Persona 4 The Animation -The Factor of Hope- is a film adaptation of Persona 4 The Animation.
- Japan: June 9th, 2012 (Theatrical)
- Japan: August 22, 2012 (Blu-Ray/DVD)
The Factor of Hope is a 90-minute animated film re-cutting footage from the animation series and including the unaired episode 26 True End Episode No One Is Alone. It saw a limited release in ten theaters in Japan. The Factor of Hope opens midway through the battle against Ameno-sagiri and shows parts of the final episodes before touching on the rest of the series through flashbacks inter-cut between Tohru Adachi's confession. Specific focus is given to the encounters with Mitsuo Kubo and Taro Namatame. The battle against Adachi afterwards is largely uncut. Following the fight against him, it cuts to the letter Yu Narukami received from him leading into the events of the 26th episode.
It was included on the tenth volume of the Japanese Blu-Ray and DVD release for the anime series.
At the end of the movie, there is a teaser of Persona 3 The Movie: Spring of Birth shown. The 28 second scene shows the protagonist of Persona 3 pointing his evoker to his head and firing it.
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