Fire Emblem Wiki


Fire Emblem Wiki
Fire Emblem Wiki

The Prayer Ring is an accessory that debuts in Fire Emblem Gaiden. In Gaiden, when equipped, the Prayer Ring restores 5 HP to its wearer at the beginning of each turn. It also guarantees a critical hit when the wearer's HP falls below its half-mark, which resembles the Wrath skill.

In Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, the Prayer Ring manifests as the Prayer Bracelet, which confers the Prayer skill onto its wearer.

In Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, the Prayer Ring retains its recovery ability from Gaiden, but the Wrath-similar effect is changed to Miracle.

In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, it returns as a defensive item that restores 10% HP every turn. It has a hidden effect of granting Miracle for free once again, although this is not indicated by its description.

Item Information[]

Fire Emblem Gaiden[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Prayer Ring - - Allows its wearer to restore 5 HP at the start of every turn,
guarantees a Critical hit when their HP falls below the half-mark.

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Prayer Bracelet - 40,000 Bestows the Prayer skill onto its wearer.

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia[]

Name Uses Worth Effect(s) / Note(s)
Prayer Ring - 10 Silver Recovery, Miracle.

Item Locations[]

Fire Emblem Gaiden[]

Method Location
Inventory Delthea

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War[]

Method Location
Dropped Generation 2: Arion (Ch. 9)

