Megami Tensei Wiki

Sword Fusion (剣合体, Ken gattai)? is a system in certain games in which a demon can be fused into a blade (or another weapon) to enhance its properties.



Shin Megami Tensei[]

Shin Megami Tensei II[]

Many more weapons can be created through Sword fusion than in the previous game:

  • Yatsuka-no-Ken (180/63, 3-6 hits, Both/Neutral):
    • Kogitsune-maru + Hannya-Nagamitsu + Rahab
    • Kennun-maru + Konryuu-maru


  • Brahma Sutra (Gun - 199/51, Hits All, Both/All): Hinokagutsuchi + Shiva
  • Hua Khon (Head - 38/12, Female/All): Hinokagutsuchi + Ananta
  • Tapsuan (Body - 110/10, Female/All): Hinokagutsuchi + Arahabaki
  • Pahurat (Arms - 30/15, Female/All): Hinokagutsuchi + Kalki
  • Khamraitao (Legs - 20/20, Female/All): Hinokagutsuchi + Amaterasu

Shin Megami Tensei: if...[]

More new weapons are added in if..., as well as more possible paths to making each weapon.

  • Kuchinawa Sword (136/38, 1 hit, Both): Spirit Sword + any Jaki
  • Deathbringer (165/43, 0-1 hits, Male): Spirit Sword + any Wilder
  • Konryumaru (119/50, 2-4 hits, Both, Bind):
  • Yatsuka Sword (138/63, 2-4 hits, Both):
    • Kennunmaru + Konryumaru
    • Kogitsune-maru + Nio-Kiyotsuna + Rahab
    • Kogitsune-maru + Kōsetsu Samonji + Itzamna
    • Musou Masaume + Kogitsune-maru + Seiryuu
  • Kobizen Kanehira (207/45, 0-1 hits, Both, Panic):
  • Gōtō Nagamichi (207/53, 0-1 hits, Both, Close):
    • Kōsetsu Samonji + any Jaki
    • Raijinken + Yatagarasu
    • Kobizen Kanehira + Ameno Torifune
    • Ame no Murakumo + Kennunmaru
    • Ame no Nuboko + Kennunmaru
  • Nio-Kiyotsuna (207/70, 0-1 hits, Both, Charm):
    • Kennunmaru + Ame no Nuhoko
    • Kennunmaru + Yatsuka no Ken
    • Gōtō Nagamichi + Tajikarao
    • Spirit Sword + Fujinken + Ame no Uzume
  • Kōsetsu Samonji (207/40, 0-1 hits, Both, Stone):
    • Kenryumaru + Ame no Nuboko
    • Kenryumaru + Yatsuka no Ken
    • Kobizen Kanehira + Ouyamatsumi
    • Spirit Sword + Raijinken + Taueret
  • Ame no Murakumo (210/75, 1-3 hits, Male):
    • Kennunmaru + Yotsuka no Ken
    • Konryumaru + Yotsuka no Ken
    • Gōtō Nagamichi + Kobizen Kanehira + Thor
    • Nio-Kiyotsuna + Gōtō Nagamichi + Indra
    • Kōsetsu Samonji + Kobizen Kanehira + Belobog
    • Musou Masamune + Kogitsune-maru + Horus
  • Ame no Nuboko (210/78, 1-3 hits, Female):
    • Kennunmaru + Ame no Murakumo
    • Konryumaru + Ame no Murakumo
    • Yotsuka no Ken + Ame no Murakumo
    • Kobizen Kanehira + Kōsetsu Samonji + Indrajit
    • Gōtō Nagamichi + Nio-Kiyotsuna + Susano-O
    • Nio-Kiyotsuna + Kōsetsu Samonji + Hariti
    • Musou Masamune + Kogitsune-maru + Durga
  • Musou Masamune (97/42, 3-5 hits, Both, Sleep):
  • Heaven Sword (235/70, 0-1 hits, Both, Stone):
    • Ame no Murakumo + Ame no Nuboko
    • Kogitsune-maru + Ame no Nuboko + Hinokagutsuchi
  • Youtou Muramasa (236/7, 0-1 hits, Both, Freeze, Cursed):
    • Ame no Murakumo + Yatsuka Sword
    • Ame no Nuboko + Yatsuka Sword
    • Musou Masamune + any Jaki
    • Nio-Kiyotsuna + Omoikane
    • Kōsetsu Samonji + Hinokagutsuchi
    • Spirit Sword + Kogitsune-maru + Sphinx


  • Brahma Sutra (Gun - 199/51, 0-7 hits, Both, Doesn't need bullets): Heaven Sword + Shiva
  • Hua Khon (Head - 38/12, Female): Heaven Sword + Ananta
  • Tapsuan (Body - 110/10, Female): Heaven Sword + Arahabaki
  • Pahurat (Arms - 30/15, Female): Heaven Sword + Kalki
  • Khamrai Tao (Legs - 20/20, Female): Heaven Sword + Amaterasu

Shin Megami Tensei NINE[]

Sword fusion is performed by fusing a demon with the Nameless Sword

Normal Swords[]

All stats not included in the table depend on the demon used to create the sword

Name Attached Skill Added Effect Fused Demon
Mumei Maikusatou Mist Slash - Baal
Pallas Athena
Cu Chulainn
Ame no Uzume
Mumei Shiranui Mist Slash - Hecatoncheires
Feng Huang
Pyro Jack
Mumei Hyojin Mist Slash Freeze Seth
Jack Frost
Mumei Raikou Mist Slash Shock Indrajit
Raja Naga
Mumei Hashou Mist Slash - Hanuman
Mumei Haja Mist Slash Instant Death Barong
Mumei Messatsu Mist Slash Instant Death Kali
Mumei Musou Mist Slash Sleep Rangda
Mumei Dokujin Mist Slash Poison Ananta
Mumei Shin Homura Mist Slash - Lucifuge

Special Swords[]

Item Attack Hit NoH Capacity Skill Demon Fused
Nandaka 140 120 2 480 Mist Slash Vishnu
Gungnir 200 100 1 390 Double Thrust Odin
Pinaka 200 60 1 340 Double Thrust Shiva
Gae Bolg 200 100 1 380 Double Thrust Scathach
Futsuno Mitama 160 60 1 290 Mist Slash Take-Mikazuchi
Mjolnir 200 60 1 360 Deathbound Thor
Hinokagutsuchi 180 60 1 310 Mist Slash Hinokagutsuchi
Kusanagi 200 80 1 360 Mist Slash Yamata no Orochi

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner[]

Some demons must have max Loyalty before being fused.

