Sword Fusion (剣合体, Ken gattai)? is a system in certain games in which a demon can be fused into a blade (or another weapon) to enhance its properties.
- Shin Megami Tensei
- Shin Megami Tensei II
- Shin Megami Tensei: if...
- Shin Megami Tensei NINE
- Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner
- Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
- Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army
- Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon
- Persona 3 FES / Portable
- Persona 5 / Royal
- Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2
Shin Megami Tensei[]
- Futsu Sword (80/3, 1-3x hits, Both/All): Kusanagi + Element Sylph
- Murakumo (180/0, 1x hit, Both/All): Futsu Sword + Element Undine
- Kagutsuchi (200/20, 2-4x hits, Both/All): Murakumo + Element Salamander
- Fujinken (155/5, 2-4x hits, Both/All): Spirit Sword + Yoma Tengu
- Raijinken (170/3, 1-3x hits, Male/All): Spirit Sword + Kishin Take-Mikazuchi
- Karyuken (185/2, 2x hits, Female/All): Spirit Sword + Belial Pot
Shin Megami Tensei II[]
Many more weapons can be created through Sword fusion than in the previous game:
- Kogitsune-maru (130/50, 1 hit, Both/All, Poison): Spirit Sword + Sparna
- Seki-no-Kanesada (125/70, 2 hits, Both/Law, Charm): Spirit Sword + Fujinken + Arianrhod
- Deathbringer (137/43, 3-5 hits, Male/Chaos): Spirit Sword + any Wilder
- Kuchinawa's Sword (140/38, 0-1 hits, Both/Neutral): Spirit Sword + any Jaki
- Fujinken (133/52, 2 hits, Male/All, Paralyze): Kogitsune-maru + any Wilder
- Raijinken (148/39, 3-6 hits, Female/All, Shock): Kogitsune-maru + Phoenix
- Bizen-Osafune (145/45, 2-4 hits, Male/Chaos, Panic): Fujinken + Yatagarasu
- Sol Blade (148/21, 5-7 hits, Male/Law): Fujinken + any Jaki
- Luna Blade (100/66, 2-3 hits, Female/Law): Raijinken + any Jaki
- Meitou Kotetsu (140/53, 1-3 hits, Male/Law, Close): Raijinken + Suzaku
- Hannya-Nagamitsu (162/40, 2 hits, Both/Chaos, Stone): Bizen-Osafune + Ouyamatsumi
- Kennun-Maru (171/69, 2-7 hits, Both/Law, Happy):
- Konryuu-maru (190/50, 0-2 hits, Both/Chaos, Bind):
- Raijinken + Meitou-Kotetsu + Chernobog
- Musou-Masamune + Take-Minakata
- Musou-Masamune (174/42, 2 hits, Both/Neutral, Sleep):
- Raijinken + Fujinken + Anubis
- Meitou-Kotetsu + Hitokotonushi
- Ame-no-Nuboko (172/78, 0-2 hits, Female/All):
- Seki-no-Kanesada + Hannya-Nagamitsu + Kikuri-Hime
- Kogitsune-maru + Musou-Masamune + Ishtar
- Ame-no-Murakumo (175/75, 1-3 hits, Male/All): Bizen-Osafune + Hannya-Nagamitsu + Horus
- Yatsuka-no-Ken (180/63, 3-6 hits, Both/Neutral):
- Kogitsune-maru + Hannya-Nagamitsu + Rahab
- Kennun-maru + Konryuu-maru
- Hinokagutsuchi (200/70, 2-4 hits, Both/All, Stone)
- Ame-no-Nuboko + Ame-no-Murakumo
- Kogitsune-maru + Ame-no-Nuboko + Hinokagutsuchi
- Youtou-Muramasa (208/7, 0-7 hits, Both/All, Freeze, Cursed): Musou-Masamune + any Jaki
- Youtou Nihil (115/50, Hits All, Both/All, Cursed):
- Brahma Sutra (Gun - 199/51, Hits All, Both/All): Hinokagutsuchi + Shiva
- Hua Khon (Head - 38/12, Female/All): Hinokagutsuchi + Ananta
- Tapsuan (Body - 110/10, Female/All): Hinokagutsuchi + Arahabaki
- Pahurat (Arms - 30/15, Female/All): Hinokagutsuchi + Kalki
- Khamraitao (Legs - 20/20, Female/All): Hinokagutsuchi + Amaterasu
Shin Megami Tensei: if...[]
More new weapons are added in if..., as well as more possible paths to making each weapon.
