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The P3 protagonist with masks used by the enemy Shadows

"Shadows are the lower parts of the psyche everyone has... Suppressed human thoughts given physical form. When people are unable to face their darker selves, they break loose, free from all control. But sometimes, humans with special awareness can tame their Shadows... Those are Persona-users."
Metis, Persona 3 FES: The Answer

Shadows (シャドウ, Shadou)?/(, Kage)? are the primary type of enemy in the Persona series, sharing many characteristics with the demons common elsewhere in the Megami Tensei franchise. They are born from humans and composed of suppressed human emotions, usually negative ones. Strong-willed Shadows attract lesser ones, which can combine into stronger Shadows.



Megami Ibunroku Persona[]

A precursor to the Shadow concept used in the rest of the series occurs in Megami Ibunroku Persona. Throughout the story, aspects of Maki Sonomura's consciousness are embodied by several different characters: her id Aki, her ego Mai, the playable Maki, who is actually Maki's idealized version of herself; and Pandora, who represents Maki's nihilism. In dialogue, the Ideal Maki is referred to by herself as a shadow of Maki's heart, and at the end of the game, the Ideal Maki accepts and rejoins with Pandora after the latter's defeat.

In the Alaya Cavern, the protagonist and the Ideal Maki find the protagonist's other self, who judges him based on the deeds he performs throughout the game and grants him the Totems for the ultimate Personas depending on the number of good deeds performed. Maki compares this other self with the other versions of herself faced before. In the manga adaptation, a second "other self" is represented as Naoya Toudou's guilt appearing in the form of his deceased twin brother Kazuya. He is able to use Personas and disappears when accepted, mirroring how Personas and Shadows alike would be represented in future installments.

Persona 2[]

In the latter stages of Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment, Shadow Selves of the main characters, in particular Lisa, Eikichi, Tatsuya, Ulala, Katsuya, Maya and Baofu emerge. The primary antagonist, Nyarlathotep, is also seen as humanity's collective Shadow.

These "Shadow Selves" appeared due to contradicting rumors in Innocent Sin, which allowed them to exist and be members of the Masked Circle. In Eternal Punishment, Nyarlathotep created them within the Monado Mandala. They attempt to deceive and confuse their other selves, who they attack in the hopes of replacing them. Their Reverse Personas also seek to defeat their counterparts. After being defeated, they warn that they will continue to exist as a part of their other selves, something each human and Persona accepts with the exception of Maya in Innocent Sin.

In Innocent Sin, Nyarlathotep hoped they would kill the teams led by Tatsuya Suou so his plans could continue unhindered, either by the party dying at the hands of the Shadows, or by them drowning in their despair upon witnessing their darkness made manifest. This plan failed, primarily because in true Persona fashion, the triumphant true selves vowed to grow from the lessons taught by the Shadows, bonding them closer instead of shattering them. The only exception to this Maya Amano, who denied what her Shadow said and never accepted her.

In Eternal Punishment, the Shadows appear to taunt the party like in the previous game, though they also flash back to specific moments in each character's past. These flashbacks are used to highlight their other selves' insecurities, prompting Maya to nudge them into making the right decisions. Most Shadows are fought after their initial encounter and in pairs of two; Shadow Ulala and Katsuya fight the party at once, as do Shadow Maya and Baofu. Shadow Maya does not encounter the party before their fight, however, as Nyarlathotep appears in her place to taunt Maya over her rage and sadness directly. Since she is a silent protagonist, it is left ambiguous as to whether or not Maya's accepts her Shadow in this game.

Persona 3[]

"Monster that appears during the Dark Hour and preys on those who are conscious. Its victims become 'The Lost.'"
Persona 3 FES Dictionary Entry
Shadow transform

A man melting into a slimy black Shadow.

The Kirijo Group's discovery of the Shadows' existence and subsequent experiments on manipulating them, ostensibly as a power source and means of time manipulation, resulted in a catastrophic accident at their laboratories, killing hundreds. It is unclear how did the Kirijo Group discovered Shadows prior to their experiments, but after the incident Shadows have been appearing due to the Dark Hour.

The Dark Hour is a hidden twenty-fifth hour that takes place every midnight, during which the world comes to a stop and humans reflexively contain themselves in coffins, obliviously "playing dead" to protect themselves from the attention of the Shadows. Occasionally, a human will not transmogrify in this manner, and will quickly become prey of the Shadows, having their minds devoured and becoming vegetative (Apathy Syndrome). In some cases, people even become Shadows as their physical form dissolves. Only those with the potential to summon Personas, even if they can't be successfully summoned, are immune to this effect and function normally during the Dark Hour.


Fate Is In Our Hands

Persona users defeating Shadows.

The bulk of the Shadows dwell in Tartarus, a massive tower that appears during the Dark Hour, right atop Gekkoukan High School, the site of the previous accident. Each Shadow is defined by two characteristics: the body and the mask. The mask represents the Arcana of the Shadow, while the body helps define its name. These two attributes also aid as a visual reminder of an enemy's weaknesses and strengths.

On each full moon after the protagonist's arrival to Tatsumi Port Island, powerful Shadows belonging to the first twelve major arcana appear outside Tartarus and threaten to wreak havoc. The Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad combats these enemies.

The Old Documents say the Shadows arise from human emotions. When enough of the Shadows were gathered in one place, they will fuse together to become the Death Arcana Shadow, who would set in motion the events which leading up to the The Fall. Eiichiro Takeba delayed the Fall by causing the incident which led to the Dark Hour, interrupting Death's formation and causing it to fragment into thirteen Shadows. Aigis further delayed the Fall by sealing Death into the protagonist, who became Pharos.

Shadow Arcana[]

These special Shadows are the fragments of Death who escaped after being fractured. Twelve of them went dormant for 11 years since Death was sealed by Aigis, but they reawaken after the protagonist returned to Tatsumi Port Island.

They appear on every full moon, seeking to return to Death which is sealed inside the protagonist. Shuji Ikutsuki manipulates SEES into destroying each of them. Once they are all destroyed, Pharos absorbs their essence, allowing him to leave the protagonist and incarnate. However, Pharos' experiences within the protagonist lead him to take a human form, Ryoji Mochizuki, who suppresses his memories of being Death and Herald of the Fall. Once Ryoji regains his memories, Ryoji is forced to become Nyx Avatar, who will summon Nyx and destroy the world.

The twelve Arcana Shadows are:

The Answer[]

The new episode included in Persona 3 FES, The Answer suggests that a Persona is merely a Shadow that remains under control of the mind that created it; this is why Persona users aren't rendered brain-dead by exposure to other Shadows during the Dark Hour. In addition, The Answer shows that some who've had their Personas artificially induced can become Shadows themselves when unable to keep control.

Persona 3 Club Book[]

In the Persona 3 Club Book, it is explained that Shadows are literally fragments of Nyx's psyche. When Nyx's original form as the Planet Eater collided with the planet Earth, though its physics-defying nature prevented the destruction of Earth, it still collided with something and its "wave-like" psyche was left on Earth. Its "waves of Death" spread across the planet and all life, and in order to survive, Earth's lifeforms adapted to this exposure by containing the energy of Nyx's psyche into themselves. The result is the Collective Unconsciousness, allowing every lifeform on Earth to seal these energies at the deepest part of their psyche, becoming Shadows. In order for the psyches of living beings to contain these fragments, Earth lifeforms were forced to greatly limit their individual lifespans, resulting in the rise of more complex, yet mortal, organisms such as animals and humans.

Shadows are confined within every living being by the individual's "will to live" and "fear of death." As such, people who are losing their will and/or forgetting their fears (such as, but not limited to those in despair, those who wish for death) will be influenced by their own Shadows, and the complete cessation of these two thoughts will allow these Shadows to break free of their hosts. Because Shadows have been an integral part of life on Earth for so long, the psyches of Earth's lifeforms are unable to function without Shadows. This is why those with Apathy Syndrome, humans who have lost their Shadows, are merely living shells whose minds have broken down without their Shadows. Likewise, on a macroscale, within the Collective Unconsciousness, the collective thoughts which desire death are gradually causing roaming Shadows who have lost their hosts to emerge into reality.

The "goal" of "freed" shadows (if it can be called that) is to instinctively fuse together with each other to reunite themselves, or more precisely for Nyx to return to its original state of existence. Thus, Shadows do not actually "eat" people since they are merely breaking free the Shadows inside lifeforms and fusing together. When individuals wander into or adapt to the Dark Hour and are attacked by Shadows, the external Shadows are merely trying to forcibly extract the Shadow confined within the individual to merge together. However, Persona-users are an exception, because they are recognized as a hindrance to their purpose, Nyx's revival.

Just as the Arcana represent the psychological maturity of humans, they also represent the tendencies and psychological complexes contained by Shadows. More precisely, each Shadow expresses a set of psychological complexes without the human aspects of psychology, resulting in behaviors which are the inverse of what the Arcana usually stand for. No single Shadow regardless of their Arcana can express or hold Nyx's "consciousness," but when sufficient numbers of Shadows with Arcana 0-12 fuse, the result is the 13th Arcana, Death, which can hold Nyx's consciousness and power. The formation of Death signifies that preparations for Nyx's revival have been completed; Death raises Tartarus to act as an antenna for both Nyx's former body within the Moon and Shadows from within the Collective Unconscious, growing taller as more Shadows enter it.

After Tartarus grows tall enough, and Death draws in Nyx's consciousness to awaken from the depths of the Collective Unconscious into itself, it becomes Nyx Avatar and would call down Nyx's original body in the Moon to descend on Earth. This results in the "Fall" and once Nyx's consciousness incarnates in its original form as Planet Eater, its presence will rip out all Shadows from all life and destroy the Earth. Nyx's consciousness needs Death to awaken and move, but it doesn't need Death to accomplish the Fall, as seen if the protagonist kills Ryoji on December 31st. When the protagonist achieves the Universe Arcana, he uses its power to pull back Nyx's consciousness and allow it to sink into the depths of the Collective Unconscious again.

Shadows are existences of pure thought and energy. They don't possess physical bodies, and thus cannot interact with normal space. However, they do possess the ability to manipulate space-time and twist laws of physics. They use this ability to create the Dark Hour: a space existing outside of normal space-time where not only they can move freely, they can even drag things from normal space to interact with (Arcana Shadows can possess a train, a battle tank and a mall's power generator). "Transmogrification" is merely an identifier of someone who does not exist within the Dark Hour, and thus cannot be affected by those within it. As for those with the "Potential" who can move freely within the Dark Hour, they are people who unwittingly manage to use the Shadows' space-time manipulation ability for themselves.

Persona 3 Em[]

In the mobile spin-off Persona 3 Em -- in addition to normal shadow enemies from the original Persona 3 game -- Arche-Personas appear, which are negative counterparts of the personas of S.E.E.S., with opposite affinities and weaknesses. They are said to represent a part of a person that they do not fully understand and that is difficult for them to accept, similar to the function of shadows and shadow selves in Persona 4.

The Arche Personas that appears are:

Which Arche-Personas are faced is dependent on who is in the party at the time, so facing all of them requires multiple playthroughs. Arche-Lucia and Arche-Orpheus are always faced, however.

Persona 4[]

Shadow Yukiko revealed

A Shadow taking a human form as Yukiko Amagi.

Shadows and Personas retain the same roles. Those who face their own personal Shadows in the Midnight Channel and accept them can use their power as Personas while those who deny their shadows as part of themselves will be attacked and killed by them or disappear completely if the person was malicious and cruel, and Igor eventually states outright that they are one and the same. However, the world of the Midnight Channel is more likely to be the true home of the Shadows, as they and Personas appear much more easily there than they did during the Dark Hour. The Midnight Channel itself is a world reflecting the collective human heart, so it's probable that Shadows are spawned there as a result of humans trying to shut away the darkest facets of their personalities.

There are also new variants of Arcana Shadows introduced, such as "Bambino," "Hablerie" or "King" types. Some of the new types, such as the "Machine" and "Nyogo" types, are stated to appear in the Midnight Channel due to the thoughts of people watching.

Teddie appears to be a peculiar exception to this rule—despite being a Shadow, he became curious about humans and created a new, nonthreatening form for himself so people wouldn't be afraid of him, sealing away most of his memories in the process. He also acquires a Persona, prompting Igor to note that if a Shadow develops a sense of self, it too can acquire a Persona.

Persona 4 Colors[]

In the game, there is a minigame where one takes control of Chie Satonaka and must perform her signature Galactic Punt in time to strike a Shadow, and a minigame called "Cool Walker" where one takes control of Yu Narukami in what appears to be Yukiko's Castle, where they must avoid the Shadows and collect treasure chests to increase their score.

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax[]

A huge shadow appears during one of Sho Minazuki's intros, where he cuts it in half. The Shadow Selves seen in the game are made from regular shadows being forcibly merged together. Eventually an endless swarm of normal shadows is unleashed on the persona users once the Malevolent Entity no longer needs them. Tohru Adachi hints that gathering enough shadows together and uniting them will result in summoning a God, which is indeed Sho and the Malevolent Entity's plan.

Persona 4: Dancing All Night[]

Shadows appear in the Midnight Stage, where the antagonist has forcibly enslaved them to its will by tying ribbons to all of them. These shadows are forced to dance as the humans dance, and eventually be purified. Unlike the Dark Hour or the TV World, Shadows cannot be harmed through combat. Instead the characters must dance, removing shadows as they finish dancing upon the stage. When victims submit to the Shadow's will, they transform into a Shadow, and the one way to change back to their original form is to finish the dance.

Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth[]

Shadows appear again as the main antagonists. All of them are minions of Chronos and are split into the generic "Arcana" shadows and non-generic F.O.Es, and they serve the guardians deployed by him at the end of each Labyrinth, impeding the party's progress. Once the Persona users learn the truth about Rei and Zen, it is learned fully that the guardians and their Shadow servants are deployed by Chronos to guard the treasures at the bottom of the Labyrinths no matter what so he can take his time to understand Rei, even if the one who charged them with the task decides otherwise. Shadows in Persona Q do not have Arcana.

Ultimately, the Clockwork God wants Zen to continue his duties in the price of wiping out all intruders to his plans, including Zen himself if he sides alongside the Persona users. His spider F.O.Es such as the Watcher and the Capturer patrol the Clock Tower where he resides as security guards, while the Reaper is deployed to destroy all who interrupt divine providence, namely Zen and the Persona users. The Clockwork God's strongest Shadow under his service is the Captor Spider, which acts as his messenger and has captured Rei inside it near the end of the game.

Persona 5[]

"A Shadow is the true self that is suppressed—a side of one's personality they don't want to see."
Morgana, Persona 5
Suguru Anne

Shadow Suguru Kamoshida

Especially distorted humans are shown to share their personality almost completely with their Shadow counterparts, and engage the Phantom Thieves of Hearts in battle. These Shadow Selves can control lesser Shadows, who resemble masked humanoids who patrol and maintain their Palaces. Unlike in Persona 3 and Persona 4, generic Shadows are never fought in the game directly with the exception of the Reaper, as they explode into one or more mythological forms when engaged, and the Shadow Selves usually fight in altered forms.

The Shadows taking mythical form initially believe themselves to be the Palace's Shadows unless successfully negotiated with, where they regain their memories and recall they come from the human's Sea of Souls, whereupon they offer to transform themselves into a mask (and thus a new Persona), release a captured party member (if they take any Hostages), or give the party one or more items. The Shadows will initially have a Shadow title for them, but once the protagonist has obtained it as a Persona either through negotiation or through fusing for it in the Velvet Room, its title will turn into its Persona name (ex. Mocking Snowman to Jack Frost). Shadows in Persona 5 can be of any Arcana instead of only the first thirteen, and some Shadows can have different Arcana from their Persona counterparts.

While in the overworld, Shadows appear based on the Palace's theme. Depending on the attention level, they have glowing blue, yellow, or red eyes, and strong ones have a dark red aura. When they see the protagonist, they will summon a spotlight to follow him for as long as they are pursuing him. Stealing their Mask provokes an Ambush in the battle with their Persona forms. In Royal, after obtaining the Chaînés Hook perk from the Faith Confidant, the protagonist can trigger an Ambush to a Shadow within a Palace from a greater distance, though it requires him to be out in the open. When successful, the Ambush will leave the Shadows with various mental ailments.

