The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
"Albert" redirects here. For Casey's father, see Alberto.
For his live-action counterpart, see Albert Reynolds (live-action).

Look out world, Albert's about to take it to yah!

Albert Reynolds (more commonly known as Pop-Pop) is a recurring character in The Loud House. He is the maternal grandfather of the Loud kids, father of Rita, and father-in law of Lynn Sr.. He lives in a nursing home.


Albert is first mentioned in "Chore and Peace" by Leni, when she mentions Lincoln's white hair.

In "Cover Girls", he makes his first on-screen appearance. He makes a video call through the computer to talk with his grandchildren. Because he wasn't using his glasses, he couldn't clearly recognize the Loud children, who were dressed up like their other siblings.

In "Raw Deal", he is mentioned by Leni, when she says that she cannot wait to see Pop-Pop. Lincoln corrects her by saying they're going to see a geyser, not a "geezer".

He has a major role in "The Old and the Restless". He moves into the Sunset Canyon retirement home, where he was under the supervision of a strict nurse, named Sue, but he and Lincoln go out for a fun time. At first, Lincoln is happy to have a fun time with his Pop-Pop until he realizes they need to get back to the retirement home before curfew, or he'll be kicked out. When it's too late, the other senior citizens stand up for Albert and Sue lets him stay. Albert thanks Lincoln for the fun day that they had together.

In "Brawl in the Family", Lincoln mentions that Lola snores as loud as Pop-Pop.

He’s mentioned in "Making the Grade", having to wait an hour at a train station since Lisa didn't tell Rita when he would arrive, since Lincoln convinced her to be average.

In "Room with a Feud", Lisa states that she invented a computer match up for Pop-Pop to find a soulmate, but he wasn’t ready for love again.

In "Spell It Out", the Loud Family (excluding Lucy) visit him and watch him play shuffle board, which he ends up winning, and his grandchildren lift him up, while chanting his name in celebration.

In "No Spoilers", he attended his daughter's birthday party.

In "Not a Loud", he was called by his daughter to watch Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan and Lynn while she delivers Lincoln.

In "Tripped!", Rita mentioned that he taught her how to fly a plane from his experience in the military.

In "Insta-gran", Albert starts dating Myrtle.

In "Head Poet's Anxiety", Albert is present when Luan does her comedy at Sunset Canyon. He is later present when Lucy do her poetry at the Royal Woods Theater.

In "Ruthless People", Lynn Sr., Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lincoln and Lola stay with Albert while their house has termites. Later, he’s on the cruise which Sunset Canyon Retirement Home rent out along with Rita, Leni, Luan, Lucy, Lana, Lisa and Lily.

In "House of Lies", Luan mentions that she regifted someone's gift to Albert.

In "Predict Ability", Lincoln mentions that Albert used to wear a kilt.

In "Driving Ambition", Lori reveals that her golf clubs used to be Albert's.

In "Racing Hearts", he and Myrtle pair together for the Royal Woods Astonishing Quest hosted by Mayor Davis.

In "Cooked!", he can be seen during Leni's bingo game promotion.

In "Present Tense", he and Myrtle appear on a picture inside Lynn Sr.'s scrapbook.

In "Leader of the Rack", he and everybody from Sunset Canyon Retirement Home come to Reininger's for the Senior Shop-aganza.

In "Geriantics", Lisa does various experiments in an attempt to extend Albert's life.

In "Deep Cuts", he’s mentioned by Lori saying that she is going give the golf clubs back to Pop Pop after the Sports Club had been cut by Principal Rivers.

In "Tough Cookies", Albert and his fellow inhabitants at Sunset Canyon Retirement Home do a protest revolving around the broken pudding machine which is covered by Katherine Mulligan. Lincoln and Clyde sell them cookies.

In "Resident Upheaval", Albert and Lincoln accompany Myrtle on a tour of Sunset Canyon. It is revealed in this episode that Myrtle also never actually lived at Sunset Canyon, but was rather visiting Albert the whole time.

In "Electshunned", he and other seniors are present when Leni gives a speech at Sunset Canyon about her support for a new pudding machine.

In "Much Ado About Noshing", he can be seen on the Gigglin' Geezer.

In "Diss the Cook", Albert was revealed to have borrowed a hovercraft for Rita's graduation party. He later does it again when Rita reenacts the graduation party for Chef Pat as she rides in it. After Flip crashes into the food that Chef Pat brought, Flip hitches a ride in the hovercraft with Albert.

In "Scoop Snoop", he dumps pudding on Mick Swagger.

Personal life[]

In "Insta-gran", Albert starts dating Myrtle, but the kids didn't approve of her. They eventually started to like her and said he and Myrtle would be happy together.

In "Pop Pop the Question", Albert proposes to Myrtle, and marries her in No Time to Spy: A Loud House Movie.

At some point before Albert met Myrtle, he was married to another woman (Rita's biological mother) who likely passed away before the events of the show. As mentioned above, Lisa once invented a machine to help him find a soulmate. However, Albert declined this offer as he "wasn't ready for love again".


Albert is a burly man, with white hair, and a large tuft of his hair that sticks up, much like Lincoln's hair. He also has gray mustache and thick gray eyebrows as well. On his right forearm, he has a tattoo of an anchor.

He wears a white button-up shirt, blue jeans with a black belt and orange suspenders. In his debut appearance, he had glasses hanging on his neck.


He loves all his grandchildren and likes talking to them and hanging out with them. He loves adventures, sport activities, and eating spicy food. Because of Sue's toxic control, he lost his self-confidence, but Lincoln proved he is still fit, despite his age. He was grateful for this.

While Albert is usually an easy-going man, he's gotten angry or annoyed on a few occasions. In "Insta-Gran", he got angry and nearly attacks Seymour when he believed that he was secretly seeing Myrtle. In "Not Much Ado About Noshing", he glares at Scoots in annoyance after she complains about her hamburger. In "Scoop Snoop", he attacks Mick Swagger with pudding for disguising himself as an old person.


  • He is the first character not played by a child actor to get recast due to their original actor being permanently unable to reprise their role. In Albert's case, his first voice actor, Fred Willard, died on May 15, 2020, which caused him to be replaced by Christopher Swindle and later Piotr Michael.
  • The color and style of his hair is exactly like Lincoln's. As such, Albert calls him his "lookalike". It is possible that Lincoln inherited it from him.
    • So far, it's not clear if Albert's hair is naturally white like Lincoln's or if it's due to aging.
  • "Cover Girls" reveals that Albert is near-sighted, but this is never mentioned again in later episodes. It also reveals that he once got one of his hips replaced.
  • "The Old and the Restless" reveals that Albert is the Loud siblings' maternal grandfather.
  • The fact that Albert is old, but still quite spry for his age is similar to Arnold's grandpa from Hey, Arnold!
  • Before Myrtle, Albert's marital status is unknown since neither he nor Rita mentions the whereabouts of his wife/her mom/the Loud children's maternal grandmother. If Rita's mother is still alive, it is very unlikely that she and Pop-Pop are married, since he and Myrtle are married.
    • In the Season 2 episode "Room with a Feud", Lisa mentions Albert wasn't ready to date again hinting that he maybe a widower.
    • Before his live-action counterpart's surname was confirmed in "Get Out of Dodgeball", his card in the game Ace Savvy on the Case says his surname is Loud. This may be an error, though, since Lynn Sr.'s father, Leonard Loud, is revealed to be still alive in "Camped!".
    • It's very likely that none of the Loud kids have ever met their original maternal grandmother as they seemed very accepting having Myrtle as their "Gran-Gran".
  • In "Write and Wrong", it's revealed that he eats dinner early, but later than 3:00 PM.
  • In "Rumor Has It", it is revealed that Lincoln is named after Pop-Pop, as his middle name is Albert.
  • In "The Case of the Stolen Drawers", it's revealed that he used to be in the military, and that he has read Ace Savvy since childhood.
  • "Family Tree" reveals several things about him:
    • Lincoln writes an essay about him every year, titled "My Hero".
    • Leni taught him how to express himself through his socks.
    • Luna composes him a birthday song every year.
    • He follows the same sports teams as Lynn.
  • "Predict Ability" reveals that he used to wear a kilt.
  • "Lucy Rolls the Dice" reveals that he likes to roleplay and play tiddlywinks.
  • "Loud and Proud" reveals that his favorite part of babysitting Lily is reading her bedtime stories.
  • Seeing as his hair has turned white, but Ruth's hasn't, this means he is probably the older sibling.
  • He doesn't appear at all or get mentioned in Season 7, thus marking the first season of The Loud House where he doesn't appear or get mentioned, unless one counts No Time to Spy: A Loud House Movie as part of the season.
  • "Spooky Special" reveals that he usually takes a nap after dinner.


v - e - d The Loud House characters