Megami Tensei Wiki

This article compiles a list of unused content in Persona 5. This specifically refers to files in the game's code. For unused content in Persona 5 Royal, see Unused Content in Persona 5 Royal.


Early sprites could be found for several main characters:



An unused script for an eerie and unsettling cutscene similar to those used for failed deadlines was found for the Depths of Mementos, implying a deadline was originally supposed to be imposed. It was likely removed due to the entire dungeon being completed in one day. It may also be possible this cutscene was intended to trigger if the Security Level reached 100%, resulting in the Phantom Thieves’ forced retreat from the Palace and forcing the Day of Reckoning to occur.

In the script, Sojiro serves the protagonist coffee before two officers enter the cafe to arrest him, like other failed deadline scenes. However, they strangely choose to congratulate him for “being chosen by God” and declare he will be an inmate for eternity. Sojiro says he wishes he could be an inmate as well, and when the officers say mankind will be ruined shortly, Sojiro laments that they’re ruined already.


There is unused data for several Personas, particularly Masakado, Atavaka, Alilat, Helel, Kartikeya, Yatsufusa, Hachiman, Alraune, Ares, Hitokoto-Nushi, Sati and Loki.[1]


ID Skill Type Effect Power Acc. Cost
274 Insatiable Strike Physical Heavy Physical dmg to all foes. Low chance of Hunger. 120 80 18% HP
390 Trafuri Support Escape 100% successfully from most battles. - - 24 SP
391 Traesto Support Return to the entrance of the Metaverse. - - 18 SP
403 Emergency Escape Support - - - -
448 Whip Strike Physical - (Associated with Suguru Kamoshida) 30 95 -
460 Hunger All Hunger - - - -
478 Coin Attack Physical - (Associated with Sae Niijima) 38 90 -
489 Hunting Stance Support - (Associated with Masayoshi Shido) 1 100 -
491 Gryphon's Breath Support - (Associated with Masayoshi Shido) 1 100 -
494 Cannon Barrage Almighty - (Associated with Masayoshi Shido) 1000 90 -
613 Holy Change Support - (Associated with Yaldabaoth) 15 90 -
614 Distortion Wave Almighty - (Associated with Yaldabaoth) 15 100 -
617 New Creation Support - (Associated with Yaldabaoth) - - -
618 Distortion Surge Almighty - (Associated with Yaldabaoth) 15 100 -
630 Song of Salvation Support - (Associated with Yaldabaoth) - - -
634 Song of Placation Support - (Associated with Yaldabaoth) - - -
635 Mental Hack Support Know the effective choice beforehand in conversation. (Associated with Futaba Sakura) - - -
646 High Analyze Support View attribute affinities and skills when Analyzing - - -
656 Trip-Upper Almighty Downs one foe. 0 100 10 SP
657 Lust Sphere Almighty Medium Almighty dmg to all foes 80 95 14 SP
661 Electro Attack Gun Heavy dmg to one foe ignoring affinities. 5 99 -
663 Follow Black Almighty - 10 100 -
667 Enemy Benefit Healing - - - -
670 Decoy Ball Support - - - -
671 Super Decoy Ball Support - - - -
672 Metabolic Wave Physical - 130 90 -
675 Call of Chaos Support - 15 100 -
657 Grail Light 2 Almighty - 1 100 -
679 Rage Transmission Rage - - - -
917 - Increases chance of Stun from Down. - - -
927 - Decreases chances of being inflicted with Stun. - - -


All abilities listed come from the skill table above.

ID Skill Type Effect
867 Baton Pass Calm things down with humor. Usable when Sense is at "Sensitive".
868 Soul Touch In the real world be able to tell who has Treasure in Mementos. Usable when Instinct is at "Wild".
988 Zenith Defense Passive Nullifies Fire/Ice/Wind/Elec/Nuke/Psy/Bless/Curse skills.
990 Vanity Copy Passive Enables Skill Card copying.
991 Gluttonous Snuff Passive Defeat weak ambushed foes and obtain a Persona.
992 Sloth Defense Passive Slight HP recovery when using Guard.
993 - Passive Disguise as a gigolo. Usable when Sex Appeal is at "Dripping".
994 - Passive Enables the viewing of the actions of others.
995 - Passive Enables you to profess your love to a woman. Usable when Sex Appeal is at "Kill with Eyes".
996 - Passive Act like a proper gentleman. Usable when Finesse is at "Thoughtful".
997 - Passive Enables entrance to fancy facilities. Usable when Guts is at "Bold".
998 - Passive Broadens the range of movement at night. Usable when Guts is at "Dauntless".


