no match for the son of Odin before being sedated by the hospital staff.

Thor hospital

Thor finds himself tied onto a hospital bed

Eventually, Thor awoke yet again to find himself strapped down to a bed. He attempted to rip the restraints off, but to his horror, he found that he was unable to remove all of the ties that had been made by mere humans. Determined to get away, Thor eventually managed to squeeze his own hands out of their restraints and headed towards the nearest exit, avoiding the hospital staff members who were still recovering from his earlier outburst of rage and violence.

Thor - Hit by Jane Again

Thor is hit by Jane Foster's car once again

Having gotten out of the hospital, Thor then began to make his way outside to begin searching for MjĂžlnir and a way home to Asgard before being hit again by a car, again driven by Jane Foster, who apologized for running him over for a second time and promised that it was not something she was doing on purpose. To try and make it up to Thor, the scientists then took him back to their own Wormhole Research Center to discuss all their research on the subject.[1]



Thor is given new clothes from Jane Foster

"I need a horse!"
"We don't have horses. Just dog, cats, birds."
"Then give me one of those large enough to ride."
―Thor and Kyle[src]

Thor was taken back to Jane Foster's science base where he was given Donald Blake's old clothes, noticing the name tag that still remained on the shirt. Still remaining remarkably arrogant in his new surroundings upon Midgard, Thor then announced to the bemused group of scientists that he was now hungry, and they all then took him to Isabela's Diner to get him some pancakes and coffee.


Thor drinks some coffee for the first time

To the amusement of Darcy Lewis, Thor ate enormous amounts of food astonishing the three before smashing his own cup on the floor, demanding another drink. Foster told him that if he wanted another, he should ask nicely rather than breaking things while Lewis had him pose for a picture for Facebook. Thor then overheard Pete and Jake talking about a "satellite" that had just crashed onto Earth. Thor soon realized it was MjĂžlnir and requested directions from the pair.

Thor Jane walk

Thor goes a mission to reclaim MjĂžlnir

Thor then departed the diner with all the scientists closely behind him, questioning where he was going. Thor told them he would reclaim MjĂžlnir from S.H.I.E.L.D. and give them the answers that they sought about the Bifrost Bridge. Although Foster was eager to learn more, Erik Selvig convinced her not to follow as he feared for Thor's mental state. Thor then said goodbye to Foster, Lewis and Selvig, as he began to walk towards MjĂžlnir's location.


Thor demands a horse inside a pet store

Realizing as a mortal, the walk was too far, Thor went to the Pet Palace and demanded a horse. Kyle said that they did not have horses, only cats, dogs and other house animals, to which Thor asked for one large enough to ride; instead, all he received was a very confused look from the shop worker. Foster then approached him in her car for a ride to the crash site, to which Thor happily accepted without any hesitation.[1]

Unworthy of Power[]

Thor Jane drive

Thor hints at his past life to Jane Foster

"Once I retrieve MjĂžlnir, I will return to you the items they stole from you. Deal?"
"No. You think you're gonna just walk in and walk out?"
"No. I'm gonna fly out."
―Thor and Jane Foster[src]

Thor was told by Jane Foster that S.H.I.E.L.D. had stolen all of her research on the Bifrost Bridge. He promised to tell her everything she wanted to know about the wormholes when he reclaimed what was his, although Foster only commented that she still thought Thor was a strange character and noted that she really hoped he was not crazy, which greatly amused Thor as they drove.


Thor swears to get Jane Foster's research

They soon arrived at the crash site to find it covered by a makeshift research facility. As they looked over the facility, Thor gave Foster his jacket as he correctly predicted it would begin to rain momentarily while telling her to remain hidden while he collected what was theirs. When Foster questioned how he planned to walk out with their equipment, Thor informed her that he intended to fly out, which did not help Foster's confidence at all as Thor moved forward.


Thor breaks into the S.H.I.E.L.D. compound

Thor entered and took down Jackson and Delancey before being noticed and began making his way towards MjĂžlnir, which was being studied in the middle of the base by S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists. However, Jasper Sitwell eventually raised the alarm when the agents failed to call in. Thor then began taking down guard after guard, even without any of his former Asgardian strength all his fighting skills still outmatched many of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who challenged him.


Thor takes out multiple S.H.I.E.L.D. agents

As Thor approached MjĂžlnir having defeated almost all the agents, he was confronted by a particularly big guard whom Thor noted was big, but he had fought bigger, thinking of his fights against the Frost Giants. Thor battled the agent who was ultimately defeated outside as Thor knocked him out as they both fought in the mud. Thor was unaware that the entire time Clint Barton was taking aim and preparing to shoot him with an arrow if ordered.

Thor tries to lift Mjolnir

Thor tries and fails to finally reclaim MjĂžlnir

Finally, at MjĂžlnir, Thor rejoiced before gripping his mighty hammer, but could not lift it; using all of his mortal strength, he still could not lift it. Knowing Odin had taken his powers away from him as a result of the Attack on Jotunheim, Thor yelled out at the heavens and fell to his knees. Defeated, Thor offered no resistance while Phil Coulson sent his agents to apprehend him, telling Barton to also stand down. As the guards arrested him, Thor noticed a small Asgardian symbol that appeared on MjĂžlnir, and became heartbroken at possibly never seeing his home or family again while he was then taken away for questioning under the orders of Agent Coulson.[1]

Learning Humility[]

Captured by S.H.I.E.L.D.[]

Thor meets Phil Coulson

Thor is questioned by Phil Coulson

"Can I come home?"
"The truce with Jotunheim is conditional upon your exile."
"Yes, but couldn't we find a way?"
"Mother has forbidden your return. This is goodbye, brother. I'm so sorry."
"No, I am sorry. Thank you for coming here."
―Thor and Loki[src]

Thor was taken for questioning by Phil Coulson, who was convinced he was special forces; his remarkable fighting skills had allowed him to defeat all of Coulson's men, to which Coulson questioned if he was trained in Afghanistan or Chechnya. Thor remained silent throughout the interrogation and refused to answer Coulson's questions; however, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent informed him that sooner or later, they would find out what they wanted to know, noting their organization was good at that.


Thor is then visited by Loki

When Coulson had left for a moment, Loki then arrived in front of him. Thor asked about Jotunheim and demanded to speak to their father; however, Loki informed him that Odin was apparently dead due to the strain of everything that had happened and that in Thor's absence, Loki had been made King of Asgard. When Thor asked if he could go home, Loki explained that Thor had to remain on Earth to maintain peace with King Laufey and the Frost Giants who wanted war.


Thor is informed by Loki that Odin is dead

Although Thor tried to argue that perhaps they could find a way, Loki told him that Frigga had apparently forbidden his return. Although he was utterly heartbroken, Thor agreed to the arrangement and said goodbye to his brother, thanking him for coming to him and informing him of their father's death. Coulson then returned to the room to find Thor saying goodbye to thin air. Thor then remained sat down on the chair and considered his future while still trapped on Earth.[1]

Bonding with Jane Foster[]


Thor is rescued by Doctor Erik Selvig

"Your ancestors called it magic, and you call it science. Well, I come from a place where they're one and the same thing."
―Thor to Jane Foster[src]

While Thor was being interrogated, Jasper Sitwell informed Phil Coulson that Thor had a visitor; Erik Selvig, who had arrived and told the S.H.I.E.L.D. that Thor was Donald Blake, their colleague who was drunk and very upset about the loss of their equipment. Coulson allowed Thor to leave so he could follow them, with Thor stealing a notebook on his way out.


Thor has a drink with Erik Selvig

Despite being ordered not to, Thor and Selvig then went for a drink together where Thor noted that for the first time in his life he had no idea what his future held, telling Selvig that he now wished he had listened to Odin's lessons. Selvig told Thor that all he wanted to ensure was that Jane Foster always remained safe, to which Thor insisted he wished her no harm, so Selvig bought him another drink and asked him to leave New Mexico in the morning.


Thor brings Erik Selvig to Jane Foster

He agreed and they share another drink.[1] After a few more drinks, Selvig smashed his glass on the ground and demanded another, as Thor had done with his coffee the day before. Seeing Selvig had begun accepting him, Thor laughed and joined him in demanding more alcohol. All Thor's drinking prowess led to them getting into a bar brawl while walking through the streets singing merry songs until Thor decided Selvig had enjoyed himself enough.[18]

Jane Foster with Thor

Thor spends time with Jane Foster

With Selvig too drunk to move, Thor brought him to Jane's camper to sleep off the alcohol; though Selvig still didn't believe Thor was the God of Thunder, they both now had a good friendship, as Selvig had then drunkenly claimed that Thor should still be the God of Thunder regardless. Thor and Foster went to the roof of the Research Center and gazed at the stars together. She told Thor about herself, noting how she would often sit on the roof to think or get away from all the annoyances of Darcy Lewis while he returned her notebook, which he had retaken from S.H.I.E.L.D. for her, much to Foster's delight as she no longer had to restart all of her original work from nothing.


Thor considers his new life

To reassure Foster about continuing her work, Thor began to tell her all about the Nine Realms and Yggdrasil. Thor also explained that all her theories were correct and then tried to help her understand them better. When she fell asleep, Thor ensured that she was warm before watching over her as she slept before looking up to the stars and considering his past and future now he lived among the humans down on Earth, away from his friends and family.[1]

Reunion with Warriors[]


Thor serves breakfast to all his new friends

"My friends, I have never been happier to see anyone. But you should not have come."
"We're here to take you home!"
"You know I can't go home. My father is... dead because of me."
―Thor and Fandral[src]

The next day, Thor's attitude had taken a change for the better and he had personally made breakfast for his new friends with Jane Foster.[1] During their breakfast together, Thor requested that they allow him to have one of the mugs, which they had accepted. Thor then departed and went straight to Isabela's Diner where he found Isabela Alvarez and gave her the mug to replace the one he broke.[18]


Thor is visited by Sif and the Warriors Three

Thor listened as Erik Selvig and Foster discussed how they planned on presenting their theories to higher-ups without any hard evidence, when they were interrupted by the Warriors Three and Sif who had arrived on Earth and were all delighted to see their dear friend again. Amazed, Thor then immediately ran over to his friends and embraced them, while Foster, Selvig and Lewis looked on in utter amazement as their arrival seemingly confirmed that Thor was telling the truth.


Thor learns of Loki's betrayal

Thor rejoiced to see them all but told them that they should not have come to collect him, noting that Odin was dead because of him and he had to now remain of Earth to ensure the peace with Jotunheim. However, they all then informed him that Odin was alive and that Loki was King and had shown the Frost Giants the way into Asgard. As they were all talking, they saw another Wormhole in the distance and realized Loki had sent his own forces after them.[1]

Battle of Puente Antiguo[]


Thor explains he cannot assist in the fight

"Brother, whatever I have done to wrong you, whatever I have done to lead you to do this
 I am truly sorry. But these people are innocent. Taking their lives will gain you nothing. So take mine and end this."
―Thor to Loki[src]

The group saw that the Destroyer had arrived in New Mexico having been sent by Loki to kill them all. While Fandral was excited by the idea of Thor joining them into the battle, Thor made it clear that he was now only human, promising to get all the innocent people to safety. Thor and his friends evacuated the town as the Warriors Three and Sif formulated their plan to stop the Destroyer.


Thor convinces Lady Sif to save herself

The Destroyer began attacking the town, destroying everything in its path and knocked back the Warriors Three before being seemingly stopped by Sif's sword. The Destroyer simply rearranged its body to face Sif and nearly killed her. With this, the Destroyer seemed unstoppable as it continued its firing beams of energy and massive explosions, almost killing Volstagg. Thor went to Sif's aid and convinced her to escape and live another day.

Destroyer vs Thor

Thor bravely faces off against the Destroyer

With the Warriors Three all exhausted and nearly defeated from the battle, Thor told them to fall back and reassured them all that he had a plan. While Hogun carried Volstagg to safety, Thor approached the Destroyer and spoke to Loki through it, telling him that he was sorry for whatever he had done to wrong him. Thor pleaded to Loki that he could not allow him to kill all of the innocent people of the town and instead to take his life to protect them all from harm.


Thor sacrifices himself to save innocents

Loki seemingly relented as the Destroyer turned and headed back to where it came from; however, just as Thor let out a sigh of relief, Loki used the Destroyer to strike Thor across the face and sent him flying backward. With his bones shattered by the force of the blow, Thor laid on his back dying while Jane Foster came to his aid and sat with him. While she tried to help him, Thor expressed his joy that he had saved her before closing his eyes and dying from his wounds.[1]

Return to Strength[]


Thor finally regains his powers

"Know this, Son of Coul. You and I, we fight for the same cause, the protection of this world. From this day forward, you can count me as your ally, if you return the items you have taken from Jane."
―Thor to Phil Coulson[src]

While all his friends mourned the death of the God of Thunder, the Destroyer turned around and made its leave. However, before it could get far, MjĂžlnir sensed Thor's action of self-sacrifice and flew from the S.H.I.E.L.D. Crater Investigation Site and straight into Thor's hand, resurrecting him and finally returning his own powers with the burst of lightning, having deemed him worthy due to his self-sacrifice. Thor then stood with the mighty hammer in his full armor again.


Thor successfully defeats the Destroyer

Thor then threw MjĂžlnir at the Destroyer, knocking it off its feet before he created a tornado around the Destroyer and engaged it, forcibly lifting it high in the air while using MjĂžlnir to block its deadly beams of energy. Once the Destroyer was at a safe height, Thor flew towards its energy beam, deflecting its power back into its own head causing it to implode and thus disabling it, causing the Destroyer to crash land as Thor walked away from the battle victoriously.

Phil Coulson and Thor

Thor speaks with Phil Coulson

While Jane Foster and Erik Selvig had marveled at Thor, he was then approached by the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, with Phil Coulson calmly noting that Thor clearly had not been totally honest with him as he reminded him that during their last encounter he had claimed to be Donald Blake. Thor then told Coulson to return Foster's research if he wanted his help in the future as they both fought on the same side and for the same goal. Although Coulson and Foster debated if S.H.I.E.L.D. had borrowed or stolen her research, Coulson agreed and told Foster they would allow her to continue her work in Wormhole study and understanding.

Thor looks at Jane

Thor says his goodbyes to Jane Foster

Thor then promised to show Foster the Bifrost Bridge and flew her to the Bifrost site. When Thor asked Heimdall for the Bifrost to open so that he could return to Asgard, Heimdall did not respond, due to him having been betrayed by Loki and frozen with the Casket of Ancient Winters. Eventually, Heimdall opened the Bridge and Thor then said goodbye to Foster with a kiss, vowing to return for her. The Warriors Three and Lady Sif arrived, and they all returned to Asgard.[1]

Fighting Loki[]


Thor finally returns home to Asgard

"You can't kill an entire race!"
"Why not? And what is this newfound love for the Frost Giants? You, who could have killed them all with your bare hands."
"I've changed."
―Thor and Loki[src]

Thor, Sif and the Warriors Three returned to Asgard and found Heimdall mortally wounded from an attack by Loki. Thor ordered his friends to get Heimdall to the healing room before searching for his brother. He soon arrived in Odin's Chamber to see Frigga with Loki, who had just saved their father from Laufey, whom he had then killed. Loki was shocked to see his brother as Thor then revealed Loki's true deception and crimes to the horrified Frigga.


Thor attempts to convince Loki to stop

Knowing that his time was limited, Loki sent Thor flying through a wall of the chamber with a shot from Gungnir and headed towards Himinbjorg where he began the process of destroying Jotunheim. Once Thor arrived, he tried to stop Loki's schemes, but failed. Loki said he did it all to be Thor's equal and he vowed to now destroy Jotunheim using the Bifrost Bridge. Thor refused to fight his brother only to be told they were not true brothers.


Thor battles against Loki

Thor tried to convince Loki that his actions were madness, but Loki questioned if that was true and called Thor soft, noting he could have destroyed all the Frost Giants with his bare hands. When Loki went on to threaten to kill Jane Foster, the now enraged Thor flew forward and attacked Loki, as the pair exchanged blows with their weapons. Although Thor was clearly the stronger of the two, Loki resorted to his tricks to gain the upper hand during their battle.

Duel at the Bifrost Bridge

Thor is surrounded by Loki's many illusions

Eventually, Thor launched forward at his brother, knocking both of them out of Himinbjorg where Loki seemingly nearly fell off the Rainbow Bridge. However, when Thor attempted to save him, Loki revealed it to be another trick and surrounded Thor with illusions of himself, laughing maniacally. After a gruesome fight, Thor managed to tie Loki down by placing MjĂžlnir on top of him and went to stop the Bifrost, but saw that it was too far gone to be stopped now.


Thor begins destroying the Rainbow Bridge

Despite having no other choices, Thor did not want to destroy the Rainbow Bridge because then he could not return to Earth to see Foster ever again, but for the sake of the Nine Realms, Thor called MjĂžlnir to him and began destroying the Rainbow Bridge. Loki screamed at him to make him stop, attempting to stab him in the back, but Thor managed to destroy the bridge, causing the energy of the Bifrost to explode and create a wormhole.

Destroyed Bifrost 4

Thor watches Loki fall through a black hole

The massive blast from the Bifrost's destruction launched the fighting brothers into the air where they almost fell into the abyss themselves. However, both Thor and Loki were then caught by Odin who had awakened from the Odinsleep. Desperate to prove himself worthy in his father's eyes, Loki revealed he did it all for him. However, Odin still rejected him. Thor watched on helplessly as Loki let go and allowed himself to fall into the abyss, falling into the wormhole.[1]

Reflecting on the Future[]


Thor starts leaving the victory celebrations

"There will never be a wiser king than you, or a better father. I have much to learn, I know that now. Someday perhaps, I shall make you proud."
"You've already made me proud."
―Thor and Odin[src]

As the Asgardians celebrated the defeat of the Frost Giants and the return of their prince, Thor took time to himself, still mourning Loki's death while thinking about the loss of Jane Foster and if he would ever be reunited with her. Leaving Volstagg and Fandral to tell the stories of their victory against Loki's schemes, Thor quietly left, touching Frigga's hand gently as he walked outside.


Thor and Odin think of the future of Asgard

Thor went to see Odin, who was also thinking of Loki and still mourning his death. Standing beside his father, Thor told him that he was wrong for his prior actions and that he had a lot to learn from him, hoping to make him proud someday before he took the throne of Asgard. Odin in return told Thor that he would be a wise king and that he had already made him proud by proving himself worthy of wielding MjĂžlnir once again and returning home at last.


Thor thinks about seeing Jane Foster again

Thor then went to see Heimdall, who was stood where Himinbjorg's had once been, with Thor asking if there was now any hope of repairing the Rainbow Bridge as Heimdall told him there was always hope. Thor asked about Foster and Heimdall replied that she was looking for a way to find her way to Asgard.[1] Not long after the defeat of Loki, the Nine Realms were endangered by Marauders, which had put Vanaheim, the home of Hogun in danger of invasion.[19]

Chitauri Invasion[]

Returning to Earth[]

Odins sends Thor

Odin sending Thor to Earth

"You miss the truth of ruling, brother. A throne would suit you ill."
"I've seen worlds you've never known about. I have grown, Odinson, in my exile. I have seen the true power of the Tesseract, and when I wield it–"
"Who showed you this power? Who controls the would-be king?"
―Thor and Loki[src]

Two years later, Frigga successfully managed to contact Loki in the Sanctuary. She informed Thor, Odin and the Warriors Three of Loki's miraculous survival and that he was planning an attack on Earth involving the Tesseract and an army of Chitauri. Odin called upon the power of dark energy - the very fabric of the universe itself - to send Thor to Earth to stop him, at the cost of his own and Thor's health. An unconscious Thor landed on a mountain, not far from Loki's location, and began searching for his brother as soon as he regained consciousness.[19]

Thor Quinjet

Thor finally arrives at his brother's location

Thor caused a lightning storm while he landed on the Quinjet in which Loki was being escorted on. While the Quinjet was kept steady by Black Widow, Thor proceeded to board the jet and was challenged by Iron Man who feared that Thor was attempting to possibly aid or kill Loki before they could find out his plan. However, Thor easily dispatched Iron Man by striking him with MjĂžlnir, which had caused him to crash into Captain America before Thor then ripped Loki out of his restraints and freeing him from their custody and flying off into the distance with his brother to then question Loki personally, while leaving both Captain America and Iron Man stunned as they considered what to do next.


Thor attempts to convince Loki to surrender

Once they crash landed onto a mountain, Thor tried to convince Loki to give up his plans and return to Asgard with the Tesseract, though Loki still resented Thor. Thor attempted to reason with his brother by expressing his relief to learn he had survived and informed him that both he and Odin had mourned his death, although the mention of Odin only angered Loki further. It was during their conversation that Thor learned Loki was working for someone, although he never learned who it was. When Loki continued to mock him and refused to answer him, Thor picked up MjĂžlnir and threatened him.[4]

Confronted by Iron Man[]


Thor is violently confronted by the Iron Man

"This is beyond you, metal man. Loki will face Asgardian justice."
"He gives up the cube, he's all yours. Until then, stay out of the way. Tourist."
―Thor and Iron Man[src]

Before Thor could make another threat, however, Iron Man suddenly attacked him and threw him off the cliff. Having recovered from the sudden surprise attack, Thor told him never to touch him again while Iron Man told him not to take his stuff, although Thor argued that Iron Man clearly had no clue what he was getting involved with, promising that Loki would face Asgardian justice at Odin's hand upon returning home. Iron Man remained unmovable in his view, rudely calling Thor Shakespeare in the Park and claiming he was wearing his mother's clothes before he told Thor to stay out of their way.

Thor Mjollnir

Thor summons his lightning into MjĂžlnir

Seeing that Iron Man would not listen, Thor attacked by launching MjĂžlnir at him and preparing to return to Loki who was watching the skirmish with great amusement. However, rather than being defeated by the blow, Iron Man responded by shooting Thor with his repulsor beam and kicking him through a tree. Wishing to end the fight, Thor fired a blast of lightning at the Avenger thinking it would damage it beyond repair. However, J.A.R.V.I.S. informed Iron Man that the blast only served to power his suit to incredible levels, allowing him to shoot back at Thor once again, knocking him back with more force.


Thor attempts to crush Iron Man's armor

Iron Man fought back and the two traded blows, flying across the mountain ranges and destroying much of the forest in a desperate attempt to stop the other. Upon crash landing, they punched at each other and managed to catch each other's fists, resulting in a standoff as Thor began crushing Iron Man's Armor. Iron Man responded by shooting Thor in the face and head-butting him, which Thor then responded to with a headbutt of his own while trying to strike his foe with MjĂžlnir while Iron Man used speed to his advantage, flying all across the battlefield and hitting Thor before he could react.

Thor, Iron Man and Captain America

Thor meets Iron Man and Captain America

When Captain America intervened and broke up the fight, he pointed out that they should not have been fighting with each other. When he asked Thor to put MjĂžlnir down, Thor erupted into a rage and in response, knocked Iron Man back and brought MjĂžlnir down on Captain America, who blocked it with his shield which absorbed the impact, sending Thor flying backwards. As the warriors recovered from the shockwave, Thor realized, upon seeing all the destruction he had helped to cause, that they had the same goal to stop Loki's plan and protect Earth, so stopped fighting and formed an alliance.[4]

Working with S.H.I.E.L.D.[]

THOR (The Avengers)

Thor on board the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier

"Loki's rage followed me here and your people paid the price. And now again. In my youth, I courted war."
"War hasn't started yet. You think you can make Loki tell us what the Tesseract is?"
"I do not know. Loki's mind is far afield. It's not just power he craves, it's vengeance upon me."
―Thor and Nick Fury[src]

They returned to the Helicarrier, where Loki was put inside a cell designed to hold and dispose of Hulk if necessary. Thor joined the rest of the team as they watched while Nick Fury questioned Loki, with Thor's brother refusing to give up the location of the Tesseract and mocking their efforts to stop him. With the interrogation over, Thor revealed to the team that Loki had now gathered an entire army of the Chitauri who were not from Asgard or any other realm known to him. To his shock, Thor learned that Loki had kidnapped Clint Barton as well as Erik Selvig for his schemes, telling them that Selvig was a friend of his.


Thor explains Loki's plan and motivations

When Bruce Banner insulted Loki, calling him crazy, Thor was quick to point out that while Loki was unstable, he was his brother, though Natasha Romanoff brought up that Loki had killed several people, so Thor quickly reasserted that Loki was adopted. (No doubt to erase any suspicions that he could be capable of equally evil actions like Loki.) The group was joined by Tony Stark who explained what Loki needed Selvig for while teasing Thor for their earlier fight, calling him Point Break while they all began searching for Loki across the entire globe.

Phil Thor

Thor asks Phil Coulson about Jane Foster

Later, he asked Phil Coulson about Jane Foster and was told that she was moved into a secure location when Loki returned and Selvig was put under his control. Thor personally thanked Coulson for this action to protect the woman he loved and discussed how he viewed Selvig as a good man, noting that Loki would have targeted him due to their friendship, with Coulson explaining that Selvig often spoke of his own encounter with Thor.

Thor Helicarrier

Thor talks of Loki's personal hatred for him

Thor expressed his displeasure at the way the Asgardians claimed to be a more advanced race within the Nine Realms but now their own wars would often be fought on Earth, leaving the humans to pay the price, comparing their wars to the fights of the Bilgesnipe, but he did have to explain to Coulson what the Bilgesnipe were and how they trample everything within their path. Thor noted how Loki's rage had followed him to New Mexico where he had fought the Destroyer to protect innocent lives. Thor noted that in his youth he had desired war, but seeing the reality had now changed his views.


Thor discusses Loki with Nick Fury

Their conversation was interrupted when Fury then approached and asked Thor if he believed he could make him confess where the Tesseract was, but Thor insisted that all Loki really desired was his revenge against his family for Odin's lies about his true heritage. Fury then asked what Thor was prepared to do in order to keep all Loki's plans from reaching fruition, though Thor told him that he was still unsure. When Thor noted that Loki was still their prisoner, Fury noted that Loki clearly had his plans, as he appeared to be the only person on board the Helicarrier who actually wanted to be there.[4]

Avengers Argument[]


Thor argues with all of the other Avengers

"Your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies. It is the signal to all the realms that the Earth is ready for a higher form of war."
―Thor to Nick Fury[src]

Thor rejoined the Avengers alongside Natasha Romanoff inside the laboratory just as an argument was breaking out between them all, as Tony Stark had just now learned that S.H.I.E.L.D. was using the power of the Tesseract to recreate the weapons of HYDRA and had not informed the team of this fact. Director Nick Fury noted that they were building the weapons because of the threat of Asgardians, pointing to Thor who insisted his people wanted peace with Midgard, although Fury noted Asgardians were not the only threat.


Thor laughs at Tony Stark and Steve Rogers

While Tony Stark and Steve Rogers were standing up to each other about what to do next in the wake of all of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s own secrets being uncovered, they attempted to start a fight with each other, something Thor found amusing as he called Humans both petty and tiny for getting into such arguments with one another. While Thor argued that their tests on the Tesseract had attracted Loki's attention and the attention of his allies in the first place, their argument was quickly ended as Bruce Banner inadvertently picked up the Scepter, proving Loki was manipulating his mind in order to divide them all.[4]

Attack on the Helicarrier[]


Thor attempts to reason with Hulk

"We are not your enemies, Banner! Try to think!"
―Thor to Hulk[src]

As Thor and the others argued, Hawkeye, under Loki's mind control, managed to use his trick arrows to blow up one of the Helicarrier's engines, causing a massive fireball to strike into the room which all of the Avengers were in. Thor was knocked back while the blast also triggered Bruce Banner to transform into Hulk. Thor found Hulk moments before he would have killed Black Widow, knocking him through a wall. Thor fought Hulk, being the only one who could match him for strength. As Thor held off Hulk's massive arm, Thor tried and failed to reason with Banner, hoping he was still inside Hulk's mind.

Thor (2012)

Thor regains MjĂžlnir to get more power

Hulk, however, then managed to lift up Thor and punched him through the hanger, causing Thor's nose to bleed from the impact of such a powerful punch. Unafraid of the beast and it's incredible strength, Thor summoned MjĂžlnir to his hand and used it to strike Hulk across the face, knocking him into a jet. Thor soon learned that these sorts of attacks only added to Hulk's rage as he ripped the jet apart and threw it at Thor. As a result, Thor used MjĂžlnir to pin Hulk to the ground before trying to choke him out with all of his might while Hulk let out a mighty roar of anger while he tried to escape Thor's grasp.


Thor strikes Hulk hard across the face

As their battle continued while Captain America and Iron Man still attempted to fix the Helicarrier and keep it from falling out of the sky, Hulk started to gain the upper hand against Thor and threw him around like a ragdoll across the ship. Eventually, Thor was aided as a single S.H.I.E.L.D. jet, sent by Nick Fury, fired upon Hulk. Thor managed to avoid the bullets while the furious Hulk then turned his attention to the Jet, which caused him to leap from the Helicarrier and rip it from the sky, falling to Earth as a result, saving Thor from further beatings from the Incredible Hulk's fury.


Thor falls for Loki's illusion tricks again

With the threat of Hulk's incredible rage finally over, Thor then went to make sure that Loki was still being contained inside the Helicarrier. When he arrived, however, Thor discovered that the cell door was being opened and Loki was leaving, Thor desperately tried to stop Loki from leaving, but it turned out to be an illusion and Thor became trapped in the cell, as Loki looked upon his brother and mocked him for once again falling for his deceptions. Thor tried to break the glass, but this caused the cell to almost fall from the sky as Loki then mocked Thor's dangerous current situation.


Thor watches Loki murdering Phil Coulson

Loki threatened to drop the cage, noting how the humans believed that Asgardians were immortal and he wished to test the theory by sending Thor falling to his death. However, Loki was just about to drop the cage when Phil Coulson confronted him with the Destroyer Armor Prototype Gun which had been created from the remains that had been gathered from the Destroyer. However, before Coulson could recapture Loki and free Thor, Loki used another illusion to get behind Coulson stabbed him through the heart, as Thor yelled out in anger at seeing his ally mortally wounded and slowly dying.


Thor manages to escape falling to his death

Thor looked on helplessly as Loki then showed him Agent Coulson's blood still on his Scepter's blade before he then dropped him out of the Helicarrier, wishing to finally kill his own brother once and for all. As he plummeted towards the Earth at incredible speeds, Thor was thrown from side to side and was still unable to hit the glass, but he eventually managed to secure himself against a wall and used the power of MjĂžlnir to smash free from the cell's solid glass walls just in time to avoid the impact as the cell smashed against some rocks and was completely destroyed as a direct result of the crash.


Thor is briefly unworthy to pick up MjĂžlnir

Having escaped the impact of the near-deadly crash landing, Thor landed heavily in an empty field, dropping MjĂžlnir upon his hard landing on Earth. Afterwards, having been separated from the rest of the Avengers and wishing to continue the battle to stop the Chitauri Invasion, Thor then went looking for MjĂžlnir. When Thor eventually found and then tried to pick his mighty hammer up again, he learned his connection to MjĂžlnir had temporarily been severed due to his rage after witnessing Loki murder his friend as well as causing such massive destruction across the realm that Thor loved.


Thor regaining all his strength from MjĂžlnir

Thor managed to calm himself down as he clenched his own fist and recalled the lessons taught to him by King Odin. He then picked up the hammer and regained his power by summoning a lightning bolt from the heavens, which gifted him not only with his great power back, but a new battle armor which then fell from the heavens and wrapped itself around Thor. Now ready for battle, Thor then went searching for both Loki and the rest of the Avengers, who were all currently in New York City, in order to complete his mission to stop Loki's plans for complete world domination.[4]

Confronting Loki[]

Thor Odinson (2012)

Thor attempts to stop Loki's schemes

"Loki! Turn off the Tesseract or I'll destroy it!"
"You can't. There is no stopping it. There is only... the war!"
"So be it."
―Thor and Loki[src]

Having recovered, Thor used MjĂžlnir's powers to replenish his own strength before he went to New York City to confront Loki. Upon arriving at Stark Tower once Loki had used the Tesseract to open a portal allowing the Chitauri and Leviathans to invade the Earth, Thor confronted his brother while Iron Man clashed with the invading Chitauri. Giving Loki a final warning, Thor ordered him to turn off the Tesseract or he would destroy it, only for Loki to tell him it could not be destroyed.

