The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
He's got, a... cool hat, a red one. And his name is Rib... bon. Yeah, Ribbon the Frog.
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Casey's family is composed of Casey and his relatives.

Family members[]


Main article: Casey


For the Loud children's grandpa, see Albert.

Alberto is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "Meal Ticket". He's also Casey's father and the owner of a food truck named "Alberto's Cabano".


Alberto is a tall dark-skinned man who is bald, has thick black eyebrows, and a brown beard. He wears a yellow hat with red belt, dark yellow polo, white apron, blue/grey trousers and black shoes.


His son Casey describes Alberto as little eccentric, because he likes playing with hand puppets and singing about how to make his panini. He's a nice man, because he agreed to let Ronnie Anne and Sid, so they would watch Yoon Kwan's concert. Still he wanted the girls to work properly for him, so he trained them until they were competent enough.


Meal Ticket[]

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A Very Casagrandes Christmas[]




v - e - d The Casagrandes characters