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The Kingdom of Might

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The Kingdom of Might

Cm fe17 8.png


Brodia Castle

New units

Diamant, Amber



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Dark Emblem

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A Clash of Forces

The Kingdom of Might (Japanese: 勇ましき王国 Brave Kingdom) is the eighth chapter of Fire Emblem Engage. In this chapter, Brodia defends its castle from the invading Elusian army.

This chapter introduces ballistae, as well as Emblems Roy and Leif.


Main article: The Kingdom of Might/Script

Alear and Alcryst arrive at Brodia Castle, where Prince Diamant stands waiting for them. Diamant greets the two as well as Alfred, then Alcryst informs him that they were attacked by Elusian forces on their way. He also relays their intent to attack the castle to Diamant. Soon, Brodia's King Morion comes outside and welcomes Alcryst back, to Diamant's chagrin. Morion suggests dueling Alear as a welcome of sorts, but Diamant quickly informs him of Elusia's intent to invade. Morion orders his soldiers to bolster the castle's defenses, and praises Alcryst for his work. Alear then requests Morion's aid, which he obliges by presenting their Emblem Ring. Alear briefly expresses his confusion at Morion's attitude, expecting him to be far more cold, then summons Emblem Roy from the ring.

Soon after, a Brodian soldier informs the group that an Elusian soldier—Princess Ivy—is flying towards the castle. Ivy arrives past the walls, and delivers an ultimatum to Morion. Diamant urges Morion to stay inside the castle to protect his life. Though he initially objects, he soon relents after Diamant reasons with him. Ivy then greets Alear, presents her own Emblem Ring, and orders her forces to attack. Alear refuses to hand their rings over, and begins to fight to defend the castle. As the battle begins, Diamant's retainer Amber rides in to join the defenders.

Alear and the Brodian army successfully fend of the Elusian invaders, and Ivy drops her ring amidst the chaos. As the ring is tainted with Fell Dragon energy, Alear performs an invocation to summon Emblem Leif to his full power. Left defeated, Ivy flies away on her wyvern. Soon after, a Brodian soldier brings a message that King Hyacinth and the Elusian army are preparing to attack Brodia's border, demanding to see Morion. Diamant repeatedly pleads his father to not fall into the Elusians' trap, but Morion chooses to meet the army so that he and his country may not be seen as cowardly. In response to Morion's words, Alcryst pledges to protect the two of them no matter what. Diamant ultimately relents, and agrees to attend his father's army. Morion expresses a desire to see Alear transform into their dragon form, which leaves them to contemplate whether they can even do such a thing. Before leaving, Morion entrusts the castle to Saphir and the other royal guards. With their farewells made, Alear and the Brodian army begin their march.

Beginning log

After rebuffing an Elusian attack, the Divine Dragon's army reaches their destination: Brodia Castle.

Chapter data

Normal Hard Maddening

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Defeat Ivy Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Alear dies, or an enemy reaches a defended area 1–9+2 {{{partner}}} 1−1 17+4
Cm fe17 8.png
Map dimensions:
19 columns by 19 rows

This chapter features a Ballista. It is located as follows:

  • Column 10, row 9: Ballista with 3–7 Rng, +20 Hit, 10 uses

Character data

New units
Small portrait diamant fe17.png
Iron Sword
Steel Sword
Automatically from turn 1
Small portrait amber fe17.png
Lance Cavalier
Killer Lance
Iron Lance
Iron Greatlance
Automatically from turn 1
Required characters
Alear f ​
Available characters
Vander ​Clanne ​Framme ​Alfred ​Etie ​Boucheron ​Céline ​Louis ​Chloé ​Yunaka ​Alcryst ​Citrinne ​Lapis ​

Emblem Ring data

New units
Small portrait roy fe17.png
Hold Out
Rise Above
Blazing Lion
Automatically synced with Diamant
Small portrait leif fe17.png
Killer Axe
Arms Shield
Quadruple Hit
Automatically at the end of the chapter
Available characters
Marth ​Sigurd ​Celica ​Micaiah ​

Additionally, Emblem Energy appears in the following locations:

  • Column 4, row 5: West of the inner castle walls
  • Column 6, row 4: The southwest corner of the inner castle walls
  • Column 14, row 4: The southeast corner of the inner castle walls
  • Column 16, row 5: East of the inner castle walls

Item data

Name Obtainment Method
Is ns02 secret book.png Secret Book Dropped by enemy Axe Fighter (Normal/Hard)/Mage (Maddening)
Is ns02 wind.png Wind Dropped by enemy Mage
Is ns02 gold 02.png 30,000G Automatically at the end of the chapter

Enemy data

Normal Hard Maddening

Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Bld Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma ns02 wing tamer ivy.png Ivy & ??? Wing Tamer 12 1 28
Revival Stone
7 11 11+2 9−2 10+1 12 4 7+2 5 Killer Axe Master Lance Fire
Single-Minded Arms Shield+ Vantage+ Adaptable
Begins moving on turn 7, or one turn after Kagetsu and Zelkov are defeated.
Ma ns02 swordmaster kagetsu.png Kagetsu Swordmaster 1 1 35 8 5 15 18 10 8 14 9 5 Wo Dao
Blinding Flash
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 3.
Ma ns02 thief zelkov.png Zelkov Thief 11 1 30 6 2 10 15 5 8 2 6 5 Steel Dagger
Not *Quite*
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 3.
Ma ns02 lance fighter corrupted.png Corrupted Lance Fighter 11 2 31 7 4 14 10−1 7 2 3 6 4 Iron Lance
Ma ns02 axe fighter corrupted.png Corrupted Axe Fighter 11 1 37 8 0 8 9−1 4 1 1 9 4 Iron Axe
Ma ns02 sword fighter elusia.png Elusian Soldier Sword Fighter 11 2 28 8 0 13 12 5 4 4 6 4 Iron Sword
Ma ns02 axe fighter corrupted.png Corrupted Axe Fighter 11 1 37 8 0 8 9−1 4 1 1 9 4 Iron Axe Secret BookThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Ma ns02 axe armor elusia.png Elusian Soldier Axe Armor 11 1 35 8 0 11 1−1 15 0 3 9 4 Iron Axe
Ma ns02 mage elusia female.png Elusian Soldier Mage 11 1 22 0 7 10 8 2 10 3 5 4 WindThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Ma ns02 axe flier elusia.png Elusian Soldier Axe Flier 11 1 25 7 5 13 14−5 2 9 5 5 5 Iron Axe
Ma ns02 lance flier elusia.png Elusian Soldier Lance Flier 11 1 25 7 5 13 14−2 2 9 5 5 5 Iron Lance
Ma ns02 mage elusia female.png Elusian Soldier Mage 11 4 22 0 7 10 8 2 10 3 5 4 Fire
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 6.
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Bld Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma ns02 axe flier elusia.png Elusian Soldier Axe Flier 11 2 25 7 5 13 14−5 2 9 5 5 5 Iron Axe
Prioritizes reaching the defended area.
Ma ns02 sword flier elusia.png Elusian Soldier Sword Flier 11 2 25 8 5 13 14 2 9 5 5 5 Iron Sword
Prioritizes reaching the defended area.


NPC data

NPC Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Bld Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma ns02 lord diamant.png Diamant & Roy Lord 11 1 32+5 13+1 3 13 13 10 6+1 10 9 4 Iron Sword Steel Sword Vulnerary Lancereaver
Fair Fight Hold Out Rise Above Blazing Lion
Becomes playable on turn 1.

Boss data

Main article: Ivy

Normal Hard Maddening

Small portrait ivy fe17.png
Ma ns02 wing tamer ivy.png Wing Tamer
Level 12
Movement 5
Emblem Leif
Max HP 28
Revival Stone
Defense 10+1
Strength 7 Resistance 12
Magic 11 Luck 4
Dexterity 11+2 Build 7+2
Speed 9−2
Inventory Skills
Killer Axe
Master Lance
Arms Shield+
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes -- Bows --
Knives -- Tomes B Staves B Arts -- Special --


This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

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With the proper planning, it is possible to beat this map on turn 2. Simply have a properly leveled Chloé use a Pure Water, and have her bait Ivy out from some flier-exclusive terrain by the Ballista, then jump her next turn (with an Augment boosted Rewarp if you need.)

If you would prefer to obtain the experience, Wind tome, and Secret Book, this map will be fairly challenging.

The two new units you get on this map are both mediocre. Diamant has solid bases and growths, and a good personal class, skill, and skill from said class, but gets outclassed fairly early by Kagetsu. Amber has great strength, but struggles with doubling late game.

You'll be pretty quickly swarmed, so get your units to tanking. Send Alcryst (or Etie, if you have deployed both) to the Ballista to snipe fliers, and have your bulkier units like Louis or Alear push forward from the sides.

To grab the Secret Book from the mage, you could either bait them out or use a Warp Ragnarok or Override to snag it. If going for the former, make sure you end the map on the same turn- otherwise, your magic user will most likely die.

If you go for the quick kill or the slow way, once you're done, now would be an opportune time to do the Divine Paralouges. You are about to lose your rings, and there are no more good units up until that point. Not only that, but these paralouges scale with your level, making them harder the later you go. If there's a Bracelet you want, now is the time to grab it.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

The Kingdom of Might




Brave Kingdom


Reino de guerreros

Kingdom of warriors


Le royaume des guerriers

The kingdom of warriors


Reich der Krieger

Realm of the warriors


Il regno dei guerrieri

The kingdom of warriors


용맹한 왕국

Brave kingdom

Simplified Chinese


Brave kingdom

Traditional Chinese


Brave kingdom


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Fire Emblem Engage
Playable characters AlcrystAlearAlfredAmberAnnaBoucheronBunetCélineChloéCitrinneClanneDiamantEtieFogadoFrammeGoldmaryGregoryHortensiaIvyJadeJeanKagetsuLapisLindonLouisMadelineMauvierMerrinNelNilPandreoPanetteRafalRosadoSaphirSeadallTimerraVanderVeyleYunakaZelestiaZelkov
Non-playable characters AnisseAnjeCalneyDurthonÈvePinetSeanSeforiaSommie
Bosses AlcrystAlfredAbymeBylethCamillaCelicaCélineChromCorrinDiamantEirikaFogadoGrissHectorHortensiaHyacinthIkeIvyLeifLucinaLumeraLynMarniMarthMauvierMicaiahMitanMorionNelucceNilPast AlearRobinRodineRoySigurdSombronSorenTerondaTetchieTikiTimerraTotchieVeronicaVeyleZephia
Background characters Nil
Emblems AlearBylethCamillaCelicaChromClaudeCorrinDimitriEdelgardEirikaEphraimHectorIkeLeifLucinaLynMarthMicaiahRobinRoySigurdSorenTikiVeronica
Regalia and personal weapons LibérationMisericordeObscuritéWille Glanz
Chapters Main story P: The Emblems • 1: Awake at Last • 2: Queen Lumera • 3: Hostilities • 4: A Land in Bloom • 5: Retaking the Castle • 6: The Stolen Ring • 7: Dark Emblem • 8: The Kingdom of Might • 9: A Clash of Forces • 10: The Fell Dragon Sombron • 11: Retreat • 12: The Sentinels • 13: Heroes of the Oasis • 14: The Battle for Solm • 15: Dancer in the Ruins • 16: Seashore Travels • 17: Serenity in Ruin • 18: The Cold Voyage • 19: The Dead Town • 20: The Kingless Castle • 21: The Return • 22: The Fell & the Divine • 23: The Four Hounds • 24: Recollections • 25: The Final Guardian • 26: The Last Engage
Paralogues Budding TalentMysterious MerchantThe ExaltThe Lady of the PlainsThe Radiant HeroThe InstructorThe Crux of FateThe Azure TwinThe Holy KnightThe Sage LordThe Dawn MaidenThe Young LionThe Caring PrincessThe Hero-KingThe Connector
Divine Paralogues The AncestorThe Brash GeneralThe Lonely HeirThe Radiant StrategistThe Doting SisterThe Shepherd Exalt
Fell Xenologue 1: Dragons from Afar • 2: Seeds of Unrest • 3: Path to War • 4: Clash of Queens • 5: The Fell Heir • 6: Seven Bracelets
Locations ElyosBrodiaElusiaFireneGradlonLythosSolmSomniel
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