There is an unused book item on Goro Akechi's Persona, Robin Hood, but it was dummied out due to a glitch.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]

The items indicate that Hunger and Brainwash were thought of later in development.


ID Item Effect
0086 Homemaker Hero A book that teaches the tricks of buying household electronics for cheap.
0125 Scarlet Lipstick -
0132 Teen's Life A magazine that lets you grasp the must-know fads of young people.
0135 New Choju-Giga A book that analyzes old manga from various angles. It's very thick.
0136 PT Bible Has everything a Phantom Thief devotee should know.
0137 Phan-Sightings A book documenting alleged phantom thief sightings.
0138 Annals of Greatness Details famous people's exploits. Could help you think outside the box.
0139 How to Karakuri A book on the technology of karakuri. Become better with details.
0143 Junk Just plain junk. No point in having it.
0144 Money Distributor -
0145 Item Distributor -
0164 Bonehead Two episodes. A corpse holds hints to the truth. Sharp deductions saves all.
0165 Crime Lab Squad Three episodes. Cutting-edge forensic technology holds the key to a mystery.
0173 Cheongsam A cosplay dress that has a risque slit. May make a nice gift.
0174 Gee Shock A brand name watch that is sold at a reasonable price. May make a nice gift.
0186 Potted Succulents A small flowerpot with various succulent plants. May make a nice gift.
0188 Amateur Coffee Weak-tasting coffee. Restores 10 HP to one ally.
0189 Harsh Coffee A very harsh coffee. Cures Sleep for one ally.
0202 Macadamia Choco Staple Hawaiian souvenir. Restores 200 HP to one ally.
0203 Macadamia Nuts Staple Hawaiian souvenir. Restores 200 HP to one ally.
0204 Hawaiian Cookie Staple Hawaiian souvenir. Restores 200 HP to one ally.
0205 Taiyaki Caramel From the Post-Festival party. Restores 100 SP to one ally.
0206 Yakisoba Candy Does not look tasty. Restores 50 SP to one ally.
0207 Jewel Shard A shard of a jewel.
0236 Chewy Anpan Restores slight HP and cures Hunger to one ally.
0355 Soul Coffee
0356 Awakening Coffee
0370 The Okumura Way Memoir of Kunikazu Okumura, whose life philosophy pioneered a new age.
0371 Med. Tech for Teens A book explaining medical science in layman's terms. A must for novices.
0372 Guns of the World A catalog of guns covering both eastern and western models. For gun freaks.
0373 Shogi World A special on the move that rocked the shogi world. For shogi aficionados.
0378 Pure Politics Focuses on the life of a famous politician. For aspiring politicians.
0389 The Hero with a Bow The folklore of Robin Hood. Reading this could make you kind.
0446 Acidic Coffee A very acidic coffee. Restores 30 SP to one ally.
0509 Amateur Curry A failed attempt. Not bad, but not good. Restores 20 HP to all allies.

Consumables (skill table)[]

These are items found within the skill table.

