The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
For her live-action counterpart, see Lisa Loud (live-action).
For her episode of Listen Out Loud, see Lisa Loud (Listen Out Loud).
"Lisa" redirects here. For the voice director, see Lisa Schaffer.

Oh, being the residence genius is both a blessing and a curse, though I believe in neither.

—"Study Muffin"

Lisa Loud is a main character in The Loud House and a minor character in The Casagrandes.


Early life[]

Lisa has been a genius since birth. As a baby, she helped Lori with her algebra homework and kept her very first fecal samples. At age 1, she began doing bizarre experiments around the house. Around age two, she managed to potty-train herself in just an hour. At some point, she did an experiment that went wrong which caused her to lose her real hair and grow an extra toe as a result.

At 5-years-old (4-years-old before Season 5), Lisa is the second-youngest of the Loud siblings. She is often seen working on complex experiments, equations, and formulas. Lisa attends the first grade at Royal Woods Elementary School, having attended kindergarten prior to "Schooled!".

Lisa, despite her very young age, is a Junior Nobel Prize recipient. Though she is still in first grade (kindergarten in the first four seasons), she is exceedingly smarter than other kids her age and has entered school two years early.


Lisa Running

Lisa doing her usual science.

Though the second-youngest of the Louds, Lisa is a child prodigy, so she's the smartest kid in the bunch. Because of this, she often tends to be egocentric, boorish, condescending, and sarcastic with other people. She speaks with a lateral lisp, and usually has a stoic frown, though she does smile from time to time.

As she herself claims in "Heavy Meddle", she normally does not care for "inane human emotions", but sometimes becomes excited when something really good happens, like when she and the other sisters discover Lincoln's romantic situation in "Heavy Meddle". She was also shown to have fallen for Hugh like all of her other sisters, and showed a more immature side to her, at one point having Hugh show off his six pack under the lie that she was teaching Lola human anatomy with him as an example. She also became somewhat irrational, claiming she would marry Hugh, and have children with him, despite the obvious age difference, and following him around like her other sisters. She also does not believe in superstition, fortune telling, blessings or curses as she is a realist and believes only in science as stated in "Raw Deal" and "Study Muffin". However, she isn't completely close-minded, as she believes in aliens, as she claimed in "Friend or Faux?", and she accepts the fact that Luna is dating a girl, as seen in the comic "Sam's Pick". Nonetheless, she likes to be with her siblings and have fun with them, even if she doesn't express it.

In many episodes, she can be seen working on strange experiments. In "Left in the Dark", she creates an Oreo shaped cookie called "Gloweos" with the infused DNA of a jellyfish, and if someone ate it, all of his/her body would glow. One of her favorite hobbies is resolving very difficult math problems. She also likes to study her siblings' feces and bathroom habits, something they all find gross and annoying. As seen in "Overnight Success", Lisa not only likes to do experiments on her siblings, but she also likes to do them with people outside of her family.

Though easily the most mature of her siblings, she can also be quite mischievous and sneaky. For the most part her pranks are hidden in unassuming objects; such as acne cream, sunscreen, mouthwash, etc., with results like turning skin blue, mild sunburns, and hot-pepper induced fever, respectively. Lisa is also completely willing to join in the madness caused by her siblings, whether it be disputes over money, the "sweet spot," or just playing along. This proves that while Lisa is a genius, she's still a kid and occasionally acts her age.

Contrasting most of her family, Lisa is very honest and blunt about what is on her mind. Lisa's brutal honesty isn't so much out of a sense of morality, but because she doesn't want to waste brain space by making up a lie. However, in "House of Lies", she is shown to be horrified by the number of lies in her house, and even tries to remedy it, implying that her honesty is at least partially due to a sense of morality. As seen in "Heavy Meddle", her honesty makes her incapable of keeping a secret. Like Lincoln, she's very individual in contrast to rest of the sisters as seen in "It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House".

Lisa, like her polar opposite Leni, is ironically very scatterbrained. She can frequently forget crucial ingredients to her various experiments, which can lead to devastating, though hilarious, outcomes. She also frequently forgets to look up while reading while walking, much to her embarrassment, and tends to misplace her vials, test tubes, and chemicals.

As seen in "Party Down", Lisa appears to have a fun side, as she gets what appears to be a sugar high from having too much chocolate from a chocolate fountain. This proves that Lisa isn't a complete no nonsense person and can loosen up and act her age.

In the episode "Friend or Faux?", she is shown to be very manipulative, as she manipulated an innocent girl named Darcy Helmandollar into befriending her just to get an "A" in social skills. Despite this, when Darcy felt bad after discovering Lisa's ulterior motives, Lisa felt guilty, showing that she does not manipulate people out of ill intent.

Throughout the series, beginning with "The Mad Scientist" where she tries living in a massive laboratory only to realize she misses life in the Loud House itself, Lisa has grown to be more appreciative of her family and everything they do for her. She is also more eager to use her knowledge and skills to directly help her loved ones rather than using them to lure them into experiments like she used to. In "Geriantics", for example, she tries to get her grandfather Albert to engage in activities that she believes will ensure his life lasts longer and he can continue to do all the things she loves doing with him with no major health concerns, but ultimately realizes that it's better to simply enjoy the time he's still around. Other examples include "The Loud Cloud" where she collaborates with Lincoln on an app that would help the family organize their plans and activities, "Hiccups and Downs" where she designs an anti-hiccup spray to cure Luna's case of the hiccups before her band's big performance, and "Day of the Dad" where she gives Lori a memory-wiping stick so she can use it to make Arturo forget about the incident where she accidentally pushed him into a puddle. Although these creations tend to malfunction or go wrong at some point, Lisa always means well and will do anything she can to help out.

Lisa has also learned to be more open with her emotions throughout the series' run, and has been shown to be smiling more often in later seasons, with her voice having a somewhat more lively ring to it compared to her more monotone portrayal in earlier seasons. She still has a lot of her old snark, however, and will not hesitate to diss or call out one of her siblings if she finds an opportunity to do so. One example of this is "Road Trip: Screen Queen" where when Lola begs her family to make the director think everybody talks about her and Leni says everyone already does, Lisa scoffs and says, "I believe she means in a good way."

Nick Description[]

Lisa Loud is smarter than the rest of her siblings combined. She spends most of her time in her lab setting off mysterious explosions, but she's always willing to help out with homework, or explain the structural flaws in someone's pillow fort. She loves her test subjects siblings!

—Nickelodeon, 2016


Lisa without glasses

Lisa without her glasses.

Lisa is slightly taller than Lily, but shorter than Lana and Lola.

She wears large glasses, a green turtleneck sweater, dark pink pants, and brown shoes with no socks, all of which droop down to illustrate her stoic demeanor. And as stated, and shown, in "Potty Mouth", is bald, toothless, and has an extra toe on her right foot, due to her experiments, requiring her to wear a short and shaggy brown wig, and dentures in order to appear normal.

As of Season 5, she is now occasionally portrayed full-time with eyebrows, when emoting with her eyes.

Her sleepwear consists of a lime green nightshirt with three white buttons, and likewise lime green pants.

Her swimwear consists of blue goggles, and a green one-piece swimsuit with a horizontal pink line in the middle.


Screen Shot 2017-08-07 at 6.44.41 PM

Lisa's glasses are black-framed, with two circular lenses that are a translucent blue color, and only her pupils can be seen through them when she is wearing them. As of "Making the Grade", she has surgically corrected her eyes, and no longer needs them to see. However, she still wears them for unknown reasons, possibly a subconscious reaction as she has worn them her entire life.

Alternate versions and alter-egos[]

Levi Loud[]

Main article: Genderbent Royal Woods
Levi Loud

In an alternate universe where the sisters are boys, Lisa is a boy named Levi. Like Lisa, Levi is a child prodigy, and speaks using really big words, as shown when he told his two older "cro-magnons" Leif (Lana) and Lexx (Lola) to "diminish their cacophony", so that their youngest sibling Leon (Lily) can "suspend consciousness". When the confused twins told Levi to "speak English", Levi clarified that they needed to quiet down so Leon can nap.

Unlike Lisa however, Levi is shown to be harsh and uncaring towards Lincoln, as shown when the boys mock him after Luke (Luna) uses him to clean the bathroom, laughing at him when Leon bit his thumb when he got a "boo boo", and teasing him over going on a date with Ronnie Anne. He is also harsh towards Lynn Sr., as the boys dog-pile him whenever they see him. He also plays keep-away with the time watch his female counterpart made to send Lincoln home.

In another alternate universe where everyone is the opposite gender, and Lincoln is a girl, Levi is shown to be caring and honest with Lincoln, like Lisa.

Levi eventually ceases to exist when it is revealed Lincoln's whole adventure with the boys was just a really strange dream he was having.

Card Counter[]

Lisa as the Card Counter

Lisa interpreting Card Counter.

In the minicomic Deuces Wild!, Lisa interprets the superheroine called Card Counter, who is also one of Ace Savvy's sidekicks. She uses a special container to trap creatures like the gas monster. In the comic, she is summoned by Savvy (played by Lincoln) alongside the rest of Savvy's deck (played by the rest of her sisters) to help him and One-Eyed Jack (played by Clyde) to defeat the gas monster. After they defeat it, they prepared to fight against a garbage monster. This was a fantasy Lincoln had based on him, Clyde, and his sisters changing Lily's diaper and taking out the trash.

In "Pulp Friction", Lincoln comes up with the Card Counter as part of a comic he wrote to enter in a contest.

In "Kings of the Con", Lisa goes to a convention dressed as the Card Counter and impresses everybody, especially when she wins a counting competition.

The Card Counter wears a very long red, yellow, and black striped scarf with numbers on it, a light green shirt, a yellow belt, a skirt that matches her scarf, and light green boots. Her name comes from the casino strategy of card counting, and the fact that Lisa is good with numbers.


Main article: The Loud Rabbits#Beatrice
Nerdy Rabbit

Beatrice is the one of the rabbit sisters, and the rabbit version of Lisa Loud.

Beatrice is a standard white rabbit, with a pink nose, that wears a chartreuse top with a light blue collar, and a light blue colored skirt. Like Lisa, she also wears big thick black glasses.

Beatrice is like Lisa in every aspect: she's the smartest member in the family, and has a lateral lisp.


S4E24 Robot Lisa

This unnamed robot is a robot that Lisa based on herself in the children's story they made up in "A Dark and Story Night".

The robot is silver and runs on a track. She has large yellow eyes, grey arms and fingers, a little blue door on her belly, a large head, red markings on her body, and an antenna with a red light on top. She also wears a red sports helmet and black glasses. The robot Lisa is usually quite small, but she has the ability to grow larger.

In the story, the robot Lisa was trapped in a bramble bush and freed by Triton (Lincoln's alter-ego), DeLola (Lola's alter-ego) and Ribbon (Lana's alter-ego). The robot explained that her battery was low and she needed recharging before sunset, so she accompanied them on their quest for pieces of an electric crystal.

Later, she helped the mermaid version of Lori by building a waterwheel for the mermaid to charge her phone with.

When the crystal was assembled, the robot Lisa recharged her battery, grew larger, and hugged everyone else.

The Ghost of Christmas Past[]

Lisa as The Ghost of Christmas Past

In "A Flipmas Carol", Flip dreamt about The Ghost of Christmas Past, who resembled Lisa.

The Ghost of Christmas Past looks a lot like Lisa, except her sweater is white instead of green and, being a ghost, she has no legs and is surrounded by a blue glow.

She appeared to Flip in his dream and, goading him with money, showed him the time when Scoots sold him a fake ticket and dead flowers at his middle school dance.

Lisa Beast Head[]

10HB The beast guarding the artifact

In 10 Headed Beast, she and the rest of the sisters are represented as a hydra.


Lisa also has a live-action series counterpart, whose page can be found here.


  • Lisa is skilled at breakdancing, as shown in "Tripped!".
  • Lisa is named after one of Chris Savino's five sisters.
  • Her name means "promised by God".[6]
  • Her Polish name is Halszka, with the nickname "Hala."
TLHP Lisa stares at Linc

Lisa's sweater is differently colored in the pilot.

  • Lisa's turtleneck sweater was originally cyan-blue before being changed to green in development.
    • In the pilot short and "Left in the Dark", her sweater was a more vibrant green than in subsequent appearances.
    • The version of her with the blue sweater also had dark red hair.
  • Despite her height, Lisa is capable of driving Vanzilla.[7]
  • Lisa initially had no friends due to her condescending and anti-social attitude, as well as lack of understanding of friendship.[8]
    • However, she maintains a healthy relationship with her family and would later go on to befriend Darcy and Sid.[9]
nicktheloudhouse Verified
Nickelodeon Animation
nicktheloudhouse Verified Good question, @thoupgaming11! 👌 Hope you're not in trouble, LINCOLN MARIE LOUD! 😂😂😂 #TheLoudHouse #asklincolnloud
MARCH 15, 2017[10]
  • For a long time, it was thought that Lisa was the first Loud sibling to have their middle name revealed, in "April Fools Rules", where it's revealed that her middle name is Marie. However, it could be false because according to the "Ask Lincoln" segment in Instagram, their parents call everyone Marie as a second name when they are in trouble.[2]
  • Lisa initially did not use the bathroom, because it stole time away from her experiments, and instead used Lily's training potty.[11] However, this seems to have changed before "Spell It Out", because from that episode onwards, she does indeed use the bathroom.
  • She has a habit of giving the scientific name of an event or object, then calling it by its "street name".
  • She prefers to sit in the back of the car in case the engine blows up or a low flying plane comes in.
  • The episodes "Linc or Swim" and "Suite and Sour" suggest Lisa is fastidious about hygiene, as she is seen constantly trying to check in whether a pool she's about to enter is clean.
    • "Wet, Lather and Scrub" also suggests that she is fastidious about hygiene, since she reminds kids to wash their hands, washes her whole body several times, and expresses disgust at her classmates' unhygienic habits, referring to them as "walking petri dishes."
  • Lisa has already finished school up through getting a PhD[12], but in "Making the Grade", she's suddenly attending Lincoln's elementary school.
  • Luna ruined Lisa's first opera by stage diving onto the orchestra.[13]
    • This also reveals that Lisa likes opera.
  • Lisa's ideal superpower is her brainpower, claiming she does not need one.
  • Lisa pays the house's bills.[14]
  • Lisa tutors Lynn to allow her to stay on her sports teams.[15]
    • It is also revealed in "Study Muffin" that Lisa tutors all of their other sisters. She does not tutor Lincoln because she does not have the time to do so, although she would tutor him if she was available.
    • In particular, she does not mind doing Lori's homework, but does not appreciate how it is not "challenging" enough for her to do.[16]
  • It is confirmed in "Picture Perfect" that she is almost blind due to astigmatism and cannot see very well without her glasses. This persisted until "Making the Grade", where she performs laser eye surgery on herself. However, Lisa has continued to wear her glasses since then.
    • By The Loud House Movie, "The Loudly Bones", and "Eye Can't", she once again cannot see well without her glasses. In real life, laser eye surgery never wears off.[17] However, since she performed the procedure on herself, it is possible that the reason why her laser eye surgery wore off is because there was a flaw in her procedure.
    • In addition, in "Time Trap!", she mentions that she has poor peripheral vision.
  • In the comic "Shocker", Lisa has the ability to understand Lily's babbling.
    • This means that Lisa, Lincoln, and Luan are the only ones who can understand Lily's babbling.
    • Another comic, "It's Just a Phase", reveals that Lisa started doing experiments when she was one, which was initially dismissed as a phase by Rita and Lynn Sr.
  • She talks to the audience in "Undie Pressure", making her the first character besides Lincoln to do so.
  • Lisa has connections with NASA.[18]
  • She is the second-youngest, but the most intelligent of her siblings. Alternatively, Leni is the second-oldest but the least intelligent of her siblings.
  • According to "Party Down", she can get really hyped up on sugar.
  • It is revealed in "Spell It Out" that Lisa has spent 1,482 days in her lab, which equals to 4 years and 22 days. This means that Lisa has spent time in her lab since her very birth.
    • She has also been a genius since her very birth; in the movie, a baby Lisa is shown helping Lori with her homework.[19]
  • Lisa can sometimes be very immature and disgusting. As seen in "Study Muffin", she shows Lola Hugh's six pack and butt, and in "Lock 'n' Loud", she installed cameras in the bathroom, and she asked Lori and Leni for their stool samples.
  • Lisa does not always get permission for her experiments. For instance, in "Room with a Feud", Luan asks Lisa how she got their DNA samples and she doesn't want to answer, in "Project Loud House", she tricks Leni into using her experimental ointment, and in "Undie Pressure", she runs into the bathroom while Lori is using it to complete her scatology.
  • Due to a "nuclear experiment gone wrong," Lisa is bald and has to wear a wig, and also has an extra toe on her right foot. Lisa is also revealed to wear false teeth, but it is never explained how, other than Lisa simply telling her siblings that it is a "long story."[20]
    • However, the info about Lisa's hair and feet has been contradicted a few times in previous episodes, such as "Room with a Feud", when she is scratching her head, only to have her hair fall off, as if it was attached to her.
    • Also, in episodes where she is shown barefooted, she does not appear to have an extra toe on either foot.
    • In addition, sometimes, Lisa's wig does not fall off her head when she trips/falls (for example, in "Fam Scam"), with some notable exceptions (for example, in "Appetite for Destruction").
      • In "The Mad Scientist", while making sure she has her eleven toes after going back in time, it's also revealed near the end of the episode that Lisa also does not wear socks on her feet while wearing her shoes.
  • In "Potty Mouth", it is shown Lisa likes rap/hip-hop music, as she is seen listening and singing along to it with a pair of headphones.
  • Lisa has a crush on a boy named David,[21] who like Lisa herself, was born highly intelligent and enjoys studying science and other subjects. He also appears to be a male version of Lisa with one exception: Lisa likes biology as well as chemistry, while David does not.
  • According to Lori in "Garage Banned", Lisa removed Lincoln's appendix.
  • According to some information from The Loud House Instagram page:
    • She describes herself as "98% water."
    • She wants to travel to Alaska in the summertime for 24 hour daylight research.
    • No one has the clearance on her secrets.
    • Her biggest pet peeve is when a salad bar runs out of croutons.
  • She owes 50,000 dollars to the library for overdue books.[22]
  • She is not skilled at arts and crafts, due to having stubby fingers.[23]
  • She is fluent in Mandarin, Latin, Swedish, and West Coast Rap.[24] She has also since learned French.[25]
    • Although she does not speak Cantonese fluently,[24] she does know how verbs and adjectives interact in it.[26]
  • She can make a time machine, but not a PB&J sandwich. [27]
    • She also cannot zip up her sleepwear and has difficulty sleeping at night without a story.[27]
  • Despite being able to create a living dinosaur,[26] she cannot revive a dead plant.[28]
  • Despite being a genius, she's terrible at passwords, with her birthdate being the only password she goes by.[29]
    • So far, Lisa's birthdate has not been revealed, but one Nickelodeon TV spot from December 2021 seems to imply that she's a Sagittarius.[30]
  • She still takes naps.[8][31] Her nap time does not coincide with Lily's as she is shown active while her roommate is taking her nap,[32] and her nap time is at noon.[31]
  • Lisa's voice actress, Lara Jill Miller, also voices Lincoln's friend Liam, and previously voiced Lynn's best friend Margo, before the role was taken over by Brec Bassinger.
  • Lisa originally had no lines in the pilot; this changed during a voice audition, in which then-casting director Gene Vassilaros immediately awarded the part to Lara Jill Miller after he heard her do a voice which contained a lisp.[33]
  • When she blows things up, it often wakes up Fangs.[34]
  • When she was a baby, she kept her used diapers.[35]
  • She does not know much about sports, and considers this her Achilles heel.[36]
  • Over the course of the series, she has tried,[37] and eventually succeeded,[38] to invent cryogenic stasis.
  • In "Schooled!", it is revealed by Lynn Sr. that Lisa potty trained herself in just an hour.
  • On road trips, she likes to recite potential dangers.[39]
  • Loud noises can give her tinnitus.[39][40]
  • She claims her IQ is 180.[41]
  • She doesn't like Lynn Sr.'s calamari due to not finding it salty enough.[42]
  • She and Lucy are the only Loud sisters who don't have visible eyelashes.
  • She has won an award for "Most Diseases Cured by a Kindergartener", which she earned after helping an unspecified "everyone" avoid catching the flu.[43]
  • She has an alarm in her and Lily's room, which she uses to stop fights.[44]
  • She owns chloroform.[45]
  • When doing DNA tests, she'll make her subject go through a bunch of tests to get their saliva as she finds simply making them spit in a cup boring.[19]
  • According to an analysis she did, she is the least likely of the Loud siblings to break a breakable object.[46]
  • Her biggest priority is her emotional attachments, closely followed by scientific pursuit, which is itself followed by West Coast rap.[47]
  • She can play the Theremin skillfully.[48]
  • She has a tendency to misinterpret her surroundings when her vision is impaired. She also used to be afraid of going to the optician's, but has since gotten over it.[49]
  • She has poor peripheral vision.[50]
  • Lisa is the only Loud sibling who currently wears glasses.
  • When she first constructed Todd, she started spending less time with Mr. Reinforced Titanium Alloy Arms, which caused her to feel guilty. Eventually, she managed to spend equal time with both.[51]
  • She has tried, but failed, to decipher the secret language the twins invented.[52]
  • Lisa is one of the only three main characters to normally wear glasses, the other being Clyde and Carlos.
  • She, the twins, Lori, Luna, Chandler, Rita, Lynn Sr., Lucy, Lincoln, Myrtle, Mr. Bolhofner, Gayle, Par, Hector and Ronnie Anne are so far the only characters who have celebrated their birthdays.
    • However, Lisa's birthday happened off-screen, as evidenced by a piece of dialogue in "The Loudly Bones" and "No Spoilers". This has also been the case with Luna and Lori.
  • She once liquefied Lincoln's snow globe collection and then wiped his memory to make him forget owning it.[53]
  • Hunger and sleep deprivation can make her extremely inattentive, to the point where she doesn't even recognise she's hungry or sleep deprived.[54]
  • She, the rest of the Loud family, Charles, Geo, Todd, Flip, Rusty and Clyde are the only characters from The Loud House to appear in The Casagrandes.
  • She, Lori, Lincoln and Bobby are the only characters to appear in every season across all three shows.
  • The type of PB&J sandwich she prefers doesn't have much jelly, has the crusts removed, and is cut into four triangles (which she believes fits into her mouth the best).[55]
  • She owns a lightning rod.[56]
  • She thinks rodents are "stimulating".[57]
  • Lisa, Clyde, Rosa, Carlos, Sisiki, and Zach are the only characters who have doted eyes.
  • She is able to get into a fight cloud brawl by herself.[58]



  1. In "April Fools Rules", her parents address her name as Lisa Marie Loud. However, according to the "Ask Lincoln" segment in Instagram, their parents calls everyone "Marie" as a second name when they are in trouble.
  2. Loud, Lisa; Mulligan, Katherine (June 9, 2016). "Butterfly Effect" (in English). The Loud House. Season 1. Episode 11a. Nickelodeon. "Lisa: 'Flip's the only guy who will hire four-year-olds with no experience.' / Katherine Mulligan: 'One has to wonder, where did it all go wrong for these girls? And why is a four-year-old working at a gas station?'"
  3. Dr., Alvarez (November 26, 2021). "The Loudly Bones" (in English). The Loud House. Season 5. Episode 24b. Nickelodeon. "Your [Lisa's] story is very compelling. A five-year-old who found a dinosaur bone in her yard? Exciting stuff."


  1. Nickelodeon (June 6, 2016). The Loud House | Inside The Loud House w/ Creator Chris Savino | Nick (English) (Video). YouTube. Archived from the original on 2016-08-28.
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Loud House [@nicktheloudhouse] (March 15, 2017). "Good question, @thoupgaming11! 👌 Hope you're not in trouble, LINCOLN MARIE LOUD! 😂😂😂 #TheLoudHouse #asklincolnloud". Nickelodeon Animation. Archived from the original on 2022-02-16. Retrieved 2020-07-22 – via Instagram.
  3. Lincoln Loud's ABCs of Getting the Last Slice
  4. Lisa Loud from Loud House (English). Nickelodeon. Archived from the original on 2016-06-20. Retrieved on 2020-07-22.
  5. Friend or Faux?
  6. Lisa - Baby Names (English) (Encyclopedia). Baby Archived from the original on 2016-11-05. Retrieved on 2020-07-22.
  7. "Time Trap!"
  8. 8.0 8.1 "Friend or Faux?"
  9. Kick Some Bot"
  10. @nicktheloudhouse (March 15, 2017). "Good question, @thoupgaming11! 👌 Hope you're not in trouble, LINCOLN MARIE LOUD! 😂😂😂 #TheLoudHouse #asklincolnloud". Nickelodeon Animation. – via Instagram.
  11. "Sleuth or Consequences"
  12. Blinded by Science
  13. "For Bros About to Rock"
  14. "Chore and Peace"
  15. "Butterfly Effect"
  16. Loud, Lisa (May 9, 2016). "Driving Miss Hazy" (in English). The Loud House. Season 1. Episode 3a. Nickelodeon. "In exchange for transporting me to the planetarium, I've done your [Lori's] calculus homework. Next time, I would appreciate a challenge."
  17. Does LASIK wear off? (English). Memorial Eye Institute. Archived from the original on 2022-05-24. Retrieved on 2023-04-04. “No, the effects of LASIK do not wear off.”
  18. "Snow Bored"
  19. 19.0 19.1 The Loud House Movie
  20. "Potty Mouth"
  21. "L is for Love"
  22. "Read Aloud"
  23. "No Place Like Homeschool"
  24. 24.0 24.1 "Fool Me Twice"
  25. "Eye Can't"
  26. 26.0 26.1 "School of Shock"
  27. 27.0 27.1 "The Mad Scientist"
  28. "The Orchid Grief"
  29. "Last Loud on Earth"
  30. GrasshalmClips (December 4, 2021). It's Sagittarius Season - Keep it here Spot (Nickelodeon U.S.) (English) (Video). YouTube. GrasshalmClips YouTube channel. Archived from the original on 2022-03-27.
  31. 31.0 31.1 "House of Lies"
  32. Living Loud: Lincoln's List
  33. Fitzgerald, Liam (July 3, 2021). I VIDEO CHATTED WITH LARA JILL MILLER!!!!!! (English) (Video). YouTube. Archived from the original on 2021-01-13.
  34. Lucy Loud's Family Poems
  35. "Room and Hoard"
  36. "How Double Dare You!"
  37. "Cereal Offender"
  38. "April Fools Rules"
  39. 39.0 39.1 "The Sweet Spot"
  40. "Pipe Dreams"
  41. "Friday Night Fights"
  42. "Dream a Lily Dream"
  43. "The Struggle is Real"
  44. "Dream a Lily Dream"
  45. "Fed Up"
  46. "Family Tree"
  47. "The Mad Scientist"
  48. "House Music"
  49. "Eye Can't"
  50. "Time Trap!"
  51. "The Last Laugh"
  52. Loud, Lincoln (May 14, 2021). "Training Day" (in English). The Loud House. Season 5. Episode 14b. Nickelodeon. "They [Lana and Lola] have their own twin language. Even Lisa can't crack it."
  53. "Day of the Dad"
  54. "Space Jammed"
  55. "Baby Steps"
  56. "Leave No Van Behind"
  57. "Sister Resister
  58. "Sales Forced"

v - e - d The Loud House characters
v - e - d The Casagrandes characters