  • Kamoshida's Palace: Knights in black or gold armor with stoic masks.
  • Madarame's Palace: Security guards and female curators with heart masks.
  • Kaneshiro's Palace: Policemen in riot gear with gas masks and Doberman Pinschers wearing muzzles.
    • Doberman Pinscher Shadows always transform into Orthrus.
  • Futaba's Palace: Mummies with headwear-like masks made of bandage, scimitar-wielding dervishes with tribal masks, and gray jackals with similar masks to mummies.
    • Gray jackal Shadows always transform into Thoth.
  • Okumura's Palace: Cylinder or sphere-formed robots with angular masks.
  • Niijima's Palace: Casino dealers, bunny waitresses and tuxedo-wearing bouncers wearing melted masks. Non-hostile Shadows who run the games do not wear masks.
  • Shido's Palace: Guards in suits, special assault team and assault hounds wearing blue party masks.
    • Assault hound Shadows always transform into Cerberus.
  • Mementos: Large humanoids with bird masks on their head and other masks bearing worn on their bodies. Unlike other guards, they do not speak and are not forced into a Chance battle by stealing their mask, but by crashing Morgana in van form into them, knocking them over.
  • Depths of Mementos: Prison guards with white hood masks and black sunglasses.
  • Qliphoth World: White and golden robotic angels with featureless faceplates as masks. Unlike other Shadows, their real faces are white, shaped like their masks, and their eyes do not glow red with the mask off.
  • Maruki's Palace (Persona 5 Royal only); Black featureless humanoids either in lab coats or clothes-less; guards have exaggerated muscles. They have a spiral as masks. Clothes-less Shadows can also appear with appendages or without; those with appendages have hair that are shaped like Maruki's while appendage-less Shadows are bald.

Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth[]

Shadows return in this game as Arcana Shadows instead of resembling their Persona counterparts unlike in Persona 5, in addition to F.O.Es. They act as the bulk of the enemies seen in the game, but unlike in Persona Q, they generally serve as basic obstacles and do not have a major role in the game's storyline, being replaced by cognitions instead. Sometimes Shadows inhabiting in the movie reality will attack its cognition inhabitants, and what seems to be human such as the policemen in Kamoshidaman can transform into Shadows and attack the party if provoked. Just like in the game's prequel, Shadows in Q2 do not have Arcana.

Due to the skill type revamp, some Arcana Shadows are now capable of using Psy Skills, Nuclear Skills, and Bless/Curse damaging skills which they are unable to in the previous games they are in. Subsequently, they also have weaknesses or resistances towards Psy or Nuclear.

Persona 5 Strikers[]

Shadows return in both physical and mythological form. These Shadows are found in Jails located inside the Metaverse. Just like Persona 5 (Royal), if simplified due to a removal of the negotiation mechanic, the protagonist may occasionally obtain a Persona after fighting normal Shadows, which have Shadows transform into masks that can be collected manually or they could immediately gravitate to Joker when the battle concludes, giving him Persona Points to use in the Velvet Room. The rate of appearance for these masks can be enhanced by leveling up the Joker's Wild BOND Skill.

Unlike in Persona 5 (Royal), where the sealed state of Shadows followed the motif of their respective Palace and their rulers, all Shadows share the same theme across all of the Jails, resembling real life prison officers, S.W.A.T. units, and various law enforcement robot forms like heli-drones, gatling gun-mounted helicopters, or robotic dogs. Additionally, the sealed states of Shadows can be fought during skirmishes within the Jails. The uniform appearance of sealed Shadows can be due to the fact that the real master of the Jails aren't the Monarchs, but EMMA, as it's she who maintains the Jails, and following her termination, the Jails vanished.

Persona 5 Tactica[]

Lavenza theorizes that Salmael absorbed the Shadows drifting Shadows within the subconscious sea and then turned them into Legionnaires. She figured the power crystals dropped when they die were remnants from when they used to be Shadows.

Erina is a combination of a Shadow, a Persona, and a Cognition.

Persona 5: The Phantom X[]


Megami Tensei Chaining Soul: Persona 3
Chaining Soul Persona 3 Screen 4
Shadow in Megami Tensei Chaining Soul: Persona 3
Persona 4: Dancing All Night
P4D Story Mode Shadows out of control
Shadows in Persona 4: Dancing All Night
P4D Story Mode Shadows purifield
Shadows, purified seen in Persona 4: Dancing All Night
Persona 4 Colors
Persona4c 2
Chie Satonaka fighting a Shadow in Persona 4 Colors.
Persona4c 6
Yu Narukami and 3 Shadows in Persona 4 Colors.
Persona 5
P5 Kamoshida Guard
Normal Shadow in Kamoshida's Palace
P5 Kamoshida Guard Captain
Captain Shadow in Kamoshida's Palace
P5 Madarame Guard
Normal Shadow in Madarame's Palace
P5 Madarame Guard Captain
Captain Shadow in Madarame's Palace
P5 Madarame Secretary
Female curator Shadow in Madarame's Palace
P5 Kaneshiro Guard
Normal Shadow in Kaneshiro's Palace
P5 Kaneshiro Guard Captain
Captain Shadow in Kaneshiro's Palace
P5 Kaneshiro Guard Dog
Dog Shadow in Kaneshiro's Palace
P5 Futaba Guard
Normal Shadow in Futaba's Palace
P5 Futaba Guard Captain
Captain Shadow in Futaba's Palace
P5 Futaba Guard Dog
Dog Shadow in Futaba's Palace
P5 Futaba Bandit
The Bandit Shadow in Futaba's Palace
P5 Okumura Guard Bot I
Normal Shadow in Okumura's Palace
P5 Okumura Guard Bot II
Levitating bot Shadow in Okumura's Palace
P5 Sae guard
Normal Shadow in Niijima's Palace
P5 Sae guard Captain
Captain Shadow in Niijima's Palace (which becomes a "non-Captain" type in Royal)
P5 Sae Waitress
Waitress Shadow in Niijima's Palace
P5 Shido Guard
Normal Shadow in Shido's Palace
P5 Shido guard captain
Captain Shadow in Shido's Palace
P5 Shido guard Dog
Dog Shadow in Shido's Palace
P5 Mementos Shadow
Shadow in Mementos
P5 Mementos Guard
Normal Shadow in the Depths of Mementos
P5 Depths of Mementos Guard Captain
Captain Shadow in the Depths of Mementos
P5 Mementos Angel
Normal Shadow in the Qliphoth World
P5 Qliphoth World Guard Captain
Captain Shadow in the Qliphoth World
Persona 5 Royal
P5R Okumura Guard Captain
Captain Shadow in Okumura's Palace
P5R Sae Guard Captain
New Captain Shadow in Niijima's Palace
P5R Maruki Scientist
Scientist Shadow in Maruki's Palace
P5R Maruki Worker
Worker Shadow in Maruki's Palace
P5R Maruki Worker 2
Worker Shadow in Maruki's Palace
P5R Maruki Gaurd
Captain Shadow in Maruki's Palace
P5R Mementos Da'at Shadow
Shadow in Path of Da'at section of Mementos

See Also[]

Shadow list[]

Shadow category[]

