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Seashore Travels

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Seashore Travels

Cm fe17 16.png


Azure Coast

New units

Rosado, Goldmary


Marni, Mauvier

Previous chapter(s)

Dancer in the Ruins

Next chapter(s)

Serenity in Ruin

Seashore Travels (Japanese: 海岸線を越えて Across the coastline) is the sixteenth chapter of Fire Emblem Engage. In this chapter, Alear's army and the Elusians clash over an Emblem Ring stolen from the latter.

In addition to the next main chapter, completing this chapter will also unlock the eighth paralogue chapter.


Main article: Seashore Travels/Script

Alear discusses the current situation with Diamant, Alfred, Timerra, and Ivy. They note that they have five Emblem Rings, while Sombron's forces have seven, meaning that they would need to invade Elusia to regain the others. Ivy discourages invasion, as they have the ring advantage, though Alear and Diamant also state that waiting for too long will make it more likely for their own army to be attacked by Elusia. Vander then relays news to them that Elusian warships have been seen traveling to Firene. Timerra suggests the group head to the Azure Coast to confirm the ships' appearance.

On those ships, Marni gloats about her opportunity to gain a higher standing with Zephia, though Mauvier is uninterested. An Elusian soldier reports to the two that two other Elusian soldiers—Rosado and Goldmary—have deserted them, stealing an Emblem Ring on their way out. Marni commands her army to turn their fleet around so that they may regain the ring from them. Rosado and Goldmary arrive at the Azure Coast, and take a brief rest before heading out so that they can give the ring to Hortensia. Elusian soldiers arrive to capture them, forcing them to retreat. At the same time, Alear's army arrives at the coast and confirms the ships' presence on Solm's coast, taking notice that they did not bring enough ships there for a full-scale invasion. Suddenly, Rosado and Goldmary fly their way to them and reunite with Hortensia. Rosado initially takes issue with Alear's presence, but Hortensia soon informs him that she and Ivy have willingly allied with the Divine Dragon. In response, Rosado apologizes and hands Alear the Ring of the Azure Twins, which they had procured from the fleet. Alear then summons its Emblem, Eirika, and entrusts the ring to Rosado. Marni and Mauvier then arrive at the coast, and the Elusian and Divine armies clash. The Divine army fends off the Elusians, and proceed to make haste to Firene.

Meanwhile on an Elusian ship, Zephia chats with Veyle, who express concern regarding Sombron's recent orders. Zephia assuages Veyle's previous doubts regarding how Alear rebuked her, urging her not to believe them. Veyle thanks her, then asks her to aid in finding her long-lost sibling. While Zephia doubts the sibling's existence, Veyle pulls out the dragonstone that the sibling gave her long ago, saying that the stone's intactness is proof that the sibling is still alive. Zephia and Griss are befuddled, but they agree to help her. After Veyle leaves, Zephia discusses the existence of the sibling with Griss; she tells him that, in the war one thousand years ago, she witnessed all of Sombron's children bar Veyle perish. The two then muse that Veyle will "never awaken again" after thir work in Firene is done.

Beginning log

While planning their next move after getting a new ring, the Divine Dragon's army receives a report.

Chapter data

Normal Hard/Maddening

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Defeat Marni and Mauvier Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Alear dies 1–10+2 {{{partner}}} 2−2 32+13

Low tide High tide

Cm fe17 16.png
Map dimensions:
30 columns by 22 rows

At the start of every second turn, the terrain will alternate between low tide and high tide formations. The map appears in its low tide formation during preparations before shifting to its high tide formation at the start of turn 1.

Character data

New units
Small portrait rosado fe17.png
Wyvern Knight
Steel Greataxe
Silver Axe
Automatically from turn 1
Small portrait goldmary fe17.png
Steel Blade
Silver Sword
Automatically from turn 1
Required characters
Alear f ​
Available characters
Vander ​Clanne ​Framme ​Alfred ​Etie ​Boucheron ​Céline ​Louis ​Chloé ​Yunaka ​Alcryst ​Citrinne ​Lapis ​Diamant ​Amber ​Jade ​Ivy ​Zelkov ​Kagetsu ​Fogado ​Pandreo ​Bunet ​Timerra ​Merrin ​Panette ​Hortensia ​Seadall ​

Emblem Ring data

New units
Small portrait eirika fe17.png
Night and Day
Lunar Brace
Sacred Twins
Twin Strike
Automatically synced with Rosado
Available characters
Lucina ​Lyn ​Ike ​Byleth ​Corrin ​

