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FEE Gregory portrait.png
Portrait render of Gregory.

Second-in-command of the Four Winds. An amiable, if somewhat excessively cautious, magic user.








September 17

Alternate selves



Elyos (parallel universe)

Starting class


Voiced by



Gregory (Japanese: グレゴリー Gregory) is a character in Fire Emblem Engage, made available via downloadable content. He is a member of the Four Winds and a parallel universe version of Griss.


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Gregory is from a parallel version of Elyos. He was raised in an Elusian Church which was part of the cult worshiping the Fell Dragon, and feigned loyalty to it and its teachings up until his ruse was discovered and was forced to flee. Sometime after his escape, he met Zelestia and saved her from an ambush. Afterwards, he joined the Four Winds and started serving Nel and Nil along with fellow Wings Zelestia, Mauvier, and Madeline.

Fire Emblem Engage


Gregory is a playable unit during the Fell Xenologue who is available in Chapters 3, 4, and 6. He's also automatically recruited in the main story upon completing the side story.

Starting stats and growth rates

Playable - Main story

Small portrait gregory fe17.png
Ma ns02 sage gregory unarmed.png Sage
Level 1
Movement 5
SP 2000
Recruitment: Fell Xenologue 6, automatically at the end of the chapter.

Stats Growth Rates Cap Modifiers

Inventory Skills
-- Survival Plan
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes -- Bows --
Knives -- Tomes S Staves (Innate) A Arts -- Special --

Playable - Fell Xenologue

Fell Xenologue 3 Fell Xenologue 4 Fell Xenologue 6

Small portrait gregory fe17.png
Ma ns02 sage gregory tome.png Sage
Level 1
Movement 5
Max HP 35 Defense 13
Strength 10 Resistance 25
Magic 25 Luck 9
Dexterity 13 Build 8
Speed 13
Inventory Skills
Survival Plan
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes -- Bows --
Knives -- Tomes S Staves A Arts -- Special --
Gregory can be given Emblem Rings in the preparations menu. Skills, supports, and bond levels cannot be carried out from the main game if the chapter is replayed through Recall Battles.

Growth rates when reclassed

Sword Fighter Swordmaster Hero Lance Fighter Halberdier Royal Knight Axe Fighter Berserker Warrior

Class HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Def Res Bld
Sword Fighter 65% 40% 50% 35% 45% 35% 35% 65% 5%

Archer Sniper Bow Knight Sword/Lance/Axe Armor General Great Knight Sword/Lance/Axe Cavalier Paladin Wolf Knight

Class HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Def Res Bld
Archer 65% 45% 50% 45% 35% 30% 40% 50% 5%

Griffin Knight Wyvern Knight Mage Mage Knight Martial Monk Martial Master High Priest Thief Enchanter Mage Cannoneer

Class HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Def Res Bld
Griffin Knight 55% 40% 65% 35% 45% 40% 35% 65% 5%


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Main article: Gregory/Supports


Fading Scar Gregory
No longer needing to look tough, Gregory made himself outfits of the softest fabric and retired to the forest, hoping for a quiet life. However, word of his clothes spread, and his designs became quite popular in Lythos. Though he struggled to meet demand, he earned enough for him and his descendants to live comfortably.

Divine Dragon Alear & Fading Scar Gregory
Alear became the new Divine Dragon Monarch. His/Her bonds with the rulers of each nation resulted in lasting peace.
Gregory's skill at avoiding pain led to a job in conflict resolution. With the Divine Dragon Monarch, he helped bring peace and safety to the land.


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Battle quotes

Fell Nil: You! I am shocked you are not fleeing in abject terror right now. Does that mean you are brave enough to accept death? I will give you a swift and painless one.
Gregory: If you're gonna kill me, make it hurt. It wouldn't be fair if I'm the only one who got to die easily. It must have hurt so much. Mauvier must have been so scared. But here I am, safe and sound! Do you understand how much that hurts?! Do you?! Aren't you sad your knight has died?!
Fell Nil: Would it truly appease you to wring a few tears from me?
Gregory: Oh, I'll give you something to be sad about. The Lord Nil I knew, that was you without a doubt. I will strike you down. And I will share every last memory I have of him until you weep! As second-in-command of the Four Winds, that's a promise!

— Gregory fighting Fell Nil in Fell Xenologue Chapter 6.
Gregory: I didn't wanna believe it, you are. The "me" of this world.
Griss: What a shock. Aren't we just two peas in a pod? Is this some sort of Divine Dragon trick? If you're me, then you must relish pain. So I'll give you a taste of the finest pain as I kill you!
Gregory: What? Why would you think that? C'mon, stop it! Fine. I don't like the thought of hurting myself, but...I don't seem to have a choice.

— Gregory fighting Griss.

Critical quotes

I don't like pain.
— Gregory
Out of my way please!
— Gregory
Don't hurt me.
— Gregory
You're not gonna enjoy this.
— Gregory

Defeat quotes

This really hurts... I gotta withdraw, before these wounds are the death of me...
— Gregory's retreat quote.
It hurts... I guess that means I really lived. And I'm crying, so it must've been...a happy life...
— Gregory's death quote.

Flavor text

Game Text
(Fell Xenologue 3 and 4)
One of the Four Winds. An
amiable, if somewhat cowardly and
exceedingly cautious, magic user.
(Main story, Fell Xenologue 6)
Second in-command of the Four
Winds. An amiable, if somewhat
excessively cautious, magic user.

Choose Your Legends placement history

Round Placement Character Votes
139 Portrait gregory fe17 cyl.png
Total results This character has 1 entry across all Choose Your Legends polls. 533

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes




















Simplified Chinese



Traditional Chinese




CG images

Ally notebook images

Other images



Project Characters.png This article is part of Project Characters, a project focused on writing articles for every character present in the Fire Emblem series.
Fire Emblem Engage
Playable characters AlcrystAlearAlfredAmberAnnaBoucheronBunetCélineChloéCitrinneClanneDiamantEtieFogadoFrammeGoldmaryGregoryHortensiaIvyJadeJeanKagetsuLapisLindonLouisMadelineMauvierMerrinNelNilPandreoPanetteRafalRosadoSaphirSeadallTimerraVanderVeyleYunakaZelestiaZelkov
Non-playable characters AnisseAnjeCalneyDurthonÈvePinetSeanSeforiaSommie
Bosses AlcrystAlfredAbymeBylethCamillaCelicaCélineChromCorrinDiamantEirikaFogadoGrissHectorHortensiaHyacinthIkeIvyLeifLucinaLumeraLynMarniMarthMauvierMicaiahMitanMorionNelucceNilPast AlearRobinRodineRoySigurdSombronSorenTerondaTetchieTikiTimerraTotchieVeronicaVeyleZephia
Background characters Nil
Emblems AlearBylethCamillaCelicaChromClaudeCorrinDimitriEdelgardEirikaEphraimHectorIkeLeifLucinaLynMarthMicaiahRobinRoySigurdSorenTikiVeronica
Regalia and personal weapons LibérationMisericordeObscuritéWille Glanz
Chapters Main story P: The Emblems • 1: Awake at Last • 2: Queen Lumera • 3: Hostilities • 4: A Land in Bloom • 5: Retaking the Castle • 6: The Stolen Ring • 7: Dark Emblem • 8: The Kingdom of Might • 9: A Clash of Forces • 10: The Fell Dragon Sombron • 11: Retreat • 12: The Sentinels • 13: Heroes of the Oasis • 14: The Battle for Solm • 15: Dancer in the Ruins • 16: Seashore Travels • 17: Serenity in Ruin • 18: The Cold Voyage • 19: The Dead Town • 20: The Kingless Castle • 21: The Return • 22: The Fell & the Divine • 23: The Four Hounds • 24: Recollections • 25: The Final Guardian • 26: The Last Engage
Paralogues Budding TalentMysterious MerchantThe ExaltThe Lady of the PlainsThe Radiant HeroThe InstructorThe Crux of FateThe Azure TwinThe Holy KnightThe Sage LordThe Dawn MaidenThe Young LionThe Caring PrincessThe Hero-KingThe Connector
Divine Paralogues The AncestorThe Brash GeneralThe Lonely HeirThe Radiant StrategistThe Doting SisterThe Shepherd Exalt
Fell Xenologue 1: Dragons from Afar • 2: Seeds of Unrest • 3: Path to War • 4: Clash of Queens • 5: The Fell Heir • 6: Seven Bracelets
Locations ElyosBrodiaElusiaFireneGradlonLythosSolmSomniel
Groups, objects, and concepts CorruptedEmblem RingsFour HoundsFour WindsFirst Fell Dragon War
Lists ChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • ItemsScriptsSkillsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Downloadable contentMangaMoviesName chart • Other games (Fire Emblem series) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • SoundtrackTimelineWorld map