Terminals (ターミナル, Taaminaru)?/(端末, Tanmatsu)? are teleportation devices found in the Megami Tensei and Shin Megami Tensei series.
- Megami Tensei II
- Shin Megami Tensei
- Shin Megami Tensei II
- Shin Megami Tensei NINE
- Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
- Shin Megami Tensei IV
- Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse
- Shin Megami Tensei V
- Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
- Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Mokushiroku
- Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner: as Karma Terminal
- Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2: as Karma Terminal
- Devil Survivor 2 / Record Breaker
A matter transporting device that teleports people to other terminals so long as they have been found. In Megami Tensei II, Shin Megami Tensei, Shin Megami Tensei II, Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, and Shin Megami Tensei V, the protagonist can also save at these.
Megami Tensei II[]
In the original Megami Tensei II all functions of the Terminals are carried out by a living totem pole called Checkman. Checkman is replaced with more traditional computer Terminals in the Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei remake.
Shin Megami Tensei[]
The Terminal system was created by Stephen. Its creation set in motion many key events, including the creation of the Demon Summoning Program and the Great Cataclysm.
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne[]
Unlike other games in the series, the terminals in Nocturne do not appear to be computerized devices; instead they are magical artifacts called Amala Drums. They harness the power of the Amala Network to transport matter near-instantly through the network's flow of Magatsuhi.
In addition to normal terminals, several Amala Drums are "S-Terminals." These still act as save points as normal, but can only transport the Demi-fiend to a connected terminal, and the Demi-fiend can never transport directly to an S-terminal even if they have already visited it.
Shin Megami Tensei IV[]
Matter transport devices that teleport users instantly. A terminal must be able to connect to another in order for it to work, as well as have a name for itself. The prentice Samurai come across the Sky Terminal after discovering guns. A terminal is revealed by Hugo to have been in Mikado Castle in Aquila Plaza. Hugo lets Flynn name the one in Aquila Plaza.
Hugo gives them a quest to activate all the terminals found in the Unclean Ones' country. Tokyo's terminals tend to be guarded by a man who uses demons, hordes and Domains to keep others out. After the demons he has on him are beaten the Domain vanishes and the area returns to normal, allowing Flynn access to it. Both Purgatorium and Lucifer Palace have their own unique terminals. The Ashura-kai may have hired the Guardian.
Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse[]
"Tech that makes near-instant transport of physical objects from one point to another possible. Housed in Terminal Rooms.
Teleportation is achieved by sending objects between Terminals. The only limitation is that the item being transported fit within the Terminal Room itself. As for how they work, well, that remains a mystery.
The Terminals were constructed as a means of transporting people and equipment up the Sky Tower while tunneling up through the Ceiling.
However, after encountering the Angels of Death, all Terminals were powered down. They've since been reactivated by Flynn. All Terminals are currently active and available for use, pending registration."
Shin Megami Tensei V / Vengeance[]
Terminals and leyline founts function identically, both serving as traditional save points and teleporters. They can also be used to access the Cadaver's Hollow to shop for items, the World of Shadows to fuse demons, and the recovery spring to heal the party. The Terminals used by Bethel Japan resembles the Amala Drum from Nocturne, and connect primarily between the National Diet Building in Da'at and Bethel Japan's base in the Jouin U. Medical Research Lab, Tokyo.
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers[]
Terminals can be found throughout Amami City. While they don't allow for teleportation, they function as save points, and tend to have special software for the GUMP.
Devil Survivor 2[]
Terminals are the main transportation system of JP's. Due to Fumi Kanno's disappearance they had lacked maintenance and were not operable until her return. The protagonist, Makoto Sako and Otome Yanagiya use it on Wednesday, though an accident happened. Afterwards the device is fixed and sends them all properly.
Using the Dragon Stream, the party upgrades the one terminal in Tokyo into one that can send them to the Akasha Stratum. A battle with the Anguished One / Yamato Hotsuin can happen in this place.
In Record Breaker the party uses the terminals to get around behind JP's back, but are surprised attacked by members on Thursday, initiating a battle in one of the smaller terminal rooms. Miyako Hotsuin creates a special terminal that can lead to the Akasha Stratum without the aid of the Anguished One, which allows the party into the Astrolabe. She later upgrades the terminal to lead to Providence, the realm that lies above both Akasha and Earth as the home of Canopus.
Playable Characters | Protagonist - Heroine - Law Hero - Chaos Hero - Pascal |
Non-Playable Characters | Stephen - Ozawa - Yuriko - Old Man - Gotou - Ambassador Thorman - En no Ozuno - Louis Cyphre - Soul Diver |
Locations | Tokyo - Kichijoji - Shinjuku - Ichigaya - Diamond Realm - Shibuya - Roppongi - Ginza Underpass - Ginza - Tokyo Tower - Shinagawa - Ikebukuro - Ueno - Tokyo Destinyland - Basilica - River Styx |
Terminology | Terminal - Alignment - Ring of Gaea - Order of Messiah - Great Cataclysm - Sword fusion - Four Heavenly Kings |
Soundtracks | Shin Megami Tensei Sound Collection |
Archives | Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items |
Playable Characters | Aleph/Hawk - Hiroko - Beth - Cerberus - Lucifer - Satan |
Non-Playable Characters | Okamoto - Gimmel - Zayin - Stephen - Haneda - Daleth - Red Bear - Madam - Hanada - The Center's Bishop - The Four Elders - Mekata - Puck - Hanoun - Mutant Elder - Hiruko - Taira no Masakado - Siren - Petersen - Michael - Raphael - Uriel - Gabriel - Fake YHVH - Seth - Virocana - Ozawa - Gotou - Gemori - Astaroth (Ishtar / Ashtar) - Kuzuryu - YHVH |
Locations | Tokyo Millennium - Underworld - Expanse - Eden - Diamond Realm - River Styx |
Terminology | Millennium Kingdom - Great Cataclysm - Order of Messiah - Ring of Gaea - Terminal - Sword fusion - Identification Program - Summon Doll - Seven Pillars of Solomon - Sabbath - Abaddon's Innards - Megiddo Arc |
Content | Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items |
Record Breaker - The Animation - Thursday 23:54 | |
Characters | |
Playable | Protagonist - Daichi Shijima - Io Nitta - Yuzuru Akie - Hinako Kujou - Keita Wakui - Airi Ban - Jungo Torii - Fumi Kanno - Makoto Sako - Otome Yanagiya - Yamato Hotsuin - Ronaldo Kuriki - Anguished One - Miyako Hotsuin |
Non-Playable | Tico (Male / Female) - Dera-Deka - Koharu - Jungo's Cat - Polaris - Canopus |
Locations | |
Tokyo | Tokyo Tower - Sunset Blvd - Diet Building - Akasaka Palace - Cine City Plaza - Sky Tower - Karamachi - Terminal - Bugeikan Arena - Central Gate - Sengakuji - Eikokuji |
Osaka | Tsuutenkaku - Main Branch (JP's) - Festival Gate - Bickman - Ebisu Bridge - Sankyu Line |
Nagoya | TV Tower - Planetarium - Gold Clock - Centering Park - Nagoya Branch (JP's) - Parking Garage |
Other | Fukuoka Tenjin - Sapporo - Akasha Stratum - Stake Terminal - Providence |
Archives | |
Terminology | Extra Turn Battle - Demon Tamers - Devil Auction - Fate System - JP's - Nicaea β ver. - Septentriones - Dance Skills - Racial Skill - Auto Skill - Skill Crack - Demon Summoning App - Add-On - Dragon Stream - Terminal - Administrator - Akashic Record - Void - Triangulum - Astrolabe |
Lists | Demons - Skills - Ailments - Titles (RB)- Translations |
Other Media | |
Songs | "Mugen no Sekai" - "Take Your Way" - "Be" |
Publications | -Show Your Free Will- - The Animation Manga - Cetus's Prequel |
Mobile Games | The Extra World |
Misc | Merchandise |