ID Item Effect
500 Fig Seed Item Recover 20 HP
502 Ointment Item Recover 200 HP
503 Antibiotic Gel Item Recover 400 HP
506 Value Medicine Item All recover 100 HP
507 Medical Kit Item All recover 200 HP
508 Maka Leaf Item All recover 400 HP
516 Royel Jelly Item Cure Mouse
517 Organic Herb -
518 Disclose Cure Forget/Dizzy/Sleep
519 Tranquilizer Cure Confuse/Fear/Rage/Despair
520 Kopi Luwak -
529 Plume of Dusk When MC is KO'd, fully recover to all allies
530 Magic Mirror A barrier that reflects all but Phys/Almighty.
531 Physical Mirror A barrier that reflects Physical skills.
532 Universe Ring Attack up for all allies.
533 Sleipnir Evasion up for all allies.
534 Obsidian Mirror Defense up for all allies.
535 Purifying Water Attack up for all allies.
536 Purifying Salt Negates stat debuffs for all allies.
537 Firecracker 50 Fire damage.
538 San-zun Tama 50 Fire damage.
539 Ice Cube 50 Ice damage.
541 Pinwheel 50 Wind damage.
542 Yashichi 50 Wind damage.
543 Ball Lightning 50 Elec damage.
545 Smart Bomb 100 Almighty damage.
546 Segami Rice Bless insta-kill.
547 Curse Paper Curse insta-kill.
548 Flame Magatama 150 Fire damage.
549 Wind Magatama 150 Wind damage.
550 Freeze Magatama 150 Ice damage.
551 Bolt Magatama 150 Elec damage.
553 Removal Potion -
554 Kouga Ball 50 Bless damage.
555 Makouha Ball 50 Bless damage.
556 Eiga Ball 50 Curse damage.
557 Maeiga Ball 50 Curse damage.
558 Psio Ball 50 Psy damage.
559 Mapsi Ball 50 Psy damage.
560 Freila Ball 50 Nuke damage.
561 Mafrei Ball 50 Nuke damage.
562 Nuke Magatama 150 Nuke damage.
666 Curry Raku -
669 Curry Suku -
697 Curry Makara -
698 Curry Tetra -
699 Curry Endure -
700 Curry Charge -
701 Curry Concentrate -
702 Curry Heat Riser -
730 Curry 1 -
731 Curry 2 -
733 Reviv-All Z -


ID Item Effect
0010 Worn Rosary Rosary beads that have seen a lot of prayers.
0014 Spirit Sash A sash with real spirit.
0016 Grit Sash A sash that truly saves lives.
0020 Aura Choker A choker wreathed in aura.
0022 Divine Choker A choker blessed by higher powers.
0027 Fire Bangle Raises Fire defense.
0028 Ice Bangle Raises Ice defense.
0029 Wind Bangle Raises Wind defense.
0030 Elec Bangle Raises Electric defense.
0035 Nuclear Band Raises Nuclear defense.
0036 Fire Bangle Raises Psychokinesis defense.
0037 Holy Bangle Raises Bless defense.
0038 Grudge Bangle Raises Curse defense.
0040 Secret Hood Decreases enemy's range of sight.
0041 Stone Cap Increases enemy alert time.
0042 Air Mino Shortens time for alert formation.
0043 Extra Mag 1 Clip size +1.
0044 Extra Mag 2 Clip size +2.
0045 Extra Mag 3 Clip size +3.
0057 Towser's Belt -
0071 Zero-Day Pass -
0077 Soldier Anklet A soldier's anklet that heightens fighting spirit.
0086 Shaman Amulet A talisman that emanates magic.
0088 Protect Belt A belt imbued with the wish for protection.
0094 Wing Socks Socks that are as light as a feather.
0095 Purebred Socks Socks that lets one run as quickly as a racehorse.
0102 Bagua Charm A necklace filled with cosmic fortune.
0103 Guard Charm A necklace holding a guardian spirit's power.
0106 Hero Crest A crest that only a hero can hold.
0107 Girard Medal A medal bestowed upon a distinguished knight.
0108 Olivier Medal A medal that is given to a paladin.
0110 Caesar Medal The medal of history's greatest emperor.
0119 Atar Ring A ring blessed by a fire god.
0121 Aurora Ring A ring infused with the power of an ice god.
0122 Poli'ahu Ring A ring blessed by an ice god.
0125 Indra Ring A ring blessed by a thunder god.
0127 Gale Ring A ring infused with the power of a wind god.
0128 Kukulkan Ring A ring blessed by a wind god.
0131 Aegis Ring A ring blessed by a nuclear god.
0134 Akashic Ring A ring blessed by a psychic god.
0139 Fallen Ring A ring infused with the power of curses.
0143 Banish Ring A ring blessed by the majin.
0146 Epic Eyepatch An eyepatch worn by a skilled swordsman.
0149 Blaze Cape A cape that helps one avoid Fire well.
0152 Blizzard Cape A cape that helps one avoid Ice well.
0155 Blizzard Cape A cape that helps one avoid Electric well.
0158 Tempest Cape A cape that helps one avoid Wind well.
0160 Heatwave Cape A cape that helps one avoid Nukes.
0161 Nuclear Cape A cape that helps one avoid Nukes well.
0163 TK Cape A cape that helps one avoid Psychokinesis.
0164 Abhijna Cape A cape that helps one avoid Psychokinesis well.
0166 Royal Cape A cape that helps one avoid Blessings.
0169 Mystic Mask A cape that helps one avoid Curses.
0170 Grudge Mask A cape that helps one avoid Curses well.
0172 Wizard Rosary A rosary that helps one avoid magic.
0173 Makyou Rosary A rosary that helps one avoid magic well.
0182 Vayu's Wrath Increases strength when inflicted with Rage.
0192 Miyuki's Earring -
0193 Harumi's Earring -
0194 Marronnier's Earring -
0198 Vulcan Band Greatly strengthens Fire attacks. Can stack.
0199 Neptune Band Greatly strengthens Ice attacks. Can stack.
0200 Aquilo Band Greatly strengthens Wind attacks. Can stack.
0201 Jupiter Band Greatly strengthens Elec attacks. Can stack.
0202 Janus Band Greatly strengthens Nuke attacks. Can stack.
0203 Minerva Band Greatly strengthens Psy attacks. Can stack.
0204 Venus Band Greatly strengthens Bless attacks. Can stack.
0205 Pluto Band Greatly strengthens Curse attacks. Can stack.
0231 Savage Band Halves foe's Accuracy.
0241 Holy Stone It looks like it could fetch a tidy sum, but...
0251 Beast Headphones Has extra bass to increase one's rhythm.
0252 Babel Headphones Closed-air to allow one to focus.


ID Item For
007 Steel Kukri Protagonist
009 Corvo Protagonist
012 Mummy's Kopis Protagonist
015 Blood Corvo Protagonist
018 Old Dirk Protagonist
021 Dual Edge Machete Protagonist
024 Coma Dagger Protagonist
027 Pro Yamanaji Protagonist
028 Amnesia Protagonist
031 Ritual Athame Protagonist
032 Shock Knife Protagonist
033 Dancing Knife Protagonist
034 Melancholia Protagonist
036 Yamanaji Protagonist
041 Steel Pipe Ryuji Sakamoto
044 Quality Steel Pipe Ryuji Sakamoto
047 Demon War Hammer Ryuji Sakamoto
050 Megaton Rod Ryuji Sakamoto
053 Lotus Wand Ryuji Sakamoto
056 Death Crowbar Ryuji Sakamoto
061 The Anchor Ryuji Sakamoto
062 Erasure Hammer Ryuji Sakamoto
063 Genocide Crowbar Ryuji Sakamoto
064 Triple Crown Bat Ryuji Sakamoto
066 Wolf Fang Pole Ryuji Sakamoto
068 Super Steel Whip Ryuji Sakamoto
069 Flint Rod Ryuji Sakamoto
071 The Pulverizer Ryuji Sakamoto
079 Bright Saber Morgana
085 Quiet Sword Morgana
088 Solar Blade Morgana
090 Master Shamshir Morgana
092 Fury Blade Morgana
096 Mega Flash Sword Morgana
097 Corona Blade Morgana
100 Machete Morgana
101 Plasma Sword Morgana
102 Kikouseiken Morgana
103 Vile Sword Morgana
104 El Caliente Morgana
106 Heaven Saber Morgana
107 Deus Ex Machina Morgana
113 Blaze Whip Ann Takamaki
116 Tear Whip Ann Takamaki
119 Disgrace Whip Ann Takamaki
122 White Paper Whip Ann Takamaki
125 Barbed Wire Ann Takamaki
128 Love Whip Ann Takamaki
130 Coil Whip Ann Takamaki
131 Last Agony Ann Takamaki
132 Law Rope Ann Takamaki
135 Ingot Chain Ann Takamaki
136 Knout Whip Ann Takamaki
137 Death Knout Ann Takamaki
138 Cat-o-Nine Tails Ann Takamaki
140 Death Match Wire Ann Takamaki
141 Muramasa Yusuke Kitagawa
152 Kirisame Yusuke Kitagawa
155 Kunitsuna Yusuke Kitagawa
158 Chidori Yusuke Kitagawa
161 Monohoshizao Yusuke Kitagawa
163 Quality Wakizashi Yusuke Kitagawa
165 Musou Masamune Yusuke Kitagawa
167 Shimobashira Yusuke Kitagawa
168 Shizukuto Yusuke Kitagawa
170 Kyokusui Yusuke Kitagawa
172 Ame-no-Murakumo Yusuke Kitagawa
176 Super Heavy Grip Makoto Niijima
178 Hell Cestus Makoto Niijima
181 Bagh Naka Makoto Niijima
184 Fast Puncher Makoto Niijima
188 Dazzle Fist Makoto Niijima
189 One Inch Makoto Niijima
190 Chrome Duster Makoto Niijima
191 Grief Fist Makoto Niijima
195 Wrathful Iron Fist Makoto Niijima
196 Sealed Fist Makoto Niijima
203 Steel Bardiche Haru Okumura
207 Melatonin Axe Haru Okumura
209 Lunatic Axe Haru Okumura
211 Rend Celtis Haru Okumura
212 Dragon Scale Axe Haru Okumura
213 Perish Great Axe Haru Okumura
216 Heracles Axe Haru Okumura
218 Narcolepsy Haru Okumura
237 Fault Knife Protagonist
239 Lizard Tail Cutter Yusuke Kitagawa
242 Dependence XX All
244 Slacker Pole Ryuji Sakamoto
0220 Clemont Shot Ranged Weapon


