The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

List of various minor mammals.

Aggressive Cat[]

The aggressive cat is a tabby cat appearing in "Overnight Success".


In "Overnight Success", it attacked Lincoln while he was making his presentation on why he should be allowed to have a slumber party. This, however, turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as Lynn Sr. enjoyed the video due to being a "sucker for cat videos".


Ajax is an Australian shepherd belonging to Girl Jordan.


Ajax is white with fluffy ears and tail and black spots. He wears a red bandanna.


When Lincoln, Clyde, Rusty, and Zach sneaked over to Girl Jordan's pool party, Lincoln and Clyde took all their clothes except their underwear off to go swimming. Ajax then stole Lincoln and Clyde's clothes and chewed them up when they tried to get them back upon their departure.


Pasture Bedtime[]


Ann, also known as Antoinette, is a skunk who lives in Tall Timbers Park.


Ann is a standard black-and-white skunk with a big swirly tail, 2 pair of eyelashes, and a white tuft of fur on her head.


One day, Ann got a cold while at Tall Timbers Park. Lana found her and brought her back to the Loud House to recuperate. Before bedtime, Lola discovered Ann sleeping on her Egyptian cotton sheets, and even after Lana explained the situation, refused to let Ann near her.

The next day, Lana had to help Liam with wrangling some newborn piglets, so she entrusted Lola to watch over Ann. Lola had to take Ann with her to Reininger's, where she discovered that the skunk had a fondness for fashion. Before long, Lola developed a new fondness for Ann, letting her on to her bed and even renaming her Antoinette. Lana came back to inform Lola that since Antoinette had recovered, they had to take her back to the wild. Lola volunteered to let Antoinette, go, but they couldn't bring themselves to part with each other.

Lola decided to hide Antoinette from Lana, hiding the skunk in her locker at school. It wasn't long until Antoinette escaped, and her stench became prominent at school. Lola tracked Antoinette down in the vents, but Lana, while furious Lola had kept Antoinette, decided to help release the skunk back into the wild. That said, Lola and Antoinette would still find time to visit each other.


Love Stinks[]

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The Bear is a bear that first appears in "In Tents Debate".


The bear is an overweight brown grizzly bear.


The bear first appears in "In Tents Debate", in which it angrily chases Lincoln.

Later, in "Roughin' It", Lincoln and Clyde went camping, but accidentally landed on the bear, mistaking it for a soft rock. This angered it, and it chased them, so Lincoln and Clyde played dead (which was Lincoln's idea, who was inspired by Lucy).

In "Friends in Dry Places", the bear attacked Lincoln and his friends, who fought it off.

In "Rumor Has It", Mr. Bolhofner fights with the bear, earning him the nickname "Coolhofner".

In "Musical Chairs", the bear is attracted to the food Lincoln brought to feed Hank.

In "Eye Can't", Lisa mistakes the bear for a human due to her astigmatism.


In Tents Debate[]

Roughin' It[]

Friends in Dry Places[]

Rumor Has It[]

Musical Chairs[]

Eye Can't[]



Beto is an alpaca that was a close friend of Arturo's during his time in Peru.


Arturo met Beto during his first year in Peru. At the time, Beto was a cria. Throughout his time in Peru, Arturo raised the alpaca and taught him how to do tricks like riding on a tandem bicycle. He even considered Beto to be like a son to him.

Many years later, Beto came to Great Lakes City for a visit. During the visit, he would constantly pester Bobby and Ronnie Anne while out of Arturo's sight, but while Arturo was watching him, he would be on his best behavior. Bobby and Ronnie Anne attempted to show their father just how despicable Beto really was, but the alpaca would always either destroy the evidence or prevent it from appearing in the first place. Eventually, they realized that the only way to prevent Beto from pestering them was to get rid of him once and for all, so they attempted to ship Beto back to Peru. However, Beto was resistant to their attempt to board him onto the cruise ship, and he knocked both of the Santiago children off the pier. Fortunately for them, the action was caught on camera during a news interview with Ernesto Estrella, so they showed the proof to Arturo. Arturo told Beto that since he would not get along with his children, he would have to send him back to Peru. After Beto was boarded onto the cruise ship the next morning, Arturo had an emotional breakdown, and his children noticed. They decided to straighten up their relationship with Beto and allow him to stay, which Arturo approved of. However, just as they made the decision, the boat left the pier and headed off to Peru, along with them all.


Alpaca Lies[]

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Big Tony and Little Sal[]

Big Tony and Little Sal are two Dachshunds belonging to Vito Filliponio. Despite their names, they are exactly the same size, and are medium sized as far as dogs go.


Both dogs are brown with black ears and wear white shirt collars. Little Sal wears a beige hat and a pink tie with a red stripe, while Big Tony wears a grey hat with a darker grey band and a blue feather, and a blue bow tie.


In Episode 5 of The Casagrandes Familia Sounds, Vito parades with them and other weenie dogs. Carl and Ronnie Anne also wash them as part of Carl's dog-washing business.

In "Walk Don't Run", Ronnie Anne and Sid walk them, along with six other dogs, for money. When the Street Cats chase the dogs away, Big Tony runs to the park and is lured back with a squirrel, while Little Sal runs to the pet store to play in a cat tree, since he likes cat toys. Later, all the dogs ran away again after Buttercup swallowed a whistle and it made noise from her stomach.

In "The Horror-Scope", they eat spaghetti together, and Ronnie Anne tries to talk to Vito, but when Vito becomes suspicious, his dogs become angry and growl at her.

In "Trend Game", Ronnie Anne observes both dogs squatting to empty their bowels, which inspires her to pretend that squatting is a new trend.

