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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

Aladna is a planet located in the Magellanic Galaxy. It is the homeworld of the Aladneans ruled by Prince Yan and the Aladnean Royal Family, its planetary surface is 99.63% covered in water.


A Royal Wedding[]

During Carol Danvers' universal travels, she would come to Aladna and befriend the prince of the planet, Yan. In order to help her friend out of a diplomatic issue, Danvers married Yan, effectively become the princess of Aladna. As a result, Danvers was worshipped by Aladneans due to its matriarchal society. However, since the marriage was only to aid a friend, Danvers was not required to stay on the planet and departed to continue her adventures through space.[1]

Visited by the Marvels[]

The Marvels Trailer (36)

Carol warns Yan of the upcoming attack

Years later, Captain Marvel returned with Monica Rambeau and Kamala Khan, with whom she had formed a team named the Marvels with, and were greeted warmly by song by the Aladneans. Danvers proceeded to locate Yan, changing her outfit from her regular uniform to a Captain Marvel-themed ball gown. While the two danced in front of a large crowd, Danvers warned him, via song, of the attack Dar-Benn was planning. The Kree Supremor wanted to steal Aladna's resources in order to restore her own people's planet, Hala. In order to prepare Carol and her friends for battle, Yan had new suits made for them.

Attacked by the Kree[]

The Marvels Trailer (28)

Aladna's oceans being siphoned to Hala

Not long after changing into their new uniforms, Dar-Benn arrived at Aladna and went to Yan and his forces, demanding them to kneel. Yan refused, and Dar-Benn commanded her army to attack. Despite the Marvels' best efforts, Dar-Benn was able to use her Universal Weapon in conjuction with one of the two Quantum Bands to open an unstable Jump Point in order to siphon Aladna's oceans to Hala. Yan, the Aladnean Armed Forces, and the Marvels fought valiantly against the Kree warriors, with Danvers destroying several Kree ships, but the Marvels were forced to flee Aladna, leaving Yan and the Aladnean Armed Forces to fend for themselves, against the judgement of Danvers who did not want another planet to suffer because of her.[1]

Alternate Realities[]

Nexus Event Bombing[]

In her quest to gain vengeance against the Time Variance Authority, Sylvie Laufeydottir used a Timedoor to send a Reset Charge to Aladna, triggering a Nexus event and creating a branched timeline. The TVA quickly responded to the crisis and traveled to Aladna in order to prune the branched timeline.[2]


In chronological order:

In an indefinite temporality:


  • In the comics, Aladna is a planet briefly visited by Lila Cheney.


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Aladna.

External Links[]