  • Shichiseiken (24/12, A1, Both): Mumei Katana + any demon
  • Kurikara Kodachi (20/45, B2-3, Both): Shichiseiken + any Neutral demon
  • Kubikari Mandau (22/70, A1, Both, Close): Shichiseiken + Kurikara Kodachi
  • Spirit Sword (101/40, A1, Both):
    • Murasame + any Neutral demon
    • Gōretsutō + any demon
  • Kokuenken (60/12, B2-4, Both): Spirit Sword + any demon
  • Murasame (98/50, A0-1 high, Both, Freeze): Spirit Sword + Nagasunehiko
  • Keshōōjin (111/65, A1, Male):
    • Zankan Sword + (Gōretsutō or Gokashin'ensen)
    • Murasame + Amazon
    • Kokuenken + Yuki Jyorou
  • Zankan Sword (64/24, A2, Both, Bind):
    • Murasame + Shichiseiken
    • Keshōōjin + Victor
  • Gokashinensen (34/65, B2-4, Both, Shock):
  • Kusanagi (180/58, B1-3, Male):
    • Gokashinensen + Gōretsutō
    • Gokashinensen + Shouki
  • Yamikaze Kunai (20/87, All enemies, Male): Kubikari Mandau + Kurikara Kodachi
  • Jagatou (15/28, B1-2, Both, Poison):
    • Shichiseiken + any Dark demon
    • Kurikara Kodachi + any Dark demon
    • Kubikari Mandau + any Neutral demon
  • Youtou Nihil (12/32, B0-7, Male, Bind):
    • Spirit Sword + Murasame
    • Zankan Sword + any Night
    • Gōretsutō + any Fallen
    • Gokashinensen + any Dark demon
  • Riyu Bang (130/80, All enemies, Both): Spirit Sword + Seiten Taisei (Max Loyalty)
  • Mjolnir (150/68, All enemies, Male): Kokuenken + Thor (Max Loyalty)
  • Kikōseiken (175/75, A1-3, Both, Bind): Kusanagi + any demon (Max Loyalty) + any demon (Max Loyalty)
  • Muhyōtsukikage (170/90, A0-7, Both): Kusanagi + Shiva (Max Loyalty) + Metatron (Loyalty <10)
  • Yōōhaken (255/12, A2-7, Both, Paralyze): Kusanagi + Vishnu (Max Loyalty) + Marici (Loyalty <10)

Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers[]

Sword Fusion can be performed at the Hotel Goumaden with Muramasa. This process sacrifices a demon to be fused into the Nameless Sword, changing its properties. The sword's Attack depends on the demon's level and strength, and the swords' Hit depends on the demon's level, agility and luck. In some cases, a special weapon is created when certain demons are fused into the blade.

The unique fusion weapons are as follows:

Item Attack Hit Range Gender Demon Fused
Gae Bolg 56 45 Pierce Foe in F. Row (Back OK) Male Megami Scathach
Riyu Bang 64 59 F. Row Male Fury Wu Kong
Futsunomitama 82 58 Foe in F. Row Both Kishin Futsunushi
Kusanagi no Ken 90 99 Foe in F. Row Male Snake Orochi
Gungnir 124 118 Pierce Foe in F. Row (Back OK) Female Deity Odin
Sudarsana 120 122 All (Back OK) Female Deity Vishnu
Trishula 190 154 Pierce Foe in F. Row (Back OK) Male Fury Shiva

Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army[]

Main article: Forge fusion

Sword fusion can be done at the Gouma-Den with Dr. Victor. Like other fusion in the game it requires the demon to have Max loyalty. Unlike Soul Hackers, fusing a demon with your sword just boosts its power as well as giving you resistance to a damage type and a boost to one of your stats. However, fusing the demons Nagasunehiko, Abihiko, Hitokotonusi and Mishaguji to the same sword, in any order, separately or together, changes the blade permanently to the Onmyo katana class, the most powerful blade in the game.

Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon[]

Sword alchemy will be unlocked once Raidou reaches the third Dracon Cave in Dark Mannen-Cho. The Ippon-Datara that serves Victor will again appear in Dark Mannen-Cho and will inform Raidou of the new service while bemoaning its frilly attire. Victor will be able to create new swords for Raidou by fusing the Renki with crystals dropped by the various orders of demons. These can be made into new swords, axes and spears for Raidou to use. Some skill can only be used with a certain type of weapon created through sword alchemy.

Sword alchemy is used to make the Youmetsutou, a sword that can harm Apollyons.

Persona 3 FES / Portable[]

The FES edition of Persona 3 introduces weapon fusion. "Nihil" weapons are dropped by various enemies and can be fused with Personas at Shinshoudo Antiques into weapons of various strengths, depending on the Persona's level, with various bonuses, depending on the Persona's Arcana. Certain unique weapons can only be made this way, and are among the strongest in the game. When creating a unique weapon, the Nihil weapon's type does not matter - for example, fusing Lucifer with any Nihil weapon will always create a sword, Lucifer's Blade, and fusing Cu Chulainn with any Nihil weapon will always create a spear, Gae Bolg.

These are all of the unique weapons that can be created through Sword fusion:

Weapon Attack Hit Effects Persona Fused
1-Handed Swords
Deus Xiphos 450 94 +10 Magic Michael
Lucifer's Blade 450 100 +10 to all stats Lucifer
2-Handed Swords
Balmung 310 93 +100 HP Siegfried
Laevateinn 340 83 +Fire Boost, Inflicts Fire damage Surt
Masakado's Katana 450 100 +10 to all stats Masakado
Sabazios 340 85 +Ice Boost, inflicts Ice damage Cybele
Evil Gloves 450 100 +10 to all stats Mara
Mjolnir 340 80 +Elec Boost, inflicts Elec damage Thor
Corpse Rod 450 100 +10 to all stats Beelzebub
Gae Bolg 260 85 +Wind Boost, inflicts Wind damage Cu Chulainn
Gungnir 310 97 +Elec Boost Odin
Pinaka 450 100 +10 to all stats Shiva
Saarnga 400 90 +Wind Boost Vishnu
Quintessence Bow 450 100 +10 to all stats Chi You
Metatronius 450 94 +10 to all stats Metatron
Vajra 450 100 +10 to all stats Asura
Khakkhara 400 100 +10 to all stats Atavaka
Vel Vel Muruga 450 100 +10 to all stats Kartikeya
Kokuseki Senjin 400 100 +Ice Boost Alilat
Snow Queen Whip
450 100 +10 to all stats Skadi
In addition, generic weapons can be created by fusing any Persona into a Nihil weapon. The weapon's resulting Attack and Accuracy depend on the Persona's current level and highest stat (respectively), while the effect obtained and its strength depend on the Persona's Arcana and current level (respectively). If two stats are equal upon fusion, the order of priority is Str > Mag > End > Agi > Luck.

Stats for generic fused weapons:

Persona Lvl Str/End Mag/Agi Luck
1-99 92 89 95
1-8 58 64 52
9-16 68 78 58
17-25 94 102 87
26-31 124 135 117
32-38 154 168 142
39-46 183 201 163
47-54 221 232 214
55-59 268 289 258
60-64 305 317 298
65-69 346 365 320
70-99 370 382 350

Effects for generic fused weapons:

Persona Lvl Effect
1-29 Evade Ice (low)
30-59 Evade Ice (med)
60-99 Evade Ice (high)
1-29 Evade Fire (low)
30-59 Evade Fire (med)
60-99 Evade Fire (high)
1-99 Resist Wind
1-29 Evade Elec (low)
30-59 Evade Elec (med)
60-99 Evade Elec (high)
1-99 Auto-Sukukaja
1-99 Resist Charm
1-29 Counter
30-59 Counterstrike
60-99 High Counter
1-29 Evade Wind (low)
30-59 Evade Wind (med)
60-99 Evade Wind (high)
1-99 Resist Poison
1-29 SP +10
30-59 SP +20
60-99 SP +30
1-99 Auto-Tarukaja
Hanged Man
1-19 HP +20
20-39 HP +30
40-69 HP +40
70-99 HP +50
1-99 Resist Rage
1-99 Auto-Rakukaja
1-99 Resist Fear
1-99 Resist Elec
1-99 Resist Ice
1-29 Crit % Up (low)
30-59 Crit % Up (med)
60-99 Crit % Up (high)
1-99 Resist Fire
30-59 Inflict Ailment (med)
60-99 Inflict Ailment (high)
60-79 All stats +4
80-99 All stats +5
Personas from the Fool Arcana are unique in that they each grant a different effect, rather than granting the same effect at varying strengths as with every other Arcana. Regardless of the level of Persona used, fusion weapons of the Fool Arcana all have the same weapon stats: 1 Attack and 99 Accuracy.

Effects for weapons fused from Fool Personas:

Persona Effect
Orpheus Inflict Ailment (low)
Slime SP +20
Legion HP +100
Black Frost Mag +10
Ose Str +10
Decarabia End +10
Loki Inflict Ailment (med)
Susano-o All stats +3
Orpheus Telos Resist Magic (high)

Persona 5 / Royal / Tactica[]

The Itemization system used in Persona 5 is similar to both the Mystic Change system used in Persona and Persona 2 and the Weapon Fusion system used in the later editions of Persona 3. Most Personas itemize into Skill Cards, but for easy reference, the ones that fuse into equipment will be listed here. Itemizing a Persona requires having the corresponding "blank" equipment, described as "possessing the power to transmutate". They are the Black Kogatana, Model Gun, Black Robe, and Black Rock; itemizing a Persona into a Skill Card requires having a Blank Card to fuse it to. Itemizing in the base game unlocks on the first day of August (8/1), while in Royal, Itemizing unlocks after the player finds a path to the Treasure of Madarame's Palace.

  • Melee Weapons
Weapon Attack Hit Effects Persona Fused For
Arsene's Cane 130 92 +Random Ailment (low) Arsene Protagonist
Paradise Lost 290 92 +Reduce Curse dmg (high) Satanael Protagonist
Mjolnir 254 99 +Electric attacks Thor Ryuji
Ruyi Jingu Bang 256 88 +Auto-Tarukaja Hanuman Ryuji
Headhunter Ladle 128 90 +Critical Rate up (low) Pisaca Morgana
Claimh Solais 280 90 +50 SP Mother Harlot Morgana
Masquerade Ribbon 172 88 +Dizzy (low) Queen Mab Ann
Snow Queen's Whip 210 90 +Auto-Sukukaja Skadi Ann
Naraka Whip 252 90 +Freeze (high} Black Frost Ann
Senryou Yakusha 160 90 St +5 Ame no Uzume Yusuke
Usumidori 292 88 +Fear (high) Yoshitsune Yusuke
Bear Gloves 210 90 +Critical Rate up Bugs Makoto
Vajra 272 90 +Random Ailment (high) Asura Makoto
Sabazios 280 90 +Critical Rate up (high) Cybele Makoto
Death Contract 140 86 +Despair (low) Mitra Haru
Fleurs du Mal 308 86 Ma +5, +Dizzy (high) Beelzebub Haru
  • Ranged Weapons
Weapon Attack Hit Rounds Effects Persona Fused For
Nataraja 360 94 8 All Stats +5 Metatron Protagonist
Tyrant Pistol 390 98 8 Ma +10 Lucifer Protagonist
Pumpkin Bomb 160 82 4 +Burn (med) Jack-o'-Lantern Ryuji
Megido Fire 380 98 3 +Critical Rate up (low) Shiva Ryuji
Catnap 168 90 5 +Sleep (med) Neko Shogun Morgana
Sudarshana 308 98 5 +Random Ailment (low) Kohryu Morgana
Brain Shot 140 84 12 +Brainwash (med) Succubus Ann
Wild Hunt 386 84 6 +Despair (med) Odin Ann
Heaven's Gate 378 88 12 Ag +10 Uriel Yusuke
Mirrirmina 200 92 6 +Ma +5 Yurlungur Makoto
Judge of the Dead 380 92 6 All Stats +10 Michael Makoto
Pawzooka 140 89 1 +Confuse (med) Nekomata Haru
Yagrush 330 80 1 +Shock (med) Baal Haru
  • Armor
Armor Defense Evasion Effects Persona Fused For
Silk Dress 60 10 +Evade Magic (low) Silky Females
Frost Hood 130 20 +20 SP Jack Frost Cats
Official's Robe 178 18 +Evade Curse (high) Okuninushi Males
Archangel Bra 200 19 +Reduce Elec dmg (high) Sraosha Females
Tantric Oath 272 18 +Reduce Magic dmg (high) Satan Males
  • Accessories
Accessory Effects Persona Fused
Thunder Band +Null Shock Take-Minakata
Shackles +Null Rage Flauros
Regent St +3, +Critical Rate up (med) Regent
Queen's Necklace All stats +1, +30 SP Queen's Necklace
Stone of Scone En +3, +Reduce Physical dmg (low) Stone of Scone
Koh-i-Noor All stats +2, +Bless attacks Koh-i-Noor
Orlov Mag +3, +Repel Physical (high) Orlov
Emperor's Amulet En +5, +Auto-Tarukaja Emperor's Amulet
Hope Diamond All stats +3, Regenerate 3 Hope Diamond
Crystal Skull All Stats +5, +Evade Magic (high) Crystal Skull

Royal not only adds new weapons for Akechi and Sumire, but adds enhanced variants of all weapons and other equipment via fusion alarms, which unlock after securing the infiltration route for Kaneshiro's Palace. This comes at a cost, as some weapons, enhanced or not have their damage values changed compared to the original Persona 5, primarily guns.
  • Melee weapons
Weapon Attack Hit Effects Persona Fused For
The Great Thief Stick 150 92 +Random Ailment (med) Arsène Protagonist
Paradise Lost R 340 98 +Reduce Curse dmg (high) Satanael Protagonist
Imprisoned Mjolnir 324 88 +Electric attacks Thor Ryuji
Fine Ruyi Jingu Bang 290 88 +Auto-Tarukaja Hanuman Ryuji
Headhunter Ladle EX 150 90 +Critical Rate up (med) Pisaca Morgana
Claiomh Solais R 330 90 +50 SP Mother Harlot Morgana
Masquerade Ribbon R 250 88 +Dizzy (med) Queen Mab Ann
Snow Queen's Whip 280 90 +Auto-Sukukaja Skadi Ann
Dainaraka Whip 320 90 +Freeze (high} Black Frost Ann
Senryou Yakusha R 140 90 St +6 Ame no Uzume Yusuke
Usumidori R 292 88 +Fear (high) Yoshitsune Yusuke
Big Bear Gloves 260 90 +Critical Rate up Bugs Makoto
Unparalleled Vajra 325 90 +Random Ailment (high) Asura Makoto
Gordios 330 90 +Critical Rate up (high) Cybele Makoto
Death Promise 200 80 +Despair (med) Mitra Haru
Fleurs du Mal R 345 86 Ma +6, +Dizzy (high) Beelzebub Haru
Hinokagutsuchi 350 90 +Burn (med) Futsunushi Akechi
Hinokagutsuchi II 390 90 +Burn (high) Futsunushi Akechi
Sword of Sinai 345 95 +Dizzy (med) Sandalphon Sumire
Sword of Sinai II 365 95 +Dizzy (high) Sandalphon Sumire
  • Ranged Weapons
Weapon Attack Hit Rounds Effects Persona Fused For
Nataraja EX 360 94 8 All Stats +5 Metatron Protagonist
Tyrant Pistol EX 370 85 8 Ma +15 Lucifer Protagonist
Pumpkin Buster 160 82 4 +Burn (high) Jack-o'-Lantern Ryuji
Megido Blaster 380 98 3 +Burn (high) Shiva Ryuji
Cat Buster 168 90 5 +Sleep (med) Neko Shogun Morgana
Sudarshana EX 330 90 5 +Dizzy (high) Vishnu Morgana
Pink Buster 140 84 12 +Brainwash (med) Succubus Ann
Gungnir 386 84 6 +Despair (med) Odin Ann
Providence 378 88 12 Ag +13 Uriel Yusuke
Mirrirmina EX 235 75 6 +Ma +7 Yurlungur Makoto
Judge of Hell 360 92 6 All Stats +11 Michael Makoto
Paw-omber 220 70 1 +Confuse (med) Nekomata Haru
Yagrush EX 360 70 1 +Shock (high) Baal Haru
Doomsday 330 85 5 All Stats +5 Vohu Manah Akechi
Ancient Day 350 85 5 All Stats +6 Vohu Manah Akechi
Sahasrara 320 90 10 All Stats +5 Ardha Sumire
Sahasrara EX 345 90 10 All Stats +6 Ardha Sumire
In Persona 5 Tactica, Sub-Personas can be fused into guns for each character. Fused guns have a chance to inflict status ailments. The fusion accident animation can play during a weapon fusion, but this does not seem to change the resulting weapon.

Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2[]

Main article: Armaments

Armaments are either sword or shield equipment that can be created through Divination Fusion and used in the game mode called Alter-World.

The player can sacrifice 3★, 4★, or 5★ demons to create a Sword or Shield Armament for the main character to use. The stats of the armaments can be upgraded using Demon Compound, which can be collected from Alter-World missions. Upgrading armaments raises its stats, and 4★ and 5★ armaments unlock a third skill after reaching level 50, with 5★ armaments having strong unique skills.

Dungeon - Combat - Turn - Action - Level - Experience - Party - Stats - Skills - Items - Equipment - Melee Attack - Ranged Attack - Damage (Fixed) - Guard - Escape - Accuracy - Critical - Multi-hit - Insta-Kill - Ailments - Drops - Encounter - Random Encounters - Symbol Encounters - Ambush - Difficulty
Demon - Magic (Fusion Spell) - Affinities - Unique skills - Extra Skills - Macca - Yen - Magnetite - Incense - Alignment - Moon Phase System - Demon Summoning Program (COMP) - Cathedral of Shadows (Fusion - Skill Inheritance - Accidents / Special / Three-demon / Sacrificial / Sword) - Demonic Compendium - Evolution - Negotiation (Special conversation) - Rag's Jewelry - Code Breaker - Press Turn - New Game Plus - Ultimate boss - Streetpass - Password - Skill Mutation - Energy Drain - Party Talks
Shin Megami Tensei series
Terminal - Guardian (if...) - Tactical Battle (NINE) - Capacity (NINE) - RTS (NINE) - Reinforcements (NINE) - Race Shift (NINE) - Modules (NINE) - Magatama (3) - Reason (3) - Demon Co-Op (SJ) - EX Missions (SJ) - Challenge Quest (4) - Skill Potential (4/A-5) - Smirk (4) - Barrier (4) - Partners (4A) - Jade Dagger (4A) - Magatsuhi Skills (5) - Essence (5) - Glory (5) - Miracles (5) - Demon Statues (5) - Abscess (5)
Devil Summoner series
Loyalty - Personality - Mystic Change - Nemechi (SH) - Case Files (RKKA)
Majin Tensei series
Rank - Affinity (2) - Arcana (Ronde)
Persona series
Shadows / Personas (Initial / Prime / Ultimate / Ancestor / Reverse / Sub) - Skill Card - Totem (1) - Type/Subtype (1+2) - Affinity (1+2) - Rank (1+2) - Mystic Change (1+2+5) - One More (3-5) - Growth Rate (1+2) - Unknown Power (1+EP) - Personality (1+2, 5) - Material Card (2) - Mutation (2) - Follow Up - All-out Attack (Cut-in) - Heart Item (3) - Shuffle Time (3+4) - Daily Life (3-5) - Activities (3-5) - Calendar (3-5) - Social Stats (3-5) - Social Link (3+4) - Tactics (3-5) - Requests (3-5; Q+Q2) - Clock (3P+3RE) - Linked Episode (3RE) - Great Clock (3RE) - Theurgy (3RE) - Arcana Chance (4) - Forecasts (Fusion / Weather) (4+5) - Boost (Q+Q2) - Power Spot (Q+Q2) - F.O.E (Q+Q2) - Confidant (5) - Technical (5+5S) - Treasure Demon (5+5S) - Party Switch (5+5S) - Baton Pass (5+5S; Q2) - Disaster Shadow (5R) - Fusion alarm (5R) - Persona Traits (5R) - Third Eye (5+5S) - Master Arts (5S) - BOND (5S) - Persona Points (5S)
Devil Children series
Trainer - Bank - BattleNet - Relic Fusion - Power Fusion - Powers
Digital Devil Saga series
Berserk Mode (2)
Devil Survivor series
Devil Auction - Extra Turn Battle - Skill Crack - Titles (DSO / DS2 / RB) - Fate System (2) - Add-On (2)
Equip Type (GMT:TM) - Skill Systems (GMT:TM) - Sword Exchange (GMT:TM) - Class (TMS♯FE) - Class Change (TMS♯FE) - Topic System (TMS♯FE) - Side Quests (TMS♯FE) - Ad-lib Performance (TMS♯FE) - Session (TMS♯FE) - Dual Arts (TMS♯FE)
Playable Characters Protagonist - Heroine - Law Hero - Chaos Hero - Pascal
Non-Playable Characters Stephen - Ozawa - Yuriko - Old Man - Gotou - Ambassador Thorman - En no Ozuno - Louis Cyphre - Soul Diver
Locations Tokyo - Kichijoji - Shinjuku - Ichigaya - Diamond Realm - Shibuya - Roppongi - Ginza Underpass - Ginza - Tokyo Tower - Shinagawa - Ikebukuro - Ueno - Tokyo Destinyland - Basilica - River Styx
Terminology Terminal - Alignment - Ring of Gaea - Order of Messiah - Great Cataclysm - Sword fusion - Four Heavenly Kings
Soundtracks Shin Megami Tensei Sound Collection
Archives Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items
Playable Characters Aleph/Hawk - Hiroko - Beth - Cerberus - Lucifer - Satan
Non-Playable Characters Okamoto - Gimmel - Zayin - Stephen - Haneda - Daleth - Red Bear - Madam - Hanada - The Center's Bishop - The Four Elders - Mekata - Puck - Hanoun - Mutant Elder - Hiruko - Taira no Masakado - Siren - Petersen - Michael - Raphael - Uriel - Gabriel - Fake YHVH - Seth - Virocana - Ozawa - Gotou - Gemori - Astaroth (Ishtar / Ashtar) - Kuzuryu - YHVH
Locations Tokyo Millennium - Underworld - Expanse - Eden - Diamond Realm - River Styx
Terminology Millennium Kingdom - Great Cataclysm - Order of Messiah - Ring of Gaea - Terminal - Sword fusion - Identification Program - Summon Doll - Seven Pillars of Solomon - Sabbath - Abaddon's Innards - Megiddo Arc
Content Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items
Playable Protagonist - Urabe Kouichirou - Nemissa - Zeed - Judah Singh - Naomi - Frost Five
Spookies Hitomi Tono - Spooky - Lunch - Six - Yū-ichi
Phantom Society Finnegan - Carol J - Mayone - Nishi - Kadokura - Shemyaza - Satanael
Other Kinap - Protagonist's Father - Protagonist's Mother - Tomoko - Dr. Victor - Mary - Muramasa - Dr. Thrill - Moowis - Rei Reiho - Winpe - Lunch's Father - Juggler - Sukeroku - Madame Ginko - Erika - Romero - Malsum - Manitou
Extra Dungeon Inui - Sid Davis - "Kyouji Kuzunoha" - Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV - Gouto-Douji - Raido Kuzunoha the XIV - Goto-Douji - Soulless God Oumagatsu
Shibahama South Parking Garage - Hotel Goumaden - Shibahama Core - EL-115
Nikamimon Algon NS Building - Algon Main Building - Amami Monolith - Nikamimon Ruins - Primate Intelligence Lab
Akenedai Astro Museum - Akane Mall
Amami Bay Bay Warehouses - Amami Airport - Amami Float - Sea Ark
Yurashima Leon Automotive Plant - Yurashima Depot - Algon Microelectronics - Amami Bypass
Paradigm X Pet Shop - VR Art Museum - VR Haunted Mansion - VR Park
Bonus Dungeons Corridor of Time - Extra Dungeon
Terminology Devil Summoner - Dark Summoner - GUMP - Spookies - Algon Soft - Phantom Society - Nemechi - Loyalty - Personality - Sword Fusion - Mystic Change - Vision Quest - Carrier
Lists Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items - Software - Ailments - Minor Characters
Other Media
Games Intruder - New Generation
Various Original Soundtrack - Nightmare of the Butterfly - Demon Compendium Second Collection
Songs #X
Characters Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV - Gouto - Kaya Daidouji - Shouhei Narumi - Tae Asakura - Dr. Victor - General Munakata - Rasputin - Nakamura - Kiyoshi Daidouji - Dr. Tsukumo - Raido Kuzunoha the XIV - Goto-Douji - Satake Kenzou - Owner of Konnou-Ya - Owner of Ryugu - Sadakichi - Herald of Yatagarasu - Shizu Iida - Denpachi Iida - Detective Kazama
Locations The Capital - Tsukudo-Cho (Narumi Detective Agency - Konnou-Ya - Gouma-Den) - Daidouji Residence - Ginza-Cho (Shin-Sekai Soda Joint) - Fukagawa-Cho - Daidouji Factory - Harumi-Cho - Kasumidai - Shipbuilding Facility - Sakuradayama (Waden One) - Kasuminomori - Akarana Corridor - Nameless Shrine Shinoda (Training Hall) - Dark Realm
Soundtracks Devil Summoner Kuzunoha Raidou vs The Soulless Army Complete Music Works
Demon Orders Pyro - Frost - Volt - Wind - Fury - Pagan - Skill - Undead
Archives Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items - Statuses - Confinement
Major Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV - Gouto-Douji - Shouhei Narumi - Tae Asakura - Dr. Victor - Akane Narita - Geirin Kuzunoha the XVII - Nagi - Dahn - Blonde Young Man - Shinado
Minor Rasputin - Raido Kuzunoha the XIV - Goto-Douji - Goro Tatsumi - Tasuke Narita - Akijiro Tsukigata - Satake Kenzou - Owner of Konnou-Ya - Owner of Ryugu - Sadakichi - Herald of Yatagarasu - Shizu Iida - Detective Kazama - Old Ones
The Capital Tsukudo-Cho (Narumi Detective Agency - Konnou-Ya - Gouma-Den) - Daidouji Residence - Ginza-Cho (Shin-Sekai Soda Joint) - Fukagawa-Cho - Ishigami-Cho (Inari Shrine) - Mannen-Cho - Harumi-Cho - Sakuradayama (Waden One) - Nameless Shrine Shinoda - Kasumidai (Narita Manor) - Dark Realm - Fukorutsubo
Tsukigata Village Tento-Kagura - Tento Springs - Tento Sanctuary - Three Cedars - Nameless Shrine - Confinement Chambers - Infinite Abyss
Albums Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon Soundtrack
Terms Luck Locust - Soldier Bug - Pojitrawn - Fukoshi - King Abaddon - Apollyon - Death Ward - Ritual of Unsealing - Loyalty - Personality - Sword fusion - Special conversation - Confinement
Demon Orders Pyro - Frost - Volt - Wind - Fury - Pagan - Skill - Fiend - Evil - Element - Mitama
Lists Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items - Statuses - Case Files
Playable Male protagonist - Female protagonist - Yukari Takeba - Junpei Iori - Akihiko Sanada - Mitsuru Kirijo - Fuuka Yamagishi - Aigis - Koromaru - Ken Amada - Shinjiro Aragaki - Metis
Social Link Kenji Tomochika - Hidetoshi Odagiri - Bunkichi and Mitsuko - Kazushi Miyamoto - Chihiro Fushimi - Isako Toriumi - Keisuke Hiraga - Yuko Nishiwaki - Maiko Oohashi - Pharos - Bebe - President Tanaka - Mutatsu - Mamoru Hayase - Nozomi Suemitsu - Akinari Kamiki - Rio Iwasaki - Saori Hasegawa - Ryoji Mochizuki
Major Igor - Elizabeth - Theodore - Shuji Ikutsuki - Officer Kurosawa - Takaya Sakaki - Jin Shirato - Chidori Yoshino - Takeharu Kirijo - Kouetsu Kirijo - Eiichiro Takeba - Natsuki Moriyama - Nyx - Erebus - Margaret
Minor Maki - Kiyoshi Sakuma - Mr. Edogawa - Mr. Ekoda - Mr. Miyahara - Ms. Ounishi - Mrs. Terauchi - Kikuno Saikawa - Yuu Kimijima - Souta Aizawa - Kyouka Sayama
Cameo Yukiko Amagi - Noriko Kashiwagi - Man Drinking Alone
Port Island Gekkoukan High School - Paulownia Mall - Police Station - Shinshoudo Antiques - Iwatodai Station - Port Island Station - Naganaki Shrine - Dorm - Moonlight Bridge - Velvet Room
Tartarus Blocks: Thebel - Arqa - Yabbashah - Tziah - Harabah - Adamah - Monad Depths
Abyss of Time Malebolge - Cocytus - Caina - Antenora - Ptolomea - Judecca - Empyrean
Other Kyoto - Great Seal
Albums Original Soundtrack (JP / US / FES / Portable) - Bonus CD - Burn My Dread -Reincarnation- - Spring of Birth OST - Midsummer Knight's Dream OST - Falling Down OST - Winter Of Rebirth OST - Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album - Persona 3 Reload Original Soundtrack - Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis Original Soundtrack
Songs "Burn My Dread" - "Aria of the Soul" - "Want To Be Close" - "When the Moon Reaches for the Stars" - "Iwatodai Dorm" - "Mass Destruction" - "Color Your Night" - "Deep Breath Deep Breath" - "The Meaning of Armbands" - "Deep Mentality" - "It's Going Down Now" - "Changing Seasons" - "Current Net Price Tanaka" - "Battle Hymn of the Soul" - "Kimi no Kioku" - "P3 FES" - "Disconnected" - "Mass Destruction -P3fes version-" - "Don't" - "Heartful Cry" - "Brand New Days" - "Soul Phrase" - "A Way of Life" - "Time" - "Wiping All Out" - "More Than One Heart" - "Fate is In Our Hands" - "One Single Word" - "One Hand, One Heartbeat" - "One Determination" - "Sound of the Beast" - "Storm for a Butterfly" - "Light in Starless Sky" - "My Testimony" - "Self Redemption" - "Full Moon Full Life"
Terminology Persona (Initial / Prime / Ultimate) - Persona user - Shadow - Wild Card - Evoker - Attack Properties - Tactics - All-out Attack - Shuffle Time - Dark Hour - Moon Phase System - Full Moon Operations - SEES - Kirijo Group - Nanjo Group - Strega - Artificial Persona user - Suppressants - Apathy Syndrome - The Fall - Death - Who's Who - Phoenix Ranger Featherman R - Plume of Dusk
P3RE: Shift - Theurgy - Combat Characteristics
Lists Arcana - Personas (P3 / FES / P3P / RE) - Shadows - Bosses (P3 / FES) - Skills - Items (Heart Items / Vending Machines) - Status Effects - Elizabeth's Requests - Activities - Calendar - Trophies (Portable / Reload) - Steam Profile Items - Patches and Updates
School Life Daily Life - Seasons - Social Link - Social Stats - Yen - Class - Studying - Movie Theater - Bed - Part-time Jobs - Shrine - Tanaka's Amazing Commodities - Crane Machine - Chagall Café - School Club - Cooking - Walking Koromaru - Linked Episode - Computer - Refrigerator - Gardening - Books - DVDs - Studying - Fortune Telling
Other Media
Games FES - Portable - Reload - Dancing in Moonlight
Productions The Movie - The Movie: Escape from the Dark Hour - the Weird Masquerade: -Ao no Kakusei- / -Gunjou no Meikyuu- / -Souen no Kesshou- / -Ai no Seiyaku- / -Hekikuu no Kanata e- - Persona Stalker Club - 「PERSORA AWARDS」 - PERSORA AWARDS 2 - PERSORA AWARDS 3 - Persora -The Golden Best-
Drama CDs A Certain Day of Summer - Daylight / Moonlight - Character Drama CD Vol. 1 / Vol. 2 / Vol. 3 / Vol. 4 / Vol. 5 - New Moon / Full Moon - Portable Vol. 1 / Vol. 2
Publications Manga - Shadow Cry - Memento Mori - Owari no Kakera - Alternative Heart - Velvet Blue - Persona Magazine - Dear Girls Comic Anthology - Dengeki Comic Anthology - Tartarus Theater - Persona VS - Persona 3 Reload: Beginnings
Mobile Games The Night Before - Persona Ain Soph - Social - Escape - Illust Puzzle - Broken Shadow - Aegis: The First Mission - Qix - Chaining Soul - Em
Events Music Live 2008 - Music Live 2009 - Music Tour 2010 - Music Live 2012 - Music Fes 2013 - Music Box 2014 - Super Live 2015 - Livehouse Tour 2015 - Super Live 2017 - Super Live 2019 - 25th Anniversary Symphonic Concert
20th Anniversary Festival - 25th Anniversary - 25th FES
Miscellaneous Merchandise
Playable Protagonist - Morgana - Ryuji Sakamoto - Ann Takamaki - Yusuke Kitagawa - Makoto Niijima - Futaba Sakura - Haru Okumura - Goro Akechi - Sumire Yoshizawa
Confidant Igor - Sojiro Sakura - Chihaya Mifune - Munehisa Iwai - Tae Takemi - Sadayo Kawakami - Ichiko Ohya - Shinya Oda - Hifumi Togo - Yuuki Mishima - Toranosuke Yoshida - Caroline & Justine - Sae Niijima - Takuto Maruki
Major Targets Suguru Kamoshida - Ichiryusai Madarame - Junya Kaneshiro - Shadow Futaba - Kunikazu Okumura - Masayoshi Shido - Holy Grail / Yaldabaoth - Azathoth / Adam Kadmon
Other Principal Kobayakawa - SIU Director - Shiho Suzui - Natsuhiko Nakanohara - Mika - Lala Escargot - Angel and Julian - Medjed - Wakaba Isshiki - Sugimura - President Tanaka - Kazuya Makigami - Naoya Makigami - Shadow Mishima - Shinichi Yoshizawa - Rumi - Shibusawa - Jose - Kasumi Yoshizawa - Coach Hiraguchi
Tokyo Yongen-Jaya (Café Leblanc) - Shibuya - Aoyama-Itchome (Shujin Academy) - Shinjuku - Akihabara - Kichijoji - Ogikubo - Inokashira Park - Tsukishima - Akasaka Mitsuke - Suidobashi - Odaiba Seaside Park - Ichigaya - Ikebukuro - Ginza - Harajuku - Meiji Shrine - Jinbocho - Miura Beach - Maihama (Tokyo Destinyland) - Kanda - Roppongi - Ueno - Asakusa - Chinatown - Nagatacho - Shinagawa - Nakano - Kosei High School
