The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

The Helmandollar family is composed of Darcy Helmandollar and her relatives.

Darcy Helmandollar[]

Main article: Darcy Helmandollar

Darcy's mother[]

Darcy's mother is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "InTODDnito".


Darcy's mother is a dark-skinned woman with short, dark brown hair, and two pairs of eyelashes. She wears lime green earrings, a gold necklace yellow collared shirt, gold dress, light yellow socks, and teal green shoes.



Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind[]


Darcy's father[]

Darcy's father is an unseen character in The Loud House. He was mentioned in Friend or Faux? when he gave Darcy two cookies for her and Lisa.

Darcy's grandfather[]

Darcy's grandfather is an unseen character in The Loud House.

v - e - d The Loud House characters