ID Item
0001 Thief Clothes
0173 Diva Guard
0175 Engetsu Collar
0176 Over Guard+
0177 Diva Guard+
0178 Empathy Cape+
0179 Engetsu Collar+
0181 Sublime Bikini
0182 Hero Jin-Baori
0183 9 Lives Collar
0184 Immortal Vest+
0185 Sublime Bikini+
0186 Hero Jinbaori+
0187 9-Lives Collar+
0188 Filth-caked Gear
0189 Unsanitary Armor
0195 Fusion Guard M 4
0199 Fusion Guard F 4
0202 Fusion Guard 3
0203 Fusion Guard 4
0205 Jack Hood
0208 Empress Guard

Key Items[]

ID Item
0028 Commuter Pass
0029 Cigarettes
0030 Key to Leblanc
0032 2nd Mate ID
0033 1st Mate ID
0034 Captain ID
0114 Green Key
0115 Red Key
0176 Escape Recipe
0177 Mist Recipe
0178 Home Recipe
0179 Smoke Recipe
0180 Energy Recipe
0181 Sleep Recipe
0182 Bronze Recipe
0183 Scent Recipe
0184 Silver Recipe
0185 Smell Recipe
0186 Gold Recipe
0187 Aroma Recipe
0188 Purify Recipe
0189 Clone Recipe
0190 Element Recipe
0191 Life Recipe
0192 Forces Recipe
0193 Almighty Recipe
0194 Vitality Recipe
0195 Hyper Recipe