Thor vs

Thor fights Loki on top of Stark Tower

Seeing that Loki could not be stopped, Thor prepared himself as Loki leapt off Stark Tower and attacked him with the Scepter, with Thor using MjĂžlnir to defend himself as all of their blows caused massive damage to the Tower while Loki destroyed the Avengers' Quinjet and causing it to crash. While locked in their battle, Thor again tried to convince him to stop, since the Chitauri were destroying the world he wanted to rule, telling him the madness of the battle would not end with his rule. Loki told Thor it was too late to stop the carnage, but Thor told him they could find a way to do it together.

Thor lifts Loki

Thor soon overpowers and defeats Loki

Although Loki appeared to relent, smiling with tears in his eyes at Thor's promise, he instead revealed a hidden blade and stabbed his brother in the side, mocking him for all his sentiment. Furious, Thor attacked Loki and beat him into submission, lifting him high into the air before slamming his body painfully onto the ground. Thor prepared to capture Loki and end the Chitauri Invasion, only to witness Loki escape as he fled on a Chitauri Chariot. With his brother now flying across the battlefield, Thor removed the blade from in his side and prepared to join his new allies in defeating the Chitauri.[4]

Battle of New York[]


Thor rejoins the other remaining Avengers

"I have unfinished business with Loki."
"Yeah? Well, get in line."
―Thor and Hawkeye[src]

Having seen that he could no longer catch up with Loki and wishing to protect the innocent lives of the people in New York City, Thor rejoined the other Avengers onto the battlefield, bringing down his lightning to destroy a small band of Chitauri fighters. Upon joining the others, Thor explained that the Tesseract was impenetrable before noting that he still planned on defeating Loki, to which Hawkeye expressed his own desire to get revenge on the God of Mischief. Captain America ordered them to stay focused until he heard a now incoming motorcycle.


Thor listens to Captain America's orders

Seeing that Bruce Banner was riding the motorcycle, the Avengers greeted their ally who noted how horrible the Battle of New York was. While Thor looked on, Banner personally challenged an incoming Leviathan by transforming into Hulk and destroying it, with Thor blocking the explosion with his own arm. Captain America then took command of all of the Avengers and gave them each their mission plans for the battle, ordering Thor to use all his power of lightning to stem the flow of enemies coming through the portal, which Thor then agreed to without question as he flew into position.


Thor using his lightning to block the portal

Following Captain America's new orders for him, Thor then flew onto the top of the Chrysler Building where he used the building to charge his lightning bolts into MjĂžlnir before unleashing them onto the portal, destroying much of Loki's entire oncoming army, causing massive explosions that killed many of the incoming Leviathans that were attempting to attack New York City as well as the oncoming horde of Chitauri Chariots. However, this incredible use of power took its toll on Thor and he was forced to stop and continue the battle on the ground alongside all of his own fellow Avengers.[4]

Hulk & Thor

Thor and Hulk after killing a large Leviathan

While flying around in New York City, Iron Man asked Thor if he had ever seen Game of Thrones, saying he reminded him of it. Thor then asked Iron Man how he could make jokes in the middle of a war.[20] He later helped Hulk bring down a Leviathan; they fought the Chitauri army on top of the beast until together they ripped out a section of its armor and rammed it into its skull, killing the beast and causing it to crash into Grand Central Station. As the pair were both taking a moment to catch their breath, Hulk punched Thor across the room in revenge for their earlier fight, smugly chuckling to himself.


Thor rides on board a flying Chitauri Chariot

As the battle raged on, the more powerful Thor then attempted to use his own Asgardian strength and skills to destroy the enemies flying through the sky. Therefore, Thor sought to bring down the Chitauri Chariots that were flying through the city, but while riding on the back of one Chariot, Thor was knocked off when a Leviathan smashed through a building and knocked him off his feet. With the forces taking over the city, Thor was forced to join the Avengers in taking on the army of seemingly unending foot soldiers, beating them back despite the overwhelming odds against them all.[4]

Closing the Portal[]


Thor fighting alongside Captain America

"You ready for another bout?"
"What, you getting sleepy?"
―Thor and Captain America[src]

Thor then joined forces with Captain America during a skirmish with a unit of Chitauri soldiers. During the fight, Rogers received a shot to his side which knocked him down, Thor defended his fellow Avenger by using MjĂžlnir to throw a car at the incoming soldiers before then throwing it in the opposite direction to knock out other soldiers. Thor helped Rogers to his feet and asked if he was ready to continue fighting, to which Rogers jokingly asked him if he was sleepy. Seeing that Rogers was indeed prepared to fight now until the end, Thor reclaimed MjĂžlnir.


Thor watches Iron Man fall from space

Soon Gideon Malick and all of the World Security Council made the decision to send a nuclear missile into the heart of the city, intending to destroy the portal at the sacrifice of everyone in the city. Iron Man sent the missile intended for the city through the portal, which then destroyed the Chitauri Command Center, cutting off the forces power source and killing them, while Black Widow closed the portal. Thor and Captain America watched as Iron Man fell from the sky and before Thor could catch him, Hulk then launched through the air and caught Stark before dropping him off at the Avengers' feet.


Thor speaks to Iron Man after the battle

To see if their ally had died due to his lack of air while in space, Thor ripped off Stark's mask and for a moment it appeared he had been killed; however, a roar from Hulk soon awoke him with a shocking start. Thor deemed them not to be finished until Loki was finally captured, although Stark requested that they go eat shawarma as soon as possible. Thor joined the other Avengers in confronting Loki, who had already been heavily wounded and battered by Hulk, and took him into custody.[4]

Returning to Asgard[]

Thor meets Alexander Pierce

Thor meets Alexander Pierce

"May I ask you where you're going?"
"To lunch and then Asgard."
―Alexander Pierce and Thor[src]

As the Avengers apprehended Loki, a group of STRIKE operatives who were HYDRA sleeper agents in disguise including Brock Rumlow, Jasper Sitwell and Jack Rollins arrived at the Stark Tower, taking the Scepter into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody. As Tony Stark and Thor exited the building, they were approached by Alexander Pierce, who demanded that Thor hand over Loki and the Tesseract. Despite the Secretary's demand, Thor was allowed to take them both back to Asgard.[21]


Thor returns to Asgard with Loki

Thor and the other Avengers went into the Shawarma Palace and ate silently.[4] They were soon interrupted by War Machine, who arrived just too late to help fight in their battle.[22] After being allowed to reclaim the Tesseract by Nick Fury, despite the many objections of Gideon Malick, Thor said goodbye to the Avengers and Erik Selvig before taking Loki with him back to Asgard to await his trial by opening a portal with the Tesseract and leaving all the other Avengers in Central Park.[4] The existence of Thor disproved many myths, causing students like Peter Parker to study him in Physics class.[23]

War of the Nine Realms[]

Search for the Crown of Fools[]

Despite having brought Loki back to Asgard to be imprisoned, his brother's actions still loomed over Asgard. Loki's findings of the secret passageways through Asgard caused much of the wildlife to pick up weird tendencies like attacking the Warriors Three. Thor set off on an adventure with Sif and the Warriors Three to find the source of the weird tendencies. They found an ancient castle inside a crater, which they infiltrated. Thor then saw Loki sitting on the window sill of the castle after being freed by Odin. Loki asked if they could rule Asgard together, to which Thor agreed. Loki then told him that they could have been tyrants. This phrase knocked Thor back to himself and realized that it was an illusion. He was then attacked by the Warriors Three, who were enthralled. Thor found the thraller, a Frost Giant wearing the Crown of Fools. Thor knocked the crown off its head, which revealed that the Frost Giant himself was being enthralled by the crown. The Frost Giant apologized as Thor took him back to Jotunheim.[24]

Battle of Vanaheim[]


Thor battling the invading Marauders army

"I've got this completely under control."
"Is that why everything is on fire?"
―Sif and Thor[src]

Thor discovered that Vanaheim was getting slowly taken over by Marauders who were now taking advantage of the chaotic time. Thor gave Heimdall the Tesseract so he that could use its energy to repair the Rainbow Bridge so that the Asgardians could access the Bifrost Bridge once more in order to protect the Nine Realms once again. He then, with an army of Asgardians, went to end the threats controlling the Nine Realms.[20] In 2011, a group of ragtag invaders known as the Marauders started a war across all the Nine Realms. Thor, now a full-time general of the Asgardian army, bravely led all of his own forces in a fight against the attackers.


Thor protects Vanaheim from Marauders

With Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, they teamed up to and fought the invading army. When Thor arrived on the battlefield in Vanaheim, the homeworld of Hogun, the battle was already underway, and Thor used his lightning to create a shockwave that knocked down a small band of the Marauders. Lady Sif insisted that she had the situation completely under control, but Thor only teased her by noting that everything around her was on fire before being attacked.

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Thor is challenged by a Kronan Stone Man

As the battle continued, Thor and Sif fought side by side until the battle paused when a Kronan Stone Man appeared and challenged Thor to single combat. The Marauders celebrated as they believed Thor would be unable to defeat the monster. Sif allowed Thor to fight it alone and Thor calmly joked that he accepted its surrender. When the monster appeared to still want to fight, Thor killed it with a single blow from MjĂžlnir, which caused the invaders to surrender.

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Thor and Hogun say farewell after a battle

With this final victory, the two-year war with the Marauders was over and the Asgardians restored peace to the Nine Realms while all the invaders were taken to the Asgardian Dungeons. As the people of Vanaheim returned to their homes, Thor spoke to Hogun, telling him to stay there with his people to help them recover from the battle, for which Hogun was very grateful for the thought. The pair shook hands before Thor then left Vanaheim via the Bifrost Bridge.[8]



Thor seeks some advice from Odin

"It has not gone unnoticed that you disappear each night. There are Nine Realms. The future king of Asgard must focus on more than one."
"I thank you for your sword and for your counsel, good Lady Sif."
―Sif and Thor[src]

With Vanaheim now safe, along with Nornheim and Ria, and all the remaining Marauders having been rounded up and all then sent into the Asgardian Dungeons for the foreseeable future, Thor and all his allies then returned to Asgard to update his father, King Odin on their success. Thor noted that they would have had their victory much earlier if Odin had joined them on the battlefield, only for Odin to question why Thor was still harboring his own feelings for Jane Foster, noting that it was foolish for an Asgardian to love a mortal human woman.

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Thor considers his own future as king

Thor returned to his own room within the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf where he bathed to prepare for the upcoming celebrations for the Asgardian's recent victory in the War of the Nine Realms. However, instead of being joyful, Thor remained melancholy as he stepped to his window and looked out over Asgard, considering if his future remained there as King of Asgard, or if he should have returned to Earth to reunite with his new allies, the Avengers and pursue a future with Foster.[8]


Thor drinks with Volstagg and Fandral

A party was held for Thor for restoring the peace throughout the Nine Realms, which soon moved into one of the caverns within Asgard. While Volstagg and Fandral both remained in high spirits, drinking and telling war stories about the many adventures and other battles involving the Warriors Three with the beautiful women as well as Volstagg's children, Thor remained somewhat silent throughout the celebration and soon left the party, allowing his friends to continue enjoying themselves as Volstagg smashed his glass on the floor and demanded another drink, leading to many joyful cheers.[25]

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Thor speaks with Lady Sif after their battle

Before he could leave, Thor was stopped by Lady Sif who reminded him of how they used to celebrate their victories for weeks at a time, as they reminisced about a previous battle in Harokin which Sif had almost restarted during the celebration of their victory. Sif then asked him if he would have a drink with her, noting that Odin could not have another task for him at this time; he kindly refused and thanked her for her company, telling her that this was a task he had given unto himself, not from the Allfather. Sif, however, noted that the future King of Asgard should focus on all the Realms, not just Midgard which she knew was his reason for leaving the celebrations early.


Thor asks Heimdall about Jane Foster

He walked to the end of the Rainbow Bridge and arrived at Himinbjorg where he was greeted by the Guardian of Asgard as they discussed the Nine Realms and his ability to see all the souls throughout it. Once again, Thor asked Heimdall to see how Jane Foster was doing back on Earth. Heimdall told Thor that Foster was indeed smart and was studying the Convergence: however, to his surprise, he found himself currently unable to see her.[8]

Second Dark Elf Conflict[]

Protecting Jane Foster[]

Thor earth

Thor returns to Earth to find Jane Foster

"The Bifrost was destroyed. The Nine Realms erupted into chaos, wars were raging, marauding hordes were pillaging. I had to put an end to the slaughter."
"As excuses go, that's not terrible."
―Thor and Jane Foster[src]

Fearing for her safety, Thor returned to Earth and then went to finally reunite with Jane Foster to ensure that she was okay. Using the information gathered, Thor knew that Foster was in London and soon found her, at which point Foster noticed a circle of rain around her; then Thor appeared.


Thor is finally reunited with Jane Foster

Foster slapped him in the face to check if he was real, and then one more time for taking three years to visit her even though he was on Earth during the Battle of New York. Thor noted that he had spent the time battling against the Marauders who had threatened the Nine Realms while keeping the peace throughout Asgard, an excuse that Foster soon accepted as Thor noted that he had done everything within his power to protect her from dangers of the universe.

Thor - Taking Jane to Asgard

Thor takes Jane Foster to Asgard

While Darcy Lewis also caught up with Thor and asked how space was doing, one of the police officers at the scene attempted to arrest Foster, Lewis and Ian Boothby for trespassing, only to be blown back by the Aether which had bonded with Foster's body and was giving her seemingly uncontrollable power. Seeking to get her some aid, Thor grabbed Foster to returned to Asgard with her, calling on Heimdall to summon the Bifrost Bridge to them and return him home.


Thor takes Jane Foster to be checked on

Wishing to get her medical aid, Thor had Eir take Foster and use the Soul Forge to analyze Foster's condition, with Thor being amused by Foster's constant questions of how Asgardian technology worked. They were then interrupted when Odin arrived in the room to tell him to take Foster back to Earth despite Thor's protests. However, when the guards attempted to remove her, they were all once again blown backward by the Aether's incredible power coming from her.


Thor learns of Malekith and the Dark Elves

Seeing the potential danger, Odin took Thor and Foster away and showed them the Book of Yggdrasil which explained to them that the Aether was created by the Dark Elves from the Reality Stone thousands of years ago as their greatest leader, Malekith, had attempted to use it's power to destroy the universe before being defeated by Bor who wiped out the Dark Elves. When Foster asked how to be freed from the Aether before it killed her, Odin confessed to not knowing how to do that.


Thor walks Jane Foster through Asgard

Seeking to understand more of the Aether's power and hoping to save her, Odin allowed Foster to stay in Asgard until the Aether could be safely removed from her. Thor and Foster spent time together in Asgard, exploring their culture, and Thor explained to her the story behind the Convergence which had caused her to come in contact with the Aether through the Nine Realms, vowing to use his great power to protect her from harm despite his own father's wishes. They shared a kiss and were interrupted by Thor's mother Frigga, who teased them both while Thor introduced her to Foster, much to Foster's great awkward amazement which Thor enjoyed.


Thor hears of a riot breaking out in Asgard

Thor made the introductions but while they were talking, Algrim had used the power of a Kursed Stone to give himself new power and break himself and many others free of the Asgardian Dungeons. Thor soon became distracted by an alarm at the dungeons, and knowing that Loki was also there and fearing for his escape. Frigga promised to look after Foster while Thor summoned MjĂžlnir and flew towards the Dungeons to investigate the still ongoing chaos.[8]

Sacking of Asgard[]


Thor battles all of the escaped prisoners

"Return to your cells, and no harm will come to you! You have my word... Very well, you do not have my word."
―Thor to the Marauders[src]

When the Dark Elves invaded Asgard, Thor then flew into battle and, using his reputation as a greatly feared Asgardian warrior, ordered the prisoners to stop their current riot and then return to their cells within the Asgardian Dungeons. However, when they refused and continued to fight, Thor battled them alongside Volstagg, Fandral and the remaining prison guards, noting that the prisoners no longer had their word that they would not harm them during the battle. Throughout the ensuing skirmish, Loki remained in his cell, reading a book, and did not get involved in the conflict, much to Thor's own great personal relief.


Thor hears the arrival of the Dark Elves

Having helped to quell the riot, Thor was unable to stop the Dark Elf Harrows from flying past Heimdall's warships, as Kurse destroyed Asgard's defenses and allowed their ships to attack. Thor felt the entire palace shake as Malekith's ship crash-landed in the Great Hall. Thor continued assisting the Warriors Three in securing all the remaining prisoners as the Einherjar battled the Dark Elves who used their own small army to charge through the palace.


Thor attempts to kill Malekith

Thor ran to the aid of his people and arrived just in time to witness his own mother, Frigga, fall down bleeding on the ground from being stabbed in the heart by Kurse. In great anger, Thor burned half of Malekith's face off with a lightning bolt and then threw his hammer, MjĂžlnir, into Kurse and Malekith, sending them back to their Ark ship and repelling the invasion, although Thor was unable to kill either of them or destroy their ship before it vanished from view.


Thor looking somberly at Frigga's corpse

Now too late to do anything more, Thor summoned MjĂžlnir back to his hand just as Odin arrived in the room armed with Gungnir only to find his own beloved wife dead. Jane Foster also appeared from her hiding place, as Frigga had used her magic to hide her and sacrificed her own life to protect hers. Thor then just watched as his father fell to his knees and cradled Frigga's lifeless body in his arms, mourning the loss of his wife who had been with him for centuries.[8]

Recruiting His Allies[]


Thor attends Frigga's funeral

"What I'm about to ask of you is treason of the highest order. Success will bring us exile and failure shall mean our death. Malekith knew the Aether was here, he can sense its power. If we do nothing he will come for it again, but this time lay waste to all of Asgard."
―Thor to Heimdall[src]

In the wake of the Sacking of Asgard, a funeral was later held for the dead Asgardians and Queen Frigga. Thor attended and with Jane Foster by his side, he watched his mother transform into stars into the Multiverse as the Asgardians showed their respects to their late Queen.


Thor debates what to do with Malekith

Thor knew that Malekith would soon return for the Aether, and, once he learned that King Odin had locked Foster away in Asgard, Thor interrupted a military meeting as he desperately tried to convince Odin that Malekith would return and destroy Asgard in order to get the Aether. Thor explained his plan to trick Malekith by taking him away from Asgard and then destroy the Aether himself, but blinded by hate and grief, Odin would not let Thor move Foster.


Thor argues with King Odin

Odin then told Thor that he planned to fight a new war with the Dark Elves, as his own father Bor had done until they were wiped from existence. However, during their argument, it became clear that Odin was becoming weaker and uneasy on his feet. When Odin swore that the Asgardians would fight until the last breath and noted he believed they would win, Thor knew in his heart that they would not win a war with Malekith's great army of undetectable Dark Elves.

Thor Heimdall

Thor quietly asks for Heimdall's assistance

Disheartened by Odin's orders not to seek out Malekith himself, Thor then devised a plan to move Foster even if he would then commit treason and in the worst case get them killed. Meeting Heimdall at one of Asgard's caverns, they discussed how Heimdall could no longer see the Dark Elves and the Bifrost Bridge had been closed off. Thor spoke to Heimdall about Malekith and the Dark Elves, noting that Odin's decision was a poor one made out of both his hatred and mourning and requested Heimdall's aid in getting himself and Foster off-world, if he could have kept quiet. Heimdall agreed to help, despite knowing this action would be considered high treason.[8]


Thor secretly meets with the Warriors Three

Since Loki managed to get three Frost Giants into Asgard,[1] Thor hoped that he could take them to Svartalfheim to ambush Malekith. Seeking more allies for his mission, Thor gathered Lady Sif and the Warriors Three for a secret meeting where he explained to them his plan to free Loki, much to Volstagg's horror while Fandral then reminded him that Loki would more than likely betray him yet again, which Thor acknowledged was true but remained confident.[8]

Freeing Loki[]


Thor makes a deal with Loki in his cell

"When we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me and I will kill you."
―Thor to Loki[src]

Thor traveled into the Asgardian Dungeons and spoke to Loki. Thor knew that Loki was maintaining an illusion and forced him to reveal the truth, that Loki had trashed his cell with grief upon learning of Frigga's death at the hands of Kurse, who he had aided. Thor promised Loki that if he had helped him then he would free him from his cell and grant him revenge for their mother's death. Loki agreed.


Thor breaking Loki out of the dungeons

Thor and Loki made their escape through the halls of Asgard. To remain unnoticed Loki then disguised himself as a Einherjar guard. However, when it became clear he was now annoying Thor with his constant talking, Loki decided to have more fun and changed Thor's appearance into Sif and his own into Captain America, mocking Thor as he went about his friendship with the Avengers as he joked about Captain America's own grand patriotism.


Thor sneakily puts handcuffs on Loki

Losing his patience, Thor pinned Loki against a wall when he spotted some guards, while Loki requested his dagger but Thor instead gave him a brand new pair of handcuffs, teasingly reminding Loki about how he normally enjoyed tricks like that.[8] When they became corned by more Einherjar guards, Thor dropped MjĂžlnir and informed Loki that he did not intend to kill his Asgardian allies. Thor then proceeded to subdue the guards with just his own bare hands.[25]

Escape from Asgard[]

Thor Loki Sif

Thor gets some assistance from Lady Sif

"Look, why don't you let me take over, I'm clearly the best pilot."
"Is that right? Well, out of the two of us, which one can actually fly?"
―Loki and Thor[src]

Thor and Loki then regrouped with Lady Sif who had successfully rescued Jane Foster while Heimdall was still distracting Odin within Himinbjorg. Once Thor had thanked Sif and Volstagg for agreeing to stay behind and keep the Einherjar at bay, he, Foster and Loki boarded the Dark Elf Harrow which had crashed in the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf. Sif and Volstagg both first personally took the chance to threaten Loki.

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Thor and Loki on the Dark Elf Harrow

While Sif and Volstagg delayed the guards, Thor attempted to get the Dark Elf Harrow going, while Loki continued to criticize him, much to Thor's great annoyance. Once they got going, Thor flew the Harrow across Asgard with the Einherjar chasing after him. Loki continued mocking him, especially when he destroyed a statue of Bor. Nearing their exit point, Thor flew out beside the Bifrost Bridge, pushed out Loki and jumped out himself with a sick Foster in his arms.


Thor gets away with Fandral's assistance

They all landed on a smaller Asgardian Skiff that Fandral had been driving as Loki noted how impressed he was that Thor had actually managed to trick him. They were hunted by an Asgardian patrol, but Fandral went over to their ship and knocked out the soldiers, allowing them to get away without being seen. Loki then took control of the Skiff and drove through the secret passageway that took them to Svartalfheim, delighting in his great success.[8]

Fighting Malekith[]


Thor promises to still protect Jane Foster

"What good were you in your cell?"
"Who put me there? WHO PUT ME THERE?!"
―Thor and Loki[src]

The trio successfully landed in the wastelands of Svartalfheim where they explored the remains from the First Battle of Svartalfheim. As they moved through the wreckage of various Arks, Thor cared for Jane Foster as she slowly regained all of her strength. Loki began to mock Thor about his love for a mortal woman, noting that she would die long before he would. When Thor asked if this would satisfy him, Loki claimed satisfaction was not within his nature.


Thor argues with Loki yet again

Thor noted that surrender was not in his nature as Loki accused him of locking him in the Asgardian Dungeons. This led to an intense argument between the two leading to Thor nearly punching his own brother. He stepped back when he thought how Frigga would not want them to fight. Loki, however, said she would not be surprised. They shared a laugh and started to talk about wanting to trust Loki; Loki told him to trust his rage as they continued onward.


Thor notes that he still does not trust Loki

They made their way through Svartalfheim and, while sitting on a cliff top, they all saw Malekith stepping out of his ship with all of his small army of Dark Elves. Having already made a plan to deceive Malekith to gain the upper hand, Thor unlocked Loki's handcuffs while Loki once again asked Thor if he trusted him when Thor asked if he would trust himself, Loki said he could not as he drew his own dagger from just underneath his own long cloak.


Loki pretends to slice off Thor's own hand

Loki then proceeded to use his dagger to stab Thor in the side and throw him off a cliff where he rolled to the feet of the Dark Elves. He kicked and beat Thor while claiming he only ever wanted both him and Odin dead at his feet before cutting Thor's hand off. Malekith, who had been there waiting for them, listened as Loki told him that all he wanted in return for the gift of both Foster and the Aether was a good spot where he could see Asgard burn down.


Thor attempts to destroy the Aether

As Malekith was unsure of Loki, Kurse then stepped forward and remembered seeing Loki during the Sacking of Asgard, so he told Malekith that Loki was an enemy of Asgard. Malekith then began to draw the Aether from Foster but while he was still absorbing it, Thor shouted Loki's name. Loki had only created an illusion of cutting off Thor's arm and Thor called for MjĂžlnir. He then shot a lightning bolt on the Aether, causing it to then explode.


Thor sees the Malekith absorb the Aether

Loki jumped on top of Foster to prevent the Aether explosion from hitting her while Thor waited to ensure the Aether was indeed destroyed. To his horror, however, the Aether proved to be too powerful due to being one of the Infinity Stones and Malekith then proceeded to absorb it into his own body, becoming vastly more powerful before he turned and left, telling Kurse and some of the Dark Elves to take care of the rest while he was gone.


Thor and Loki prepare to fight together

Seeking to kill them Kurse threw a Black Hole Grenade in the air and, before it could kill Foster, Loki pushed her out of the way and almost got sucked in himself but Thor managed to save him by knocking him out of the sky. Seeing Malekith was about to get away on board the Ark, Thor left Loki behind with Foster as he then launched himself forward with the power of MjĂžlnir at the Dark Elf, but was knocked hard out of the way by Kurse's powerful strike.


Thor is beaten into submission by Kurse

Quickly recovering from the powerful strike, Thor rose to his feet as Kurse walked towards him and they began to battle each other, with Kurse taking advantage of Thor's surprise at the Dark Elf's strength since using a Kurse Stone. Thor was then thrown into a mountain and had a heavy boulder thrown at him. Kurse even managed to knock MjĂžlnir off its path before he started to violently beat up Thor, pounding Thor into the ground repeatedly with force.


Thor sees Kurse mortally wounding Loki

Before Thor could be beaten to death, however, Loki then stabbed Kurse through the back with a sword. Kurse, being "the last of the Kursed," was not injured and he grabbed Loki and pushed him towards his chest as the blade sticking out of Kurse's chest then pierced Loki's solar plexus, mortally wounding him while Thor could only look on helplessly and cry out for his own brother who was then dismissively thrown down onto the ground by Kurse.


Thor holds Loki as he "dies" in his arms

Despite being mortally wounded and facing a seemingly unstoppable beast, Loki got the last laugh as he managed to press one of Kurse's Black Hole Grenades and said he would see the monster in Hel. Kurse was then killed in the ensuing explosion as his own body was crushed and Thor ran to Loki's aid. As Thor promised to tell Odin of his heroic deeds, Loki said he had not done them for Odin and then seemingly died in Thor's arms, much to his sadness.[8]

Return to Earth[]


Thor attempts to comfort Jane Foster

"Amplifying the weapon's impact. With each additional world, the power will increase exponentially. The effect would be universal."
"Yes, well, the alignment is only temporary. He must be in exactly at the right place at the right time."
―Erik Selvig and Thor[src]

As a storm approached Svartalfheim, Thor and Jane Foster took shelter inside a cave as Foster told Thor that Malekith planned to use the Aether's power to destroy the world, having seen it in a vision. Thor comforted her that it was not her fault, but was interrupted when Richard Madison called her on her phone, which seemed to be impossible as she and Madison were separated between realms.


Thor and Jane Foster return to London

Amazed that Madison was calling her all the way from Earth, Foster began exploring the cave for answers while Thor was embarrassed that she was talking to another man. Before long, Foster discovered all the objects that did not come back when she was playing and experimenting with the Convergence at the storage house. This allowed them to find a portal to London where her car was waiting, as Thor then questioned who exactly Madison was.


Thor is reunited with Doctor Erik Selvig

They quickly drove back to the apartment in London where Foster was greeted by Darcy Lewis and Ian Boothby while Thor carefully placed MjĂžlnir onto the coat rack. Erik Selvig then came over and greeted Thor, who noted Selvig was not wearing pants at the time, which Boothby claimed helped him to think. Selvig then asked if Loki was also with him, but Thor then noted that Loki had been killed by Kurse earlier, which seemed to greatly please Selvig. Thor was not pleased to hear this but understood that Selvig had been put in this state by Loki.


Thor works out a plan to defeat Malekith

The group then stood around a table and discussed Malekith's plans for the Aether, and how he intended to use its power to destroy all the Nine Realms and plunge the Multiverse into eternal darkness. Thor noted that for this to work, Malekith needed to be in a specific location which Selvig realized was in Greenwich in London. Seeking to destroy the Dark Elves, Thor reclaimed MjĂžlnir while Selvig then went to put his pants back on as they prepared to leave.[8]

Battle of Greenwich[]


Thor confronting Malekith within Greenwich

"You know with all that power... I thought you'd hit harder."
―Thor to Malekith[src]

While the Convergence had just finally begun to spread and all of the worlds within the Nine Realms were almost in line, Thor's allies put Gravimetric Spikes around the area ready to disrupt the Convergence as much as possible until Malekith also arrived alongside his army, smashing through the Royal Naval College. Thor landed before Malekith's Ark and the pair faced each other on the battleground, while Malekith told him he should not have come so far as he would soon die regardless.


Thor blocking some of the Aether's power

The two mortal enemies exchanged threats, as Malekith promised to destroy Asgard once he was finished with Earth, before Malekith attempted to kill Thor with the Aether's power. Thor was able to use MjĂžlnir to deflect the attacks, despite being knocked back by the sheer force of the Infinity Stone. Thor soon recovered and mocked Malekith's lack of strength, telling him he expected more, before then knocking him back with a powerful hit from MjĂžlnir.


Thor uses MjĂžlnir to attack Malekith

The Asgardian and the Dark Elf began to fight as Thor attempted to use the power of MjĂžlnir to destroy his foe, only to discover that the Aether had given Malekith incredible strength and durability, allowing him to absorb blows from the hammer and fire them back. The battle caused them to be pushed through all the Convergence's portals, although throughout the battle they were both equally matched in strength which meant neither could have killed the other while they fought.


Thor loses MjĂžlnir while on Svartalfheim

The Dark Elves began to invade Greenwich but Erik Selvig's devices teleported some of them away, stopping the Dark Elves' army from defeating the humans and allowing Malekith to ensure his own plans to take control of the Nine Realms come true. As they had continued fighting, Thor and Malekith crash landed in Svartalfheim where Thor attempted to MjĂžlnir at Malekith, only to then lose it through a portal, leaving him near defenseless from Malekith's attacks.


Thor and Malekith both fall down a building

The Dark Elf proceeded to take full advantage of Thor losing his main weapon, knocking him back with the full force of the Aether before standing over the injured Thor as they both then fell through another portal, crash landing onto The Gherkin when they returned to Earth with some force. While falling off the side of the Gherkin, Thor then attempted to draw MjĂžlnir back into his hand, but he was too late as he fell through another portal while he was still fighting Malekith.


Thor is then teleported onto Jotunheim

While his hammer was then forced to fly through space as fast as it possibly could to try in its determined quest to reach him, Thor and Malekith had then landed on Jotunheim they were both immediately almost killed by a Frost Beast which launched out of a cave and destroyed the section of a mountain they were stood on, causing them to fall through yet another portal with the Beast as well, which had also trapped the Beast on Earth where it attacked the Elves.