- Spirit Sword (77/40, 1 hit, Both): Kogitsune-maru + any Jaki
- Kogitsune-maru (130/50, 1 hit, Both, Poison): Spirit Sword + Ho-ou
- Kuchinawa Sword (136/38, 1 hit, Both): Spirit Sword + any Jaki
- Deathbringer (165/43, 0-1 hits, Male): Spirit Sword + any Wilder
- Fujinken (105/51, 2-3 hits, Male, Paralyze):
- Kogitsune-maru + any Wilder
- Raijinken + any Wilder
- Kobizen Kanehira + any Jaki
- Raijinken (105/39, 2-3 hits, Female, Shock):
- Kogitsune-maru + Jatayu
- Fujinken + any Wilder
- Nio-Kiyotsuna + any Jaki
- Luna Blade (67/66, 2-4 hits, Female): Raijinken + any Jaki
- Kennunmaru (110/69, 2-4 hits, Both, Happy):
- Kogitsune-maru + Gōtō Nagamichi + Pek Young
- Fujinken + Kobizen Kanehira + Hathor
- Raijinken + Kobizen Kanehira + Freya
- Musou Masamune + Tsukuyomi
- Kōsetsu Samonji + Hitokotonushi
- Yoto Muramasa + O-namuchi
- Konryumaru (119/50, 2-4 hits, Both, Bind):
- Musou Masamune + Take-Minakata
- Kogitsune-maru + Kobizen Kanehira + Genbu
- Fujinken + Gōtō Nagamichi + Seiten Taisei
- Raijinken + Gōtō Nagamichi + Chernobog
- Yatsuka Sword (138/63, 2-4 hits, Both):
- Kobizen Kanehira (207/45, 0-1 hits, Both, Panic):
- Gōtō Nagamichi + any Jaki
- Fujinken + Phoenix
- Ame no Murakumo + Konryumaru
- Ame no Nuboko + Konryumaru
- Gōtō Nagamichi (207/53, 0-1 hits, Both, Close):
- Kōsetsu Samonji + any Jaki
- Raijinken + Yatagarasu
- Kobizen Kanehira + Ameno Torifune
- Ame no Murakumo + Kennunmaru
- Ame no Nuboko + Kennunmaru
- Nio-Kiyotsuna (207/70, 0-1 hits, Both, Charm):
- Kennunmaru + Ame no Nuhoko
- Kennunmaru + Yatsuka no Ken
- Gōtō Nagamichi + Tajikarao
- Spirit Sword + Fujinken + Ame no Uzume
- Kōsetsu Samonji (207/40, 0-1 hits, Both, Stone):
- Kenryumaru + Ame no Nuboko
- Kenryumaru + Yatsuka no Ken
- Kobizen Kanehira + Ouyamatsumi
- Spirit Sword + Raijinken + Taueret
- Ame no Murakumo (210/75, 1-3 hits, Male):
- Ame no Nuboko (210/78, 1-3 hits, Female):
- Musou Masamune (97/42, 3-5 hits, Both, Sleep):
- Konryumaru + Kennunmaru
- Yatsuka Sword + Ame no Nuboko
- Kogitsune-maru + Ame no Murakumo + Arianrhod
- Fujinken + Raijinken + Anubis
- Raijinken + Fujinken + Sphinx
- Gōtō Nagamichi + Hitokotonushi
- Nio-Kiyotsuna + Sarutahiko
- Youtou Muramasa + Take-Mikazuchi
- Heaven Sword (235/70, 0-1 hits, Both, Stone):
- Ame no Murakumo + Ame no Nuboko
- Kogitsune-maru + Ame no Nuboko + Hinokagutsuchi
- Youtou Muramasa (236/7, 0-1 hits, Both, Freeze, Cursed):
- Ame no Murakumo + Yatsuka Sword
- Ame no Nuboko + Yatsuka Sword
- Musou Masamune + any Jaki
- Nio-Kiyotsuna + Omoikane
- Kōsetsu Samonji + Hinokagutsuchi
- Spirit Sword + Kogitsune-maru + Sphinx
- Youtou Nihil (66/50, Hits All, Both, Cursed):
- Spirit Sword + Youtou Muramasa + Kikurihime
- Kogitsune-maru + Yoto Muramasa + Sobek
- Fujinken + Youtou Muramasa + Odin
- Raijinken + Youtou Muramasa + Quetzalcoatl
- Brahma Sutra (Gun - 199/51, 0-7 hits, Both, Doesn't need bullets): Heaven Sword + Shiva
- Hua Khon (Head - 38/12, Female): Heaven Sword + Ananta
- Tapsuan (Body - 110/10, Female): Heaven Sword + Arahabaki
- Pahurat (Arms - 30/15, Female): Heaven Sword + Kalki
- Khamrai Tao (Legs - 20/20, Female): Heaven Sword + Amaterasu
Shin Megami Tensei NINE[]
Sword fusion is performed by fusing a demon with the Nameless Sword
Normal Swords[]
All stats not included in the table depend on the demon used to create the sword
Special Swords[]
Item | Attack | Hit | NoH | Capacity | Skill | Demon Fused |
Nandaka | 140 | 120 | 2 | 480 | Mist Slash | Vishnu |
Gungnir | 200 | 100 | 1 | 390 | Double Thrust | Odin |
Pinaka | 200 | 60 | 1 | 340 | Double Thrust | Shiva |
Gae Bolg | 200 | 100 | 1 | 380 | Double Thrust | Scathach |
Futsuno Mitama | 160 | 60 | 1 | 290 | Mist Slash | Take-Mikazuchi |
Mjolnir | 200 | 60 | 1 | 360 | Deathbound | Thor |
Hinokagutsuchi | 180 | 60 | 1 | 310 | Mist Slash | Hinokagutsuchi |
Kusanagi | 200 | 80 | 1 | 360 | Mist Slash | Yamata no Orochi |
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner[]
Some demons must have max Loyalty before being fused.
- Shichiseiken (24/12, A1, Both): Mumei Katana + any demon
- Kurikara Kodachi (20/45, B2-3, Both): Shichiseiken + any Neutral demon
- Kubikari Mandau (22/70, A1, Both, Close): Shichiseiken + Kurikara Kodachi
- Spirit Sword (101/40, A1, Both):
- Murasame + any Neutral demon
- Gōretsutō + any demon
- Kokuenken (60/12, B2-4, Both): Spirit Sword + any demon
- Murasame (98/50, A0-1 high, Both, Freeze): Spirit Sword + Nagasunehiko
- Keshōōjin (111/65, A1, Male):
- Zankan Sword + (Gōretsutō or Gokashin'ensen)
- Murasame + Amazon
- Kokuenken + Yuki Jyorou
- Zankan Sword (64/24, A2, Both, Bind):
- Murasame + Shichiseiken
- Keshōōjin + Victor
- Gokashinensen (34/65, B2-4, Both, Shock):
- Keshōōjin + Yatagarasu
- Zankan Sword + Ogun
- Gōretsutō + Tyr
- Gōretsutō (201/70, A1-3, Male): Gokashinensen + Seiten Taisei
- Yamikaze Kunai (20/87, All enemies, Male): Kubikari Mandau + Kurikara Kodachi
- Jagatou (15/28, B1-2, Both, Poison):
- Shichiseiken + any Dark demon
- Kurikara Kodachi + any Dark demon
- Kubikari Mandau + any Neutral demon
- Youtou Nihil (12/32, B0-7, Male, Bind):
- Riyu Bang (130/80, All enemies, Both): Spirit Sword + Seiten Taisei (Max Loyalty)
- Mjolnir (150/68, All enemies, Male): Kokuenken + Thor (Max Loyalty)
- Kikōseiken (175/75, A1-3, Both, Bind): Kusanagi + any demon (Max Loyalty) + any demon (Max Loyalty)
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers[]
Sword Fusion can be performed at the Hotel Goumaden with Muramasa. This process sacrifices a demon to be fused into the Nameless Sword, changing its properties. The sword's Attack depends on the demon's level and strength, and the swords' Hit depends on the demon's level, agility and luck. In some cases, a special weapon is created when certain demons are fused into the blade.
