Icon-ryusoulgerThis article is about an episode in Power Rangers Dino Fury.

The Hunt is the ninth episode of Power Rangers Dino Fury season 2, and the thirty-first episode overall. It is the third and final part to the three-part arc of Void Knight's defection and Void Queen as the new boss. It features the debut and demise of Snageye and the proper debut of the Dino Knight Armor after its cameo during flashbacks in Destination Dinohenge.


After receiving help from Void Knight, the Ranger teens are at odds over whether people can truly change, and they aren't certain if Void Knight is someone they can really trust.


In Area 62, Wreckmate finishes building Santaura's new general and activates him. The general introduces himself as Snageye and pledges loyalty to Santaura. Santaura orders Snageye to capture the Rangers with the abilities she gave him, and he plans to make sure they never escape. As this happens, Tarrick overhears the plan as he is in the base trying to get the stolen Sporix Cells for the Rangers. However, he accidentally knocks over a canister, lets his presence known, and is forced to leave before getting blasted by Wreckmate. Santaura is not worried though, as she knows Tarrick cannot run forever.

Meanwhile, Jane rollerblades around Lincoln Alley but causes a big mess around the area after hitting a cabbage cart and a dress rack. After pulling herself together, Jane and J-Borg see a man cry over the appearance of a ghost, and he disappears into smoke when it hits him. Jane and J-Borg go back to BuzzBlast and show the gang what happened through the android's memory banks. This excites Amelia as it could be her next Mystery Buzz story, but a skeptical Ollie reminds Jane that she always calls people nuts when they claim to have seen a ghost. However, Jane argues that she a genuine ghost and now believes Amelia. Jane tells Amelia to focus her efforts on finding out more about the ghost by 2:30 as BuzzBlast has the Uncanny Kazammo performance later that day. Believing the video could be faked, Ollie offers to help Amelia investigate the ghost which she accepts. The rest of the Rangers offer to help Amelie as well.

Before the investigation begins, Solon contacts the Rangers and tells them there is an alert at a nearby warehouse. The Rangers teleport down and investigate, finding no Sporix Beasts inside the warehouse. Suddenly, Tarrick comes out and lays down his Saber as he is not here to fight. Tarrick tells Zayto he did not get the Sporix as promised, but he warns the Rangers that Santaura built a new general, Snageye. He warns the Rangers that Snageye was designed to capture them and offers an alliance to help defeat the general. A skeptical Amelia asks Tarrick why they should join forces with him after everything he has done. Tarrick admits he made mistakes, but they were all for Santaura, revealing that she is his wife. He explains that Santaura was injured in an accident years ago, and he placed her in the cryo pod to keep her alive. Needing a tremendous amount of energy to heal Santaura, Tarrick learned about the Sporix and went to Dinohenge to claim them and use their power. While the Sporix did heal Santaura, they corrupted her and drove her to get revenge against humanity. Now that Santaura has become Void Queen, she will not stop until Earth is destroyed. Not only is Zayto not moved by Tarrick's story, but he is also furious that the latter unleashed the Sporix and risked the fate of Earth all to revive his wife. Also, Zayto refuses to believe that Tarrick has become good after everything. Even though Javi brings up how Tarrick helped them in the previous two battles, Zayto says that does not excuse the other times he tried to destroy them. Tarrick admits that he understands their distrust, but he tells them that he will wait for them in the warehouse if they choose to align with him. As Tarrick leaves, Zayto screams that they do not need his help. Seeing how worked up Zayto is, Javi suggests taking him back to Dinohenge and monitoring the Ranger Hotline for Snageye while the others join Amelia in her investigation. Even Zayto is skeptical about Snageye's existence, he relents and goes back with Javi.

The other Rangers go to Lincoln Alley and begin investigating the ghost's whereabouts. They see no signs of it on Amelia's spook snare, nor are there any security cameras to validate Jane and J-Borg's findings. Suddenly, Snageye appears, and the Rangers morph. Amelia calls Zayto for backup before Snageye slashes at her and Ollie. The two Rangers dissipate into energy and go into Snageye's chessboard on his body, leaving Izzy and Aiyon to fight him. Snageye handles against the two Rangers well, just as Zayto and Javi arrive morphed. However, Snageye sprints past Izzy and Aiyon while slashing at the two, trapping them in the same chessboard as Ollie and Amelia. As the four Rangers demorph, they find themselves inside Snageye. Outside, Zayto and Javi are forced to retreat as they cannot help their friends if they are captured. In Snageye's dimension, the captured Rangers find no exit and their teleportation system blocked. Aiyon tries blasting their way out, but the Mosa Blast ricochets off the walls and hits the box that teleported into the dimension.

Back at Dinohenge, Solon cannot reach the captured Rangers through their communicators. At the same time, Zayto believes that Tarrick could have overheard them going to Lincoln Alley and sent Snageye to ambush them. Javi doubts that and believes that Tarrick told them the truth, significantly since the latter helped them defeat Squashblight and Trackenslash. However, Zayto believes that Tarrick is trying to trick them and let their guard down as he does not believe people can change that much. Javi argues against that, using his dad and Ollie as people who changed the most. Still, Zayto is unconvinced because Tarrick was the reason the Sporix were set loose onto Pine Ridge, and despite the latter having helped them, he does not trust the knight. Regardless, Javi knows they need Tarrick's help and goes back to the warehouse for the deal. Solon convinces a reluctant Zayto to follow Javi as they both know they cannot let the latter go alone.

The two Rangers return to the warehouse to regroup with Tarrick, the latter noticing that they met Snageye as they are missing four Rangers. Suddenly, Snageye ambushes them and traps Zayto in his chessboard. With only Javi and Tarrick left, the former morphs and the two fight against Snageye. In Snageye's dimension, Zayto sees the battle through his telepathy and is surprised to see Javi and Tarrick fighting together to take out Snageye, finally realizing that the knight is on their side. Javi uses the Shield Dino Key to protect himself, but it is not enough as Snageeye traps the Black Ranger in his dimension. With all the Rangers trapped, their only hope is for Tarrick to defeat Snageye and free them. The lone Tarrick refuses to surrender and return to Santaura, charging at Snageye. Despite the multiple blows Snageye inflicts on Tarrick, the latter charges at the robot and punches at his chessboard. The damage causes a portal to open, and Zayto jumps out. Unfortunately, it closes before the other Rangers can follow him.

Once Zayto escapes, he goes to the exhausted Tarrick and apologizes for not trusting him. Tarrick says he is too exhausted to fight and powers down from his Void Knight armor. Tarrick tells Zayto it is up to him to defeat Snageye as his shield morphs into a claw-like weapon and a bulky Dino Fury Key. This surprises Zayto as he recognizes them as the Dino Knight Morpher and key. Tarrick explains that he found them long ago and used their power to become Void Knight, but he hands them back to Zayto as he knows that a Power Ranger can harness their true power. Once Snageye recovers, Zayto sends Tarrick away and morphs. Placing the Dino Knight Key into the Dino Knight Morpher, Zayto activates the Dino Knight Armor, a red heroic version of the Void Knight armor. Undaunted by the new form, Snageye removes his mask and slashes at Zayto. However, none of his attacks make a scratch. Zayto overwhelms Snageye with the Dino Knight Morpher and the armor's power. Then, Zayto uses the Gravi and Freeze Keys inside the Morpher, combining their powers to immobilize and freeze Snageye. Afterwards, Zayto unleashes the Dino Knight Strike and destroys Snageye. All that remains of Snageye is his chessboard, freeing the other Rangers. Aiyon is shocked that Zayto reacquired the Dino Knight Morpher, and the latter says it was thanks to Tarrick. Tarrick reveals himself to the Rangers, giving everyone a chance to see him without the Void Knight armor and tells him to call him by his real name. Before Tarrick can tell them everything, Santaura teleports down and takes her husband back to Area 62, all while the Rangers can watch with shock.

Back at BuzzBlast, the Uncanny Kazammo does his livestream show as Amelia tells Jane that they could not find any trace of the ghost in Lincoln Alley. Suddenly, the ghost appears during the show, and Jane goes out to save Kazammo. But because Jane is still wearing her rollerblades, she trips and falls onto Kazammo. Both disappear, but Jane comes from behind the curtain and covered in a white tarp. It turns out the ghost was a drone wearing a tarp, which ruins Kazammo's show. When Jane asks if Kazammo was in Lincoln Alley earlier, he reveals it was behind his apartment building and was where he practices his tricks, revealing he was the man she and J-Borg saw getting attacked by a ghost earlier. He then tells Jane he'll be expecting BuzzBlast to pay for the damages to his drone and leaves. Ollie is disappointed that they did not find a ghost but promises Amelia that he will join her on the next paranormal sighting. That causes Amelia to note how much Ollie has changed since they first met, and Zayto says that people can change, including Tarrick. The Rangers know they owe Tarrick a lot for helping them and wonder what Santaura has in store for them.


Dino Fury Keys[]


  • Three Chromafury Sabers and the Mosa Blade and Mosa Blaster can be seen on the wall in the base despite Amelia, Ollie, Izzy, and Aiyon having their weapons with them in Snageye's pocket dimension.
  • Zayto had his Chromafury Saber while he was in Snageye's dimension despite not having it when transported in.


  • Total Sporix Beasts Collected:
    • Void Queen: 13
    • Dino Fury Rangers: 16
  • Javi’s solo morph sequence is shown in this episode.
  • Jane running into a cart full of cabbages and their seller yelling "My cabbages!" is likely a reference to the identical recurring gag in the Avatar: The Last Airbender series.
  • Ollie and Amelia's morphed forms appear exclusively in original footage in this episode. This is because their counterparts didn't appear transformed in the corresponding episode.
  • Tarrick's Void Knight form would later appear in episode 22.

See Also[]



Power nav icon List of Power Rangers Dino Fury episodes Icon-ryusoulger
Season 1

1: Destination Dinohenge • 2: Sporix Unleashed • 3: Lost Signal • 4: New Recruits • 5: Winning Attitude • 6: Superstition Strikes • 7: Stego Search • 8: Unexpected Guest • 9: Cut Off • 10: Phoning Home • 11: McScary Manor • 12: Super Hotshot • 13: The Matchmaker • 14: Old Foes • 15: Storm Surge • 16: Ancient History • 17: Our Hero • 18: Crossed Wires • 19: The Makeover • 20: Waking Nightmares • 21: Void Trap • 22: Secret Santa

Season 2

1: Numero Uno • 2: The Festival • 3: Missing Pieces • 4: Tiny Trouble • 5: Stitched Up • 6: Jam Session • 7: New Leaf • 8: Serious Business • 9: The Hunt • 10: Losers Weepers • 11: The Copycat • 12: Ultimate Mystery • 13: Love Hate • 14: Rafkon Revealed • 15: Morphin Master • 16: Wishful Thinking • 17: Things Unspoken • 18: Guilt Trip • 19: Bad Vibes • 20: The Invasion • 21: The Truth • 22: The Nemesis
