List of miscellaneous students of Royal Woods High School. Carlos[]
Carlos is a minor character in The Loud House, who first appeared in "Prom-Com". Appearance[]Gallery[]Prom-Com[]Chaz[]
Chaz is a minor character in The Loud House, who first appeared in "Party Down". He is one of Lori's friends and Leni's ex-boyfriend. Biography[]He is one of Lori's friends, who was invited to her party in "Party Down". He later leaves the party along with everyone else, but returns after Leni posts a picture of the new party. In "L is for Love", Chaz appears to work at a clothing store. It is revealed in this episode that Leni has a crush on him, and she attempts to get his attention by pretending to be a mannequin, which startles him. At the end of the episode, she gives him a love letter. He was mentioned by Lori liking her selfie in "Selfie Improvement". He also appears in a flashback at Lori's golf tournament. He was mentioned by Leni sending her cat videos in "No Place Like Homeschool". At the end of "Deal Me Out", Lincoln and Clyde run into him, along with Becky and Joey, at the Ace Savvy convention. It is revealed here that he, Becky, and Joey have been Ace Savvy fans since they were seven. In "Friendzy", Leni invites Chaz over in order to have special friend privileges. In "Really Loud Music", it is revealed in the song "Lori2Leni" that Leni is dating Chaz. As of The Loud House Movie, "Undercover Mom", and "Food Courting", Leni and Chaz are implied to have broken up, as she is shown to have crushes on Scott, an unnamed boy with a cowlick, and Gavin, respectively. However, Lucy Rolls the Dice suggests that the two are still keeping in contact. Appearance[]Chaz is an obese teenager with dark orange hair, and freckles. He wears an aqua blue cap backwards, a gold t-shirt with horizontal cream stripes, dark gray jeans, and white shoes. Trivia[]
Gallery[]Party Down[]L is for Love[]Selfie Improvement[]Deal Me Out[]Friendzy[]Behind the Scenes[]GIFs[]Panoramas[]Dana[]
Dana is a minor character in The Loud House, who is one of Bobby's former co-workers and first appeared in the episode "Cheater by the Dozen". Personality[]Not much is known about her, but she is Bobby's friend, and co-worker from the department store. Dana is also Lori's friend, as Lori invited her to her party. However, Dana didn't like Lori's sophisticated party, because it was slow, boring, and passive. She was also among Lori's friends, when she invited them over for a get together in "Spell It Out". Dana cares about Lori and Bobby's relationship, as she agreed to help Bobby choose gifts for Lori. She reappears again in "Friendzy" where she was one of Leni's best friends. Appearance[]Dana is a tall and slim fair skinned girl, with long brunette hair styled into a small ponytail. She wears red earrings, a long-sleeved off-shoulder shirt, with white and lavender stripes, a black shirt and skirt underneath, long lavender socks worn high, and brown leather boots with high heels. Gallery[]Cheater by the Dozen[]Party Down[]
L is for Love[]Spell It Out[]Mall of Duty[]Read Aloud[]Selfie Improvement[]Friendzy[]Scales of Justice[]Really Loud Music[]Everybody Loves Leni[]The Write Stuff[]Deep Cuts[]In the Mick of Time[]Prom-Com[]
Behind the Scenes[]GIFs[]Panoramas[]Errol[]
Errol is a minor character in The Loud House, who made his first appearance in "Party Down". Appearance[]Errol is a slim teenager with dark gray hair. He wears black circular earrings, a dark brown jacket, white shirt, gray pants, and white shoes. Gallery[]Party Down[]L is for Love[]ARGGH! You for Real?[]No Laughing Matter[]Legends[]Mall of Duty[]Snow Way Out[]Roadie to Nowhere[]Selfie Improvement[]Rita Her Rights[]Shop Girl[]Gown and Out[]Scales of Justice[]Really Loud Music[]Everybody Loves Leni[]Stage Plight[]Kings of the Con[]Deep Cuts[]Schooled![]Season's Cheatings[]Undercover Mom[]Electshunned[]Zach Attack[]Grub Snub[]Dad Reputation[]Runaway McBride[]Stressed for the Part[]Weather or Not[]Behind the Scenes[]Games[]The Loud House: Rockin' Out Loud[]GIFs[]Panoramas[]Joey[]
Joey is a minor character in The Loud House, who first appeared in the episode "Party Down", and is one of Lori's friends. Biography[]In "Party Down" Joey was invited by Lori to her fancy party. Like all guests he wasn't happy to be on the boring party, but unlike others he was doing his homework and studying. He and all guests got fed up with Lori and left the party. Later Joey and the others were invited on a second cool party. During the party, Lucy predicted he will score a B- on an upcoming pop quiz, making him lament why he bothers studying at parties. In "Deal Me Out" Joey went on Ace Savvy convention with Becky and Chaz. There they all met Lincoln and Clyde. Joey complimented Clyde's costume. Joey, Becky and Chaz revealed to Lincoln and Clyde that like them, they all are fans of Ace Savvy. In "Music to My Fears", Luna hired him as a temporary understudy for the Moon Goats, as he played tuba very well. However, he was unable to stay still due to having always played in a marching band. Personality[]Joey is a nerd and perfectionist, who cares a lot about his grades. He studies a lot, even during parties hoping to get 100%, or at least an A on a test. When he gets B on tests, he feels his hard work is not rewarded enough. Appearance[]Joey is a thin, and tall teenage boy. He has light fair skin, curly light brown hair, freckles, and small eyebags. He wears a light yellow turtleneck sweater, dark blue jeans, and white shoes with teal stripes. Trivia[]
Gallery[]Party Down[]L is for Love[]Rita Her Rights[]Deal Me Out[]Music to My Fears[]
Panoramas[]Lori's friend[]
Lori's Friend is an unnamed minor character in The Loud House. Biography[]She first appeared in "Spell It Out", while being with Lori's other friends, Becky, Dana, and the Ellie. In "Friendzy," the unnamed friend of Lori was among the friends that Lori invited to her house. Appearance[]She has shoulder length blonde hair, two pairs of eyelashes, and wears magenta lipstick for makeup. She wears pearl earrings, a magenta jacket, a pink dress with a pineapple design and white collar, and white slip-on shoes. Gallery[]Parker[]
Parker is a minor character in The Loud House, who first appeared in "Prom-Com". Personality[]He is somewhat gluttonous, due to skipping breakfast. Appearance[]Parker is a teenage boy with fair complexion and smooth black hair and a pointed nose. His attire consists of a red and white turtleneck sweater, gray pants, and dark red shoes. Gallery[]Prom-Com[]Roger[]
Roger is a minor character in The Loud House, who made his first appearance in "Party Down". Biography[]Roger is a high school student and a friend of Lori and Carol. Appearance[]He is a tall and slim dark-skinned teenager with short black hair and thick eyebrows. He wears a pale green buttoned down shirt, blue jeans pants and white shoes. In "Senior Moment", Roger's appearance is noticably different. He wears a lime green polo shirt with a white collar, light brown shorts, white socks and cyan training shoes. His hair is also slightly shorter than usual. Gallery[]Party Down[]Mall of Duty[]City Slickers[]
Shop Girl[]Senior Moment[]
The Loud House Movie[]
Lori Days[]Fam Scam[]The Last Laugh[]Food Courting[]Out of Step[]
An Inspector Falls[]
Only Mime Will Tell[]
Pressure Cooker[]
Shelby is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "In the Mick of Time". Appearance[]Shelby is a light tan skin teenage with brown hair, wears a yellow dress with white socks with black and yellow shoes. Gallery[]In the Mick of Time[]Tad[]
Tad is a minor character in The Loud House, who made his first appearance in "Party Down", and is one of Lori's friends. Appearance[]Tad is a skinned young man, with dark tan skin, early signs of a mustache, long brown hair, and thick eyebrows. He wears a turquoise t-shirt with white edges and a green alien logo, dark blue pants, and white sandals. Trivia[]
Gallery[]Party Down[]Mall of Duty[]Selfie Improvement[]Shop Girl[]Senior Moment[]GIFs[]Panoramas[]Teri[]
Teri is a minor character in The Loud House, who makes her first appearance in "Cheater by the Dozen". Biography[]She is Bobby's co-worker at the pizzeria, taught him to speak in Italian and Mandarin, and she is also Clyde's neighbor. In "Party Down", she is seen at Lori's party. In "Mall of Duty", she is seen at the mall. In "Roadie to Nowhere", she is seen at the Royal Rumble at Royal Woods High School. In "Selfie Improvement", she is seen in a flashback where Carol Pingrey is crowned homecoming queen. In "Shop Girl", she makes a cameo at the clothing blowout sale. In The Loud House Movie, she notices the Loud sisters posing for a group photo at Lynn's Table and comments on how well Lola tosses a baton. Appearance[]She has long brown hair, that resembles both Rita's and Leni's hairstyle, and like them, she also has a big chin and two sets of eyelashes. She wears red pearl earrings, red lipstick, a tan shirt, red wool jacket, navy blue pants, and red slip-on shoes. Trivia[]
Gallery[]Cheater by the Dozen[]Party Down[]Mall of Duty[]Roadie to Nowhere[]Selfie Improvement[]Shop Girl[]The Loud House Movie[]
GIFS[]Teri's boyfriend[]
Teri's boyfriend is an unnamed minor character. Appearance[]Teri's boyfirend is a tall and thin teenager with light skin, messy light brown short hair and few pimples on his face. He wears turquoise beanie cap, avocado green hoodie, blue jeans and grey training shoes with white front parts. In "Trouble Brewing", his hoodie is instead dark gray. Biography[]In "Cheater by the Dozen" Lincoln and Clyde mistake Bobby for cheating on Lori with Teri, but it turned out Teri has a boyfriend and Bobby was just hanging out with them. In "Deal Me Out" he's among Ace Savvy fans on comic convention. In "Farm to Unstable" he's among customers on Liam's farm. In "Musical Chairs" he's among audience of Doo Dads/Raging Bolhofners, like the whole audience he escaped, because he couldn't endure Mr. Bolhofner's dreadful drum play. Gallery[]Trouble Brewing[]Unnamed boy with cowlick[]
The unnamed boy with a cowlick is a minor character in The Loud House, who made his first appearance in "Undercover Mom". Biography[]Not much is known about him. Leni had a crush on him once, but never told anybody about it. It is unknown if he ever hooked up with Leni, as he has not been mentioned since his debut. However, they are highly implied to not or no longer be in a relationship as of "Food Courting" and "The Guy Who Makes You Fly", as Leni has also since been attracted to Gavin and Chase, respectively, as revealed in said episodes. Appearance[]He is an average-sized teenager of Middle Eastern descent. He has papyrus-colored skin, black hair that covers his eyes and a cowlick in the back, and a rounded nose. He wears a blue hoodie and brown pants. Gallery[]Undercover Mom[]Prom-Com[]Unnamed girl[]
The unnamed girl is a minor character in The Loud House, who first appeared in "Undercover Mom". Appearance[]She has slightly dark skin and dark hair tied in a ponytail with a red bow. She has two eyelashes and red lipstick. For attire, she wears white earrings, a white shirt, a red jacket, blue jeans, and white sneakers. Gallery[]Undercover Mom[]Trouble Brewing[]Unnamed Girls[]![]() Leni's Friends surrounding Lincoln The unnamed girls are a quintet of girls who have made minor appearances in The Loud House. Biography[]They first appeared in the episode "Sound of Silence". When Leni finishes her Manotard using Lincoln as a model, she summons her friends over for a fashion show, and they proceed to ogle him in the Manotard. The one with the dark brown hair even takes a selfie with him. A flashback in "Overnight Success" reveals they once had a sleepover with Leni trying to dry their hair. When Leni signaled that it was time to curl their hair, they ended up causing a city-wide power outage, which got Leni in trouble. They were possibly mentioned by Leni's stunt double in "Fool Me Twice" when she would show her new perm (a hairstyle which the real Leni detests). Trivia[]
Gallery[]Sound of Silence[]Overnight Success[]Whitney[]
Whitney is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Suite and Sour". Appearance[]Whitney has long, curly blonde hair, pink eye shadow, white earrings, and three pairs of eyelashes. She wears a pink sleeveless shirt, white shorts, white socks, and purple shoes. Trivia[]
Gallery[]For Bros About to Rock[]The Loudest Yard[]Suite and Sour[]L is for Love[]The Crying Dame[]Roadie to Nowhere[]Selfie Improvement[]Pipe Dreams[]Rita Her Rights[]Friendzy[]Shop Girl[]Resident Upheaval[]Fright Bite[]Behind the Scenes[]GIFs[]Renders[]School clubs[]Music Club[]
Theatre Club[]
Live-Action Exclusive[]
Royal Woods High School/Students