The unique fusion weapons are as follows:
Item | Attack | Hit | Range | Gender | Demon Fused |
Gae Bolg | 56 | 45 | Pierce Foe in F. Row (Back OK) | Male | Megami Scathach |
Riyu Bang | 64 | 59 | F. Row | Male | Fury Wu Kong |
Futsunomitama | 82 | 58 | Foe in F. Row | Both | Kishin Futsunushi |
Kusanagi no Ken | 90 | 99 | Foe in F. Row | Male | Snake Orochi |
Gungnir | 124 | 118 | Pierce Foe in F. Row (Back OK) | Female | Deity Odin |
Sudarsana | 120 | 122 | All (Back OK) | Female | Deity Vishnu |
Trishula | 190 | 154 | Pierce Foe in F. Row (Back OK) | Male | Fury Shiva |
Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army[]
- Main article: Forge fusion
Sword fusion can be done at the Gouma-Den with Dr. Victor. Like other fusion in the game it requires the demon to have Max loyalty. Unlike Soul Hackers, fusing a demon with your sword just boosts its power as well as giving you resistance to a damage type and a boost to one of your stats. However, fusing the demons Nagasunehiko, Abihiko, Hitokotonusi and Mishaguji to the same sword, in any order, separately or together, changes the blade permanently to the Onmyo katana class, the most powerful blade in the game.
Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon[]
Sword alchemy will be unlocked once Raidou reaches the third Dracon Cave in Dark Mannen-Cho. The Ippon-Datara that serves Victor will again appear in Dark Mannen-Cho and will inform Raidou of the new service while bemoaning its frilly attire. Victor will be able to create new swords for Raidou by fusing the Renki with crystals dropped by the various orders of demons. These can be made into new swords, axes and spears for Raidou to use. Some skill can only be used with a certain type of weapon created through sword alchemy.
Sword alchemy is used to make the Youmetsutou, a sword that can harm Apollyons.
Persona 3 FES / Portable[]
The FES edition of Persona 3 introduces weapon fusion. "Nihil" weapons are dropped by various enemies and can be fused with Personas at Shinshoudo Antiques into weapons of various strengths, depending on the Persona's level, with various bonuses, depending on the Persona's Arcana. Certain unique weapons can only be made this way, and are among the strongest in the game. When creating a unique weapon, the Nihil weapon's type does not matter - for example, fusing Lucifer with any Nihil weapon will always create a sword, Lucifer's Blade, and fusing Cu Chulainn with any Nihil weapon will always create a spear, Gae Bolg.
These are all of the unique weapons that can be created through Sword fusion:
Weapon | Attack | Hit | Effects | Persona Fused |
1-Handed Swords | ||||
Deus Xiphos | 450 | 94 | +10 Magic | Michael |
Lucifer's Blade | 450 | 100 | +10 to all stats | Lucifer |
2-Handed Swords | ||||
Balmung | 310 | 93 | +100 HP | Siegfried |
Laevateinn | 340 | 83 | +Fire Boost, Inflicts Fire damage | Surt |
Masakado's Katana | 450 | 100 | +10 to all stats | Masakado |
Fists | ||||
Sabazios | 340 | 85 | +Ice Boost, inflicts Ice damage | Cybele |
Evil Gloves | 450 | 100 | +10 to all stats | Mara |
Bludgeons | ||||
Mjolnir | 340 | 80 | +Elec Boost, inflicts Elec damage | Thor |
Corpse Rod | 450 | 100 | +10 to all stats | Beelzebub |
Spears | ||||
Gae Bolg | 260 | 85 | +Wind Boost, inflicts Wind damage | Cu Chulainn |
Gungnir | 310 | 97 | +Elec Boost | Odin |
Pinaka | 450 | 100 | +10 to all stats | Shiva |
Bows | ||||
Saarnga | 400 | 90 | +Wind Boost | Vishnu |
Quintessence Bow | 450 | 100 | +10 to all stats | Chi You |
Guns | ||||
Metatronius | 450 | 94 | +10 to all stats | Metatron |
Kunai | ||||
Vajra | 450 | 100 | +10 to all stats | Asura |
Naginatas | ||||
Khakkhara | 400 | 100 | +10 to all stats | Atavaka |
Vel Vel Muruga | 450 | 100 | +10 to all stats | Kartikeya |
Rapiers | ||||
Kokuseki Senjin | 400 | 100 | +Ice Boost | Alilat |
Snow Queen Whip (Portable) |
450 | 100 | +10 to all stats | Skadi |
Stats for generic fused weapons:
Persona Lvl | Str/End | Mag/Agi | Luck |
Accuracy | |||
1-99 | 92 | 89 | 95 |
Attack | |||
1-8 | 58 | 64 | 52 |
9-16 | 68 | 78 | 58 |
17-25 | 94 | 102 | 87 |
26-31 | 124 | 135 | 117 |
32-38 | 154 | 168 | 142 |
39-46 | 183 | 201 | 163 |
47-54 | 221 | 232 | 214 |
55-59 | 268 | 289 | 258 |
60-64 | 305 | 317 | 298 |
65-69 | 346 | 365 | 320 |
70-99 | 370 | 382 | 350 |
Effects for generic fused weapons:
Persona Lvl | Effect |
Magician | |
1-29 | Evade Ice (low) |
30-59 | Evade Ice (med) |
60-99 | Evade Ice (high) |
Priestess | |
1-29 | Evade Fire (low) |
30-59 | Evade Fire (med) |
60-99 | Evade Fire (high) |
Empress | |
1-99 | Resist Wind |
Emperor | |
1-29 | Evade Elec (low) |
30-59 | Evade Elec (med) |
60-99 | Evade Elec (high) |
Hierophant | |
1-99 | Auto-Sukukaja |
Lovers | |
1-99 | Resist Charm |
Chariot | |
1-29 | Counter |
30-59 | Counterstrike |
60-99 | High Counter |
Justice | |
1-29 | Evade Wind (low) |
30-59 | Evade Wind (med) |
60-99 | Evade Wind (high) |
Hermit | |
1-99 | Resist Poison |
Fortune | |
1-29 | SP +10 |
30-59 | SP +20 |
60-99 | SP +30 |
Strength | |
1-99 | Auto-Tarukaja |
Hanged Man | |
1-19 | HP +20 |
20-39 | HP +30 |
40-69 | HP +40 |
70-99 | HP +50 |
Death | |
1-99 | Resist Rage |
Temperance | |
1-99 | Auto-Rakukaja |
Devil | |
1-99 | Resist Fear |
Tower | |
1-99 | Resist Elec |
Star | |
1-99 | Resist Ice |
Moon | |
1-29 | Crit % Up (low) |
30-59 | Crit % Up (med) |
60-99 | Crit % Up (high) |
Sun | |
1-99 | Resist Fire |
Judgement | |
30-59 | Inflict Ailment (med) |
60-99 | Inflict Ailment (high) |
Aeon | |
60-79 | All stats +4 |
80-99 | All stats +5 |
Effects for weapons fused from Fool Personas:
Persona | Effect |
Orpheus | Inflict Ailment (low) |
Slime | SP +20 |
Legion | HP +100 |
Black Frost | Mag +10 |
Ose | Str +10 |
Decarabia | End +10 |
Loki | Inflict Ailment (med) |
Susano-o | All stats +3 |
Orpheus Telos | Resist Magic (high) |
Persona 5 / Royal / Tactica[]
The Itemization system used in Persona 5 is similar to both the Mystic Change system used in Persona and Persona 2 and the Weapon Fusion system used in the later editions of Persona 3. Most Personas itemize into Skill Cards, but for easy reference, the ones that fuse into equipment will be listed here. Itemizing a Persona requires having the corresponding "blank" equipment, described as "possessing the power to transmutate". They are the Black Kogatana, Model Gun, Black Robe, and Black Rock; itemizing a Persona into a Skill Card requires having a Blank Card to fuse it to. Itemizing in the base game unlocks on the first day of August (8/1), while in Royal, Itemizing unlocks after the player finds a path to the Treasure of Madarame's Palace.
- Melee Weapons
Weapon | Attack | Hit | Effects | Persona Fused | For |
Arsene's Cane | 130 | 92 | +Random Ailment (low) | Arsene | Protagonist |
Paradise Lost | 290 | 92 | +Reduce Curse dmg (high) | Satanael | Protagonist |
Mjolnir | 254 | 99 | +Electric attacks | Thor | Ryuji |
Ruyi Jingu Bang | 256 | 88 | +Auto-Tarukaja | Hanuman | Ryuji |
Headhunter Ladle | 128 | 90 | +Critical Rate up (low) | Pisaca | Morgana |
Claimh Solais | 280 | 90 | +50 SP | Mother Harlot | Morgana |
Masquerade Ribbon | 172 | 88 | +Dizzy (low) | Queen Mab | Ann |
Snow Queen's Whip | 210 | 90 | +Auto-Sukukaja | Skadi | Ann |
Naraka Whip | 252 | 90 | +Freeze (high} | Black Frost | Ann |
Senryou Yakusha | 160 | 90 | St +5 | Ame no Uzume | Yusuke |
Usumidori | 292 | 88 | +Fear (high) | Yoshitsune | Yusuke |
Bear Gloves | 210 | 90 | +Critical Rate up | Bugs | Makoto |
Vajra | 272 | 90 | +Random Ailment (high) | Asura | Makoto |
Sabazios | 280 | 90 | +Critical Rate up (high) | Cybele | Makoto |
Death Contract | 140 | 86 | +Despair (low) | Mitra | Haru |
Fleurs du Mal | 308 | 86 | Ma +5, +Dizzy (high) | Beelzebub | Haru |
- Ranged Weapons
Weapon | Attack | Hit | Rounds | Effects | Persona Fused | For |
Nataraja | 360 | 94 | 8 | All Stats +5 | Metatron | Protagonist |
Tyrant Pistol | 390 | 98 | 8 | Ma +10 | Lucifer | Protagonist |
Pumpkin Bomb | 160 | 82 | 4 | +Burn (med) | Jack-o'-Lantern | Ryuji |
Megido Fire | 380 | 98 | 3 | +Critical Rate up (low) | Shiva | Ryuji |
Catnap | 168 | 90 | 5 | +Sleep (med) | Neko Shogun | Morgana |
Sudarshana | 308 | 98 | 5 | +Random Ailment (low) | Kohryu | Morgana |
Brain Shot | 140 | 84 | 12 | +Brainwash (med) | Succubus | Ann |
Wild Hunt | 386 | 84 | 6 | +Despair (med) | Odin | Ann |
Heaven's Gate | 378 | 88 | 12 | Ag +10 | Uriel | Yusuke |
Mirrirmina | 200 | 92 | 6 | +Ma +5 | Yurlungur | Makoto |
Judge of the Dead | 380 | 92 | 6 | All Stats +10 | Michael | Makoto |
Pawzooka | 140 | 89 | 1 | +Confuse (med) | Nekomata | Haru |
Yagrush | 330 | 80 | 1 | +Shock (med) | Baal | Haru |
- Armor
Armor | Defense | Evasion | Effects | Persona Fused | For |
Silk Dress | 60 | 10 | +Evade Magic (low) | Silky | Females |
Frost Hood | 130 | 20 | +20 SP | Jack Frost | Cats |
Official's Robe | 178 | 18 | +Evade Curse (high) | Okuninushi | Males |
Archangel Bra | 200 | 19 | +Reduce Elec dmg (high) | Sraosha | Females |
Tantric Oath | 272 | 18 | +Reduce Magic dmg (high) | Satan | Males |
- Accessories
Accessory | Effects | Persona Fused |
Thunder Band | +Null Shock | Take-Minakata |
Shackles | +Null Rage | Flauros |
Regent | St +3, +Critical Rate up (med) | Regent |
Queen's Necklace | All stats +1, +30 SP | Queen's Necklace |
Stone of Scone | En +3, +Reduce Physical dmg (low) | Stone of Scone |
Koh-i-Noor | All stats +2, +Bless attacks | Koh-i-Noor |
Orlov | Mag +3, +Repel Physical (high) | Orlov |
Emperor's Amulet | En +5, +Auto-Tarukaja | Emperor's Amulet |
Hope Diamond | All stats +3, Regenerate 3 | Hope Diamond |
Crystal Skull | All Stats +5, +Evade Magic (high) | Crystal Skull |
Royal not only adds new weapons for Akechi and Sumire, but adds enhanced variants of all weapons and other equipment via fusion alarms, which unlock after securing the infiltration route for Kaneshiro's Palace. This comes at a cost, as some weapons, enhanced or not have their damage values changed compared to the original Persona 5, primarily guns.
