Kankichi Mishina is a minor character in the Persona 2 duology.
- Persona 2: Innocent Sin: Restaurant owner, Boss as Metal Daddy
- Persona 2: Eternal Punishment: Restaurant owner
Persona 2[]
Kankichi is Eikichi Mishina's father and the owner and chef of the Gatten Sushi restaurant. He is rough and loud, and is an intimidating man who forces Eikichi to become the successor of his sushi shop. He is said to be skilled in 18 kinds of martial arts like judo, karate and capoeira. In truth, Kankichi doesn't know any of those and fabricated the rumor himself in order to intimidate Eikichi, but his son believes the rumor and fears his father to the point that he would often run to play with the Masked Circle, and never wears make up until away from him.
He is one of the vendors in the game and the protagonist(s) may buy Sushi from him as recovery items.
Innocent Sin[]
"Motto is "Heart, brains, and prawn." Wants Eikichi to follow in his footsteps. Rumored to be skilled at multiple martial arts..."
The first time the player visits Gatten Sushi, an event will occur where Kankichi scolds his son for dressing like a weirdo and urges him to inherit the restaurant. Lisa finds it amusing that the boss of the high school has such a weak spot for his parent.
While advancing inside Xibalba, where thoughts become reality, Eikichi thought of the fear for his father, and a metallic copy of him instantly shows up to attack the party. After the fight, Eikichi bluffs and claims he has overcame the fear of his father, while the rest just shrugs. A similar event would happen to Jun later on, where he causes the party to be attacked by a metallic copy of Junko Kurosu just because he thought about not wanting to return to his mother's side.
Nyarlathotep manifests Kankichi in leather/rubber tights as the right leg of his Great Father avatar and shouts "Do as I say!" at Eikichi while attacking. Its signature move "Master 18" directly refers to the rumor of his martial arts capability.
Eternal Punishment[]
Kankichi moved his restaurant from Hirasaka ward to Rengedai because he believes in Chizuru Ishigami's fortune telling that the new location will prosper his business. Tatsuya Suou from the Innocent Sin universe is shocked by the relocation.
Innocent Sin[]
- The name Kankichi means "tolerant, generous" (寛) (kan) and "lucky, good" (吉) (kichi).
- Kankichi's surname Mishina means "three" (三) (mi) and "family, department, section" (科) (shina).