Dungeon - Combat - Turn - Action - Level - Experience - Party - Stats - Skills - Items - Equipment - Melee Attack - Ranged Attack - Damage (Fixed) - Guard - Escape - Accuracy - Critical - Multi-hit - Insta-Kill - Ailments - Drops - Encounter - Random Encounters - Symbol Encounters - Ambush - Difficulty
Demon - Magic (Fusion Spell) - Affinities - Unique skills - Extra Skills - Macca - Yen - Magnetite - Incense - Alignment - Moon Phase System - Demon Summoning Program (COMP) - Cathedral of Shadows (Fusion - Skill Inheritance - Accidents / Special / Three-demon / Sacrificial / Sword) - Demonic Compendium - Evolution - Negotiation (Special conversation) - Rag's Jewelry - Code Breaker - Press Turn - New Game Plus - Ultimate boss - Streetpass - Password - Skill Mutation - Energy Drain - Party Talks
Shin Megami Tensei series
Terminal - Guardian (if...) - Tactical Battle (NINE) - Capacity (NINE) - RTS (NINE) - Reinforcements (NINE) - Race Shift (NINE) - Modules (NINE) - Magatama (3) - Reason (3) - Demon Co-Op (SJ) - EX Missions (SJ) - Challenge Quest (4) - Skill Potential (4/A-5) - Smirk (4) - Barrier (4) - Partners (4A) - Jade Dagger (4A) - Magatsuhi Skills (5) - Essence (5) - Glory (5) - Miracles (5) - Demon Statues (5) - Abscess (5)
Devil Summoner series
Loyalty - Personality - Mystic Change - Nemechi (SH) - Case Files (RKKA)
Majin Tensei series
Rank - Affinity (2) - Arcana (Ronde)
Persona series
Shadows / Personas (Initial / Prime / Ultimate / Ancestor / Reverse / Sub) - Skill Card - Totem (1) - Type/Subtype (1+2) - Affinity (1+2) - Rank (1+2) - Mystic Change (1+2+5) - One More (3-5) - Growth Rate (1+2) - Unknown Power (1+EP) - Personality (1+2, 5) - Material Card (2) - Mutation (2) - Follow Up - All-out Attack (Cut-in) - Heart Item (3) - Shuffle Time (3+4) - Daily Life (3-5) - Activities (3-5) - Calendar (3-5) - Social Stats (3-5) - Social Link (3+4) - Tactics (3-5) - Requests (3-5; Q+Q2) - Clock (3P+3RE) - Linked Episode (3RE) - Great Clock (3RE) - Theurgy (3RE) - Arcana Chance (4) - Forecasts (Fusion / Weather) (4+5) - Boost (Q+Q2) - Power Spot (Q+Q2) - F.O.E (Q+Q2) - Confidant (5) - Technical (5+5S) - Treasure Demon (5+5S) - Party Switch (5+5S) - Baton Pass (5+5S; Q2) - Disaster Shadow (5R) - Fusion alarm (5R) - Persona Traits (5R) - Third Eye (5+5S) - Master Arts (5S) - BOND (5S) - Persona Points (5S)
Devil Children series
Trainer - Bank - BattleNet - Relic Fusion - Power Fusion - Powers
Digital Devil Saga series
Berserk Mode (2)
Devil Survivor series
Devil Auction - Extra Turn Battle - Skill Crack - Titles (DSO / DS2 / RB) - Fate System (2) - Add-On (2)
Equip Type (GMT:TM) - Skill Systems (GMT:TM) - Sword Exchange (GMT:TM) - Class (TMS♯FE) - Class Change (TMS♯FE) - Topic System (TMS♯FE) - Side Quests (TMS♯FE) - Ad-lib Performance (TMS♯FE) - Session (TMS♯FE) - Dual Arts (TMS♯FE)
Major Characters
Playable Tatsuya Suou - Maya Amano - Lisa Silverman - Eikichi Mishina - Yukino Mayuzumi - Jun Kurosu
Non-Playable Philemon - Nyarlathotep - Joker
Minor Characters
Plot Relevant Maya Okamura - Akinari Kashihara - Shunsuke Fujii - Katsuya Suou - Ulala Serizawa - Daisuke Todoroki (Kyouji Kuzunoha) - Head Monk - Maki Sonomura - Kei Nanjo - Eriko Kirishima - Hidehiko Uesugi - Reiji Kido - Tamaki Uchida - Tadashi Satomi - Trish - Noriko Katayama - Miho Ogishima - Mami Shibata - Miyabi Hanakouji
Masked Circle Tatsuya Sudou - Ginji Sasaki - Anna Yoshizaka - Junko Kurosu - Shadow Tatsuya - Shadow Maya - Shadow Lisa - Shadow Eikichi - Shadow Yukino - Akari Hoshi - Hiroki Sugimoto - Takashi Hanya - Yasuo Inoe - Youichi Makimura
Last Battalion Fuhrer - Order of the Holy Lance
Velvet Room Igor - Nameless - Belladonna - Demon Painter
Rumormongers Kenta Yokouchi - Baofu - Chika Ueda - Sumaru Genie
Shop Time Count - Garcon Soejima - Kankichi Mishina
Climax Theater Motoko Mitsugi - Naozumi Kariyazaki - Musubu Torikiri - Akari Torikiri - Rose Futaba - Minato - Umiko Shiyama - Persephone - Tamaizu Nirasawa - Haruo Weyland - Kushiel
Sumaru City Seven Sisters High School - Club Zodiac - Kasugayama High School - Air Raid Shelter - Mu Continent - Giga Macho - Aoba Park - Smile Hirasaka - GOLD - Aerospace Museum - Mt. Iwato - Mt. Katatsumuri - Caracol - Aquarius Temple - Taurus Temple - Scorpio Temple - Leo Temple - Silver River - Xibalba - Abandoned Factory - Climax Theater
Albums Original Soundtracks - The Errors of Their Youth - Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album
Songs "Kimi no Tonari" - "Joker" - "Satomi Tadashi Drugstore Song" - "Unbreakable Tie"
Terminology Persona (Initial / Prime / Ultimate / Reverse) - Persona user - Cards (Tarot / Material / Skill / Incense) - Mystic Change - Affinity - Mutation - Ideal Energy - In Lak'ech - Oracle of Maia - Spear of Destiny - Muses - Phoenix Ranger Featherman R - Shadow Self - Ambrosia - "Infectious Groove" - Crystal Skull - Ideal Self - Growth Rate - Rumor
Lists Arcana - Personas - Demons - Bosses - Skills (Fusion Spells) - Items - Rumors - Restaurants
Other Media
Productions Lost Memories
Publications Innocent Sin (novel) - Persona 2: Tsumi ga Ataeshi Batsu - Persona: Tsumi To Batsu - Comic Anthology: Short Comic Heaven / Innocent Children / Innocent Memory / Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics)
Major Characters
Playable Maya Amano - Tatsuya Suou - Katsuya Suou - Ulala Serizawa - Baofu - Kei Nanjo - Eriko Kirishima
Non-Playable Philemon - Nyarlathotep - JOKER/Tatsuya Sudou
Minor Characters
Plot Relevant X series robots - Eikichi Mishina - Jun Kashihara - Daisuke Todoroki (Kyouji Kuzunoha) - Youichi Makimura - Ginji Sasaki - Suou's father - Trish - Shunsuke Fujii - Junko Kurosu - Akari Hoshi - Hiroki Sugimoto - Yasuo Inoe - Matsuoka - Yung Pao - Miki Asai - Makoto Kuwahara
Seven Sisters High School Maya Okamura - Lisa Silverman - Takashi Hanya - Noriko Katayama - Akinari Kashihara - Miho Ogishima - Mami Shibata - Miyabi Hanakouji - Anna Yoshizaka - Saeko Takami
New World Order Tatsuzou Sudou - Takahisa Kandori - Chizuru Ishigami - General Sugawara - Captain Shimazu - Chief Togashi
St. Hermelin High School Graduates Hidehiko Uesugi - Maki Sonomura - Reiji Kido - Yukino Mayuzumi - Tamaki Uchida - Boy with Earring
Velvet Room Igor - Nameless - Belladonna - Demon Painter
Rumormongers Kenta Yokouchi - Chika Ueda
Shop Time Count - Garcon Soejima - Sumaru Genie - Kankichi Mishina
Shadow Selves Shadow Maya - Shadow Katsuya - Shadow Baofu - Shadow Ulala
Tatsuya's Scenario Lieutenant General Zula - Shiori Miyashiro - Chandraputra - Kouji Nakamura
