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The Dawn Maiden

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The Dawn Maiden

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Frozen Fortress



The Dawn Maiden (Japanese: 暁の巫女 Priestess of Dawn) is the eleventh paralogue chapter of Fire Emblem Engage, unlocked upon the completion of Chapter 19. As a paralogue chapter, its events are not integral to the game's main storyline and can be done at the player's leisure. In this chapter, Alear takes on a challenge from Emblem Micaiah in a place familiar to her in order to deepen their bonds.


Main article: The Dawn Maiden/Script

In a snowy fortress in Elusia, Micaiah is reminded of Castle Nox from her homeworld. She tells Alear that it was there that she fought against Ike in an attempt to defend her people from a blood pact; a curse that she sacrificed everything to undo. Alear understands why they were brought here, and challenges Micaiah to her trial, which will strengthen their bonds.

Alear manages to defeat Micaiah, who commends them on passing her trial. Alear then remarks that they had hoped to gain her future-telling ability, which Micaiah responds by saying that they are already building it themself. Alear swears to not disappoint her, and the two head off.

Beginning log

A place of significance to Emblem Micaiah. Here, the Divine Dragon will face an important trial.

Chapter data

Normal Hard Maddening

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Defeat Emblem Micaiah Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Alear dies, or an enemy reaches the defended area 1–12 {{{partner}}} {{{other}}} 18+36
File:Cm fe17 11x.png
Map dimensions:
23 columns by 23 rows

This chapter features Ballistae and Flame Cannons. They are located as follows:

  • Column 2, row 9: Ballista with 3–7 Rng, +20 Hit, 10 (Normal)/7 (Hard)/5 (Maddening) uses
  • Column 6, row 6: Ballista with 3–7 Rng, +20 Hit, 10 (Normal)/7 (Hard)/5 (Maddening) uses
  • Column 7, row 12: Ballista with 3–7 Rng, +20 Hit, 10 (Normal)/7 (Hard)/5 (Maddening) uses
  • Column 9, row 3: Ballista with 3–7 Rng, +20 Hit, 10 (Normal)/7 (Hard)/5 (Maddening) uses
  • Column 12, row 4: Flame Cannon with 3–8 Rng, 25 Atk, 110 Hit, 10 (Normal)/7 (Hard)/5 (Maddening) uses
  • Column 15, row 3: Ballista with 3–7 Rng, +20 Hit, 10 (Normal)/7 (Hard)/5 (Maddening) uses
  • Column 17, row 12: Ballista with 3–7 Rng, +20 Hit, 10 (Normal)/7 (Hard)/5 (Maddening) uses
  • Column 19, row 6: Ballista with 3–7 Rng, +20 Hit, 10 (Normal)/7 (Hard)/5 (Maddening) uses
  • Column 22, row 14: Ballista with 3–7 Rng, +20 Hit, 10 (Normal)/7 (Hard)/5 (Maddening) uses

Character data

New units


Required characters
Alear f ​
Available characters
Vander ​Clanne ​Framme ​Alfred ​Etie ​Boucheron ​Céline ​Louis ​Chloé ​Yunaka ​Alcryst ​Citrinne ​Lapis ​Diamant ​Amber ​Jade ​Ivy ​Zelkov ​Kagetsu ​Fogado ​Pandreo ​Bunet ​Timerra ​Merrin ​Panette ​Hortensia ​Seadall ​Rosado ​Goldmary ​Lindon ​Saphir ​

Note: The returning characters list only those recruited by the time this chapter is unlocked. As a paralogue chapter, there is no set timeframe in which the chapter must be taken on; thus, it is possible to have recruited more characters than the above by the point the chapter is started.

Emblem Ring data

New units


Available characters
Lucina ​Lyn ​Ike ​Byleth ​Corrin ​Eirika ​Sigurd ​Leif ​Roy ​
Undeployable characters
Micaiah ​

Note: The returning Emblems list only those obtained by the time this chapter is unlocked. As a paralogue chapter, there is no set timeframe in which the chapter must be taken on; thus, it is possible to have obtained more Emblems than the above by the point the chapter is started.

Additionally, Emblem Energy appears in the following locations:

  • Column 1, row 1: The northwest corner of the map
  • Column 1, row 5: Northwest of two Ballistae
  • Column 8, row 1: West of the defended area
  • Column 9, row 1: West of the defended area
  • Column 15, row 1: East of the defended area
  • Column 16, row 1: East of the defended area
  • Column 23, row 2: Near the northeast corner of the map
  • Column 23, row 11: Northeast of two Ballistae

Item data

Name Obtainment Method
Is ns02 gold.png 1000G Dropped by enemy Thief
Is ns02 gold.png 1000G Dropped by enemy Hero (reinforcement)
Is ns02 gold.png 1000G Dropped by enemy Wyvern Knight (reinforcement)
Is ns02 gold.png 1000G Dropped by enemy Swordmaster (reinforcement)

Completing this chapter will also unlock Micaiah's maximum bond level.

Enemy data

Normal Hard Maddening

Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Bld Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma ns02 emblem micaiah.png Micaiah Emblem 35 1 40
Revival Stone
7 20 20 22 8 22 23 7 5 Shine Nosferatu Thani
Augment Cleric++ Silence Ward Healing Light Great Sacrifice
• Begins moving unprovoked on turn 9.
• Does not use Great Sacrifice.
Ma ns02 thief fabrication.png Fabrication Thief 30 1 47
Revival Stone
18 1 23 24 16 9 15 13 5 Stiletto 1000GThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 9.
Ma ns02 general fabrication lance.png Fabrication General 8 2 51 20 1 20 8 19 2 8 16 4 Silver Lance
Ma ns02 halberdier fabrication.png Fabrication Halberdier 9 2 46 20 6 22 19−3 13 7 8 10 5 Silver Lance
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 2.
Ma ns02 swordmaster fabrication female.png Fabrication Swordmaster 9 1 40 14 3 23 27−3 9 8 14 8 5 Silver Sword
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 2.
Ma ns02 hero fabrication sword.png Fabrication Hero 9 1 45 18 0 20 22 12 6 11 11 5 Silver Sword
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 2.
Ma ns02 paladin fabrication sword.png Fabrication Paladin 9 5 47 19 2 21 20 12 9 10 11 6 Silver Sword
The southern two begin moving unprovoked on turn 2.
Ma ns02 great knight fabrication axe.png Fabrication Great Knight 8 5 46 17 2 19 13−2 19 5 10 13 6 Silver Axe
The southern two begin moving unprovoked on turn 2.
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Bld Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma ns02 halberdier fabrication.png Fabrication Halberdier 9 2 46 20 6 22 19−3 13 7 8 10 5 Silver Lance
Ma ns02 general fabrication lance.png Fabrication General 8 1 51 20 1 20 8 19 2 8 16 4 Silver Lance
Ma ns02 berserker fabrication.png Fabrication Berserker 9 1 57 20 0 13 16 5 2 4 15 5 Silver Axe
Ma ns02 swordmaster fabrication female.png Fabrication Swordmaster 9 1 40 14 3 23 27−3 9 8 14 8 5 Silver Sword
Ma ns02 warrior fabrication axe.png Fabrication Warrior 9 1 55 20 1 17 18−2 9 4 4 13 5 Silver Axe
Ma ns02 wolf knight fabrication sword.png Fabrication Wolf Knight 9 2 42 14 5 19 24−3 9 11 12 8 6 Silver Sword
Ma ns02 great knight fabrication axe.png Fabrication Great Knight 8 2 46 17 2 19 13−2 19 5 10 13 6 Silver Axe
Ma ns02 paladin fabrication sword.png Fabrication Paladin 9 2 47 19 2 21 20 12 9 10 11 6 Silver Sword
Ma ns02 hero fabrication sword.png Fabrication Hero 13 1 48 19 0 17 24−2 13 6 13 11 5 Brave Sword 1000GThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Ma ns02 sniper fabrication.png Fabrication Sniper 13 1 44 21 1 26 19−2 10 7 10 9 5 Brave Bow
Ma ns02 warrior fabrication axe.png Fabrication Warrior 13 1 59 22 1 18 20−2 10 4 5 14 5 Brave Axe
Ma ns02 wyvern knight fabrication female axe.png Fabrication Wyvern Knight 13 1 53 20 8 20 23−4 13 8 9 12 6 Brave Axe 1000GThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Ma ns02 swordmaster fabrication.png Fabrication Swordmaster 13 1 43 19 4 21 29−4 10 9 15 9 5 Brave Sword 1000GThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Ma ns02 high priest fabrication female staff.png Fabrication High Priest 13 1 37 6 19 19 19 6 21 16 8 5 Fortify Physic Freeze Silence
Moves to be adjacent to Micaiah if no units are in range.
Ma ns02 griffin knight fabrication female lance.png Fabrication Griffin Knight 9 9 41 15 11 21 27−4 9 15 13 9 6 Silver Lance
Prioritizes reaching the defended area.
Ma ns02 wyvern knight fabrication female axe.png Fabrication Wyvern Knight 9 9 49 19 7 22 21−4 12 7 8 11 6 Silver Axe
Prioritizes reaching the defended area.


