The Music Club is a hobby club at Royal Woods High School. Luna and Sam are a part of the club, which first appeared in the episode "Deep Cuts". Outside the school the band is known as the Moon Goats. Members[]Sam Sharp[]
She's the co-founder, bassist and backing vocalist of the band. Luna Loud[]
She's the co-founder, lead vocalist and lead and rhythm guitarist of the band. Chunk[]
Mazzy is a recurring character in The Loud House, who first appeared in "L is for Love". She's a member and the drummer of Luna's band, who also plays electric guitar, saxophone and sousaphone. Biography[]Mazzy first appeared in "L is for Love", where she gets on the bus and waves goodbye at Sam. At the end of the episode, she says goodbye to Sam. In "ARGGH! You for Real?", she was among crowd of ARGGH! fans. In "Mall of Duty", she was among many fans of Rip Hardcore waiting in long line for his autograph. In "Roadie to Nowhere", she was among audience watching Luna and Chunk's performance on stage in high school. In "Fool Me Twice", Mazzy with Sully and Sam were performing on stage, when suddenly Luna's stunt double came on stage uninvited and ruined their performance by playing poor polka. In Luan's flashback in "Head Poet's Anxiety" she was talking to Roger and an unnamed teen girl in the bowling area. In "Shop Girl", she was among lot of customers fighting to get new clothes first and purchase them for themselves. In "Friendzy", she was one of Luna's guests to be invited for special privileges. In "Band Together", she and her bandmates tried to impress Katie Crest, so she would become their manager. However Katie wanted only Luna in her band. Mazzy with Sully and Sam tried to convince Luna to stay, but she explained it was her big chance for career. After Luna left, Mazzy and other bandmates agreed to put Chunk in Luna's former position. In "In the Mick of Time" Mazzy reveals that she owns a pet tarantula that she mistakenly thought was a hamster and bought it a hamster wheel. In "Child's Play" She & her Bandmates make a Fortune for a new Speaker system. In "The Weakest Ink" Mazzy suggests that to celebrate her band's 100,000 streams (if she wasn't outnumbered by her bandmates who suggested they get matching tattoos) was to shave each of their heads at Dairyland, in front of a live audience. Appearance[]Mazzy is a thin Caucasian teenage girl, who has dark reddish brown hair that conceals her eyes similar to Lucy and purple lipstick. She wears a black & white striped shirt, light seafoam jacket, dark gray skirt, white stockings and dark teal sneakers. She also wears paperclip earrings like Luna. Personality[]Mazzy is kind of ditzy like Leni, as proven by the fact that she mistook a tarantula for a hamster. Trivia[]
Sully is a recurring character in The Loud House, who first appeared in "L is for Love". He's the keyboardist and the only permanent male member of Luna's band. Biography[]Sully first appeared in "L is for Love", along with Mazzy and Sam. In "ARGGH! You for Real?", he was among crowd of ARGGH! fans. In "Friendzy", he was one of Luna's guests to be invited for special privileges. In "Coupe Dreams" he appears as one of Lori's several passengers in the Vanzilla. In "Band Together", he, alongside Luna, Sam and Mazzy try to impress Katie Crest so that she would become her manager. However, Katie ended up inviting Luna and only Luna, to join her band. It also reveals that he knows how to cook. Appearance[]Sully is a slim Caucasian teenage boy with short brown hair. He wears white circular earrings, an iron chain necklace with an iron padlock, light purple shirt, black leather jacket, blue jeans and dark purple boots. Personality[]
Temporary members[]Lincoln Loud[]
Lincoln served as the band's temporary manager,[2] and once stepped in to play tambourine at one of the band's gigs.[3] Boris[]
In "Bye Bye Birthday", Boris steps in to play keyboard with the Moon Goats while his fellow Morticians Club members drag Luna away during a gig at the Burnt Bean. Nina[]
Nina is a minor character in The Loud House, who first appeared in "Music to My Fears". Biography[]Luna met Nina when she couldn’t play for her band. However, she became worried that she would permanently replace her and therefore prevented her from making her audition. However, after performing so wonderfully at the Cherry Pit, she was offered a lead role at the Moon Goats' next gig, which she was happy to accept. Appearance[]Nina is a dark-skinned teenage girl who’s slightly shorter than Luna. She has dark brown hair tied in the back with a ponytail, a rounded nose, freckles, one round earring and one helix piercing in each ear, a pink hat, a pink t-shirt with pink stripes on the openings and a lightning bolt inside a purple rectangle, white long sleeves, dark purple shorts, white ankle socks and dark purple sneakers. She also carries a yellow rock guitar, which resembles a duck. Personality[]
In "Music to My Fears", Joey was one of the last auditionees for Luna's replacement in the Moon Goats. After preventing Nina from becoming her replacement, she hastily brought Joey on board. He proved to be an excellent tuba player from his marching band days since middle school, but he was unable to resist marching all over the place, so Luna and Lynn had him march on a treadmill during a gig at the Cherry Pit Spit. However, things went awry when he accidentally cranked up the treadmill's speed and caused chaos in the band. Trivia[]
Moon Goats