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From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Lyn has gained 10 experience points for attacking and damaging an enemy Brigand. Killing the Brigand would have awarded her a much higher amount of experience.

Experience (Japanese: 経験値 experience points), abbreviated as EXP, EX, or E, is a value tied to a unit's growth and progression throughout the game. In every Fire Emblem series game, units earn experience by fighting, using staves or performing other actions, and upon gaining enough experience points—100 in most games—a unit's level will increase and they will gain stats.


Experience is amassed progressively throughout the game as the player's units take part in battles. By fighting and defeating enemies, or performing support acts like using staves, dancing or stealing, units are rewarded for performing these actions with small amounts of experience, directly tying a unit's growth to their active participation in the activities in battle.

Generally speaking, the amount of experience gained from any given battle is directly tied to how strong the allied unit is compared to the enemy they fight. A unit at level 1 in a base class will typically gain the highest possible amount of experience, with the amount awarded for defeating the same foe decreasing as they level up or change class. Conversely, higher-leveled and promoted enemies will award allied units progressively higher experience amounts; bosses award the most significant amount of all, and for lower-leveled units defeating a boss will often award them a full 100 experience, enough to guarantee leveling up.

Gameplay modes and experience

Several gameplay modes in certain Fire Emblem games alter the experience growth of units, either as a side effect or as their primary point.

Bonus experience

Main article: Bonus experience

Exclusive to Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn is bonus experience (often abbreviated as BExp), a system which rewards players for accomplishing certain goals with a supply of free experience. From the base menu, the player can award any bonus experience points they've accumulated to their units to increase their experience. With every chapter cleared, the player will earn a minimum quantity of BExp, with additional BExp earned by quicker completion of the chapter or through accomplishing other tasks such as protecting NPCs.

In Path of Radiance, the Paragon and Blossom skills affect the amount of BExp required to level a given unit up;[1] in Radiant Dawn, where the skills can be reassigned at any time, they do not.[2]

Internal levels

As the reclassing mechanism of Fire Emblem Awakening and Fire Emblem Engage theoretically allows for infinite experience and level gains, the game also implements a special checking mechanism to discourage excessive grinding by slowing experience gain after a certain point. This is accomplished through what are known as internal levels, a hidden value maintained for each character which keeps track of how many times they have reclassed and, upon reaching a certain internal level, penalizes their further experience gain. Internal level is defined using the formula below.[3]

Internal levels returned in Fire Emblem Fates, modified not by reclassing but by promotion.

Game Formula Notes
Awakening Displayed level + Promotion bonus + Cumulative level Promotion bonus is 20 if the unit is in a promoted class, 0 otherwise.
Cumulative level is initially 0. Each time the unit uses a Second Seal, [(Displayed level + Promotion bonus − 1) / 2] is added to this value.
Cumulative level caps at 20 on Normal mode, 30 on Hard mode, and 50 on Lunatic(+) mode.
Fates Displayed level + Cumulative level Cumulative level is initially 0. When a unit uses a Master Seal, it is increased by [(Displayed level + 20) / 2], rounded down.
Engage Displayed level + Cumulative level Cumulative level is initially 0. When a unit uses a Master or Second Seal, it is increased by (displayed level - new level), where new level is the unit's level post-class change.
Cumulative level caps at 30 on Normal mode, 40 on Hard mode, and 50 on Maddening mode.


Experience needed for next level

Game Formula Notes
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light through Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, Engage 100 --
Three Houses Levels 1–21: 100 × [1.1 ^ (Player's level − 1)]
Level 22: 100 × [~1.06545 ^ (Player's level − 1)]
Levels 23+: 100 × [1.05 ^ (Player's level − 1)]
Heroes 100 × [1.1 ^ (Player's level − 1)] [5]

Player unit deals no damage

Game Formula Notes
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light 0 If the player unit is a Curate, they instead get the same amount of EXP as if they killed their opponent.
Mystery of the Emblem, Genealogy of the Holy War, Shadow Dragon through Engage 0 --
Gaiden, The Binding Blade, The Blazing Blade, The Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn 1 --
Thracia 776 (31 − Player's level) / Player's class relative power Experience is doubled if the game is set to Paragon Mode.
Unit does not gain any experience if under the Berserk status.

Player unit deals damage but does not kill the enemy

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Game Formula Notes
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light Damage dealt Maximum of 20.
Gaiden Experience from killing enemy × Damage dealt / Enemy's Max HP / 2 [4]
Mystery of the Emblem Damage dealt Maximum of 10.
Genealogy of the Holy War 10 + Level difference Level difference is (Enemy's level − Player's level)[6]
Thracia 776 (31 − Player's level) / Player's class relative power Experience is doubled if the game is set to Paragon Mode.
Unit does not gain any experience if under the Berserk status.
The Binding Blade, The Blazing Blade, The Sacred Stones (31 + Level difference) / Player's Class relative power Minimum of 1.
Level difference is (Enemy's level + Enemy's promotion bonus) − (Player's level + Player's promotion bonus).
The promotion bonus for both player and enemy units is 20 if the unit is promoted, 0 otherwise.
If unit is under the Berserk status and attacks a player unit, neither gain any experience.
Path of Radiance (21 + Level difference) / 2 + Easy mode bonus Minimum of 1.
Level difference is (Enemy's level + Enemy's promotion bonus) − (Player's level + Player's promotion bonus).
The promotion bonus for both player and enemy units is 20 if the unit is promoted, 0 otherwise.
Easy mode bonus is 5 if playing on Easy mode, 0 otherwise.[7]
Radiant Dawn (Mode base + Enemy's level × Enemy's transformation factor + Enemy's promotion bonus − Player's level × Player's transformation factor − Player's promotion bonus) / 2 + Laguz bonus Minimum of 1.
Mode base is 39 if playing on Easy mode, 21 if playing on Normal mode, and 11 if playing on Hard mode.
Transformation factor is 2 for transformed Laguz, 1 for all other units.
The promotion bonus for both player and enemy units is 40 for third-tier Beorc, 20 for second-tier promoted Beorc, 0 otherwise.
Laguz bonus is 10 if playing on Easy or Normal mode and the enemy is a Laguz, 5 if playing on Hard mode and the enemy is a Laguz, 0 otherwise.
Shadow Dragon Level difference ≥ −1: (31 + Level difference) / 3
Level difference < −1: (33 + Level difference) / 3
Level difference is (Enemy's level + Enemy's promotion bonus) − (Player's level + Player's promotion bonus).
The promotion bonus for both player and enemy units is 15 if the unit is promoted, 0 otherwise.[8]
New Mystery of the Emblem Level difference ≥ 0: (31 + Level difference) / Class divisor
Level difference < 0: (33 + Level difference) / Class divisor
Level difference is (Enemy's level + Enemy's promotion bonus) − (Player's level + Player's promotion bonus).
The promotion bonus for both player and enemy units is 15 if the unit is promoted, 0 otherwise.
Class divisor is 5 for Manaketes and transformed dragons, 3 otherwise.[9]
Awakening Level difference ≥ −1: (31 + Level difference) / 3 − Lunatic penalty
Level difference < −1: max(1, [33 + Level difference] / 3) − Lunatic penalty
Minimum of 0.
Level difference is (Enemy's level + Enemy's promotion bonus) − Player's internal level.
Enemy's promotion bonus is 20 if the unit is promoted, 0 otherwise.
Lunatic penalty is min(3 − Number of times the player attacked the enemy, 0)
and only applies when playing on Lunatic or Lunatic+.[3]
Three Houses Experience from killing enemy × Damage dealt / Enemy's Max HP / 2 [4]

Killing an enemy

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Game Formula Notes
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light Enemy's class base EXP + (Enemy's level − 1) + Boss bonus This value is shown as the experience point value on an enemy's status menu. This value is kept upon recruitment.
Boss bonus is 10 if the enemy is a boss, 0 otherwise.
Gaiden [Enemy's Class EXP × (Enemy Level + 9) / 10)] × Class relative power × Level Factor / 100 [Enemy's Class EXP × (Enemy Level + 9) / 10] cannot exceed 255, and is always 255 for Entombed.
Level factor is 10 if the user's level is 1 or 2, and decreases by 1 for every level until level 10, where the level factor is 2.
Mystery of the Emblem and Archanea Saga Enemy's class base EXP + Boss bonus This value is shown as the experience point value on an enemy's status menu. This value is reset to 0 upon recruitment.
Boss bonus is 30 if the enemy is a boss, 0 otherwise. Manakete bosses grant the boss bonus when classed as a Manakete, but do not when they transform.
Maximum of 99.
Genealogy of the Holy War 30 + (Level difference × 2) Level difference is (Enemy level − Player level)[6]
Thracia 776 Experience from doing damage + Boss bonus + Steal bonus + max{0, [Enemy's class relative power × (Enemy's level + Enemy's promotion bonus)] − [Player's class relative power × (Player's level + Player's promotion bonus)] + 20} Maximum is 100.
Promotion bonus is 20 if the unit is of an advanced class, 0 otherwise.
Boss bonus is 40 if the enemy is a boss, 0 otherwise.
Steal bonus is 20 if the enemy has the Steal skill, 0 otherwise.
Experience is doubled if the game is set to Paragon Mode.
Unit does not gain any experience if under the Berserk status.
The Binding Blade Experience from doing damage + (Enemy's level × Enemy's Class relative power + Enemy's class bonus) − (Player's level × Player's Class relative power + Player's class bonus) + 20 + Thief bonus + Boss bonus Minimum is equal to "Experience from doing damage".
Maximum is 100.
Class bonus for both player and enemy units is 40 if the unit is a Bishop or Valkyrie; 60 if the unit is any other promoted class; 0 otherwise.
Thief bonus is 20 if the enemy is a Thief; 0 otherwise.
Boss bonus is 40 if the enemy is a boss; 0 otherwise.
If unit is under the Berserk status and attacks a player unit, neither gain any experience.
The Blazing Blade, The Sacred Stones Experience from doing damage + Silencer factor × [(Enemy's level × Enemy's Class relative power + Enemy's class bonus) − {(Player's level × Player's Class relative power + Player's class bonus) / Mode divisor} + 20 + Thief bonus + Boss bonus + Entombed bonus] Minimum is equal to "Experience from doing damage".
Maximum is 100.
Silencer factor is 2 if Silencer was activated, 1 if not.
Class bonus for both player and enemy units is 40 if the unit is a Bishop (female only in The Blazing Blade), Valkyrie, Rogue, or Assassin; 60 if the unit is any other promoted class; 0 otherwise.
Mode divisor is 2 if (Enemy's level × Enemy's Class relative power + Enemy's class bonus) ≤ (Player's level × Player's Class relative power + Player's class bonus) and if playing on Eliwood or Hector Normal modes in The Blazing Blade, or prior to Chapter 9 in The Sacred Stones; 1 otherwise.
Thief bonus is 20 if the enemy is a Thief, Rogue, or Assassin; 0 otherwise.
Boss bonus is 40 if the enemy is a boss; 0 otherwise.
Entombed bonus is 40 if the enemy is an Entombed; 0 otherwise.
If unit is under the Berserk status and attacks a player unit, neither gain any experience.
Path of Radiance Experience from doing damage + Level difference + Mode bonus + Boss bonus + Thief bonus Minimum is equal to "Experience from doing damage".
Maximum is 100.
Level difference is (Enemy's level + Enemy's promotion bonus) − (Player's level + Player's promotion bonus).
The promotion bonus for both player and enemy units is 20 if the unit is promoted, 0 otherwise.
Mode bonus is 30 if playing on Easy mode, 20 if playing on Normal mode, 15 if playing on Hard mode, 10 if playing on Maniac mode.
Boss bonus is 0 if enemy is not a boss; if it is a boss, 40 if playing on Easy mode, 30 on Normal mode, 25 on Hard mode, and 20 on Maniac mode.
Thief bonus is 20 if the enemy has the Steal skill; 0 otherwise.[7]
Radiant Dawn Experience from doing damage + (Enemy's level × Enemy's transformation factor + Enemy's promotion bonus) − (Player's level × Player's transformation factor + Player's promotion bonus) + (Enemy's Class bonus − Player's Class bonus) + Mode bonus + Boss bonus + Thief bonus Minimum is equal to "Experience from doing damage".
Maximum is 100.
Transformation factor is 2 for transformed Laguz, 1 for all other units.
The promotion bonus for both player and enemy units is 40 for third-tier Beorc, 20 for second-tier promoted Beorc, 0 otherwise.
Class bonus is always 0 if playing on Hard mode; if playing on Easy or Normal mode, it is 5 for Laguz under level 15 and unpromoted Beorc, 15 for transformed Laguz level 15 or above, and 10 for all other units.
Mode bonus is 28 if playing on Easy mode, otherwise 15.
Boss bonus is 0 if enemy is not a boss; if it is a boss, 60 if playing on Easy mode, 40 on Normal mode, and 30 on Hard mode.
Thief bonus is 0 if the enemy does not have the Steal skill; if it does, 30 if playing on Easy mode, 20 on Normal mode, and 10 on Hard mode.
Shadow Dragon Level difference > 0: 30 + (Level difference × 3.33) + (Thief/Boss bonus)
0 ≥ Level difference ≥ −2: 30 + (Thief/Boss bonus)
Level difference < −2: 37 + (Level difference × 3.33) + (Thief/boss bonus)
If calculated experience would be < 15: (54 + Level difference) / 3
Minimum is 8.
Maximum is 100.
Level difference is (Enemy's level + Enemy's promotion bonus) − (Player level + Player promotion bonus).
The promotion bonus for both player and enemy units is 15 if the unit is promoted, 0 otherwise.
Thief/Boss bonus is 20 if the enemy is a Thief or boss, 0 otherwise.[8]
Awakening Level difference ≥ 0: Experience from doing damage + 20 + (Level difference × 3) + (min{Unit bonus, Unit bonus + Class bonus}) + (Boss bonus)
Level difference = −1: Experience from doing damage + 20 + (min{Unit bonus, Unit bonus + Class bonus}) + (Boss bonus)
Level difference ≤ −2: Experience from doing damage + (max{7, [26 + (Level difference × 3) + (min{Unit bonus, Unit bonus + Class bonus}) + (Boss bonus)})
Minimum is equal to "Experience from doing damage".
Maximum 100.
Level difference is [Enemy level + (20 if the enemy is promoted, 0 otherwise)] − (Player's internal level).
Unit bonus is 20 if the enemy is a Deadlord or Einherjar, 0 otherwise.
Class bonus is 20 if the enemy is a Thief, Assassin, Trickster, or Conqueror; 80 if the enemy is a Revenant or Entombed; -10 if the enemy is a Troubadour, Cleric, or Priest; 0 otherwise.
Boss bonus is 20 if the enemy is a boss, 0 otherwise.[3]
Three Houses [Enemy's class EXP × (Enemy level + 9) / 10] × (Level difference) × Boss bonus Level difference is dependent on the difficulty.
Boss bonus is 2 if the enemy is a boss or in a monster class, 1 otherwise.[4]

Using a staff or white magic

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Game Formula Notes
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Gaiden 0 --
Mystery of the Emblem, Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776, Archanea Saga, Radiant Dawn Staff's EXP value This value is shown on the staff's description.
The Binding Blade, The Blazing Blade, The Sacred Stones (Staff's EXP value) / (Promotion divisor) Staff's EXP value = (Cost per use) / 20 + 10, rounded down.
Promotion divisor is 2 if promoted, 1 if not.
Path of Radiance Staff's EXP value Staff's EXP value = (Cost per use) / 20 + 10, rounded down.
The exception is the Ashera Staff, which costs 0 gold and gives 100 experience.
Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem [(Staff's EXP value) − (Level penalty)] / (Promotion divisor) Level penalty is 0 when user's level is 1 to 5, 1 when it is 6 to 8, 2 when it is 9 to 11, 3 when it is 12 to 14, 4 when it is 15 to 17, and 5 when it is 18 or greater.
Promotion divisor is 2 if promoted, 1 if not.
Awakening (Staff's EXP value) − (max{0,Player's internal level − 5} / 3) + (Non-promotion bonus) + (Exceptions) Minimum EXP is 1, regardless of how high the user's internal level is.
Non-promotion bonus is active only if the user is not promoted; it is 8 on Normal mode, 3 on Hard mode, 0 on Lunatic(+) mode.
Exceptions is -1 if the user's internal level is 8 or 11, 1 if it is 30, 0 otherwise.[3]
Three Houses (Level + 9) × (Skill bonus) × (Bonus multipliers) × (Turn penalty) Skill bonus is 1 if the spell used is Heal; 1.5 if it is Recover, Physic, Restore, or Ward; 2 if it is Silence or Rescue; 3 if it is Fortify or Warp; 0 if it is a supportive gambit.
Turn penalty is 1 during turns 1–20, 0.95 from turns 21–25, 0.9 from 26–30, 0.85 from 31–35, 0.8 from 36–40, 0.7 from 41–45, 0.6 from 46–50, 0.5 from 51–55, 0.4 from 56–60, 0.3 from 61 onward.[4]