- Melee weapons
Weapon | Attack | Hit | Effects | Persona Fused | For |
The Great Thief Stick | 150 | 92 | +Random Ailment (med) | Arsène | Protagonist |
Paradise Lost R | 340 | 98 | +Reduce Curse dmg (high) | Satanael | Protagonist |
Imprisoned Mjolnir | 324 | 88 | +Electric attacks | Thor | Ryuji |
Fine Ruyi Jingu Bang | 290 | 88 | +Auto-Tarukaja | Hanuman | Ryuji |
Headhunter Ladle EX | 150 | 90 | +Critical Rate up (med) | Pisaca | Morgana |
Claiomh Solais R | 330 | 90 | +50 SP | Mother Harlot | Morgana |
Masquerade Ribbon R | 250 | 88 | +Dizzy (med) | Queen Mab | Ann |
Snow Queen's Whip | 280 | 90 | +Auto-Sukukaja | Skadi | Ann |
Dainaraka Whip | 320 | 90 | +Freeze (high} | Black Frost | Ann |
Senryou Yakusha R | 140 | 90 | St +6 | Ame no Uzume | Yusuke |
Usumidori R | 292 | 88 | +Fear (high) | Yoshitsune | Yusuke |
Big Bear Gloves | 260 | 90 | +Critical Rate up | Bugs | Makoto |
Unparalleled Vajra | 325 | 90 | +Random Ailment (high) | Asura | Makoto |
Gordios | 330 | 90 | +Critical Rate up (high) | Cybele | Makoto |
Death Promise | 200 | 80 | +Despair (med) | Mitra | Haru |
Fleurs du Mal R | 345 | 86 | Ma +6, +Dizzy (high) | Beelzebub | Haru |
Hinokagutsuchi | 350 | 90 | +Burn (med) | Futsunushi | Akechi |
Hinokagutsuchi II | 390 | 90 | +Burn (high) | Futsunushi | Akechi |
Sword of Sinai | 345 | 95 | +Dizzy (med) | Sandalphon | Sumire |
Sword of Sinai II | 365 | 95 | +Dizzy (high) | Sandalphon | Sumire |
- Ranged Weapons
Weapon | Attack | Hit | Rounds | Effects | Persona Fused | For |
Nataraja EX | 360 | 94 | 8 | All Stats +5 | Metatron | Protagonist |
Tyrant Pistol EX | 370 | 85 | 8 | Ma +15 | Lucifer | Protagonist |
Pumpkin Buster | 160 | 82 | 4 | +Burn (high) | Jack-o'-Lantern | Ryuji |
Megido Blaster | 380 | 98 | 3 | +Burn (high) | Shiva | Ryuji |
Cat Buster | 168 | 90 | 5 | +Sleep (med) | Neko Shogun | Morgana |
Sudarshana EX | 330 | 90 | 5 | +Dizzy (high) | Vishnu | Morgana |
Pink Buster | 140 | 84 | 12 | +Brainwash (med) | Succubus | Ann |
Gungnir | 386 | 84 | 6 | +Despair (med) | Odin | Ann |
Providence | 378 | 88 | 12 | Ag +13 | Uriel | Yusuke |
Mirrirmina EX | 235 | 75 | 6 | +Ma +7 | Yurlungur | Makoto |
Judge of Hell | 360 | 92 | 6 | All Stats +11 | Michael | Makoto |
Paw-omber | 220 | 70 | 1 | +Confuse (med) | Nekomata | Haru |
Yagrush EX | 360 | 70 | 1 | +Shock (high) | Baal | Haru |
Doomsday | 330 | 85 | 5 | All Stats +5 | Vohu Manah | Akechi |
Ancient Day | 350 | 85 | 5 | All Stats +6 | Vohu Manah | Akechi |
Sahasrara | 320 | 90 | 10 | All Stats +5 | Ardha | Sumire |
Sahasrara EX | 345 | 90 | 10 | All Stats +6 | Ardha | Sumire |
Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2[]
- Main article: Armaments
Armaments are either sword or shield equipment that can be created through Divination Fusion and used in the game mode called Alter-World.