In "Señor Class", they helped Vito win a trip to Italy buy stuffing tickets with his name in the raffle box.

In "New Roomie", Vito and his dogs temporarily move in with the Casagrandes. Big Tony and Little Sal chase Sergio and keep Lalo awake when he tries to nap. Later, they get Vito kicked out of the neighbor's apartments by destroying Mrs. Kernicky's exercise gear, annoying Nelson, and climbing into Artemis's tuba. This episode also reveals that they drink milkshakes before five AM every morning.

In "Bo Bo Business", Vito hears about Bobby's promotion to pet a bunny while shopping at Hong's Korean Market, and he mistakes it for an opportunity to shop with his dogs. Bobby agrees to let him shop with his dogs, followed by everyone else with their pets. The animals eventually go rampant beyond control, and Vito and both of his dogs end up being tied up during the chaos.

In "Dial M. for Mustard", Big Tony and Little Sal cry on command to make Vito come off as innocent.

In "A Very Casagrandes Christmas", Vito brings his dogs over to spend Christmas with the Casagrandes.

In "Fool's Gold", they switch the sign to the monkey enclosure over to help Vito get to the gold that was apparently there.

In "An Udder Mess", they take Vito's Dairyland tickets and refuse to give them back until Bruno gives them ten hot dogs each.

In "Fluff Love", Vito buys a stuffed penguin and Carlitos (who was disguised as a teddy bear) for his dogs as chew toys. Carlitos escaped and gave the toy to Alexis.

In "Battle of the Grandpas", Grandpa Danny lifts Vito and both dogs.

In "Lalo Land", they audition to be Phoebe Powers new canine sidekick.

In Friends and Family, Bobby and Carl try to sell Vito some candy for the dogs, but he refuses due to the candy's bad odor.


Walk Don't Run[]

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The Horror-Scope[]

Trend Game[]

Señor Class[]

Bo Bo Business[]

Dial M. for Mustard[]

A Very Casagrandes Christmas[]

An Udder Mess[]

Fool's Gold[]

Fluff Love[]

Battle of the Grandpas[]

Just Be Coo[]

Lalo Land[]

Tooth or Consequences[]

The Bros in the Band[]

The Golden Curse[]

Perro Malo[]

Maxed Out[]

Skatey Cat[]

Race Against the Machine[]

The Wurst Job[]

The Oddfather[]

Bitey's prospective girlfriend[]

Bitey's prospective girlfriend is a rat that Lana found at the dump. She is a dark grey rat with large jowls.


While searching for Fenton in "The Crying Dame", Lana searched through the dumpster and found this rat instead. She considered making her the girlfriend of her pet rat Bitey, but this rat was aggressive.


Bitsy is an African elephant in the Great Lakes City zoo.

Bitsy doesn't seem to mind being ridden on, and Becca frequently rides on Bitsy to make dramatic entrances and get around the zoo quickly. The Casagrandes Familia Sounds reveals that she takes mud baths daily. Like a typical cartoon elephant, she enjoys peanuts.

In "How to Train Your Carl", Becca rides Bitsy around.

In "Fool's Gold", Bitsy helps Hector, Carlos, Carl, and C.J. get to the monkey habitat. Then Bitsy eats the chocolate coins and spits out the coupons they were wrapped in, revealing that the money was fake. Bitsy intimidates Hector into treating everyone to tacos from Pancho Villa Tacos.

In "Zoo-mergency!", she is one of the animals that Sid tries to teach to skateboard, but Stanley ends up crashing into her butt. Sid successfully teaches Bitsy to paint, but she gets mad at Vito for demanding a painting of him redone and his money back. Later, she is the last of the animals to be lured back to the zoo with music.

In "Fashion No Show", she participates in Mariella Moss's latest fashion show.


The Casagrandes[]

How to Train Your Carl[]
Fool's Gold[]
The Golden Curse[]
Don't Zoo That[]

The Loud House[]

Fashion No Show[]


Brown rabbit[]

The brown rabbit is a rabbit seen at the end of "White Hare".


At the end of "White Hare", one of the white rabbits was handed a flower by the rest of them and passed it to the brown rabbit.

Lincoln told the white rabbit not to listen to its peers, since he'd recently dreamt that he was a rabbit and his rabbit sisters gave him advice to impress a girl who'd then rejected them, but the brown rabbit accepted the flower and the two of them hopped happily away.


Buttercup is a yellow Chihuahua belonging to the Casagrandes' neighbor Mrs. Flores. She is prone to eating random objects and coughing them up.


In "Walk Don't Run", Ronnie Anne and Sid walked Buttercup, along with seven other dogs, for money. Eventually, however, she and the others ran away when scared by the street cats. Ronnie Anne and Sid called them back and Buttercup, along with Nelson, came back. However, the dogs escaped again when Buttercup chewed through their leashes and ate Sid's dog whistle. They were caught by Marcus, who Ronnie Anne asked what to do about the whistle. He told them that they just had to "wait for number two" (if Buttercup didn't cough it up).

In Brand Stinkin' New, Ronnie Anne looked after Buttercup while Mrs. Flores is away. Lalo was annoyed at Buttercup for taking his spot on the couch and under the umbrella on a walk, and jealous of her because Ronnie Anne called her the cutest dog ever. However, when she then complimented Lalo, the two dogs learned to get along. Buttercup also swallowed and coughed up the TV remote and Ronnie Anne's lollipop.


  • Brand Stinkin' New reveals that despite being a Chihuahua, she can growl and bark loudly.


Walk Don't Run[]

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A Very Casagrandes Christmas[]

Salvador Doggy[]

The Sound of Meddle[]

Behind the scenes[]



Cinnamon Bartholomew, also known as The Rat Beast, is a minor character in The Loud House, featured in the episode "Tails of Woe".


He was once a normal rat who lived in Royal Woods Elementary School's science lab. He kept Norm the janitor company whenever he worked the night shift and always enjoyed eating corn chips. One night, however, Norm forgot to close the supply closet, and in an attempt to get to a bag of corn chips left there, Cinnamon was exposed to some chemicals that mutated his appearance, giving him glowing green eyes and a second tail. When Norm came back the next morning and saw what had happened, he secretly took Cinnamon to the school basement, out of fear that scientists would take him away to be studied. In the ten years since moving to the basement, though, Cinnamon frequently scurried through the school's vents, making noises in the hallways and swiping random possessions from the students.


Tails of Woe[]

City rats[]

The city rats are the rat leader's minions, who featured in "The Spies Who Loved Me" and "Trend Game".


The city rats are mean and scary gang of thugs who hatred of humans and wants to terrorize them by causing chaos across the city, but they turn out to simply be a large group of rats.

In "The Spies Who Loved Me" when a tracking chip fell from Ronnie Anne's backpack and stuck to one of them with chewing gum, the Casagrandes thought Ronnie Anne had run off to an abandoned building next to the jail, so they (minus CJ and Carlitos) went off searching for Ronnie Anne. When they got there, they found the rat and Carlota correctly guessed what had happened, but Rosa thought Ronnie Anne turned into a rat and Hector thought she'd been eaten by rats. Then, many other city rats began to attack the Casagrandes, so Ronnie Anne distracted them with her pretzel and they ran away.

In "Trend Game", the city rats chase Ronnie Anne and her friends in an abandoned building where she mistakenly thought a party was taking place. They caught Ronnie Anne and her friends by throwing them out of the tunnel while a city rat eats Sameer's shoe.

In "Never Friending Story", they carries Bobby and Par on their inflatable raft.

In "Fool's Gold", the city rats attack Carl when the latter gets a treasure hunt clue.

In "My Fair Cat Lady", the city rats reveal their leader and establishes that without the cats around to keep their population down. They steal Marcus' van and drive a few feet to escape. The rat leader and his city rats then escape from the van to merge into a giant rat beast and battles with the cats.


They are mean, scary, vicious and mysterious gang of rats who despises the humans and wants to terrorize them by causing chaos across the city.



Crikey is a kangaroo that serves as the mascot of the Royal Woods Kangaroos.


When she was supposed to order a kangaroo mascot costume, Coach Keck mistakenly ordered a real kangaroo instead as seen in "Cheer Pressure". Crikey was then condemned to ride in a cattle trailer towed behind a school bus for the ride to the basketball game at Hazeltucky Middle School. Due to space being needed for the coach's massage therapist Dennis and her massage chair, three team players had to ride in the cattle trailer, and Coach Keck decided to send Lynn, Margo, and Paula back there. Displeased, Lynn formed a bet with Jenna and her fellow cheerleaders that they would have a cheer-off, and whoever lost would have to ride with Crikey for the rest of the season. However, after plenty of practice, Lynn and her teammates lost the cheer-off to the cheerleaders and Lynn decided to accept their fate of riding in the trailer with Crikey. However, they all came to a compromise that they deserved to ride the bus together. On the interim, Jenna's mother talked to Principal Ramirez who plays bunco with her. Jenna mentioned that Principal Ramirez was so displeased that Coach Keck bought a real kangaroo and a masseuse with the school's money, she and Dennis were condemned to the trailer with Crikey. Crikey sticks his head out of the trailer and winks.

In "The Hurt Lockers", Rusty gets Crikey as his second locker-mate. However, Crikey keeps punching him.

In "Hunn-cut Gems", he is given a birthday cake by Chef Pat, but Rusty snatches some of the buttercream frosting. Crikey ends up beating him up in retaliation, and then doing so again after Rusty accidentally makes him drop an ice cream.


Crikey is a hyperactive kangaroo that constantly acts on impulse. According to the delivery guy, once he starts jumping, he does not stop. He is so hyperactive, in fact, he has to be kept on a leash when out in the open. However, he does stay calm on occasion.


  • His name is a British and Australian slang term used to express surprise.
  • "Hunn-cut Gems" reveals that he is capable of running like a human. However, in real life, kangaroos cannot run.


Cheer Pressure[]

The Hurt Lockers[]

Hunn-cut Gems[]


Fangs' friends[]

Fangs is sometimes seen with other bats, who appear to be Lucy's pets. Lucy seems to have them trained, at least to some extent.

In "One of the Boys", Lars owned a bat colony that hid underneath Lincoln's pillow while he was asleep.

In "Back in Black", Lucy is seen with Fangs and two other bats perching on her head.

In "Frog Wild", Principal Huggins is scared away by a lot of bats flying out of Lynn and Lucy's bedroom.

In "Pulp Friction", Lucy distracts Coach Pacowski by siccing lots of bats on him.

In "12 Days of Christmas", Lucy sings with Fangs and six other bats.

In "Write and Wrong", Lucy is seen swooping by with Fangs and another bat.

In "Sand Hassles", Lucy and her goth friends let bats loose in the bus to try to prevent a trip to the beach.

Feline Dion[]

Feline Dion (pronounced "Fuh-LEEN dee-ONN") is Cheryl's brown tabby cat who she adopted in "Pet Adoption Day with Lana Loud".

On adoption day, Cheryl came into the shelter looking for a cat and got on well with Feline. Lana, not wanting to part with Feline, tried to dissuade Cheryl from adopting her by claiming Feline didn't like wearing heels (because Cheryl said she liked cats in heels) and only liked sleeping on beds (because Cheryl claimed she wouldn't let Feline sleep on her bed at night because she kicked in her sleep). Lana then claimed that Cheryl needed to sing to Feline in order for her to go to the bathroom and had her sing. Then, Lana told Cheryl to be quiet, scaring her out of the shelter. Later, Lana phoned up Cheryl and apologized for scaring her, and Cheryl ended up adopting Feline.


  • Feline was the only female pet to feature in the Listen Out Loud episode.
  • Her name is a take on the famous Canadian singer Celine Dion.
  • There was a villain in the animated series Totally Spies! who goes by the same name.


Fluffy is a dog belonging to Margarita.


Fluffy is a small, dark grey, long-haired dog with a pink flower on the top of her head and a yellow collar.


In "Walk Don't Run", Ronnie Anne and Sid walked her, along with seven other dogs, for profit. When the street cats chased all the dogs away, the girls found Fluffy in the grocery store, eating bolonga since she only eats organic food. When Buttercup chewed through the lead, Fluffy and the others ran away again and were caught by the dogcatcher.

In "Salvador Doggy", Frida brings Fluffy over to apartment 2B to help paint her abstract paintings, but Fluffy ends up painting a disturbingly realistic portrait of a man, so Frida lets her go.


Walk Don't Run[]

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Salvador Doggy[]

Behind the scenes[]




This article is about Luan's pet bunny. For the character introduced in "Undercover Mom", see Minor_characters/Men#Gary.

Gary is a minor character in The Loud House and he is Luan's pet bunny.


Gary is the rabbit that Luan keeps in her hat, and tends to leave his droppings in Luan's comedy props. Luan thinks Gary likes Lincoln, but it is unknown if this is true.


Gary is lazy and enjoys eating anything he gets his paws on, like the cake that Luan gets and even Lincoln's comics. He blushes out of shame when he's busted on droppings.


Gary is a rabbit with white fur, pink paws, and pink eyelids. His eyes are yellow with purple eyeshadow and he has six whiskers. He has a pink bottom paw, with a paw print. He also has small buck teeth.


  • Keeping in the tradition of Loud family pets being named after famous cartoonists, Gary is named after Gary Larson, creator of The Far Side.
  • His Polish name is Gapcio, which means "clumsy" in Polish.


Funny Business[]

Head Poet's Anxiety[]


Ginger and white cat[]

The ginger and white cat is a cat who Lana attempted to save in "Super Special".

When Lana was discussing heroism, she saw it in a tree and took the opportunity to try to be a hero. She tried lassoing it with a hose, while fantasizing about being the Royal Flush, but ended up making a mess instead of saving the cat. Then, she tried using the water to wash the cat down, but this failed because cats hated water. Eventually, it jumped down of its own accord, being drawn to the shininess of Lola's tiara.


Greg is a white billy goat who featured in Lana's second episode of Listen Out Loud.

He was kept with the dogs because there was no section for goats and he did not get along with the horses. He was the only one of Lana's animal friends at the shelter who did not get adopted, and ended up in the twins' bedroom, eating Lola's lipstick.


Hamstacam is an online video featuring a hamster that appears in the episode "Making the Case".


The video simply shows a hamster running on its wheel to get its exercise. It ends with the hamster losing control of the wheel, flinging out of it, and getting sprayed by its water bottle.


The video was uploaded to the school's website for a chance to win a video contest. It proved to be quite a popular video, as it already got 50 votes after Lincoln's video of performing an extreme stunt involving 672 breath mints, and 88 gallons of diet soda combining to make an eruption failed to impress anyone.

Lincoln then decided to film his sisters doing all sorts of embarrassing and humiliating things and moments. This proved to be more popular than Hamstacam at first, but when Lincoln's sisters found out about his video, they were furious towards him for it, so he decided to delete his video, and admit defeat to Hamstacam.

To apologize to his sisters for the first video, he decided to film a video that highlighted a lot of his own embarrassing and humiliating things and moments, but while it proved to be a very funny video, it wasn't enough to get first place, and Hamstacam was declared the winner.


  • The video's length always seems to be at "00:00".
  • Every time Lincoln and Clyde mention that Hamstacam is in the lead, they would vengefully shake their fist and mutter the video's name.


The hog is an unnamed minor character in The Loud House.


The hog is an animal seen on the farmer's land in "Hand-Me-Downer". He rides Lynn's bike along with Lincoln in the episode.

In "Pulp Friction", the hog is seen in the pickup truck along with the farmer.


The hog has light pink skin, and a darker pink nose. While riding Lynn's bike, he wears a red, yellow, and blue bicycle helmet.



The horse is a grey horse belonging to a park ranger.

In "A Pimple Plan", Luan was hiding her pimple with a unicorn mask when the horse (who was with its owner) saw her. Mistaking the mask for another horse, it developed a crush on it, chasing Luan and leaving her stuck in a hollow tree.


Kenny is a dolphin who is kept at the Royal Woods aquarium.

In a deleted scene in "Future Tense", the Yates family was going to rescue Kenny from a lake. He was replaced with a turtle when the staff members realized that dolphins do not live in lakes.[3]

In "Present Tense", it is mentioned that on a trip to the aquarium, Lynn Sr. went swimming with Kenny and they bonded. This inspired the Loud children to buy a glass statue of a porpoise (which they mistook for a dolphin) as a present for his birthday.


The Kitty is a minor character in The Loud House. He made his first appearance in the full-length episode "Kings of the Con".


The Kitty is a black kitty and an enemy of Ace-Savvy and One-Eyed Jack. He is also portrayed by the kitty actor of the same name.


The Kitty has been shown to be temperamental and spoiled.


Kings of the Con[]

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Kotaro's dog[]

Kotaro's dog is a dog belonging to Kotaro mentioned in "Vantastic Voyage".

It is unknown what Kotaro's dog looks like, but apparently she once gave birth in Kotaro's old van, but when he got a new van, he didn't let her in because he was afraid she'd get it dirty, which damaged his relationship with his dog.

However, when Kotaro's friends were talking about how their children were also alienated due to their dads' new vans, he decided to get his old van back to repair the relationship with his dog.

Lori (chinchilla)[]

Lori is a chinchilla mentioned in "Garage Banned".


Bobby found her in the Casagrande Market and initially mistook her for a mouse or an expired marshmallow. When he realised she was a chinchilla, he named her after his girlfriend, then phoned her to tell her about it. Lori the girlfriend was initially flattered, but then got offended and asked, "Wait, is that like a rat?".


For the episode, see Perro Malo.

Malo is Becky's pet mastiff and Lalo's brother who appears in "Perro Malo".


As puppies, he and Lalo were presented together at a pet adoption fair. The day Hector adopted Lalo, he was put off by Malo's aggressiveness and called him a perro malo, causing the caretaker to say Malo was the perfect name for him. Malo and Lalo would eventually cross paths one day by chance and accidentally switch places in "Perro Malo". Mistaken by Ronnie Anne and her family for Lalo, Malo wreaked havoc across the Casagrande apartment and mercado, eventually forcing the Casagrandes to prepare to send him off with Marcus. Before they could do so, Malo reunited with Becky, who had been bugged by Lalo's playful antics, while Lalo returned to the Casagrandes.


Perro Malo[]

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Salvador Doggy[]



Marmoset Family[]

The Marmoset Family are characters in "Zoo-mergency!" They were snuck out of the zoo by Adelaide, which accidentally led to her making the other animals escape too.

They consist of the 21 siblings Marcel, Martine, Madeline, Mason, Monique, Marquise, Macey, Michelle, Marielle, Maurice and eleven unnamed ones, and their large uncle Monty.



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My Fair Cat Lady[]

Phantom Freakout[]


Froggy Lake[]

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Mountain goat trio[]

This unnamed trio of mountain goats lives in the mountains.

When the Loud family went on a hike, the children (who did not want to go on the hike) disguised themselves as a mountain goat to convince their parents to end the hike. This worked, but on their way back, they were chased by three actual goats. Later, the goats got into the RV.

Mr. Squirrel[]

Mr. Squirrel was a brown squirrel that Lincoln and Clyde met in "Jeers for Fears"


As Bobby was giving Lincoln and Clyde a tour of a haunted house, Mr. Squirrel high fived Lincoln and Clyde as they went in and then he high fived them again as they went in that night.

After the boys had been in the haunted house, Mr. Squirrel played a prank on them by appearing to be in a crow costume and have his head fall off. When the boys ran away, it turned out that it was a fake squirrel head and a real crow, and the squirrel high fived the crow.

Mr. Wiggles[]

Mr. Wiggles is the leader of Street cats and overarching character in The Casagrandes.


Mr. Wiggles is off-screen throughout the series who ordering his street cats to terrorize people and cause chaos across the city.

In "My Fair Cat Lady" as physical appearance, Mr. Wiggles and his street cats were trained by Adelaide to be nice to people in order to avoid getting taken away by an animal control for their vandals to the city. He and his street cats later battle against the rats at the zoo, which Adelaide comes with an idea to solve the city's cat and rat problem.


He is a turquoise cat with a white belly, bandage on the middle end of tail and a yellow crown on his head.


My Fair Cat Lady[]

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Mr. Woodford[]

Mr. Woodford was a dead poodle who Adelaide Chang once knew.

He was mentioned in "Croaked", when Adelaide wanted to bring him back, so Ronnie Anne and Sid tried to pretend he came back. However, due to having forgotten about him, they dressed up as an old man, so Adelaide wasn't fooled.

It is unknown who his owner was, but it was probably not the Chang's, since if they had owned him, Sid would have remembered.


Ninja is Miranda's St. Bernard dog, who often falls asleep.


Walk Don't Run[]

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Team Effort[]

The Wurst Job[]

Behind the scenes[]



Orange cat[]

The orange cat is a cat who appeared in "Present Danger".


When Rusty pulled a birthday prank on Lincoln by pretending to be a David Steele style villain, he often appeared stroking the orange cat like a stereotypical supervillain. When Lincoln discovered that it was all a prank, he asked Rusty where he got the cat from, but he did not know.


Present Danger[]

Pam's dog[]

Pam's dog is an unnamed dog belonging to Pam from "Cheater by the Dozen".


She is a medium-sized yellow dog with a pink collar. When Lincoln and Clyde suspected Bobby Santiago of cheating on Lori Loud, they put a camera onto Pam's dog's collar and she went into Pam's house.

The footage showed Bobby removing his pants, which made Lincoln and Clyde suspicious, but it turned out that Pam was only taking his measurements. Bobby then cuddled Pam's dog and said, "Who's a good girl?" which made the boys suspect him of bestiality.


Pickles is a dark grey pug in a pink jacket belonging to Margarita.


Ronnie Anne and Sid walked Pickles and seven other dogs for money. When the street cats chased the dogs away, Pickles went and rolled in a mud, so Bobby had to bathe her, which Pickles disliked. When Buttercup chewed through the dogs' leashes and swallowed a whistle, the dogs escaped again and were caught by the dogcatcher.


Walk Don't Run[]

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Behind the scenes[]




A porpoise is kept at the Royal Woods Aquarium.

In "Present Tense", it is mentioned that on a trip to the aquarium, this porpoise stole Lynn Sr.’s wallet. That event discourages the Loud children from buying a glass statue of a porpoise, which they mistook for a dolphin, as a present for Lynn Sr.'s birthday.


There are several raccoons living in Royal Woods.


In "April Fools Rules", Luan set one loose in the house as an April Fools' prank.

In "Fed Up", one of the Loud kids put three raccoons into a pot so that Lynn Sr. couldn't use it to cook franks and beans. The same raccoons ate spilled franks and beans from the cracked coffeepot after Lily dropped her rattle beneath her father's foot.

In the game "Living Loud: Summer School," a raccoon is in the dumpster outside Flip's Food & Fuel and the player needs to distract it with cake.


April Fools Rules[]

Rat Leader[]

The Rat Leader is the leader of City rats and overarching character in The Casagrandes.


The rat leader is off-screen throughout the series who ordering his city rats to terrorize people and cause chaos across the city.

In "My Fair Cat Lady", the rat leader and his city rats establishe that without the cats around to keep their population down. He and his city rats later steal Marcus' van and battle against the cats at the zoo, which Adelaide comes with an idea to solve the city's cat and rat problem.


Rocco is a grey squirrel who lives in Great Lakes City's zoo. He wears a red sweater.


In "Walk Don't Run", Sid mentions that her mom had to remove Rocco's wisdom teeth. She then used him to lure out Big Tony, but promised to make it up to him with an extra bedtime story.


Walk Don't Run[]


Froggy Lake[]

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Rita (horse)[]

For the Loud matriarch, see Rita Loud.

Rita is a horse belonging to Brad.


Rita is a skinny mare with a brown mane and tail, a mustard-colored coat, and white splotches.


At some point, Brad adopted her and named her after his grandmother, whose real name was Margarita. He also wrote several songs about her.

When Lynn Sr. (who was already a bit suspicious of Brad since he'd mentioned having previously had feelings for Lynn Sr.'s wife, who was also named Rita, and vice versa) saw the names of Brad's songs, he presumed they were about Rita the human, making him resent Brad even more.

He then became even more suspicious when he (and Lincoln) overheard Brad mentioning taking Rita (the horse) on a plane with him. So, they swapped Rita the horse for Stomper the bull, also stealing Brad's glasses so he wouldn't know the difference.

Upon realizing that the Rita Brad was referring to was a horse, the male Louds intervened and told the truth. Lynn Sr. commented that it was still weird that Brad named Rita after his wife, but Brad clarified that he'd actually named her after his grandmother Margarita. Then, he sang a song about how Rita the horse only ate pita bread.

Rocket (bobcat)[]

Rocket is a bobcat belonging to Mr. Bolhofner.

In "Lynn and Order", Meryl gave him a collar, which Bolhofner disliked, but lied that he liked it to be polite. Later, Rocket was hungry and tried to steal Mr. Bolhofner's peanut butter sandwich, but Bolhofner didn't let him have any lest he get a toothache. Rocket then smelled some expired tuna fish, wound down the window (which Bolhofner taught him to do), and tried to take the tuna off Pat. She spilled the tuna on her apron, so Rocket chased after her. Lynn saw this and, wrongly believing that Rocket wanted to eat Pat herself, chased after them. They chased each other into the girls' bathroom, and Lynn attacked Rocket, but he threw her against the wall. Liam entered and determined that Rocket just wanted the tuna, so he had Pat remove her apron, which Rocket ate. After this, he was much friendlier in demeanor, though he still disliked Lynn due to her having attacked him. Mr. Bolhofner caught up to Rocket where he thinks Lynn and Liam are finding Rocket while mentioning that he shouldn't have taught Rocket to roll down the window.

In "Tough Guise", Mr. Bolhofner used him to guard the detention room, but Taylor, Pablo, Anderson, and Zach distracted him with steak.


Frame on You[]

Lynn and Order[]

Tough Guise[]

Rocket (dog)[]

Rocket is Mayor Davis's dog, who she adopted in "Pet Adoption Day with Lana Loud". He is a German Pinscher.

Lana met him at the animal shelter and named him. On adoption day, Mayor Davis came in wanting a dog and she and Rocket got on well, but Lana did not want Davis to adopt him because she didn't want to part with him and because Davis wanted to rename him "Chaz", "Gilbert", or "Tubby Chubby Wubby Nubby". Lana disallowed Davis to adopt Rocket on account of her not being as fast a runner as him, and had them both run to prove it. However, later, Lana phoned up Davis, apologized for not letting her adopt Rocket, and allowed her to adopt him.


Roy is a bull belonging to Flip from "Strife of the Party".


Roy is a brown bull with white horns. When fed spicy mustard, his eyes turn yellow. His right horn can be cranked to open his mouth.


Lana requested to borrow Roy for her and Lola's seventh birthday party, and agreed to take him after seeing him go berserk from eating spicy mustard. On the day of the party, thanks to Lola's machinations, Flip was unable to deliver Roy to the party. Roy also ran rampant inside Flip's Food & Fuel from finding Flip's spicy mustard-filled pastrami sandwich and eventually injured Flip. To make up for her guilt for ruining the party, Lola returned to Flip's and retrieved Roy, much to Lana's satisfaction.


Strife of the Party[]



The skunk is a skunk featured in several episodes.

In "Fool's Paradise", Luan hid him in a hotel and made him spray Lola.

In "The Boss Maybe", Lana convinced him to spray her, so Leni cleaned her with tomato puree. Later, the skunk stayed in the Loud house and Lana wanted him to spray her again but he didn't due to apparently being "empty". Eventually, Leni shooed him out of the house.

In "Broadcast Blues", Dirk puts a skunk in Chandler's locker where it jumps out, sprays Chandler, and then laughs at him.


Fool's Paradise[]

The Boss Maybe[]

Slob Marley[]

Slob Marley is Flip's dog, who he adopted in Lana's second episode of Listen Out Loud.


On adoption day, Flip came into the shelter to deep-clean his moustache, but Sam thought he was looking for a pet and showed him Slob Marley. Slob Marley licked Flip, which he found annoying. Later, Flip, despite not looking for a pet, ended up adopting Slob Marley (possibly because Lana convinced him to while she was apologizing over phone for spraying him with the hose).


  • His name comes from his tendency to slobber and the singer Bob Marley.
  • He is the only pet who Lana did not try to dissuade their owner from adopting.


Stomper is a black bull.


Stomper is a very moody bull, often charging at humans and trying to throw them off his back. He seems to be fussy about music, as while he did enjoy the "Rita likes pita" song, he did not like Lynn Sr.'s cowbell playing or Brad's guitar playing.


When Lynn Sr. and Lincoln thought Brad was going to fly off with Rita on a plane (when he was actually referring to his pet horse who was also named that), they swapped Rita the horse for Stomper. Upon learning the truth, the male Louds confessed. Later, Stomper was seen dancing to Brad's song.

Street cats[]

The street cats are Mr. Wiggles' minions that first appear in "The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos". They are the Casagrandes' arch-nemesis and known to cause chaos across the city.


The street cats are mean and scary gang of thugs who hatred of humans and dogs which they wanted to terrorize them and cause chaos across the city, but they turn out to simply be a large group of stray cats. From what's been seen so far, they appear to be quite vicious, and the Casagrande family must keep the front door to their building closed, or else they will get inside to cause trouble and destroy everything they love.

They make their first appearance in "The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos" where the street cats attack the Casagrandes, Santiagos, Lincoln and Lori by wreaking havoc across the apartment. They also destroy Carlota's entire room in "Pranks for the Memories" after she and Ronnie Anne prank the boys.

The street cats later appears in the spin-off series, like in "Walk Don't Run" as they attack Ronnie Anne and destroy her skateboard, followed by attacking the dogs and causing them to run off in all directions. They attempting to kill Yoon and Kwan in "No Egrets" where they easily overpower Sergio. They also tame around Ivan in "Let's Get Ready to Rumba" and fight against Lalo in the short "Dog Day Afternoon" at the time before the Casagrande family arrive home.

In "My Fair Cat Lady", the street cats reveal their leader named Mr. Wiggles and they are trained by Adelaide who teaching them good manners, but they kept continue to terrorize people and other animals which Adelaide stops them. When the rats escaped from Marcus' van and merge into a giant rat, Mr. Wiggles and his street cats battle against them to defend the city, which Adelaide comes with an idea to solve the city's cat and rat problem.


They are mean, wild, scary and vicious gang of black cats which turns out to be a large group. They were the clowder of neighborhood cats who despises the humans (mainly the Casagrandes) and dogs which they wanted to terrorize them in order to cause chaos across the city. In "My Fair Cat Lady", they establishes that they are only willing to behave if fish is on offer.


They are simply black-furred cats with green eyes.


The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos[]

Pranks for the Memories[]

Season 6[]

Great Lakes Freakout![]

The Casagrandes[]

Walk Don't Run[]

Operation Dad[]


What's Love Gato Do with It?[]

No Egrets[]

Undivided Attention[]


Lalo Land[]

Operation Popstar[]

The Golden Curse[]

Let's Get Ready to Rumba[]

Dog Day Afternoon[]

My Fair Cat Lady[]

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Behind the Scenes[]




Thieving Pug[]

This pug is a pug who appeared in "Howling Good Time".


When Bobby took Lori on a date to the dog park, which was selected by Sid's robot Cupid-Bot, they were about to eat a submarine sandwich together, but the pug stole it.

Trio of Dogs[]

These are three dogs that Lincoln met on the street in "Out on a Limo".


One of them is a scruffy tan dog with black ears, one is a small, fat, off-white dog with a flat nose, black ears and tail, and wearing an eye patch, and the third is a small, fluffy, grey dog with a pointy nose.


When Lincoln was walking to Tetherby's house, he ran into these three dogs and they attacked him, possibly because of the mustard he was holding, and so he ran away. On his way back, they attacked him again because he was covered in ketchup.


  • Lincoln refers to them as puppies. It's unknown if that is true or if he was just trying to butter them up by calling them cute.


Ursula is a cow who lives at Dairyland Amoosement Park's petting zoo.

In Dairyland Amoosement Park (game), the "Friends for Udder" section allows you to feed her, along with a bull and a goat, at the zoo.

"Hurl, Interrupted" reveals her name, and that she's known for being "the angriest cow in Royal Woods". She gets angry easily with no apparent trigger and is prone to stomping and charging. Lynn set her free to stall riding on Whipped Scream, but later wrangled her back into her pen. However, Ursula's bumping, coupled with the fact that Lynn had recently eaten, made Lynn throw up.


Ursula is a buff, white cow with black blotches. She wears a sky blue collar with a gold bell on it.


Hurl, Interrupted[]



Victorie is the pet dog of Lacey St. Clair.


Victorie is a small white Yorkshire terrier with light blonde ears, muzzle, tail and hair. She wears a pink bow and has small dot eyes.


A Mutt Above[]

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Virgil is Dante's pet cat.


Virgil is a very obedient cat, following all of Dante's commands to help him maintain his lie about "Ernie Shovelgate". Despite being willing to partake in deception, Virgil does also encourage Dante to share his ice cream. He is also shown to hate getting wet, as he is annoyed when sprayed by the sprinklers.


Virgil is a black cat with a large head, yellow eyes, and a notch in his right ear.


In "What Lies Beneath", Virgil rode on Dante's shoulder while he buried some ice cream with the headstone "Unknown". Later, Virgil helped Dante pretend to be possessed by the ghost of "Ernie Shovelgate" by turning on a steam machine and lifting Dante up. At the store, Virgil, on Dante's command, broke two headstones so that the Morticians' Club could not afford another one. Later, Virgil encouraged Dante to share his ice cream and ate some of it himself.


  • Dante refers to him as a "cemetery cat", implying that he adopted him from the cemetery.
  • Much like how Dante is named after Dante Alighieri, Virgil is named after the Roman poet Virgil, an idol of the historical Dante and a character in his The Divine Comedy.



Watterson is a minor character in The Loud House. He makes his first appearance in "Pets Peeved".


He is an Old English Sheepdog puppy, with white fur that acts like hair covering his two eyes, and has a nose similar to Charles'.



Pets Peeved[]

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Behind the Scenes[]


Promo images[]

White rabbits[]

The white rabbits are a herd of twenty-six white rabbits who live in a wooded area near the Loud house, one of whom has a black nose, but the rest of whom have pink noses.


In "White Hare", Lincoln ran away from his sisters to avoid them interfering with him trying to impress Stella and ended up in the woods. He then met the rabbits, counted them, and noted that it must be hard to have twenty-five sisters.

He was then knocked unconscious and dreamt that he was an anthropomorphic rabbit named Warren who had twenty-five sisters. His rabbit sisters gave him lots of advice to impress a rabbit version of Stella, but she was disgusted and went out with a grey rabbit instead.

When Lincoln woke up, the pink-nosed rabbits handed the black-nosed rabbit a flower to give to another, brown rabbit and Lincoln tried to tell the rabbit not to listen to them, but to his surprise, the brown rabbit accepted the flower, which made Lincoln think that maybe he could trust his sisters after all.


  • According to Lincoln, they are all siblings and the black-nosed one is a buck, while the pink-nosed ones are all does.


Wrinkles is a hairless rat who is the class pet of Miss Allegra's class.


In the comic "A Hairless Situation" from Sister Resister, Lisa volunteered to babysit him, finding rodents "stimulating", however, she noticed he was shivering, and decided to warm him up. She tried building a robot called Therm-O-Bot, but he was scared of it, then Lincoln tried a blanket, but Wrinkles was allergic to it, then Lynn tried cardio, but he was not active enough, Lola tried sunbathing, but it rained, and Lucy tried a spell which did work, but it also ruined Lynn Sr.'s souffle so she had to reverse it. Eventually, however, Lisa got the idea of dressing Wrinkles in clothes after seeing some of Leni's shrunken clothes.

Wolverine family[]

There is a family of wolverines living near Camp Mastodon.


The family consists of an adult wolverine and its three babies.

The adult is very aggressive, since when the Louds discovered the family in the cave, it snarled at them and threatened them with its claws. However, the adult wolverine also exhibits a fearful side as its reason for attacking the humans was because it feared they'd pose a danger to its babies, and when Rita Loud yelled at it, it ran away. The baby wolverines seem to be less aggressive since they didn't snarl at or attack anyone, however they do share their parent's fearful side, as they also ran away when Rita Loud yelled at the adult. A wounded Flip later makes it back to Camp Mastodon as he asks the Loud family how they got past the wolverine.


  • Seeing as the adult wolverine was only referred to as "it", it is unknown if it's the mother or the father to the babies.

Zoo Night Monkeys[]

The Great Lakes City zoo is home to five night monkeys: Davy, Peter, Micky, Michael and Nico.


Davy, Peter, Micky, and Michael were named after "the band", and tend to stick together. Nico, on the other hand, is more of a free spirit, and is prone to breaking the rules to get food, as shown in "How to Train Your Carl" when he escapes his enclosure to get Carl's beef jerky, and in The Casagrandes Familia Sounds, when he steals bananas.

In "New Roomie", Nico was briefly seen being chased by Big Tony and Little Sal. He later helps Stanley Chang in evicting Vito Filliponio, Big Tony, and Little Sal from the Chang family's apartment.

In "A Very Casagrandes Christmas", Nico and Cam almost spoil Christmas for the Chang's by crashing the gravy train into the turkey. Later, Nico makes a mess in the apartment and tries to eat Carl's candy.

In "Zoo-mergency!", Nico eats with the Chang's and Sid is inspired to raise money by seeing him play with a wallet. Later, Sid tries to train them to serve food, but fails.

In "Prankaversary", Sid pretends the monkeys are angry with her for giving them fake snakes as part of a prank.

In "Squawk in the Name of Love", Adelaide and a monkey sit in a tree next to each other while Adelaide tells Sergio what to say. When the monkey starts bothering Adelaide, she says, "Not now, you monkey!". Sergio repeats it, which offends Priscilla's father Frank.

In "Bunstoppable", one of the monkeys tries to help Adelaide and Sid make bao, but his fur ends up in the batter.

In "My Fair Cat Lady", Nico attends a tea party Adelaide hosted to attempt to teach the street cats manners. Later, she tries to have the cats live with the monkeys, but they did not get along.


A Very Casagrandes Christmas[]

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Don't Zoo That[]

My Fair Cat Lady[]

Kick Some Bot[]

Phantom Freakout[]


Froggy Lake[]

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