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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

Doug's Mace and Shield[1] are the personal weapons of the gladiator Doug, adorned with his own crest, that following his death, Thor took with him into battle against Hulk during the Contest of Champions.


Used by Doug[]

Doug was brought into the Contest of Champions and was forced to regularly fight, during which he used a mace and shield. However, Doug was killed in one of these fights by the Hulk.[2]

Duel in the Grand Arena[]

At the beginning of his duel against the Hulk in the Grand Arena, Thor wielded a Sakaaran mace and shield. Although Thor initially tried to have Bruce Banner resurfacing so that they would avoid the fight, Thor quickly figured out that Hulk wanted to battle him and raised his weapon in defense. However, one strike from Hulk were enough for Thor to lose his mace and shield, forcing him to wield two swords instead.[2]

Alternate Versions[]

Origin Status Creators Owners Users
Thor: Ragnarok: The Junior Novel Active - - Thor Odinson


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Doug's Mace and Shield.