The player can sacrifice 3★, 4★, or 5★ demons to create a Sword or Shield Armament for the main character to use. The stats of the armaments can be upgraded using Demon Compound, which can be collected from Alter-World missions. Upgrading armaments raises its stats, and 4★ and 5★ armaments unlock a third skill after reaching level 50, with 5★ armaments having strong unique skills.
Playable Characters | Protagonist - Heroine - Law Hero - Chaos Hero - Pascal |
Non-Playable Characters | Stephen - Ozawa - Yuriko - Old Man - Gotou - Ambassador Thorman - En no Ozuno - Louis Cyphre - Soul Diver |
Locations | Tokyo - Kichijoji - Shinjuku - Ichigaya - Diamond Realm - Shibuya - Roppongi - Ginza Underpass - Ginza - Tokyo Tower - Shinagawa - Ikebukuro - Ueno - Tokyo Destinyland - Basilica - River Styx |
Terminology | Terminal - Alignment - Ring of Gaea - Order of Messiah - Great Cataclysm - Sword fusion - Four Heavenly Kings |
Soundtracks | Shin Megami Tensei Sound Collection |
Archives | Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items |
Playable Characters | Aleph/Hawk - Hiroko - Beth - Cerberus - Lucifer - Satan |
Non-Playable Characters | Okamoto - Gimmel - Zayin - Stephen - Haneda - Daleth - Red Bear - Madam - Hanada - The Center's Bishop - The Four Elders - Mekata - Puck - Hanoun - Mutant Elder - Hiruko - Taira no Masakado - Siren - Petersen - Michael - Raphael - Uriel - Gabriel - Fake YHVH - Seth - Virocana - Ozawa - Gotou - Gemori - Astaroth (Ishtar / Ashtar) - Kuzuryu - YHVH |
Locations | Tokyo Millennium - Underworld - Expanse - Eden - Diamond Realm - River Styx |
Terminology | Millennium Kingdom - Great Cataclysm - Order of Messiah - Ring of Gaea - Terminal - Sword fusion - Identification Program - Summon Doll - Seven Pillars of Solomon - Sabbath - Abaddon's Innards - Megiddo Arc |
Content | Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items |
Characters | Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV - Gouto - Kaya Daidouji - Shouhei Narumi - Tae Asakura - Dr. Victor - General Munakata - Rasputin - Nakamura - Kiyoshi Daidouji - Dr. Tsukumo - Raido Kuzunoha the XIV - Goto-Douji - Satake Kenzou - Owner of Konnou-Ya - Owner of Ryugu - Sadakichi - Herald of Yatagarasu - Shizu Iida - Denpachi Iida - Detective Kazama |
Locations | The Capital - Tsukudo-Cho (Narumi Detective Agency - Konnou-Ya - Gouma-Den) - Daidouji Residence - Ginza-Cho (Shin-Sekai Soda Joint) - Fukagawa-Cho - Daidouji Factory - Harumi-Cho - Kasumidai - Shipbuilding Facility - Sakuradayama (Waden One) - Kasuminomori - Akarana Corridor - Nameless Shrine Shinoda (Training Hall) - Dark Realm |
Soundtracks | Devil Summoner Kuzunoha Raidou vs The Soulless Army Complete Music Works |
Demon Orders | Pyro - Frost - Volt - Wind - Fury - Pagan - Skill - Undead |
Archives | Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items - Statuses - Confinement |