Additionally, Emblem Energy appears in the following locations:

  • Column 2, row 3: West of the house's entrance
  • Column 9, row 12: Just east of an Axe Cavalier
  • Column 9, row 14: Just north of the large southern boulder
  • Column 10, row 19: Just south of the large southern boulder
  • Column 13, row 8: On the western edge of the center islet
  • Column 19, row 8: On the eastern edge of the center islet
  • Column 20, row 20: On the western edge of the southeastern-most islet

Item data

Name Obtainment Method
Is ns02 spirit dust.png Spirit Dust Dropped by Mauvier
Is ns02 master seal.png Master Seal Dropped by Marni
Is ns02 recover.png Recover Visit the house

Enemy data

Normal Hard Maddening

Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Bld Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma ns02 sword flier elusia.png Elusian Soldier Sword Flier 20 1 31 7 11 17 20−5 6 12 8 6 5 Levin Sword
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma ns02 griffin knight elusia sword.png Elusian Soldier Griffin Knight 3 3 36 13 9 22 25−3 8 14 11 8 6 Silver Sword Physic
• The southeastern one immediately begins moving unprovoked.
• The northwestern one begins moving unprovoked on turn 7.
• The southwestern one begins moving unprovoked on turn 10, or if a nearby Thief is provoked.
Ma ns02 corrupted wyrm corrupted.png Corrupted Wyrm Corrupted Wyrm 26 2 50 0 15 9 2 18 18 3 17 2 Fire Breath Fireball
• Automatically equips Fire Breath after initiating combat with Fireball.
• The eastern one immediately begins moving unprovoked.
• The western one begins moving unprovoked on turn 8.
Ma ns02 thief elusia.png Elusian Soldier Thief 20 3 32 11 1 21 21−1 10 4 7 6 5 Silver Dagger
• The northern one begins moving unprovoked on turn 2, or if the nearby Martial Master is provoked.
• The southern two both begin moving unprovoked on turn 10, or if either of them or the nearby Griffin Knight is provoked.
Ma ns02 martial master elusia art.png Elusian Soldier Martial Master 3 1 36 11 11 12 13 8 12 9 9 5 Silver-Spirit Art Physic
• Starts on a fort.
• Begins moving unprovoked on turn 2, or if the nearby Thief is provoked.
Ma ns02 lance fighter elusia.png Elusian Soldier Lance Fighter 20 3 37 13 4 18 15−6 8 4 4 7 4 Silver Lance
• The southeastern two both begin moving unprovoked on turn 2, or if either of them or the nearby Royal Knight is provoked.
• The northwestern one begins moving unprovoked on turn 6, or if the nearby Great Knight is provoked.
Ma ns02 royal knight elusia female lance.png Elusian Soldier Royal Knight 3 1 37 14 10 21 20−5 9 10 10 8 6 Ridersbane Freeze Physic
• Starts on a fort.
• Begins moving unprovoked on turn 2, or if a nearby Lance Fighter is provoked.
Ma ns02 axe fighter elusia female.png Elusian Soldier Axe Fighter 20 1 43 14 0 10 12−5 5 1 2 9 4 Poleaxe
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 2, or if the nearby Axe Fighter or Paladin is provoked.
Ma ns02 axe fighter elusia female.png Elusian Soldier Axe Fighter 20 1 43 14 0 10 12−6 5 1 2 9 4 Silver Axe
• Starts in a thicket.
• Begins moving unprovoked on turn 2, or if the nearby Axe Fighter or Paladin is provoked.
Ma ns02 paladin elusia lance.png Elusian Soldier Paladin 3 2 41 16 2 21 18−2 11 8 8 10 6 Steel Greatlance
• The eastern one begins moving unprovoked on turn 2, or if a nearby Axe Fighter is provoked.
• The western one begins moving unprovoked on turn 6, or if the nearby Axe Cavalier is provoked.
Ma ns02 bow knight elusia female.png Elusian Soldier Bow Knight 2 1 34 11 8 20 17−4 6 9 8 8 6 Radiant Bow Silver Lance
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 6.
Ma ns02 hero elusia female sword.png Elusian Soldier Hero 3 2 39 15 0 17 21−1 10 5 9 10 5 Silver Sword
Both begin moving unprovoked on turn 7, or if either is provoked.
Ma ns02 mage knight elusia tome.png Elusian Soldier Mage Knight 2 2 29 9 12 14 18−5 6 13 5 8 6 Elthunder Silver Sword
Both begin moving unprovoked on turn 4, or if either is provoked.
Ma ns02 great knight elusia female sword.png Elusian Soldier Great Knight 4 1 42 16 2 19 13 21 5 9 12 6 Steel Blade
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 6, or if the nearby Lance Fighter is provoked.
Ma ns02 axe fighter elusia female.png Elusian Soldier Axe Fighter 20 1 43 14 0 10 12−5 5 1 2 9 4 Steel Greataxe
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 8, or if the nearby Hero is provoked.
Ma ns02 hero elusia female sword.png Elusian Soldier Hero 3 1 39 15 0 17 21 10 5 9 10 5 Killing Edge
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 8, or if the nearby Axe Fighter is provoked.
Ma ns02 axe cavalier elusia female.png Elusian Soldier Axe Cavalier 20 1 37 12 1 17 16−7 8 5 6 8 5 Silver Axe
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 6, or if the nearby Paladin is provoked.
Ma ns02 martial master elusia art.png Elusian Soldier Martial Master 3 3 36 11 11 12 13 8+5 12 9 9 5 Shielding Art Physic
Will not act until a unit is in range of at least two of the following—any of them, Mauvier, or Marni—or until one of them is fought; in either case, all three begin moving.
Ma ns02 royal knight mauvier.png Mauvier Royal Knight 6 1 44
Revival Stone
15 19 20 19−6 14 14 9 10 6 Flame Lance Steel Greatlance Silence Spirit DustThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Will not act until a unit is in range of at least two of the following—him, Marni, or a nearby Martial Master—or until one of them is fought; in either case, he begins moving.
Ma ns02 general marni axe.png Marni General 6 1 47
Revival Stone
20 10 9 8−2 24 4 9 13 4 Hurricane Axe Steel Greataxe Master SealThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Will not act until a unit is in range of at least two of the following—her, Mauvier, or a nearby Martial Master—or until one of them is fought; in either case, she begins moving.
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Bld Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma ns02 barbarian thief.png Ruffian Barbarian 20 1 42 15 0 8 12−2 4 1 2 12 4 Steel Greataxe
Prioritizes destroying the house.
Ma ns02 mage knight elusia tome.png Elusian Soldier Mage Knight 2 1 29 9 12 14 18 6 13 5 8 6 Elwind Silver Lance
Ma ns02 axe fighter elusia female.png Elusian Soldier Axe Fighter 20 1 43 14 0 10 12−6 5 1 2 9 4 Silver Axe
Ma ns02 great knight elusia female axe.png Elusian Soldier Great Knight 2 1 42 16 2 19 13−2 21 5 9 12 6 Steel Greataxe
Ma ns02 lance fighter elusia.png Elusian Soldier Lance Fighter 20 1 37 13 4 18 15−6 8 4 4 7 4 Silver Lance
Ma ns02 griffin knight elusia sword.png Elusian Soldier Griffin Knight 3 1 36 13 9 22 25−3 8 14 11 8 6 Silver Sword Physic
Ma ns02 griffin knight elusia axe.png Elusian Soldier Griffin Knight 3 1 36 13 9 22 25−7 8 14 11 8 6 Silver Axe Physic
Ma ns02 bow knight elusia female.png Elusian Soldier Bow Knight 2 2 34 11 8 20 17−4 6 9 8 8 6 Radiant Bow Silver Axe
Ma ns02 sword flier elusia.png Elusian Soldier Sword Flier 20 2 33 10 6 17 20−5 6 10 8 6 5 Silver Sword
Ma ns02 thief elusia.png Elusian Soldier Thief 20 2 32 11 1 21 21−1 10 4 7 6 5 Silver Dagger


NPC data

NPC Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Bld Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma ns02 wyvern knight rosado.png Rosado & Eirika Wyvern Knight 3 1 44 16 7+1 19+1 21−6 15 11 8+2 8 6 Steel Greataxe Silver Axe Spear Elixir Rapier
Stunning Smile Night and Day Lunar Brace Sacred Twins Twin Strike
Becomes playable on turn 1.
Ma ns02 hero goldmary.png Goldmary Hero 3 1 40 17 2 18 20−1 20 12 13 9 5 Steel Blade Silver Sword Spear Elixir
Disarming Sigh
Becomes playable on turn 1.

