Icon-ryusoulgerThis article is about a Ranger in Power Rangers Dino Fury and Cosmic Fury.Icon-prdf

"T-Rex Fury, Red Ranger!"
―Roll Call[src]

"Dino Fury Power!"
―Team Roll Call[src]

"Dino Fury Victory!"
―Victory Catchphrase[src]

"Ankylo Fury, Pink!"
―Alternate roll call[src]

"T-Rex Fury, Zenith Ranger!"
―Roll Call[src]

Zayto is a Rafkonian from the planet Rafkon who led the Ancient Dino Fury Rangers 65 million years ago as the Dino Fury Red Ranger. In the present day, he leads the modern Dino Fury Rangers to prevent another Sporix War from happening.

After his death following the battle with the Nemesis Beast, Zayto was revived as Zenith by the Morphin Masters and given the temporary powers of the Dino Fury Zenith Ranger. After his Dinohenge statue is destroyed, he gains the powers of the Cosmic Fury Zenith Ranger when he returns to the Cosmic Fury Rangers until he evolved into a Morphin Master to finally defeat Lord Zedd. With his mortal life over, Zayto left Earth to join his fellow Morphin Masters in the Morphin Grid.


Early Life[]

Knight of Rafkon[]

Zayto and Aiyon as Knights of Rafkon

Zayto and Aiyon as Knights of Rafkon.

Zayto was born on the planet Rafkon, after becoming a Knight, he received a pendant from his mother as a gift, with her telling him to never give up when all things seem hopeless. Tvicon TV STORY-Lost Signal Zayto was the leader of the Knights of Rafkon, the main military force of his planet. Tvicon TV STORY-Destination Dinohenge Sometime during his early days as a knight, he befriended Aiyon, who became his sparring partner and closest comrade. With the forces of evil approaching the planet, the military council of Rafkon decided to create Sporix Beasts in order to expand Rafkon's defenses. When the council asked Zayto about his opinion on the project, he trusted the judgement of his superiors despite Aiyon asking him to stop the project. Tvicon TV STORY-Ancient History (Dino Fury)

Great Sporix Wars[]

Zayto during Great Sporix Battle

Zayto during the Great Sporix Wars.

Just as the council activated the machine to create the Sporix, Aiyon tried to destroy the machine, but Zayto stopped him, starting a fight that ultimately ended his friendship with Aiyon. Unfortunately, Aiyon was proven right as the unleashed Sporix Beasts attacked their planet. During the battle to defend their home Zayto led the Knights of Rafkon against the evil beasts, though they were not strong enough. In the end, their home planet was destroyed by the same monsters their people created and unleashed upon. Tvicon TV STORY-Ancient History (Dino Fury)

Zayto becomes Red Ranger DF

Zayto becomes the Dino Fury Red Ranger.

When Zayto, Aiyon and their teammates traveled to Earth where Sporix invaded, they teamed up with dinosaurs to defeat the Sporix Beasts. Sometime after the Sporix Wars, they were contacted by the Morphin Masters, who were able to fuse their dinosaur allies with them and turn them into the first Dino Fury Power Rangers. While the previous Dino Fury Rangers did managed to defeat and capture the Sporix Beasts by locking them in a chest, the majority of Zayto's teammates perished and two of the Dino Fury Keys were lost when the Knights that wielded them fell in the war, while Aiyon got split from them and was thought to be dead as well, thus leaving both Zayto and Solon on their own which led to Zayto sleeping inside a stasis pod until he was needed once again to finish what Aiyon first started. Tvicon TV STORY-Destination Dinohenge

Dino Fury[]

Training a New Team[]

"What's going on? Solon, why are the Hengemen activated and who're they?"
―Zayto upon awakening.[src]

Zayto after waking up from his stasis.

65 million years later, Zayto was kept in a stasis pod by his mentor until their base was found by both Void Knight and two civilians, named Amelia and Ollie, who later were able to morph into the next Dino Fury Pink and Blue Rangers. When the stasis pod was briefly damaged, Solon was able to wake Zayto up, who also tried to stop Void Knight from taking the Sporix while indicating to ask him where he stole that armor from. Then, the two knights fought fiercely, but at the cost of the chest that contained the Sporix being opened by the Dino Dagger and letting them loose, which led to Void Knight also managing to escape with Shockhorn and leaving the three Rangers to introduce themselves and begin their training as the next Dino Fury team. Tvicon TV STORY-Destination Dinohenge

Zayto begins training Ollie and Amelia in becoming Power Rangers, starting with the morphing sequence on how to follow his movements, he later explains to them that they can boost their powers with the Boost Keys. The Rangers then teleport to Pine Ridge in order to warn them about the Sporix, once there, Zayto is taken aback by how much Earth has changed since he last saw it, even asking if there are still any dinosaurs around. Amelia is concerned about Zayto’s appearance since having antennae would make him stand out, but Zayto reveals that he can retract his antennae into his forehead, making him look more human.


Zayto uses the Mega Fury Saber.

The trio is later informed of an Sporix's appearance at a dam, the Rangers make it to the dam to see the Sporix Beast, who introduces herself as Mucus and attacks the civilians as they declare themselves as Power Rangers. They morph as Mucus charges at them, only for Zayto to slash at her and turn her into slime, much to their bewilderment. Suddenly, Shockhorn arrives to fight them, the Sporix later summons the Hengemen for help as Mucus reforms herself. While the Rangers battle against the Hengemen, the two Sporix teleport away. After Shockhorn reappears and grows giant, Zayto activates the T-Rex Champion Zord and attacks him, he then uses his Dino Fury Key to transform it into his Battle Mode. Zayto enters the cockpit and uses the Zord's agility to its advantage along with its Tail Lash, he summons the Mega Fury Saber and activates the T-Rex Champion Chomp, defeating Shockhorn. Shockhorn reverts to his Sporix cell, but Void Knight gets to it before the Rangers can grab it. After realizing that it's time to let Pine Ridge know about the Sporix, he sends a video message out to everyone in his Ranger form, telling them to contact the Ranger hotline if they see a Sporix Beast on the loose. Tvicon TV STORY-Sporix Unleashed

The Lost Signal[]


Zayto talks to Amelia about his planet.

Zayto later reflects at Dinohenge on how far away he is from Rafkon while holding his pendant, not knowing if anybody out there is still alive after being gone for millions of years. He's later informed by Solon that they received an intergalactic message from space, in the same galaxy Rafkon is located but when attempting to play it, the commlink fries up due to an overload and the modulator burns, making it impossible to hear the message. Amelia and Ollie both try to help Zayto figure out what the message means with two different methods, but they were both ineffective. A Sporix known as Vypeera later hatches and starts attacking civilians, the Rangers are informed thanks to their hotline about the Sporix Beast’s appearance and teleport to Vypeera’s location, with Mucus also teleporting as well. Vypeera showcases her ability to freeze people with her chest eyes, using it against Zayto before attacking him. After the Sporix leaves, Ollie and Amelia check on Zayto.

Vypeera later appears in a video broadcast, using her abilities to freeze the entire city of Pine Ridge (including Ollie and Amelia) as Mucus puts the video on a loop. Solon and Zayto figure out what's going on, with Zayto at a loss of what to do as he cannot fight Vypeera without looking at her. Solon takes note of Zayto’s pendant, realizing that it was comprised of the same material as the modulator, and believes she can use it to decipher the message. Recalling what his mother told him millions of years ago, Zayto refuses to give up against Vypeera and looks for a new approach. He sees the Sonic Dino Key from the Boost Key rack, realizing that if he can only hear, he does not need to use his sight to fight.


A blindfolded Zayto fights Vypeera.

Zayto teleports blindfolded to the BuzzBlast rooftop and activates the Sonic Dino Key, amplifying his hearing and he manages to take on Vypeera as Mucus teleports away, hearing the video coming from her laptop Zayto destroys it, cancelling the video as everyone, including Ollie and Amelia, are free from their frozen state. The trio soon reunites and defeat the monster in her giant form after forming Dino Fury Megazord, they also manage to retrieve the Sporix Cell before Void Knight can get his hands on it. Back in the chamber, after finishing a new modulator for the commlink, Solon activates it, only to hear that the message is in a language none of them can translate. Despite that, Zayto is hopeful that the message came from Rafkon and uses the commlink to send out his message to his home world, asking if anyone from his planet is still out there. Tvicon TV STORY-Lost Signal

New Team Members[]

Zayto was later brought by Ollie and Amelia to apply for a reporter job at BuzzBlast. He is then assigned by Jane to interview Izzy Garcia, a high school athlete, but it was cut short when Ollie received a call from Solon about a Sporix Beast attack in Pine Ridge Museum. Zayto and the team would later fight against Void Knight's new general, Boomtower, as well as Draknarok.


Zayto meets his new teammates.

Later, they were led by Izzy to find her brother, who had escaped with the Nephrite Orb. Zayto is then shocked and thrilled upon seeing the Black and Green Dino Fury Keys, which morphed the Garcia siblings into Rangers. Then, they battle Draknarok with their Megazord and defeat the monster, collecting his Sporix form before Void Knight arrives to take it. He, Ollie, and Amelia later brought Javi and Izzy to their base and revealed their identities to officially welcome the new recruits, before introducing them to Solon and revealing his nature as a Rafkonian.

He later meets Jane again together with Javi to apologize about being unable to complete their assignments. Zayto then congratulates Javi for getting the reporter job before following him and Jane. Tvicon TV STORY-New Recruits

Reaching the Nexus Prism[]

After defeating Doomsnake with the Mega Slash from their Dino Fury Megazord Blade Formation, another new Sporix Beast, Wolfgang, lets out a howl that weakens the Megazord’s integrity, forcing the Rangers teleport out of the cockpit just before the Megazord entirely falls apart into pieces. Before Zayto could develop a plan to figure out who caused their Megazord to fall apart, a bird flies in front of his face. The bird then transforms into a person who introduces himself as Mick Kanic and immediately recognizes Zayto's team as Power Rangers. Mick asks the Rangers for assistance finding the Prism, but Zayto says that they are too busy to help him find something he has never even heard of before.


Zayto meets Mick Kanic.

Later Zayto and the team realize that Wolfgang wants Mick so he can find the Ninja Nexus Prism for Void Knight, with the team soon teleporting Mick out of their reach. Back at the Dinohenge chamber, Mick shows the Rangers the Legendary Ranger Database and explains to the Rangers the nature of the Ninja Nexus Prism. Later arriving at a waterfront, Zayto and the Rangers find the Ninja Nexus Prism standing idly on the dock. Sensing that the Prism is a living object, Zayto decides to read its mind, retracting his antennas and placing his hand on the Prism's center. Zayto discovers that the Morphin Masters created mystical artifacts to help Ranger teams through the Morphin Grid, and one of those artifacts was the Ninja Nexus Prism. He sees that once the Ninja Steel Rangers completed their mission, the Prism left Earth, while the Morphin Masters continued to watch every Ranger team fight against evil, including another team of Rangers and themselves. Zayto also sees that the Prism came back to Earth for a new mission, one that it is currently searching for.


Zayto connects to the Ninja Nexus Prism.

After Wolfgang and Boomtower arrive and after a battle, they enlarge themselves, so the Rangers summoned their Zords and end Boomtower once and for all. After Izzy stops Mucus from getting the other Sporix Cell Boomtower had, the Rangers see the Ninja Nexus Prism emerging from the sea and leaving Earth, seemingly having completed its mission. Back at the Dinohenge Chamber, Zayto apologizes to Mick for dismissing the Ninja Nexus Prism earlier, now having a better understanding of how important it was. Mick accepts it and Zayto also asks Mick about Rafkon but he says that he has no idea about the planet before leaving. Tvicon TV STORY-Unexpected Guest

Sometimes later, Zayto meets Arla, a female Rafkonian who claims that the other Rafkonians have found a way to destroy the Sporix. Despite Solon's protests, Zayto trusts her and lets her get into the base where she says that their tech on Dinohenge is outdated. Zayto later decides that he can trust her with the Sporix they've recaptured, only to find out she's really Slyther, Void Knight and Mucus's latest creation and general, in disguise. After the reveal, he teleports Slyther along with himself out of Dinohenge before morphing and fighting the general. When Slyther transformed into a giant Roostafa, the Rangers form their Megazord and managed to defeat him after momentarily blinding him with the Slick Dino Key. Zayto later apologizes to Solon for not trusting her. Tvicon TV STORY-Phoning Home

Reuniting with an Old Friend[]

Upon being cornered while fighting against Tidemare, Zayto and the others witnessed the arrival of a mysterious Gold Ranger, who comes to assist them. This shocks him as he somehow recognized who this mysterious Ranger might be. After the Gold Ranger defeated Tidemare, he greeted Zayto, which confirms his suspicion of the Gold Ranger's identity. However, he doesn't get the chance to speak with him as the Ranger teleported away. Tvicon TV STORY-Storm Surge

The next day, while training the other Rangers on fighting, Zayto and the others are surprised by the Gold Ranger's appearance on Dinohenge. The Ranger in question would then teleported down into the underground base to greet them, at which point he demorphed to reveal that he is Zayto's old friend and fellow Rafkonian Aiyon. Zayto would then question how his comrade survived (as he thought the other Rafkon Rangers except him had perished in Great Sporix Wars), to which he revealed that he managed to escape the destruction of Ultrazord along with Zayto before being stranded and sleep in the sea for 65 million years and being reawakened by the Green Morphin Master.

When Aiyon revealed his past and true origin of Sporix Beasts, Zayto begins to lose the trust of his teammates due to withholding this vital information. This caused him to act rashly in a battle with Mucus, which in turn had Aiyon call him out for not being such a good leader. Discouraged, Zayto temporarily left the team, with Aiyon taking over leadership. After some encouragement from Solon, Zayto would then appear to assist the team on fighting against Wreckmate and the Hengemen. He would help Aiyon on fighting the robotic general, with both using the Blazing and Electro Battle Armors respectively.

When Wreckmate grew giant, Zayto would join the others in a Megazord fight. However, upon seeing Aiyon clamming up due to the Megazord powering down in the underwater environment, Zayto suggested that they teleport out to safety first. After managing to exit the Megazord, Aiyon would then apologize to Zayto for being a bad leader since his actions nearly led his team into destruction.

Zayto assures his friend that it was for the best and said that he is just glad to have him back as both former knights repaired their friendship. Shortly after, Zayto would join Aiyon on fighting Wreckmate using the Mosa Razor Zord Battle Mode, which allows them to defeat the robot. Following the battle, he would then be reinstated as the leader after Aiyon gave the position back to him, as the latter finally learned about the big responsibility of a leader and forgives Zayto for his past mistakes. Zayto accepted and then engages in a friendly sword duel with Aiyon, ending with them hugging each other in camaraderie. Tvicon TV STORY-Ancient History (Dino Fury)

Zayto would then join the others on a vacation to the beach, building a sandcastle with Javi and Aiyon. He then proceeds to tell Aiyon about ice creams. Tvicon TV STORY-Our Hero

Facing the Past[]

Power Rangers Dino Fury Ep 20

Zayto and Aiyon faced their nightmares in the form of the Ancient Dino Fury Rangers.

Zayto and Aiyon soon went on a mission to the planet Nibyro in search of the Light and Shadow Raptor Zords, which arrived there after being blasted out of Earth's orbit during the Great Sporix Battle. There they faced the Guardian's test, which projected nightmare illusions of his fallen team of Rangers, but the two Rafkonian knights were able to reconcile with the memories of their friends, passing the test and getting access to their Zords. Tvicon TV STORY-Waking Nightmares

After Void Knight steals the capacitor of Dr. Akana, Zayto and the other Rangers, except for Ollie, are captured by the villain and hooked into a machine that Void Knight wanted to use to revive his comatose wife Santaura. Void Knight's plans are foiled when Ollie destroyed the Dinohenge statues and saves the Rangers. Now freed, Zayto his team fight Void Knight, in the process causing an explosion that apparently killed the villain. Seeing that the only thing left of their enemy is his Void Saber, Zayto celebrates the Rangers victory over Void Knight. Tvicon TV STORY-Void Trap

Arrival of Void Queen[]

Following the arrival of Bitscreem, a Sporix Beast that tried to steal their keys, Zayto and his team soon realized that Void Knight survived their last battle and was still giving order from the shadows. To make matters worse, the Sporix managed to steal back the Void Saber the Rangers acquired from Void Knight after his defeat. Tvicon TV STORY-Numero Uno

During the attack of another Sporix named Squashblight, the Rangers were occupied by fighting Wreckmate, leading to Solon sending out the Zords. During their fight on the ground, the team was surprised by the arrival of Void Knight, who said that he was not there to fight but rather warn the Rangers about a new villain named Void Queen, who was now behind the new Sporix attacks. He also told the Rangers that the weakness of Squashblight is darkness before leaving, with this information, Zayto and his team managed to defeat the new Sporix. Tvicon TV STORY-New Leaf

Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger Episode 33

Zayto regains the Dino Knight Armor.

Zayto and the Rangers were later tricked into going to a nearby warehouse by Void Knight, who wanted to use it as an opportunity to warn them about Void Queen's new general, Snageye. After Void Knight revealed that Void Queen was his wife, he offered an alliance with the Rangers, but Zayto lashed out at him for unleashing the Sporix on Earth just to save his wife, making it clear that he still didn't trust him. During a later fight with Snageye, Zayto was trapped in his pocket dimension and later managed to escape, where he found Void Knight badly wounded. Void Knight then revealed that he had the Dino Knight Morpher and gave it to him.

When Zayto was given the Morpher back, Snageye recovered and said he didn't stand a chance. He tried to use a thunder slash on the Red Ranger, but it didn't work and he turned into the Dino Knight Red Ranger. When Snageye removed his mask, he went up to attack Zayto, but his sword does nothing and Zayto kept on punching him and kicking him to a factory wall. He decided to hide so Snageye wouldn't be able to find him before coming down from the roof and slashing him with his claws. He then uses the Gravi and Freeze Dino Keys to immobilize and freeze Snageye before using the Dino Knight Strike to destroy the general. After rescuing his team, Void Knight revealed that his name was Tarrick before being forcibly taken back to his base by Void Queen. Tvicon TV STORY-The Hunt

Return to Rafkon[]

Zayto and his team would also have to deal with Lothorn, a villain that broke out of Grid Battleforce and was sent to attack the Dino Fury Rangers. After the Rangers managed to destroy the demon, they found out that the person responsible for Lothorn's attack was none other than the recently resurrected Lord Zedd, who created the prison break at Grid Battleforce to recruit Scrozzle to his cause. Tvicon TV STORY-Ultimate Mystery Lord Zedd would later also use Sizzurai to turn Ollie into his loyal minion, after a brief fight with their brainwashed teammate and some of Zedd's new generals, the Rangers managed to return Ollie to normal. Zayto then used his powers to learn from Ollie that Lord Zedd has uncovered the location of Rafkon and was heading there. Tvicon TV STORY-Love Hate

Zayto & Aiyon Seeing Rafkon's Destruction

Zayto and Aiyon look at Rafkon's destruction.

After Zayto finally arrived home with his team, a broadwave scan on Rafkon made the Rangers realize there were no life form detected on the planet. The team set foot on the planet only to find Lord Zedd and his generals, who were trying to find the original Sporix Beasts generator in hopes of creating more to build an unstoppable army. While the Rangers managed to find the generator first, they soon realized that they fell into a trap set by Lord Zedd, who was following them in the hope that they would lead him to the generator. As the Dino Fury Rangers fought Zedd's new forces, Aiyon left the battle to take on Zedd one on one, believing that he would fulfill a prophecy mentioned by the Green Morphin Master, Zayto followed Aiyon and protected him from Lord Zedd, but he was still unable to damage the Emperor of Evil. Just as the Rangers were about to be blasted by Zedd, the Green Morphin Master transported them back to their base, leaving Rafkon at Zedd's mercy. Tvicon TV STORY-Rafkon Revealed

Zayo was then healed from Zedd's attack by Master Green, Master Blue appeared to imprisoned his fellow master for trying to interfere in the lives of mortals since they took their vow to protect the Morphin Grid. This made Zayto open the Legendary Ranger Database to show Master Blue that Master Green had used her powers to save various other Rangers teams. As Master Blue insisted on punishing Master Green, Zayto and his team tried to defend her but she sent the Rangers back to Rafkon in order to finish their mission instead. Unfortunately, Zedd and his team managed to take the generator out of the planet, which destabilized Rafkon by disconnecting it from its magma core. After Rafkon was destroyed, the Dino Fury Rangers returned to Earth in order to stop Lord Zedd from creating more Sporix with his new machine, fighting Zedd's generals and Void King in the process. Master Green would later help the Rangers destroy the machine while trapping Lord Zedd on a crystal prison. Following this, the other Masters decided to forgive Master Green and let go of their vow while they secured Zedd. Tvicon TV STORY-Morphin Master

The Sacrifice[]

After Void King managed to infiltrate the Ranger's base and steal their captured Sporix. Solon informed the team about a spacecraft that was hovering above Dinohenge, the ship soon beamed down a group of surviving Rafkonian lead by a woman named Orria. After confirming their identities, Zayto and Aiyon became concerned with Orria's idea of taking over Earth forcefully due to not believing that humans would accept them. As Void Queen unleashed the Sporix she had all over Pine Ridge as part of her plan, Zayto and Orria made a truce in order to defeat the Sporix, with the Rafkonians and Rangers fighting together. The team soon learned that Void Queen attempted to use Crashflood to destroy the dam and flood Pine Ridge, Zayto gave his Zord to Ollie and sent him, Izzy and Javi to deal with a giant Crashflood while he, Amelia, Aiyon and the Rafkonian dealt with the Sporix on the ground. Tvicon TV STORY-The Invasion

While returning to their base, Zayto and the Rangers encountered Amelia with antennae on her head, revealing that she was a Rafkonian, something that even she didn't know about. Following this revelation, the Dino Fury Rangers found a cocoon in the middle of BuzzBlast that was attracting every Sporix they defeated. Realizing that Amelia had left to Area 62 in hopes of finding answers to who her real parents were, Zayto and the other Rangers followed her. During a brief fight with Void King, the Rangers found out that Tarrick was Amelia's father. Tvicon TV STORY-The Truth

Now with Tarrick by their side, the Rangers get close to the cocoon as it starts getting bigger while Void Queen gets wrapped in more Sporix. Zayto lends his Dino Knight Morpher to Tarrick to become Void Knight one last time in order to get inside the cocoon and teleport it to the desert so it doesn't kill anyone when it hatches. Zayto and the Rangers went to the desert to see that Tarrick successfully teleported the cocoon and managed to survived the explosion caused when it hatched, but the process created a giant Sporix Beast that Void Queen controlled from the inside, called the Nemesis Beast. Solon sent the Rangers their entire army of Zords to fight the Nemesis Beast, creating three difference Megazords that fought against the gargantuan beast.

Zayto's sacrifice DF

Zayto is destroyed along with the Nemesis Beast.

Zayto and Ollie tried to create an opening with the Dino Fury Megazord, but all of their efforts proved futile when the Nemesis disassembled all three Megazords with multiple strikes. Without their Zords, Zayto tried to use the Dino Master Saber's ultimate attack on the beast, his team tried to stop him as the attack was too powerful and would also destroy him, but Void Queen blasted him before he could finish it. The injured Zayto stayed on the ground as the rest of his team teleported from the sky and landed on the Nemesis in hopes of reaching Void Queen directly. Seeing his teammates falling to the ground, Zayto desesperatly grabbed the Dino Master Saber and used the ultimate attack which used up the energy of all their Zords, landing a powerful slice on the Nemesis Beast, destroying it along with Zayto himself.

PRDF S2 Episode 22

Zayto reunites with his team after being resurrected.

Following Zayto's death, the Morphin Masters claimed that Zayto still lived in the Grid and uncovered his pendant from the sand, giving it to his teammates. Six months later, Zayto was resurrected as the Zenith Ranger by the Morphin Masters, appearing at Dinohenge, to the surprise of his teammates. After reuniting with his friends, he informed them that they had a new mission, as Lord Zedd escaped his prison, with the other Rangers morphing, Zayto and his team teleported away in search for Zedd. Tvicon TV STORY-The Nemesis

Cosmic Fury[]


Zayto Zenith-CosmicFury

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"Even if it destroys me, I have to stop her!"

Zayto is very blunt and serious, which comes off as distant and mean, despite his heart of gold. According to Solon, he can also be a bit of a showoff when using his telepathic abilities on Amelia and Ollie for the first time (his "showoff" nature also comes when it's revealed that the Megazord overriding password was "Zayto is cool"), although he clearly assures that he is testing out his telepathic powers to ensure they are functioning well, and he's quickly shown to be a very humble individual despite his years of experience. When faced with tough situations, Zayto embraces his mother's advice and never gives up even when all things seem hopeless. When hit by Tombtress's Mood Blast, he becomes lazy and regards everything as boring. However, the effect would later wear off. Zayto is also ignorant of certain English language terms, saying "Burb," instead of BRB. He even has trouble understanding Wreckmate's use of pirate jargon.

After waking up from his stasis, Zayto developed a lot of grief due to not knowing if anybody is still alive in his planet after being gone for millions of years. His great desire to find out if his planet was still there and the Rafkonians still existed, sometimes came to a fault as shown when he trusted Arla with the Sporix as he believed she was a Rafkonian, when she was actually an imposter in disguise. This lead to him being way more distrusting of outsiders like Mick Kanic, doubting his mission with the Ninja Nexus Prism, or Void Knight when he claimed that he wanted to help the Rangers, which lead to Zayto lashing out at him. The grief he felt about his homeworld would lessen a bit after he reunited with Aiyon.

Zayto was devastated after witnessing Rafkon's destruction, but still held strong when reminded that he still needed to protect Earth, something he did even if it meant challenging the surviving Rafkonians who tried to take over Earth. During the final battle between the Rangers and Void Queen, Zayto was willing to use the ultimate attack of the Dino Master Saber, sacrificing himself to take down the Nemesis Beast. Following this, he was described as a great Ranger by the Morphin Masters themselves.

Body Swapped[]

  • Zayto had body swapped with Amelia, temporarily by Boneswitch during the time. Amelia uses Zayto's body to morph into the Dino Fury Pink Ranger. After the Dino Fury Rangers destroyed Boneswitch's horns, the pair returns back to their original bodies. Tvicon TV STORY-The Makeover

Non-Ranger Powers and Abilities[]


  • Rafkonian Physiology: As a Rafkonian, he is able to utilize the following:
    • Telepathy: Zayto can read minds by making physical contact, which he used to discover Ollie and Amelia's occupations and personality traits. He is also able to use this ability for the following further powers:
      • Retrocognition: Zayto's telepathy allows him to see visions of the past.
      • Memory Projection: Zayto can also show others his own memories using his telepathy.
      • Memory Reading: With his telepathy, Zayto was able to look into Javi's memories to notice the Freeze Dino Key.
      • Super Eyesight: Through his telepathy, Zayto was able to see Javi and Void Knight's battle with Snageye from a far distance when he and the other Rangers were trapped in the general's pocket dimension.
    • Zayto
      Retractable Antennae: Zayto can retract his antennae to blend in with the humans of Earth. Since arriving on Earth, he only extends them when using his psionic abilities.


  • Sword Mastery: As a former Rafkon Knight, he excels in utilizing a sword, demonstrated with his Chromafury Saber.
  • Reflexes: Zayto possesses great reflexes, as seen when he quickly caught Ollie's Dino Fury Key in his hand.
  • Spear Mastery: Although not seen often, Zayto did demonstrate throwing a javelin (mistakenly calling it a spear) across a field. It is implied that he did have some mastery over a spear when he was in Rafkon.


  • Fish Out of Water: Being an extraterrestrial and waking up in the modern era, Zayto struggles with his understanding of modern language and culture, leading to awkward misunderstandings between himself and humanity at large. As he grows in experience, he acclimates better to Earth norms — but still manages the occasional cringey joke. Sporix would seize on Zayto's lack of Earth knowledge to gain the upper hand.
  • Limited Life/Dependence on Energy: Due to the method by which he was revived, Zayto's abilities became linked with his life force, as using his abilities eventually brought him to the cusp of death.



Dino Fury Red Ranger

This form is Zayto's primary Ranger form that he was granted from by the Morphin Masters 65 million years ago. His Ranger form resembles a Tyrannosaurus Rex, thus was also his dinosaur ally during the battle against the Sporix.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • T-Rex Fury Strike: By inserting the spare T-Rex Dino Key in the Chromafury Saber, Dino Fury Red gathers all of the T-Rex Champion Zord's power and executes an extremely powerful energy slash that takes the form of T-Rex Champion's head.


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Appearances: DF S1 Episodes 1-22; DF S2 Episodes 1-22


Dino Fury Red Ranger Stink Dino Key

The Stink Dino Key allows Zayto to unleash a stink attack, which involves launching a ball of gas before it explodes.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DF S1 Episode 2

Gravi Dino Key Red

Dino Fury Red Ranger Gravi Dino Key

The Gravi Dino Key allows Zayto to control the gravity of an enemy.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DF S1 Episode 4


Dino Fury Red Ranger Hyper Dino Key

The Hyper Dino Key allows Zayto to unleash a powerful roaring attack and increase his attacking power, as well as slash energy crescents freely.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DF S1 Episodes 5, 7, 10, 12, 20; DF S2 Episode 6

Shield Key Red

Dino Fury Red Ranger Shield Dino Key

The Shield Dino Key allows Zayto to become invulnerable to any form of attack.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DF S1 Episodes 9, 15; DF S2 Episodes 12, 14


Dino Fury Red Ranger Slick Dino Key

The Slick Dino Key allows Zayto to polish any surface as a reflective distraction.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DF S1 Episode 10


Dino Fury Red Ranger Sprint Dino Key

The Sprint Dino Key allows Zayto to become faster in battle.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DF S1 Episode 11; DF S2 Episode 5


Dino Fury Red Ranger Balloon Dino Key

The Balloon Dino Key allows Zayto to inflate his enemies like a balloon.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DF S1 Episode 12

Vision Key Red

Dino Fury Red Ranger Vision Dino Key

The Vision Dino Key allows Zayto to locate anything through telescopic vision.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DF S1 Episode 19


Dino Fury Red Ranger Elasto Dino Key

The Elasto Dino Key allows Zayto to stretch his body & become flexible, and as an armament it allows him to stretch his arm or the blade of his Chromafury Saber freely.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DF S2 Episode 5


Dino Fury Red Ranger Hover Dino Key

The Hover Dino Key allows Zayto to make any objects lighter, making it float.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DF S2 Episode 6


Dino Fury Red Ranger Blazing Battle Armor

The Blazing Battle Armor is the battle armor mode that was utilized by Zayto using the Blazing Dino Key in the Chromafury Saber. In this Battle Armor mode, Zayto can use fire-based abilities.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Blazing Fury Slash: Dino Fury Red charges up the Chromafury Saber with fire and performs a powerful flaming energy slash.


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Appearances: DF S1 Episodes 13, 15-16, 19, 22; DF S2 Episodes 12, 20


Dino Fury Red Light Battle Armor

The Light Battle Armor is the battle armor mode that was utilized by Zayto using the Light Dino Key in the Chromafury Saber. In this Battle Armor mode, Zayto can use light-based abilities.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DF S2 Episode 3


Dino Fury Red Ranger Cosmic Battle Armor

The Cosmic Battle Armor is the battle armor mode that was utilized by Zayto using the Cosmic Dino Key in the Chromafury Saber. In this Battle Armor mode, Zayto can use cosmic-based abilities.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DF S2 Episode TBA


Dino Fury Red Smash Battle Armor

The Smash Battle Armor is the battle armor mode that was utilized by Zayto using the Smash Dino Key in the Chromafury Saber. In this Battle Armor mode, Zayto can use earth-based abilities and gains immensely formidable punching abilities.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Smash Blast: Dino Fury Red unleashes five incredibly powerful seismic punches before unleashing a series of seismic jabs capable of shattering the Sporix Beast's skeletal structure and later defeating them.


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Appearances: DF S2 Episode 8


Dino Fury Red Freeze Battle Armor

The Freeze Battle Armor is the battle armor mode that was utilized by Zayto using the Freeze Dino Key in the Chromafury Saber. In this Battle Armor mode, Zayto can use ice-based abilities and fly at super speed.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DF S2 Episodes 6-7, 14


Dino Knight Red Ranger

The Dino Knight Armor is Zayto's power-up form accessed through the Dino Knight Key after inserting it in the Dino Knight Morpher. It enables him to maximize & combine the powers of Dino Fury Keys.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Dino Knight Strike - Fury Unleashed: By pressing the emblem on the inserted Dino Knight Key in the Dino Knight Morpher, Dino Knight Red generates purple and red energy and combines it, executing a drill-style spiraling strike with the Morpher.


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Appearance: DF S1 Episode 1 (flashback); DF S2 Episodes 9, 11-17, 19-21


Red Ranger Dino Master Mode

Dino Master Mode is a power-up that was utilized by Zayto using the Dino Master Saber. In this mode, Zayto can deliver more powerful final strikes by using the Zord and Battle Armor Dino Keys.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • T-Rex Master Strike: By inserting the spare T-Rex Dino Key in the Dino Master Saber, Dino Master Red gathers the T-Rex Champion Zord‘s full power and executes an extremely powerful rainbow energy slash that takes the form of T-Rex Champion's head with the Saber.
  • Freeze Fury Blast: By inserting the Freeze Dino Key in the Dino Master Saber, Dino Master Red gathers the Ptera Freeze Zord’s full power and executes an extremely powerful ice slash that takes the form of Ptera Freeze's head with the Saber.
  • Blazing Fury Blast: By inserting the Blazing Dino Key in the Dino Master Saber, Dino Master Red gathers the Dimetro Blazing Zord's full power and executes two extremely powerful fire slashes that take the form of Dimetro Blazing's head after combining with the Saber.


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Appearance: DF S2 Episodes 19-20


Dino Fury Pink Ranger

Amelia temporarily swapped bodies with Zayto, assuming the form of Dino Fury Pink and engaging in battle while inhabiting his body. The pair were forcefully demorphed once their signature energies returned to their bodies.

Powers and Abilities[]


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This form is exclusive to DF S1 Episode 19

Spin Key Pink

Dino Fury Pink Ranger Spin Dino Key

The Spin Dino Key allows Zayto in Amelia's body to use a whirlwind attack that makes enemies spin out of control.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearance: DF S1 Episode 19


Dino Fury Zenith Ranger

Zayto gained this form when he was resurrected by the Morphin Masters.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearance: DF S2 Episode 22; CF Episode 1, 4 (flashback)


Cosmic Fury Zenith Ranger

Zayto assumes this form shortly after being recovered from planet Levvina. Due to his present situation, Zayto was momentarily stripped of his civilian Rafkonian abilities, including his antennae.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: CF Episodes 4-9


Morphin Master

When Zayto's life energy was completely exhausted, his body returned to the Morphin Grid. It transformed him into a Morphin Master, maintaining his appearance and no longer bound by mortality. While he typically appears with his civilian face, he can also take on a visage similar to the other Morphin Masters.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Portal Opening: The Morphin Masters were able to open up a massive swirling blue portal at will to transport themselves around.
  • Longevity: The Morphin Masters survived at least 65 million years between the events of Dino Fury's prelude and the events of "Big Sisters" but as in expanded continuity, they are not immortal.
  • Levitation: The Morphin Masters are able to float in mid-air unassisted.
  • Artifact Creation: By tapping into the Morphin Grid, the Morphin Masters can create special artifacts that allow one to morph into a Power Ranger. These include the Dino Gems, the Energems, and the Ninja Nexus Prism.
  • Resurrection: The Morphin Masters can bring others back from the dead, since Master Green appears to have been the one who resurrected Steel.
  • Suspended Animation: Master Green has been shown to inherit this ability as she was the one that put Aiyon in a stasis for 65 million years.
  • Bubble Shield: Master Green was able to create a bubble-like shield to protect the Rangers.
  • Energy Sensing: The Morphin Masters can sense others through their energy.


  • Staffs: All six Morphin Masters carry large white staffs at all times.
    • Power Bestowment: The Morphin Masters were able to hold their staffs into the air and charge them up with white energy before blasting people with them. These energies transform animals into Zords and give the humans Morphers to access the Morphin Grid and become Power Rangers.
    • Lightning Generation: As demonstrated by Master Green in the flashback of Ancient History, they can release lightning of their respective colors from their staffs.
    • Power Restoration: In the episode Void Trap, Master Green was able to restore the Rangers' powers with her staff.
    • Teleportation: Master Green was able to teleport away by gently slamming her staff down.
      • Remote Teleportation: Master Green was able to teleport the Rangers to safety in balls of light through her staff.
      • Teleportation Beam: The Morphin Masters can fire energy beams of their respective colors from their staffs that warp away anything they hit.
    • Healing: Master Green was able to heal Zayto with her staff.
    • Conjuration: Master Green was able to conjure up the Dino Master Saber with her staff.
    • Energy Lasers: The Morphin Masters can fire energy lasers of their respective color from their staffs.
      • Crystal Imprisonment: The energy lasers from the Morphin Masters' staffs can imprison anyone in crystal.
      • Freeing: Master Red was able to free the Master Green from her crystal prison with his staff's energy lasers.
    • Levitation: The Morphin Masters can also make objects levitate with their staff.
    • Mental Image Projection: Master Red's staff was able to project an image of the Altar of Zordnia into Javi's mind when he caught it.
  • Morphin Hearts: Morphin Hearts are crystalline objects that most or all individuals of the Morphin Masters' race owns. Each heart bears a black symbol over a red background unique to each individual. The hearts of younger individuals are all circular, while those of older individuals and the Morphin Masters themselves are rhombus-shaped. They can be used as energy sources, and are able to siphon off and contain Grid Energy.
Appearances: CF Episode 10







Villain Groups[]

Void Family[]
Lord Zedd's New Forces[]
Squid Ink Inc.[]


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Behind the Scenes[]

"An alien warrior from another planet, Zayto leads the Dino Fury Rangers in battle."
―Official description from toy packaging.[1][src]

"Zayto is an alien from the planet Rafkon. He has been on Earth since the time of the dinosaurs, frozen in stasis. After he is revived, he leads the Dino Fury Power Rangers in the hopes of stopping the evil forces that destroyed his planet from destroying Earth.[2]"
―Official description from PR website.[src]



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Concept Art[]


  • Zayto's name a homage to Seto, an entity and former Ranger from Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger that was used for Dino Fury's source material for Zayto.[Citation needed]
  • In astrophysics, the zenith refers to the highest point of a celestial body relative to an observer's horizon, or the point at which the object is directly overhead of the observer. In more common usage, the zenith refers to the highest point reached by some thing (e.g. a civilization).

Legendary Ranger Devices[]


Dino Fury Red Ranger Key

The Dino Fury Red Ranger Key is based on the Dino Fury Red Ranger. Using this key in the Dino Fury Morpher lets him transform into his respective Ranger form. This key is only exclusive by Hasbro toyline.

Unknown ranger key

Dino Knight Red Ranger Key

The Dino Knight Red Ranger Key is based on the Dino Knight Red Ranger. Using this key in the Dino Fury Morpher lets him transform into his respective Ranger form. This key is only exclusive by the Hasbro toyline.


  • Zayto came to Earth with his teammates 65 million years ago and they were given the powers of the dinosaurs by the Morphin Masters. Since his team were granted the powers to become Rangers, this makes Zayto, Aiyon, and their deceased teammates the earliest known Power Rangers in the franchise and the first Power Rangers of Earth, which would also make Zayto the first active Red Ranger.
  • Zayto's finale Ranger suit reuses his Dino Fury Red Ranger helmet, recolors the male Dino Fury suit with white and red, and adds an original cape. While the form itself goes unnamed in the episode, it is described in the script as a "Red/White Ranger".[3] According to Simon Bennett, the Zenith Ranger's helmet remained red due to scheduling constraints, as changing colors between scenes would have posed challenges to the production staff. [4]
    • Russell Curry would later unofficially call this Ranger form the "Ghost Ranger" in a behind-the-scenes post.[5][6] Curry would later use the name again in another post.[7]
    • It would be later revealed that his new form is name: Dino Fury Zenith Ranger.
    • As Dino Fury Zenith Ranger of the Dino Fury Rangers, Zayto is the only White Ranger to take the place of the team's Red Ranger (which was his previous form prior to his first destruction).
  • The Cosmic Fury Zenith Ranger's color scheme is champagne.[8] According to producer Simon Bennett, Zayto was intended to be designated as a White Ranger. but Hasbro rejected this idea due to concerns about a black character becoming the White Ranger. An alternative Titanium color scheme was suggested and rejected. Eventually, the champagne color was approved by Hasbro, and the character given the label "Zenith."[9]


Power Rangers Legacy Wars[]

Zayto, as the Dino Fury Red Ranger, is a playable character in Power Rangers Legacy Wars. He is a Legendary (Leader), Legendary (Assist) character, and represents the Dino Fury Rangers and Cosmic Fury Rangers.

Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid[]

Zayto as Dino Knight Red Armor appears in the board game Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid as a playable character in the "Arsenal Pack" expansion.

See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Dino Fury Icon-ryusoulger
Ancient Dino Fury Rangers: Zayto - Blue Ranger I - Pink Ranger I - Green Ranger I - Black Ranger I - Aiyon
Modern Dino Fury Rangers: Zayto - Ollie Akana - Amelia Jones - Izzy Garcia - Javi Garcia - Aiyon
Dino Fury Morpher - Dino Fury Keys - Dino Fury Battle Belt - Chromafury Saber - Dino Dagger - Mosa Blaster - Mosa Blade - Mega Fury Saber - Dino Knight Morpher - Dino Master Saber
Solon - Mick Kanic - General Shaw - Morphin Masters - Orria - Rafkonian Army
Civilians: Dr. Lani Akana - Ed Jones - Warden Garcia - Rina Garcia - Jane Fairview - J-Borg - Annie - Stan - Fern - Adrian
Grid Battleforce Rangers: Devon Daniels - Ravi Shaw - Zoey Reeves - Nate Silva - Steel
Zords & Megazords
T-Rex Champion Zord - Tricera Blade Zord - Ankylo Hammer Zord - Tiger Claw Zord - Stego Spike Zord - Mosa Razor Zord
Dimetro Blazing Zord - Electro Zord - Shadow Raptor Zord - Light Raptor Zord - Cosmic Combo Raptor Zords - Pacha Smash Zord - Baby Pacha Zord - Ptera Freeze Zord - Ptera Rex Zord
Dino Fury Megazord - Dino Fury Megazord Blade Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Hammer Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Claw Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Spike Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Formation - T-Rex Blazing Megazord - Fusion Ultrazord - Mosa Shadow Megazord - T-Rex Cosmic Megazord - Dino Fury Megazord Smash Formation - Ptera Smash Ultrazord - Primal Ultrazord - Mosa Cosmic Megazord - Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Spike Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Blade Formation
Warfare Tribe Druidon Logo Void Family
Leader: Void Knight/Void King - Santaura/Void Queen
Generals: Mucus - Boomtower - Slyther - Wreckmate - Snageye - Boomblaster - Nulleye
Sporix Beasts:
Season 1: Shockhorn - Vypeera - Draknarok - Brineblast - Smashstone - Doomsnake - Wolfgang - Roostafa - Tombtress - Fogshell - Tidemare - Trawler - Stone Triplets - Boneswitch
Season 2: Fly Sporix Beast - Bitscreem - Occulo - Junkalo - Squashblight - Trackenslash - Flapnarok - Hexcurio - Quickspine - Sugarhit - Clawfare - Crashflood - Nemesis Beast
Footsoldiers: Hengemen
Others: Lord Zedd - Reaghoul - Spider Sketch Monster - Santa's Magic Sketchbook - Zord Jammer - Lothorn - Scrozzle - Sizzurai
Power nav icon Power Rangers Cosmic Fury Icon-prdf
Zayto - Amelia Jones - Ollie Akana - Izzy Garcia - Javi Garcia - Aiyon - Fern
Other Rangers: Billy Cranston - Heckyl - Mick Kanic
Cosmic Morpher - Master Staff - Ankylo Hammer - Tricera Blaster - Tiger Claw Daggers - Stego Spike - Mosa Razor Blaster - Solono Claw
General Shaw - Solon - Morphin Masters - Lani Akana - Tarrick - Slyther - Mucus
Jane Fairview - J-Borg - Carlos Garcia - Lily - Ed Jones - Rina Garcia
Zords & Megazords
Cosmic Lion Zord - Cosmic Wolf Zord - Cosmic Bull Zord - Cosmic Chameleo Zord - Cosmic Shark Zord - Cosmic Scorpion Zord
TBA - Cosmic Cobra Zord - Cosmic Eagle Zord - Cosmic Grizzly Zord - Cosmic Dragon Zord
Cosmic Fury Megazord - Cosmic Dragon Megazord
Cosmic Fury Ultrazord
Squid Ink Inc.
Leader: Lord Zedd
Generals: Bajillia Naire - Squillia Naire - Inkworth - Scrozzle - Doodrip - Jozotic - Omwhyzo
Monsters: Krymzo - Snoutia - Quaddo - Jadana
Footsoldiers: Zentinels - Copyguards
Red Rangers
Jason Lee ScottRocky DeSantosAuricoTommy OliverT.J. JohnsonAndrosLeo CorbettCarter GraysonAlexWesley CollinsCole EvansShane ClarkeConner McKnightJack LandorsSchuyler TateBridge CarsonNick RussellMack HartfordCasey RhodesScott TrumanJayden ShibaLauren ShibaTroy BurrowsTyler NavarroBrody RomeroDevon DanielsZaytoAmelia Jones
Rocky DeSantos (movie)BrittJason Scott (2017 movie)Marvin ShihGrace SterlingMiguel Diaz

Secondary Rangers
Eric MyersHunter BradleyLeanbow
Twin ManJustinRockoFarai JukwaRobo T.J.CrashPsycho RedRed Cyborg RangerEvil Time Force RedLion Shadow RangerEvil ShaneEvil HunterCharlieOfficer TateEvil Red Mystic RangerEvil Red Overdrive RangerMr. ShibaThe Grand ShogunDane RomeroMick KanicRobo Red RangerBlaze

Power Sets
Red RangerRed Aquitar RangerZeo Ranger V RedRed Turbo RangerRed Space RangerGalaxy RedRed Lightspeed RangerTime Force RedQuantum RangerRed Wild Force RangerRed Wind RangerCrimson Thunder RangerRed Dino RangerS.P.D. Red RangerRed Mystic RangerWolf WarriorRed Overdrive RangerJungle Fury Red RangerRanger Operator Series RedRed Samurai RangerMegaforce RedSuper Megaforce RedDino Charge Red RangerNinja Steel RedGrid Battleforce Red RangerDino Fury Red RangerCosmic Fury Red Ranger
Red Ranger (1995 movie)Red Ranger (2017 movie)

White Rangers
Tommy OliverDelphineAlyssa EnriléTrent Fernandez-MercerSamUdonnaDominic HarganHayley FosterZayto
Tommy Oliver (movie)Lord DrakkonRyu (Legacy Wars)Daniel LaRusso

Secondary Rangers
Omega RangerGuardian of the Hall of Legends
Tiger Shadow RangerWhite Dino Ranger Clone

Power Sets
White RangerWhite Aquitar RangerWhite Wild Force RangerWhite Dino RangerOmega RangerWhite Mystic RangerJungle Fury Rhino RangerNinja Steel WhiteDino Fury Zenith Ranger
White Ranger (movie)

Other Rangers
Kat ManxPrince Phillip IIIZayto

Secondary Rangers

Power Sets
S.P.D. Shadow RangerS.P.D. Orange RangerS.P.D. Kat RangerDino Charge Graphite RangerCosmic Fury Zenith Ranger