Thor takes the train back to the battlefield

Having gotten away from the Frost Beast which saved Darcy Lewis and Ian Boothby from Dark Elves, Thor and Malekith were teleported to separate parts of London, as Thor was forced to use the London Underground System to make his way back towards Greenwich. Thor quickly asked the highly confused passengers the best way for him to get back to the battle, and smiling to himself when an attractive woman had then awkwardly fallen on him.[8]

Destroying Malekith[]


Thor finds Jane Foster and Erik Selvig

"I've come to accept your surrender."
"You think you can stop this? The Aether cannot be destroyed."
"But you can."
―Thor and Malekith[src]

Now that Malekith was back on Earth and next to the Ark, he then started to release the Aether's power into the Nine Realms through the Convergence. Thor returned to Greenwich and regrouped with Jane Foster and Selvig as they all watched as the Aether's power was being unleashed. They told him that neither of them could get close to Malekith as the Aether would have torn their bodies apart, but Thor could, so he took the Gravimetric Spikes and had then moved forward.


Thor demands Malekith to surrender

With the Spikes in his hands, Thor moved through the Aether and found Malekith in the center, pushing it's power through the Nine Realms and plunging them into eternal darkness. Thor called out to Malekith, telling him he was there to accept his surrender, as he had said to the Kronan Stone Man, and threw the Spikes into Malekith's arms, teleporting them to Svartalfheim, although Malekith merely used the Aether's power to regrow his own arms back.


Thor prepares to finally destroy Malekith

Fueled by the Aether, Malekith told Thor that he now could not be stopped, and the Aether could not be destroyed, only for Thor to note that Malekith himself could be destroyed before charging forward. Powered by a desire to avenge the Sacking of Asgard and the death of Frigga as well as Loki, Thor then reclaimed MjĂžlnir and struck the last Spike into Malekith's chest, knocking him back into the Ark with incredible force and teleporting him onto Svartalfheim.


Thor is saved just in time by Erik Selvig

While the threat of Malekith was temporally over, the impact of the blast combined with the Aether, knocked Thor unconscious. As Foster ran to his aid, Malekith's ship started to fall down towards their heads, with Foster unable to pull Thor to safety. Fortunately, Erik Selvig's devices teleported the ship away and it crashed down on Malekith, finally killing him. Meanwhile, Thor awoke to find he had succeeded in defeating Malekith and all the Dark Elves.[8]

Rejecting the Throne[]


Thor taking down his knee before King Odin

"I will protect Asgard and all the realms with my last and every breath, but I cannot do so from that chair. Loki for all his grave imbalance understood rule as I know I never will. The brutality, the sacrifice, it changes you. I would rather be a good man than a great king."
―Thor to "Odin"[src]

With Malekith and the Dark Elves now finally defeated, Thor returned onto Asgard and talked with Odin about the recent events. He spoke about Loki's sacrifice and how he now believed his brother had died a hero by sacrificing himself to kill Kurse. He then explained his desire to return to Earth and be with Jane Foster, and had then renounced his claim to the throne of Asgard.


Thor leaves Asgard to return to back Earth

Still promising to protect the Nine Realms from any future dangers with his last and every breath, Thor noted how the sacrifices of such a life changed the man who would become the king. Seeking to then make a statement, Thor then offered Odin MjĂžlnir which he refused before wishing Thor good luck in his new search for love with Foster. Unknown to him, Loki was still alive as he sat down on the throne, masquerading as Odin. Thor then returned to Earth and reunited back with Foster.[8]


Thor and Jane Foster reunite again

Soon after the battles, when Phil Coulson and his S.H.I.E.L.D. team were investigating the discovery of a lost Asgardian artifact known as the Berserker Staff, he sought to consult with Thor, but was informed by Nick Fury that Thor had taken himself "off the grid."[26] Coulson told Sif, when she came to Earth chasing Lorelei, not to inform Thor of his survival and that it would have been better if he told Thor himself that he was still alive.[27]

Avengers Reassembled[]

Deeply in Love[]

Thor and Jane rollerblade

Thor and Jane Foster rollerblade together

"She's incredible, isn't she, MjĂžlnir? I need you to promise me you'll always protect her."
―Thor to Mjþlnir[src]

Finally getting to be with each other, Thor and Jane Foster would spend their time together doing many different activities like rollerblading, watching movies and going to parties. Both Thor and Foster taught the other things about their respective worlds, and continued to fall deeper in love with each other.

Promise me you'll always protect her

Thor tells MjĂžlnir to protect Jane Foster

One night after a costume party, as Thor watched Foster while she slept, he made a promise with MjĂžlnir so that it would always protect her. Thor set his sights for a future with Foster, including the idea of having children. But, as he furthered those thoughts on a future with the love of his life, Thor began to fear losing that future with Foster, mainly due to her being a mortal. Due to this fear, Thor started to distance himself from Foster with his other duties, including Avengers missions from Nick Fury.[2]

Battle of Sudan[]

"Thor got busy saving humanity."

With the rising threat of HYDRA, the Avengers were officially reassembled, using the Avengers Tower as their headquarters to embark on several missions to ruin HYDRA's plans for world domination.[28] Thor was with Jane Foster at the University of London, as he was informed by J.A.R.V.I.S. that the Avengers were reunited to assist Black Widow in a situation in Sudan. Thor and his teammates fought against HYDRA and Doctor Jensen and defeated the HYDRA soldiers.[29]

Attack on the HYDRA Research Base[]

Thor (2015)

Thor battles HYDRA

"Thor, report on the Hulk."
"The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims! But not the screams of the dead, of course. No, no... wounded screams... mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and... gout."
―Natasha Romanoff and Thor[src]

With the assistance of S.H.I.E.L.D.,[30] Thor and the Avengers located Loki's Scepter at a secret HYDRA base in Sokovia. While searching for the Scepter in the HYDRA Research Base, Thor and the Avengers battled countless HYDRA operatives who had highly advanced weapons and armor designed from Chitauri technology gathered from the Battle of New York. When Iron Man discovered that the base was protected by an energy shield, Thor noted that HYDRA would not have built such powerful technology and defenses without the use of the Scepter's incredible alien power.


Thor agrees to leave and rescue Hawkeye

The Avengers were soon attacked by Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, who had gained powers from HYDRA's experiments. Hawkeye was injured during this attack and Thor offered to get him back to safety. Thor and Captain America used their combined strength to destroy a HYDRA Tank before Thor saved Hawkeye. Eventually, the Avengers located the Scepter, captured Baron Strucker and HYDRA was finally defeated, although the Maximoff twins escaped.


Thor tells Bruce Banner of Hulk's violence

Once the team was back on the Quinjet, Natasha Romanoff asked Thor for an assessment of Bruce Banner's skills on the battlefield to help him calm down; however, the overly excited Thor commented on how Hulk's violence had just resulted in the deaths of dozens of HYDRA soldiers who were now screaming in Hel. Seeing that this upset Banner, Thor took back his words and told him that many of the injuries he had inflicted on the soldiers were nonfatal.


Thor agrees to give Tony Stark the Scepter

While they looked at the Scepter and discussed how they had been hunting it ever since the HYDRA Uprising and how List had used it to make enhanced soldiers, Stark asked Thor to allow him to analyze the Scepter before Thor took it back to Asgard and, seeing no real threat there, Thor agreed. Stark then suggested that the Avengers hold a party at Avengers Tower to celebrate their victory over Baron Strucker to which both Thor and Steve Rogers agreed.[28]

Avengers Celebration[]

Thor and Tony

Thor and Stark compares their girlfriends

"The handle's imprinted, right? Like a security code. 'Whosoever is carrying Thor's fingerprints' is, I think, the literal translation?"
"Yes, well that's, uh, that's a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one. You're all not worthy."
―Tony Stark and Thor[src]

Thor attended a party at Avengers Tower to celebrate their victory over HYDRA and the capture of the Scepter. Thor listened to James Rhodes' unimpressive war stories about lifting a tank and joked with Tony Stark about whether Jane Foster was a more impressive girlfriend than Pepper Potts, comparing their careers much to Maria Hill's amusement.


Thor drinks with Steve Rogers in a party

Later, Thor decided to drink an Asgardian drink he brought with him, stating it had been aged thousands of years to perfect the taste. He shared some with Steve Rogers, who was unable to get drunk from any alcohol on earth due to the Super Soldier Serum boosting his immune system. An old veteran demanded a taste of the liquor, but Thor warned that no normal man could handle the drink. Despite Thor's warnings, the man insisted that he was strong enough due to his time in World War II, and was later escorted home, barely able to stand. Thor then remained at the party while many of the other guests left it.

Thor's reaction

Thor witnesses Rogers almost lift MjĂžlnir

With the party over, the Avengers sat and drank as Thor was challenged on the legitimacy of MjĂžlnir by Clint Barton, who thought it could be lifted by anyone. Thor then invited Barton to try and lift it, so he accepted, but ultimately failed. The others then also attempted to lift MjĂžlnir, including Tony Stark with the help of James Rhodes and their gauntlets, as well as Bruce Banner who pretending to Hulk out.


Thor jokingly calls his teammates unworthy

Only Steve Rogers was able to move MjĂžlnir slightly, which made Thor nervous, but Rogers soon admitted defeat,[28] although, from then on, Thor remained suspicious of him being worthy, which he actually was.[21] Stark claimed that the hammer was actually imprinted and it was not Asgardian magic that held the key. When all the Avengers who had attempted had failed, Thor implied that it was simply because they were actually unworthy, much to everyone's disgust while they all still laughed together.[28]

Ultron Offensive[]

Attack on Avengers Tower[]


Thor sees Ultron's damaged body

"Down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices."
"Who sent you?"
―Ultron and Thor[src]

Suddenly, a loud noise rang in the team's ear as they were greeted by a heavily damaged Iron Legion drone then accused them all of being killers. The robot claimed that while awakening from sleep, it had killed somebody, but when Steve Rogers questioned who, the robot did not answer. When Thor asked the drone who sent him, the robot only replied by replaying an audio tape of something Tony Stark had said revealing himself as Ultron, an artificial intelligent android created by Stark with Bruce Banner's help, designed to safeguard all of humanity.


Thor battles the Ultron Sentries

Ultron told the Avengers that he was on a mission to bring peace and then attacked the entire group using the Iron Legion which he had reprogrammed to be his own army of Ultron Sentries. The Avengers battled against the army, with Thor using his strength to rip apart the robots with his bare hands. In the ensuing conflict, one of the drones stole the Scepter and flew away from Avengers Tower before any of the team could stop it from getting away from them.

Thor at Avengers Tower after Smashing Ultron

Thor destroys Ultron's first main body

Eventually, the drones were all destroyed by the combined efforts of the Avengers, with Ultron commenting that it had been a dramatic, few moments. When Ultron told them that the only way to ensure peace was to destroy the Avengers, Thor then responded by angrily throwing MjĂžlnir at the robot, destroying his body only for Ultron to download his body to another area while singing a song from Pinocchio as his current body then shut down.[28]



Thor angrily confronting Tony Stark

"This could've been avoided if you hadn't played with something you don't understand."
―Thor to Tony Stark[src]

While the Avengers regrouped and tried to figure out their next move, Thor was sent after the Iron Legion robot who had escaped with the Scepter, although Thor was unable to follow it too far and had only learned it was going north. Having returned to Avengers Tower, the now infuriated Thor grabbed Tony Stark by the throat blaming him for the mess, before being calmed down by Steve Rogers who then demanded an update on what Thor had learned.

Thor (Age of Ultron)

Thor questions how they'll find Ultron

Thor noted that now he could no longer return the Scepter back to Asgard as was planned, blaming Stark for creating Ultron, noting that the entire situation could have been avoided if he had not toyed with the power of the Scepter, an object unknown to him. Stark defended his decision to create the robotic A.I. by claiming that while they could deal with forces such as HYDRA and arms dealers with ease, beings like the Chitauri were beyond all their own powers.


Thor and Avengers discuss Ulysses Klaue

Seeking to work out where Ultron would have gone, the Avengers soon learned that Baron Strucker had been killed by the robot and so they began researching what Strucker may have told him. Eventually, they came to the conclusion that Ultron would be seeking out Ulysses Klaue, who could have sold him vibranium. Looking at his picture, Thor noted that Klaue had a brand burned onto his neck written in Wakandan which showed him to be a thief.[28]

Battle at the Salvage Yard[]


Thor attempts to find peace with Ultron

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it."
"I think you're confusing peace with quiet."
―Thor and Ultron[src]

The Avengers eventually managed to locate Ultron purchasing a new supply of vibranium from Ulysses Klaue while within the city of Johannesburg. The Avengers arrived just as Ultron attacked Klaue after being insulted. Thor and the other Avengers confronted Ultron and his companions, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Thor spoke with Ultron, trying to convince him to be peaceful but was ignored.


Thor destroys an Ultron Sentry

Despite all their attempts to resolve the conflict, it soon became clear that Ultron had no intention of keeping the peace, the teams began fighting, with Hawkeye and Black Widow fighting all Klaue's soldiers while the others battled the Ultron Sentries. While Ultron fought against Iron Man, Thor assisted Captain America in the battle against the robots and Maximoffs, using teamwork to gain the upper hand and soon destroyed Ultron's small robotic army.

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Thor is given a vision by Wanda Maximoff

As their battle neared its end and the Avengers seemed victorious, Wanda Maximoff snuck up behind Thor and used her own abilities to warp his mind before attacking all the other Avengers. Although he initially believed he was too mighty to be affected and warned his other teammates, Thor soon seemingly found himself in Asgard, at which point he realized Maximoff's power was stronger than he had anticipated as it had managed to affect his own mind.


Thor has a vision of Asgard's destruction

Thor continued to suffer from visions of the citizens of Asgard dying in some kind of a war which seemed to involve the Infinity Stones. He was confronted by the ghostly figure of Heimdall who blamed him for killing them all while a mysterious hooded figure watched while Thor fired bolts of destructive lightning from his body, getting flashes of the creation of Vision and the Infinity Gauntlet which would one day house all of the Infinity Stones and bring destruction.


Thor considers Wanda Maximoff's vision

Still suffering from the effects along with the rest of the team, Thor was forced to make a quick escape to the Quinjet to recover his mind while Iron Man was forced to stop Hulk's current destructive rampage through Johannesburg, as Bruce Banner was also affected by Maximoff's powers. While on board the Quinjet, the unaffected Barton updated Maria Hill and explained he would take the team somewhere safe where they could all recover.[28]

Water of Sight[]

Cap and Thor AOU textless

Thor and Rogers at Clint Barton's home

"I need your help."
"It's nice to be needed."
"This may be dangerous."
"I would be disappointed if it wasn't."
―Thor and Erik Selvig[src]

In order to get the Avengers out of harm's way, Clint Barton piloted the Quinjet to a remote location. With Thor, Captain America and Black Widow suffering from visions and Tony Stark and Bruce Banner recovering from a massive fight they had had right in the center of Johannesburg, Barton flew the Quinjet to the only place he knew they would all be safe; his home. Barton then introduced all the Avengers to his family, including his pregnant wife Laura Barton and their two children.


Thor leaves to find the answers in his vision

While Barton was explaining how he had asked Nick Fury to keep the location of the farm off all of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s official records, Thor then accidentally stepped on one of the Cooper Barton's toys and hid the broken pieces under the table. Still struggling with the vision Wanda Maximoff had given him, Thor chose not to stay at the house and then informed Rogers and Stark that he would go to learn more about the Infinity Stones and the being he had seen in his vision.


Thor asks for Doctor Erik Selvig's help

Wanting not to draw any attention to himself, Thor put on a hooded jacket and found Doctor Erik Selvig outside the University of London where he was currently teaching. Greeting Selvig beside his car, Thor asked for his assistance for finding the Water of Sight. Selvig happily agreed despite Thor's warnings that it could have proven to be dangerous, with Selvig noting that he would be disappointed if the mission was not dangerous as he got into the car.


Thor and Selvig arrive at the Water of Sight

Upon finding the Water of Sight with Selvig's help, Thor explained that throughout the Nine Realms there were reflections and, if he was accepted by the water gods, then he would have been able to return to his dream and find the answers he needed, although Selvig warned that none of the stories involving this place ended well. Despite all the warnings, Thor undressed and entered the pool and the water spirits allowed him to revisit his previous nightmare in more detail.


Thor gets a new vision in the Water of Sight

Thor's body was taken over by the water spirits who claimed only a human sacrifice would stop Ultron and noting that the Scepter would be key.[31] Thor became engulfed with lightning and saw nightmarish visions of the destruction of Asgard and the deaths of all of his close friends including Heimdall. He also saw strange visions of the Infinity Stones and the birth of a new being which could have helped them destroy Ultron. With all this new information, Thor flew back to the Avengers Tower to inform the rest of the team of what he had learned.[28]

Birth of Vision[]

Avengers Age of Ultron 150

Thor uses lightning to create Vision

"It's the Mind Stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones, the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities."

As Thor was on his way back from London, the other Avengers all argued over the uploading of J.A.R.V.I.S. into an android body made by Ultron using the Mind Stone. This led to a fight between the team. As this was happening, Thor arrived and cast a bolt of lightning at the machine that contained the android. The android, now sentient, released himself from the container, knocking Thor back with incredible force.


Thor witnesses Vision coming to life

Confused about his surroundings in Avengers Tower as he glanced all around, the being's gaze immediately focused on Thor. He leaped towards him, planning to attack. Thor was able to counter by tossing him out a glass window, but the being was able to stop himself in mid-air as he looked out at New York City. The being then took the time to examine himself on the reflection of the glass window while also gazing out into the city, considering what happened.


Thor explains why he helped make Vision

While Thor stopped all of the Avengers from attacking it, the being apologized for its own actions and then offered his gratitude to Thor before taking a similar appearance to the God of Thunder's outfit, mainly the cape and gauntlets. Thor explained that he witnessed a vision where the Earth would be destroyed, given to him by Wanda Maximoff, and at the center of it was the Infinity Stones, including the Mind Stone, which was implanted on the android's forehead.


Thor and Vision discuss stopping Ultron

Despite what Thor said, Captain America, confused as to why the android sounded like J.A.R.V.I.S., allowed Tony Stark to explain that he reconfigured his matrix to create "something new." The android, eventually going by the name of Vision, stated that he was not a child of Ultron, Ultron himself or J.A.R.V.I.S.; he was his own entity entirely who was there to assist them in finding a way of stopping Ultron's evil plans to soon destroy the entire human race.

Thor Confused

Thor is handed back MjĂžlnir by Vision

The Avengers, along with the Maximoff twins, remained skeptical as to which side Vision was on; the android explained that he was on the side of life while Ultron was not, and then went on to say that Ultron was currently waiting for all of the Avengers, especially his own creator Tony Stark, in Sokovia. He also stated that Ultron wanted to spread his rage across the globe before handing MjĂžlnir back to Thor, much to the bewilderment of everyone in the room.

Thor Vision Talk AoU

Thor speaks with Vision before the mission

As they all prepared for the incoming Battle of Sokovia, Thor took some time to speak with Vision while all of the other Avengers collected their gear and regrouped on board the Quinjet to fly to Ultron's location at Novi Grad. During the flight, Captain America gave a speech in which he told his fellow Avengers that their priority was be to get the people of Sokovia to safety before battling all the Ultron Sentries that were going to be standing in their way.[28]

Battle of Sokovia[]

Battling the Ultron Sentries[]


Thor witnesses Ultron attacking Sokovia

"I am Thor, son of Odin, and as long as there is life in my breast, I... am... running out of things to say!"
―Thor to Ultron[src]

Thor joined the rest of the Avengers going to Sokovia, while Captain America organized the evacuation of all of the civilians before any fighting could have put them at risk. Thor assisted Bruce Banner in the rescue of Natasha Romanoff, as she had been captured by Ultron, smashing down a wall to give Banner access to the building where she was held.


Thor realizes Novi Grad is being risen up

Once Romanoff had been found and rescued, she forced Banner to turn into Hulk before they rejoined the rest of the team into the battle against all the Ultron Sentries, who had been alerted to the team's presence. Thor remained behind, witnessing the city being torn apart from the inside as Ultron Sentries attempted to overwhelm the God of Thunder, who responded by easily destroying his robotic enemies before searching for the rest of the Avengers.


Thor and Captain America fight in Sokovia

Ultron then unveiled his master plan, using a device to lift the city of Novi Grad high into the sky, planning to drop it onto the earth and cause a massive explosion which would have destroyed much of the world and killed everyone on it, leaving only Ultron and his entire army. Thor assisted Captain America when he attempted to save a woman in a car from falling to her death, as she became trapped on the edge of the city when it into the sky. Due to Rogers being unable to reach her in time, Thor flew down after her and then managed to throw her to Rogers, who lifted her to safety. At the same time, Thor managed to grab another falling car and drop it back onto the city.


Thor battles against all the Ultron Sentries

Teaming up with Captain America, they both used Thor's hammer to send Captain America's Shield flying into a horde of the Ultron Sentries, destroying several of them. Thor grabbed another of the Sentries and flew him into the air, before spinning and knocking several more out of the sky and smashing them apart, causing one to crash land into a petrol van and cause a massive fireball which then destroyed even more of the enemy machines.

Ultron Punches Thor

Thor is beaten into submission by Ultron

As the battle against the Ultron Sentries became more intense, Thor was proving himself the superior fighter until he was then attacked by Ultron himself, who now with his new vibranium body, the metal warmonger then proceeded to beat the God of Thunder into submission, eventually causing him to drop MjĂžlnir. Ultron proceeded to use his Gravity Manipulation capabilities to launch large stone pillars at Thor repeatedly to gain the upper hand in their battle.


Thor is beaten and strangled by Ultron

However, noticing that Vision had arrived, Thor distracted Ultron with an overdrawn speech claiming that as the first son of Odin and also prince of Asgard he would never surrender, before Vision then used MjĂžlnir to hit Ultron out of the church with incredible force, allowing Thor to get back on his feet. Vision then handed the hammer back to Thor and they briefly discussed its great balance, with Thor noting that this helped him get a better swing from the hammer.[28]

Protecting the Key[]


Thor shouts toward Ultron

"Is that the best you can do?"
"You had to ask."
"This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you... against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?"
―Thor, Captain America and Ultron[src]

Having found the Key which Ultron was going to use to drop the city onto the Earth, Thor gathered with the rest of the Avengers to protect the key and ensure Ultron was unable to get close to it. As Ultron hovered above them, Thor roared at him, asking if this was the best of his abolities.


Thor battles against Ultron's entire army

Ultron responded by unleashing his entire army of Ultron Sentries to attack the Avengers, much to Captain America's annoyance before they prepared for their last stand. Ultron sent in his army and the Avengers put all their might into keeping him away from the key, ripping apart hundreds of his clones in the ensuing battle, with Thor summoning lightning from MjĂžlnir to blast the robots apart.

VisionThor Iron Man

Thor almost destroys Ultron's armored body

As the Avengers gained the upper hand in the battle against the seemingly never-ending army of Ultron Sentries, Ultron himself was knocked outside and Thor joined Vision and Iron Man in using his lightning and energy blasts to damage and melt Ultron's Vibranium armor. With Ultron now too weak to stand, he attempted to reason with the Avengers, but before he could Hulk appeared and punched him so hard he flew across the city and away from them.


Thor listens to Captain America's orders

As all the other Ultron Sentries made a hasty retreat away from the Avengers and were destroyed by War Machine and Vision, Thor stayed with the other Avengers as Captain America ordered them to make their way out once the last of the citizens had been evacuated on board the Lifeboats, which were being sent by Nick Fury and Maria Hill from on board the Helicarrier. Thor joined the others in helping get the people on board the Helicarrier while Wanda Maximoff volunteered to stay behind and keep guarding the key against Ultron.[28]

Destroying the City[]


Thor agrees to stay behind

"You know, if this works, we maybe don't walk away."
"Maybe not."
―Iron Man and Thor[src]

With most of the Ultron Sentries destroyed, Thor returned to Captain America and observed as the final citizens of Novi Grad were loaded onto the Lifeboats ships to be taken to safety on the Helicarrier. As they watched the people taken to safety, Iron Man worked out a plan to destroy the city, at the risk of his and Thor's deaths, but neither showed any hesitation if it meant stopping Ultron's plans to kill all life on Earth.


Thor and Rogers are both shot at by Ultron

Without warning, Ultron fired a barrage of bullets at the pair from the Quinjet he had stolen, as both Thor and Captain America shielded themselves from the bullets. Ultron then turned his sights towards Hawkeye, who was attempting to save Costel from harm. before the other Avengers could stop him, Ultron killed Quicksilver by shooting him, as he had run in front of Hawkeye to protect him. Thor then charged forward to finally complete their mission plan.


Thor uses his lightning to destroy the Key

In a final desperate attempt to destroy all human life, Ultron finally managed to activate the key and began the process of dropping Novi Grad onto Earth. With seemingly no other alternative, Thor and Iron Man flew into the machine itself and in an attempt to destroy it. Iron Man capped the internal engine to double back the energy wave going to be unleashed, as Thor held MjĂžlnir over the key, charging it with lightning and waited until Iron Man gave him the order.


Thor survives the destruction of Sokovia

Once Iron Man had used his Arc Reactor beam to overheat the city's core, Thor then smashed his hammer onto the key, channeling the massive amounts of lightning into the vibranium causing a massive smite that vaporized the entire city before it could hit the ground, saving billions of lives in the process. Thor was caught in the middle of the explosion and fell down hundreds of feet into the sea below; however, his Asgardian body helped him to survive the blast.[28]

Search for Answers[]

Farewell to the Avengers[]

Captain America, Thor & Tony Stark

Thor speaks to Steve Rogers and Tony Stark

"I have no choice. The Mind Stone is the fourth of the Infinity Stones to show up in the last few years. It's not a coincidence. Someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us."

With Ultron finally defeated, and the world once again saved from its total annihilation, Thor regrouped with all of his fellow Avengers at the Avengers Compound where the newest generation of the Avengers was being trained to protect the planet. While having a friendly debate with Steve Rogers and Tony Stark over how Vision had become worthy enough to pick up MjĂžlnir while the others could not, Thor decided to leave Earth in the safe hands of the new Avengers.


Thor says his goodbyes to the Avengers

Still haunted by the visions Wanda Maximoff had shown him, Thor felt it was his duty as a hero between the Nine Realms to better research and understand all the Infinity Stones, realizing that someone was behind the scenes, manipulating events, since four of the six Infinity Stones have been recently involved in major events, recalling how he had witnessed Malekith using the Aether's power recently. Telling Stark and Rogers that he would eventually return, Thor called Heimdall to summon the Bifrost Bridge and returned to Asgard to begin his mission, leaving before Stark complained about how these gateways he created ruined their facility's lawn by burning a lot of it.[28]

Breakup with Jane Foster[]

Thor and Jane drift apart

Thor and Jane Foster begin to drift apart

"Jane wrote a note. And Thor read that note. And their legend suddenly became myth."

With a universe-spanning search for the Infinity Stones added to Thor's busyness, Jane Foster, in response, also became a lot more busy with her scientific career, and the two closed themselves off from each other. This growing distance only further put a strain on their relationship, as they would not see each other as much as they used to.

Thor reads Jane's note

Thor reads Jane Foster's breakup note

And when they were together, they would still feel apart due to the emotional walls they had put up between them, which caused them to start fighting. Eventually, Thor returned to an empty home, where he discovered a note left by Foster. He read it which revealed that she had broken up with him, leaving him in a state of sadness as he sat alone in their home. Distraught by this information, Thor convinced himself that their breakup was mutual, despite that not being the case.[2]

Futile Search[]


Thor is captured and held in Muspelheim

"I'm a bit of a hero. See, I spent some time on Earth, fought some robots, saved the planet a couple of times. Then I went searching through the cosmos for some magic, colorful Infinity Stone things... didn't find any. That's when I came across a path of death and destruction which led me all the way here."

Having spent two years following the Battle of Sokovia, searching for the Infinity Stones, Thor had been unsuccessful in finding any. During this time, Thor had begun to have dreams of Asgard up in flames with the Fire Demon Surtur at the center of all the destruction, prompting the God of Thunder to travel to Muspelheim, where he had then allowed himself to be captured by Surtur in his search for an explanation for all of these horrific dreams of Asgard's destruction.


Thor is chained up and taken before Surtur

Having recounted his life story to a skeleton who was sharing his cell, Thor was granted an audience with Surtur himself, as Thor was then dropped from his cell and left dangling by a chain before the lord of the Fire Demons. While Thor noted that he thought Odin had killed Surtur half a million years ago, Surtur explained that he could not die until he had destroyed Asgard, to which Thor then explained his dreams of seeing Asgard up in flames at the hands of Surtur.

Thor Ragnarok Teaser 3

Thor learns Surtur's plan

Surtur explained that these were visions of Ragnarök, promising Thor that once his Crown of Black Fire had then finally been reunited back with the Eternal Flame then he could have been able to destroy all of Asgard, although Thor kept interrupting Surtur as his chain spun him around. In trading banter with the Fire Demon over his schemes of destruction and his crown, Thor had also learned from Surtur that Thor's father Odin was no longer on Asgard, confirming his fears that something was wrong.

Mjolnir Block (Muspelheim)

Thor battles against the Fire Demons

Once he got Surtur to foolishly reveal his own schemes, Thor then continued mocking him before summoning MjĂžlnir and easily busted out of his chains, although he struggled to get his timing quite right. While Surtur insisted that Thor had made a terrible mistake in coming into Muspelheim in the first place to challenge him, Thor still just confidently insisted that he made terrible mistakes constantly, yet they always seemed to work out in his own favor in the long run.

Thor Ready To Kill Surtur (Muspelheim)

Thor fighting against Surtur

Despite the seemingly overwhelming hordes of the Fire Demons that were sent to destroy him, Thor's Asgardian strength combined with the power of MjĂžlnir had given him a clear advantage in the ensuing battle. In the ensuing battle, Thor used MjĂžlnir to destroy Surtur's demons before blocking an attack from the Twilight Sword. Gaining the upper hand, Thor then overpowered Surtur before successfully knocking the crown off his head, finally vanquishing Surtur.

Thor - Calling the Bifrost

Thor attempts to call Heimdall for an exit

With Surtur now defeated, Thor then strapped the crown to his back, before attempting to summon the Bifrost Bridge. But for an unknown reason, Heimdall did not answer his call for an exit. With more of the Fire Demons attacking him, Thor flew to the surface of Muspelheim and attempted to call Heimdall again, still getting no answer, which left Thor stranded with no way out before a Fire Dragon had attacked him, with Thor using MjĂžlnir to trap the Dragon momentarily.


Thor is forced to flee from the Fire Dragon

With limited time left to make his escape, Thor soon found himself forced to go on the run from the Fire Dragon as well as the remaining hordes of Surtur's Fire Demons. Thor had reclaimed MjĂžlnir and flew away from the immediate danger of the battle, with the Dragon still chasing him down. However, just before the beast could catch up with him, the Bifrost Bridge had finally opened, taking Thor and the beast's head with it back to the safety of Asgard.[5]

Exposing Loki[]


Thor finally making his return into Asgard

"I decided to go out there and investigate, and what do I find but the Nine Realms completely in chaos. Enemies of Asgard assembling, plotting our demise, all while you, Odin, protector of those Nine Realms, are sitting here in your bathrobe eating grapes."
―Thor to "Odin"[src]

Upon exiting the Bifrost Bridge, Thor slid across the floor at speed due to being pulled from Muspelheim while still flying through the air at considerable speed, being closely followed by the now severed head of the Fire Dragon who had been chasing him. Once arriving there, Thor discovered that Skurge, who had previously fought alongside Thor during the Battle of Vanaheim, had recently been named the new guardian of the Bifrost. Skurge then complained about Thor scaring away his dates due to the severed dragon head.

Thor and Skurge

Thor and Skurge discussing Heimdall's exile

While Thor questioned what had happened while he had been gone, Skurge had then explained that Heimdall was currently on a fugitive following his exile from Asgard due to him seemingly being declared a traitor, much to Thor's confusion as he knew Heimdall would never betray Asgard. Wishing to investigate what was going on, Thor then flew straight towards Asgard, much to Skurge's annoyance since he was supposed to be the one to announce Thor's arrival first.

Thor Observing Loki's Tragedy

Thor witnesses a play about Loki's demise

Upon arriving at the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf, Thor noticed a gigantic golden statue of Loki outside, and he then came across "Odin" as he watched a play entitled The Tragedy of Loki of Asgard loosely based on the events that took place in the Second Battle of Svartalfheim, as Loki had apparently died heroically in Thor's arms, having given his life to defeat Malekith and Kurse, presenting Loki as the savior and ignoring all his many previous villainous actions throughout Loki's life.

