- "My grandmother came from a long line of special people who believed in a story. About the blue angels that fell from the heavens. The ancients called them the Kree."
- âRaina to Skye[src]
The Kree are a militaristic race of mostly blue-skinned humanoids from the planet Hala. One of the most technically advanced races in the galaxy, the Kree are skilled in genetic engineering and are responsible for the creation of the Inhumans on Earth. Politically, they are a powerful intergalactic state, controlling a vast fascist empire.
Galactic Exploits[]
- "There's a story. A myth from the East of a star that fell from the heavens... of blue angels who came bearing a gift for all mankind, meant to save the world."
"You don't strike me as a believer."
"Oh, I've based my whole life on it. History just has the details wrong."
"Then set history straight."
"These visitors, they didn't come to save the world. They came to conquer it." - âWerner Reinhardt and Peggy Carter[src]
The Kree are a humanoid race who follow a strict, militaristic lifestyle. They are the rulers of the Kree Empire, a large, interstellar imperial group that encompasses various planets, and features the Sakaaran species as a client race. They are one of the many races encountered by the Asgardians in the Nine Realms and the worlds beyond Yggdrasil.[7] Their relationship with the Asgardians is frosty at best, with the Asgardians viewing the Kree as deceitful and savage.[8]
The Kree have a historical rivalry with the Nova Empire, their rival for political power in the galaxy. The two empires waged a protracted war with each other that lasted a thousand years.[9]

The Kree capture a Mayan to experiment on
The Kree have been at war almost continuously throughout their history. During one such war, more than five thousand years ago, the odds were heavily stacked against the Kree, leading to division as to how they were to proceed. Two Kree,[8] known as the Reapers,[10] dispatched science teams across different worlds, experimenting on various alien races in order to produce bio-weapons for an army. They had little luck, however, until coming to Earth. Eastern terrestrial myths described the Kree as a species of blue angels sent to Earth to help humanity.[1]
Humans proved the most promising subjects yet. By exposing their altered subjects to the mist produced by Terrigen Crystals, a genetic mutation would be triggered, allowing the subjects to attain unique superhuman abilities.[8] The Kree created special Diviners as containment units for the crystals, designing them so that they would only open to the touch of Inhumans, revealing a map to a city the Kree had built beneath what is now Puerto Rico and used as the base of their operations on Earth.[11]
The Kree Empire eventually discovered the Reapers' illegal operation and sought to put an end to it,[8] but not before one of the Kree's creations would rise against them in rebellion. A Mayan hunter-gatherer who, following his Terrigenesis, was known as Alveus, or "Hive".[10] Hive had been intended to command the Kree's Inhuman army, but he rebelled against them instead, leading the Inhumans against their creators and banishing them from Earth,[12] leaving behind the Diviners, the Inhumans,[8] and a corpse of at least one of their kin.[13]
The Kree Imperials resolved that the Inhumans needed to be destroyed, and sought to use a Monolith,[14] an arcane relic that served as a portal to a distant planet, to attain this end.[15]
Despite the Kree's departure from Earth, at least two corpses were left behind. One of them, wearing a Quantum Band, had its body found and buried by the Ten Rings in their temple in India.[16] A second Kree corpse, belonging to a Reaper later dubbed G.H. who was left behind during the Inhuman experiments, was discovered by residents of a village in Hunan.[1] In the 1940s, both corpses were found by different parties; the Kree wielding the Quantum Band was discovered by the Clandestines in 1942 and had its Band stolen,[16] while the G.H. corpse fell into the possession of HYDRA before the Strategic Scientific Reserve acquired it in 1945 as World War II reached its end.[17] Within a few years, the SSR transitioned into S.H.I.E.L.D., thus leaving the new organization to own the corpse.[13]
Kree-Skrull War[]