Metaverse Kamoshida's Palace - Madarame's Palace - Kaneshiro's Palace - Futaba's Palace - Okumura's Palace - Niijima's Palace - Shido's Palace - Mementos (Path of Qimranut - Path of Aiyatsbus - Path of Chemdah - Path of Kaitul - Path of Akzeriyyuth - Path of Adyeshach - Path of Sheriruth - Depths of Mementos - Qliphoth World - Path of Da'at) - Maruki's Palace
Other Velvet Room - Hawaii - Thieves Den
Albums Original Soundtrack (Persona 5 / Royal (JP / EN))
Songs "Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There" - "Life Will Change" - "Beneath the Mask" - "Last Surprise" - "Rivers in the Desert" - "The Whims of Fate" - "Tokyo Daylight" - "Hoshi To Bokura To" - "Break In To Break Out" - "Infinity" - "Dark Sun..." - "Autonomy" - "Found a Light" - "IT'S TOO LATE" - "Colors Flying High" - "Take Over" - "He's a Trickster☆" - "I Believe" - "No More What Ifs" - "Throw Away Your Mask" - "Bokura no Hikari (Our Light)"
Story Persona - Persona user - Shadow - Shadow Self - Second Awakening - Picaro Persona - I am thou - Cognition - P. A. D. - Metaverse - Metaverse Navigator - Mask - Wild Card - Phantom Thieves of Hearts - Phantom Aficionado Website - Antisocial Force - Treasure - Police - Calling Card - Change of Heart - Psychotic breakdown - Mental shutdown - General Public - Seven Deadly Sins - Sea of Souls - Bond - Featherman
School Life Calendar - Weather - Seasons
Confidant - Social Stats - Hideout - Class - Train - Invitations - Gifts - Decorations
Activities Bathhouse - Studying - Diner - Cleaning - Maid Café - Billiards - Books - DVDs - Retro Games - Movie Theater - Big Bang Challenge - Crane Game - Bed - Batting Cages - Fishing Pond - Crossword Puzzles - Darts - Infiltration Tools - Cooking - Training - Old Temple - Laundry - Part-time Jobs - Shrine - Confessional - Jazz Jin - Houseplant - Refrigerator - TV Quiz Show - Blackboard - Drink Stand - Lottery - Cultivation - Fortune Telling
Vendors Shops: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Vending Machines - Takemi Medical Clinic - Untouchable - Jose's Shop - Home Shopping Program - Tanaka's Shady Commodities - Military Vending Machine - Trading
Phantom Life Mementos Requests - Third Eye - Security Level - Search Objects - Treasure Chests - Safe Room - Thieves Guild - List of Shadows (Treasure Demon - Disaster Shadow - Savage Shadow) - List of Bosses - Skill Card - Will Seeds - Deviations - Slot Machines
Battle Items: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Skills: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Difficulty - Status Changes - Weaknesses - Traits - Navigator - Tactics - Guard - Party Switch - Baton Pass - One More - Critical - Technical - Showtime - Cut-in - All-out Attack - Hold Up - Personality - Drops - Game Over
Follow Up - Harisen Recovery - Endure - Protect - Pickpocket - Crocodile Tears - Sexy Technique - Down Shot - Bullet Hail - Oda Special - Kakoi Kuzushi - Sleuthing Instinct - Detox X - Mindfulness - Flow - Tumbling
Velvet Room List of Personas: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Fusion - Special Fusion - Hanging - Lockdown - Electric Chair - Arcana - Skill Inheritance - Fusion Accident - Fusion alarm - Challenge Battle
System Trophies: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Cutscenes - New Game Plus - Patches and Updates - Steam Profile Items
Unused Content: (Persona 5 / Royal)
Corporate Atlus Co., Ltd. - Sega
Personnel Katsura Hashino - Shigenori Soejima - Shoji Meguro - Lyn Inaizumi - Atsushi Kitajoh - Ryota Kozuka - Kenichi Tsuchiya - Toshiki Konishi - Kazuhisa Wada - Lotus Juice
Other Media
Games Royal - Dancing in Starlight - Strikers - Tactica - The Phantom X
Productions Persona 5 The Animation The Day Breakers - Persona 5 The Animation (Episodes - Dark Sun... - Stars and Ours - Proof of Justice - A Magical Valentine's Day) - Persona O.A. - Persona 5 The Night Breakers - Persona Stalker Club V - PERSORA AWARDS 3 - Persora -The Golden Best 5- - Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album - Persona 5 The Stage - Persona VS
Publications Manga - Dengeki Comic Anthology - Comic à La Carte - Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics) - Tartarus Theater Wild - the Animation Dengeki Comic Anthology - Mementos Mission - Mementos Report - Persona Magazine
Events Night of the Phantom - Super Live 2017 - Super Live 2019 - TGS 2021 - 25th Anniversary Symphonic Concert
20th Anniversary Festival - 25th Anniversary - 25th FES
TGS 2015 - Take Tokyo Tower - E3 2016 - Take the Treasure - TGS 2016 - Morgana's Report - DJ Morgana
Miscellaneous Merchandise - Catherine: Full Body - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate