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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"Time travel suit. Not bad."
―James Rhodes[src]

The Advanced Tech Suit,[1] also called the Quantum Suit,[2] or the Time Suit,[3] is a nanotech suit used by the Avengers in conjunction with a Time-Space GPS in order to travel across time and space using the Quantum Realm.


Time Heist[]

Tony Stark created a Time-Space GPS that would allow the Avengers to travel across time and space using the Quantum Realm and incorporated his technology and designs along with Hank Pym's and the Guardians of the Galaxy's in order to create the Advanced Tech Suits.[4] The suits were designed to be housed inside the Time-Space GPS and to materialize around the wearer's outfit via nanotechnology, with the user able to manifest the helmet through mental commands.

Hulk explains Time Travel

Hawkeye wears the suit

While preparing to do a test run, Scott Lang donned the suit, although Clint Barton volunteered, due to Lang's fear. Barton then stepped onto the Quantum Tunnel platform and was sent into the Quantum Realm, where he used the HUD technology within the suit's helmet to navigate the realm and enter a time vortex that allowed him to travel to the past.

2023 Avengers

The Avengers prepare to travel through the Quantum Realm

Upon his successful return, the other Avengers wore the Advanced Tech Suits to navigate the Quantum Realm, creating alternate timelines which they visited in order to obtain the six Infinity Stones. During this Time Heist, the Nebula of an alternate 2014 stole the prime Nebula's suit in order to travel to the main timeline's 2023, infiltrating the Avengers and using the Quantum Tunnel to allow Thanos and his army to travel across timelines.

Steve Rogers (Quantum Suit)

Captain America prepares to return the Infinity Stones

Following the Battle of Earth and Stark's funeral, Steve Rogers used the Advanced Tech Suit to return all the objects that had been acquired during the Time Heist to their respective timelines.[5]


Avengers Quantum Realm

The Avengers using the Quantum Realm to go back in time

  • Size Manipulation: Based off the technology of the Ant-Man Suit, the Quantum Suits are capable, using the Pym Particles, of shrinking down in size to subatomic levels and entering the Quantum Realm.
  • Time Travel: The Time-Space GPS is a wrist gadget which allows for accurate displacement through different timelines.
  • Suit Materialization: The suit's nanotech structure allows for its housing inside the wearer's Time-Space GPS and for near immedeate materialization around the wearer's outfit.

Alternate Versions[]

Origin Status Creators Owners Users
Lego Avengers: Endgame Rush Active Tony Stark Avengers Natasha Romanoff
Thor Odinson
Steve Rogers
Carol Danvers
Tony Stark

Behind the Scenes[]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Advanced Tech Suit.