Boss data

Main article: Marni

Normal Hard Maddening

Ma ns02 general marni axe.png General
Level 6
Movement 4
Max HP 47
Revival Stone
Defense 24
Strength 20 Resistance 4
Magic 10 Luck 9
Dexterity 9 Build 13
Speed 8−2
Inventory Skills
Hurricane Axe
Steel Greataxe
Master SealThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes S Bows --
Knives -- Tomes -- Staves -- Arts -- Special --
Main article: Mauvier

Normal Hard Maddening

Small portrait mauvier fe17.png
Ma ns02 royal knight mauvier.png Royal Knight
Level 6
Movement 6
Max HP 44
Revival Stone
Defense 14
Strength 15 Resistance 14
Magic 19 Luck 9
Dexterity 20 Build 10
Speed 19−6
Inventory Skills
Flame Lance
Steel Greatlance
Spirit DustThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances A Axes -- Bows --
Knives -- Tomes -- Staves B Arts -- Special --


This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Seashore Travels




Across the coastline


Travesía marítima

Maritime journey


Le long du littoral

Along the coastline



Beach travels


Viaggi oltremare

Overseas journey


해안선을 넘어서

Across the coastline

Simplified Chinese


Across the coastline

Traditional Chinese


Across the coastline


← Dancer in the Ruins • Seashore Travels • Serenity in Ruin →
Fire Emblem Engage
Playable characters AlcrystAlearAlfredAmberAnnaBoucheronBunetCélineChloéCitrinneClanneDiamantEtieFogadoFrammeGoldmaryGregoryHortensiaIvyJadeJeanKagetsuLapisLindonLouisMadelineMauvierMerrinNelNilPandreoPanetteRafalRosadoSaphirSeadallTimerraVanderVeyleYunakaZelestiaZelkov
Non-playable characters AnisseAnjeCalneyDurthonÈvePinetSeanSeforiaSommie
Bosses AlcrystAlfredAbymeBylethCamillaCelicaCélineChromCorrinDiamantEirikaFogadoGrissHectorHortensiaHyacinthIkeIvyLeifLucinaLumeraLynMarniMarthMauvierMicaiahMitanMorionNelucceNilPast AlearRobinRodineRoySigurdSombronSorenTerondaTetchieTikiTimerraTotchieVeronicaVeyleZephia
Background characters Nil
Emblems AlearBylethCamillaCelicaChromClaudeCorrinDimitriEdelgardEirikaEphraimHectorIkeLeifLucinaLynMarthMicaiahRobinRoySigurdSorenTikiVeronica
Regalia and personal weapons LibérationMisericordeObscuritéWille Glanz
Chapters Main story P: The Emblems • 1: Awake at Last • 2: Queen Lumera • 3: Hostilities • 4: A Land in Bloom • 5: Retaking the Castle • 6: The Stolen Ring • 7: Dark Emblem • 8: The Kingdom of Might • 9: A Clash of Forces • 10: The Fell Dragon Sombron • 11: Retreat • 12: The Sentinels • 13: Heroes of the Oasis • 14: The Battle for Solm • 15: Dancer in the Ruins • 16: Seashore Travels • 17: Serenity in Ruin • 18: The Cold Voyage • 19: The Dead Town • 20: The Kingless Castle • 21: The Return • 22: The Fell & the Divine • 23: The Four Hounds • 24: Recollections • 25: The Final Guardian • 26: The Last Engage
Paralogues Budding TalentMysterious MerchantThe ExaltThe Lady of the PlainsThe Radiant HeroThe InstructorThe Crux of FateThe Azure TwinThe Holy KnightThe Sage LordThe Dawn MaidenThe Young LionThe Caring PrincessThe Hero-KingThe Connector
Divine Paralogues The AncestorThe Brash GeneralThe Lonely HeirThe Radiant StrategistThe Doting SisterThe Shepherd Exalt
Fell Xenologue 1: Dragons from Afar • 2: Seeds of Unrest • 3: Path to War • 4: Clash of Queens • 5: The Fell Heir • 6: Seven Bracelets
Locations ElyosBrodiaElusiaFireneGradlonLythosSolmSomniel
Groups, objects, and concepts CorruptedEmblem RingsFour HoundsFour WindsFirst Fell Dragon War
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