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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"Without his trickster brother to keep things, let's say, lively, Thor grew into a very different prince."

The "Party Prince Thor" Universe is an alternate reality where Thor, being an only child, grew up to be a careless prince, worrying only over organizing parties across different planets.


Asgardian-Jotun Friendship[]

What If..

Odin returning baby Loki back to Laufey

"But in another universe, instead of raising the Jotunheim prince, Loki, as his own son, Odin returned him to his people."

When Odin found Jotun Prince Loki abonded, he returned him to his father, King Laufey, much to his delight. This act of goodwill led to peace between the previously warring nations. As they grew up, Loki would eventually become friends with Odin's son, Thor.[1]

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Alien Encounter[]

"This isn't S.H.I.E.L.D.'s first alien rodeo."
―Maria Hill to Jane Foster[src]

During an alien encounter S.H.I.E.L.D. befriended Captain Marvel, who gave them a modified pager to contact her in cases of emergency before leaving Earth.[1]

Party Prince Thor[]

"At your last party on Alpha Star, did you really destroy that planet?"
"No, no, it was more of a meteor anyway, not a planet. And it was burning apart, so we just kinda helped it along, and..."
―Jane Foster and Thor[src]

Living up in a time of great prosperity and peace for Asgard, Thor would grow up to be quite immature and childish. Alongside his friends the Warriors Three and Sif, Thor would throw outrageous parties from planet to planet all across the universe, dubbing himself the "party prince." In 2008, Thor would end up throwing a party so huge that it would destroy the planet it was hosted on, Alpha Star Icarus.[1]

Party on Midgard[]

Party in Las Vegas[]

Thor prepares to party

Thor prepares to party

"Citizens of Midgard... your dull lives are about to come to an end. Prepare yourselves... for the party prince!"

In 2010, Odin falls into the Odinsleep leaving Thor as king of Asgard until he awakes. Frigga leaves Asgard to visit her sister, Gullveig, forbidding Thor from throwing any parties. With Heimdall being instructed to watch him with his all seeing eyes, Thor decides to throw a party on a planet that he never expects Heimdall to look at, Midgard. Thor alerted beings from universe to his plans before he, alongside the Warriors Three and Sif, used the Bifrost Bridge to travel to the planet.

Thor lands in vegas

Thor arrives in Las Vegas

Meanwhile on Midgard, astrophysicist Jane Foster and her intern Darcy Lewis where camping out in the New Mexico desert hoping to detect an Einstein–Rosen Bridge. Foster was began searching for one due to one preceding the destruction of Alpha Star Icarus two years prior. When her scanners finally detected on in the vicinity, Foster attempted to warn S.H.I.E.L.D. about what she believed to be an incoming alien invasion, but they ignored her. Foster and Lewis then saw Thor and company fly by on the Bifrost Bridge before they landed in Las Vegas and greeted the people of Earth.

Einharjar block Fury

Nick Fury tries to confront Thor

Foster, alongside Lewis, then travelled to Vegas in hopes of finding the source of these anomalies. There she met Thor, who confirmed her suspicions before hitting on her. Smitten, Foster joined Thor for the party while Lewis hung out with Howard the Duck. Attempting to break up the party, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, traveled to Vegas. There he tried to speak with Thor, but he blocked by two Einherjar guards before being tackled by Korg, rendering him unconscious and making Maria Hill Acting Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.[1]

Attack on Thor[]

Captain Marvel's Pager (What If)

Maria Hill calls Captain Marvel

"You know, there's a Midgardian word for women like you. Party pooper. There I said it."
―Thor to Captain Marvel[src]

The next day, Jane Foster woke up in Thor's hotel room with Maria Hill and a group of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s outside her door. They took Foster and Darcy Lewis to Helicarrier, hoping that they knew of someway of getting rid of Thor. Now that she was in love with the prince of Asgard, Foster attempted to talk down Maria Hill but she didn't listen. With Thor's party spreading worldwide, Hill decided to call in Captain Marvel and have her force Thor to stop the party.

Party Thor and Cap Marvel What If..

Captain Marvel confronts Thor

In France, Thor greets his best friend Loki before he's confronted by Captain Marvel. She initially tries to resolve things peacefully with Thor but when he refuses to end the party, Captain Marvel uppercuts Thor. The two trade blows back and forth until Thor uses MjĂžlnir to launch Captain Marvel to Stonehenge. There, Thor destroys most of the structure despite the captain telling him not to. This deeply angers her, leading Captain Marvel to punch Thor so hard he is launched to the United States of America.

Captain Marvel vs

Captain Marvel and Thor duke it out

Captain Marvel follows him there and the two begin to duel in the desert before Captain Marvel launches Thor up into the sky. They continue their fight up in the clouds, eventually making their way to a giant storm cloud. Due to Thor being the God of Thunder, he uses the storm cloud to his advantage and is able to gain the upper hand over the captain, putting an end to their battle for now.[1]

Party's Over[]

Captain Marvel, Darcy Lewis & Jane Foster

Captain Marvel's ready for round two

"All right, listen, party's over. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay."

Due to Captain Marvel's inability to stop Thor, Maria Hill became deeply frustrated with her. Captain Marvel explained to Hill that if she unleashed her full power it could cause massive civilian casualties. This was until they realized that they could lure Thor into a desert, allowing Captain Marvel to neutralize him while harming no innocence lives. Jane Foster attempted to talk them down from killing Thor, but Hill was not receptive to her input and kicked her and Darcy Lewis off the Helicarrier.

WI107 - Captain Marvel Binary Form

Captain Marvel confronts Thor again

Back in Las Vegas, Foster attempted to contact Thor to no but to no avail. Foster then realizes that if Thor and Loki exists, then other beings from Norse mythology must as well. Meanwhile, Captain Marvel captured Thor in Sydney, Australia. Taking Thor to northern Siberia, Captain Marvel continued her attack on Thor while Maria Hill waited in the Helicarrier prepared to drop nukes on Thor if need be.

Jane meets Frigga

Jane Foster speaks with Frigga

In Vegas, Foster successfully modified her monitoring equipment so that she could call out to Heimdall. Hearing Foster calling for him, Heimdall brought her to Asgard before sending her to Frigga's location. Upon arriving their, Foster informed Frigga of son's party on Earth. Frigga then used Magic to contact Thor and confront him about his party, interrupting the fight between him and Captain Marvel. Upon being confronted, Thor lied and said he was on Earth for a cultural exchange. Lewis]] off the Helicarrier.

Thor (What If)

Thor summons MjĂžlnir

Hoping to catch her son in his lie, Frigga decided to cut her visit to her sister short. With his mother incoming, Thor forced his party guests to help him clean up the planet before she arrived. Luckily for Thor, he was able to clean the planet up and organized a faux study group before his mother arrived. Following Frigga's arrival, Captain Marvel gifted Thor a tablet full of knowledge on Human civilizations. Before he and Frigga departed for Asgard, Thor summoned MjĂžlnir only to find it covered in various party leftovers, embarrassing himself in front of Frigga.[1]

Ultron Offensive[]

Attack on Las Vegas[]

Infinity Stones (What If)

Ultron arrives

"Nobody messes with Vegas!"

Sometime later, Thor would visit Jane Foster and bring her flowers. While Thor initially only asked if he could call Foster, she insisted that they go on a date. Upon deciding on a time, Thor began to leave Foster when a portal opened up and revealed another universe's Ultron and his army of Ultron Sentries.[1] Ultron had come to this universe to destroy all organic life, much like he did to his home universe.[2]

Thor vs

Thor fights off Ultron Sentries

In Las Vegas, Thor fought off the Ultron Sentries before being taken by Watcher to join the Guardians of the Multiverse. Upon the Guardians defeat of Ultron, The Watcher returned Thor to this universe. Now back in Vegas, Thor embraced Foster as the destroyed remains of Ultron Sentries lay scattered around them.[3]

Although the party was over, most cosmic beings decided to stay on Earth to live with humans, making life between Earth and the cosmos coexist in harmony in a terran-cosmic utopia.




In chronological order:


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