Fire Demons, also known as Infernir and Scorchers, are a race of magma-like humanoid creatures that originate from Muspelheim. They were ruled by their lord Surtur until his destruction in 2017 at the very end of Ragnarök.
Centuries ago, Odin, the king of Asgard, traveled to Muspelheim to battle and defeat Surtur, the leader of the Fire Demons, taking the Eternal Flame with him to prevent Surtur from reaching his full strength in order to cause Ragnarök, the prophesized destruction of Asgard.
In 2017, Thor was captured by Surtur and the Fire Demons in Muspelheim. Thor managed to escape with the help of MjĂžlnir, so Surtur summoned his Fire Demons to kill him. However, Thor effortlessly fought off the Fire Demons with a powerful blast of lightning. After killing a significant number of the Fire Demons, Thor killed Surtur and took his crown back to Asgard.
A few days later, Loki placed the Crown of Black Fire in the Eternal Flame in order to resurrect Surtur so he would cause Ragnarök to kill Hela.[1]
Alternate Realities[]
Attack on Asgard[]
In an alternate reality, the Fire Demons and the Frost Giants launched an attack on Asgard, but were defeated by the Asgardians.[2]
Characteristic Traits[]
Fire Demons are humanoids with black-colored body that resemble cooled lava or magma. Their eyes along with the interiors of their mouth and body possess a perpetual fiery orange glow.
Notable Fire Demons[]
Appearances for Fire Demons |
In chronological order:
- The Fire Demons are loosely based on the Fire Giants of Norse Mythology. In the comics, they were the offspring of Surtur and entirely made of flames.