Miscellaneous actions

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Participating in battle map
Game Formula Notes
Gaiden Class relative power × Level factor / 5 Level factor is 10 if the user's level is 1 or 2, and decreases by 1 for every level until level 10, where the level factor is 2.[10]
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia If unit defeated no enemies: ceiling{Class relative power × Level factor / 5} × 1.4
If unit defeated enemies: min{20,Class relative power × Level factor × Enemies defeated factor × Total rating of defeated foes / 420}
Maximum 100; minimum 1.
The first formula is used if it would give more experience than the second.
Cannot bring a unit to over 99 total experience.
Level factor is 10 if the user's level is 1 or 2, and decreases by 1 for every level until level 10, where the level factor is 2.
Enemies defeated factor is 1 for 1 enemy defeated, 1.5 for 2, 1.9 for 3, 2.25 for 4, 2.55 for 5, 2.8 for 6, 3 for 7, 3.1 for 8, 3.2 for 9, and 3.25 for 10 or more enemies defeated that map.
Some on-map cutscenes may cause units that appear during them to use the formula for no enemies defeated regardless of how many enemies they defeated that map, while units that do not appear during the on-map cutscenes receive no experience.
Dancing, playing, singing, etc.
Game Formula Notes
Mystery of the Emblem, Genealogy of the Holy War,
Thracia 776, The Binding Blade, The Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn
10 --
The Blazing Blade 10 or 20 10 if Dance or Play is used.
20 if Ninis's Grace, Filla's Might, Thor's Ire, or Set's Litany is used.
Awakening 17 − (max{0,Player's internal level − 5} / 3) + (Exceptions) Minimum EXP is 1, regardless of how high the user's internal level is.
Exceptions is −1 if the user's internal level is 8 or 11, 1 if it is 30, 0 otherwise.[3]
Three Houses (Level + 9) × 2 × (Bonus multipliers) × (Turn penalty) Turn penalty is 1 during turns 1–20, 0.95 from turns 21–25, 0.9 from 26–30, 0.85 from 31–35, 0.8 from 36–40, 0.7 from 41–45, 0.6 from 46–50, 0.5 from 51–55, 0.4 from 56–60, 0.3 from 61 onward.[4]
Game Formula Notes
Thracia 776, The Binding Blade, The Blazing Blade, The Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn 10 --
Game Formula Notes
The Sacred Stones 10 --

Items and skills affecting experience

Items and skills affecting experience
Item Effect Games
Is snes01 gradivus.png Gradivus Doubles the user's experience gain when equipped. Mystery of the Emblem, Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga*
Is snes01 mercurius.png Mercurius Doubles the user's experience gain when equipped. Mystery of the Emblem, Engage*
Is snes01 parthia.png Parthia Doubles the user's experience gain when equipped. Mystery of the Emblem, Engage*
Is 3ds01 paragon.png Paragon Doubles the user's experience gain. Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Awakening, Fates, Three Houses, Warriors
Is snes02 paragon ring.png Paragon Ring Doubles the user's experience gain when in the user's inventory. Genealogy of the Holy War
Is snes03 paragon sword.png Paragon Sword Doubles the user's experience gain when equipped. Thracia 776
Is wii blossom.png Blossom Multiplies the user's experience gain by 0.7/0.5. Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn
Is 3ds01 veteran.png Veteran Multiplies the user's experience gain by 1.5 when Pair Up is in effect. Awakening
Is 3ds03 golden apple.png Golden Apple Gives the user 100 experience points when consumed. Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is 3ds02 nobility.png Nobility Multiplies the user's experience gain by 1.2. Fates, Engage
Is 3ds02 future sight.png Future Sight (Luck) % chance of doubling the user's experience gain after initiating an attack and defeating the enemy. Fates
Is 3ds02 void curse.png Void Curse Nullifies a unit's potential experience gain from fighting or killing the user. Enemy only. Fates, Engage
Is ns01 professor's guidance.png Professor's Guidance Multiplies the unit's and any adjacent unit experience gain by 1.2. Three Houses, Engage
Is ns01 imperial lineage.png Imperial Lineage Multiplies the unit's experience gain by 1.2. Three Houses
Is ns01 leicester lineage.png Leicester Lineage Multiplies the unit's experience gain by 1.2. Three Houses
Is ns01 royal lineage.png Royal Lineage Multiplies the unit's experience gain by 1.2. Three Houses
Is ns01 professor's guidance+.png Professor's Guidance+ Multiplies the unit's and any adjacent unit experience gain by ×1.2. Three Houses
Is ns01 imperial lineage+.png Imperial Lineage+ Multiplies the unit's experience gain by 1.2. Three Houses
Is ns01 leicester lineage+.png Leicester Lineage+ Multiplies the unit's experience gain by 1.2. Three Houses
Is ns01 royal lineage+.png Royal Lineage+ Multiplies the unit's experience gain by 1.2. Three Houses
Is ns01 model leader.png Model Leader Multiplies the experience gain of the user's equipped battalion by ×2. Three Houses
Saint Statues Multiplies the experience gain of all units based on statue levels (maximum bonus: +40%). Three Houses
Is feh universal shard.png Shards and Crystals Used to increase a character's level via the Level Up option. Only usable if there are enough to reach the next level. Heroes
Is feh sword exp 1.png Sword Experience 1 Multiplies experience earned by user by ×1.5. Heroes
Is feh sword exp 2.png Sword Experience 2 Multiplies experience earned by all wielders of axe skills by ×1.5. Heroes
Is feh sword exp 3.png Sword Experience 3 Multiplies experience earned by all wielders of axe skills by ×2. Heroes
Is feh axe experience 1.png Axe Experience 1 Multiplies experience earned by user by ×1.5. Heroes
Is feh axe experience 2.png Axe Experience 2 Multiplies experience earned by all wielders of axe skills by ×1.5. Heroes
Is feh axe experience 3.png Axe Experience 3 Multiplies experience earned by all wielders of axe skills by ×2. Heroes
Is feh r tome exp 1.png R Tome Exp 1 Multiplies experience earned by user by ×1.5. Heroes
Is feh r tome exp 2.png R Tome Exp 2 Multiplies experience earned by all wielders of red tome skills by ×1.5. Heroes
Is feh r tome exp 3.png R Tome Exp 3 Multiplies experience earned by all wielders of red tome skills by ×2. Heroes
Is feh b tome exp 1.png B Tome Exp 1 Multiplies experience earned by user by ×1.5. Heroes
Is feh b tome exp 2.png B Tome Exp 2 Multiplies experience earned by all wielders of blue tome skills by ×1.5. Heroes
Is feh b tome exp 3.png B Tome Exp 3 Multiplies experience earned by all wielders of blue tome skills by ×2. Heroes
Is feh g tome exp 1.png G Tome Exp 1 Multiplies experience earned by user by ×1.5. Heroes
Is feh g tome exp 2.png G Tome Exp 2 Multiplies experience earned by all wielders of green tome skills by ×1.5. Heroes
Is feh g tome exp 3.png G Tome Exp 3 Multiplies experience earned by all wielders of green tome skills by ×2. Heroes
Is feh bow exp 1.png Bow Experience 1 Multiplies experience earned by user by ×1.5. Heroes
Is feh bow exp 2.png Bow Experience 2 Multiplies experience earned by all wielders of bow skills by ×1.5. Heroes
Is feh bow exp 3.png Bow Experience 3 Multiplies experience earned by all wielders of bow skills by ×2. Heroes
Is feh beast exp 1.png Beast Experience 1 Multiplies experience earned by user by ×1.5. Heroes
Is feh beast exp 2.png Beast Experience 2 Multiplies experience earned by all wielders of beast skills by ×1.5. Heroes
Is feh beast exp 3.png Beast Experience 3 Multiplies experience earned by all wielders of beast skills by ×2. Heroes

Flavor text

Game Text
The Binding Blade
Experience points gained. Gain
100 points to earn a new level.*
The Blazing Blade
Experience points gained. Gain
100 points to earn a new level.
The Sacred Stones
Experience points gained. Gain
100 points to earn a new level.
Path of Radiance
The unit's current amount of experience
points. Units level up when they
gain 100 experience points.
Radiant Dawn
The unit's current amount of
experience. Units level up every
100 experience points gained.
Experience gained in battle.
At 100, the unit gains a level.
Experience gained in battle.
At 100, the unit gains a level.
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Experience gained in battle.
At 100, the unit gains a level.
Three Houses
Experience gained in battle.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes





Experience points


Puntos de experiencia

Experience points






Experience points


Punti esperienza

Experience points





  1. Bonus Exp, Serenes Forest, Retrieved: November 22, 2022
  2. Radiant Dawn - Calculations, Pegasus Knight, Retrieved: November 22, 2022
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Awakening - Calculations, Serenes Forest, Retrieved: August 25, 2021
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Cysx, Healing/Support action Exp formula + Exp table from level 1 to 50, Serenes Forest Forums, Retrieved: August 25, 2021
  6. 6.0 6.1 Genealogy of the Holy War - Calculations, Serenes Forest, Retrieved: August 25, 2021
  7. 7.0 7.1 Path of Radiance - Calculations, Serenes Forest, Retrieved: August 26, 2021
  8. 8.0 8.1 Shadow Dragon - Calculations, Serenes Forest, Retrieved: April 24, 2023
  9. Heroes of Light and Shadow - Calculations, Serenes Forest, Retrieved: April 24, 2023
  10. Gaiden - Calculations, Serenes Forest, Retrieved: December 12, 2023

See also

Game mechanics
Out-of-battle management Base (BarracksBase CampBase conversationEveryone's ConditionsExpeditionGarreg Mach Monastery (Abyss) • My CastleSomniel) • Bonus experienceCalendarDungeonsGameplay modes (DifficultyCreature CampaignNew Game +) • GoldLessonsMila ShrinesPeddlerPreparationsRenownShopping (ArmoryBargainsForgeItem shopMerchantOnline shopSecret shop) • Supply convoyWorld map
Battles and chapters ArenaBattle saveBossCastleChapter (Alternate routeParalogueSide quest) • ChestCombat forecastEvent tilesHidden treasureObjectivesReinforcementSkirmishTerrain (Hazards) • Trial MapTurn (Turn rewind) • Weather (Fog of war) • Village
Stats Units ActionAffinityAuthorityBiorhythmCharmClass (Class masteryClass relative powerUnit type) • Constitution (Aid) • DefenseExperienceFollow-up critical multiplierGrowth rateHit pointHoly BloodInventoryLevelLuckMagicMoraleMovementProficiencyResistanceSkillSpeedStrengthWeapon levelWeight
Weapons Brave weaponCritical rateDurabilityHitKill bonusMightPersonal weaponsRangeWeapon experienceWeapon levelWeightWorth
Unit mechanics and commands AdjutantAttack (Counterattack) • Auto-BattleBattalion (Gambit) • CantoChain attackChain GuardClass change (Reclass) • Combat artCrestsDance (GaldrarPlaySing) • Death (Decoy) • DismountDragon VeinEmblem RingsFatigueInventoryLaguz transformationLove (JealousyInheritance) • Pair UpRallyRecruitmentRescue (Capture) • Skills (Offensive skill) • SmashStaggering BlowStatus effectsSupportTalkTradeUnit (AvatarBond unitsBonus unitEinherjarLoan unitPrisonerReplacement unit) • Visit
Calculations AttackAttack speedAvoidBonus damageCritical hit (Combination bonusDodgeTriangle Attack) • Hit rate (True hit) • Random number generatorWeapon triangle (Trinity of magic)
Connectivity amiiboData transferDouble DuelDownloadable contentLink ArenaMultiplayer battleOnline shopSpotPassStreetPass
Other BarrierBirthdayClass rollGlitchesMovieMultiple endingsRankingsSound RoomTactician bonus