Sumaru City Kasugayama High School - The Seedy CD - Mu Continent - Seven Sisters High School - Mt. Mifune - Sanitarium - Sky Museum - GOLD - Club Zodiac - Aoba Park - Padparcha - Sewers - Laboratory - Sumaru TV - Smile Mall - Factory - Nichirinmaru - Undersea Ruins - Mt. Iwato - Subway Tunnel - Ameno Torifune - Sumaru Castle - Monado Mandala - Bomb Shelter - Extra Dungeon
Albums Original Soundtrack (PSX / PSP) - Punitive Dance - Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album
Songs "Change Your Way" - "Satomi Tadashi Drugstore Song"
Terminology Persona (Initial / Prime / Ultimate / Reverse) - Persona user - Cards (Tarot / Material / Skill / Incense) - Mystic Change - Affinity - Mutation - Unknown Power - JOKER Infection (Artificial Persona) - Kegare - Other Side - Nanjo Group - Trapezohedron - Muses - New World Order - Tien Tao Lien - Shadow Self - Tatsuya's Scenario - DEVA System - Growth Rate - Rumor
Lists Arcana - Personas - Demons - Bosses - Skills (Fusion Spells) - Items - Rumors - Restaurants
Other Media
Productions Infinity Mask
Publications Eternal Punishment (novel) - Persona 2: Tsumi ga Ataeshi Batsu - Persona: Tsumi To Batsu - Comic Anthology: The Atoners / The Unforgivable / The Strays
Playable Male protagonist - Female protagonist - Yukari Takeba - Junpei Iori - Akihiko Sanada - Mitsuru Kirijo - Fuuka Yamagishi - Aigis - Koromaru - Ken Amada - Shinjiro Aragaki - Metis
Social Link Kenji Tomochika - Hidetoshi Odagiri - Bunkichi and Mitsuko - Kazushi Miyamoto - Chihiro Fushimi - Isako Toriumi - Keisuke Hiraga - Yuko Nishiwaki - Maiko Oohashi - Pharos - Bebe - President Tanaka - Mutatsu - Mamoru Hayase - Nozomi Suemitsu - Akinari Kamiki - Rio Iwasaki - Saori Hasegawa - Ryoji Mochizuki
Major Igor - Elizabeth - Theodore - Shuji Ikutsuki - Officer Kurosawa - Takaya Sakaki - Jin Shirato - Chidori Yoshino - Takeharu Kirijo - Kouetsu Kirijo - Eiichiro Takeba - Natsuki Moriyama - Nyx - Erebus - Margaret
Minor Maki - Kiyoshi Sakuma - Mr. Edogawa - Mr. Ekoda - Mr. Miyahara - Ms. Ounishi - Mrs. Terauchi - Kikuno Saikawa - Yuu Kimijima - Souta Aizawa - Kyouka Sayama
Cameo Yukiko Amagi - Noriko Kashiwagi - Man Drinking Alone
Port Island Gekkoukan High School - Paulownia Mall - Iwatodai Station - Port Island Station - Naganaki Shrine - Dorm - Moonlight Bridge - Velvet Room
Tartarus Blocks: Thebel - Arqa - Yabbashah - Tziah - Harabah - Adamah - Monad Depths
Abyss of Time Malebolge - Cocytus - Caina - Antenora - Ptolomea - Judecca - Empyrean
Other Kyoto - Great Seal
Albums Original Soundtrack (JP / US / FES / Portable) - Bonus CD - Burn My Dread -Reincarnation- - Spring of Birth OST - Midsummer Knight's Dream OST - Falling Down OST - Winter Of Rebirth OST - Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album - Persona 3 Reload Original Soundtrack - Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis Original Soundtrack
Songs "Burn My Dread" - "Aria of the Soul" - "Want To Be Close" - "When the Moon Reaches for the Stars" - "Iwatodai Dorm" - "Mass Destruction" - "Color Your Night" - "Deep Breath Deep Breath" - "The Meaning of Armbands" - "Deep Mentality" - "It's Going Down Now" - "Changing Seasons" - "Current Net Price Tanaka" - "Battle Hymn of the Soul" - "Kimi no Kioku" - "P3 FES" - "Disconnected" - "Mass Destruction -P3fes version-" - "Don't" - "Heartful Cry" - "Brand New Days" - "Soul Phrase" - "A Way of Life" - "Time" - "Wiping All Out" - "More Than One Heart" - "Fate is In Our Hands" - "One Single Word" - "One Hand, One Heartbeat" - "One Determination" - "Sound of the Beast" - "Storm for a Butterfly" - "Light in Starless Sky" - "My Testimony" - "Self Redemption" - "Full Moon Full Life"
Terminology Persona (Initial / Prime / Ultimate) - Persona user - Shadow - Wild Card - Evoker - Attack Properties - Tactics - All-out Attack - Shuffle Time - Dark Hour - Moon Phase System - Full Moon Operations - SEES - Kirijo Group - Nanjo Group - Strega - Artificial Persona user - Suppressants - Apathy Syndrome - The Fall - Death - Who's Who - Phoenix Ranger Featherman R - Plume of Dusk
P3RE: Shift - Theurgy - Combat Characteristics
Lists Arcana - Personas (P3 - FES - P - R) - Shadows - Bosses (P3 - FES) - Skills - Items (Heart Items / Vending Machines) - Status Effects - Elizabeth's Requests - Activities - Calendar - Trophies (Portable / Reload) - Steam Profile Items - Patches and Updates
School Life Daily Life - Seasons - Social Link - Social Stats - Yen - Class - Studying - Movie Theater - Bed - Part-time Jobs - Shrine - Tanaka's Amazing Commodities - Crane Machine - Chagall Café - School Club - Cooking - Walking Koromaru - Linked Episode - Computer - Refrigerator - Gardening - Books - DVDs - Studying - Fortune Telling
Other Media
Games FES - Portable - Reload - Dancing in Moonlight
Productions The Movie - The Movie: Escape from the Dark Hour - the Weird Masquerade: -Ao no Kakusei- / -Gunjou no Meikyuu- / -Souen no Kesshou- / -Ai no Seiyaku- / -Hekikuu no Kanata e- - Persona Stalker Club - 「PERSORA AWARDS」 - PERSORA AWARDS 2 - PERSORA AWARDS 3 - Persora -The Golden Best-
Drama CDs A Certain Day of Summer - Daylight / Moonlight - Character Drama CD Vol. 1 / Vol. 2 / Vol. 3 / Vol. 4 / Vol. 5 - New Moon / Full Moon - Portable Vol. 1 / Vol. 2
Publications Manga - Shadow Cry - Memento Mori - Owari no Kakera - Alternative Heart - Velvet Blue - Persona Magazine - Dear Girls Comic Anthology - Dengeki Comic Anthology - Tartarus Theater - Persona VS - Persona 3 Reload: Beginnings
Mobile Games The Night Before - Persona Ain Soph - Social - Escape - Illust Puzzle - Broken Shadow - Aegis: The First Mission - Qix - Chaining Soul - Em
Events Music Live 2008 - Music Live 2009 - Music Tour 2010 - Music Live 2012 - Music Fes 2013 - Music Box 2014 - Super Live 2015 - Livehouse Tour 2015 - Super Live 2017 - Super Live 2019- 25th Anniversary Symphonic Concert
20th Anniversary Festival - 25th Anniversary - 25th FES
Miscellaneous Merchandise
Playable Protagonist - Yosuke Hanamura - Chie Satonaka - Yukiko Amagi - Kanji Tatsumi - Rise Kujikawa - Teddie - Naoto Shirogane
Social Link Margaret - Nanako Dojima - Ryotaro Dojima - Naoki Konishi - Kou Ichijo - Daisuke Nagase - Hisano Kuroda - Sayoko Uehara - Yumi Ozawa - Ayane Matsunaga - Ai Ebihara - Fox - Shu Nakajima - Eri Minami - Marie - Tohru Adachi
Major Igor - Mayumi Yamano - Misuzu Hiiragi - Saki Konishi - Mitsuo Kubo - Hanako Ohtani - Kinshiro Morooka - Noriko Kashiwagi - Taro Namatame - Old Lady Shiroku - Master Daidara - Minoru Inoue - Yuuta Minami - Kaneko - Aika Nakamura - President Tanaka - Chihiro Fushimi - Mr. Edogawa - Kanami Mashita - Moel Gas Station Attendant
Major enemies Shadow Yosuke - Shadow Chie - Shadow Yukiko - Shadow Kanji - Shadow Rise - Shadow Teddie - Shadow Mitsuo - Shadow Naoto - Kunino-sagiri - Ameno-sagiri - Kusumi-no-Okami - Izanami
Inaba Central Shopping District - Dojima Residence - Junes Department Store - Samegawa Flood Plain - Velvet Room - Yasogami High School
Midnight Channel Twisted Shopping District - Yukiko's Castle - Steamy Bathhouse - Marukyu Striptease - Void Quest - Secret Laboratory - Heaven - Magatsu Inaba - Hollow Forest - Yomotsu Hirasaka
Other Okina City - Shichiri Beach - Midnight Trivia Miracle Quiz - Tatsumi Port Island (Gekkoukan High School - Club Escapade - Iwatodai Station)
Albums Original Soundtrack (Persona 4 / Golden / The Animation) - Never More -Reincarnation- - Persona 4: The Golden Animation Special Arrange CD - Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album - Re:BRiLLiANCE
Songs "Ain't Nobody Can Hold Me Down" - "Alone in this World" - "Aria of the Soul" - "Studio Backlot/Backside of the TV" - "Beauty of Destiny" - "Dazzling Smile" - "Falling into Right Places" - "Heartbeat, Heartbreak" - "Heaven" - "I'll Face Myself" - "Just Like The Wind" - "Key Plus Words" - "Koisuru Meitantei" - "Never More" - "Next Chance to Move On" - "Pursuing My True Self" - "Reach Out To The Truth" - "Shadow World" - "Signs of Love" - "Sky's The Limit" - "SNOWFLAKES" - "Someone Else's Man" - "Time For True Revelation" - "Time To Make History" - "True Feelings" - "True Story" - "The Way of Memories" - "We Are One and All" - "Ying Yang" - "Your Affection"
Terminology Persona (Initial / Ultimate) - Persona user - Glasses - Fog - Shadow - Shadow Self - Party - Tactics - All-out Attack - Shuffle Time - Arcana Chance - Fusion Forecast - Weather Forecast - Investigation Team - Mystery Food X - Phoenix Ranger Featherman R
Lists Arcana - Personas - Shadows - Skills - Items (Persona 4 / Golden) - Requests - Status Changes - Activities - Calendar - Golden Trophies - The Animation / Golden Animation Episodes - Patches and Updates - Steam Profile Items
School Life Weather Forecast - Seasons - Social Link - Social Stats - Yen - Class - Studying - Books - Movie Theater - Bed - Fishing - Cooking - Part-time Jobs - Shrine - Scooter - Gardening - School Club - Bug Catching - Refrigerator - Crane Machine - Chagall Café - Tanaka's Amazing Commodities - Cat
Other Media
Games Golden - Arena - Arena Ultimax - Dancing All Night
Productions The Animation / -The Factor of Hope- / The Golden Animation - Visualive / the Evolution - Persona Stalker Club - 「PERSORA AWARDS」 - PERSORA AWARDS 2 - PERSORA AWARDS 3 - Persora -The Golden Best- - Persona VS
Publications Manga - The Magician - Dengeki Comic Anthology (the Animation / The Golden / The Golden Animation) - Kiri no Amnesia - Your Affection - Persona x Detective Naoto (manga) - Yasoinaba Case File - Persona Magazine
Drama CDs Persona 4 (Vol.1 / Vol.2 / Vol.3) - Persona 4 The Animation (Vol.1 / Vol.2) - Persona 4 Golden (Vol.1 / Vol.2)
Mobile Games The Card Battle - Colors - Persona 4: The Slot - Persona 4 the Pachinko
Events Music Live 2008 - Music Live 2009 - Music Tour 2010 - Music Live 2012 - Music Fes 2013 - Music Box 2014 - Super Live 2015 - Livehouse Tour 2015 - Super Live 2017 - Super Live 2019- 25th Anniversary Symphonic Concert
20th Anniversary Festival - 25th Anniversary - 25th FES
Miscellaneous Merchandise
Ultimax - Manga (Arena) - Manga (Ultimax) - Stageplay (Arena) - Stageplay (Ultimax)
Playable Arena Yu Narukami (Izanagi - Regular / Izanagi-no-Okami - Instant Kill) - Yosuke Hanamura (Jiraiya) - Chie Satonaka (Tomoe) - Yukiko Amagi (Konohana Sakuya) - Kanji Tatsumi (Take-Mikazuchi) - Naoto Shirogane (Sukuna-Hikona) - Teddie (Kintoki-Douji) - Aigis (Pallas Athena - Regular / Palladion - Instant Kill) - Mitsuru Kirijo (Artemisia) - Akihiko Sanada (Caesar) - Elizabeth (Thanatos) - Labrys (Ariadne) - Shadow Labrys (Asterius)
Playable Ultimax Yukari Takeba (Isis) - Junpei Iori (Trismegistus) - Sho Minazuki (Tsukiyomi) - Rise Kujikawa (Himiko) - Ken Amada & Koromaru (Kala-Nemi & Cerberus) - Tohru Adachi (Magatsu-Izanagi) - Marie (Kaguya-Hime) - Margaret (Yoshitsune - Cu Chulain - Ardha - Regular / Helel - Instant Kill)
Non-Playable Unit #024 - Igor - Theodore - Nanako Dojima - Ryotaro Dojima - Detective Kurosawa - Fuuka Yamagishi - Eri Minami - Yuuta Minami - Malevolent Entity - Erebus - Kikuno Saikawa - Shuji Ikutsuki - Minoru Inoue
Inaba Midnight Channel - Velvet Room - Yasogami High School - Tartarus
Albums Original Soundtrack (Arena / Ultimax) - Original Arrange Soundtrack
Songs "Best Friends" - "Now I Know" - "Aria of the Soul" - "Reach Out To The Truth" - "Mass Destruction" - "Break Out Of..." - "Today"
Terminology Dark Hour - Evoker - Midnight Channel - P-1 Grand Prix - Persona - Persona user - Plume of Dusk - Shadow - Shadow Self - Shadow Operatives - Investigation Team - Wild Card - Persona Fragments - Red Fog
Lists Status Changes - Skills - Trophies (Arena / Ultimax) - Steam Profile Items
Productions The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena Stageplay - Persona 4: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold Stageplay
Playable Rise Kujikawa - Yu Narukami - Kanami Mashita - Yosuke Hanamura - Chie Satonaka - Kanji Tatsumi - Teddie - Yukiko Amagi - Naoto Shirogane - Nanako Dojima - Margaret - Marie - Tohru Adachi - Hatsune Miku
Non-playable Protagonist - Ryotaro Dojima - Minoru Inoue - Sumomo Ujima - Tomoe Sayama - Tamami Uesugi - Nozomi Nakahara - Kyoka Ochimizu - Dance Instructor - Yuko Osada - Mikuratana-no-Kami - President Tanaka
Other Velvet Room - Yomotsu Hirasaka - Takura Productions - Inaba - Midnight Channel
Midnight Stage Kujikawa Rise (Stage) - Circus Tent - Sultry Lounge - Doll House - Romantic Castle - Mechanical Castle - Event Space - Mikuratana-no-Kami's Realm
Albums Persona 4: Dancing All Night Original Soundtrack
Songs Dance! - Calystegia
Terminology Persona - Persona User - Shadow - Kanamin Kitchen - LMB Festival - Shadow Self - Investigation Team - Apathy Syndrome
Lists Trophies
Playable - P3 P3 hero - Yukari Takeba - Junpei Iori - Akihiko Sanada - Mitsuru Kirijo - Fuuka Yamagishi - Aigis - Koromaru - Ken Amada - Shinjiro Aragaki
Playable - P4 P4 hero - Yosuke Hanamura - Chie Satonaka - Yukiko Amagi - Kanji Tatsumi - Rise Kujikawa - Teddie - Naoto Shirogane
Playable - PQ Rei & Zen
Non-playable Elizabeth - Margaret - Theodore - Marie - Nanako Dojima - Queen of Hearts - Merciful Clergyman - Kind Doctor - Best Friend - Clockwork God - Chronos - Zeus
Origin Tartarus - Yasogami High School
Main Hub Handcrafted Workshop - Nurse's Office - Velvet Room
Labyrinths You in Wonderland - Group Date Cafe - Evil Spirit Club - Inaba Pride Exhibit - Clock Tower
Albums Original Soundtrack - Sound of the Labyrinth
Songs "Maze of Life" - "Light the Fire Up in the Night" - "Laser Beam" - "Changing Me"
Terminology Persona (Sub-Persona) - Persona user - Velvet Room - Fusion (Sacrificial Fusion) - Shadow (F.O.E) - Wild Card - Dark Hour - Evoker - Boost - Power Spot - Skill Card - SEES - Investigation Team - Cut-in - All-out Attack
Lists Arcana - Personas - Shadows - Bosses - Skills (Skill Cards) - Items - Ailments - Requests - Patches and Updates
Other Media
Manga -Roundabout- - Side:P3 - Side:P4
Productions Escape From Persona Q: Cyber Labyrinth - Official Visual Material
Playable - P5 P5 hero - Ryuji Sakamoto - Ann Takamaki - Yusuke Kitagawa - Goro Akechi - Morgana - Makoto Niijima - Futaba Sakura - Haru Okumura
Playable - P4 P4 hero - Yosuke Hanamura - Chie Satonaka - Yukiko Amagi - Kanji Tatsumi - Rise Kujikawa - Teddie - Naoto Shirogane
Playable - P3/P P3 hero - P3P heroine - Yukari Takeba - Junpei Iori - Akihiko Sanada - Mitsuru Kirijo - Fuuka Yamagishi - Aigis - Koromaru - Ken Amada - Shinjiro Aragaki
Non-playable Hikari - Nagi - Doe - Hikari's Father - Elizabeth - Theodore - Margaret - Marie - Caroline and Justine - Kamoshidaman - Herbivore Dinosaurs - Yosukesaurus - Ribbon - Overseer - Mother Computer - Enlil - Nanako Dojima
Origin Tartarus - Iwatodai Dormitory - Junes - Midnight Channel - Dojima Residence - Café Leblanc - Mementos
Main Hub Cinema - Velvet Room - Shop
Labyrinths Kamoshidaman - Junessic Land - A.I.G.I.S. - Hikari - Theater District
Albums Original Soundtrack
Songs "Road Less Taken" - "Wait and See" - "Pull the Trigger" - "Remember, We Got Your Back" - "Invitation to Freedom" - "Cinematic Tale" - "Life Will Change" - "Nothing is Promised" - "LaLaLa Goodbye Personality!" - "Hikari is Bad!" - "That’s Right, Right?" - "I Will Make You Normal" - "Colorful World"
Terminology Persona (Sub-Persona) - Persona User - Velvet Room - Fusion - Shadow (F.O.E) - Wild Card - Dark Hour - Evoker - Glasses - Mask - Power Spot - Cognition - Boost - Metaverse - SEES - Investigation Team - Phantom Thieves of Hearts - Cut-in - Special Screening - All-out Attack - Baton Pass - Akashic Record
Lists Arcana - Characters - Items - Skills - Personas - Shadows - Bosses - Ailments - Special Screenings - Patches and Updates
Other Media
Manga Roundabout Special - Official Visual Materials
Playable Protagonist - Morgana - Ryuji Sakamoto - Ann Takamaki - Yusuke Kitagawa - Makoto Niijima - Futaba Sakura - Haru Okumura - Goro Akechi - Sumire Yoshizawa
Confidant Igor - Sojiro Sakura - Chihaya Mifune - Munehisa Iwai - Tae Takemi - Sadayo Kawakami - Ichiko Ohya - Shinya Oda - Hifumi Togo - Yuuki Mishima - Toranosuke Yoshida - Caroline & Justine - Sae Niijima - Takuto Maruki
Major Targets Suguru Kamoshida - Ichiryusai Madarame - Junya Kaneshiro - Shadow Futaba - Kunikazu Okumura - Masayoshi Shido - Holy Grail / Yaldabaoth - Azathoth / Adam Kadmon
Other Principal Kobayakawa - SIU Director - Shiho Suzui - Natsuhiko Nakanohara - Mika - Lala Escargot - Angel and Julian - Medjed - Wakaba Isshiki - Sugimura - President Tanaka - Kazuya Makigami - Naoya Makigami - Shadow Mishima - Shinichi Yoshizawa - Rumi - Shibusawa - Jose - Kasumi Yoshizawa - Coach Hiraguchi
Tokyo Yongen-Jaya (Café Leblanc) - Shibuya - Aoyama-Itchome (Shujin Academy) - Shinjuku - Akihabara - Kichijoji - Ogikubo - Inokashira Park - Tsukishima - Akasaka Mitsuke - Suidobashi - Odaiba Seaside Park - Ichigaya - Ikebukuro - Ginza - Harajuku - Meiji Shrine - Jinbocho - Miura Beach - Maihama (Tokyo Destinyland) - Kanda - Roppongi - Ueno - Asakusa - Chinatown - Nagatacho - Shinagawa - Nakano - Kosei High School
Metaverse Kamoshida's Palace - Madarame's Palace - Kaneshiro's Palace - Futaba's Palace - Okumura's Palace - Niijima's Palace - Shido's Palace - Mementos (Path of Qimranut - Path of Aiyatsbus - Path of Chemdah - Path of Kaitul - Path of Akzeriyyuth - Path of Adyeshach - Path of Sheriruth - Depths of Mementos - Qliphoth World - Path of Da'at) - Maruki's Palace
Other Velvet Room - Hawaii - Thieves Den
Albums Original Soundtrack (Persona 5 / Royal (JP / EN))
Songs "Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There" - "Life Will Change" - "Beneath the Mask" - "Last Surprise" - "Rivers in the Desert" - "The Whims of Fate" - "Tokyo Daylight" - "Hoshi To Bokura To" - "Break In To Break Out" - "Infinity" - "Dark Sun..." - "Autonomy" - "Found a Light" - "IT'S TOO LATE" - "Colors Flying High" - "Take Over" - "He's a Trickster☆" - "I Believe" - "No More What Ifs" - "Throw Away Your Mask" - "Bokura no Hikari (Our Light)"
Story Persona - Persona user - Shadow - Shadow Self - Second Awakening - Picaro Persona - I am thou - Cognition - P. A. D. - Metaverse - Metaverse Navigator - Mask - Wild Card - Phantom Thieves of Hearts - Phantom Aficionado Website - Antisocial Force - Treasure - Police - Calling Card - Change of Heart - Psychotic breakdown - Mental shutdown - General Public - Seven Deadly Sins - Sea of Souls - Bond - Featherman
School Life Calendar - Weather - Seasons
Confidant - Social Stats - Hideout - Class - Train - Invitations - Gifts - Decorations
Activities Bathhouse - Studying - Diner - Cleaning - Maid Café - Billiards - Books - DVDs - Retro Games - Movie Theater - Big Bang Challenge - Crane Game - Bed - Batting Cages - Fishing Pond - Crossword Puzzles - Darts - Infiltration Tools - Cooking - Training - Old Temple - Laundry - Part-time Jobs - Shrine - Confessional - Jazz Jin - Houseplant - Refrigerator - TV Quiz Show - Blackboard - Drink Stand - Lottery - Cultivation - Fortune Telling
Vendors Shops: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Vending Machines - Takemi Medical Clinic - Untouchable - Jose's Shop - Home Shopping Program - Tanaka's Shady Commodities - Military Vending Machine - Trading
Phantom Life Mementos Requests - Third Eye - Security Level - Search Objects - Treasure Chests - Safe Room - Thieves Guild - List of Shadows (Treasure Demon - Disaster Shadow - Savage Shadow) - List of Bosses - Skill Card - Will Seeds - Deviations - Slot Machines
Battle Items: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Skills: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Difficulty - Status Changes - Weaknesses - Traits - Navigator - Tactics - Guard - Party Switch - Baton Pass - One More - Critical - Technical - Showtime - Cut-in - All-out Attack - Hold Up - Personality - Drops - Game Over
Follow Up - Harisen Recovery - Endure - Protect - Pickpocket - Crocodile Tears - Sexy Technique - Down Shot - Bullet Hail - Oda Special - Kakoi Kuzushi - Sleuthing Instinct - Detox X - Mindfulness - Flow - Tumbling
Velvet Room List of Personas: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Fusion - Special Fusion - Hanging - Lockdown - Electric Chair - Arcana - Skill Inheritance - Fusion Accident - Fusion alarm - Challenge Battle
System Trophies: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Cutscenes - New Game Plus - Patches and Updates - Steam Profile Items
Unused Content: (Persona 5 / Royal)
Corporate Atlus Co., Ltd. - Sega
Personnel Katsura Hashino - Shigenori Soejima - Shoji Meguro - Lyn Inaizumi - Atsushi Kitajoh - Ryota Kozuka - Kenichi Tsuchiya - Toshiki Konishi - Kazuhisa Wada - Lotus Juice
Other Media
Games Royal - Dancing in Starlight - Strikers - Tactica - The Phantom X
Productions Persona 5 The Animation The Day Breakers - Persona 5 The Animation (Episodes - Dark Sun... - Stars and Ours - Proof of Justice - A Magical Valentine's Day) - Persona O.A. - Persona 5 The Night Breakers - Persona Stalker Club V - PERSORA AWARDS 3 - Persora -The Golden Best 5- - Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album - Persona 5 The Stage - Persona VS
Publications Manga - Dengeki Comic Anthology - Comic à La Carte - Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics) - Tartarus Theater Wild - the Animation Dengeki Comic Anthology - Mementos Mission - Mementos Report - Persona Magazine
Events Night of the Phantom - Super Live 2017 - Super Live 2019 - TGS 2021 - 25th Anniversary Symphonic Concert
20th Anniversary Festival - 25th Anniversary - 25th FES
TGS 2015 - Take Tokyo Tower - E3 2016 - Take the Treasure - TGS 2016 - Morgana's Report - DJ Morgana
Miscellaneous Merchandise - Catherine: Full Body - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Playable Protagonist - Ryuji Sakamoto - Morgana - Ann Takamaki - Yusuke Kitagawa - Makoto Niijima - Futaba Sakura - Haru Okumura - Sophia - Zenkichi Hasegawa
Major Targets Alice Hiiragi - Ango Natsume - Mariko Hyodo - Akane Hasegawa - Akira Konoe - Kuon Ichinose - EMMA / False God Demiurge
Other Lavenza - Sojiro Sakura - Miyako Kaburagi - Kaho Nanase - Shuzo Ubukata‎‎ - Jyun Owada - Aoi Hasegawa - Sae Niijima - Akane's Joker
Japan Yongen-Jaya (Café Leblanc) - Shibuya - Sendai - Sapporo - Okinawa - Kyoto - Osaka - Tokyo (Tokyo Tower)
Akasaka Mitsuke - Aoyama-Itchome (Shujin Academy) - Ogikubo - Fukuoka - Yokohama
Jail Shibuya Jail - Sendai Jail - Sapporo Jail - Okinawa Jail - Kyoto Jail - Osaka Jail - Jail of the Abyss - Tree of Knowledge
Other Velvet Room
Albums Original Soundtrack
Songs "You Are Stronger" - "Daredevil" - "Life Will Change" - "What You Wish For" - "Axe to Grind" - "Counter Strike" - "Beneath the Mask" - "Last Surprise" - "Rivers in the Desert" - "Towards a Dream"
Archives & Terminology
Story Persona - Persona User - Shadow - Shadow Self (Monarch) - Treasure Demon - I am thou - Cognition - P. A. D. - Metaverse - Metaverse Navigator - Mask - Wild Card - Phantom Thieves of Hearts - Madicce - Antisocial Force - Police - Calling Card - Change of Heart - General Public - Seven Deadly Sins - Zephyrman
Summer Trip Calendar - Yen - Cooking - Hideout - Shrine
Vendors Shops - Vending Machines - Sophia's Shop - Big Bang Burger
Phantom Life Requests - Third Eye - Security Level - Shadows - Bosses - Lock Keeper - Dire Shadows
Battle Items - Skills - Combo Attacks - Master Arts - Party - Battle Stats - Damage - Accuracy - Experience - Level - Difficulty - Status Changes - Weaknesses - Navigator - Party Switch - Baton Pass - One More - Critical - Technical - Follow Up - Protect - Harisen Recovery - Endure - Cut-in - All-out Attack - Showtime - BOND - Game Over
Velvet Room List of Personas - Fusion - Arcana - Persona Points
System Trophies - Patches and Updates - New Game Plus - Cutscenes - Steam Profile Items
Corporate Atlus Co., Ltd. - Koei Tecmo Games Co., Ltd. - Omega Force
Personnel Daisuke Kaneda - Shigenori Soejima - Atsushi Kitajoh - Lyn Inaizumi - Lotus Juice
Other Media
Events Persona Super Live 2019 - Traveling Morgana's Newsletter
Miscellaneous Merchandise
Playable Protagonist - Morgana - Erina - Ryuji Sakamoto - Ann Takamaki - Yusuke Kitagawa - Makoto Niijima - Futaba Sakura - Haru Okumura - Toshiro Kasukabe - Goro Akechi - Kasumi Yoshizawa
Supporting Characters Lavenza - Yuki - Eri Natsuhara - Yuri Kurano - Luca
Legionnaires Marie - Yoshiki - Nakabachi - Shadow Toshiro - Salmael
Guernica - Jerri
Metaverse Kingdoms (Marie Kingdom - Yoshiki Kingdom - Nakabachi Kingdom - Salmael Kingdom)
The Streets
Other Velvet Room - Café Leblanc
Songs "Revolution in your Heart" - "Got Your Tail" - "Inextinguishable" - "Truth Or Dare" - "Revolution is a Blade" - "The Night We Stood" - "Quiet Storm" -
Story Persona (Sub-Persona) - Persona user - Picaro Persona - Mask - Wild Card - Shadow Self - Cognition -
Factions: Phantom Thieves of Hearts - Rebel Corps - Legionnaires (Aizen Squad - Rebel Club)
Gameplay Difficulty
Battle (Navigator - Guard - Baton Pass - One More - Critical - Cut-in - Triple Threat - Drops - Follow-Up - Voltage - Paint)
Game Over - Report
System Trophies - Patches and Updates - New Game Plus - Steam Profile Items
Corporate Atlus - Sega
Other Media
Events Nyahoo! News
Playable Characters
Original Protagonist - Ruferu - Motoha Arai - Shun Kanou - Riko Tanemura - Seiji Shiratori - Kotone Montagne - Yukimi Fujikawa - Tomoko Noge - Reo Kamiyama - Yaoling Li - Kiyoshi Kurotani - Kayo Tomiyama - YUI - Miyu Sahara - Toshiya Sumi - Haruna Nishimori - Minami Miyashita - Chizuko Nagao - Yumi Shiina - Ayaka Sakai - Kira Kitazato - Masaki Ashiya - Runa Dogenzaka
Phantom Thieves of Hearts Ren Amamiya - Ryuji Sakamoto - Morgana - Ann Takamaki - Yusuke Kitagawa - Makoto Niijima - Futaba Sakura - Haru Okumura - Goro Akechi - Kasumi Yoshizawa
Non-Playable Supporting Igor - Merope - Marthym - Kumi Katayama - Munehisa Iwai - Tae Takemi - Chihaya Mifune - Lala Escargot
Non-Playable Antagonists Takeyuki Kiuchi - Hiromu Miyazawa - Kei Akashi
Tokyo Zoshigaya - Shimokitazawa - Shibuya - Yongen-Jaya - Shinjuku - Ueno - Kichijoji - Akihabara
Metaverse Mementos - Kiuchi's Palace - Miyazawa's Palace - Katayama's Palace - Akashi's Palace
Other Velvet Room - Thieves Den
Songs "Ambitions and Visions" - "Elite Battle" - "Fatal Desire" - "Last Strike" - "Shadow Loop" - "Wake Up Your Hero"
Story Persona - Persona user - Shadow - Shadow Self - I am thou - Cognition - P. A. D. - Metaverse - Metaverse Navigator - Mask - Wild Card
School Life Weather - Social Stats - Class - Train - Invitations - Gifts - Decorations
Activities Bathhouse - Batting Cages - Fishing Pond - Training - Part-time Jobs
Vendors Vending Machines - Takemi Medical Clinic - Untouchable
Phantom Life Search Objects
Battle Skills - Items - Weaknesses - Critical - One More - Baton Pass - All-out Attack - Navigator
Velvet Room List of Personas - Fusion - Arcana - Challenge Battle
Corporate Atlus Co., Ltd. - Sega
Personnel Kazuhisa Wada - Shigenori Soejima - Lyn Inaizumi
Other Media
Games Persona 5 - Persona 5 Royal - Persona 5 Strikers