- "Where'd you get this cape from, anyway? Oh, that feels authentic."
"It's not a cape, it's a cloak, and I suggest you let go." - âPizza Poppa and Doctor Strange[src]
The Cloak of Levitation is a magical relic wielded by Doctor Strange that is able to move and fly on its own power, enabling its user to levitate and hover in the air. It is one of the many mystical relics that was in the possession of the Masters of the Mystic Arts.
Summoning of Dormammu[]
Battle at the New York Sanctum[]
- "The Cloak of Levitation... it came to you."
"No minor feat, it's a fickle thing." - âKarl Mordo and the Ancient One to Doctor Strange[src]

Doctor Strange finds the Cloak of Levitation
Accidentally entering the Greenwich Sanctum, Stephen Strange briefly explored its room of relics where he first encountered the Cloak, which was encased in a glass display box.

The Cloak of Levitation protects Doctor Strange
Strange's battle with Kaecilius soon brought him back to the room, where he was thrown into the cloak's case. As the Zealot leader prepared to stab Strange, the Cloak intervened, blocking every attempt on the Doctor's life. When Kaecilius knocked Strange over the railing of a staircase, the Cloak flew to his rescue, stopping his fall by wrapping itself around his shoulders enabling Strange to levitate back up to the fight.

The Cloak of Levitation redirects Doctor Strange
The battle continued, during which Strange saw an axe on the wall and attempted to acquire it. The Cloak, however, redirected him to the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, and Strange used and bound Kaecilius, winning the battle.

The Cloak of Levitation attacking Lucian Aster
After Lucian Aster stabbed Strange in the chest and the doctor tried to crawl away to safety, the Cloak saved Strange again by wrapping itself around Lucian, fighting him so that Strange could use a Sling Ring to escape to Metro-General Hospital to heal his wound. When Strange returned, the Cloak unwrapped itself from Lucian's corpse and rested itself on Strange's shoulders.[1]
Battle of the Mirror Dimension[]

The Cloak of Levitation slows Doctor Strange's fall
Kaecilius and his disciples later reappeared in the New York Sanctum, attempting to destroy it once more. Before their spell could take hold, Strange brought everyone into the Mirror Dimension. Unfortunately, the empowered Zealots were more powerful in this realm and severely altered its reality until it appeared as if New York itself had been put through a kaleidoscope. The Cloak helped Strange land safely whenever he and Karl Mordo were falling great heights throughout the battle.

The Cloak of Levitation waits for Doctor Strange
During the Ancient One's surgery by Nicodemus West and Christine Palmer, the cloak hovered still where it patiently waited for its new master to return. When Strange accepted his mentor's death, he put the Cloak back on where it proceeded to try to wipe his tears away with its collar until Strange asked it to stop.[1]
Battle at the Hong Kong Sanctum[]

The Cloak of Levitation in the Dark Dimension
The Cloak was used by Doctor Strange in this battle and protected him when a piece of fence was flying his way and it maneuvered him out of the way as well as blocking a blindsided punch from Kaecilius. He later used the Cloak to fly into the portal to the Dark Dimension to bargain with Dormammu. When Strange trapped himself and Dormammu in a time loop with the Eye of Agamotto, the Cloak was also constantly destroyed with Strange until Dormammu relented. The Cloak then flew Strange through the portal and safely onto the ground.[1]
Meeting with Thor[]

The Cloak of Levitation levitates Doctor Strange
Later that year, the Cloak levitated Doctor Strange when he welcomed Thor into the New York Sanctum. Strange proceeded to wear the Cloak during his encounter with Thor and later Loki.[2]
Infinity War[]
Attack on Greenwich Village[]

The Cloak of Levitation hits Tony Stark
- "I am going to allow that."
- âTony Stark to the Cloak of Levitation[src]
In 2018, immediately after Bruce Banner crashlanded into the New York Sanctum, the Cloak of Levitation rushed to Doctor Strangeâs side as he and Wong investigated. Strange continued to wear the Cloak when he located Tony Stark at Central Park and brought him to the Sanctum. As they discussed the Infinity Stones, Stark leaned on the Cauldron of the Cosmos, and the Cloak swiftly swatted his arm off.

The Cloak of Levitation follows Doctor Strange
When two members of the Black Order, Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian, arrived in a Q-Ship to take the Time Stone, the Cloak was worn by Strange when he confronted them. After Maw had restrained Strange, the Cloak helped him escape and flew him away. However, Maw used his powers to entrap the Cloak in a set of stoplights, allowing him to fly Strange right under the Q-Ship, which then beamed him straight into it. The Cloak flew after him and attempted to catch him, but was unable to, and entered the ship.[3]
Rescue of Doctor Strange[]

The Cloak of Levitation greets Iron Man
- "Hey, we haven't officially met."
- âSpider-Man to the Cloak of Levitation[src]
After spotting Tony Stark on board, the Cloak of Levitation silently approached him, tapping him on his shoulder to get his attention, prompting Stark to aim his Iron Man repulsors at the Cloak before recognizing it. As Stark commented on the Cloak's loyalty, they discovered that Peter Parker had also stowed away on the Q-Ship. The Cloak, along with Stark, expressed annoyance as Parker explained the reasons of his presence.

The Cloak of Levitation meets Spider-Man
Stark and Parker talked out about the situation, and Parker eventually came up with a plan to rescue Strange, which involved blowing a hole in the ship's hull. This successfully sucked out Ebony Maw into outer space and the Cloak rushed at Strange to prevent him from being aspired as well. However, the Cloak failed to hold him long enough, prompting Parker to intervene. Once Stark sealed the hole, the Cloak returned to Strange. On its way, Parker raised his hand to formally introduce himself to the Cloak, but the Cloak simply looked at the hand before going to Strange.[3]
Meeting the Guardians of the Galaxy[]

The Cloak of Levitation fights Drax the Destroyer
- "Die, blanket of death!"
- âDrax the Destroyer[src]
When they arrived on Titan, they were attacked by members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, who believed them to be servants of Thanos. The Cloak of Levitation countered by wrapping itself around Drax the Destroyer's head, keeping from attacking further and incapacitating him. After they realized they were on the same side, the Cloak returned to Strange.[3]
Battle of Titan[]

The Cloak of Levitation disarms Thanos
- "Don't let him close his fist."
- âDoctor Strange to the Cloak of Levitation[src]
The Cloak of Levitation strongly assisted Doctor Strange during the battle against Thanos on Titan, keeping Strange on balance when he was being pushed back by Thanos' attacks. Strange then ordered the Cloak to wrap itself around the Infinity Gauntlet to keep Thanos from closing his fist and activating the Infinity Stones.

The Cloak of Levitation is duplicated
This worked for a while, but Thanos was ultimately able to rip the Cloak off the Gauntlet, and the Cloak returned to Strange once again. Strange then used the Cloak to levitate when duplicating himself to fight Thanos. Soon after, the Cloak and Strange disintegrated.[3]
Battle of Earth[]

The Cloak of Levitation helps to levitate Doctor Strange
In 2023, as a result of the Blip, the Cloak of Levitation rematerialized with Doctor Strange. The Cloak then levitated Strange as he opened an Inter-Dimensional Portal to the ruins of the Avengers Compound on Earth. The Cloak assisted Strange throughout the battle against an alternate Thanos' army by levitating him.[4]
Spider-Man Multiversal Crisis[]
Fractured Spell[]

The Cloak is worn by Doctor Strange for added warmth
In 2024, the Cloak was worn by Doctor Strange inside the New York Sanctum to provide extra warmth due to the Sanctum having endured a blizzard from the Rotunda of Gateways opening up to Siberia. That fall, Peter Parker came to the Sanctum and the Cloak levitated Strange down to the atrium. Parker asked Strange to assist him in reversing his identity being known to the world.

The Cloak keeps Doctor Strange safe during the spell
Strange took Parker down to the Sanctum's undercroft and began to perform the Runes of Kof-Kol. After Parker distracted Strange and tampered with the spell, it became destabilised and a fissure in the Multiverse occurred. The Cloak levitated Strange safely as he managed to trap the spell in the Macchina di Kadavus and temporarily seal the fissure.[5]
Duel for the Macchina di Kadavus[]

The Cloak worn by Doctor Strange in the New York Sanctum
The Cloak continued to be worn by Strange as he captured Lizard and transported Peter Parker and Otto Octavius to the undercroft of the New York Sanctum. It was worn when Strange found Ned Leeds and Michelle Jones to assist Parker.

The Cloak worn by Doctor Strange as he prepares to perform the spell again
Later, Strange transported himself into the undercroft and used the Cloak to help levitate him as he prepared to perform the spell again to send Lizard, Doctor Octavius. Electro, Sandman, and Norman Osborn back.

The Cloak grabs onto Spider-Man
However, Parker used his Web-Shooters and took the Macchina, running out of the Sanctum. Strange followed him and stopped him outside by sending Parker into his astral form. When that failed, Strange threw the Cloak at him. The Cloak wrapped itself around Parker and tried to stop him from escaping with it.

The Cloak tries to retrieve the Macchina di Kadavus
Frustrated, Strange transported them into the Mirror Dimension, and the Cloak continued to pursue Parker. In Central Park, the Cloak eventually grabbed hold of the Macchina. Strange then used his Sling Ring to assist the Cloak via Inter-Dimensional Portals, with Parker trying to grab it back. Once the portals collided, the Dimension shattered and they were transported to the Grand Canyon in Arizona, but Parker was still successful in keeping it. The Cloak remained with Strange when Parker used his Synthetic Webbing to tie Strange up.[5]
Battle at Liberty Island[]

The Cloak and Doctor Strange arrive on the Statue of Liberty
Twelve hours later, Strange and the Cloak were transported out of Arizona through an Inter-Dimensional Portal and arrived at the Statue of Liberty. When the Green Goblin attacked them with his Razor Bats, the Cloak flew Strange to safety. After one of the Goblin's pumpkin bombs detonated, it destroyed the Macchina, and released the unstable spell, causing a massive multiversal tremor.

The Cloak rescues Ned Leeds
This caused scaffolding of the Statue to fall. Strange sent the Cloak to rescue Ned Leeds, who had fallen, and grant him a safe landing. Leeds thanked the Cloak and the Cloak returned to Strange.

The Cloak aids Doctor Strange with the spell
The Cloak helped Strange by levitating him as he performed the spell again, to send the universe-displaced back to their universes and erase Parker's identity from the world.[5]
Scarlet Witch's Multiversal Madness[]
Gargantos' Attack[]

The Cloak saves America Chavez from Gargantos
Doctor Strange disguised the Cloak of Levitation as a handkerchief during Christine Palmer's wedding, only to use it when Gargantos arrived in New York City to hunt down America Chavez. Strange used the Cloak to catch Chavez from falling off a bus. After Gargantos knocked Strange into unconsciousness, the Cloak carried Chavez to safety until Gargantos neutralized it with a motorcycle. The Cloak eventually freed itself and distracted Gargantos so Strange could gouge its eye out with a lamppost. The Cloak returned to Strange as Gargantos's lifeless body plummeted to the streets.[6]
Siege of Kamar-Taj[]

Doctor Strange saves America Chavez with the Cloak
During the Siege of Kamar-Taj, Doctor Strange flew the Cloak of Levitation to save America Chavez from the deadly attack of Scarlet Witch, by hurtling Chavez into a multiversal portal opened by her. In the attempt to do so, the Cloak of Levitation was attacked by Scarlet Witch with a bolt of her powerful Chaos Magic, resulting in a hole being burned into the cloak, much to the Cloak's fury.[6]
Entering Earth-838[]

Doctor Strange's repaired Cloak is returned to him
- "You are in a highly secure research facility. The two of you, along with your sentient cloak, are here for surveillance and testing."
- âChristine Palmer to Doctor Strange[src]
Upon arriving into Earth-838, the Cloak complained to Strange about the damage on him, asking the latter to fix him, which he agreed to do upon getting the time and resources to do so. Due to its damage from Scarlet Witch's blast, the Cloak wasn't able to function properly. After Strange was kidnapped by Baron Mordo from Earth-838, the Cloak was bought to the Illuminati Headquarters, where Christine Palmer of that universe had kept the cloak with her. Palmer had managed to repair the Cloak's damage cloak through patching it with the use of her Strange's own Cloak.[6]
Arrival at the Gap Junction[]

Doctor Strange wears the Cloak in the Gap Junction
The Cloak helped Strange land safely at the Gap Junction as he, Chavez, and Palmer were about to acquire the Book of Vishanti. However, the Scarlet Witch kidnapped Chavez and destroyed the Book before sending Strange, Palmer, and the Cloak to a universe that has been destroyed by an Incursion.[6]
Multiversal Incursion[]

Doctor Strange wears the Cloak as a scarf
Out for a walk, Strange disguises the Cloak as a scarf. When Clea suddenly appears, Strange agrees to work with her, in order to fix the Incursion of their universe with another one, caused by his multiversal influence, the Cloak of Levitation joined up with Strange to help and protect him in his journey to fix the incursion.[6]
Alternate Reality Versions[]
Strange Supreme[]

Doctor Strange wears the Cloak of Levitation in battle against his other half
In an alternate universe, the Cloak of Levitation aided Stephen Strange throughout his time as a Master of the Mystic Arts, such as bargaining with Dormammu. Later, it was destroyed by Strange Supreme during the duel between the two Strange's.[7]
Zombie Apocalypse[]
Used by Spider-Man[]

The Cloak being worn by Spider-Man
- "It's a good look on you."
"Really? You think I could pull it off?"
"Maybe you'll grow into it." - âWasp and Spider-Man[src]
In an alternate 2018, following Stephen Strange becoming infected by the quantum virus and turning into a zombie, the Cloak of Levitation abandoned him and remained in the New York Sanctum. After Bruce Banner crashed into the Sanctum, the Cloak followed him. When Banner was attacked by a zombified Tony Stark, Strange, Wong, Cull Obsidian, and Ebony Maw, the Cloak came to his rescue and defeated Strange and Wong. The Cloak accompanied the surviving allies to their base and aided Peter Parker in the Grand Central Terminal to evade the zombies, saving him twice. The Cloak then wrapped itself over Parker's shoulders on the train.[8]
Used by Scott Lang[]

The Cloak being used by Scott Lang
- "Wingardium leviosa!"
- âScott Lang[src]
The Cloak aided Scott Lang at the base in Camp Lehigh, New Jersey, by wrapping itself around his head to allow him to flee a zombified Wanda Maximoff. The Cloak remained around Lang throughout the Quadjet ride to Wakanda.[8]

Mister Fantastic holding the Cloak
The Cloak was used by Earth-838's Doctor Strange throughout his time as a member of the Illuminati. In 2018, while the team was fighting Thanos, Strange sought the Darkhold to use it in search of ways to stop Thanos. Due to this, he would cause an Incursion. Following the defeat of Thanos, the Illuminati would vote to have Strange executed via Black Bolt's voice. Following Strange's death, Reed Richards left the Cloak inside the Illuminati Headquarters.[6]
Owned by Cassandra Nova[]

Cassandra Nova sitting on the Cloak
In the Void, Cassandra Nova encountered and killed Stephen Strange, taking his Sling Ring and Cloak of Levitation for herself, adorning her throne with the Cloak.[9]
The Ancient One described the cloak as fickle and, along with Karl Mordo, was surprised when it chose Doctor Strange as its master, suggesting it hasn't chosen a master in a long time or never at all. In addition, it is hinted it only chooses the most capable of wizards as the Ancient One said the Cloak choosing Strange was no minor feat and Mordo told Strange the relics choose their wielder when the wielder is ready.
Despite its negative reputation, it appears to be very affectionate towards Doctor Strange, as seen when it is wiping Stephen's tears away after a sad moment and is also very protective of him, since it saved him from Kaecilius and also assisted him in other battles such as the Battle of Titan. Even when away from Strange, the Cloak displayed humane emotions: it notably shared Iron Man's annoyance when Spider-Man revealed his presence in Ebony Maw's Q-Ship as well as surprise when Spider-Man suggested that he was there because of Iron Man summoning the Iron Spider Armor during their ascent from Earth.
While all relics "choose" their masters, the cloak possesses a will of its own and moves by its own accord. It was kept on display in the New York Sanctum alongside other magical relics. Since the Cloak of Levitation was naturally worn on the back, combined with its sentience, it becomes difficult, if not impossible to blindside its wearer as the cloak will block attacks, leaving the opponent wide open while alerting the wearer. It also anticipates dangers; pulling Strange away from threat whether he approves or not. In addition, the cloak grants the wearer the ability to fly and levitate and can be thrown at enemies to grab them as Stephen Strange did when he fought Spider-Man.
Alternate Versions[]
- In the comics, the Cloak of Levitation was a magical artifact given as a gift by the Ancient One to Doctor Strange after he first defeated Dormammu.
- The blue Cloak of Levitation of Doctor Strange of Earth-838 is inspired of Strange's original cloak in the comics, a less powerful version of his classical cloak.
- The Cloak was crafted from layered Japanese wool with embroidered edges and a printed chequered inner lining, and decorated with two gold clasps with ruby inlay.[10]
Behind the Scenes[]
- According to Kevin Feige, the cloak: "allows him to fly, but not like how Superman or Thor can fly. Itâs almost got a consciousness of its own, this cloak, which, again, gives us a superhero with a red cape."
- Visual Effect Supervisor Stephane Ceretti stated they hired the visual effect company Framestore after their previous work on Rocket, because they wanted to make the Cape a real character.[11] He also stated that inspiration for the Cloak was partially taken from the Magic Carpet from Disney's Aladdin.[12]
- Terry Notary provided motion capture performance for the cloak in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame.[13]
- â 1.0 1.1 1.2 Doctor Strange
- â Thor: Ragnarok
- â 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Avengers: Infinity War
- â Avengers: Endgame
- â 5.0 5.1 5.2 Spider-Man: No Way Home
- â 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
- â What If...?: 1.04: What If... Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?
- â 8.0 8.1 What If...?: 1.05: What If... Zombies?!
- â Deadpool & Wolverine
- â Marvel Studios Visual Dictionary
- â Doctor Strangeâs Cloak of Levitationâs VFX & Story Explained
- â Explore Doctor Strangeâs Incredible Visuals with VFX Supervisor Stephane Ceretti
- â 'Avengers: Infinity War' Writer Reveals Who Played Doctor Strange's Cape