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“A shield that increases defense by 2.”
—In-game description, New Mystery of the Emblem

The Dracoshield is a Stat booster that recurs across the Fire Emblem Series.


When used, the Dracoshield permanently raises its user's Defense by 2. In general, the Dracoshield is a rather uncommon item, and each acquisition of the item should be used on units suffering from mediocre Defense.

In Gaiden and its remake, the Dracoshield is an item that can be equipped, restoring 5 HP each turn and raising its wearer's Defense and Resistance by 13.

In Genealogy of the Holy War, the Dracoshield is substituted by the Shield Ring, an item that must be placed in the inventory of any unit in order for its Defense-boosting property to take effect. The Dracoshield is similarly substituted by the Shield Ring in Thracia 776, although this particular incarnation of the ring acts as an expendable item that permanently boosts its user's Defense by 2 when used.

In the Fódlan Series, the Dracoshield is substituted by the Giant Shell. While both Three Houses and Three Hopes both have it as a stat booster, the stat boost to a unit's Defense vary between games, with Three Houses raising it by 2, while Three Hopes raises it by 5.

In TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga, the Dracoshield's equivalent is known as the Defense Potion, permanently raising its user's Defense by 2 when used.

Item Information[]

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Dracoshield 1 2,250 Increases its user's Defense by 3.

Fire Emblem Gaiden[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Dragonshield - - Restores its 5 HP each turn; increases its wearer's Defense and Resistance by 13 when equipped.

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Dragonshield 1 10,000 Increases its user's Defense by 4.

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Shield Ring 1 20,000 Increases its wearer's Defense by 5.

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Shield Ring 1 8,000 Increases its user's Defense by 2.

TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Defence Plus 1 12,000 Increases its user's Defense by 3.

Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Dracoshield 1 8,000 Increases its user's Defense by 2.

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Dracoshield 1 8,000 Increases its user's Defense by 2.

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Dracoshield 1 8,000 Increases its user's Defense by 2.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Dracoshield 1 8,000 Increases its user's Defense by 2.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Dracoshield 1 8,000 Increases its user's Defense by 2.

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon[]

“An item that increases defense by 2.”
—In-game description, Shadow Dragon
Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Dracoshield 1 2,500 Increases its user's Defense by 2.

Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Dracoshield 1 2,500 Increases its user's Defense by 2.

Fire Emblem Awakening[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Dracoshield 1 2,500 Increases its user's Defense by 2.

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia[]

Name Uses Worth Wt Effect(s) / Note(s)
Dracoshield - - 10 Recovery
Increases its holder's Defense and Resistance by 13

Fire Emblem: Three Houses[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Giant Shell 1 2,500 Permanently increases Defense by 2 points when used.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Giant Shell 1 3,000 Permanently increases Defense by 5 points when used.


While it may be tempting to use a Dracoshield on units with extremely low durability, such as Clerics, to at least make them less likely to die in one engagement, two points of defense will not provide much additional functionality to units that are already ill-suited for the frontlines. Dracoshields should be used on frontline units that are expected to take a lot of abuse, as the two points of damage reduction will really build up over several battles. Units with high evasion and weak but not terrible defense can benefit from Dracoshields as well.

Item Locations[]

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]

Method Location
Dropped Hollstadt (Ch. 16) • Michalis (Ch. 22)
Treasure Ch. 17 - Chest
Secret Shop Ch. 24

Fire Emblem Gaiden[]

Method Location
Dropped Alm's Route: Desaix (Ch. 1 - Zofia Gate)
Celica's Route: Jedah (Ch. 4 - Duma's Swamp)
Random Monster Drop: Draco Zombie [0.055%]

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem[]

Method Location
Dropped Book 1: Hollstadt (Ch. 13)
Treasure Book 1: Ch. 18 - Chest
Visit Book 2: Ch. 15 - Village (provided that the Village offering the Power Ring has not been visited)
Secret Shops Book 1: Ch. 19
Book 2: Final-1

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War[]

Method Location
Dropped Generation 1: Macbeth (Ch. 2)
Generation 2: Ovo (Ch. 8)
Visit Generation 2: Ch. 7 - Village

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776[]

Method Location
Visit Ch. 3 - Visit the northwestern House (provided that Romeo has been saved)
Treasure Ch. 12x - ChestCh. 24x - Chest
Secret Shop Ch. 24

TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga[]

Method Location
Treasure M14 - Chest • M25 - Hidden in the sand • Tower of Morse Floor 3 - Random from Chest.
Item Craftsman Ligria Fort - Combine a Weapon Level Plus and a Leather Shield in order to acquire one unit of Defense Plus.

Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade[]

Method Location
Visit Ch. 11A - VillageCh. 10B - Village
Treasure Ch. 20B - ChestCh. 22 - Chest
Secret Shop Ch. 21

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade[]

Method Location
Dropped Hector's Story: Sealen* (Ch. 15)
Treasure Eliwood's Story: Ch. 29
Hector's Story: Ch. 19xx - ChestCh. 31 - Chest
Visit Eliwood's Story: Ch. 11 - Village

*Hard Mode only.

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones[]

Method Location
Dropped Elder Bael [0.5%/8.7%] • Maelduin [0.15%] • Draco Zombie [0.98%] • Cyclops [15%]
Steal Enemy Berserker (Ch. 17)
Inventory Ewan*
Visit Ch. 5 - VillageCh. 9A - Village
Secret Shop Creature Campaign: Rausten Court

*Ch. 12B only.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance[]

Method Location
Visit Ch. 11 - Village
Treasure Ch. 16 - Chest

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn[]

Method Location
Inventory Part 1: Leonardo
Steal Part 2: Enemy Axe General (Endgame)
Bargains Part 3: Ch. 3

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon[]

Method Location
Dropped Hollstadt (Ch. 16)
Treasure Ch. 17 - Chest
Secret Shop Ch. 24

Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem[]

Method Location
Treasure Ch. 11 - Hidden in the sand.
Visit Ch. 15 - Village (provided that the Village offering the Energy Drop has not been visited)
Secret Shop Ch. 21

Fire Emblem Awakening[]

Method Location
Dropped Ch. 9Ch. 20Para. 8Para. 19
Visit Para. 13 - Village (provided that the player chooses to aid the red army)
Merchants All locations. (Higher chance in Mount Prism, Origin Peak, Sea-King's Throne, Conqueror's Whetstone, Mountain Village, Warriors' Tomb, Wellspring of Truth and Garden of Giants)
Renown Acquire 3,500 Renown points in order to obtain one Dracoshield through this method.

Fire Emblem Fates[]

Method Location
Event Xeno 6 - End of Chapter
Rank Rewards Battle Points 1500 (1 in stock)
Visit Points 100 (1 in stock)