ID Item
0001 Coward's Orb
0002 Selfish Ornament
0003 4th Girl's Talc
0004 Notched Heart
0005 Light Iron
0006 Thick Hide
0007 Glossy Clasp
0008 Electric Rock
0009 Magic Cross
0010 Brave Lumber
0011 Divine Bark
0012 Thought Cross
0013 Supple Metal
0014 Smooth Fabric
0015 Smart Clasp
0016 Living Metal
0017 Big Incisor
0018 Glory Staff
0019 Blessed Trumpet
0020 Victor Laurel
0021 Porcelain Teacup
0025 Shackles
0026 Locked Collar
0030 Rusted Handcuffs
0031 Chipped Glass
0032 Ukiyo-e
0033 Ink Wash Art
0034 Hanging Scroll
0035 Picture Scroll
0036 Hannya Mask
0037 Animal Brush
0038 Fine Washi
0039 Loose Sash
0040 Cracked Vase
0046 Gold Coin
0047 Stock Certificate
0048 Amber Stamp
0049 Precious Bill
0056 Inkless Pen
0058 Worn Stamp
0060 Jewel Mummy
0061 Gold Uraeus
0062 Canopic Jar
0063 Bastet Statue
0064 Scarab Charm
0065 Mummy Mask
0069 Ra Mural
0073 Pillar Piece
0074 Moon Stone
0075 Rare Metal
0076 Sage Astrolabe
0077 UFO Drone
0078 Blade Flashlight
0079 Rainbow Diode
0080 Spaceship Stick
0084 Space Food
0088 Luxury Watch
0089 Gold Earrings
0090 Damascene Cane
0091 Silver Monocle
0092 Ivory Dice
0093 Dealer Ring
0094 Magician Bowtie
0095 Pro Dart
0099 Faded Silk Hat
0102 Coral Pendant
0103 Pearl Necklace
0104 Ebony Box
0105 Marble Chessboard
0106 Tortoise Hairpin
0107 Cameo Brooch
0108 Raden Plate
0112 Music Box
0116 Pure Diamond
0117 Dignity Ruby
0118 Sublime Sapphire
0119 Stable Emerald
0120 Proper Turquoise
0121 Brave Aquamarine
0122 Harmony Amethyst
0123 Intelligent Onyx
0124 Wealth Pearl
0125 Delight Opal
0126 Charity Agate
0127 Enduring Jade
0128 Friendship Topaz
0129 Truth Garnet
0160 Old Milk Bottle
0161 Bee Earrings
0162 Scorpion Statue
0163 Turtle Statue
0164 Rotary Phone
0165 Silk Bundle


Playable Protagonist - Morgana - Ryuji Sakamoto - Ann Takamaki - Yusuke Kitagawa - Makoto Niijima - Futaba Sakura - Haru Okumura - Goro Akechi - Sumire Yoshizawa
Confidant Igor - Sojiro Sakura - Chihaya Mifune - Munehisa Iwai - Tae Takemi - Sadayo Kawakami - Ichiko Ohya - Shinya Oda - Hifumi Togo - Yuuki Mishima - Toranosuke Yoshida - Caroline & Justine - Sae Niijima - Takuto Maruki
Major Targets Suguru Kamoshida - Ichiryusai Madarame - Junya Kaneshiro - Shadow Futaba - Kunikazu Okumura - Masayoshi Shido - Holy Grail / Yaldabaoth - Azathoth / Adam Kadmon
Other Principal Kobayakawa - SIU Director - Shiho Suzui - Natsuhiko Nakanohara - Mika - Lala Escargot - Angel and Julian - Medjed - Wakaba Isshiki - Sugimura - President Tanaka - Kazuya Makigami - Naoya Makigami - Shadow Mishima - Shinichi Yoshizawa - Rumi - Shibusawa - Jose - Kasumi Yoshizawa - Coach Hiraguchi
Tokyo Yongen-Jaya (Café Leblanc) - Shibuya - Aoyama-Itchome (Shujin Academy) - Shinjuku - Akihabara - Kichijoji - Ogikubo - Inokashira Park - Tsukishima - Akasaka Mitsuke - Suidobashi - Odaiba Seaside Park - Ichigaya - Ikebukuro - Ginza - Harajuku - Meiji Shrine - Jinbocho - Miura Beach - Maihama (Tokyo Destinyland) - Kanda - Roppongi - Ueno - Asakusa - Chinatown - Nagatacho - Shinagawa - Nakano - Kosei High School
Metaverse Kamoshida's Palace - Madarame's Palace - Kaneshiro's Palace - Futaba's Palace - Okumura's Palace - Niijima's Palace - Shido's Palace - Mementos (Path of Qimranut - Path of Aiyatsbus - Path of Chemdah - Path of Kaitul - Path of Akzeriyyuth - Path of Adyeshach - Path of Sheriruth - Depths of Mementos - Qliphoth World - Path of Da'at) - Maruki's Palace
Other Velvet Room - Hawaii - Thieves Den
Albums Original Soundtrack (Persona 5 / Royal (JP / EN))
Songs "Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There" - "Life Will Change" - "Beneath the Mask" - "Last Surprise" - "Rivers in the Desert" - "The Whims of Fate" - "Tokyo Daylight" - "Hoshi To Bokura To" - "Break In To Break Out" - "Infinity" - "Dark Sun..." - "Autonomy" - "Found a Light" - "IT'S TOO LATE" - "Colors Flying High" - "Take Over" - "He's a Trickster☆" - "I Believe" - "No More What Ifs" - "Throw Away Your Mask" - "Bokura no Hikari (Our Light)"
Story Persona - Persona user - Shadow - Shadow Self - Second Awakening - Picaro Persona - I am thou - Cognition - P. A. D. - Metaverse - Metaverse Navigator - Mask - Wild Card - Phantom Thieves of Hearts - Phantom Aficionado Website - Antisocial Force - Treasure - Police - Calling Card - Change of Heart - Psychotic breakdown - Mental shutdown - General Public - Seven Deadly Sins - Sea of Souls - Bond - Featherman
School Life Calendar - Weather - Seasons
Confidant - Social Stats - Hideout - Class - Train - Invitations - Gifts - Decorations
Activities Bathhouse - Studying - Diner - Cleaning - Maid Café - Billiards - Books - DVDs - Retro Games - Movie Theater - Big Bang Challenge - Crane Game - Bed - Batting Cages - Fishing Pond - Crossword Puzzles - Darts - Infiltration Tools - Cooking - Training - Old Temple - Laundry - Part-time Jobs - Shrine - Confessional - Jazz Jin - Houseplant - Refrigerator - TV Quiz Show - Blackboard - Drink Stand - Lottery - Cultivation - Fortune Telling
Vendors Shops: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Vending Machines - Takemi Medical Clinic - Untouchable - Jose's Shop - Home Shopping Program - Tanaka's Shady Commodities - Military Vending Machine - Trading
Phantom Life Mementos Requests - Third Eye - Security Level - Search Objects - Treasure Chests - Safe Room - Thieves Guild - List of Shadows (Treasure Demon - Disaster Shadow - Savage Shadow) - List of Bosses - Skill Card - Will Seeds - Deviations - Slot Machines
Battle Items: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Skills: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Difficulty - Status Changes - Weaknesses - Traits - Navigator - Tactics - Guard - Party Switch - Baton Pass - One More - Critical - Technical - Showtime - Cut-in - All-out Attack - Hold Up - Personality - Drops - Game Over
Follow Up - Harisen Recovery - Endure - Protect - Pickpocket - Crocodile Tears - Sexy Technique - Down Shot - Bullet Hail - Oda Special - Kakoi Kuzushi - Sleuthing Instinct - Detox X - Mindfulness - Flow - Tumbling
Velvet Room List of Personas: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Fusion - Special Fusion - Hanging - Lockdown - Electric Chair - Arcana - Skill Inheritance - Fusion Accident - Fusion alarm - Challenge Battle
System Trophies: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Cutscenes - New Game Plus - Patches and Updates - Steam Profile Items
Unused Content: (Persona 5 / Royal)
Corporate Atlus Co., Ltd. - Sega
Personnel Katsura Hashino - Shigenori Soejima - Shoji Meguro - Lyn Inaizumi - Atsushi Kitajoh - Ryota Kozuka - Kenichi Tsuchiya - Toshiki Konishi - Kazuhisa Wada - Lotus Juice
Other Media
Games Royal - Dancing in Starlight - Strikers - Tactica - The Phantom X
Productions Persona 5 The Animation The Day Breakers - Persona 5 The Animation (Episodes - Dark Sun... - Stars and Ours - Proof of Justice - A Magical Valentine's Day) - Persona O.A. - Persona 5 The Night Breakers - Persona Stalker Club V - PERSORA AWARDS 3 - Persora -The Golden Best 5- - Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album - Persona 5 The Stage - Persona VS
Publications Manga - Dengeki Comic Anthology - Comic à La Carte - Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics) - Tartarus Theater Wild - the Animation Dengeki Comic Anthology - Mementos Mission - Mementos Report - Persona Magazine
Events Night of the Phantom - Super Live 2017 - Super Live 2019 - TGS 2021 - 25th Anniversary Symphonic Concert
20th Anniversary Festival - 25th Anniversary - 25th FES
TGS 2015 - Take Tokyo Tower - E3 2016 - Take the Treasure - TGS 2016 - Morgana's Report - DJ Morgana
Miscellaneous Merchandise - Catherine: Full Body - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate