Megami Tensei Wiki
This article is about the Shadow. For the Arcana, see Priestess Arcana.

"What the hell!? ...Is this the friggin' boss?"
—Junpei Iori viewing the monster

The Arcana Priestess (プリーステス) is the first boss fight in Persona 3. It is fought on the second Full Moon Operation on May 9th.



As all Full Moon Operation bosses, its appearance and behavior are based on Tarot cards from the Major Arcana in the reverse position. The Priestess means someone with knowledge and wisdom, yet the reversed version of it means someone unable to use that knowledge or someone not able to make decisions. Thus instead of confidently standing like the priestess does in the upright position, it instead lays on the ground sloppily.

The B and J on her breasts are taken directly from the Tarot card. They represent Boaz and Jachin, two copper pillars, which stood in the porch of Solomon's Temple.

The Arcana Priestess takes over the train and attempts to cause a collision with another train. This is based around the conflict of intellect and instinct the card represents, which is shown with the Black and White coloration of the Shadow.


Persona 3[]


Persona 3 - Full Moon 1 Boss Priestess

Priestess boss.

During the second full moon (May 9th) after the arrival of the protagonist, Mitsuru Kirijo detects a powerful shadow outside of Tartarus and quickly dispatches the protagonist, Yukari Takeba and Junpei Iori to the monorail in Iwatodai Station.

The entity has the appearance of a young woman wearing only the bottom half of a dress, her whole body is covered in either white or black, with the letters B and J on her breasts. Her hair looks like scrolls with text written on it, which are stuck to the wall not allowing anyone to pass. She wears a red, butterfly-like eyemask on her face, indicating her Priestess arcana. She herself sits inside the train on the floor with her legs spread out. She also seems to be abnormally tall at full height, even when compared to other Shadows.

After reaching the monorail's end they find a huge Shadow that has taken over the monorail, but after defeating it the monorail won't stop, leaving the protagonist to use the brakes manually, saving both Yukari and Junpei.


Persona 3/FES/Portable[]

There is a time limit of 8 real-life minutes for the team to both reach the boss encounter from the 3rd to last cabin and defeat it at the front cabin of the monorail. Therefore, it is not advised for the player to take too much time at the Shadows in front of it or stay idle in the cabins, or they might not have enough time to defeat the boss (which will result in a Game Over).

The Priestess specializes in Ice attacks, so a Persona that is resistant or immune to its Ice attacks such as Apsaras or Jack Frost is vital. At lower health, it will summon two Muttering Tiaras.

Persona 3 Reload[]

The Full Moon Operation in Reload is a little different from the previous versions of Persona 3 in that there is no timer until the player reaches the boss, reducing the amount of urgency in fighting through the Shadows through the monorail cars.

Once the player engages the Full Moon Shadow, the 30-minute timer begins (seven seconds will pass before the player gets any agency), and it will continue ticking down even through mid-battle cutscenes and menus. Quick decisions by the player are encouraged to get through the timer quickly. Even though 30 minutes seems very generous, as the battle progresses, the boss will use Invitation to Chaos at 50% and about 30% HP, which forces the train to speed up and cuts the remaining time in half, so the player is generally expected to still finish the fight quickly.

At half health, the Priestess will call forth a Despairing and Loathsome Tiara which are weak to Junpei's and Yukari's primary forms of attack respectively - make use of area attacks (if any) and the Shift system to maximize your actions and damage output. At low health it calls forth a Skeptical Tiara that's weak to Ice and Elec attacks.

The Priestess specializes in Ice attacks, so a Persona that nullifies Ice skills like Jack Frost is a good choice to bring to the fight - just remember to have some diversity in its attacking elements to get around the Priestess's ice immunity. The general level recommendation to tackle this boss is about level 11, when Yukari learns Media which can help the party recover from damage from Ice Storm.


Persona 3[]

Arcana Level HP SP
Strength 10
Magic 10
Endurance 10
Agility 10
Luck 10
Priestess 10 300
Slash Strike Pierce Fire Ice Elec Wind Light Dark Almi
- - - - Reflect - - Null Null -
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Pierce Attack Normal attack using the Pierce attribute.
Assault Dive Deals light Strike damage to one foe.
Bufu Deals light Ice damage / Freezes one foe. (10% chance)
Mabufu Deals light Ice damage / Freezes all foes. (8% chance)
Pulinpa Makes 1 foe Panic. (40% chance)
Marin Karin Charms 1 foe. (40% chance)
Summon Summons a Muttering Tiara.