Loki-Odin & Thor

Thor suspects that Odin is Loki in disguise

Infuriated, Thor confronted Odin and presented him with the Crown of Black Fire, which Odin mistakenly called the Skull of Surtur. Thor then questioned Odin on why he left the Nine Realms defenseless and instead was gorging himself on grapes and leaving Asgard corrupted and defenseless. Realizing from what Surtur had said to him, that his adopted brother had faked his death again, and had been posing as his father since his apparent death in order to claim the throne.

Loki Yields

Thor restrains Loki until MjĂžlnir comes back

Seeking to force his brother into revealing his depiction in front of all the onlooking Asgardians, Thor then aggressively took "Odin" in his arms before hurling MjĂžlnir through the air, threatening to crush his head with it unless he revealed his deception to everyone on Asgard. While the Einherjar watched on, unsure of how to handle the unusual situation, "Odin" tried to insist that Thor was mad and would be executed, but Thor promised to see him in the afterlife, directly addressing "Odin" as his brother.

Loki & Thor - Odin's Whereabouts

Thor demanding Loki confess where Odin is

With no other option, Loki finally gave up the facade in front of all the Asgardians and faced Thor's scorn. As they stood awkwardly across from each other, Skurge finally arrived and announced Thor's arrival, much to Loki's annoyance. Thor then demanded to know where Odin had been for the last four years, pressing MjĂžlnir against Loki until he admitted Odin was on Earth. Thor and Loki then went to Earth, leaving Volstagg and Fandral in charge of the Bifrost.[5]

Meeting Doctor Strange[]


Thor and Loki search for Odin together

"All right, wizard. Who are you? Why should I care?"
"My name is Dr. Stephen Strange, and I have some questions for you."
―Thor and Doctor Strange[src]

Upon arriving back on the Earth, Thor and Loki had soon discovered that Shady Acres Care Home, the retirement house where Loki had previously dropped off Odin in New York City, had been demolished. While they were discussing how Loki had survived being killed by Kurse, they were interrupted by women who wanted a picture with Thor, as one woman expressed her sadness that Jane Foster had dumped him, although Thor insisted it was a mutual dumping.

Doctor Strange's Portal (Thor & Loki - NYC)

Thor witnesses Loki falling through a portal

While they were speaking, with Thor jokingly comparing Loki's outfit to that of a witch, they noticed something was happening under their feet, which Loki insisted he had nothing to do with. Before they could react, Loki was suddenly captured by a portal on the floor which then left behind nothing but a business card with an address for the New York Sanctum, which Thor then headed straight to in order to locate his brother and understand what had just happened to Loki.


Thor being introduced to Doctor Strange

Upon knocking on the door of the Sanctum, Thor found that he was immediately teleported inside the building where he began looking around. Thor was then eventually met by Doctor Strange who floated down using the Cloak of Levitation and greeted Thor. Strange then invited Thor to put down MjĂžlnir, which had been transformed into an umbrella for his time on the Earth, with Strange providing him with a coat stand to place MjĂžlnir in as Thor obliged him.


Thor learns of Masters of the Mystic Arts

Upon being teleported around the Sanctum again, Thor commented on his surprise to learn that the Earth now had wizards, with Strange correcting him that they preferred to use the term of the Masters of the Mystic Arts. While they were speaking, Thor awkwardly broke an artifact before questioning what Strange wanted and why he should care, to which Strange introduced himself properly and invited Thor to have a seat while they then discussed Thor returning to Earth.


Thor and Doctor Strange have a discussion

Thor and Strange then teleported across the Sanctum and sat down to discuss the situation that had arisen due to Thor returning to the Earth. Strange also used his magic to give Thor a cup of tea and when he explained that he did not drink tea, Strange gave him a beer instead and began comically refilling Thor's beer as he had drunk it, confusing him. Strange then explained that he kept a watch list of the beings he had deemed dangerous, noting that Loki was one.

DS Post-credits Scene 3

Thor requests Doctor Strange's assistance

Thor remarked that he agreed with Loki being put on the list of the dangerous beings before then being questioned as to why he had brought Loki back to New York City. Thor highlighted that he and Loki were currently looking for Odin while Strange agreed to help on the condition that they promptly return to Asgard as soon as they found Odin. Strange explained that Odin was currently in Norway and agreed to help then, noting Odin had wished to remain in exile.


Thor and Doctor Strange both locate Odin

As Strange prepared to use his Sling Ring to teleport Thor to Odin's current location, he briefly checked to see if he needed to alter the spell to accommodate for transporting Asgardians, which he soon confirmed he did not, while continuing to teleport Thor across the building repeatedly, much to his considerable annoyance. Strange then used a strand of Thor's hair to locate Odin in Norway, informed Thor, and that he was currently waiting for them both there.

Umbrella Mjolnir (New York Sanctum)

Thor is shown the portal leading to Norway

He opened up a portal to Norway and comically reminded Thor not to forget his umbrella, to which Thor responded to by summoning it with his hand, smashing through and breaking objects in the room above, which irritated Strange. Thor then requested for Strange to reunite him with Loki, and Strange obliged by using his Sling Ring to open a portal, releasing Loki from a spell which he angrily exclaimed had caused him to fall for thirty minutes, which amused Thor.

A Strange Farewell to Asgardians

Thor and Loki are swiftly teleported away

While Thor shook hands with Strange and thanked him for all of his assistance in locating Odin, the furious Loki then prepared to attack Strange in revenge for falling through the portal for so long. Thor attempted to get his brother to relax, but Strange merely ended the confrontation by moving the still-open portal around Thor and Loki, transporting them to Norway and out of the New York Sanctum before the Loki could get anywhere even close to him.[5]

Odin's Farewell[]


Thor and Loki soon find Odin standing alone

"Whatever she is, we can, we can stop her together. We can face her together."
"No, we won't. I'm on a different path now. This you must face alone. I love you, my sons. Look at that, remember this place. Home."
―Thor and Odin[src]

Having just been sent through Doctor Strange's portal, Thor arrived within Norway alongside Loki and soon discovered Odin as he was looking over a mountainside. Upon seeing their father, Thor immediately told Odin that they had come to take him back to Asgard. Odin only responded with how joyful he is to be reunited with both of his two sons and stated how beautiful the landscape was.

A Family Reunion (Loki, Odin & Thor)

Thor and Loki are reunited back with Odin

As Thor demanded Loki lift his magic, Odin confirmed that it was not Loki's spells that had weakened him, stating that it took him a long time to break free of Loki's illusion and that Frigga would have been proud of him, shocking Loki. Odin told his sons to admire the beauty of the landscape and the sea in front of him, reminiscing of Asgard. As Odin explained that Ragnarök was upon them, Thor told his father that he had defeated Surtur and put an end to Ragnarök.


Thor and Loki witness the passing of Odin

Odin, however, had explained that Ragnarök would not be started by Surtur, but the arrival of Hela, noting that his own life was the only thing holding Hela back. Odin explained that Hela was, in fact, Thor's first-born sister who had been imprisoned within Hel for thousands of years due to her violent needs. While Odin considered this shocking news, he told Thor and Loki that he loved them both as his body dissipated into energy and was taken away by the wind.


Thor bitterly blames Loki for Odin's passing

Having witnessed the death of his father and also learned Odin's secrets regarding Hela, Thor's grief and anger caused storm clouds to gather above, as he claimed that this was Loki's fault, as it had been Loki's actions with banishing Odin to Earth without any of his Asgardian powers which had led to Odin's body dying of his long life. While lightning came out of Thor's fingertips as his anger grew, Loki fearfully then attempted to calm him back down.[5]

Return of Hela[]

Family Reunion[]

Thor Ragnarok 106

Thor and Loki meeting Hela for the first time

"You must be Hela. I'm Thor, son of Odin."
"Really? You don't look like him."
―Thor and Hela[src]

Before Thor caused an outburst of grief, he and Loki are stunned to see a portal from Hel appear directly in front of them. Changing back into their normal attire, they readied themselves witnessing Hela step out of the portal free of her banishment following Odin's demise. Hela then greeted the pair and expressed her disappointment with not witnessing Odin's passing herself before Thor introduced himself to his sister as Odin's son.

Thor Ragnarok Teaser 7

Thor witnesses Hela destroying MjĂžlnir

Hela commented that while Thor did not look like Odin, Loki sounded more like him. Hela then calmly ordered both Thor and Loki to kneel before her as their new Queen of Asgard. However, Thor had refused to recognize her as the heir to the throne and, seeking to end the fight before it started, proceeded to throw MjĂžlnir towards her. However, much to Thor's complete horror, Hela caught MjĂžlnir in her hand and then proceeded to completely destroy the hammer with ease.


Thor attempting to battle against Hela

As Hela armed herself with Necroswords and prepared to attack the brothers, Loki panicked and called for the Bifrost Bridge. Horrified, Thor ordered Loki not to do it as it would have caused Hela to be able to access Asgard through the Bifrost. As Volstagg obeyed the order and opened the Bifrost, during their transport, Hela then intercepted them and had then forced both Thor and Loki out of the beam, separating the pair while she made it to Asgard.[5]

Stranded on Sakaar[]

Thor Ragnarok 131

Thor strands on the planet of Sakaar

"Hey! Where are you taking me? Answer me! Hey! I am Thor, son of Odin. I need to get back to Asgard."
"Many apologies, your majesty."
―Thor and Valkyrie[src]

Following his brief clash against Hela, Thor was violently thrown out of the Bifrost Bridge and deposited onto the planet of Sakaar which was completely covered in junk. As Thor overlooked the planet, he discovered that there were portals from all of the Nine Realms across the sky, where large amounts of junk and debris from worlds fell through to the surface.

Thor Ragnarok Teaser 27

Thor is attacked by Sakaaran scavengers

While he continued exploring the wasteland of the planet, Thor was then approached by hostile Sakaarans who questioned if Thor was either a fighter or food. As the scavengers moved towards him, Thor attempted to call MjĂžlnir, only to remember that Hela destroyed it. While Thor fought off the Sakaarans, with his Asgardian strength overpowering them, the Lead Scrapper managed to capture him by using an electrified net which knocked Thor down to the ground.


Thor is electrocuted by Valkyrie

The scavengers proceed to beat Thor until a drunk woman appeared from her Warsong, claiming Thor to be hers before falling off her ship. Although the scrappers tried to ignore her, the woman proceeded to use the Warsong's guns and slaughtered the scavengers, seemingly rescuing Thor. However, just as Thor had attempted to thank her, the woman threw an Obedience Disk onto his neck and this allowed her to simply electrocute and render Thor completely unconscious.

Smushed Against Glass (Thor Ragnarok)

Thor is taken into custody by Valkyrie

Thor had eventually regained consciousness and found himself flying across the planet still on board the Warsong while the drunk woman informed somebody that she was on her way. Thor had demanded to know who she was and where he was being taken, smashing at the glass and proclaiming himself to be the son of Odin and insisting that he had to get back onto Asgard. However, the woman simply ignored Thor's demands and then reactivated the Obedience Disk.[5]

Meeting Grandmaster[]


Thor being brought to meet Grandmaster

"The Contest of Champions. People come from far and wide to unwillingly participate in it. And you, my friend, might just be part of the new cast. What do you say to that?"
"We're not friends, and I don't give a shit about your games!"
―Grandmaster and Thor[src]

With the Obedience Disk connected to his neck still preventing him from escaping, the drunk woman took Thor to meet Sakaar's supreme ruler, Grandmaster. At first, Thor was given a presentation which explained the history of both the Contest of Champions and Grandmaster. As the presentation sped up, Thor awkwardly yelled out loud before awaking before Grandmaster himself.

Lord of Thunder

Thor shows his strength to Grandmaster

While Thor struggled to break free, Grandmaster had Topaz pay the woman, as Grandmaster intended to use Thor as a gladiator in the Contest of Champions. While Grandmaster got closer to Thor, he refused to be sold and ripped off his handcuffs, only for the woman to reactivate his Obedience Disk. When asked who he was, Thor ripped off his handcuffs once again and proclaimed to be the god of thunder, which Grandmaster merely mocked.


Thor witnesses Grandmaster killing Carlo

Thor was then brought along as Grandmaster went to meet with his cousin Carlo, who had seemingly attempted to make his escape from Sakaar only to be captured. While Carlo desperately begged for his life, Grandmaster pardoned him, to Carlo's relief. Grandmaster, however, revealed that he meant Carlo was pardoned from life before using the Melt Stick to kill him, as Thor looked on in utter horror as Carlo screamed while melting down into nothing but slime.

Thor Ragnarok-Thor&LokiListentotheGrandmaster

Thor is reunited with Loki on Sakaar

While Grandmaster properly introduced himself and explained the Contest of Champions, Thor insisted he would not be a part of it and would be returning to Asgard. However, due to the unusual relativistic effects of how they got there, Thor discovered that Loki was still alive following the fight with Hela within the Bifrost Bridge and had already been there for several weeks, earning Grandmaster's favor while there, much to Thor's considerable confusion and annoyance.


Thor learns of Grandmaster's champion

Grandmaster questioned Loki over his relationship to Thor, to which Loki insisted that he had never met him before, and insisting he was adopted when Thor admitted they were brothers. As Thor continued to threaten Grandmaster for his own freedom, he then was told that the only way he could have his freedom was if he defeated the Contest of Champions' ultimate champion, which Thor was confident he could do before being taken away to his cell by Grandmaster.[5]

Contest of Champions[]


Thor being introduced to Korg and Miek

"You faked your own death, you stole the throne, stripped Odin of his power, stranded him on Earth... to die, releasing the Goddess of Death. Have I said enough, or do you do you want me to go further back than the past two days?"
―Thor to Loki[src]

Thor was thrown into the Contest of Champions' quarters where he was then introduced to Korg, an exiled Kronan resistance fighter, and his friend Miek. As Thor questioned how Korg how wound up becoming one of Grandmaster's warriors, Korg then explained it was down to a failed revolution while Thor also discovered that their cell was an endless circle which he could not escape from.

Thor Ragnarok-ThorMeetsKorgin-a-Circle

Thor and Korg discuss the upcoming battle

While Thor and Korg discussed how Sakaar was a place that did not make sense, Thor then questioned if anybody had ever fought Grandmaster's ultimate champion, to which Korg pointed out that only Doug had, and died. Korg then questioned if Thor intended to fight Grandmaster's champion, to which he insisted he would and he would win, as Korg noted that Doug used to say the same thing before being killed, calling Thor the new Doug.


Thor prays for Odin's journey to Valhalla

While still locked within the cell, Thor sat alone and prayed for Odin to have a safe journey to Valhalla. During his prayers, Thor was visited by Loki, who had commented that he understood how much it hurt to discover that his own family had been lying to him his entire life, ever since Loki discovered he was actually a Frost Giant. Thor's only response to seeing Loki was to throw stones at him, unsurprised to discover that Loki had sent down another projection of himself.

Stoic Thor

Thor is visited inside his prison cell by Loki

Loki suggested to Thor that they win Grandmaster's trust until they killed him and ruled over Sakaar together, although Thor clearly did not approve. Seeing that Thor had other plans, Loki reminded him of how Hela had destroyed MjĂžlnir with ease and proved herself to be vastly more powerful than both of them, only for Thor to accuse Loki of killing their father and allowing Hela to take power. Loki then left, with Korg and Miek telling him to piss off once he left.[5]

Fight Preparation[]


Thor and Korg choosing weapons for battles

"By Odin's beard, you shall not cut my hair, lest you feel the wrath of the mighty Thor. Please. Please, kind sir, do not cut my hair!"
―Thor to the Watcher Informant[src]

While Thor was preparing himself to fight ultimate champion of Grandmaster, he set about choosing his weapons to take into the battle. Korg offered to help pick a weapon, as Thor told him about MjĂžlnir, although Korg misunderstood how it had allowed Thor to fly. Korg summarized that Thor had a special relationship with MjĂžlnir and that its destruction was similar to losing a loved one.


Thor attempting to speak with Valkyrie

Still struggling to pick a weapon, as he attempted to throw a hammer and was disappointed when it did not return to his hand, Thor then spotted the drunk woman who had captured him. Speaking to Korg about her, Korg revealed that she was actually Asgardian, much to Thor's great surprise. Thor then attempted to speak to her, as she threatened to reactivated his Obedience Disk, which had just made Thor considerably more nervous about speaking with her.


Thor is dragged away before his battle

While she attempted to ignore him, Thor discovered that the woman was actually a member of the Valkyries. While Thor gushed about his admiration of the Valkyrie and how he had always wanted to join them before learning they were only women, Thor then informed Valkyrie of the threat of Hela to Asgard and had requested her help in stopping her. When she was unsympathetic to the plight of Asgard, he called her a coward before being forced to go out and fight.

Thor's Horror

Thor's hair is cut off before his battle

Having once again been incapacitated from the Obedience Disks, Thor underwent final preparations for his final battle against the champion. Moments before going out to fight the champion, Thor then had his hair cut by someone strangely familiar, who ignored Thor's desperate pleas for his beloved hair not to be cut off. Thor was then given Doug's mace and shield, a pair of retractable swords and a collapsible helmet for his battle the champion.[5]

Duel with Hulk[]

Thor Ragnarok Teaser 47

Thor stepping into the arena for his battle

"Where have you been? Everybody thought you were dead! So much has happened since I last saw you. I lost my hammer, like, yesterday so that's still pretty fresh. Loki, Loki's alive, can you believe it? He's up there. Loki! Look who it is!"
―Thor to Hulk[src]

Stepping inside the Contest of Champions' arena, Thor had prepared himself to fight in order to return to Asgard. While the audience continued cheering, Grandmaster introduced Thor as the Lord of Thunder while his champion prepared to arrive. Thor put on his helmet and got ready for his fight, armed with Doug's Mace and Shield as his weapons against the champion.

Thor Ragnarok Teaser 54

Thor realizes that Hulk is his opponent

However, to Thor's complete surprise, when the champion emerged, it was revealed to be Hulk. Thor became completely overjoyed at seeing his former Avengers teammate, calling out to both Loki and Grandmaster as he called Hulk a friend from work. Thor then attempted to talk with Hulk, explaining MjĂžlnir's destruction and Loki being alive and tried to negotiate with Hulk, but Thor made the mistake of calling him Bruce Banner which angered Hulk.

TR Trailer2 6

Thor is forced to battle against Hulk

To Thor's great surprise, Hulk insisted that there was no Banner but only Hulk and furiously attacked Thor. He then quickly defended himself and the two fought inside the arena, with Hulk smashing Thor with his Sakaaran War Hammer, sending Thor flying backwards as he lost his Mace. Annoyed at being attacked, Thor drew his swords and attempted to get through to Banner, insisting that they were friends, but Hulk refused to listen to him and attacked.


Thor is smashed through the wall by Hulk

Hulk soon managed to gain the upper hand in their clash as he broke Thor's swords and kicked him across the arena, smashing Thor into a wall, much to the delight of Grandmaster. Thor was just able to free himself as Hulk then launched one of his massive hammers towards him, before charging towards Thor armed with his axe. Thor, however, responded by ripping the hammer from the wall and striking Hulk with it at full force, sending him flying back.

Thor & Hulk (Lullaby)

Thor attempting to calm down Hulk

While everybody in the arena watching the fight froze in shock at the blow, including Korg and Miek, Thor calmly made his way towards the now injured and surprised Hulk. Seeking to end the fight without any more conflict, Thor then tried to use Black Widow's calming technique which Romanoff had often used during their time in the Avengers, in a final attempt to turn Hulk back into Bruce Banner and end their fight before anybody could be seriously hurt.

Hulk Smashing Thor

Thor is smashed into the ground by Hulk

Despite Thor insisting that he would not hurt Hulk anymore, the plan had failed to work, and Hulk smashed Thor into the arena's ground repeatedly, before launching Thor across the arena, much to Loki's considerable joy since Hulk attacked him similarly during the Battle of New York. While Hulk celebrated and enjoyed the cheers from the crowds of Sakaarans who were supporting him, Thor got back to his feet and prepared to keep fighting.

Thor vs

Thor gaining upper hand against Hulk

Annoyed all his attempts were having no effect, Thor decided he had had enough and, armed with the Sakaaran War Hammer, proceeded to fight back against Hulk, with his Asgardian strength combined with his long history of fighting allowing him to gain the upper hand over Hulk's pure rage. As they continued fighting, Thor managed to destroy Hulk's Sakaaran Battle Axe and attempted to beat him down until he could force Hulk to transform back in Banner.

Hulk Block (Sakaar Duel)

Thor becomes overpowered by Hulk

While Thor expressed his embarrassment that Hulk was fighting him even after Thor claimed they were friends, they briefly engaged in some hand-to-hand combat, with Thor still proving himself to be the superior fighter as he put Hulk into a headlock. However, as Thor regained the War Hammer and attempted to launch another attack, Hulk grabbed the hammer before Thor could strike him with it. Thor was caught off-guard as Hulk punched him clear across the arena.

Thor Power Activated

Thor's entire body surges with lightning

While Thor was lying on his back, Hulk proceeded to leap on top of him and began to beat him into submission, much to the delight of everybody watching, including Grandmaster. As Thor's protection, his helmet, was knocked off, he was almost beaten to death but was given a vision of Odin, which allowed Thor to tap into a previously unknown source of power as his entire body surged with lightning. As Hulk paused, unsure of what to make of this, Thor struck him with a lightning-charged punch, knocking the brute flat on his back.

Thor vs

Thor battles against Hulk

The powerful strike damaged Hulk's Sakaaran Battle Armor and gave Thor the support of the Sakaarans who began chanting Thor's name. Charged up with his newfound powers, Thor ran towards Hulk, who was furious that he was losing the support of the people. As both combatants simultaneously launched at one another, Thor delivered another blow, more powerful than the last, creating a visible shockwave and flooring Hulk.

Thor Ragnarok-Thor Incapacitated

Thor being incapacitated by Grandmaster

As the fight had finally begun to reach its conclusion, Thor was still winning against Hulk, to the shock of Korg and all the gladiators of the Contest of Champions as well as the spectators, while Valkyrie watched from Warsong. However, Grandmaster, unwilling to see Hulk lose since he was a fan favorite, cheated and "fixed" the fight by activating his Obedience Disk. As Thor lay defenseless, Hulk took advantage and then landed the final blow against Thor.[5]

Trapped on Sakaar[]

Thor Ragnarok 129

Thor wakes up inside Hulk's luxurious room

"If you help me get back to Asgard, I can help you get back to Earth."
"Earth hate Hulk."
"Earth loves Hulk. They love you. You're one of the Avengers."
―Thor and Hulk[src]

In the wake of the Duel in the Grand Arena, the bruised Thor had eventually awoken inside some luxurious quarters with a team of nurses tending to his injuries. Getting to his feet, Thor put his Asgardian armor back on before exploring the room, discovering that Hulk was also there, and was taking a bath at that moment, as Thor first confirmed that Hulk would not attempt to attack him again.


Thor begins asking Hulk about Sakaar

Thor began questioning Hulk about exactly how he had managed to get into Sakaar, becoming frustrated as Hulk struggled to answer his questions. When Hulk claimed he had gotten where he was by winning at the Contest of Champions, Thor insisted that he had won by cheating since Grandmaster had activated his Obedience Disk. Hulk finally revealed that he arrived in the Quinjet, then showing where it was in a scrapyard, walking by Thor while naked.


Thor asks Hulk to come to Asgard

Reclaiming his possessions, Thor asked Hulk to come to Asgard with him and ensure that Hela did not cause Ragnarök. However, Hulk refused to leave Sakaar and return to the Earth, explaining that he still believed he was utterly hated back on the Earth ever since the events of the Duel of Johannesburg where Hulk had inadvertently endangered the lives of innocent people and therefore, he would not leave Sakaar where he was adored by thousands of his fans.


Thor learns he cannot leave Hulk's room

Although Thor attempted to convince Hulk that everybody loved him since he was a member of the Avengers, Hulk insisted that Thor was only friends with Bruce Banner, which Thor denied by claiming that he did not even like Banner. Hulk, however, still refused to go with Thor to Asgard to confront Hela, as the annoyed Thor made his way out while insulting the room. However, Thor discovered the door was electrified and he was unable to leave without being shocked.[5]

Communicating with Heimdall[]

Thor (Heimdall Eyes)

Thor communicates with Heimdall

"You're talking about evacuating Asgard?"
"We won't last long if we stay. She draws her power from Asgard and grows stronger every day. Hela is ravenous. If I let her leave, she'll consume Nine Realms and all the Cosmos. We need you."
―Thor and Heimdall[src]

Trapped in their room, Thor watched while Hulk had put back on his Sakaaran Battle Armor and went training with Valkyrie for his next fight with the Contest of Champions. Once he was alone, Thor had meditated and attempted to come into contact with Heimdall back on Asgard in order to learn what was happening while he was still trapped on Sakaar and unable to return home to aid Heimdall.


Thor and Heimdall speaking to each other

Managing to get through to Heimdall, Thor was immediately shown that Asgard was currently in an utterly dire situation as Heimdall was being forced to evacuate the Asgardians before Hela to imprison or execute them, having already slaughtered the Warriors Three while Thor had been gone. Thor expressed his desire to return to Asgard and stop Hela and keep the people safe, confessing that he did not actually know where he was currently within the universe.


Thor asks Heimdall how to return to Asgard

As Heimdall explained Hela was planning to use her newly regained power to consume all the Nine Realms, he then suggested that Thor could possibly be able to get out of Sakaar by going through many of the wormholes that littered the sky. As Heimdall drew Hofund due to being attacked by Hela's Berserkers, Thor questioned which one of the wormholes to use to escape and Heimdall suggested that he use the biggest one before their communication had then ended.[5]

Catching Up with Hulk[]


Thor attempts to rip out his Obedience Disk

"We're just a couple of hot-headed fools."
"Yeah, same. Hulk like fire, Thor like water."
"We're kind of both like fire."
"But Hulk like real fire. Hulk like raging fire."
―Thor and Hulk[src]

Still determined to get out of Sakaar and return to Asgard in order to help his people in their battle against Hela, Thor attempted to rip out of his Obedience Disk out of his neck once again to which he had no luck as it had instead caused him considerable pain. Seeing this, Hulk noted how sad Thor looked, to which Thor simply told him to shut up as he sat alone and contemplated his next move.


Thor and Hulk have a furious argument

While Hulk pushed him over and still continued teasing him, the annoyed Thor rebutted that he was furious to what had happened to his home, the death of Odin and the destruction of MjĂžlnir before he had become imprisoned by Grandmaster. When Hulk had appeared to ignore all of Thor's complaints, Thor accused him of not listening and began kicking some stuff towards Hulk and accusing him of currently being a really bad friend.


Thor accusing Hulk of almost killing him

As their childish argument continued, Hulk told Thor to stop kicking stuff, to which Thor responded by claiming that Hulk was known as the stupid member of the Avengers, as Hulk called Thor the tiny Avenger. As his temper rose, Hulk threw a shield at Thor which nearly decapitated him, resulting in Thor angrily claiming that everybody on the Earth did hate Hulk, which Thor soon realized had greatly upset Hulk, who sat down on his bed and sulked.

Thor & Hulk

Thor calmly catches back up with Hulk

Seeing that he had genuinely upset him, Thor decided to apologize, and Hulk accepted, noting that nobody actually called Hulk the stupid Avenger. As they sat together, Thor claimed they are very alike, with Hulk comparing himself to raging fire and Thor to either water or a smoldering fire. Once he got Hulk to calm down, Thor told him to do something of his favor, asking him to bring Valkyrie to his room so he could convince her to help him to escape.[5]

Tricking Valkyrie[]


Thor tricking Valkyrie into meeting with him

"I'm putting together a team. It's me, you, and the big guy."
"No. No team. Only Hulk."
"It's me and you."
―Thor and Hulk[src]

The next day, Hulk did as Thor requested and had Valkyrie come up to his room, as together they playfully sparred with each other as Hulk played with the Sakaaran War Hammer while Valkyrie kicked him over. Thor then revealed himself in the room, awkwardly trying to look impressive before Valkyrie simply ignored him and prepared to leave the room, as she claimed that Thor was too thick headed to see she was in Sakaar only to hide away from her problems.


Thor attempts to recruit Valkyrie

As Hulk threw part of his bed to ensure she did not leave, Valkyrie agreed to listen for as long as it took her to drink a large bottle of alcohol. Thor began explaining how Asgard was currently in danger and he needed her help to return there. However, he soon discovered that Valkyrie was a faster drinker than he expected as he soon was out of time. Thor then explained that Odin was dead and Hela had invaded Asgard, which caused Valkyrie to stop in her tracks.


Thor explains about Hela's return

Thor then insisted that he currently planned on stopping Hela by putting together a team which he wanted both Hulk and Valkyrie to be a part of, although both refused to help him. When Thor tried to reach her by calling out the legend of the Valkyries, she explained to him how she had witnessed Odin lose control of Hela, resulting in the horrifying Massacre of the Valkyrie in Hel, which is what had led her to not wanting anything more to do with Asgard and Odin's family.


Thor successfully deceives Valkyrie

Valkyrie explained the problem with the Asgardian Royal Family while Thor tried to explain that he agreed with her, while Valkyrie held her knives to his throat as a warning to not get too familiar with her. Thor told her that these issues were the reasons he had turned down the throne, noting that this was not about the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf or even the two of them, but the Asgardians themselves who were in danger. But still, Valkyrie refused to be involved in the fight against Hela.


Thor beginning his own escape from Sakaar

Thor, however, revealed that he had gotten closer to Valkyrie simply to steal the control to his Obedience Disk, allowing himself to finally be free of Grandmaster's control. With that, Thor took a ball while Hulk had been playing with and used it to crack the room's glass window, although this resulted with the ball bouncing back and striking Thor directly into the face. Jumping back up as if nothing happened, Thor said this was what heroes did before leaping out of the window.[5]

Saving Asgard[]

Escaping Grandmaster[]

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Thor attempts to unlock Quinjet's access

"Quite a lot's happened. You and I had a fight recently."
"Did I win?"
"No, I won. Easily."
―Thor and Bruce Banner[src]

Thor attempted to get back to the Quinjet that brought Hulk into Sakaar in the first place, avoiding the Sakaarans as he made his way towards it. Activating the Quinjet, Thor had announced himself by his name, but this was rejected. Having tried several other names including the God of Thunder and the Strongest Avenger, Thor finally cursed Tony Stark as he used the codename Point Break which Stark had previously given him, and was given clearance.


Thor watches Hulk destroying the Quinjet

However, before Thor could take off and escape from Sakaar, Hulk suddenly appeared and pushed his way on board, destroying almost everything in his path while he demanded that Thor stay on Sakaar with the Contest of Champions. It was only when Thor accidentally activated a recording of Black Widow's attempts to get Hulk to turn the Quinjet around following the Battle of Sokovia that Hulk pacified and transformed into Bruce Banner, despite some resistance.


Thor attempts to calm Bruce Banner down

Thor approached Banner who was confused by his surroundings, as he questioned what had happened about Ultron. Eventually, Thor had realized that Banner had been in Hulk form since Sokovia and, as a result, Hulk had completely taken over. Because of this, Banner was powerless and dID not remember anything that has happened for the past two years since, questioning what happened with Ultron, where he currently was and what had happened to Thor's hair.

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Thor sees Grandmaster's warning

While Thor tried to explain everything, Banner checked the Quinjet's records and saw footage of Hulk being sucked through a wormhole. Grandmaster then appeared in a massive projection above the city, explaining that his beloved champion had been kidnapped by Thor and ordering the Sakaarans to find them. Thor told Banner that he had been there for some time, noting that he was champion and they had just had a battle which Thor had claimed to have won before they then made their escape.[5]

Helping Bruce Banner[]

Bruce Banner & Thor

Thor attempts to accompany Bruce Banner

"My people are in great danger. You and I, we have to fight this really powerful being, who also happens to be my sister."
"Okay, that is so wrong on so many... I don't wanna fight your sister. That's a family issue."
―Thor and Bruce Banner[src]

Thor and a highly nervous Bruce Banner made their way through the streets of Sakaar, as Thor attempted to keep his friend calm by repeating Natasha Romanoff's calming words to him. As Banner struggled to remain calm, he explained how he had experienced Hulk taking full control for the first time ever, an experience which had clearly shaken Banner as he refused to turn back into Hulk.

Thor Talking Down to Banner

Thor learns Banner will not turn into Hulk

The pair then discussed how they planned to leave Sakaar and get back to Asgard, as Thor explained how he required Hulk's help in his attempts to stop Hela from taking over the Nine Realms. However, Banner, already highly agitated despite Thor's attempts to keep him calm, insisted all he wanted to do is go to Earth and be left in peace, not wishing to get involved with his family issue or fight any more evil beings, as he felt that Thor was just using him to get to Hulk.


Thor and Banner make their escape

The pair got into a debate about if Banner would be useful in battling Hela's armies of Berserkers even without turning into Hulk, with Banner insisting that his seven PhDs made him useful, which Thor was unconvinced by. Finally, Banner agreed to accompany Thor to Asgard on the condition that he didn't have to think about Hulk ever again before they both made their way through the streets, with Banner complaining that Tony Stark's clothing was too tight.


Thor is eventually reunited with Valkyrie

Just as Thor promised Banner he would not have to think of Hulk anymore, they were separated in a Contest of Champions party. As the pair were briefly threatened by Biff only for Valkyrie to appear and use Biff's Obedience Disk to subdue him. While Thor had still insisted he could have subdued Biff himself, Valkyrie questioned who Banner was, failing to recognize Banner as Hulk, before taking them away for a private conversation while Thor awkwardly flirted with her.[5]

Forming the Revengers[]

Valkyrie, Thor and Bruce

Thor is offered the assistance of Valkyrie

"What do you say, doctor? Uncharted metagalactic travel through a volatile cosmic gateway. Talk about an adventure!"
―Thor to Bruce Banner[src]

As Thor followed behind Valkyrie back into Sakaar, she explained to him how she had first come to the planet as a means of escaping her past having witnessed the Valkyries falling at Hela's hands millennia ago when she was the only survivor which caused her to turn to drink in misery on Sakaar. Valkyrie then agreed to help Thor in his mission to rescue the Asgardians, hoping that it could have also involved the defeat of Hela which she had wanted for thousands of years. Thor accepted her help, explaining their team would be called the Revengers as he claimed they were all looking for revenge.

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Thor is brought to the chained up Loki.

Valkyrie then showed her peace offering, a chained up Loki, as Thor confirmed this was not merely another illusion by throwing a bottle at Loki's head. While Loki spoke with Bruce Banner, Thor explored Valkyrie's room and found her Dragonfang which Thor then admired. Valkyrie then discussed the best route to Asgard, suggested going through a wormhole to Xandar where they could quickly refuel until they had eventually made it back to Asgard in eighteen months.

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Thor and Bruce Banner discuss their plan

Remembering what Heimdall had said to him, however, Thor then suggested they travel through the largest wormhole, which Valkyrie informed him was named the Devil's Anus, much to both Thor and Banner's surprise. Looking at the Anus, Valkyrie noted that they would need another ship as the Anus would tear her Warsong into pieces if they had attempted to use that, as Thor and Banner then discussed what they would need to survive the journey.


Thor tells stories of Loki's murderous tricks

While they discussed which ship to use, Loki then interrupted them, explaining that he no longer wanted to be stuck on Sakaar since he had fallen out of favor with Grandmaster. Although Loki told Thor he had Grandmaster's security codes which gave him control over his systems, Banner expressed his distrust of Loki in the wake of the Chitauri Invasion of Earth, while Thor retold a story of when Loki had turned into a snake and stabbed him when they were children.

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Thor, Valkyrie, Bruce Banner listen to Loki

While Loki suggested that they set Hulk free and allowing him to help them escape, Thor claimed he was lying as Valkyrie got excited. Thor then suggested that they start a revolution to help distract Grandmaster's guards while they stole Grandmaster's personal ship to escape. As they planned, Korg and Miek were broken out of their cell with the other Contest of Champions gladiators so they could begin their revolt as a distraction while the plan went underway.[5]

Farewell to Loki[]

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Thor prepares to fight again alongside Loki

"Brother, you're gonna do great here."
"Do you truly think so little of me?"
"Loki, I thought the world of you. I thought we were gonna fight side by side forever. But at the end of the day, you're you and I'm me."
―Thor and Loki[src]

As they went to find a ship, Thor and Loki had joined forces for the fight once again, with Loki refusing to discuss recent events with his brother, noting that communication was never the Asgardian Royal Family's strongest point. The brothers then armed themselves with Sakaaran Laser Rifles and proceeded to fire upon the small army of Sakaaran Guards who were standing in their way.


Thor fights against Grandmaster's guards

While taking cover, Loki noted that Odin had brought them together when he had taken Loki from Jotunheim, claiming that it was almost poetic that his death then broke them apart for good. Thor continued firing while Loki unlocked the doorways, while still claiming that they might as well become strangers, before being threatened by another Sakaaran Guard who Thor dispatched by forcing him to fire into the ground which shot him into the air as they entered the elevator.

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Thor and Loki discussing their futures apart

Once they got inside the elevator, Loki suggested that he should actually stay in Sakaar, which Thor immediately agreed with as he claimed it fit his brother's lawless and chaotic personality perfectly, much to Loki's surprise. Thor went on to admit that he had always thought the world of Loki and hoped they would always fight together. However, he had come to the conclusion that this would never happen due to their differences and they were better off going their separate ways, which resonated with Loki, who seemingly agreed.

It's humiliating

Thor and Loki use their "Get Help" strategy

Knowing that they would soon encounter more of Grandmaster's guards, Thor suggested that they utilize their "Get Help" strategy, much to Loki's horror. Although he tried to object, Thor still managed to convince Loki as they ran out with Thor pretending Loki needed some medical assistance before throwing his brother at the Sakaaran Guards, knocking him out. Thor delighted in the successful strategy while Loki continued moaning about how humiliating it was.

Thor Defeating Loki (Ragnarok)

Thor manages to deceive and subdue Loki

While they went to steal the Commodore from Grandmaster, Loki, inevitably, betrayed them as they are escaping, attempting to alert Grandmaster. However, Thor placed the Obedience Disk on his back, leaving him being shocked on the floor. Thor told his brother that he knew Loki will always be the God of Mischief, but had hoped that he would have shown some capacity for growth before leaving, with Loki still being shocked and the remote just out of reach.[5]

Escape from Sakaar[]

Thor Piloting the Commodore

Thor piloting the Commodore over Sakaar

"It's a leisure vessel. Grandmaster uses it for his good times, orgies and stuff."
"Did she just say the Grandmaster uses it for orgies?"
"Yeah. Don't touch anything."
―Valkyrie, Bruce Banner and Thor[src]

Having taken control of the Commodore, Thor then piloted the ship high over Sakaar while Grandmaster alerted his followers of the situation and ordered them to find and capture Thor, noting that he had also kidnapped Hulk. Thor was soon targeted by Grandmaster's Sakaaran ships until Valkyrie then flew by while onboard her own Warsong and then assisted Thor by shooting the other ships out of the sky.


Thor regroups with Bruce Banner

While Bruce Banner was launched up inside the Commodore from Warsong, Thor soon found himself being shot at by Topaz. As they looked for weapons, Thor discovered that it was merely the leisure vehicle which Grandmaster used for orgies, much to the shared disgust of Thor and Banner. The pair then watched as Topaz destroyed Valkyrie's Warsong, only for Valkyrie to survive and launch herself onto the Commodore. When Thor told her to get inside, Valkyrie refused and then attacked the other ships.


Thor fights alongside Valkyrie

While Banner was left in complete control of the Commodore, Thor and Valkyrie proceeded to use their own Asgardian strength to rip Grandmaster's ships apart with their bare hands, with Valkyrie also using her Dragonfang to tear through the ship's armor plating. While Banner was able to cause Topaz to crash using Grandmaster's birthday firework display, Thor and Valkyrie destroyed the final ship before then leaping back on board the Commodore together.


Thor flies through the Devil's Anus

Having taken out all of Grandmaster's defenses and finally gotten away from Sakaar, Thor and the Revengers had prepared themselves to fly through the Devil's Anus and head back towards Asgard so that they could stop Hela from completing her plans to take over the Nine Realms. As they avoided the debris that was flying through the Anus, they made their way to the gateway, expressing heavy friction which knocked them out just as they traveled through the wormhole.[5]

Duel in the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf[]

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Thor calls upon Hela to face against him

"It seems our father's solution to every problem was to cover it up."
"Or to cast it out. He told you you were worthy. He said the same thing to me."
―Hela and Thor[src]

Thor, Valkyrie and Bruce Banner arrived on Asgard. As a result, Hela began an assault on the fortress where Heimdall was hiding the Asgardians. All of a sudden, Thor managed to call her back to the throne room to fight. After a talk about Odin, Thor and Hela fought. Although Thor used Gungnir to attack Hela, he quickly found her to be the more skilled and powerful one out of the two.

Hela choking Thor

Thor pinned down by Hela

Although he managed to hit her twice, Hela quickly recovered and blocked all his attack before sarcastically stating that she expected much more from Thor and then counter-attacking, lifting Thor off his feet and disarming him of Gungnir before choking him and saying he was worth nothing. Thor tried to fight back desperately using a pair of blades, but Hela easily outmatched and stabbed Thor multiple times with her Necrosword. Hela struck him across the face, cutting out his eye.


Thor focuses on his power in his vision

Hela was too much for Thor and once again, he had a vision of his father in Norway. Thor stated that Asgard had fallen. However, Odin told him that Asgard was not a place, but a people. Thor stated he could not defeat Hela without MjĂžlnir, but Odin reminded Thor that he was not a god of hammers, but the god of thunder; MjĂžlnir was only ever a focus for his powers and they are greater than Odin's.[5]

Battle for Asgard[]

Thor (Ragnarok)

Thor regains all of his lightning powers

"The longer Hela's on Asgard, the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her here and now."
―Thor to Valkyrie[src]

Hela slammed Thor to the ground and taunted him, questioning what he was the god of. In response, Thor summoned a massive bolt of lightning and blasted away Hela, temporarily incapacitating her. Thor leaped onto the Rainbow Bridge to assist Loki's forces. This prompted smiles from his allies.

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Thor standing with his teammates

With his powers in full force, Thor carved through Hela's army of Berserkers with ease. He managed to get through to Loki and Valkyrie after battling against the Berserkers. As the remaining Revengers assembled, Thor made an obligation to Valkyrie to disband the team after all was done. Thor looked over to Hela and got ready to a fight, as Loki suggested to hit her with a lighting blast but argued that he already hit her with one of all his might and did not work.


Thor continues to battle against Hela

Thor realized that as long as Asgard would stand, Hela would hunt them down without stopping. Looking over the Statesman, Thor also realized that Asgard was a people as opposed to a place. He and Loki agreed on the former point, to which Thor stated that they had to ensure Ragnarök as oppose to stop it. Despite Thor's boldness, Loki ran off to go inside the vault. Thor looked over to Valkyrie and suggested to fight against Hela.

Thor Ragnarok (Thor acknowledging Surtur)

Thor acknowledges Surtur to Hela

While Loki flew the Commodore and went into the vault to revive Surtur, Thor and Valkyrie fought off Hela using their skills to harm her. Despite Thor having his powers in full force, Hela still managed to overpower him. Hela knocked Thor down and stated that he could not defeat her. However, at that moment, Loki unleashed Surtur, who emerged from the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf. Valkyrie took the chance to knock down Hela, and Thor blasted Hela off from the Rainbow Bridge.[5]

Destruction of Asgard[]

Asgard Destroyed

Thor witnesses the destruction of Asgard

"What have I done?"
"You saved us from extinction. Asgard is not a place... it's a people."
―Thor and Heimdall[src]

The now much more powerful Surtur began laying waste to Asgard and even Hela was unable to stop him. Thor and Valkyrie were ready to stay in Asgard, hating the prophecy for it, until Hulk attacked Surtur, but Thor called him off. Hulk carried Thor and Valkyrie aboard the Statesman, which escaped as Asgard was utterly destroyed, leaving only asteroids behind.

TR Thor Ponders (With One Eye)

Thor ponders his missing eye

As Thor put on his new eyepatch on, Loki walked into his room and remarked his new look as reminiscent to their father's. Thor, believing his brother had already left the ship, jokingly remarked if he was here, he would give him a hug. Thor threw an object towards Loki, but caught it quickly. Loki reassured him that he was really here. The two made their way towards the deck.[5]

Infinity War[]

Heading Towards Earth[]

Thor Ragnarok-ThorSittingintheThrone

Thor is crowned as the King of Asgard

"People on Earth love me, I'm very popular."
"Let me rephrase that: Do you really think it's a good idea to bring me back to Earth?"
"Probably not, to be honest. I wouldn't worry, brother."
―Thor and Loki[src]

Heimdall found Thor wearing his eyepatch and noted to Thor that they had lost many people, but Thor assured him that no-one could have done more and that Odin would have been proud of Heimdall who told Thor that Odin was proud of him.[32] Thor was then crowned King of the Asgardians and sat on a throne at the side of the Statesman. Heimdall requested on where to go now, to which Thor was unsure of. After trying to get any suggestions on where to go, he decided that they should set course for Earth to rebuild Asgard, perhaps in Norway as Odin suggested.

Thor eyepatch

Thor prepares to return to Earth with Loki

Spending months in space en route to Earth, Loki visited Thor and asked if it was a good idea to return to Earth, to which he said it was since everyone loved him there. Loki then declared, saying that he was talking about himself. Thor then assured to Loki that everything would be fine, only to watch a larger ship approaching them, to Thor and Loki's shock and horror.[5]

Attack on the Statesman[]

Thor Placed In Thanos' Hand

Thor is utterly defeated by Thanos

"It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you to what end? Dread it? Run from it? Destiny arrives all the same, and now it's here. Or should I say: I am."
"You talk too much."
―Thanos and Thor[src]

The Statesman was soon boarded by Thanos and the Black Order. Though Valkyrie led half the people to escape pods, Thor remained behind and led the defense against the invaders only to be personally confronted and easily beaten to submission by Thanos.[33]

Thor Tortured by the Power Stone

Thor being vigorously tortured by Thanos

In his weakened state, Thor was taken hostage by Thanos in order to force Loki to surrender the Tesseract, something Thor believed had been destroyed with the rest of Asgard. Thanos then began torturing Thor with the Power Stone, leading to Loki revealing the Tesseract, prompting Thor to bitterly insult his brother and call him the worst. However, Loki soon revealed that he had merely been stalling for time so that Hulk could ambush Thanos and he proceeded to tackle Thor to safety. Though the gamma-beast initially gave a good account of himself, Thanos quickly triumphed over the Avenger.

Thor vs Thanos

Thor desperately attempts to attack Thanos

In his rage, Thor attempted to once again attack Thanos only to be swatted aside with ease and restrained in metal by Ebony Maw's telekinetic powers. Heimdall then used the last of his strength to summon the Bifrost and send Hulk to Earth so that he could have warned the planet of Thanos, an act for which Thanos claimed his life much to Thor's rage who swore to kill the Titan in retaliation. Unamused, Ebony Maw simply gagged Thor.

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Thor is tightly constricted by Ebony Maw

After Thanos had claimed the Space Stone within the Tesseract, he directed the Black Order to Earth for the Time and Mind Stones, allowing Thor to deduce Thanos himself was going after the Reality Stone. Loki then stepped forward and offered to renew his allegiance to Thanos, sparing a glance at Thor to try and inform him of his true intentions. Unfortunately, Thanos easily anticipated Loki's attack and betrayal and choked him to death, mocking Thor that his brother would not be "resurrected" this time.

AIW Thor Mourns Loki's Corpse

Thor sadly mourns over Loki's corpse

With having his stone secured onto the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos used the Power Stone to destroy the remains of the Statesman before teleporting away. Freed from Maw's influence, Thor broke his restraints and fell to the ground, crawling over to Loki's corpse, openly grieving for his brother by his name only to get no response, as the Statesman exploded around them, Thor remained as the only survivor.[6]

Rescued in Space[]

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Thor meeting the Guardians of the Galaxy

"Only Eitri the Dwarf King can make me the weapon I need. I assume you're the captain, sir?"
"You're very perceptive."
"You seem like a noble leader. Will you join me on my quest to Nidavellir?"
―Thor and Rocket[src]

Left for dead in the vastness of space, Thor's barely conscious body was found by the Guardians of the Galaxy who brought him aboard the Benatar. After Mantis probed his surface thoughts and emotions, she woke him at Star-Lord's command. Thor awoke abruptly before questioning his now armed saviors who they were. Given food and a blanket, Thor calmed down and told the Guardians that Thanos was on the warpath and that he had destroyed half of Xandar for the Power Stone. Gamora then revealed herself as Thanos' adopted daughter and a defected member of the Black Order, who informed Thor that Thanos' endgame was to use all the Infinity Stones to wipe out half of all life in the universe.

Thor Explains Infinity Stones

Thor explains the stones to the Guardians

Seeking revenge on the Titan, Thor attempted to commandeer the Benatar's space pod to fly to Nidavellir and acquire a new weapon while directing the Guardians to Knowhere so they could secure the Reality Stone from the Collector, knowing it was the only possible objective Thanos would have. When questioned as to why, Thor revealed the Mind Stone and Time Stone were on Earth, and protected by the Avengers.

Thor, Rocket, & Groot (Farewell & Good Luck Morons)

Thor bids farewell to the Guardians

Once explaining who the Avengers were, Thor explained that he needed a new weapon to kill Thanos by going to Nidavellir. As Rocket expressed interest in joining the mission, Thor allowed him and Groot to tag along, thinking Rocket as a rabbit who seemed like a noble leader. After Rocket proposed the idea of going with the mission, Thor bid the "morons" farewell, wishing them luck getting the Reality Stone.[6]

Traveling to Nidavellir[]

Thor Arrives at Nidavellir

Thor arrives and observes Nidavellir

"I'm only alive because fate wants me alive. Thanos is just the latest in a long line of bastards, and he'll be the latest to feel my vengeance. Fate wills it so."
―Thor to Rocket[src]

Thor, Rocket and Groot made for the Dwarven star forge of Nidavellir to forge a weapon powerful enough to kill Thanos. As Rocket comforted him over the loss of his family and people, Thor assured him that his pain had given him the focus needed for avenging them. He was soon given a new eye by Rocket to replace his lost one. However, upon arrival, they found the Realm devastated, the forge extinguished and the Dwarves massacred.

Infinity Gauntlet Mold (Nidavellir)

Thor notices the Infinity Gauntlet's mold

Thor and the two Guardians boarded the realm to go inside where they noticed the mold for the Infinity Gauntlet, only for the Dwarf King, Eitri, to attack them in a fit of rage. Thor tried to calm down Eitri by telling it was him, to which Eitri recognized him and stopped attacking. Eitri angrily told that Asgard was supposed to protect the Dwarves, but Thor explained that it was destroyed.

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Thor motivates Eitri to build a new weapon

Calmly sitting down, Eitri told Thor that Thanos forced him to forge the Infinity Gauntlet to harness the power of the Infinity Stones, before being crippled and forced to watch his people be executed. Understanding what Eitri had been gone through, Thor motivated him to build a new weapon by stating his mind was all important to building any arsenal, knowing that it would feel like all hope had lost, and he declared that he and Eitri could kill Thanos.[6]

Forging the Axe[]

Thor IW

Thor assists on creating Stormbreaker

"Allfathers, give me strength."
"You understand, boy? You're about to take the full force of a star. It'll kill you."
―Thor and Eitri[src]

Together with Eitri, Thor, Rocket and Groot went to the ring and observed a mold that served as a powerful substance for a King's weapon. Since the ring had been frozen, Thor had the idea of using the pod to work around the gears to repair and restart Nidavellir's forge, in order to complete Stormbreaker, a powerful axe capable of killing Thanos and summon the Bifrost. However, the iris mechanism focusing the star's energy, required to heat the Uru metal ingots for the weapon, was crippled.


Thor unconscious and heavily wounded

Volunteering to physically hold the iris doors open, Thor opened the full brunt of the star's power to light the forge and allow Eitri to heat the metal and pour it into the mold. However, Thor fell unconscious partway through the process, shutting the iris and leaving the weapon without a handle. With Stormbreaker being the only thing that could heal Thor, Eitri searched for the handle to no avail. Having an idea, Groot used his own arm to create a handle, completing Stormbreaker.[6]

Battle of Wakanda[]

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Thor, Rocket, and Groot arrive in Wakanda

"Bring me Thanos!"

As he recovered from his wounds with his new profound weapon, the trio decided to leave Nidavellir and head to Earth. Summoning the Bifrost Bridge, Thor touched down into the land of Wakanda as the heroes in battle were in danger of being overrun by the Outriders. Thor's power quickly turned the tide of the battle and brought hope to the humans.

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Thor unleashing an attack on the Outriders

During the numerous attacks on his allies, Thor threw Stormbreaker at the many Outriders that were hurdling away from them as well as the many that were attacking the rest of his teammates. Once Stormbreaker returned to his hand, closing the Bifrost, Thor proceeded to look over at the crowd of Outriders and began to run up to them while yelling at them to bring him Thanos, before attacking the abundance of them with one swing.

This is Tree

Thor introduces Groot to Steve Rogers

As the battle on Wakanda continued, Thor spent most of the battle on the ground and killed as many Outriders as he could with multiple swings that proved fatal with each attack. Being noticed by Steve Rogers in the battle for his haircut, Thor quickly recognized his beard as he assumed that he copied his beard. Following up, Thor introduced his new ally Groot to Rogers, as he was killing a row of Outriders with one arm.

Thor (2018)

Thor attacks the Outrider Dropships

As the battle was on the brink of winning, Thor flew over a horde of Outriders that were leaving and heading towards the dropships to escape but were quickly executed with a swing in the air while summoning lighting. In the air, Thor flew upwards to get a view on his enemies and began to attack the numerous active dropships by slaughtering every single one of them as the battle had begun to end, with the Wakandan army celebrating their victory.[6]

Arrival of the Titan[]

Thor (Stormbreaker Lighting)

Thor violently attacks Thanos with lightning

"I told you... you'd die for that!"
"You should have... you should... you should have gone for the head."
―Thor and Thanos[src]

When Thanos arrived, he managed to defeat everyone that stood in his way and successfully extracted the Mind Stone from Vision to complete the Infinity Gauntlet. As the Titan basked in his victory, Thor unleashed a devastating attack with Stormbreaker, knocking his foe back and prompting him to retaliate with an energy beam from the completed Gauntlet. Undeterred, Thor charged his axe with all his power and threw it with all his might,[6] but chose to strike Thanos directly in the chest, so that he could taunt the Mad Titan to his face.[34]

Thor vs

Thor plunges Stormbreaker into Thanos

With the axe overpowering Thanos, Thor savored his revenge by reminding Titan of his earlier promise to kill him for attacking his people, inflicting further pain on Thanos. Unfortunately, Thor underestimated Thanos' resilience and was mocked in the face for not having struck him in the head for an instant kill, catching him completely off-guard and before Thor could further injure Thanos, the Titan managed to muster the strength to snap his fingers as Thor yelled in horror, as the Gauntlet was activated and the energy that surged from it covered the battlefield with light and caused an ominous rumbling throughout the whole universe.[6]

Thanos' Victory[]

Fried Infinity Gauntlet

Thor shocked at the damaged Gauntlet

"What did you do? What did you do?!"
―Thor to Thanos[src]

Thor was left shocked by the Infinity Gauntlet's use by Thanos, and questioned what Thanos had done but he was ignored by the Mad Titan, who simply gave him a mocking smirk and activated the heavily damaged Infinity Gauntlet in front of him and disappeared with a portal conjured by the Space Stone, leaving Stormbreaker on the ground.


Thor realizes what Thanos had done

While recalling Gamora's words, Thor was stunned on how he failed to murder Thanos when he had the chance and that had caused Thanos to succeed in his goals. Unable to answer when Steve Rogers asked where Thanos had gone, Thor could only watch in horror as many of his allies and the rest of life on the universe had been disintegrated into dust, realizing the extent of his folly.[6]

Life of Guilt[]

Arrival of Captain Marvel[]

AvengersEndgame 01

Thor feeling the guilt following the Snap

"What's wrong with him?"
"Oh, he's pissed. He thinks he failed. Which of course he did, but you know there's a lot of that's going around, ain't there?"
―Tony Stark and Rocket[src]

Following the Snap, Thor and the remaining Avengers, along with Rocket, returned to the Avengers Compound. Feeling a great deal of guilt, seeing the Snap as his own personal failure, Thor became silent and separated from everyone else for the next few days. When they encountered Captain Marvel, she went out to rescue Tony Stark from space.

Thor (Endgame)

Thor tests Carol Danvers with Stormbreaker

Captain Marvel eventually returned, landing the Benatar outside, but Thor did not come out, and even when they were all together inside, Thor sat in the other room. When Nebula revealed the location of Thanos, Thor stayed silent as the Avengers discussed their next move. When Captain Marvel suggested just going to Thanos and taking the Infinity Stones, Thor finally joined in, testing the new arrival by summoning Stormbreaker, which she did not flinch from. He then expressed his reverence for her, and they all prepared for the mission.[21]

Ambush on Thanos[]

Endgame 12

Thor realizing the Infinity Stones are gone

"What did you do?"
"I went for the head."
―Rocket and Thor[src]

They all then suited up and boarded the Benatar, where they began their journey to the Garden. Once they arrived, Captain Marvel did recon on the planet, detecting only Thanos to be there. After Captain Marvel's first move, War Machine and Bruce Banner entered the hut and restrained him, allowing Thor to burst in and slice off Thanos' left hand, separating him from the Infinity Gauntlet.

AoT 42

Thor cuts off Thanos' head

However, when Rocket turned over the Gauntlet, they discovered that the Infinity Stones were gone. They began to desperately demand Thanos to reveal where the stones were, but he told them that he had destroyed them due to his plan being fulfilled and them having no other use. While everyone tried to think that Thanos was lying, Thor just stood in the realization that he had failed once again.

Endgame 13

Thor leaving the Garden after killing Thanos

After Nebula confirmed that Thanos was telling the truth, Thor cut off his head in a rage, fulfilling his revenge and calling back to what Thanos had told him previously about going for the head. However, this was no victory for Thor, but just an emotional impulse coming from his own inability to handle failure, for which he felt even more now. With no other purpose of staying, a shaken Thor then walked out of the hut and returned to the Benatar.[21]

New Asgard[]

Bro Thor 1

Thor in his deep state of depression

"He won't see you."
"It's that bad, huh?"
"We only see him once a month when he comes in for... supplies."
―Valkyrie and Bruce Banner[src]

Even though the Ambush on Thanos failed, there were still some Asgardians who had survived Thanos' attack, so Thor brought them to Earth, where he transformed TĂžnsberg to be the New Asgard, of which Thor would resume his rule as King. Thor, following the words of Korg after the Destruction of Asgard, allowed the survivors of the Sakaaran Rebellion to also inhabit the land.

Fat Thor

Thor with Korg and Miek in New Asgard

However, over the next five years, Thor would fall into a deep state of depression, which he would deny with stories that possibly depicted his killing of Thanos as epic rather than the actual tragic reality. He also suppressed his grief through alcoholism,[21] causing him to gain serious weight, coming at the cost of most of his strength, leaving him sufficiently weaker than he was before.[35] Thor's isolation would be at the detriment of his people and Valkyrie's disappointment, as despite his attempts to assure himself he was fine, he knew he was struggling.[21]

Returning to the Avengers[]

Bro Thor 2

Thor reunites with Bruce Banner

"Why don't you ask the Asgardians down there how much my help was worth. The ones that are left, anyway."
"I think we can bring them back."
"Stop. Stop, okay? I know you think I'm down here wallowing in my own self-pity, waiting to be rescued and... and saved."
―Thor and Bruce Banner[src]

In 2023, Rocket and Bruce Banner visited New Asgard to recruit Thor back to the Avengers to help retrieve the Infinity Stones from the past. As the two Avengers entered his home, Thor initially believed them to be the repair people for the cable. But, as he retrieved another drink, he saw that it was his friends, for which he was happily surprised by. He enthusiastically hugged them both, as they were surprised after seeing Thor in his different state.

Thor vs

Thor threatens NoobMaster69

Their reunion was interrupted by Korg, who notified Thor of an abusive Fortnite player called NoobMaster69, who was insulting him and Miek. Infuriated, Thor threatened NoobMaster and promised to hurt him if he continued with the insults. As he returned to his drinking, Banner asked how he was going, to which Thor claimed that he was fine. Thor then asked about what they were up to, which Banner revealed that they came to get his help to resurrect the victims of the Snap.

Thor on Thanos

Thor breaks down from Thanos' name

However, when Banner mentioned Thanos' name, Thor immediately broke down and threatened Banner to not say that name. Banner then tried to comfort his friend, but Thor continued his denial, trying to use the fact that he killed Thanos as a proud achievement. Banner, understanding the struggle Thor was going through, reminded his friends of how he helped him through his own struggles, reminding him that he helped him get out of his predicament on Sakaar.

Bro Thor 10

Thor agrees to rejoin the Avengers

But Thor refused to join them, addressing how he viewed himself as a lousy King to his people, at least the ones that were left. Thor then tried to relieve his friends' worries by assuring them that he was truly fine and then rejected their request. However, he soon changed his mind once Rocket informed him that there was beer on the Benatar.[21]

Time Heist[]

Discussing the Aether[]


Thor arrives at the Avengers Compound

"I got to introduce her to my mother... who's dead. And, oh, you know, Jane and I aren't even dating anymore. These things happen though, you know. Nothing lasts forever. I'm not done yet. The only thing permanent in life is impermanence."
―Thor to the Avengers[src]

Thor arrived back at the Avengers Compound, where he continued to just drink while everyone else was working. As he walked through the hangar, Tony Stark passed him, making a reference to him looking like The Dude from the The Big Lebowski.

Time Heist Brainstorm 11

Thor falls asleep during the brainstorm

He then joined everyone as they watched Clint Barton test time travel, for which they were successful, so they decided to start planning the Time Heist. They all gathered as they discussed the best way to retrieve all of the Infinity Stones from the past, needing to pick the best points in time. Steve Rogers suggested that they start with the Aether, and asked Thor, as he was the only one who had encountered it. However, they discovered that Thor had fallen asleep during the brainstorm, which they jokingly thought he was dead.

Thor on Aether

Thor explaining his history with the Aether

He then awoke and went to inform them on what he knew about the Aether, but due to his unstable state, he started to ramble. He informed them that it was not a stone, but a liquified weapon forged from the Reality Stone itself, before suggesting a way to contain the Aether as its powers were unpredictable. He then started telling the history of the Aether: how it was secured by Bor from Dark Elves and that in 2013, Jane Foster became possessed by it, so he took her to Asgard to help her. He showed them pictures of Foster, Darcy Lewis, Erik Selvig, and Ian Boothby during those events.

Time Heist Brainstorm 25

Thor goes completely off topic

However, after the mention of these events, Thor remembered how it was when his mother was killed and that now he and Foster were no longer dating. Thor then became completely distracted from his task and began to go off topic about life and how nothing was permanent. Tony Stark went to stop him, but he finished his point, before asking for a Bloody Mary. Thor then proceeded to sit through the rest of the brainstorming, making himself his drink.

Thor & Ant-Man

Thor joining the Avengers for the Time Heist

After a few days of planning out the heist, Thor joined by Rocket going to Asgard in 2013 to steal the Reality Stone, while a team went to 2012 to steal the Mind, Space and Time Stones, and another team going to 2014 to steal the Power and Soul Stones. They all then suited up in their Advanced Tech Suits and made their way to the Quantum Tunnel, where they all listened to Rogers' speech before going to their set destinations.[21]

Theft of the Reality Stone[]

Loki (2013)

Thor quietly passes by an imprisoned Loki

"His head was over there... His body over there... What was the point? I was too late. I was just standing there. Some idiot with an axe."
―Thor to Frigga[src]

Thor and Rocket traveled to Asgard in 2013 to extract the Aether. Passing through the Asgardian Dungeons, Thor peeked at an incarcerated Loki in his cell levitating a cup in the air before continuing to the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf. Hiding behind a large column in the palace, Thor and Rocket spotted Jane Foster being escorted by a maiden to one of the chambers to rest and Thor confirmed that it was her.


Thor and Rocket discuss their plan

The two then hid in the Royal Palace as they discussed their plan, with the suggestion that Thor entertain Foster while Rocket would use the device to extract the Aether from her body. However, Thor changed the subject and attempted to steal some more wine from Odin's cellars. A disturbed Rocket asked Thor if he thought he had drunk enough already but Thor ignored his advice and began making his way to the cellar.


Thor has a panic attack during the mission

Suddenly, Thor saw Frigga and started going into a panic attack, remembering that she would die that day during the Sacking of Asgard. As Frigga and her maidens exited the hall, Rocket briefly brought Thor to his senses by slapping him and reminding Thor that he lost the Guardians of the Galaxy to the Snap as well. Still, Thor was unable to face any of his past and ran away, leaving Rocket to extract the Reality Stone from Foster by himself.

Thor (2023) & Frigga (2013)

Thor being given some advice by Frigga

Wandering around the Royal Palace while spying on Frigga, Thor was surprised by his mother when she confronted him and realized that he was from the future. Thor tried to pretend he was his past self, but quickly dropped the façade. He told his alternate mother that he wanted to speak with her, and Frigga hugged him in comfort. In one of her chambers, Thor confided in Frigga about his failure to stop Thanos five years ago in his timeline, as well as him killing him out of anger. Frigga assured Thor he was not an idiot, but indeed a failure, making him just like everyone else.

Rocket, Thor & Frigga

Thor says goodbye to his mother in the past

Frigga gave Thor advice, reminding him that everyone failed at fulfilling others' expectations at a certain point in life, and their true worth was found by following their own path. Thor then tried to warn his mother about her imminent death, but was cut off by Frigga not wanting to know, as she was prepared to meet her fate with dignity. Suddenly, Rocket rushed in, having successfully obtained the Aether, telling Thor they had to go. Frigga gave Thor some final words to help him as they hugged goodbye.

I'm still worthy

Thor learns that he is still worthy of MjĂžlnir

Before they could leave, Thor tried to summon MjĂžlnir to see if he was still worthy. It took a moment but much to his delight, the hammer came to him, giving Thor the final reassurance that he could still do good despite how he would feel about himself. Thor then decided to take MjĂžlnir with him as he and Rocket returned to the present after bidding farewell to Frigga one last time.[21]

Natasha Romanoff's Death[]


The Avengers mourn Natasha Romanoff

"Why are we acting like she's dead? We have the stones right? As long as we have the stones, Cap, we can bring her back. Isn't that right? So, stop this shit! We're the Avengers, get it together!"
"We can't get her back."
―Thor and Clint Barton[src]

Thor and Rocket, along with the rest of the Avengers, returned to the present, where they all celebrated in the mission's success. However, this was cut short when Clint Barton fell to his knees, as everyone noticed that Natasha Romanoff was not there, understanding she did not survive the mission. Mourning the loss of their friend, the original Avengers all gathered outside.


Thor discusses Natasha Romanoff's death

After Tony Stark asked about whether Romanoff had any family they had to inform, Thor was confused by their acceptance of her death, believing that they could use the Infinity Stones to bring her back. He desperately tried to get them to agree with him, now trying to do right, but he was corrected by Barton who stated that she could not be brought back. However, Thor did not believe him due to his inexperience in magical world.


Thor accepts Natasha Romanoff is dead

However, Barton assured him that her sacrifice could not be undone, according to the Stonekeeper, causing him to get angry and yell at Thor to go talk to him himself. This then put to rest Thor's hopes of bringing her back, causing him to once again be struck by more loss and pain that he was trying to overcome. After Bruce Banner accepted her loss, they all decided to not let their friend's death go without meaning, so they began working on constructing a Nano Gauntlet to contain the Stones.[21]

The Blip[]

Blip 2

Thor volunteers to wield the Nano Gauntlet

"We're all just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?"
"We should at least discuss it."
"Sitting here, staring at the thing is not going to bring everybody back. I'm the strongest Avenger."
―Thor and Scott Lang[src]

Tony Stark, Rocket and Bruce Banner successfully forged a Nano Gauntlet, leaving the only question as to who would snap their fingers. Thor, continuing his search for redemption, immediately volunteered to do it, but was met with strong refusal by everyone else.

Blip 6

Thor arguing with all of the other Avengers

Thor stated they could not waste time trying to decide who would do it, and that as the "Strongest Avenger", he should have filled the role. However, they continued to stop his attempts, which he desperately told them he wanted to do something right. But Stark informed him that not only was the power of the combined Infinity Stones too dangerous, but that he was in no condition to wield them.

Blip 22

Thor shields Rocket from danger

Thor still tried to make his case but was stopped when Banner claimed that it had to be him. Banner informed them that none of them could survive, seeing the damage it did to Thanos and that the radiation was mostly gamma, giving the possibility that he could. With Banner being the one to snap his fingers, the rest all suited up and stood around him as they locked down the Avengers Compound. When Banner put the gauntlet on, Thor shielded Rocket in the event something went wrong.

Blip 46

Thor checking on Bruce Banner's condition

As they watched Banner be affected by the gauntlet's power, Thor grew concerned and told them to get it off him, but Banner told them he was fine and proceeded. Banner was successfully able to snap his fingers, but it caused him to faint. They all gathered around him as Thor tried to comfort Banner, not sure if it had worked. Suddenly, they were attacked when the facility was bombed by Thanos from 2014, causing them all to be separated within the destroyed facility, Thor ending up with Stark and Steve Rogers.[21]

Battling Another Thanos[]


Thor observes Thanos from the wreckage

"You know it's a trap, right?"
"Yeah. I don't much care."
"Good. Just as long as we're all in agreement. Let's kill him properly this time."
―Thor and Iron Man[src]

After the attack ended, Thor made his way out of the wreckage that once was the Avengers Compound, where he noticed the alternate Thanos sitting outside.


Thor with Captain America and Iron Man

When he was joined by Iron Man and Captain America, he informed them that Thanos had been doing nothing, as they addressed that the location of the Infinity Stones were unknown and that Thanos did not have them. Thor told them that Thanos was waiting and there was clearly a trap for them, but Iron Man responded that he did not care, much to Thor's agreement.

Endgame 56

Thor calls both MjĂžlnir and Stormbreaker

Planning to face Thanos, Thor then summoned a bolt of lightning, which provided him with armor, as well as calling upon both MjĂžlnir and Stormbreaker. He then expressed his desire to kill the Titan again, this time properly. They then made their way to the ground, where they started to approach Thanos, who began to talk about their failures to stop him before, albeit the future version of him.

Stormbreaker & Mjolnir (Endgame)

Thor prepares to battle Thanos

The three then surrounded Thanos, as he continued to talk, explaining how despite his plans to bring balance to the universe, complications would still present themselves, in this case the Avengers. Thanos then announced his goal of destroying the universe as it was and using the stones to create a new one; one that might have been truly grateful for the life he had given them. He then put on his helmet as Thor channeled lightning through himself, preparing for the fight. Captain America objected to Thanos' plans, but he claimed that they would all be dead to be indifferent to it.

Endgame 60

Thor uses his lightning to boost Iron Man

They all then rushed the Titan, taking him on together, as he managed to fend them all off. The fight became more heated, despite their combined efforts to defeat him, as he was able to keep fighting. Iron Man then ordered Thor to charge him up with his lightning, which allowed him to blast multiple beams at Thanos, which he blocked. Thor then launched MjĂžlnir at Thanos by hitting it with Stormbreaker, which knocked Iron Man away from almost being ripped apart but rendering him unconscious.

2023 Thor vs 2014 Thanos

Thor facing off with Thanos

Thor then continued to face off against Thanos, rushing towards him until he was able to disarm him from his Double-Edged Sword. However, Thanos, too, managed to disarm Thor and then began to throw the God of Thunder around, ruthlessly beating him. Pinned, Thor tried to summon Stormbreaker to defend himself, but Thanos snatched it in mid-air and tried to cut into Thor's chest with it.

Thor (2023)

Thor sees Captain America wield MjĂžlnir

However, before he could finish Thor, Thanos was knocked away from him when MjĂžlnir struck the Mad Titan in the face. The two then discovered Captain America wielding MjĂžlnir, bringing delight to Thor as he had always suspected that he was worthy. However, Thanos then knocked Thor out, and proceeded to fight Captain America.[21]

Battle of Earth[]

Korg (Avengers)

Thor charges towards Thanos' entire army

"No, no, give me that. You have the little one."
―Thor to Captain America[src]

Thor eventually awoke, where he discovered Thanos' entire army had arrived on Earth. However, at the same time, numerous portals appeared opposite the army, with heroes, including those who died to the Snap, to help in the fight. As they all stood together, Thor summoned Stormbreaker and flew to the assembled heroes, as Captain America led the charge, with Thor letting out a loud battle cry.

Endgame 74

Thor fights alongside Captain America

Thor, along with everyone else, rushed towards Thanos' army, where he used Stormbreaker to defeat many enemies. Thor fought alongside Captain America, as the two briefly switched between using both of Thor's weapons, of which they were worthy of. However, after they cleared all enemies in their area, Thor, ending up with MjĂžlnir, asked to switch with Captain America for Stormbreaker, as it was more powerful.


Thor tries to kill Thanos with Stormbreaker

Thor continued to fight in the epic battle, but when Captain Marvel was stopped from returning the Nano Gauntlet, Thor, Iron Man and Captain America rushed over to stop Thanos from getting it. Thor fought Thanos off with both his weapons, and tried to get the Gauntlet, but could not keep Thanos away. With the assistance of Captain America, they tried to push Stormbreaker into the Titan, but he headbutted Thor, knocking him out, followed by Captain America, too.

Thor & Cap

Thor sadly watches Iron Man as he dies

After a heated fight, Iron Man was able to steal the Infinity Stones off Thanos, and used them to wipe out the entire army, with Thanos soon following. However, this action ended up killing Iron Man, due to the power of the stones. Everyone then gathered around the fallen hero, where Thor sadly watched his friend in his final moments.[21] Following Hawkeye, everyone then knelt before him, out of respect.[36]

As Thor had been wounded by Thanos during the battle, he spilled his blood on the battlefield, which was collected by Nick Fury's secret Skrull unit and placed into a vial known as the Harvest alongside other enhanced DNA samples. The Harvest vial was later administered by Super-Skrulls Gravik and G'iah, granting them access to Thor's physiology and abilities.[37][38]

Without a Path[]

New King of Asgard[]


Thor attending the funeral of Tony Stark

"Your people need a king."
"No, they already have one."
―Valkyrie and Thor[src]

In the aftermath of the battle, Thor attended the funeral for Tony Stark, where he watched Stark's recorded message with his family, Happy Hogan, James Rhodes and the remaining original Avengers. They all then went outside where he watched as Pepper Potts and Morgan Stark placed Stark's Arc Reactor on the lake. Thor stood alongside Bruce Banner as they mourned the death of their friend and fellow Avenger.

Thor and Valkyrie Endgame 3

Thor meeting with Valkyrie at New Asgard

Afterwards, Thor, who had decided to take some time away, went back to New Asgard, where he met with Valkyrie on a cliff. She asked when he would return, which he alluded that he wouldn't be. Valkyrie reminded him that the Asgardians needed their king, which he agreed with; however, he noted that she was their leader, not him.

Thor and Valkyrie Endgame 14

Thor appoints Valkyrie as New Asgard's king

Valkyrie initially thought Thor was joking, but he assured her that it was very much the case. He told her that he was not meant to be king, despite it being his birthright, and that he needed to find his true purpose. Valkyrie then took to Thor's words of her being a leader and accepted the role, promising that she would make changes.

Thor and Valkyrie Endgame 16

Thor discusses his life with no current path

They then shook hands, as Valkyrie then asked what Thor would now be doing with his life. However, he was not able to respond, for once not knowing what he was to do with his life, having no path outside of Asgard. However, he had arranged with the Guardians of the Galaxy transportation, joining them on their travels, in hopes to discover a new path for his life.[21]

Joining the Guardians[]

Thor joins the Guardians

Thor arriving on board the Benatar

"The Asgardians of the Galaxy, back together again."

Thor then made his way to the Benatar after Rocket called out to him while he was talking with Valkyrie. Once he came on board, he reunited with the Guardians of the Galaxy, mainly Groot, having spent more time with him before.

Peter Quill & Thor

Thor becomes a new Guardian of the Galaxy

He then joined Peter Quill, asking their next destination, as he touched the map. Threatened, Quill moved the map back and reconfirmed that he was in charge, which Thor agreed with, subtly challenging it by moving the map back. Quill then called Thor out, but Thor acted completely compliant, but still undermining him by calling him "Quail."

Leader of the Guardians

Thor challenging Peter Quill's leadership

Drax then joined in and suggested that they fight each other for the honor of being the leader, which the other members supported. However, they both hesitantly declined the duel, laughing it off as Thor assured that everyone knew who was in charge. However, this was still concerning for Quill, who stated that it was him, which Thor agreed with as if allowing him.[21]

Getting Back in Shape[]

Thor L&T Trailer 13

Thor working out

"Thor went from dad-bod to god-bod."

Thor continued his adventures with the Guardians of the Galaxy in the Benatar, in which they were joined by Kraglin Obfonteri, who they welcomed into the team. They also were joined by Korg, who gave Thor a baseball cap, listing candidates for the Strongest Avenger, in which Thor crossed out the names except for his. He then decided to get back into physical activity and worked out.

Thor training

Thor pulling the Benatar

When they stopped at various planets, Thor would use the opportunity to exercise. On one planet, Thor pulled the Benatar for a long stretch. Eventually, Thor had regained his muscular body and lost the body fat he had gained. This improved his morale.[2]

Adventures with the Guardians[]

Asgardians of the Galaxy L&T

Thor continues to be a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy

"He teamed up with the Guardians of the Galaxy and set off on some classic Thor adventures."

Now with his muscular body back, Thor continued his adventures with the Guardians of the Galaxy, responding to distress calls across the universe. However, Thor remained discontent with where he was in life, and intended to retire. On another planet, while the Guardians fought aquatic creatures in a swamp, Thor perched on a rock and watched.[2]

Battle of Indigarr[]

Thor (Love and Thunder)

Thor resting on Indigarr

"King Yakan, tell them what happened here today. Tell of the time that Thor and his ragtag motley crew of misfit desperados turned the tide in the battle and etched their names in history. The odds may be against us, but I'll tell you this for free: This ends here and now!"

After receiving a distress call on Indigarr, Thor told the team that they would go have a relaxing holiday. While there, he went to a hill and meditated quietly, placing Stormbreaker in the dirt. His relaxation was interrupted when Star-Lord and Mantis approached him and asked him to help them face Habooska the Horrible and his army.

Thor holds Stormbreaker

Thor prepares to face the Booskans

Thor then grabbed Stormbreaker and flew down to the ground, where he was asked by Rocket of why he told them it was a holiday in which he stated it would have been like one. Thor was then approached by King Yakan and the Indigarrians who were pleased he had come down from the hill. Thor gave them a speech and noted how he and the Guardians would save them. Yakun told Thor that Indigarr's gods had been murdered, surprising Thor.

Thor with the splits

Thor fighting the Booskans

Thor then summoned Stormbreaker and went into the fight, engaging the Booskans. He used Stormbreaker to destroy their vehicles and then his lightening to kill them. He also used Stormbreaker to electrify the Sacred Temple in order to kill Habooska, but accidentally destroyed the temple in the process.

Thor L&T Trailer 69

Thor receives two Indigarrian Goats

As thanks from Yakan for saving his people, Thor received two Indigarrian Goats named Toothgrinder and Toothgnasher, which he considered beautiful, even though Yakan gave them to him as punishment for destroying the temple, and Thor thanked him for the gift while trying to apologize for the accidental destruction.[2]

Conflict with Gorr[]

Learning about the God Butcher[]

Thor in the Benatar

Thor inside the Benatar

"The God Butcher is coming. He seeks the extinction of the gods. Asgard is next."
―Sif to Thor[src]

Thor then brought Toothgrinder and Toothgnasher on board the Benatar. However, the goats caused problems inside, leading to Nebula and Mantis wanting to put them down. Thor prevented that, just as Kraglin Obfonteri walked in with an Indigarrian woman he had married.

Asgardians of the Galaxy (LaT)

Thor and the Guardians look at the distress calls

As Peter Quill gave Obfonteri a hard time, Thor was alerted to countless distress calls on the monitor. They gathered around and observed as several gods were attacked, showing corpses of some. One call flashed by, which was of Sif, and Thor asked Quill to go back to it. She asked for his help in the call stating that a God Butcher was on the loose, leading Thor to become saddened again.

Thor and Quill

Thor speaks with Peter Quill

He walked away from the others and went outside, where Quill followed. Despite his reluctance to part ways with them, Thor was given advice by Quill on leaving his heart open to feel love even if that meant losing it, noting how he had lost his love. Thor explained that he had been in love before and that it had ended in a handwritten note. Thor then stated he would go find Sif while they answer the other calls.

Thor L&T Trailer 25

Thor says goodbye to the Guardians of the Galaxy

The rest of the Guardians soon walked out, as Thor exchanged a handshake with Quill. Thor then stated he would give Quill the ship as a parting gift, leading Quill to remind him it was his ship to begin with. Thor then said his goodbyes to Rocket, Groot, Drax, Nebula and Mantis, before Quill ordered Obfonteri to start the ship. Thor and Korg then watched as the Guardians flew off into a Jump Point.

Korg and Thor

Thor and Korg prepare to leave Indigarr

Once they left, Thor asked Korg if they were gone, in which he confirmed. Thor then summoned Stormbreaker, which nearly hit Korg, and then used it to change his outfit into Asgardian Armor. He then prepared to utilize the Bifrost Bridge, bringing the goats and Korg with him.

Thor L&T Trailer 40

Thor sees Falligar the Behemoth's corpse

After arriving in Alfheim, Thor discovered his fellow god, Falligar the Behemoth's corpse. Upset by this, Thor then saw Sif lying on the ground by Falligar. Worried, Thor flew over and spoke with her, noting that her arm was severed. Sif told him she wanted to go to Valhalla, but he reminded her she survived and couldn't yet.

Thor and Sif

Thor talks to Sif

After telling Lady Sif that the only way she can go ahead now is to stay alive, he told her to go with him back to New Asgard. Thor was then warned by Sif about a god-butcher named Gorr, who was hunting out all gods across the universe in the aspirations to kill all of them, identifying him as the one who killed Falligar and injured Lady Sif, telling him that Gorr would attack New Asgard next. Alerted, Thor decided to take Korg and Lady Sif with him out to New Asgard, deciding to prepare his defenses before the area got attacked by the Godbutcher.[2]

Protecting New Asgard[]

Thor & Mjolnir

Thor attempting to get back MjĂžlnir

"Enough tomfoolery. Why don't you take off that mask and reveal yourself? Come on."
―Thor and Jane Foster[src]

That night, New Asgard was attacked by Shadow Monsters. Thor was told by Valkyrie that Korg was there fighting, and he would enjoy a new person fighting. Thor used Stormbreaker to fight; however, he saw MjĂžlnir flying around, wanting to get it back. Thor then asked MjĂžlnir to come back to him; however, it came to Mighty Thor, much to Thor's bewilderment as he saw her wielding MjĂžlnir and dressed exactly like him.

Thor sees Jane

Thor is shocked to see Jane Foster

Thor demanded that she reveal herself, so Mighty Thor removed her Winged Helmet, shocking Thor to be seeing his ex-girlfriend, Jane Foster. Completely taken aback, Thor tried to understand how she had gained his powers, but Mighty Thor insisted they talk later, as they were in the middle of a fierce battle. When Thor came up against Gorr the God Butcher, Foster and Valkyrie came to his support, so Gorr retreated. They discovered that the children had been taken by Gorr, so Mighty Thor and Thor went to save them, but he escaped before they could reach them.[2]

Heading to Omnipotence City[]

Mighty Thor with Thor

Thor and Mighty Thor

"What's Omnipotence City?"
"It's home to the most powerful gods in the universe. We could pull together the greatest team ever."
―Jane Foster and Thor[src]

Mighty Thor flew around the Earth twice looking for the children but was unable to find any trace of them. When she returned to New Asgard to report her findings, she and Thor talked about how long it had been since they saw each other, with Foster not thinking it was as long due to being gone for five years from the Snap. Thor recounted how Foster only left him a note when they broke up, but Foster countered that Thor had already left her before the note, so they agreed that they both left and got left by the other.

Thor and Jane

Thor and Jane Foster leave New Asgard

With the children gone, the Asgardians gathered in panic over what to do to get them back. Thor announced that he would rescue the children himself, but when he went to summon the Bifrost Bridge, he ended up crashing outside, so Valkyrie called everyone away so she could make a plan with Foster, Thor and Korg. Knowing that Gorr's strength would have been at its peak there, Thor, Mighty Thor, Valkyrie and Korg traveled to Omnipotence City to warn Zeus of Gorr and ask for an army to help fight him.[2]

Escape from Omnipotence City[]

Thor & Valkyrie

Thor talks to Valkyrie

"Is this the purpose of the gods? To hide away in a golden palace like cowards? Maybe we have lost our way. You know what? We'll stop him ourselves."
"I am afraid I cannot allow that."
―Thor and Zeus[src]

The group used Asgardian Skiffs to fly to Omnipotence City. Once there, Mighty Thor talked to Thor, showing off her possible catchphrases which Thor thought they were funny. Once Foster went ahead, Valkyrie talked to Thor about Foster. However, Thor claimed that he did not have feelings for her.

Thor, Mighty Thor, Valkyrie & Korg

Thor in Omnipotence City

Arriving at the meeting of the gods, Thor attempted to disguise himself with his cape, very proud of his style choice. Valkyrie then arrived with actual disguises, having taken them off of the emotion gods. They walked in and Thor marveled at the gods that were displayed. When Zeus arrived, Thor grew very excited and cheered on Zeus. Valkyrie wanted to fight, but Thor assured her his belief that he could talk to Zeus. Zeus then called everybody out, asking who was talking. Korg stupidly pointed at Thor, leading to Zeus to make him go onto the stage in front of everyone.


Thor's clothes get flicked off

Zeus flicked off Thor's disguise too forcefully, ripping off all of Thor's clothes and leaving him exposed naked in front of the crowd. An angry Thor then demanded Zeus' help, but he refused. Thor called him scared, so Zeus marched down to Thor and whispered. Zeus admitted that he was scared as Gorr the God Butcher had the All-Black the Necrosword. However, he also did not want to panic, so he was not going to help. Thor then asked for Thunderbolt. Zeus threw it around, displaying it for the crowd before saying no. Zeus also explained that Thor could not leave as he could lure Gorr to them.

Thor vs

Thor fights the Spartans

Valkyrie then asked if they could do her plan. Thor agreed, so a fight commenced. Thor fought all of the Spartans, grabbing Korg's hammer and slamming it onto a guard. The group fought some more until Zeus had enough and threw Thunderbolt at Korg, seemingly killing him. Zeus then called out Thor before throwing his Thunderbolt again. Thor grabbed the Thunderbolt, charged it with lightning, and threw it back at Zeus, impaling him. Thor ran to the crumpled rocks, sad about his friend. Suddenly, Korg's voice came out from the pile. Apparently, the only live part of the Kronan was the face, so Korg remained alive. The group then grabbed the Thunderbolt and left.[2]

Heading to the Shadow Realm[]

Thor L&T Trailer 33

Thor talks to Stormbreaker

"I wanna be with you, Jane. What do you say?"
"I have cancer."
―Thor and Jane Foster[src]

Back on the Asgardian Skiff, Thor used Axl Heimdallson to talk to the kids. He told them about how he vanquished Zeus and they were going to be saved soon. His connection was interrupted when Valkyrie tickled his nose with her hair. Thor then gave Valkyrie the Thunderbolt as he heard Stormbreaker getting mad. He then walked out to Stormbreaker and tried to talk to it, even pouring beer onto the axe.

Jane Foster & Thor

Thor finds out about the cancer

Jane Foster then walked out to Thor and they talked about their relationship. Thor said that he wanted someone to make him feel shitty. Foster then blurted out that she had cancer, surprising and worrying Thor. She then immediately took it back, claiming she was lying. Thor grew serious as they talked about her condition before kissing once again. They were interrupted by Valkyrie who walked out saying they were at the Moon of Shame. The color started turning black and white as they arrived.[2]

Ambush at the Shadow Realm[]

Thor L&T Trailer 64

Thor holds Jane Foster's hand

"You know nothing of being a god."
"You went to the gods for help, and they did nothing. We're alike in that sense."
―Thor and Gorr the God Butcher[src]

They crashed into the Moon of Shame and tried to find the kids. Inside Gorr the God Butcher's hut was plans. Suddenly, Mighty Thor summoned Stormbreaker and threw it into the sky. Thor asked her why she would do that and she explained it was a trap as the axe was the key to open the Gates of Eternity. Gorr then arrived and tied everyone up in tentacles.

Thor B&W

Thor taunts Gorr the God Butcher

Gorr got close to Thor, telling him to summon the axe, but Thor told him he would when Gorr went to a dentist. Gorr then pulled the tentacles tighter, incapacitating Thor even more. Gorr then started talking about love as he pulled tighter on Foster. He told Thor to choose love. Seeing Foster getting strangled to death, Thor summoned Stormbreaker which crashed into the moon, causing them to get sprung up in the rubble.

Thor (Asgardian God of Thunder)

Thor blasts Gorr the God Butcher

They regrouped on the surface as Gorr shadow teleported around them. Gorr silently told Thor to give him the axe, but Thor taunted him back. He then blasted Gorr with lightning, which was blocked by the All-Black the Necrosword. They worked together to fight until Valkyrie was stabbed by Gorr. Thor yelled out to Valkyrie as Foster said they needed to go. Thor summoned the Bifrost Bridge only for Stormbreaker to get grabbed. Thor struggled to hold onto the axe as the force of the Bifrost was pulling him away. His grip slipped as he was summoned away without Stormbreaker.[2]

Jane Foster's Health[]

Thor and Jane kiss

Thor kisses Jane Foster goodbye

"I've always loved you. And this is a chance for us. But if you pick up that damn hammer again, then that chance is gone. It's your choice, Jane. But I'd regret it every single day if I didn't ask you to stay here so we could try and figure this out together."
―Thor to Jane Foster[src]

Thor, Jane Foster and a very injured Valkyrie dropped down in New Asgard. Thor looked up to find a sick Foster trying to grab MjĂžlnir as she returned to her mortal form. With two threats now looming, Thor chose love and stayed with Foster. He brought her to the emergency room where the doctor told him that MjĂžlnir happened to drain her mortal strength, which enabled her to fight the cancer. Thor angrily punched the vending machine.

Valkyrie gives Thor Thunderbolt

Thor is given the Thunderbolt

Thor returned to Foster's room and gave her a bunch of food, claiming that there was a refrigerator without a door. He then talked to Foster and told her the news about her fate. He told her that he did not want her to fight anymore, but she reassured him it was okay, and she wanted to. Thor still refused, but she argued it was her choice. Thor professed his love to her before agreeing it was her choice. So, he left MjĂžlnir with her, saying that she should've chosen her own fate. He then met with Valkyrie outside, who lost an organ. She gave Thor Thunderbolt, which Thor used to teleport to the center of the universe where Eternity was located.[2]

Stopping Gorr's Quest[]

Thor giving his powers to the kids of Asgard

Thor gives his power to the Asgardian children

"General Axl... Lead your army to that axe."
"We shall do our worst. For Asgard."
―Thor and Axl Heimdallson[src]

Thor arrived at the Gates of Eternity and found the children there with Gorr the God Butcher. However, he was too late as Gorr already was using Stormbreaker to open up the gate. Thor enlisted help of the children. He asked if they knew how to fight and then used Thunderbolt to enchant the children with the power of Thor. This gave the children incredible strength and powers, enough to fight the Shadow Monsters.

Thor sadly looks at Jane

Thor witnesses Jane Foster join the fight

Thor leaped at the Shadow Monsters and fought them before running to Gorr, whom he fought using Thunderbolt until Gorr managed to pin Thor to the ground, trying to plunge his blade into Thor. Suddenly, he was hit by MjĂžlnir. Thor looked up to find Mighty Thor arriving with Warsong. Thor sadly voiced his displeasure, but Foster nodded at him as if to say she made her choice. Thor then fought Gorr with Foster.

All-Black in use

Thor fights against Gorr the God Butcher

They exchanged blows with Thor dismantling Thunderbolt temporarily to block an attack. He then ran over to Stormbreaker and tried to get it to break free, but was unable to. He finally did so after many struggling tries. He then threw it towards Axl Heimdallson, who used it to get everyone home. Thor looked over to see Foster, who had broken the All-Black the Necrosword. She looked at him before summoning MjĂžlnir, which gathered up the sword pieces as it returned, inhibiting the hammer.

Thor sees Gorr enter the Gate

Thor sees Gorr enter the Gates of Eternity

She then summoned lightning, which destroyed the hammer and the sword, turning it into dust as Gorr screamed. Thor ran over to the now mortal Foster, who struggled to stay on her feet. Even though she was dying, she told Thor to stop Gorr, who was stumbling into the gate. Thor did not worry about that as he wanted to stay with Foster.[2]

Choosing Love[]

Thor tells Gorr to choose Love

Thor offers Gorr the God Butcher a choice

"You've won, Gorr. Why would I spend my last moments with you when I can be with her? I choose love. You can, too. You can bring her back. Make your wish."
―Thor to Gorr the God Butcher[src]

As Gorr the God Butcher entered through the gate, Thor and Jane Foster were also sent to a well-like place. He talked to Gorr just before he made his wish. However, Gorr was surprised that Thor was not going to stop him and stopped. Thor explained that Gorr already won, so he should make his choice. However, Thor chose love and Gorr should have too. He then walked over to Foster and held her. Gorr decided Thor was right and did choose love.

Jane dies

Thor holds the dying Jane Foster

Thor watched as Gorr's daughter, Love emerged and walked over to the dying Gorr. Gorr was heartbroken to see his daughter, but knew he was dying. Foster then told Gorr that Thor would take care of her. Thor agreed as Gorr perished. Thor then looked to foster, who smiled at him as she died and went to Valhalla, leaving just Thor and Love.[2]

A New Purpose[]

Raising Love[]


"Love and Thunder" jumping into battle

"Got it. Protect the nice ones."
"I love you, sweetie."
"Love you, Uncle Thor."
―Love and Thor[src]

Thor trained Love in combat and entrusted the Stormbreaker to her. Love joined Thor in battle many times, where they eventually became known as simply Love and Thunder. She drew a smiley face on Thor's weapon MjĂžlnir, which Thor reluctantly agreed made the weapon look better. Thor tried to serve pancakes for breakfast, but she did not like them. As they prepared for battle, they had an argument because she wanted to wear slippers while he wanted her to wear boots, and she tried to blast him with optic beams. He got his way, and she wore the boots. Thor reminded her that they had a responsibility to defend the weak, and they charged out to defend an alien race from an invading army.[2]

Deadpool's Sacrifice[]

Future Thor (TVA Monitor)

Thor cries over Deadpool

"Is that me? Is that Thor? Is he crying?"
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. That happens in the distant future."
―Deadpool and Mr. Paradox[src]

Thor eventually found himself back on Svartalfheim with a mutant known as Deadpool. Deadpool got very injured to the point where his mask was broken in half. Thor looked down upon Deadpool much like he did many years before with Loki and wept over Deadpool's body.[39][40]


"I'm tired of giving myself over to the idea of fate and trying to figure out what the universe wants from me. I wanna live in the moment, I wanna live like there's no tomorrow, throw caution to the wind."
―Thor to Mighty Thor[src]

Before his banishment to Earth, Thor was initially conceited, arrogant, immature and stubborn. He had proven to be bloodthirsty and enjoyed the challenge of battle and combat, Laufey even stated on Jotunheim that he craved war, with the Frost Giants in particular, due to being Odin's own wars with them convincing him that they were vicious monsters. This bloodlust began as early as his childhood, with Thor then jesting that he'd hunt down the Frost Giants and slay them all if he became king. His adoptive brother Loki even commented that Thor would have killed the entire race of Frost Giants with his bare hands as an adult. However, it should be noted that Thor still had some honorable traits, as he notably supported his friend Sif in her goals to become a great warrior, while most others would not take her seriously. In his heart, he only wishes to live up to the expectations of his father to become a great king but, in truth, he did have difficulty finding the difference between a ruler and a warrior and what makes each a good man.

Thor was quick to anger and could act rashly to a situation such as when Asgard was broken into; his first instinct was to attack the Jotuns to dissuade them to ever do a similar stunt again. Later on, he, Sif and the Warriors Three launched an all-out attack on Jotunheim, ignoring the fact that they'd be sorely outnumbered which seemed to stem from arrogance, although at the time he only went to achieve answers on how they infiltrated Asgard. When the Frost Giants had ruined his coronation, he reacted by angrily flipping over a table and finally when he was later insulted by a Frost Giant on Jotunheim, Thor reacted by promptly decapitating the former with MjĂžlnir and started a fight with the other Frost Giants.

Because he hails from royalty and has spent several centuries off Earth since last, Thor was out of place on Midgard as his boisterous personality was often part of his charm on Asgard and he was unaware of Earth's customs and rules. For example, when he broke a cup of a drink he liked while yelling "other" (thinking it was appropriate on Earth), he asked for a horse at a pet store (that was because when he last visited Midgard humanity was still using horses to a great extent) and walked in the middle of a street. His vocabulary and endearments were also outdated and out of place in modern times, he was trapped inside, mystifying everyone around him into thinking he was delusional even though it was simply the way people talked about Asgard. After returning to arrest Loki, Thor seemed to gain tact, but still believed that Bilgesnipe existed on Earth. Also, Thor was initially shown to be quite vain and selfish. For example, as doctors and guards held him down in a hospital, he described himself as "powerful." He was also flabbergasted when he found himself content only to state in disbelief that "it's not possible" since he never lost a battle beforehand with his divine powers.

When his irresponsibility and arrogance placed his home Asgard and the Nine Realms in danger, his father, Odin, banished Thor to Earth and stripped him of all his powers. That, in addition to him discovering that he was no longer worthy of MjĂžlnir's power, put Thor into a state of depression. This, along with Loki lying that Odin died, humbled him greatly and during his time on Midgard, fell in love with the human Jane Foster which finally taught him the humility and wisdom he was lacking. Hence, after his adoptive brother Loki sent the Destroyer to kill him, Thor defended the Warriors Three and the townspeople of New Mexico and selflessly gave up his own life for the town, thereby finally becoming worthy of MjĂžlnir again. After regaining his power, Thor would take too often holding back his great powers, unless battling an opponent of equivalent strength and durability, which Thor notably held back in all of his duels with Loki, believing that "[his] brother was still in there somewhere."

Thor, however, did still appear to be somewhat hot-tempered, as when he met with Iron Man for the first time, the two battled in the woods, with Thor then proceeding to charge at Captain America, when the latter intervened. However, he quickly came to see that he and the other Avengers were fighting for the same cause and befriended them, notably saving Black Widow from an enraged Hulk.

At this time, Thor would become far more responsible than before, since as soon as the Bifrost was regenerated by energy from the Tesseract, Thor took it upon himself to safeguard the worlds of the Nine Realms that had fallen into chaos and conflict in the Asgardians' absence. Following losing Foster after the Bifrost destruction, Thor also became somewhat somber and Sif herself noticed this personality shift from how he used to celebrate all night long to simply staring idly at the ongoing feast of his friends. Thor has learned from his mistakes and grown to such lengths that he surpassed Loki and even Odin. He was willing to commit treason and spare his enemies if it was honorable as he destroyed the Bifrost to spare Jotunheim and free Loki, going against the Allfather by taking the Aether to Svartalfheim to destroy Malekith as Odin's way would have resulted in countless of Asgardians' death.

While Thor was destined to become the King of Asgard, however, he eventually realized that he couldn't actively protect the Nine Realms from the throne, and selflessly denied his birthright, even offering MjĂžlnir to (who he thought was) Odin. After helping the Avengers defeat Ultron, Thor temporarily left his friends, taking it upon himself to find the rest of the Infinity Stones and learn the identity of the ultimate enemy.

Whatever remained of Thor's boastful personality has seemingly vanished since Odin's death and Hela destroying MjĂžlnir. Without an object to channel his supernatural powers, even though he retained his immense superhuman might, and with the guilt of having failed to save his father, Thor believed he was worthless which made any remains of arrogance that he had completely disappear, as can be seen with his interactions towards people have become more awkward and overly-excitable such as when he realized that Brunnhilde was a Valkyrie on Sakaar, he tried to explain and convince her to join him rather than ordering her like he would have done with any other Asgardians. Nevertheless, while Thor's arrogance had disappeared fully, he still remains utmostly confident and assured in his abilities as a warrior, as can be witnessed when he told Grandmaster to "point [him] in the direction of whoever's ass [he had] to kick," despite his champion being praised as a savage opponent. The knowledge of how Asgard really rose to power farther humbled Thor even more, as he was shocked and dismayed of his father's war seeking past. Although his love and respect for Odin remained as high as ever, he has come to accept that Odin's darker nature indirectly caused Ragnarok and openly admitted that Odin had flaws in his own right, even saying that Hela had a right to be angry with Odin. Though Thor has mostly unlocked the full magnitude of his powers since Asgard's destruction and Hela's defeat there still remains an awkwardness to his character, especially when compared to his previous personality. During his original coronation, he yelled uproariously towards his subjects in a victorious manner but when ascending to King of Asgard he only awkwardly waved to the Asgardians behind him.

After Thanos attacked and massacred half of his kind, with only he himself as the only known survivor of the half that was slaughtered by Thanos, and witnessing Loki's death, Thor was greatly saddened and left furious by having lost his brother who he had just reconciled with and the deaths of the Asgardians and gained a strong desire to kill Thanos to avenge his people and brother, which he vowed to do so to the Titan, although Thanos was not fazed and simply taunted him that Loki is truly dead. Out of all the deaths of the Asgardians, Thor is particularly riddled with grief and anger over the deaths of his family and to a lesser degree, Heimdall, who Thor considered his best friend, and he lamented the fact that he is the sole survivor and only surviving legacy of the Asgardian Royal Family so strongly that he showed some sadness when talking to Hela, who had ruthlessly tried to kill him and even cried upon talking about Odin, Frigga and Loki. Although he retains much of his old personality, Thor has become noticeably more somber and sullen. He also seems to have gained a new perspective on why he had prevailed over the countless enemies he faced, as rather than saying it was due to his immense power and prowess as a warrior, Thor somewhat humbly said to Rocket that he believed he is only alive because fate wants it. His resentment for Thanos even made him about to attack Gamora when he learned she is Thanos' daughter, although he remains fully reasonable even with those connected to Thanos, as he went as far as to calmly talk about his own family problems with her. Having nothing more to lose, Thor valiantly and did everything he could to kill Thanos to avenge his people and family, with him going as far as to single-handedly bravely confront and wound Thanos with Stormbreaker, coming the closest to winning against Thanos. He even showed some sadism when he mocked Thanos that he had ignored Thor's promise to kill him and that caused him to be now seemingly beaten, having intentionally intended to wound Thanos first and gloat before killing him, but this proved to be a fatal mistake that Thor would deeply regret, as the blow was not sufficient to hinder Thanos, who successfully utilized the brief moment to activate the Infinity Gauntlet and wipe out half of the universe and escape, causing Thor to not only be mocked once again by Thanos, who remained calm even after being wounded but also fail to avenge his people and brother as well as losing more of his friends.

Following the Snap, Thor found himself riddled with guilt and fury in the knowledge that his fatal mistake had resulted in the destruction of half the universe's life forms. He retained a glimmer of hope, however, and immediately voted in favor of Carol Danvers' plan to claim the Infinity Stones and bring everyone back. During the confrontation, he actually seemed to have taken the Mad Titan's taunts to heart, immediately cutting off the Infinity Gauntlet to prevent him from utilizing it. However, upon discovering that Thanos had destroyed the Infinity Stones his wounds only deepened with shame and remorse and he killed the Mad Titan without hesitation shortly afterwards, finally avenging the deaths of his people. However, this brought Thor no semblance of peace at all.

Even five years after Thanos' death, Thor still continued to be haunted by his failure to stop the Titan and suffered in the belief that he had not been able to embody the qualities of an ideal king that had been imbued into him throughout his entire childhood. Still, he unsuccessfully tried to keep up a façade of still being his former self and initially refused to assist in the Time Heist. However, all this changed upon seeing his mother, Frigga, again, who told him he had indeed failed and that this made him just like anyone else; finally lifting the burden of having to be an ideal king from his shoulders.

During the Battle of Earth, Thor bravely faced Thanos alongside his fellow Avengers, displaying no signs of his previous anger towards the Titan. After the Battle, Thor seems to have returned to his former-self and decided to pursue a voyage of self-discovery. He also ceded the throne of New Asgard to Brunnhilde, having made peace with the fact he is not a leader. After taking in Love as his adoptive daughter, Thor took it upon himself to teach her the way of the warrior and hero. Thor is also learning to be a good parent to Love and not to make the same mistakes his own father has made.

Powers and Abilities[]


"I'm not as strong as you."
"No. You're stronger."
―Thor and Odin[src]
  • Asgardian Physiology: As an Asgardian, Thor possesses incredible supernatural powers and superhuman attributes far surpassing many others of his species, with only his father and older sister being his superior in power. With the death of Odin and Hela, Thor is currently the most powerful Asgardian within the Nine Realms and the cosmos. As Asgard's warrior prince, Thor trained in the arts of battle, which he has practiced for thousands of years. He is recognized as relying solely on his superior fighting ability, strength, and nigh-invulnerability. Following his banishment to Earth, Thor greatly withholds his power unless fighting someone with similar strength and durability. Due to his immense powers and disciplined perspective, Thor often has to hold back during a fight due to the destruction his strength may cause to his surroundings, such as his fight on the Helicarrier with Hulk, but even then he was still easily powerful enough to overpower multiple superhuman enemies and even overpower or at least contend with powerful beings such as Hulk and Loki. When he does let loose with his powers, Thor is capable of decimating much of his surroundings, such as when he shattered an entire ice shelf during a battle on Jotunheim, and defeating a foe being empowered by an Infinity Stone, such as Malekith. After getting his full powers, Thor became powerful enough to contend with the true first-born of Odin and his older sister Hela. Odin implied that Thor has the potential to surpass him in the future. Wielding Stormbreaker, Thor was the one of the three heroes who made a successful attempt at hurting Thanos with the other three being Wanda and Captain Marvel, with Thanos himself suggesting that if Thor hit him in the head with Stormbreaker he might have been able to kill him. However, despite the great capabilities Thor possesses, neglecting his condition can extract a heavy toll on his power. This was evidenced when after 5 years of depression and an unhealthy lifestyle, Thor even using both MjĂžlnir and Stormbreaker at the same time, was still overpowered by an Infinity Stones deprived Thanos. Nevertheless, Thor did prove to be more of a challenge than most of the heroes who tried to face Thanos.
    • Superhuman Strength:
      Benatar pulled by Thor

      Thor pulling a flying Benatar

      As an Asgardian, specifically the son of Odin, Thor is the third strongest Asgardian of his time, only surpassed by Odin and Hela, and with their deaths, he is now the strongest Asgardian alive. His incredible high-level of superhuman strength enables him to easily overpower hordes of Humans, Enhanced Humans, Asgardians, Frost Giants, Chitauri, Marauders, Dark Elves, Ultron Sentries, Outriders and various other species within or beyond the Nine Realms. He can lift or move immensely heavy objects effortlessly, such as when he was able to easily catch a falling car with one arm during Battle of Sokovia, saving the family trapped inside it, and flip a large, wide ceremonial table over on Asgard. He can also easily crush extremely durable objects, such as Iron Man's gauntlets. Thor's strength extends to his ability to leap great distances. With his strength, Thor is able to take on multiple enemies at the same time, using MjĂžlnir to send large groups of enemies, like the Frost Giants, the Chitauri or Ultron Sentries flying with each strike. Using his weapon MjĂžlnir, Thor's strength is compounded, as he is able to swing his mighty hammer with great speed and force. Thor's strength is so great, that he can throw his hammer with enough force to break through nearly any barrier. Thor was also strong enough to overpower the Destroyer, which had overwhelmed the likes of Sif and the Warriors Three combined. Notably, he kicked Loki with enough force to shatter glass, lifted his brother off the ground and slammed him with enough force to stun him in their second duel. He also effortlessly overpowered Iron Man in his Mark VI despite it being empowered by Thor's electricity. His strength is so great that strikes with MjĂžlnir are usually fatal, knocking out opponents with one hit. Only beings of incredible power, like the Destroyer, Hulk, Malekith, Kurse, Ultron, Surtur, Hela, Thanos, alternate Thanos and Gorr can take multiple direct hits from Thor. Hence, Thor was able to shatter a massive Kronan Stone Man, take down a Leviathan and even break the Rainbow Bridge, all with only several blows of his hammer. Thor's immense strength combined with MjĂžlnir also enabled him to break out of an extremely durable confinement capsule which was specifically designed to hold the Hulk. Using his immense strength, Thor was able to block a crushing blow from Hulk with his own arm and even punch the latter in the face hard enough to make him stagger. Thor also managed to match Malekith, whose strength was greatly compounded by the Aether, equally and eventually overpower him. According to F.R.I.D.A.Y., Thor is able to "crack" the Vibranium core itself with his raw strength alone. He later managed to overpower a weakened Surtur, killing him with a fully-powered hammer blow to the head. During the Contest of Champions, Thor's strength and considerable fighting skill allowed him to dominate against Hulk, capable of staggering Hulk with his punches alone and sending him flying across the arena with a single hammer blow as well as even restraining him, only being overpowered by Hulk's growing anger and surprise attacks. After receiving visions from Odin's spirit, Thor's strength and fighting skill combined with his newfound ability to generate lightning allowed him to instantly topple and daze the angered Hulk with a single punch that visibly dazed him. When he fought Hela, although he was ultimately no match for the more powerful Goddess of Death, Thor's physical strength and skill still allowed him to put up a reasonable fight on his own against Hela, who had single-handedly killed the Valkyries, among the most powerful warriors of Asgard, managing to slightly stagger her with his punches and inflict minor injuries and briefly pressure her with Gungnir. Thor was also able to easily rip apart several Berserkers with his bare hands and contend with Hela during their final battle, managing to lift her off her feet and throw her to Valkyrie, fighting her to a prolonged standstill alongside Valkyrie. While attempting to restart the forge, Thor was able to easily swing around Rocket's Benatar escape pod at great speeds and physically holding against the force necessary to move the gigantic rings of Nidavellir, which encircled the neutron star. He also was able to hold open the iris of Nidavellir's star long enough for Eitri to melt ingots of metal that would become Stormbreaker, as well as throw the axe with enough force that, combined with his powers, it was able to slice through a beam from the completed Infinity Gauntlet, and lodge deep into Thanos' chest, as well as cause him great pain upon pushing the axe deeper. During the Battle of Wakanda, Thor overpowered an army of Outriders to save the lives of the Avengers and Wakandan soldiers as well as destroying several Outriders' armored ships with relative ease.[6] Even when he became fat, Thor's strength was still immense, as he was capable of grappling with the likes of Thanos for a brief period of time, as Thanos had to use both hands to overpower Thor's attempts to stop him from stabbing him with his own axe and he was able to hold long enough for Captain America to save him. With both Stormbreaker and MjĂžlnir in his hand when he attempted to decapitate Thanos again, he was gradually able to overpower the one-hand holding Mad Titan, coming very close to succeeding, eventually forcing Thanos to use both his hands and sudden momentum to knock him down. In addition to Thor's high-level strength, a full-power hammer throw aided by Stormbreaker was strong enough to knock out Iron Man in his strongest armor. In order to return to shape, Thor casually lifted numerous heavy weights, effortlessly tossing a large piece of rock away after finishing, using large dumbbells with ease and even moving the Benatar with a rope tied to it while showing little strain. After he returned to shape, Thor was able to easily cut through the ships of the Booskans with regular blows from Stormbreaker and even at one point kick it with enough force to damage it beyond operation and with little trouble hold back and throw one of them flying at him through a remarkable distance. During the skirmish at Omnipotence City, Thor effortlessly ripped out the lightning chains that Zeus used to bind him, and exerted enough force with sheer punches and kicks to easily kill the guards of the Omnipotence City. He also caught the Thunderbolt thrown by Zeus without issue and, with only some lightning empowering his attack, he was able to throw it with sufficient velocity and strength as to catch Zeus completely off-guard and easily pierce through his chest before stopping at the window, almost killing him. Thor also displayed equal strength to the All-Black the Necrosword-augmented Gorr the God Butcher in strength, who had successfully killed and overpowered many Gods, being able to send him flying repeatedly with swings from his axe, even at one point lift and throw him away with a single hand, and prevent him from stabbing him with his sword. Only a few beings were able to overpower Thor, including Hela, Odin and Thanos.
    • Superhuman Durability:
      Infinity War 256

      Thor enduring the energy of a neutron star

      Thor's skin, muscle and bone tissue have many times the density of the same tissue in the body of a human being, making him nigh-invulnerable, much more so than regular Asgardians to the point that Gamora claimed that Thor's muscles felt as if they were "made of Cotati metal fibers". Even when he was stripped of his powers, Thor was still amazingly resilient due to his dense body, withstanding being hit by a van with ease, and only being seemingly killed by a punch from the Destroyer. When he is at full power, Thor possesses nigh-invulnerability, including high resistance to powerful energy blasts, immense blunt force trauma, falls from great heights, explosions and various other opposing forces. He was unharmed and unaffected by the vacuum of space for indefinite periods of time unaided. He withstood high caliber bullets from the Quinjet that was flown by Ultron without any injury, the extreme cold of Jotunheim, the extreme heat of Muspelheim, survived a direct near point-blank range blast from Gungnir blasting him out of Odin's chamber and falling several hundred feet to the ground, showing no visible signs of injury. Thor easily withstood a four hundred percent-charged repulsor blast from Iron Man, was completely uninjured by Quicksilver smashing into him at extreme speeds, took a mighty punch from Hulk with only a minor nosebleed, and even withstood the full force of the Destroyer's energy explosion with no visible injury. During his final battle with Malekith, Thor was even able to survive being hit by numerous energy tendrils of the Reality Stone. Whenever he is injured, Thor's physique allows him to shrug off minor injuries such as small stab wounds from Asgardian blades or allow him to withstand a direct blow in the face from a massive Frost Giant and laugh afterwards. He resisted the direct destruction of the city of Novi Grad followed by a one-kilometer drop in the sea and was only momentarily unconscious. However, his durability would not prevent equally or even stronger foes like Hulk, Kurse, Ultron, weakened Surtur, Hela or Thanos from wounding him. Nevertheless, Thor's own durability could still allow him to withstand their strength and power for quite some time before he started to drop in power and be injured, as he withstood a severe beating from Kurse, Ultron and Hela, notably surviving being stabbed with her Necroswords, which easily killed not only the Einherjar with a single hit but also the Warriors Three and the Valkyries, who had greater durability than low-tier Asgardian warriors, with no permanent damage, and managed to continue fighting afterwards, withstood a repeated tossing to the ground from Hulk during the Contest of Champions with no damage whereas Loki, despite his own extreme resilience, was completely wiped out from such an attack, and he was able to remain conscious upon being overpowered and pummelled by the angered Hulk long enough for him to experience a vision from Odin and turn the tides while sustaining no injury. After getting his full powers, Thor's durability grew much greater, with him thus shrugging off Hela's attacks and continuing to fight her with no deterioration in his performance and even managing to remain conscious after having been badly beaten by Thanos to an even greater degree than Hulk was, which still soundly knocked out the gamma beast, and even survived having his head squeezed by Thanos, whereas Loki was quickly killed by Thanos with less effort, once again proving he is significantly more durable and resilient than Loki, and soon be exposed to the vacuum of space, although all this combined caused him to pass out. Thor was also capable of surviving the full force of a re-ignited Nidavellir star for several minutes, though it left his body severely charred and rendered him unconscious, leaving him to death without the power of Stormbreaker. Thor's physical constitution is so strong he was able to survive exposure to the power of the Infinity Stones, as evidenced when he was able to quickly recover from being hit by the Reality Stone's powers whenever Malekith blasted it at him. He was also able to remain conscious after repeatedly being pressed by the force of the Power Stone against his head, albeit at a less degree of the stone's full power, whereas beings less powerful were instantly obliterated by the Stone, although he nevertheless suffered excruciating pain every time Thanos pressed it against him and prolonged exposure would have likely eventually killed him, as Loki quickly submitted to Thanos' demands when he saw Thor being tortured by the Power Stone. Even while hampered by his poor lifestyle and subsequent weight gain, he was still far more durable than most of the other Avengers, as he was able to withstand getting pummeled by the 2014 Thanos' strongest attacks while remaining conscious, as well as enduring Thanos using Stormbreaker to nearly gut open his chest long enough for Captain America to save him with only minor bruises and bleeding scars. After returning back to shape, he was capable of withstanding an extended beating from Gorr the God Butcher without visible injuries.
    • Superhuman Speed:
      Thor vs

      Thor moving in Quicksilver's perception

      Thor can run and move at great superhuman speed. He tackled Hulk through the wall of a Helicarrier in a split second, visibly appearing as a blur when they were battling in the hangar bay. He also proved capable of overwhelming Hulk in hand-to-hand combat during their second fight, able to easily dodge his feral attacks and land his own blows and get a grip on him. In battle, while holding back, he was easily fast enough to contend with the extremely fast Loki in combat and although his adopted brother was capable of outmaneuvering him when he is holding back, when Thor unleashed his rage, he was able to easily catch Loki off-guard, disarm him of his scepter and then brutally attack him without Loki being able to react in their second duel, implying that his speed exceeds Loki's. Moreover, Thor was so fast that he was still moving in Quicksilver's accelerated perception, while Captain America and Iron Man appeared as frozen in comparison. He could also contend with Hela, who had easily killed several Einherjar before they could react, and for a time, was able to briefly push her back, land blows and react to her attacks after she recovered before being ultimately outpaced, and after he unlocked his full powers. With full powers, he was able to stay in combat with Hela to an even greater degree, showing no strain in moving fast enough to land glancing blows on her and even to surprise and lift her off the ground. Although he was easily kicked away soon after, Thor was able to surprise and land a hit on Thanos before he could kill Hulk. Even with his fat body diminishing his speed, he was still stupendously fast, as he was able to surprise the Mad Titan twice; first when he had just knocked down Captain America, catching him off-guard enough to disarm him and then in their last altercation when he was in a haste to retrieve the Infinity Gauntlet to briefly outmaneuver him enough to land a blow with his hammer and slash off his armor with his axe.
    • Superhuman Agility:
      Thor vs

      Thor attacking Hulk while dodging his axe

      Thor's agility, dexterity, balance and bodily coordination makes him a great warrior for battle. He moves with incredible grace and speed despite his considerable size and body density. He was able to dodge the wing of a jet fighter thrown at him by Hulk, as well as dodging many of Hulk's hammer and battle-axe blows and outmanoeuvring him in their second battle. He could easily keep up with Loki while holding back despite Loki's great agility in both their fights. While his five years of constant drinking and becoming fat did hamper his agility, he was still extremely agile, as he was able to dodge Thanos' sword when it was thrown at him and seamlessly attack Thanos enough to disarm him and quickly landed hits on Thanos immediately upon landing down to intercept him when he was off-guard in their last altercation.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Thor is able to fight prolonged battles and endure the physical stress, allowing him to exercise his maximum capacity for an extremely long period of time without tiring at all. Thor is able to endure the vacuum of space while unconscious. According to a book read by Jane Foster, Thor's hammer granted him great stamina, spirit and health.
    • Superhuman Reflexes:

      Thor dodging Thanos's sword

      Thor can react and dodge objects traveling at high speeds, with him dodging many of Hulk's blows during the Contest of Champions and he was able to blast away swords thrown by Hela as soon as they were sent flying towards him. He was able to dodge intense Odinforce beams from the Destroyer and deflect them with MjĂžlnir. Thor was capable of reacting to energy blasts from Loki's Scepter during their battle on Avengers Tower and from Chitauri Guns, using his hammer to deflect them. Thor even managed to react to Quicksilver by hurling MjĂžlnir at him before he could reach him, as well as easily catch the Thunderbolt thrown at him by Zeus.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his astounding resistance to injury, it is still possible to injure Thor. However, due to his Asgardian physiology, Thor is able to heal at a rate significantly faster than a normal human and even much faster than most Asgardians. After seemingly being killed by the Destroyer and proving himself worthy of MjĂžlnir once again, Thor regained his full power and immediately healed himself in seconds. Despite receiving mild to severe stab wounds from Asgardian blades on several occasions, after working past the initial pain of the injury, Thor was able to quickly recover and continue fighting. After the brutal beating he suffered from Kurse, upon arriving at Earth several minutes later, he had nearly completely recovered from his bleeding wounds. While fighting Hela, Thor was painfully pierced multiple times by her Necroswords, getting his right eye gouged out in the process, and while Thor was unable to regenerate his eye, he recovered from all of the stabs mere minutes later, despite the Warriors Three all perishing from a single stab from Hela each. After suffering a beating from Thanos and getting burned by the Power Stone, Thor managed to recover rapidly afterwards. Later, Thor survived the full force of a re-ignited Nidavellir star, though it left his body charred and near death, Thor was completely healed after receiving Stormbreaker to harness and amplify his supernatural powers.
    • Longevity: Thor, like all other Asgardians, is not truly immortal. It is possible to kill an Asgardian and other beings in the Nine Realms. More accurately, Asgardians are extremely long-lived beings, Thor ages at a very slow pace, being able to live for thousands of years. During his conversation with Rocket, Thor claimed to be 1,500 years old.
  • Flight:
    Thor Odinson (Infinity War)

    Thor flying over the battlefield in Wakanda

    One of Thor's new abilities that he discovered after losing MjĂžlnir was how he is able to hover, glide and fly through the air at great speeds without any outside help. He was able to grab onto Hulk and lift him several feet in the air while they were fighting in the Contest of Champions. He also was able to hover across the Rainbow Bridge multiple times during his final encounter with his sister Hela. He was able to launch himself into the air from the Royal Palace to the middle of the Bifrost within moments. During the Battle of Wakanda, Thor flew easily while using Stormbreaker to destroy the ships of the Outriders and later while attacking Thanos.
"Hit her with a lightning blast."
"I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning!"
―Loki and Thor[src]
  • Electricity Generation:
    Thor Ragnarok-ThorBlastsElectricity

    Thor shooting electricity

    Thor was born with the ability to generate, control and project electrical energy, with him thus being the God of Thunder. Even while unable to personally harness it and needing MjĂžlnir to focus his powers over electricity, Thor's electric bolts were already strong enough that it was able to blacken an Aether-enhanced Malekith, take down two Chitauri Leviathans and a large amount of the aliens and his electrical powers was already potent enough that Thor could generate incredible enough levels of electricity as to help Iron Man swiftly smite the falling Sokovia City to oblivion. Following Odin's death and visions from his father's spirit, Thor finally fully unlocked his electrical powers and his powers over lightning were enhanced to the point where he can generate incredible amounts of electrical energy from his own body and summon thunder and lightning from the sky, all without the use of MjĂžlnir. His new ability allows him to seamlessly integrate lightning into his fighting sequences against Hulk in the Contest of Champions, and then later against Hela along with her undead army. He becomes able to use lightning to mimic telekinesis by wrapping enemies with lightning to pull and hurl them away, release smaller blasts of lightning that can reduce projectiles to pieces, and infuse his weapons with electricity. Thor's generated lightning bolts grew so powerful that he was able to easily send an enraged Hulk flying back and visibly stun him for a time and even temporarily stun and knockdown Hela herself with a single respective blast. Thor was even able to cast a lightning bolt powerful enough to destroy a portion of the Rainbow Bridge that Hela was standing on to ultimately send her crashing down into the water beneath. Wielding Stormbreaker, Thor's powers over electricity grew greatly to the point that he was able to generate a lightning blast powerful enough to knock Thanos back a considerable distance and using all his power, was able to charge the Stormbreaker so powerfully that he was able to throw it with enough power to quickly slice through a beam fired from the completed Infinity Gauntlet, although Thanos was off-guard and did not use the Infinity Gauntlet to its full power, and grievously injure Thanos in a single strike, with Thanos himself saying that Thor might have been able to kill him had he aimed for the head. By the end of his time as a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor's thunder-telekinesis had evolved to be able to stop two moderate-sized machines and their pilots and throw them into the sky without much effort. He also developed the ability to unleash wider streams of lightning upon either his lightning-imbued fist or Stormbreaker hitting a target to simultaneously destroy multiple enemies as well. A lightning blast from Thor using Stormbreaker was also enough to keep Gorr using the Necrosword to block it unable to press forward and eventually push him back.
  • Storm Manipulation:
    TR Trailer2 33

    Thor creating storm clouds and thunder

    Thor was also born with the power to control weather storms, with it being the reason he is known as the God of Thunder. Even before Thor unlocked his powers, he still displayed a level of control over the weather, able to manipulate parts of it, although his focus always seemed to be somewhere else so whenever events of him displaying this power occurred his mind was elsewhere. Among them was when he was able to keep rain from touching Jane Foster as a downpour occurred as well as when he began to generate sparks of lightning from his hands after becoming furious. He began to unlock the full potential of his abilities during his encounter with Hela and is now able to generate rather large storm clouds and create thunder.
"Whosoever holds these weapons, and believes in getting home, if they be true of heart is therefore worthy, and shall possess, for limited time only, the power of Thor!"
  • Enchantment:
    Thor giving his powers to the kids of Asgard

    Thor giving his powers to the kids of Asgard

    Thor is able to cast enchantments on any weapon. Thor was able to cast an enchantment in MjĂžlnir to always protect Jane Foster.
    • Power Bestowal: After controlling his powers to their full capacity, Thor is able to enchant any weapons or sentient creatures in order to bestow his powers as the God of Thunder to them. Thor gave his powers to the kids of Asgard for a limited amount of time so that they were able to fight off against Gorr's Shadow Monsters.
"Every time I threw it, it would come back to me. With it I could cast lightning, make energy blasts, and when I spun it really fast, it gave me the ability to fly."
―Thor to Korg[src]
  • MjĂžlnir Capabilities: Due to the enchantments placed upon the mystical hammer, Thor was granted the ability to focus his innate mystical abilities and harness them. It allowed him to easily harness his dominion over weather elements and that allowed for several other sub-abilities to follow suit. Along with the discovery of his powers originating from himself instead of his weapon, Thor retained the abilities he had with and without MjĂžlnir once he obtained Stormbreaker, which also amplified them to a degree.
    • Electricity Generation:

      Thor projecting electricity with MjĂžlnir

      Thor's main weapon while using MjĂžlnir is the ability to summon a lightning bolt from the surrounding skyline. As well as being able to channel electricity on its own MjĂžlnir is able to attract the ambient electricity from the surrounding atmosphere and redirect it towards a given target, such as when he summoned electricity from inside of Avengers Tower and used it to bring Vision to life. While on Jotunheim, Thor summoned a huge lightning bolt, strong enough to destroy a large portion of the landscape. During the Battle of New York, Thor used the spire of the Chrysler building to channel a tremendous lightning bolt, which he directed at the portal of the Chitauri to deter a portion of the enemy reinforcements, managing to bring down two massive Leviathan and numerous Chitauri aliens with the blast. During the Battle of Sokovia, Thor was able to generate an incredible amount of lighting, helping Iron Man swiftly smite the hovering Sokovian capital city into oblivion, thwarting Ultron's plans in the process. After his visions of Odin and discovering MjĂžlnir was not the source of his powers, he became capable of summoning thunder and lightning without it and even generating electrical energy from his own body. Thor's power over electrical energy was greatly enhanced by his use of Stormbreaker, which restored and improved upon the abilities he possessed with MjĂžlnir.
    • Storm Manipulation: Wielding MjĂžlnir helped refine Thor's power to give him the ability to control the base elements of a storm. It could control the elements and create giant raging electrical storms complete with thunder, lightning, hurricane-force winds, tornadoes, tidal waves, earthquakes and torrential rains all on a moment's notice. With MjĂžlnir's help, Thor was able to summon an isolated class 5 tornado while battling the Destroyer as well as a lightning bolt strong enough to destroy a large piece of landscape in Jotunheim. The Norse myths and legends regarded him as the God of Thunder because of the hammer's influence over the weather. After discovering that MjĂžlnir was only used to focus his power and was never the source of it, Thor was able to summon thunder and lightning from the sky as well as from his own body. With the use of Stormbreaker, the abilities Thor had with his hammer were restored and greater enhanced.
    • Energy Projection:

      Thor blocking Surtur's fire blasts

      With MjĂžlnir, Thor could project blasts, waves and bolts of electrical energy of various sizes and intensities. While the hammer can generate electrical energy, it can channel more energy from the lightning storms it creates to summon its lightning for powerful energy attacks. With MjĂžlnir, Odin could project a powerful beam of golden light and use it to take away all of Thor's superhuman powers, destroy what was left of Thor's armor after stripping much of it off of him and ultimately send him flying into the Bifrost. He can also use MjĂžlnir to swing his hammer around fast and create an area of forcefield-like energy.
    • Weight Manipulation: MjĂžlnir's enchantment allows its worthy wielders to swing it nearly effortlessly yet, in reality, it is extremely heavy to an average person. Its ability to manipulate its weight allows Thor to hurl MjĂžlnir at great speeds or alternatively by holding onto the leather thong and whirling it like a flail, use the hammer as a thrashing vortex. In Jotunheim, he bashed the Frost Giants around him, then threw MjĂžlnir, making it hit multiple Frost Giants in its path in moments. Quicksilver, Loki and Hulk were pinned down by MjĂžlnir's immense weight, though also due to them being unworthy to wield it.
    • Flight:
      Fire dragon chasing thor

      Thor flying away from the Fire Dragon

      Thor was capable of spinning MjĂžlnir with great force, at such high speeds that it seemed like a blur to the naked eye, and by holding onto the leather thong, was capable of flying through the air at immense speeds. How fast exactly was not specified, but he was able to remain aloft in the middle of a Class 5 tornado, and traverse the distance from his father's chambers to Himinbjorg and back again in seconds. Using MjĂžlnir, Thor could also move across the New Mexico desert in a matter of seconds. While flying, Thor can use his speed to strike enemies with immense force, such as when he tackled Hulk through a wall, tackled Malekith in and out of portals and when Thor killed a Frost Beast on Jotunheim by flying through its skull.
    • Weapon Calling: MjĂžlnir obeyed Thor's calling as though it was driven by a form of intelligence. MjĂžlnir went to Thor when it was in a crater miles away, arriving in seconds. It would return to Thor whenever he threw it at an opponent. While battling Hulk in a hanger of the Helicarrier, Thor summoned MjĂžlnir from another room and it came crashing through the Helicarrier to get to him. Thor's newest weapon, Stormbreaker, retains MjĂžlnir's ability to be summoned and telekinetically controlled by the user.
    • Armor Creation:
      Avengers 35

      Thor summoning his armor

      By summoning lightning from the sky into MjĂžlnir, Thor's clothes are transformed into his combat armor. The hammer was also able to transform Thor's clothing into those worn by humans, while it could appear as an umbrella. With the use of Stormbreaker, Thor is able to transform his clothing into his combat armor once more.
    • Self-Resurrection: MjĂžlnir possessed the ability to revive people back from death itself and to restore them to optimum health like when it resurrected Thor as he was passing away due to being injured by the Destroyer while he was mortal. This ability was passed over to Thor's replacement for MjĂžlnir, Stormbreaker, which allowed him to fully recover from nearly fatal injuries.
"Wait, what kind of weapon are we talking about here?"
"The Thanos killing kind."
―Star-Lord and Thor[src]
  • Stormbreaker Capabilities: After acquiring a new weapon to replace MjĂžlnir, Thor gained additional powers through its use.
    • Electricity Generation: When using Stormbreaker, Thor could easily generate electricity which he used many times to strike Gorr the God Butcher to keep his distance. The electricity can strike the enemy from above, or generate around the weapon to create a bigger blow.
    • Storm Manipulation: Thor could manipulate the weather around him with Stormbreaker. He was able to generate thunder and lightning while calling his weapons before fighting Thanos.
    • Bifrost Summoning:
      Thor L&T Trailer 33

      Thor summons the Bifrost via Stormbreaker

      After Thor gained his new devastating weapon, Stormbreaker, he was able to teleport at will, due to gaining the ability to manipulate the Bifrost Bridge. As a result, Thor instantly teleported himself, Rocket and Groot to Wakanda, in order to aid his allies in the battle against Thanos and the Black Order. He could also use Stormbreaker to summon a bifrost bridge from under him, which he used to travel to the Shadow Realm as well as Earth.
    • Weapon Calling: After Thor received his new axe, Stormbreaker, he gained the ability to summon it similar to MjĂžlnir.
    • Armor Creation:
      Thor L&T Trailer 52

      Thor summoning his armor

      Using Stormbreaker, Thor could summon various armors, including an all-black one, a Viking-like armor, a blue and gold amor, as well as a navy and gold armor.
"This is the army right here. It's sleek, it's slender, it's powerful, it's beautiful..."
―Thor to Valkyrie[src]


"You made my men, some of the most highly trained professionals in the world, look like a bunch of minimum-wage mall cops. That's hurtful. In my experience it takes someone who's received similar training to do what you did to them."
―Phil Coulson to Thor[src]
  • Master Combatant:

    Thor fighting against Hela

    Thor is the greatest and most powerful warrior in Asgard since Odin and Hela have currently been deceased. He is an extremely skilled hand-to-hand combatant, having trained extensively in the arts of war and various Asgardian fighting techniques from a young age in Asgard, making him one of the most dangerous and best fighters in the Nine Realms. He is therefore extremely masterful in many areas of combat and with more than a millennium of training and combat experience, including hand-to-hand combat and various forms of weaponry available in Asgard, primarily swords and spears, though he usually prefers to wield his hammer MjĂžlnir. Thor is known to be very cunning and intuitive in battles and in warfare, having fought and defeated many enemies throughout his life. Even when rendered mortal and stripped of his strength and powers, Thor utilized his sheer vast fighting skills to overpower nearly a dozen highly skilled S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives in hand-to-hand combat, as the very impressed Phil Coulson stated that Thor made some of the most highly trained professionals in the world "look like a bunch of minimum wage mall cops." At full power, Thor has fought and defeated over a hundred Marauder warriors in Vanaheim, beaten several armed Asgardian soldiers without needing to use his hammer with ease, battled hordes of Frost Giants with great ease in Jotunheim and also numerous hordes of Chitauri aliens in the Battle of New York. During the Battle of Sokovia, Thor fought and destroyed many Ultron Sentries effortlessly, prompting an irritated Ultron to tackle him away and deal with Thor personally. Thor was also able to overpower the extremely formidable Destroyer, which even the combined might of Lady Sif and the Warriors Three failed to do. In his first fight with the larger Hulk, Thor was able to skillfully maneuver through his wild attacks and successfully strike the latter with ease. During both his fights with Loki, even despite holding back not to kill him, Thor was still more than a match for his brother, also an exceptional fighter in his own right, easily matching him blow-to-blow while steadily gaining the upper hand over his brother before finally decisively beating him, even casually overtaking Loki unarmed in their second fight when he had the Scepter. Thor even went toe-to-toe with the extremely skilled and experienced Aether-enhanced Malekith, and ultimately defeated the latter after a prolonged battle. When infiltrating Muspelheim, Thor effortlessly defeated hordes of Surtur's Muspelheim warriors and even managed to take down a weakened version of Surtur himself rather easily before escaping unharmed. During the Contest of Champions, pitted against the Hulk, despite Hulk having acquired years of training and experience from his time there, Thor still displayed a substantially superior fighting level, easily able to counter most of Hulk's blows both in armed and hand-to-hand combat and outfight and land several blows, with Hulk only able to hit him at all when he was surprised, and with his full powers, he swiftly outmatched Hulk, with only Grandmaster's interference keeping Thor from winning. Thor was even capable of standing up the far more powerful and experienced Hela in their second fight, who had single-handedly massacred the top-elite Asgardian warrior Valkyries and all the Einherjar, able to briefly outmaneuver her even unarmed while she had her Necrosword before ultimately being overpowered and having his right eye gouged out. Upon gaining his full powers, Thor was able to effortlessly defeat all of Hela's undead troops with his bare hands and with aid from Valkyrie was able to fight Hela to a prolonged standstill. Thor also survived his first battle with Thanos and despite having been easily defeated and badly pummeled, managed to surprise and land a hit on him before getting easily kicked away. After acquiring Stormbreaker and regaining his armor, Thor effortlessly killed many Outriders and destroyed their ships and, by focusing all of his power into a single blow, was the only hero able to surprise and severely injure Thanos. When battling the 2014 Thanos, Thor, despite having not fought for 5 years and gotten out of shape, proved to remain an extremely formidable fighter, as not only could he easily take down multiple Outriders, but he even fought the hardest against the Mad Titan out of himself, Captain America and Iron Man, managing to disarm Thanos of his sword and come considerably close to killing him with some aid from Rogers. Upon returning to shape, Thor was able to single-handedly defeat the entire army of Booskans who had been pressuring the Guardians and the Indigarrians within a matter of a minute. During his battles with Gorr the God Butcher, Thor proved capable of single-handedly handling the fearsome wielder of the Necrosword, who could fight Mighty Thor and Valkyrie off together and easily defeated Sif and many other gods in the universe, managing to push him back in their first and second engagements, and even with the Thunderbolt he had never wielded before, Thor was still able to repeatedly overtake the God Butcher, delivering multiple vicious blows even unarmed in their first and second rounds before being knocked down in the former and ultimately holding him at a standstill for Jane to destroy the sword at their final scuffle.
"You've got a mean swing."
―Tony Stark to Thor[src]
  • Hammer Mastery:
    Thor fighting Malekith 2

    Thor hitting Malekith with MjĂžlnir

    Thor is extremely skilled at using his war hammer MjĂžlnir in combat, having centuries of practice wielding it, as well as extremely proficient at hammer throwing. He even had been able to use MjĂžlnir as a powerful defense tool, blocking energy shots from the Destroyer, Loki's Scepter, Chitauri weaponry, Malekith's Aether and even Surtur's Twilight Sword (though Surtur was notably not at full power then). His overall skill in using MjĂžlnir in combat had allowed him to best Loki twice using the equally powerful Scepter and Gungnir despite later admitting he was holding back, stalemate the Aether-enhanced Malekith, kill Surtur and effortlessly defeat multiple enemies be it Frost Giants, Ultron's sentries or Surtur's warriors. Thor's hammer fighting skills are also highly adaptable, as displayed when he used a far bulkier Sakaaran hammer to battle Hulk in the Contest of Champions due to his hammer having been destroyed and was able to dominate Hulk and break his axe, although Hulk managed to use his growing rage to catch a blow from Thor using said hammer and then surprise and disarm him. Not using his hammer for several years did little to hamper Thor's skill in hammer combat, as he was quickly able to dual-wield MjĂžlnir along with Stormbreaker effectively against Thanos and Outriders, with Thanos being forced to use Iron Man to shield himself when Thor threw the hammer at him and easily killing many Outriders when he switched weapons. He was also readily able to use Doug's mace in conjunction with a shield in his duel against Hulk, but did not get a proper chance to use them and instead had to resort to using a knife and swords. His proficiency with blunt weapons extended to borrowing Korg's laser rifle during the Escape from Omnipotence City.
"Korg, why don't you, uh, tell everybody who chopped Thanos' big head off?"
―Thor to Korg[src]
  • Axe Mastery:
    Thor fights Thanos

    Thor fighting Thanos with Stormbreaker

    Thor is extremely skilled at using an axe in combat. He was able to wield his newly forged Stormbreaker with ease against numerous Outriders, single-handedly taking down an entire ship of Outriders and even able to severely injure Thanos with a single throw. Even while out of shape, Thor was able to stand his ground against the 2014 Thanos using his sword, even able to disarm him and slice him when he was unarmed, along with later on cutting his armor when he was off-guard. While using Stormbreaker, Thor expertly transitions between using the hammer section and the axe portion in battle, using the former to land vicious blows channeled by his own electricity to target multiple Outriders and using the edges of the axe to mortally wound and later decapitate the Mad Titan himself.
  • Spear Mastery: Thor is highly skilled at using a spear in combat. He was able to wield Gungnir in his second battle against Hela, and was briefly able to push her back, disarming her of her Necrosword and scoring several hits and countering some of her attacks, before ultimately getting disarmed.
  • Sword Mastery:
    All-Black in use

    Thor fighting Gorr with Thunderbolt

    Thor is highly skilled at using swords in combat, with him choosing a pair of blades out of all available weapons for the Contest of Champions, and managing to block several strikes from Hulk with them, though the swords broke in the process. Thor later used another pair of blades against Hela in their second battle and was able to momentarily hold his own against her, though Thor was quickly disarmed. Thor would later duel much better against Hela using two blades in their final fight when he had unlocked his full powers, managing to land glancing hits on the Goddess of Death and easily destroy her Necroswords. While using the Thunderbolt, Thor used his swordsmanship with the blade-like structure of the divine weapon to contend with Gorr's usage of the Necrosword.
  • Chain Mastery: Zeus bounded Thor in chains while he talked to him in front of many gods. Thor then broke out and used the chains to fight the guards.
  • Expert Marksman: Thor is a highly skilled marksman, being able to gun down several Sakaaran Guards with a Sakaaran Laser Rifle with little effort during the Escape from Sakaar. However, his marksmanship is best demonstrated in throwing his hammer or axe, being able to throw them with extreme accuracy, hitting his target every time.
  • Expert Acrobat:
    Thor with the splits

    Thor stopping two vehicles with split

    During a battle with the Guardians of the Galaxy against a group of rebels, Thor stopped two approaching vehicles using only his legs. He did this by going into a split position where he stopped each with one leg. He could also do various flips while fighting Gorr the God Butcher and his Shadow Monsters.
"Don't worry, my friends. I have a plan."
  • Master Tactician:

    Thor planning Jane Foster's escape

    Thor is an excellent strategist due to centuries of combat training and experience. He has lead his allies into many battles for centuries, including Sif and the Warriors Three, with great leadership and the employment of strategies and tactics adapted from various civilizations across the Nine Realms. In order to save Jotunheim, Thor realized he had to destroy the Rainbow Bridge even though it meant he might never see Jane Foster again. During the Battle of Vanaheim, Thor ended the battle early just moments after arriving by defeating the biggest Marauder. During the Second Dark Elf Conflict, Thor successfully orchestrated Jane Foster's escape from Asgard, a feat which impressed Loki, and nearly succeeded in destroying the Aether had it not been for its indestructibility. After he received a vision by Wanda Maximoff during the Battle at the Salvage Yard, Thor went to the Water of Sight to unlock the secrets of the hallucinations created by Maximoff during the battle. This decision led to Thor helping create Vision which in turn helped stop the threat of Ultron. Thor realized Loki had replaced Odin and was masquerading as him something other Asgardians had failed to notice. After being trapped on Sakaar, Thor managed to orchestrate an escape from the planet and freed several prisoners at the same time. After realizing he couldn't defeat Hela himself, Thor had Loki resurrect Surtur in order to destroy her. This plan worked and all Asgardians were evacuated before Asgard's destruction. After being defeated by Thanos, Thor realized he needed a new weapon to fight him and went to Nidavellir to make a weapon capable of killing Thanos. This decision proved fruitful as it led to the creation of Stormbreaker. Thor used Stormbreaker to turn the tide during the Battle of Wakanda and eventually killed Thanos with it. During the Theft of the Reality Stone, Thor decided to take the past version of MjĂžlnir to the future with him for use in future battles. This decision proved fruitful as Captain America proved worthy of wielding it and used it to save Thor from being killed by the past version of Thanos. Thor is also a brilliant combat strategist as he has used MjĂžlnir's worthiness enchantment to immobilize enemies such as Loki and the Fire Dragon.
  • Pilot: Thor has demonstrated a level of proficiency and knowledge in piloting various types of alien spacecrafts, able to effectively pilot a Dark Elf Harrow and Grandmaster's ship, the Commodore, while also displaying some understanding of Star-Lord's ship, the Benatar.
"You speak Groot?"
"Yes, they taught it on Asgard. It was an elective."
―Rocket and Thor[src]
  • Multilingualism: Thor is fluent in many alien languages but most in his native Asgardian, as well as English, and he can also understand Groot.


Asgardian Armor[]

"So is this how you normally look?"
"More or less."
"It's a good look!"
―Jane Foster and Thor[src]
  • First Set:
    Thor (2010)

    Thor wears armor into battle against Laufey

    His first set of armor had a collared blue tunic with red piping and black pants. Over the blue shirt, he wore a black vest emblazoned with silver overlay. He wore a bright red cape that connected at the shoulders of his vest. His arms were covered in a form of chain-mail and he wore detailed, black, knee-high boots.
  • Second Set: Thor's second set of armor worn while fighting in the forest with Captain America and Iron Man. It was sleeveless with a black top covered in silver plates. It has blue pants and black boots. It had red wristbands covered with silver arm bracers. It also had a bright red cape. During Thor's stay on the Helicarrier he removed portions of his armor such as his cape, larger arm bracers and part of his chest plate, while in the more relaxed setting. While heading into the Battle of New York he re-donned his cape and heavier portions of his armor, adding to it a set of chain-mail sleeves as seen in the first set.
  • Third Set: The third set was a layered, collared, black vest with gold plates and blue accents worn over a chain-mail shirt. The vest continued into a loincloth which hung over chain-mail and leather pants. The sleeves ended at arm-bracers similar-looking to the vest with a red underside. He wore knee-high brown boots with gold piping. The third set also featured a bright red cape that was attached to the vest by two gold disks. During his time on Sakaar, Thor supplemented the then-damaged Third set with pieces of armor salvaged from the Sakaaran Armory, most prominently a teal pauldron on his left shoulder and a similarly colored bracer on his right shin.
  • Fourth Set: Thor's fourth set of armor, donned following the escape of Asgard's destruction but before Thanos' attack, was comprised of a layered, collared black vest containing his recurring silver plates, navy blue pants, and short strapped leather gloves. After attaining Stormbreaker, Thor added his signature red cape and chain-mail sleeves in preparation to the Fourth Set for his rematch with Thanos.
  • Fifth Set: Thor donned his fifth set of armor after leaving the Guardians of the Galaxy to answer Sif's call for help in her battle against Gorr the God Butcher. The armor was comprised of a layered black vest, black pants and a fur lined cape.
  • Sixth Set: Thor's sixth set of armor, donned during the Attack on New Asgard, was comprised of a gold and blue chestplate and pants, with a red cape. The armor also had a golden feathered helmet and chain-mail sleeves, which Thor only wore during the first battle. He wore this armor throughout his conflict with Gorr the God Butcher.
  • Seventh Set: Thor's seventh set of armor was identical to the sixth, though the blue on the armor was replaced by black. Thor wore this armor during his adventures with Love throughout the galaxy.


"I really wish I had my hammer. It was quite unique. It was made of a special metal and forged in the heart of a dying star."
―Thor to Korg[src]
  • MjĂžlnir:

    Thor unleashes the full power of MjĂžlnir

    Thor was entrusted with the mighty hammer MjĂžlnir, that was forged from the heart of a dying star. Thor's mystical hammer MjĂžlnir, which resembles a mallet rather than a traditional war hammer, has a number of elemental based powers. It has been stated by Odin himself that MjĂžlnir's power has no equal. MjĂžlnir itself is extremely durable and combined with the various enchantments placed upon it by Odin, it is, for all intents and purposes, indestructible. It has deflected three blasts from the Destroyer, which was able to disintegrate anything that it hit and return the blast back into the Destroyer. Thor often uses the hammer as a physical weapon, with almost nothing being capable of withstanding a hammer blow or throw, with the exception of Captain America's Shield.
    • Worthiness Enchantment: After Thor disobeyed Odin and nearly caused a war between Asgard and Jotunheim, Odin banished Thor to Earth without his powers and placed an enchantment on the hammer MjĂžlnir. "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor." This enchantment surrounding MjĂžlnir prevents it from being wielded by anyone save those who have been found worthy. When Thor sacrificed himself to protect the Earth from the Destroyer he proved himself worthy to wield MjĂžlnir once again and gained full use of his powers. Only Thor, Odin, Vision, Hela, Captain America and Mighty Thor are known to be able to wield MjĂžlnir. Indeed, not even Hulk's incredible strength could lift MjĂžlnir, as the hammer did not deem him worthy.
"A king's weapon. Meant to be the greatest in Asgard. In theory, it could even summon the Bifrost."
"Does it have a name?"
―Eitri and Thor[src]
  • Stormbreaker:
    Thor (2018)

    Thor fights the Outriders with Stormbreaker

    Thor's newly forged maul Stormbreaker was able to focus and hone Thor's powers, acting as a conduit, and is the strongest weapon in Asgard's history. The weapon, due to being made out of Uru, is nigh-indestructible and created to combat the Infinity Gauntlet and kill Thanos, it was able to withstand and overpower an energy blast powered by all six Infinity Stones and even grievously injure Thanos. The only reason it failed to kill him was that Thor intentionally delayed the killing blow, a catastrophic mistake unrelated to the weapon's abilities. Stormbreaker is able to summon the Bifrost Bridge, even after the bridge's apparent destruction, shown when Thor teleported himself, Rocket and Groot to Wakanda instantly. The weapon, like MjĂžlnir before it, will return to Thor's hand when he opens it and strikes his opponents with massive force. However, upon witnessing the powers of his adopted daughter Love, Thor shared Stormbreaker with her as they set off on adventures to help others across the universe.

Other Equipment[]

  • Cybernetic Eye: On their way to Nidavellir, Rocket handed to Thor a cybernetic eye to replace the one he lost during his battle with Hela, restoring his lost range of sight and depth perception.

Former Equipment[]

  • Asgardian Collar: After the Battle of New York, Thor placed an Asgardian collar on Loki in order to silence him.
  • Gravimetric Spikes: During the Battle of Greenwich, Thor utilized Erik Selvig's devices. He used two of them to sever both of Malekith's arms. Thor then used MjĂžlnir to smash the last device into Malekith's chest, allowing Jane Foster to transport him back to Svartalfheim, halting his attack.
  • MegingjörĂ°: Thor's magical belt. He left it on Earth, in Iron Man's possession, before departing to learn more about the Infinity Stones.
  • Winged Helmet: Prior to his banishment, Thor possessed a silver Asgardian war helm adorned with wings on its sides. He wore it along with his armor during his coronation as king, but the sudden appearance of Frost Giants led him to abandon it while he and Odin went to investigate the Vault.
  • Crown of Black Fire: Following the defeat of Surtur in Muspelheim, Thor took the Crown of Black Fire and brought it back to Asgard, where he intended to lock it inside Odin's Vault; however, upon arriving, Thor noticed that Odin mistakenly referred to the Crown of the Skull of Surtur, adding to his belief that Odin was really Loki in disguise. During the battle against Hela, Thor knew that Surtur would be the only one who could defeat Hela, so tasked Loki with combining the Crown with the Eternal Flame in order to allow Surtur to be reborn and finally destroy Hela once and for all.
  • Thor's Arena Helmet:
    Thor Ragnarok Teaser 49

    Thor with his new helmet, mace, and shield

    Acquired during the Contest of Champions, Thor donned the helmet for his fight against Grandmaster's champion to earn his freedom, but lost it during the fight.
  • Doug's Mace and Shield: During the Contest of Champions, Thor utilized the mace and shield that belonged to Doug his battle. During his fight with Grandmaster's champion, later revealed to be Hulk, Thor lost his weapons in their brawl, and used two retractable swords instead.
  • Thor's Arena Swords:
    Thor Ragnarok Oct17 Still 2

    Thor with his retractable swords

    Having lost both his mace and shield in his fight against Hulk, Thor used two retractable swords, although they were soon destroyed by Hulk's Sakaaran War Hammer during the duel.
  • Thunderbolt: Thor used Zeus' Thunderbolt during his battle with Gorr the God Butcher.
  • Sakaaran War Hammer: Thor managed to arm himself with Hulk's War Hammer during their duel on Sakaar, using it to beat down Hulk and destroy his Sakaaran Battle Axe until Hulk caught the Hammer mid-swing and disarmed Thor.
  • Sakaaran Laser Rifle: Thor and Loki used these rifles to fight Grandmaster's guards during their escape plot.
  • Gungnir: Gungnir was a powerful spear used by the rulers of Asgard and serves as a symbol of Asgardian power, prominently used by Asgardian Royal Family. When Hela came to take the throne of Asgard, Thor had taken the spear in the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf, and briefly used it in a duel before dropping it when Hela had managed to overpower him during their duel.
  • Advanced Tech Suit: This suit was designed in order to time travel through the Quantum Realm safely. It is a white, red and black suit that materializes around the wearer's regular clothes, managing to be summoned when time travel is required again, and disappear when no longer in use. It has size-shifting adaptability down to subatomic levels and a wrist gadget that allows for displacement through time and space.


This section requires expansion
"I thought you said you knew how to fly this thing."
"No, I said 'how hard can it be'."
―Loki and Thor[src]
"Why don't you take this ship as a parting farewell gift?"
"You're giving me my ship?"
"Yes, she's yours."
―Thor and Star-Lord[src]
Thor Odinson

Thor aboard the Benatar


  • Royal Palace of Valaskjalf: As his home of Asgard, Thor resided in the Royal Palace, having a coronation on becoming King, protecting the palace from the Dark Elves, seize the throne from Hela. As the Ragnarök occurred, Thor decides to let the prophecy end, leading the palace to be destroyed.
  • Hall of Asgard: As one of the main locations within Asgard, Thor was set to crowned King in the Hall of Asgard, but due to an invasion by three Frost Giants, the coronation was never finished.
  • Smith Motors: Thor lost his powers and his weapon after defying against Odin who banishes him to Earth where he was hit by Jane Foster and after he was released from the hospital, he takes up residence in the lab for some time during his recovery.
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Crater Investigation Site: When Thor and Jane Foster arrived at the site were MjĂžlnir landed on Earth, as it was heavily guarded by S.H.I.E.L.D., he entered the Crater Investigation Site without any thought. Knocking out two agents sent to check in, Thor found finally pick his hammer, only to find himself to be unworthy and was captured by other agents. When Loki visited Thor in the Crater Investigation Site, he was loss for words when he was told that Odin was dead, unbeknownst of Loki's manipulation. Thor would later leave the premise under the condition of him being monitored after he was out.
  • Avengers Tower: As Thor can travel to Earth via Bifrost Bridge, he uses the Avengers Tower as his personal residence during his time on Earth and as an Avenger while fighting against HYDRA and Ultron.
  • Avengers Compound: After Tony sold the Avengers Tower, he moves the Avenger's headquarters to Upstate New York, where he has refurbish one of his company's old warehouse facilities into the new headquarters for the Avengers where Thor spends his time on Earth. Thor returned to the Avengers Compound sometime in 2018 after the Battle of Wakanda where he meets newest Avenger, Captain Marvel. Thor left the facility and reside in TĂžnsberg before being called back to the facility where he helped the Avengers resurrect the victims of the Snap to commence the Time Heist and fought against Thanos after he destroyed the facility.
  • New York Sanctum: To find Odin, Thor and his brother, Loki were summoned to the Sanctum by Doctor Strange who magically teleported them to Norway.
"Stupid place. It's hideous, by the way. The red, the white. Just pick a color. Ridiculous."
―Thor to Hulk[src]






Appearance for Thor

In chronological order:

In an indefinite temporality:

In narrative order:


  • In the comics, Thor is the son of Odin and the primeval Earth goddess Gaea, rather than Frigga.
  • Thursday originates from Thor's Day, a day of the week named after Thor.
  • Although Thor is briefly seen wearing his iconic winged silver helmet in the beginning of Thor, he quickly discards it. Chris Hemsworth admitted that the helmet was incredibly uncomfortable and was removed from the costume.
  • In the comics, Thor lost his left eye twice, both in futures as the King of Asgard; while in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he has lost his right eye while fighting Hela, only to have it replaced with a prosthesis.
  • Thor is the third character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe shown to understand Groot, the first being Rocket and the second being Star-Lord.
  • The red war paint adorning Thor's Sakaaran armor translates to "Lord of Thunder."[41]

Behind the Scenes[]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Thor.
Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Thor.
  1. ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 Thor
  2. ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 Thor: Love and Thunder
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 Thor: Heroes & Villains
  4. ↑ 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 The Avengers
  5. ↑ 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 5.27 Thor: Ragnarok
  6. ↑ 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 Avengers: Infinity War
  7. ↑ Marvel Studios' The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline
  8. ↑ 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 Thor: The Dark World
  9. ↑ Thor: The Mighty Avenger - Lightning Hammer Strike
  10. ↑ Loki: 1.01: Glorious Purpose Deleted Scene
  11. ↑ Eternals
  12. ↑ Thor, The Mighty Avenger, Issue 1: 'Valor'
  13. ↑ Thor, The Mighty Avenger, Issue 2: 'Wisdom'
  14. ↑ Thor, The Mighty Avenger, Issue 3: 'Truth'
  15. ↑ Thor, The Mighty Avenger, Issue 4: 'Justice'
  16. ↑ The Avengers: The Avengers Initiative
  17. ↑ Loki: 1.01: Glorious Purpose
  18. ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Thor Deleted Scene
  19. ↑ 19.0 19.1 Thor: The Dark World Prelude, Issue 1
  20. ↑ 20.0 20.1 Thor: The Dark World Prelude, Issue 2
  21. ↑ 21.00 21.01 21.02 21.03 21.04 21.05 21.06 21.07 21.08 21.09 21.10 21.11 21.12 21.13 21.14 Avengers: Endgame
  22. ↑ Iron Man 3 Prelude, Issue 2
  23. ↑ Spider-Man: Far From Home
  24. ↑ Thor: Crown of Fools
  25. ↑ 25.0 25.1 Thor: The Dark World Deleted Scene
  26. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.08: The Well
  27. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.15: Yes Men
  28. ↑ 28.00 28.01 28.02 28.03 28.04 28.05 28.06 28.07 28.08 28.09 28.10 28.11 28.12 Avengers: Age of Ultron
  29. ↑ Avengers: Operation HYDRA
  30. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.19: The Dirty Half Dozen
  31. ↑ Avengers: Age of Ultron Deleted Scene
  32. ↑ Avengers: Infinity War: The Heroes' Journey
  33. ↑ 'Avengers: Infinity War' Director Reveals Fate of Valkyrie, Asgardians
  34. ↑ Infinity War Directors Answer The Fans' 18 Biggest Questions
  35. ↑ Joe Russo's Q&A about the plot of Avengers: Endgame in China
  36. ↑ Avengers: Endgame Deleted Scene
  37. ↑ Secret Invasion: 1.05: Harvest
  38. ↑ Secret Invasion: 1.06: Home
  39. ↑ Deadpool & Wolverine
  40. ↑ 40.0 40.1 Ryan Reynolds on Twitter - July 31, 2024
  41. ↑ Marvel Studios Visual Dictionary
  43. ↑ A Complete List of All the Actors Originally Considered for Roles in the Marvel Universe
  44. ↑ Exclusive Interview with Almighty Thor Actor Cody Deal
  45. ↑ Thor: Ragnarok Proves Marvel Is Not Afraid to Learn from Its Mistakes
Preceded by:
Ruler of Asgard/New Asgard
2017 – 2023
Succeeded by:

External Links[]
