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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"Where did that rock send us?"
"Well, I don't have many details, but I know we're in space."
"Yeah, that makes sense. It's the one thing we haven't done yet."
―Alphonso Mackenzie and Phil Coulson

Orientation Part One is the first episode of the fifth season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Coulson and the team find themselves stranded on a mysterious ship in outer space, and that's just the beginning of the nightmare to come.


White Monolith 5x01

The Time Di'Alla

Enoch joins his team and leads them to Rae's Restaurant, where he captures Phil Coulson and his team after paralyzing them, save for Leo Fitz who is "not on the list". The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents regain consciousness only to face the Time Di'Alla, which absorbs them all.

Orientation Part One Coulson pic

Phil Coulson finds himself trapped in space

Coulson finds himself in what seems to be a space station frozen in time. When time resumes, a giant hole in the wall aspires the air before being closed by an individual who starts arguing with a co-worker. Coulson interrupts them and is immediately recognized by Virgil as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a potential savior. When the other man is killed by Vrellnexians, Virgil brings Coulson to safety and answers his questions before being knocked unconscious by Alphonso Mackenzie, who thought that Virgil was threatening Coulson. Elsewhere on the ship, Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Jemma Simmons find several drained bodies before being found by Coulson and Mackenzie. Together, they try to figure out their situation and to wake Virgil up.

When Virgil finally regains consciousness, he tells them that he knows all of them and that he knew that the S.H.I.E.L.D. would come and save humanity, much to the agents' disbelief. However, Virgil is killed by a Vrellnexian before finishing his explanations, forcing the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to flee. While the party gets stuck in a dead-end, Daisy Johnson appears and kills the Vrellnexian that is about to eat them. The party find a relatively secure place and discuss their options, deciding to remain together.

The teleportation went wrong for Melinda May, who gets stuck with a pipe in her leg. She manages to escape and hides upon hearing the arrival of Deke Shaw. Deke finds May and begins to fight her, eventually pinning her on a wall thanks to an anti-gravitational device and gagging her. Deke then forcefully implant a Metrics in May's wrist, telling her that she needs it to stay alive. He then takes her away.

Orientation Part One 11

Deke Shaw leads the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents through the Lighthouse

The other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents find the room in which May and Deke were and discover a computer programmed in English, making them believe that they could send a message to Earth. Before they can proceed further, they are attacked by Kree who imprison them. Mackenzie and Rodriguez are taken for torture and interrogation while Coulson, Simmons, and Johnson remain in a cell before being joined by Deke and May. Deke manages to convince the Kree guards to let them go and takes them away. Deke tries to walk away but May stops him. The team then splits to pursue their objectives: freeing their friends, trying to send a message to Earth and getting answers from Deke.

Quake arrives just in time to keep two Kree interrogators from breaking both Rodriguez's arms and releasing Mackenzie and Rodriguez, which leads to the death of the Kree. Simmons and May find a spaceship and take it into space, discovering what they realize to be a largely destroyed Earth. Meanwhile, by interrogating Deke, Coulson reaches the same conclusion as they do: they did not travel through space, but through time, in a future where the Earth was destroyed and the survivors gathered in a space station ruled by the Kree.


Main Cast:

Guest Stars:







Sentient Species[]





Song title Artist Location(s)
This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody) Talking Heads Enoch swims in his pool, showers, gets dressed, meets up with his team and travels to Rae's Restaurant to arrest Coulson and the other agents.


  • This episode was nominated for a Visual Effects Society Award for Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal Episode.




Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Orientation Part One.

External Links[]

Season One Pilot ‱ 0-8-4 ‱ The Asset ‱ Eye-Spy ‱ Girl in the Flower Dress ‱ FZZT ‱ The Hub ‱ The Well ‱ Repairs ‱The Bridge ‱ The Magical Place ‱ Seeds ‱ T.R.A.C.K.S. ‱ T.A.H.I.T.I. ‱ Yes Men ‱ End of the Beginning ‱ Turn, Turn, Turn ‱ Providence ‱ The Only Light in the Darkness ‱ Nothing Personal ‱ Ragtag ‱ Beginning of the End
Season Two Shadows ‱ Heavy is the Head ‱ Making Friends and Influencing People ‱ Face My Enemy ‱ A Hen in the Wolf House ‱ A Fractured House ‱ The Writing on the Wall ‱ The Things We Bury ‱ ...Ye Who Enter Here ‱ What They Become ‱ Aftershocks ‱ Who You Really Are ‱ One of Us ‱ Love in the Time of HYDRA ‱ One Door Closes ‱ Afterlife ‱ Melinda ‱ The Frenemy of My Enemy ‱ The Dirty Half Dozen ‱ Scars ‱ S.O.S. Part One ‱ S.O.S. Part Two
Season Three Laws of Nature ‱ Purpose in the Machine ‱ A Wanted (Inhu)man ‱ Devils You Know ‱ 4,722 Hours ‱ Among Us Hide... ‱ Chaos Theory ‱ Many Heads, One Tale ‱ Closure ‱ Maveth ‱ Bouncing Back ‱ The Inside Man ‱ Parting Shot ‱ Watchdogs ‱ Spacetime ‱ Paradise Lost ‱ The Team ‱ The Singularity ‱ Failed Experiments ‱ Emancipation ‱ Absolution ‱ Ascension
Season Four The Ghost ‱ Meet the New Boss ‱ Uprising ‱ Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire ‱ Lockup ‱ The Good Samaritan ‱ Deals With Our Devils ‱ The Laws of Inferno Dynamics ‱ Broken Promises ‱ The Patriot ‱ Wake Up ‱ Hot Potato Soup ‱ BOOM ‱ The Man Behind the Shield ‱ Self Control ‱ What If... ‱ Identity and Change ‱ No Regrets ‱ All the Madame's Men ‱ Farewell, Cruel World! ‱ The Return ‱ World's End
Season Five Orientation Part One ‱ Orientation Part Two ‱ A Life Spent ‱ A Life Earned ‱ Rewind ‱ Fun & Games ‱ Together or Not at All ‱ The Last Day ‱ Best Laid Plans ‱ Past Life ‱ All the Comforts of Home ‱ The Real Deal ‱ Principia ‱ The Devil Complex ‱ Rise and Shine ‱ Inside Voices ‱ The Honeymoon ‱ All Roads Lead... ‱ Option Two ‱ The One Who Will Save Us All ‱ The Force of Gravity ‱ The End
Season Six Missing Pieces ‱ Window of Opportunity ‱ Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson ‱ Code Yellow ‱ The Other Thing ‱ Inescapable ‱ Toldja ‱ Collision Course Part One ‱ Collision Course Part Two ‱ Leap ‱ From the Ashes ‱ The Sign ‱ New Life
Season Seven The New Deal ‱ Know Your Onions ‱ Alien Commies from the Future! ‱ Out of the Past ‱ A Trout in the Milk ‱ Adapt or Die ‱ The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and the D ‱ After, Before ‱ As I Have Always Been ‱ Stolen ‱ Brand New Day ‱ The End is at Hand ‱ What We're Fighting For