For centuries, the Kree waged war against another race called the Skrulls, and created propaganda that fabricated the Skrulls as heartless monsters who use disguise and deception to infiltrate and destroy civilizations from the inside, whilst the Kree themselves are portrayed as selfless and noble heroes. In reality, the Skrulls refused to submit to the Kree Empire, the Kree responded by destroying their home planet Skrullos, and sending its survivors to flee scattered throughout the galaxy.
Eventually, Mar-Vell realized the injustice that her people were doing and decided to help the surviving Skrulls by constructing a Light-Speed Engine that could help them in finding a new home that was completely out of reach of the Kree. However, her betrayal did not go unnoticed and before she could complete her work, she was tracked down by the Starforce and killed by Yon-Rogg, who also abducted and brainwashed Mar-Vell's Terran pupil, Carol Danvers. Danvers was brought into the Starforce under the name "Vers."[2]
The Kree detected Skrull activity on Aphos Prime, but their scout ship was destroyed, so Vers and Minn-Erva were sent to determine the strength of the Skrull force kept there and report back. Vers and Minn-Erva went to Aphos Prime, where they encountered and fought a group of Skrulls before getting dragged under the planet's muddy surface. There, they met a Skrull who helped them escape and brought the Skrull back to Hala, where he was made a prisoner and interrogated.[18]
Kree-Nova War[]
The Kree waged a long-time war against the Nova Empire which many members of Starforce felt passionate about. However, the war was draining funds and resources from the Kree's war against the Skrulls, so the Kree began considering ending the war. However, having learned that Peer Kaal's tests on Aphos Prime were successful, they wanted to steal the plans for the weapon she was testing, the Axiom Cannon, from the Nova Corps. They sent Starforce to retrieve the plans, with Vers taking point on the infiltration. Vers found Kaal, who died after giving Vers the data capsule. Vers returned to Starforce with the help of Rhomann Dey and gave over the plans.[18] The war then continued for many more years.[9]
Hala's Dark Days[]
Betrayed by Carol Danvers[]

The Annihilator
The Kree continued their onslaught on the Skrulls, but Carol Danvers started to learn her true origin and realized the lies that the Kree had fed her for six years, causing her to turn against them and decide to finish what Mar-Vell had started by finding the surviving Skrulls a new home and to put an end to the Kree's war on other races in the galaxy.[2]

The Supreme Intelligence is destroyed
Danvers soon arrived on Hala and charged towards the Supreme Intelligence. With a young Dar-Benn watching, Danvers killed the Supreme Intelligence, sparking a Kree Civil War which eventually rid Hala of it's resources including Pama, its oxygen and water. This act made Danvers known among the Kree as "The Annihilator."[19]
Ronan's Vendetta[]

- "I will unfurl one thousand years of Kree justice on Xandar and burn it to its core!"
- âRonan the Accuser[src]
By 2014, the war between the Kree and the Nova Empire had ended, thanks in no small part to the Nova Prime Irani Rael being able to force the Kree Emperor to sign a peace treaty. Seeking revenge against the Nova Empire and refusing to abide by the treaty, Ronan the Accuser allied with Thanos, promising to give him the Orb in exchange for the forces necessary to annihilate Xandar, the capital of the Nova Empire.

Ronan the Accuser takes the Orb's power
The treaty was not popular among the Kree citizenry, as massive riots broke out across their homeworld when the news of it broke. Ronan's quest against Xandar eventually led to his downfall. In a destructive battle waged in both Xandar's airways and city streets, Ronan came close to destroying the entire planet using an Infinity Stone, but the Guardians of the Galaxy were able to use the stone to kill him.[9] In the aftermath of Ronan's crusade, there remained a faction of "Kree purists", who counted the Guardians of the Galaxy as enemies.[20]
Ego's Expansion[]

The Kree running away from Ego's Expansion
Ego's Expansion affected Hala as well, as the Kree race was almost eliminated by Ego, who planned to assimilate the entire universe for himself. Ironically, the Kree were ultimately saved along with the whole universe by the Guardians of the Galaxy, the same individuals they branded as enemies following Ronan the Accuser's death.[20]
Events on Terra[]
Seeking the Inhumans[]

A Kree named Vin-Tak came to Earth when he noticed that a Diviner had been activated; believing the Inhumans as abominations, and fearing what would happen if the Empire found out about them, he sought to kill whoever had transformed. He decided to destroy any remaining Diviners first, before seeking his target. Vin-Tak discovered that the six Diviners on Earth buried in Portugal were gone.

Vin-Tak furiously fights against Bobbi Morse
He was apprehended by S.H.I.E.L.D. and revealed to Phil Coulson, Melinda May, and Skye the origin of the Inhumans; Sif was there also because of the enmity between their races caused her to investigate his presence on Earth. Upon discovering that Skye was an Inhuman, Vin-Tak allied himself with Sif to kill her. However, opposition from Bobbi Morse using her battle staves and Leo Fitz using the Destroyer Armor Prototype Gun delayed his progress. Morse used his own Truncheon on him to cause him to forget his mission.
Ultimately, the Kree, without memories of his mission, was taken to Asgard by Sif before returning to Hala.[8]
Summoned by Hive[]

Two Kree Reapers arrive on modern Earth
- "What are they?"
"The Kree." - âAlphonso Mackenzie and Phil Coulson[src]
Hive took Daisy Johnson, Alisha Whitley and Hellfire to Union City, in order to create his own army of Inhumans by having Holden Radcliffe help him re-create the original Kree experiment. At first, the experiment failed and Radcliffe assured him that it would work but they needed blood from a living Kree individual. Hive then used a device to emit a radio signal to summon the Kree Reapers which, according to him, were orbiting the solar system ever since the experiment, centuries ago.

A Kree Reaper fights and kills Alisha Whitley
The Kree Reapers destroyed the place where the radio orb device was located while a S.H.I.E.L.D. strike enforcement team led by Alphonso Mackenzie was inside but evacuated immediately after Director Phil Coulson warned them of the incoming projectile. The Kree Reapers proceeded to hunt down Inhumans; one of them was walking down the streets and was seen by two people at least, eventually finding Alisha Whitley and killing her double and herself once and for all. Then the Kree Reaper found where Radcliffe was working and fought Johnson where she used her powers on the Kree Reaper's spine to kill him.

A Kree Reaper's face is melted off by Hive
Radcliffe managed to get some of the Kree Reaper's blood out of its corpse before it was hit by a Splinter Bomb thrown by Mackenzie. The other Kree fought with Hive who was almost outperformed by the Kree Reaper, but eventually, Hive used his Inhuman powers to eliminate and absorb the organic matter from the Kree. Meanwhile, the S.H.I.E.L.D. strike team and Melinda May were waiting for the perfect chance to take Hive down, but were forced to retreat when Hive proved superior to their tactics and weaponry.[10]
The Confederacy[]

Taryan Kasius speaks to Glenn Talbot
- "What do you know of my family?"
"Well, then you know that I am from a long line of inventive thinkers. I have ideas, methods, which don't, shall we say, mesh with those of my breed." - âTaryan Kasius and Quake[src]
Taryan Kasius from the House of Kasius, one of the noblest Kree families, was a member of the alien alliance called the Confederacy. As part of the Confederacy, the Kree made a deal with HYDRA, promising to help Earth face a powerful enemy in exchange for resources. In fact, the Confederacy were just using HYDRA to get what they wanted, Gravitonium and Inhuman slaves, before the Earth's doom.
After Glenn Talbot force himself into the Confederacy, Taryan warned the enhanced Human about Thanos' attack on Earth, and told him to look for more Gravitonium in order to have a chance against the Mad Titan.[21]

Taryan Kasius speaks with Quake in her head
When Quake was captured, she was being transferred to Taryan unconscious with a transmission device planted on her forehead. With the device Taryan was able to communicate with Quake to convince her join him so she would live an appropriate for an Inhuman. Quake was not convinced and managed to free herself from captivity.[22]
Sleeper Cells[]
By 2024, the Kree had deployed sleeper cells to Earth. The Skrull commander Talos, who had been residing on Earth posing as Nick Fury, was aware of the sleeper cells and expressed his annoyance to his wife Soren that the information was no longer private.[23]
Employed at OrgoCorp[]
In 2026, a Kree[24] named Bam was hired by OrgoCorp as a security guard at the Orgoscope. He was called to defend the Orgoscope from Mantis and Drax the Destroyer. However, Mantis disarmed Bam and forced him to dance.[25]
Dar-Benn's Rule[]
Searching for the Quantum Bands[]

Dar-Benn finds the Quantum Band
- "If the Kree legends are true... the Quantum Bands were used to create every jump point in the universe. Teleportation network. Two Quantum Bands working in unison to connect the galaxy."
- âCaptain Marvel[src]
With Hala's resources becoming even more scarce due to the Kree Civil War, Supremor Dar-Benn sought the Quantum Bands. She was successful in finding the bands on MB-418, only to find there was only one. Angrily, Dar-Benn asked where the other one could be. In the meantime, Dar-Benn could make do with combining the single band and the Universal Weapon.[19]
Peace Talks[]

S.A.B.E.R. made contact with Nick Fury to inform him on an offer by the Kree to enter into peace negotiations with the Skrulls in to resolve the Kree-Skrull War. This was met with incredulous amusement by Varra, who agreed to help at the peace summit.[26] Dar-Benn negotiated these peace talks by going to visit Emperor Dro'ge's colony on Tarnax IV. During the negotiations, Dar-Benn surprised Dro'ge by saying she wanted to relocate the Skrulls and move the Kree to Tarnax.

Kree being tied up on Earth
Suddenly, none other than the annihilator arrived. Dar-Benn soon escaped and made her way to the cliffside, stating that the Skrulls had betrayed the Kree by calling the annihilator. Therefore, Dar-Benn used the Universal Weapon and the Quantum Band to set a rift in the Universal Neural Teleportation Network in order to siphon Tarnex's oxygen to Hala, which was the first step in the Restoration of Hala. Concurrently, due to a quantum entanglement, some Kree were transported to Earth and taken into custody by S.A.B.E.R.

Dar-Benn takes off her respirator
Back on Hala, Dar-Benn took off her breathing apparatus and was able to confirm that the air on Hala was in fact breathable due to her efforts on Tarnax. Scientist Ty-Rone then pulled Dar-Benn aside and stated his worry for the amounts of energy the quantum bands would disperse.[19]
Finding Water[]

The Kree arrive on Aladna
In the next step of her Restoration of Hala, Dar-Benn arrived on Aladna in hopes of siphoning the planet's water as it was 99.63% water. Dar-Benn was again attacked by Captain Marvel, but also Monica Rambeau and Ms. Marvel. Dar-Benn fought the Marvels, but was soon able to get enough room to start siphoning the water. With the mission complete, Dar-Benn went to leave, but could not help but notice that Ms. Marvel had the second quantum band.[19]
Dar-Benn's Defeat[]

- "Halaâs sun died because of you. Why shouldnât you repay us?"
"Maybe she should. The reaction in your sunâs core has slowed. It needs an incredible amount of energy to jump-start it... and thatâs what you have, Carol. You can use your powers to save Hala." - âDar-Benn and Monica Rambeau[src]
With one last step in her plan to restore Hala, Dar-Benn sought out the Earth's Sun in order to refuel Pama. Dar-Benn arrived and started siphoning the Sun. However, she soon figured out that just the power of the single band and her Universal Weapon were not enough to siphon something of that magnitude. So, Dar-Benn waited for the Marvels to arrive.

The Marvels soon arrived as expected and they engaged in a fight with Dar-Benn trying to get the second Quantum Band from Ms. Marvel. Dar-Benn held her own, but was soon thrown into the wall, causing the collapsing ceiling to impale her as it fell. On the verge of dying, Dar-Benn demanded repayment for the years of suffering that Captain Marvel's actions had caused Hala. Monica Rambeau agreed with Dar-Benn and stated that Danvers could use her powers to reignite Pama.

Dar-Benn is obliterated
With agreement, the Marvels helped Dar-Benn to her feet, only for Dar-Benn to turn on them and pin Ms. Marvel to the ground, threatening her life. Dar-Benn then took Ms. Marvel's quantum band and connected it with her own, allowing her to finally siphon the Sun. However, much like Ty-Rone predicted, the power of the bands were too much and Dar-Benn succumbed to her death as the bands' power ripped her apart.[19]

The Kree watch Pama's reignition
- "She went to fulfill a promise."
- âMs. Marvel[src]
Even with Dar-Benn's death, Captain Marvel decided to fulfill her promise to her enemy. She flew to Hala and made her way to Pama where she went binary and flew through it, effectively reuniting their sun and restoring Hala.[19]
Alternate Universes[]
Destroyed Earth Timeline[]

Kasius rules over the Lighthouse
In an alternate timeline, Earth was torn apart by a catastrophic event. The human survivors lived in a bunker under the ruins of the planet called the Lighthouse.[27] However, the Kree came to the station and restored the order, but they also destroyed every document about the life on Earth, so the Humans would focus on work. The ruler of the Lighthouse was Kasius,[4] whose father banished him from Hala.[28]
For Kasius to profit from his unwanted staying in the Lighthouse, he forced every human to be exposed to the Terrigen Mist and enslaving those who became Inhumans. He then offered them to potential buyers from across the galaxy that wanted the Inhumans for their powers.[29]
When S.H.I.E.L.D. agents from the past used the Time Di'Alla to travel to the year 2091, they soon started a rebellion against Kasius and his Kree Watch, which led to his death and the retaking of the Lighthouse by the oppressed humans.[30]
Kree Variants[]
- "You know, we brought in Kree, Titans, vampires. Why is it the two orphan demigods are such a pain in the ass?"
- âMobius M. Mobius to Hunter B-15[src]
Several Kree had breached the Sacred Timeline, so they were apprehended by the Time Variance Authority. After being interrogated at the Time Variance Authority Office, those Variants were eventually pruned.[31]
Utopian Universe[]
Ronan's Crusade[]

- "Then let's get this going. I promised Ronan we'd have the shield open by dawn."
- âIrani Rael[src]
A powerful warlord named Ronan the Accuser had a distain for Xandarians and started his crusade to end the species. In his efforts, he killed Thanos and made his way to Xandar. However, at his emergence, Nova Prime decided to close the Planetary Shield, locking Ronan out. However, another Kree named Yon-Rogg was locked in, albeit in prison.

Five years later, Nova Prime had realized that the isolation had sent Xandar into dark ages. Therefore, she contacted Ronan to create a conspiracy to reopen the Planetary Shield by manipulating Nebula. In this manipulation, Nebula recruited Yon-Rogg to help due to his hacking expertise. Yon-Rogg eventually was able to complete his mission and Rael soon had Nebula killed.

Ronan is killed
Later, Yon-Rogg was at the Nova Corps Headquarters awaiting the opening of the shield, only to find none other than a living Nebula and her group of allies. A fight ensued with Rael opening the gate. However, Nebula revealed she had implanted codes that allowed herself to close it. Nebula started automatically closing the shield, which caused Ronan to get caught in the middle, destroying his ship and killing him. Yon-Rogg then continued the fight, only to be killed by Korg.[32]
Technology and Weapons[]
Guns and Rifles[]
- Kree Pistol: Used by members of the Starforce.
- Kree Sniper Rifle: Used by Minn-Erva.
Blades and Melee Weapons[]
- Universal Weapon: Used by the Accusers, capable of holding the Power Stone.
- Kree Energy Swords: Used by Korath the Pursuer.
- Kree Battle Axe: Used by the Kree Reapers and the Kree Watch.
- Truncheon: Used by Vin-Tak, capable of erasing and restoring memories of its targets.
- Twin Kree Blades: Primary blades for Kree warriors.
- Kree Ballistic Missiles: Used during the Battle at Mar-Vell's Laboratory by the Accusers from their Warship to destroy Earth.
Special Weapons[]
- Magnitron Gauntlets: Used by Yon-Rogg.
- Kree Spheres: Sinara's weapon of choice.
Armors and Uniforms[]
- Kree Armor: Battlesuits worn by the Accusers.
- Starforce Uniform: Tactical suits used by members of the Starforce.
- Terrigen Crystals
- Diviner
- Diviner Box
- Kree Beacon
- Kree Monolith
- Odium
- Light-Speed Engine
- Kree Threat Detector
- Photon Inhibitor
- Inhuman Control Device
- Metrics
- Gravity Puck
- Silencing Implant
Characteristic Traits[]
- "You're telling me that we got our asses handed to us by little green men."
"They were big and blue." - âGlenn Talbot and Phil Coulson[src]
The Kree are mostly humanoid, with their most distinctive features being their blue skin, mostly purple eyes and, sometimes, pointed ears, such as with the Kree Ambassador. They are stronger than normal humans, though their exact level of strength appears to vary greatly; some can hold their own against Asgardians,[8] while other were overpowered by humans (albeit ones who are highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat, such as S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Bobbi Morse, Daisy Johnson, and Melinda May). Accusers, as seen in the case of Ronan the Accuser, possess notably higher strength which greatly exceeds that of Drax the Destroyer.[9] Their physicality is vastly different from humans, having adapted to various environmental characteristics on their home planet.
Kree also possess potent regenerative abilities. Their healing factor is so profound that S.H.I.E.L.D. was able to use the blood of one long-dead Kree to save mortally wounded, terminally ill, or even dead agents more than 5,000 years after the Kree had died.[33][34] Yon-Rogg also resurrected Carol Danvers with a blood transfusion in 1989.[35] However, that transfusion process only works on "simpler" beings like humans; Kree cannot use their own blood to resurrect their own kind.[30] The Kree have an extremely long lifespan, roughly on par with races such as the Asgardians; Ronan described a team composed of other races as mortals.[9]
Kree skin, when overexposed to nitrogen, changes from blue to pink, heightening their resemblance to light-skinned humans.[8] Kree with other skin tones have been shown to exist, such as Korath the Pursuer, Yon-Rogg and Mar-Vell whose skin more closely resembles that of humans.[2]
While Kree serving in governmental and military roles are generally bald,[9] they are capable of growing hair.[8]
The Kree have their own language and, being a space-faring race from a large empire, are generally fluent in others. Other extraterrestrial races, such as the Asgardians, teach the Kree language to their young. For example, the word kava means key.[8]
Notable Kree[]
Kree Hybrids[]
- In the comics, the Kree shared their home planet with the intelligent plant-like Cotati. The early evolution of both species was influenced heavily by the Skrulls, who granted them advanced technology with the hope of eventually absorbing the Kree and Cotati into their trading empire. As a result of the Skrulls' favoritism towards the Cotati, the Kree declared feudal war against the Skrulls, drawing the Avengers and other heroes into it as both races wanted to conquer Earth due to its strategic position within the galaxy.
- â 1.0 1.1 1.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.08: The Things We Bury
- â 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Captain Marvel
- â Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.16: Afterlife
- â 4.0 4.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.02: Orientation Part Two
- â Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.07: Together or Not All
- â 6.0 6.1 Marvel Studios Announces Historic R-Rated Disney+ Show
- â Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.15: Yes Men
- â 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.12: Who You Really Are
- â 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Guardians of the Galaxy
- â 10.0 10.1 10.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.19: Failed Experiments
- â Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.09: ...Ye Who Enter Here
- â Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.16: Paradise Lost
- â 13.0 13.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.14: T.A.H.I.T.I.
- â Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.20: Scars
- â Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.02: Purpose in the Machine
- â 16.0 16.1 Ms. Marvel: 1.03: Destined
- â Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.01: Shadows
- â 18.0 18.1 Captain Marvel: Starforce on the Rise
- â 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 The Marvels
- â 20.0 20.1 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
- â Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.20: The One Who Will Save Us All
- â Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.21: The Force of Gravity
- â Spider-Man: Far From Home
- â Brandon Morales on Instagram - May 5, 2023
- â Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
- â Secret Invasion: 1.06: Home
- â Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.01: Orientation Part One
- â Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.05: Rewind
- â Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.03: A Life Spent
- â 30.0 30.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.10: Past Life
- â Loki: 1.04: The Nexus Event
- â What If...?: 2.01: What If... Nebula Joined the Nova Corps?
- â Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.20: Nothing Personal
- â Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.07: The Writing on the Wall
- â Captain Marvel: The Official Movie Special
External Links[]
Kree on Marvel Database
Kree on Wikipedia