  • Turn 3 (Hard/Maddening only)
  • Turn 4 (Normal/Maddening only)
  • Turn 5 (Hard)/6 (Normal/Maddening)
    • 2 Mage Knights from the west side of the southern border of the map (Hard/Maddening only)
    • 2 Wolf Knights from northwest of the far southwestern sandbags
    • 2 Great Knights from north of Micaiah's starting position
    • 2 Paladins from near the southeast corner of the map
    • 2 Bow Knights from near the southeast corner of the map (Hard/Maddening only)
  • Turn 8 (Hard/Maddening)/9 (Normal)
  • Turns 11, 13, and 14 (Normal)/10 and 12–20 (Hard/Maddening)

Boss data

Main article: Micaiah

Normal Hard Maddening

Small portrait micaiah fe17.png
Ma ns02 emblem micaiah.png Emblem
Level 35
Movement 5
Max HP 40
Revival Stone
Defense 8
Strength 7 Resistance 22
Magic 20 Luck 23
Dexterity 20 Build 7
Speed 22
Inventory Skills
Silence Ward
Healing Light
Great Sacrifice
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes -- Bows --
Knives -- Tomes S Staves S Arts -- Special --


This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

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This paralogue is extremely simple, easily done even on maddening with just Alear. Simply have Alear run out with Lyn to Astra Storm Micaiah, and retreat to the defend point. With Canter, Alear can always go back onto the defend tile, allowing for a very simple kill. Yout other units can simply run in to body-block Micaiah, or kill her quickly. Finishing this map quickly is ideal, and very doable.


Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

The Dawn Maiden




Priestess of Dawn


La Dama del Alba

The Lady of Dawn


La Fille de l'Aube

The Girl of Dawn


Tochter des Lichts

Daughter of Light


La Fanciulla della Luce

The Maiden of Light


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← The Sage Lord • The Dawn Maiden • The Young Lion →
Fire Emblem Engage
Playable characters AlcrystAlearAlfredAmberAnnaBoucheronBunetCélineChloéCitrinneClanneDiamantEtieFogadoFrammeGoldmaryGregoryHortensiaIvyJadeJeanKagetsuLapisLindonLouisMadelineMauvierMerrinNelNilPandreoPanetteRafalRosadoSaphirSeadallTimerraVanderVeyleYunakaZelestiaZelkov
Non-playable characters AnisseAnjeCalneyDurthonÈvePinetSeanSeforiaSommie
Bosses AlcrystAlfredAbymeBylethCamillaCelicaCélineChromCorrinDiamantEirikaFogadoGrissHectorHortensiaHyacinthIkeIvyLeifLucinaLumeraLynMarniMarthMauvierMicaiahMitanMorionNelucceNilPast AlearRobinRodineRoySigurdSombronSorenTerondaTetchieTikiTimerraTotchieVeronicaVeyleZephia
Background characters Nil
Emblems AlearBylethCamillaCelicaChromClaudeCorrinDimitriEdelgardEirikaEphraimHectorIkeLeifLucinaLynMarthMicaiahRobinRoySigurdSorenTikiVeronica
Regalia and personal weapons LibérationMisericordeObscuritéWille Glanz
Chapters Main story P: The Emblems • 1: Awake at Last • 2: Queen Lumera • 3: Hostilities • 4: A Land in Bloom • 5: Retaking the Castle • 6: The Stolen Ring • 7: Dark Emblem • 8: The Kingdom of Might • 9: A Clash of Forces • 10: The Fell Dragon Sombron • 11: Retreat • 12: The Sentinels • 13: Heroes of the Oasis • 14: The Battle for Solm • 15: Dancer in the Ruins • 16: Seashore Travels • 17: Serenity in Ruin • 18: The Cold Voyage • 19: The Dead Town • 20: The Kingless Castle • 21: The Return • 22: The Fell & the Divine • 23: The Four Hounds • 24: Recollections • 25: The Final Guardian • 26: The Last Engage
Paralogues Budding TalentMysterious MerchantThe ExaltThe Lady of the PlainsThe Radiant HeroThe InstructorThe Crux of FateThe Azure TwinThe Holy KnightThe Sage LordThe Dawn MaidenThe Young LionThe Caring PrincessThe Hero-KingThe Connector
Divine Paralogues The AncestorThe Brash GeneralThe Lonely HeirThe Radiant StrategistThe Doting SisterThe Shepherd Exalt
Fell Xenologue 1: Dragons from Afar • 2: Seeds of Unrest • 3: Path to War • 4: Clash of Queens • 5: The Fell Heir • 6: Seven Bracelets
Locations ElyosBrodiaElusiaFireneGradlonLythosSolmSomniel
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