  • Unlike the original Full Moon Operation, there is no time limit during this encounter.
Arcana Level HP SP
Strength 80
Magic 80
Endurance 37
Agility 20
Luck 40
Priestess 60 5,000
Slash Strike Pierce Fire Ice Elec Wind Light Dark Almi
- - - - Reflect - - Null Null -
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Pierce Attack Normal attack using the Pierce attribute.
Primal Force Deals severe Pierce damage to one foe.
Tentarafoo Makes all foes Panic. (40% chance)
Bufudyne Deals heavy Ice damage / Freezes one foe. (10% chance)
Mabufudyne Deals heavy Ice damage / Freezes all foes. (8% chance)
Ice Amp Greatly strengthens Ice attacks by 50%.
Ailment Boost Increases odds of inflicting ailments by 25%.
Sharp Student Halves the odds of sustaining critical damage.
Apt Pupil Doubles user's Critical Rate.
Summon Summons a Muttering Tiara.


  • The battle has a time limit of 30 minutes. If the boss's HP drops to 50% and 30%, it will use Invitation to Chaos to cut the remaining time by half.
  • On the first turn after its HP is reduced by half, the boss will summon a Despairing Tiara to the left and a Loathsome Tiara on the right. In subsequent summons, it summons a Skeptical Tiara.

Arcana Level HP SP
Strength 8
Magic 11
Endurance 13
Agility 11
Luck 10
Priestess 11 700
Slash Strike Pierce Fire Ice Elec Wind Light Dark Almi
- - - x2 Null - - - - -
Down Dizzy Freeze Shock Poison Charm Distress Confuse Fear Rage
Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null
Battle Drop High Priestess Tarot
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Bufula Deals medium Ice damage to 1 foe. Low chance of inflicting Freeze.
Eerie Sound Medium chance of Distress to all foes.
Ice Storm Medium ice damage to all foes + chance of freeze.
Invitation to Chaos Speeds up monorail, reducing time to defeat Arcana Priestess.
Summon Summons a Skeptical Tiara.
Summon Summons a Despairing Tiara and a Loathsome Tiara.
Null Freeze Protects completely from being afflicted with Freeze.
Null Shock Protects completely from being afflicted with Shock.
Null Dizzy Protects completely from being afflicted with Dizzy.

Arcana Level HP SP
Strength 5
Magic 5
Endurance 5
Agility 5
Luck 5
Priestess 8 100
Slash Strike Pierce Fire Ice Elec Wind Light Dark Almi
Weak - - Weak - - - - - -
Down Dizzy Freeze Shock Poison Charm Distress Confuse Fear Rage
- Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Strike Attack Normal attack using the Strike attribute.
Null Freeze Protects completely from being afflicted with Freeze.
Null Shock Protects completely from being afflicted with Shock.
Null Dizzy Protects completely from being afflicted with Dizzy.

Arcana Level HP SP
Strength 5
Magic 5
Endurance 5
Agility 5
Luck 5
Priestess 8 100
Slash Strike Pierce Fire Ice Elec Wind Light Dark Almi
- - Weak - - - Weak - - -
Down Dizzy Freeze Shock Poison Charm Distress Confuse Fear Rage
- Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Strike Attack Normal attack using the Strike attribute.
Null Freeze Protects completely from being afflicted with Freeze.
Null Shock Protects completely from being afflicted with Shock.
Null Dizzy Protects completely from being afflicted with Dizzy.

Arcana Level HP SP
Strength 5
Magic 5
Endurance 5
Agility 5
Luck 5
Priestess 8 100
Slash Strike Pierce Fire Ice Elec Wind Light Dark Almi
- - - Resist Weak Weak Resist - - -
Down Dizzy Freeze Shock Poison Charm Distress Confuse Fear Rage
- Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Strike Attack Normal attack using the Strike attribute.
Kouha Deals weak Light damage to 1 foe.
Null Freeze Protects completely from being afflicted with Freeze.
Null Shock Protects completely from being afflicted with Shock.
Null Dizzy Protects completely from being afflicted with Dizzy.


P3 Bosses
Guardians Venus Eagle (3) - Dancing Hand (3) - Rampage Drive - Crying Table (3) - Change Relic - Golden Beetle (3) - Intrepid Knight - Furious Gigas (3) - Fanatic Tower - Magical Magus (3) - Natural Dancer - Arcane Turret (3) - Sleeping Table - Hell Knight (3) - Mythical Gigas - Judgement Sword (3) - Stasis Giant (3) - Phantom King - Royal Dancer (3) - Reckoning Dice - Noble Seeker (3) - Carnal Snake (3) - World Balance - Fierce Cyclops (3) - Jotun of Grief
Full Moon Operation bosses Arcana Priestess - Arcana Emperor and Arcana Empress - Arcana Hierophant - Arcana Lovers - Arcana Chariot and Arcana Justice - Arcana Hermit - Arcana Fortune and Arcana Strength - Arcana Hanged Man - Death
Other Takaya Sakaki and Hypnos - Jin Shirato and Moros - Chidori Yoshino and Medea - Reaper - Elizabeth
P3P Exclusive Theodore - Margaret
P3 FES Bosses
Guardians Immortal Gigas + Visceral Maya (3) - Brilliant Cyclops - Death Castle + El Dorado Beast (2) - Harem Dancer + Merciless Maya (2) - Judgement Sword + Ice Raven + Brave Wheel - Primitive Idol + Shouting Tiara + Wrathful Book - Wondrous Magus + Crying Table + Cowardly Maya - Neo Minotaur - Spastic Turret + Slaughter Drive (2) - Conceited Maya - Rebellious Cyclops + Acheron Seeker (2) - Tenjin Musha + Kaiden Musha + Onnen Musha
Other Metis and Psyche - ??? - Akihiko Sanada and Caesar + Ken Amada and Kala-Nemi - Junpei Iori and Trismegistus + Koromaru and Cerberus - Yukari Takeba and Isis + Mitsuru Kirijo and Artemisia - Erebus
P3 Reload Bosses
Guardians Ruthless Ice Ravens (2) - Barbaric Beast Wheel & Magic Hands (2) - Swift Axle ~ Will O' Wisp Raven & Lightning Eagles (2) - Heretic Magus & Grievous Tables (2) - Disturbing Dice & Slaughter Twins (2) - Clairvoyant Relic ~ Servant Tower & Enslaved Cupids - Lascivious Lady & Profligate Gigas (2) - Fleetfooted Cavalry ~ Ochlocratic Sands (3) - Arcanist Decapitator, Heat Overseer, & Sky Overseer - Deviant Convict & Tome of Atrophy - Controlling Partner & Dependent Partner ~ Venomous Magus & Five Fingers of Blight (2) - Bloody Maria & Executioner's Crown - Imposing Skyscraper ~ Heartless Relic & Rampaging Sands (2) - Raging Turret - Terminal Table - Jotun of Authority, Purging Right Hand, & Subservient Left Hand - Isolated Castle ~ Pagoda of Disaster & Tomes of Persecution (2) - Dancing Beast Wheel - Demented Knights (2) - Cruel Greatsword & Serpents of Absurdity (2) - Invigorated Gigas
Monad Cowardly Maya - Magical Magus & Shouting Tiara ~ Bronze Dice & Muttering Tiara - Iron Dice - Muttering Tiara ~ Dogmatic Tower & Immoral Snakes (2) - Natural Dancers (2) - Vehement Idol ~ Minotaur II - Haunted Castle & Spiritual Castle - Intrepid Knight & Change Relic ~ Heat Balance, Sky Balance ~ Shadow of the Void
Major Arcana
0. Fool Arcana - I. Magician Arcana - 1(E). Councillor Arcana - II. Priestess Arcana - III. Empress Arcana - IV. Emperor Arcana - V. Hierophant Arcana - V(T). Apostle Arcana- VI. Lovers Arcana - VII. Chariot Arcana - VIII. Strength Arcana/Justice Arcana - IX. Hermit Arcana - X. Fortune Arcana - XI. Justice Arcana/Strength Arcana - XI(T). Hunger Arcana - XII. Hanged Man Arcana - XIII. Death Arcana - XIV. Temperance Arcana - XV. Devil Arcana - XVI. Tower Arcana - XVII. Star Arcana - XVIII. Moon Arcana - XIX. Sun Arcana - XX. Judgement Arcana - XX(T). Aeon Arcana - XXI. World Arcana - XXI(T). Universe Arcana - (VS) Faith Arcana - (VS) Hope Arcana
Minor Arcana
Suit of Coins - Suit of Cups - Suit of Swords - Suit of Wands
Shadow Arcana
I. Arcana Magician - II. Arcana Priestess - III. Arcana Empress - IV. Arcana Emperor - V. Arcana Hierophant - VI. Arcana Lovers - VII. Arcana Chariot - VIII. Arcana Justice - IX. Arcana Hermit - X. Arcana Fortune - XI. Arcana Strength - XII. Arcana Hanged Man - XIII. Death